rlad io f4rir! iif r ttn f C4. H'tih'e tul lo tlts. ll wis U (), re r, er ibaa ' Jnt.rf, bafort t't. W I (tt off !) h f.r')f I (! J ssoo a!a wrMeUrtfl bvl afr Ihry Uftdid H Italian, UJrMfl lu'ned ia this country," , la lh winter of IpHtif fcf Iff li Infof' .Jnedo was, mrUed'si NahiJt ibai Cap, l'.of tJ b1 t-'.Srtd e tliaort e ti'cu' is, UtUUmr f WgUU i This e ib Ulwf of allprvs fa the tWntry. Wr. Cratchcr says, I d ewt too bow the toforrasilnw reached lb country but ll gt ncrallrt Indeed, I fcetct iral ttm'Ji ttlUi Ulr-r correct vv-ivixt thtmmr trtwm fa suWerrtlellj ; . AP",mt, wd torthenthst to lf ftr""' W 171 ft WeS 14 iteniacay, reoj.tMfl "part wf bit ttml it tW Mrs. ttoberds, ead . .M ...... unit Capt, JUUrda! ttWca ni mU lie f p.rt ef ik. ,f,f irji. pr iM etrengtli end universality tt this e? inloo. inert can i ao woubt. Upowtka receipt erd gener.l belief bf Ihis Ufcroseiloei, Oin. i Kin. in July or Aural. Iff I rteil to .Nafchea lo romtwnf ub Mr David Dadeilrk married Mrs- K'jhard sad returned la September 17fl. to iVsthfille lib br. Tl'W transections, would mm, under I He circumstances eceonsBantLna? ih to rtqulre no comment, and would dm fairly U subject lo mivofitif (Ktlon, when ibe character of Gn. Jackson end the conduct end charectercf Mrt. Jackson are io the slightest degree understood and appreciated I xi' will again rail four MitixijQ lo loch testimony, m olll b rn'l'lrd to ih rrrtlni id nvott cooclu- Wt cannot do junk io Judgt 3!e Nilnr'i l(lmoflr. but bf oUng bia on ord M ()tn Jxkton and my wlf bM , pern orqoamtcd jnf thin iO ftart I tllul If oris 'tear part of ibe llrno Iid toihrr, nd ib holaoct In (b imm Up Mlfcbborhood of each other. Wf moved together Irem North Carntlna I M Si, .nd nrrtted at Nbill in October IfM . Nol lot.K fir we cime here. 1 a Informr? tit Mr. Jckio and her then httiSnd had been tcprtrd In the Stale oT Kentucijf. 1 knaw Cen. Jutton had oeTcr aeen her until n.U time. anJ I do Dot think lor onie time afierwarda Ahoot thit lime I a informed that Ro bard and hit ife were lifinij fery un bappilf at her wldowrd mother'e The public report and imprenion, I know, wit, that Hobardt j treating her truellr, by charge foundrd in hit own jealout ima-rina'ion. M A ro the particular factt, which took pure, that produced the aecond eeoara- uont narr no inowicoge ol my ownI oan only apeak of what w(( the prevailinr opinion at. the Ome. But thit moch, I can lay, with at much potltivcneaaat any - maw cant when peaking of another, that jrora my . panictuar . acnuaintane with Um, 1 believe General Jarkton at In iKa Mf'tir etMtr ttjrt, ifvJ thi a fluce !'! Utn trn'd la fr 1793. 'He wi V't, n )...uff, ITH, tntftUi tf tin 'I'- Jlft( C lUt KlilkUl ;.wtt.!iri2 mj d'Ctttt it kill ably U bctry lut rntfk, ('J httl (la V04 orh etldcuri it will MtUfy pa ( lha trti title J ih fcta, and the Unoct nf bf Mr. Jakoot tutk l,t Ikal hltp4octdlng wtl ahilftlf t i t'nf.' and wliluif any knUda c It by Hr.lu of (Jm.JakMrii i ibat al lha tlraa wbew the ofcaao waa charted It tat rtuifiw to nata iaca t(c( ta i July N. 1700 Mr (toUrdt waaUtUf at hf I6M kr whir a Hotat Jt bad ( bcr, and wbert ha had promlaed to retarf to htf. Pat fa KJJJfiwny'iIl thlir4 hiffftr ktrptiteit ft itotH to belietf ihi llafh nUary, Ibe oly wimeaa b? mum to bate been Introduced itnd iqutrr,Meraw Geo. and Mr. Jack aon togeiheft th'il-1 ha tnonth fttwutUfy aner mur marruge at satchel, wktn they were Ut log together married per aoov. in tba rnoU fair, bonett and Inntt cent belief thai ibey are lawfully joined In wedlock. Hugh ltiary cae through ibe Indian country from Natch I to Neah tile at the tame lime and Ut Ibe taroe company in which General and Un- ckaon came, la Sept. 1790, and cir camttancca ibea occunvd calculated to earba In UXiti ttrongcr trt ling dialike towarda Uca. Jackeoti which it it trrmectmry to detail, tbev rtlaiad "iely io a mcdiiaied attack by Ike InUUtt J he petliton lor divorce aeema no to have beta filed until tba Ml of 1791 tried at Sept. 1793 j end Ihcra It atucb greater probability upon aneiparlt bear tag, thai ibe t ti moor f Hugh lltiary wat not very act araicly eptWicdoe con ned lo Ibe ailrgaltont ra Ihe declaration. than that be twore that which Waa un ! roe which mot have been the cate bad hit evidence agreed wkh ll iccUnuda. bava now, pnilcmcn, I.U befure rou tb fctt connected with General Jacktoo'e marriatjr- bit own conduct, and Ibe character tt bit lady. Much more tettlmony could hate teen produced,' If JVU Ik H-7. , at a. Wait i ?e bff . tM,44 U mf ft tA tut ftvMry, ,tb Hgwd t t vWIkm U lie fttf U er l.)ra. awn M y.nM l tfy J.tJ,Mi al ai' Ur Vafw'-aa.e, Wt mm tlyli.,tk AlL tM44, tb aaffmT 4 day. ba WwfSoM a & nf iba ItMyrw, U gMU4 the ear ,nuirwat knbWn, b.U at nrrW rw fcUld tHnl M ibe aH.irrv we 1 ! rji L.A'1 .Ja at.. IK aai Wit aC ibe 4.MJMtftaft, bvtfl an tW fr4 a4 Mlt'-rt7. n't rMt nay to pe t mwAU aatj Imm Mmfi( war lfriliK m4 tbdJ &f wd Le dM aMM ibw afa4 UtUf tHWrti Ike bftau at OWm cWvt4 yifia ajaw ntt iWtd. U aViaca) wf tvery ifccia,a3 wfoa ine prwaa rva yf oeino laAdrwa)UlbecaiffrtcJ(Ml . - Knrratacetbe eMaMip.Ma) aibiainalian hmtU aw!!e yi ke a ttrtUh oWnaiion, ba tWw riired MrafrUceniieaioagre naU 0Hptf awl mpofU dulr, Tm aWaaiar of,e f IM aaoat Jiaf)ftUbd ad el . . .I t a a r na t apMarta ar a or ewMrt, on tb &rinh auirwr a ma ia rpeiMle, bM loaptd an Iwmaard iftpor. hMc t ibe aera an Impatience krrn. tr tntMVt M IM awwrkan frrpW. IKn w ewibkat caihr a taewt af ttVm v4 baoaine tW etbar naiioM at aubal,el bow al the feet af rrfal daMkM, am) ftoaaiag uojcr the ina bead of tkawtiaa, we can biat a a of bkb, arfufJa e all Ibe bbeny. cil a4 ff lioui, c are capable aJ "jo7wf immmw m our rrfttiteOe. inen, ae m aMM Ja re xaiurl with tba etfriM of tb rii. rn ana imoMMMi, of btcn we are aiaUe tba anMitaj r And. Mtiini ( m tmt. iwntty WfVl V pre tb-ny uA hjpt. raa, nay war bna irr eaae to cifaaoj audcMte. Tr-iyyaur VtktTAI jLM3r,X CM .If, 1827. .. W Vat Twa wejumtly pubKab eWbrv twna a the 41 f July ple le give ibe fU lowing a place U wnur paper. AgrmbJv t prrviuwa. mk, the U. Jpb ! Kill. (biic)f a MJuikmary S..Urr, h6 L4 abarrd U Ike loiK Ve yiae la at it te la bt, ie "eUe nif i i.i M !a iwy ka a, il.a attg lt-ttt r'k It f dri)irgfa4fU bfebfr4 H rweb bawa yil, aay, Nml.Ln; rV4 be. te iKe ) ike bi.Mli.t a. al lUuk tUaaJ wtk lb afa b Ike avuOy ti, bare ba4 L yfufe Mib aad (r4, a4 tie aa-M uf (fv4 bl;hi. e4 by atea U paiaxtad le be gai !, pirvu4 aJ (uwl c(iUt, bate UiUa, f? ijV bl t4 et. aM ttiwiaj ery Umo uikt cawbl be bfUaVe44 Ue reetA, (tabed le attrf by Ibe ir.l.W mJ ikawnf fKH ao'b a ttU tim ae IM 4b U July M am Ofwrthe., I Mr aaa befMe. It 27. . A lflX'TATUK, At a aaeilf a ibe aWty at TV! Creak, ba Ike I Jib, tbere wae an 1.immi e ibe akotf. waabaag wwaawawae wf Uf w awWrUaUi, aad rwtj Mrr aoun tl trtj rtm, 0m.J.tCKUXffmtMf.CUf. Tba WJUf U ike kHtoe al lien, at keen U bf r. IVverfy, (reiVtrod te U ear Urf) e the mb- Jcaflae rupUaJe t the Oewmt, do. rig the yewlrnry tihe hen reallewUaJ fte. ifcM befure ibe llowee of ftepreeewlalke. Mr. Clay denice a9 kaowlcdge of the fnMc aikftJcd la i as that he and (Wa. Jackawe are ow (twlljr al poiwta, end the wtrmber taf Cv gma wb aMde the propuaiik lo tbe latter, wil bare to be beougbl owl frvca behind ibe acreen and ekbee ibe ru ee tnnecenee f Mr, Che. aa le bia keowWJge U, or partkipaiaM K ike ntrifv, w i0 be eeaaoaief rwtad " beyewJ tH Caii." h ia aajJ ! Can. fk Jip a. MarkUy, bate a rep. reatnunre to Coagreaa frwan faaalrama. ami t'. I. aa.tiary Hore-krrprr w rbiUWhbia, M Ibe prrwm bo rrprfMaied biaiatlw auiho. rued by ib rtiewda of Mr. CUy to cuke ib prvfmt.tiua b yjerion. Brrmil. J mm k, I K7. Dear Sir: Your letter, of I l.e 1 5th olt from Lou'millc, K. ia iut received, and in CMifurmiiv with yotir rrnucal, I addrctt me atitwer to Wbccling, V . necettary, proving ibe ume facte tub !"" frwt t ewrMrnnW fcr U.Unc.Upw) ting an marTa wifeTfrom h n. the ehr.nr ftf M.. ,i'7U,u, "i . ' . mi. . mo cnaracier ol ilrt. Jrkaon uton that , M 1'-l"kr k a- .....4 h, u t,' forte yeara Tio woman, for thai iim. oj suwainra a more Irreproachable char acter than an ha j hotpitable, kind and charitable. The evening of her dae wat . bj jfe'clng to a close. In much peace and rITl: comfort.' 7 - - ----; We will also trouble vou with nuotintv from the tettimony of Mrt. Smith, on ac . count of it own weight, and more par ticUlarly at. giving the aentiment and opinion oi ine tier, i Dot. B Craighead known to mott literary divines at one of the ableat and mott enlightened trr. nti ttcquaititance at a mott piout anil good man, and one who had the best opporiur . mry to juoge correctly ol the true char : actrr tf thoaer trtSicitoni md of 'Qen: Jackton and Mrs, Jackton. Mr. Smith atairt,"xur. notwraj had not been lonu gone irom i ennessee wnen information ' vat received here, that he had obtained a divorce from his wife. Whether this information rame by letter, or by a news paper from Virginia, addressed to my husband, I cannot now say with certainty, but I think by the latter. It was after this information came, that Gen. Jark'on married L'Mra. Robards and j. recollect wel the observation of the Rev. Mr Craighead in relation to the marriage ; it ... - as,that it waa a happy change- for Jtfra. J(bf ds-end higWr-rediiahe-io- Gem ttantUCy, but met tnoae confl praaented. Tba necetaiiy for thit course ihe members of (hit Committee have frit iih deep regret. Thoe wbo resile here, cannot be surprised that ihit regtet thou! eiist in tur bosoms since 'some of us have associated with Gen. Jackson and hit family for more than thirty yean no one of us for lets thn twelve During these periods we and our families have met our distinguished coun'.rymar.. and hit pious, charitable ad amiable ll in the most elevated ranks of society. In thit protracted series of years, we have seea him commanding the respect of all men, and the enthusiastic attachment of his friends Aer, we have scrn.dctcrvinir and rnjoyittf? ike bindett attentions Of her lemale acquinuoces, and the uiiaualified and suited tgerd of - the honorable, moral, and religious men of our coumrv Yi.ur iequirie rrljiiva to the prrposi llnn'of bargsin'mfe Ib'roVch Mr ClavV friends to some of mine, concerning iUc then pending I'rc aide mid election, were answered frrrfy end trgnktu at rhc time : but wiikwwl aor catkuUlirm that they were to be thrown Into the public journal pa he bJ time fitm Iff, (. if.ufh be und the utrn My, Clay's fiiai.d., Ilt Utn I t,bU M,t), th9 l'fl iri!i tfcaSr by sscb mfans, of bat. gill bd cofiup'lon, I wi utija'c ibetatib: (.pen and iwailow both Mr. C;y and lit friends and msull wlib ih, ro If the e bad tm cft' thte in ma lo Uiltve, If I was ileiud, that I wouM call to my aid ro the caUari, men of ibe Iim tjitue. iim inicgriiy, R.l iu ff.le lul tut, Ta Mtond day alter :hi tommuiiUatbi and reply, it was inrtoumcd in im fiapers that Mr Cliv bad tome out opt. and avowedly In favor tJ Mr, A lira. ' ll may be ptper ia obseiif ibat is il tuppotiilon that Mr. Clay w. pi ivy io tha pfOliOn tla'aJ, I to ay bae drfe Inf lira la bia i if aa. lba rrAtlnia Ir'.. log ma can eiplab. 1 am, very reapeetfulle.yMjr mi diem servant, ASURCW UVKSOS, Mr, Ctrirr JJftcrlft. ... , . Al W&trgiea, U lbl ataie.lbe kuU the late 4tb el July, wee aud.lily cheeked, by the atfaJadUchergeoa eM fircei wbkh bornbty wif le I one , aa iUi bU lit M derpwfed of aad badl Jf.JraJ a uaabceet' otlters. A sulk of Oalt waa iUn m Torkvdle. i. C oa, the 4tb olJaly, ibe bnd ol bkh contained balvrentLrre ami fair bendrrd gniiwl ne werw, parbps never better than they tn Ibla acaMi,iit Wcatcm Mortb Cantuu. in our inquiries we have I ,h P? ha charge at nVk-Crrtkj A" bo alieied cling with us, which e I rht,,tk" ' H VUett t aad, wtw;ibKi.ru.f the Icllets Kim not to have b hmJ as your aaiirr AVe Sfu.--K,l. Wbile. of iba !khr. Hope, ad alt bii crew, aeven ia ttabee aa, o the ?b uft. shout iJ milce from lba bore, al Cape Ann, (MMrbutta) a ftea Ho. war, or laake, wblch Ibey J-idrtd to be 60 fret ia lagb. -The vwaarf, very near ra. alag m, him at wbkh be raiaad La bcL aad btt wt at rbr crew frr tome f ntiV s7 witKJf )j" frmt iJ iWa 1 Z.. LI.. u m Tmya Tfuiir, vrii te thme on boarj bit vesact, are aaid to bv emiitcd te all credit j thert can, ibea, we shonM aup. fme. mo longer be ear doubt but whet ttiia marine BWiiwtrrt have lieee seen, aa described, by vroa eommndera of rraeli, and olben years, in the society where the has lived and been best known, it mul hni (am Jackson in Ihis part of bis history, sus taining that high character for honnr nd miitnanimliy, which bat tfisilnruisbed bis course throuKb lile:. ,2" I To the honorable and hiph mindl political CDOunenta r( (i.n J.rlu .1.;. result will be received with great pleasure T i "7 Prtine,t obaena'wbna -such persons must, at all tin)et, have 0'c,v,1n,1, relik'iw1 liberty, .n j ,t! . ' . " ' penble obliMtion umler which w ' imii who pain ana distant faction. Jackson, who, by this act of his lire, evin ced his own magnanimity, aa well as the purity and innocence of 'Mrs. Robards: and suh was the sentiment of all my ac uiiitances. " Since this period, ! have lived within a few "milerof" Mrs. Jackson, and have never been acquainted with a ladr mom exi tfcplary in fier rlpbrtmentt or pne to) J. -i w" a ttreatec ihareot the respeci ioii icKiooi uicDusinu acquaintances can be awarded."-!..-. ..... . t . .: T..H. Claiborne. Will. White, Felix RobrUMt, Jno. Shelly, Joaiah Nicol, Jno. Ciron, iwp.nivfe of the day lo Ike faaser in k ArkL bad a en repreable awdicviee. The prrach. rW Imnduetofy prayer, and ainring il tint ihort metre of tkt 9tb r-alm. He then, m a mot frrttat, afTcelinr and approori.1. minnrr. altlrre. ibe throte oT Ibat Abnirtity and On,. atptitent Hring tnSn " maketb an to rrue to the emlfif the earth i bobreaketh thr bo. ami ctinrtb tb spear U sunder, ami bornetb I ir.e chtnut in thi firej" wbo aiilWa the wave of 'be ara, and the tumulla 4 the eo. pie," 'bv Imhn kirtrt reign and priie. de. : . . m 1. . . . k jvw-K.r , woe nuetn un nr nravrna 01 hit n(re Jih. wbo atoeal on Ihe circle of ibe carh. anJ brftire ehom the inhobitanta are a graia boimera," "who hath bia way in the whirlwind ardin the atom, andrbe eland are Ihe dtH of hit feelt" ' hoae path ia in the mighty a i'm td hit fuoUttptmtt not knova." piikii v-rnmyn mrirr or in. i ,,,,,, c. h. w it.. o4. -ri.nt - 'ituuiae i cannot AportH ; ami fur hia (est took part of the 2SI " With t grraftum ODtancin tlua frre- d"m ' Kping to be eieoaed bv bia renectable u- dioice, finm attennrlnr to entertain them with a fetaileil account af the cuc, inirodiictinn, pmgrraa, termination and elTecta of the Anicri- can atnile fiir independence, aa bia office ami engagement! at a preacher of the runnel did not allow him either much time or liberty to oc cupy nit mind on matters purely politic', an.1 tneretore nsd not Kt Tiamt a eonection of ficts. many l which .night be both entertaining and ueiui,-he intnxluccJ hi, anuject with a nuui on tiie 11- nd the imliv wi In v tn im. prove, not only the fcw grey head who miifht .1 1: ... 1 puu.t .iicmi, 1 ,an -saure you. tbal, aitii; nil concealment mvsclf, nor -nv drejt! arising ficm what i may have said 00 the occasion and subject ulludcd io, ray feel ings lowaids you are not the letst cbang a.i 1 .1 i. j., 1. . vu. iiwtf, iiucnoeo, snouia .ur Wlav 1 ome oul over bis own name and deny natingany knowledge of ihe commuoi cation made by his friend lo my friends and to me. that I would give him the name of the t ntleman through whom thai ruznmuoicaiion came. I have not seen lour letter alluded to, aa having ben pub lished in the Telegraph ; although that paper, aa I am informed, is rcgulJily mailed for me at Washinsr.on. still 1 ro ceive it irregularly, and that containing Dot en written I.h (indeed, tkepliciam rhelf aiuit be slmoal per. waded of fbeir eiiatcace. let there ara ihom wbo awitl anarvel at bia enakrahip'e never ho.bif beaaetf aouth of the JOlb degree of north latitude for it ia tbourfj, were be to cshilii hinc!f in oar amnltem waters, be would find escelknt fare among the small fry be re and tbst our people would W- at him it a aa mudi ssiaraction as do the noitbcrncr. run at. .Wur(in-At the late term of Jooea County Court in thit state, a ease of aeduction, Mallard F&cue, waa tried. JtappearaJinevkt nce.tbat, bV iinirK3uc'trve1trTa;Vromlea of aWrUge, kc. the delrnttant triumphed over the virtue of Ibe girl hf offspring of Ibis guilty eoaneilon. soon recollect, and might Jtave had aome share in the n.u. l OSTa, IJUurmaa,! trm. scene that took jflace in the struggle for (lKUsa3tLviJt'j.-a n-, . Aaricn freedom, JIut oT ihiHetoo U could hobt byte, Edward Ward, Tbef,-,, diviwoacjfhiaeubjeet was. to "ahew J.Wharton, H m. B. Lewis, in what tliU fretdonj consist V 1. In exeran. come lo band, o .-n. ment iat,rr.antr.llrn,.rr 1 -"'""'"a, ccwaignea to a wimcptifrr,Gcvef;again, "the occur- tTTf?!!' rence, and to which n.y reply to you must M ,U"U" Mnaf"tke aedu- havc conloruird, and from which, il there C4:r,,, 'ho,,,', b"e n fie hundred tbou has been any vatiatiosi. you can cornet "" b,d ,hr rbjndooeJ, guihy man, been it. It is Ihis. Katly in January, 1 8? 5, 'orlh ,twt m"''w ,,v,rtd. we cannot perceive a member of Cougress of hiih respects J a ;u' difTirence betteea tbe moral turpi. oimy, vibiteu me one tnornin)', and ob lu 4" m mis man, and that of tfcc arved, jhat,he had a communication hcIH1 "MBi?r,r' - - was desirous to uukc Iu-wc--4hjv h wf ' Xwi.,'",'.-:', . informed there wjia great intii-ne going) ''a'-.V .Wr The Franklin Insurance on ; nd that it was t ight I should be in 'rarny of Boton, htely declared a dividend formed of it .-.hat he came a a friend ! of ei ?)t r.t n.. 1 r. .1.. . 1 r- " v:, kui.fl., ivt ino 1 1 m . ;. . .: . ' 1 . . and let me receive 1 tniitt, tlic liicndly inouves through which it was nude he hoped would pre vent any 1 lunge of friendship or feeling The testimony of JunVe Ovrtnn. Af -rmtrtterf snchAmUonf Foster and others, aci oiiip.ny ing imj icner, proves substan tially tbe same.- In the bit of iy93, Gen. Jackson for the first lime, understood that the act of the Legisbture of Y4. only authorized a judicial inquiry aDd decree of divorce ; and that aucb proceedings had beet) taken Jo. Phillips, Daniel Graham, Will. L. Brown, AVam Pattcr$on, Secretary The undersigned has not signed r -v.vv, VII una suujcti ior oovious rea son that bis testimonv hs been given and "d. r JOHN M'NAIRY. 1 have not signed it for the same rea-on- JNO. OVERTON. SVPXBME COURT. ine lOtlowine eentlemen hav nhtaln HieD J, atthe presentJ'ernvof-tho supreme Court, in addition to those al ready published : Superior Court, Rich mond Pearson, of Kowan t James II. rm."0n,ArfWfttAl"'5'- Cunty Court, William B..W,iKht, of Dufilim Richard Evens, Pitt Benjamin 11. Alston, War ren; John T. Gilmore, Maden ; Alex'r II. M'Kee,-CciarrKa; James C. Harris, Mecklenburg. j - Star. ' txcracr or a Jetter from a H)ORt.ean:!ahIfl uii.c, uoicu-uumyaquil, April 4lh, 1827. w "At tfiiaT trid'ment our noliiirar itnl lions is far from beinc'jjleAiiaiw- ,T jnousana and eight hundred troops left ...... w.a w.v win uu. ior mis puce, and iiiusi uc mi ureseni in ine vicinity. They UIUIUvidii9, ana me same who rose agaiust tneir chiefs in 1'eru. Th s. ject is to destroy the power of Bolivar, wnom mey iook upoa not, as a liberator, but a a Despot! linn frum the ciuJuuilwu unAr . LW lainers tooomt ; X In having power li clwmse our own legi,lators, and public officer ; 3 The privilege nf religious lit.erty to wnrahip Al mighty God according to our views of right and dutyi 4. Our independent a'andinir as a natinn among tlie nations of the earth. II. " How ihall theae hlp.ntinn he mrnMn,. ted? 1. Ilv liviu children the absolute necessity of a life of pic ty and devotion to God : 2. Hv aerurinir in mir children literary and religioua education, under pioua ana competent teuchers; 3. Conscicn nous ooefiience to the laws of our God and our country-1 4.- Hr unifnrmlv invt r.iiiFtv n,.n omg to the iimtrucuon of Cod's word, and the orCnancea of his house. IV is imnoMhc for the writer to give any llnmt4'g-ft-feir vcy.-of the initructire-and niamany manner in which the above particular, ewciiMsea. sutfice it 4o say, lhatr at least me pimon ot the writer, many of the labor- el pe'brmsncei that annnrt II ko the earsy enraptured multitudes, on the 4ih of JUiy, would smk mto jfjune tale In comnarigon with the allove. After s pathetic application of wiojecto Bis hearen, the preacher closed uic reiiiriout exerfiispa nf th rtv hv nr., .. and einfrincr 4he Common tnrliw' nf thi. 91,1 inrv naAta .toi ihocliiif Mir-hrt The last wiltoi aith regard, to hiui., Tu which I rcblicd, Vj , "; UZCltf' K'T" th 'cuUi ui inm c nave uearu lately. A man bv tlx name of Jol.u W. Grant, in that (CuawtdJ) iiomity, bad, it aeenu, grudge aouiiktvro man, ttj.l member ol Cbmrrcss, and from his uiiifoim, friendly atd gentlenuidy contiuct towrrd myst lf, 1 coufd not Vim pose he would m.ike any communirution I mc" bv '"c Mmcs' of Karbrpugh, and Wilkei 'o me, which he apposed was improper, i t,4CV "",' oce appeared io court aj wit rhe.rtfure, his inoiive being punvlirt ic I ncogainst l.iui. . 'mo as i mignj ol the commuiiicat ml my Iceling towards him would remain unaltered. The ifent'iem II. ..I,! i.- a. .1 . - r a . . w aaiu lie Ilalll IIHKII n nrirturl. Ia i KfJ s lit "I the liouae, and made. collewihmrwfi leh auuiH rMt-n-vmla one-fwm i birdX reekv ..iioumTOTO tonnt iwelve aollars, SS a donation JIm 7, prt of ,be assembly repaired to the Olu C'hurcJi. and fiirm! o. r'intt;inir,n i. - Conerecrational " wwvivvti aw as tavaitvia v mc sansoury Bible Society, entered thirty sub- SCnberS, and Collectpt in hSnd twlrn rlnlt.r. ntty cents, and more to come. NOW, sir, does liat thi lima- lib wards perpetuatini!- mir rfvll anH wllirlnn. Iih. erties t I have seen tli iih nf Julv rlehrr.-A in a different mode I hat tiin ihi amniin. barbecue, with its almost numberless attendant delicacies, to please and gratify tiq taste, of tbe menus ol Mr. Uuv, that the fiieiuls of Mr. Adjm, hd made overtures to them, saying, if Mr. CLy and his friends wtudd unite Tn aid ol Mic election of Mr. Ad omniu.ucati.n4 On Friday, the :eth ultO Grant went to b place where he had previously con acaled liij, .?uii, near a paib along which he knew K'srhrouh would' pass, and there awaited his coming. On .K'r trough's a;ioach, Grant stepped for- wsrtl and irifolmcif him nf hie rl.L.n i.'i.- .... .a - - ' " ua.orougn ucggeu u. not to shoot hit t. pi l i i l c .... ui-miu u. nut to snoot nun : tL 2" r r Mret'Ar ,' 1 j He re5ved the content, of That the fitends of Mr. Adams were lIie gn in his left arm and side, ran a "r? "ducc the friend, short clisfance. felf and f?" , that il I waa elected President, Mr. Ad-lwr-m t,. ih i,. r wm. . . S a..Z ir. T"- cf ! !" door, he called W. and told him ie "wv,iwa "v s t aruuiu UC II U ritfim for Kentucky.) That the friend Clf iUr Clay stated, the West did not wish In un. arate from the West ; and if I would say, or permit any ol my confidential friends UL say , that in case J waa aler i,l TV.. ; depU Mr, Adums-UwMild not t rmft-4 C . r e. . .. J '"""'eu ... my (iiia TllH tnends, ihcywoulii put an. end to the Prasidential one bour. And he wBk 0T opinion it was right to ht such intrigticrs with their owrt weapons. To which, in substance. replied, that in noKtics r in thing else, my guide was Drinciole : and contrary to the expressed and unbiassed Will of the people, 0r their rnitiin..rl - - . ----"---""-u agents, i never would step into tho Presi dcU,hair and reItsted him lo say to Mr. Ciay and his friends, (for I did sup- had come for the purpose of killing him : and while W. was attempting to get out of bed discharged his gun ; the contents ot which were lodged in W. breast, and killed him instantly. On Saturday OraM , Waa talieii, iiid ia now iaTeTrrcWfined ''in the'faifof lhi County -He BWtrom " the- first deaie4toTiivihff-c mMrders but ptbfeisei ' himself somr - that he calShot dd iStj" ssme deeds over, ' anu tnai ne was taken before be had fin- ished his work, as he intended killlnt? two or three others; and sys.that he went to the liouso of one perfcori twice Friday night for tho purpose,' but he was from home. He also says that ho intended drowning himself nther than be taken, but that bo bad taken a quantity of lau danum aflfi w,8S aslcrp wftcri the comjift: -y came tipoa him.v ; ......