U (Itrtrn, i. C.lU itj CUUt 1 is kit tnodtland w ft wt I'' ... i t i fur .My r,f Mt W..-UI. lbit b"'f " Ii at.L.r Mrthll l4lf fcM m m , a - - .. ii.k. athaa, aa,aataaaavaaV . ..fJ.rrtnTi II I ' w - a .m.ijB a saa tr.fka iWU ' f0""""' " rt . i nJttJ iftwtlllil " f Com"."'" Dte eddremd lb HJftT Commit bf M nj rival. iX.Tb.t HoHf. kU elcenc. ! !?.i.7.a Tk. ntdt end Intellecltitl -Xu,. of Moovt fcte for ihe k.r .w.. . oelibenUve iiMBiWfi ta.i.t- l-t divided OtWI I" q1e whether he or D.L tc.M the bir. Moore U W.4rrM rueful ! " I Lit voice wis clear nd sonorous, Prt eYptls quirk, .4 H"f JTE leVl,lvei hi. .! ch."i" llili manner of apskrng '-. oCI.Hrnlnd tniwa ni tinr i W I tit niiwn Uf ll.J Mf Oif t 11 CU "' ""'" "" Ha Mat ,r. .fi;. If !ln ! I I or twijiff ill of ttrntntUr lh j,Uuri Ifcrf d lti lrto'J i4 bif oUl ' a a . I . . .. ,.i lug MtWaVl lb Cn,lt Ira0,tt", if ...tf kIm hd ikm tTlWn. ... m. f,ifcal. rar wtcpiof rut iuu. Ilr 1ntTmte4 t-U 4WkiucIUU U. ni'la tf.ri'HI fticKt inr ! rtd.nf bookl 4iR. . M ..r U mt too if 10 Ttttitt 10 Mt mem off DT7r ptrtnmenl lwor Ikin iMi eilof irlbtiit of rttjci i4 ir.ihuo'i l . I III A. IfiM,..!.' aiiAircta an4 riDOM II h IT H fpnU hH e tn4 lH foret, fDliCMd .. . . . a r ....... T li trf cni " r JAit bi) inanrMe t pi ihtKJifbl be h4 J ' eerr tMnjr th e fcfM o hue tiid n f . main in hit Ivrr VTP' WIT "ifi-'- rrnl nd rnmnmrKlinff in ni tnnnrri Me "" tnello end A'pfA la iht erf0, nf efr'f hn hit mind comprehen!? e, yet ilo lo ht ojff'lo"r. hn compered with hie Rreet rival. Ifii Hjl rmRnifi Cf ni end flowing ; end he bed Rreemeu of minn.r in nuMic epe-Mnp, which uitr4 Mi r1'. 4 reve lo hie jpee chei n impoeinic n"rct. He we e Wborioue ludenf, trrentrfd hie diecoureee with : terti end wherf ihe euhj-cl euhed hu : enlue Doured farth 'e lorrent of eio- nuence lht ionihed end enrepturtd flie eomence.' Mner rouncu - whb delit hi. lieteoed lo hie lonjf, her monimie periode, -UurM nil .cmoiroot- and Indulged that fCttecj oi 'ictimfi . Hhkh fine epetkinr end powerful eh "' qnrnre elone ten produce. He ie cer tiinlf to be r.nklf d imonj? the fut or lor, and hit rWil Moore, emone the firei - -drocetetr which ihe "Americeu nation hi firodnred. Whilat thee two men were in the " lrl.th"bri6trijl6rfVnothertnet eroie t ihe bar in North Carolina, no eur peiihem both, In profoundhf j of lgel Jnjnj5, irtd, on fnmj cralone eucceie fuiJt contended with ihern.lor'nte,PaTrt. pf forenair eloqurncf. Thi. wia the late John Hiy wood. He had few adean tarea from nature ; his person wai in- different, bi toife harih, hu Jnne" Murpl)'a Oretkm. uncouio, nia enucauon iimnco. a arrani?tr to Ihe rracea. and hid few of .rtte?cioffinh:wnfnttotaw-trB' hahjKl"k bowerful end iritrepid mihd, which he cuhimted b? the most laborious Uud.! The fame of-Davio.end Moore inspired hit imbition, and be" wis tor lured by e de.ire of entrrinq the lists with these champions of the bar. lie was conscious of his defects, and sought to Rain the ascendancy by superior leg.) leaning. ' He came to the bar with con- fif1 nrc of hijh intellectual powers and pri'miind knowledge bf the law ; and in a little time acquired a reputation that " pl.Td.binr lnhe heed of hi profession in his state, end Rare him rink- among th-"Mf st common lawyers in the Union. - Crmporefy wiib Haywood, were eer erl (;rntlemenof the bar now living, and tevernl who are dead, who have sustained the characteTofThelrroles'jiofrforlegat ' leaiVmg and peneral literature. AmooR th lter were Williim Duftey end Arch ibald Henderson. Duftey was the child of misfortune. Thrown upon the world ' without friends and without fortune, acci ' dent introduced him in his early youth to thf Cqt)aintancei or John Haywood, hnq 'h venerable-Treasnrer tf 4hir- Sfate, who, ?n the exercise of' that benevolence "piruoui.-g.9ye him employ ment, enafIed him ,jo mtSiMmji himself fot Ihfi bjrAi JSJujrjjr had en, op porttjnitv of witneisinuf the p.endii lis plvs-of Ptfvie and Moore, and he profit ed by their example. He devoted a large portion of his timtf'lo- polite literature, end acquired a more elegant style in composition than any of his cotempora rits in North Carolina. He had a slight inrpeninrem in nis speech, HUt DrlaDOTI but perseverance, he succeeded in reu r?unj tie tones and modulations of his FOURTH OF. JULY, 1 . . . - m i.aMlflil. a l.m tattiMk! r.tlrna of Burke awVf h- Utmi eai tHe k t J-H. at b Um A HiA TMe, ttf, CJ. W T. .h ttMKlisynstr ttm - ll-fh M. A. K,. Vice frvtWWet. After 7. . . . a a- J: ika f law. kratU e IhU-c ' oW U a atyW that waO aolr4 with I've oirttU wkkb k waa fcnt aiiwc4 le te orW. The Vkv fr-id.4 Ike drirf rt4 LLm. Mcurrinar to the tf'l tt Woucnt te that frtriot Antt ohJi, lh .tloiiK t-U wewr draak, to wit i t TVa Ak iJ.lv. 1770. 1 The e-rtw tkat dttar4 ike V. Sutti mM and Indepcdent. 2. n'a-hifio, tka ivord Uut carrtd evt oar 4. Taa Heroes of ibe llevolute i a tear lo their memory. ' I. 1 4 Farttte i The AaseVicsa) potiot as rto: lie jrvwin. - - - - -- - A. 1W surviving eoktters at lk RevoKiUoo. 7. Tbt Old CaoiVderaey of the Blalrs. . . 9. Tha C(mtrht.m of 57i9. l.TW WrAtfiX Cowtwninw. - Uiutcd Uit at Anuria.. . ... - II Xevtrarny aa ihe vara of tt&erpfrrerv and the freedom of tbe arts 13. Tbe Wbir UtJin of the nevrtkitioo, Uiey vfTrre I op tfcer htro as sacrifice upoo t a.tar oi uoenj, " ' rot rxtr.r.ns: j Br Ibe Pre. Col. I. T. A vcrr i CharlrtCarrotL of CarroHtaW: Tbe rvWtnf Aijcnerof the iUer, laratKMi of lodependcnce i there were runts in tbiwe nits. ny tie rrcnuer.i, u. ai. xtokes. In.i Thnmas JefTrrvtn, the itnmurial in'hor of tbe Heclarstion oT lixlrpetvlf nre. the aaff of Mon- ticello, and tint rtatrsman of any ar or country. nr K. Poor, Fan. The Riifnrn of tha Mrtk. leubiira; necUrntion of lixlrpemlence Tbey ere the first that raid a nitiua should be free, and they were free. IU I). Tate, son. klay the next half century firxl u atTTT 1 free iatvl iroperoui peonte. By T. C Bereneri -Lof mav bra treadom'a lioet. c. U n. Siiweirciin r remale nodeafy , a satictwary nevtr to be iodetl. - E. at. Greenlee, Cat. ; agriculture; comiserc and manufacturei. ' I Col. 8. C. Tate i The State of NorttrCaroh. na inferior to none of her titters bi talenta art) political interrity. W. 9. Tate Our country, and our country ' tnends. -rym. C. Cutler t .The inside of a Church, and the out itide of a JaiL J. W. Y. Walton; The Udiee of Hurke xounti.UiMes of Sluroo, and.-.tjli.ci .cfjhe. Valley. -. V. C. Derinii the 4th of July i may it be rtcfully retpawilwred by the'ristna; reneration. 1 he Pret and Vice President bavinr retired, fiy frtate; en.i Hie President' of the day. Ily. E. IW, Em. , The Vice Prtiident and Ora'or of the d ir. The address delivered on the above occasion, shall be publiihrd aa soon as we finlah Judre Vnt-L1l. . . a a. .. .. a. Pr i"k f. Mfliiiri 7 fa iir, a. drs J' k" U frwxJ to U.i i(tt4 ti74 tf P. Ilukal IM iIiwJ pw, IH Iltury Wa, Ciof, fly Hud. it. sr. r:Mi ike Ontoe of th itu Hv.ll.lraU. , , w i. t. AHwaiky i A pofe.rj.ue aaa.rU, a t, tritiff kwa, a4 a Vf inJo. 14 afl fuel .J iMr euantrv. py AftbtbsH Pay I IM onto aMl rtnf M pf (Mt Wryi ietUtf kJUIoftie ulaowair I ni .ihfl h-ve 19 it'idy sM prs. m lU Ati wf trirst aaj MuMtl al j,yfj f , pj i o ttfpfwrt aw waaaspathalU taaw H Cat a-4 Hwkfcde w I 1 be sm- of tk Itatrs. tM fXk tat wbitb rate aw aotioMJ mtiatNM loUirjuH Mpptawaa, it. ntm Wait rti InWraal letnrw mrmt MMjof tU eftn roads to prowrtiy for the lpte tf-Kwtk CawJMHoay IbavaeH UeUMare aay vmier rut aaionaoco. u tut. Cteratf llirttlli Te l'E. L. B UnJv. the eowduetor of ibe day i bay he M kimvlfaatiaoad M Ik vtry ntntorViua eur. tioM tbrourt tM rtifae of U. uy, wuiea m,a rtMi al aabtfaCtto. By II. W. Cawaoei Tbo PaUi II ytsrs tipricooe hae taorht at tbeit eaenpcleoeo to kf rt amax at Wllbawi aloM.lkey illdo rivtiL. la aV Ike cktsaM cakbraied Ibe day, in a vers kecoaainf auaoef i the day re ad ia br I diactsm of taaaoa i after okich, tha tkrgyef Ihi eij eowmend tSe arnice albanaj, byaoplngaaxl prayer, aiul aeap- priitt adJaras, wm tbe Rev. Dr. Freeman liter ia tax day, political and ririoos adlnM sraa dallvcwJ by lh IUv. Mr. DUka. Al tke dinoev of tkt citlaea; tbe (ofloa-iftf are aoma of tha tts iak i "1 fly iht lerevwor-rdwcitlon end Free OrtveretTerkt'Twia4 Wtiare-Tbr-ri-perlrnce of hjt hu proveiribit one can not lonf eilslwithont the other. H Cot. 7f. .flrtr Andrew Jackson i At a MiU'iryChleftaln, he Hands pre- rnthent t At a CWlllan, hsr has filled ihe nm Imporlait offices In hie Stale J. and it wbal Toptrtayi ia ihe noblest work W God, on 4rfiAf aaa and worthy Ine Brit Office in the (ifi of a free People. Dy Grn. rAor-Miy leAdmw- hirailon of tof Govetnmeut always be iodifcd by itl measures. By Mr. Mm. oyatt. The memory of William Kichirdson Davie, the able s vary .i!e mt, 5"e tJ'S Uw' Ur ttiti 4k iter, f "'. 'l Ily the rreMrit. Henry Clif end Oeorge Cmnin? Tke ornament! ot ihelr country I l.Itvited ty tte nirt y tf Ihelf lottllectual trna;th they stand Mih Ibe admlrstloei oi iae ife. Ha Mr. Laeosta. Aadrew ickson The t latesman and Heia I Me conotr; la, and'aoshl In be tomnd rf bitn . Mr. John I'enrls.. Aerkoltere, tammtrre and minofatturee-Thef know best how lo laka cere of themselves too muth titjrslnt epo"1 'he child. T a " ""a . . ,kM fj Mf. Was. iMUirt, Ine Hervcae 7B1 Cm ffirJroHeendwe botW, ' ' A flUW. too Mr f . . ' t Urn atxniM apread from pUe to p4 HI spat I suck tke ekyr tMvrntiTr or korthabolm. "TheTrotteei of the UnUersi'.f of N.CJ4.kptce.of Ji have lately adopted jondry new rlee for the Improved fovimmenl oi mt invito lion. The first protidct fot ihe appoint roeftl of a Superintendent! whh a laliry of ESOO, lo Uli ctrt of the UniversJ y buildine t and properly J to be a deposit ry of all money received by the stodentt, (they being required l" bend ll over lo him,) end lo par It ott ror their nccese ry erpenaet. Thorn at If. Tarlor, F.q of Chapel IIUI hu been appointed ?u perintendent. An'ither rule prracr,lf the following uniform drest ht the studemt, vie i lha ft pilar drea of tha Tlu.Ur.ta of ike fiw veraity alutl be tinrforra, and chh.I ia Ihe aura mrr aeaaoo i4 the yrar of a eoatca of dark jrey oiiaturv, ckitflv oattoo material, decent raap. pearanre awl cheap ie value, tnd of skits pa lakaona and veiscoat : la the w io'er it abatl con. aial of coalafi tanlxa tilnt of blue Color, ind of rfcVrirt ami cheap' matrriaT, 3. Tbe wranny; or by Iht woirit it V itf c Vi i .U x t a a t nU IVir . .l a. I'.'.f l.a.iiaa. laial. I.V f .". J " "f t'.nt tutnant s4 '- i 1U"t ku.H"'!" U tta) 7r '. r"U,Ut,ly tj i-d by Mr. Itft.y WiIUoh, UfS lra la nLrm the pvhAa M W a arvpsrvd to artoOimn!at f 'tt,iUrs shi tke TfMt rvaaunAbla tm. ' !'' k fur. ataWd witk 0 bttha awtttaa atToHi ti tar Hk Ike Wat lof. kat ukla atlaadrl kv aitentlte and earrM hfWWrs i a4 as ttt, aOOa 00 Ml p" r " " """"I r r-r ,aaj tiy of ihoaa call Paj k)s t4orU. kks and plcwaaol. p cAf.ro r. AUXAsntt. ' HAS U evivt4 the Mt an.1 smm p, . j ..i.La.. ri rliluh (rl .a. arrm. rid with puetraM Uewee, rvpr.st.w ine a.rant eolow wkkk are wee by ika anat fMiMOoahW rv-tlessea of ihe Citiel U Pb-Udal. t.bla and Ka wTeH. The drsJU af tk faabiaaw L.w ..;L arc l rerard te tkeif Malntw ate, mibtnor ie any arrvsa. Mi!ikabe4. A taAiiaawn. m-rr. Ual faatiiooahle rartnenM maiJa. rj rr aaaMrad thai be; eaa be a waW aua4 aa at aay aaber pWre bt thU of tke adolnanf ataua. Ilavire U We esapkry a caUerbW force, or. dera fcf every aVaerlptka of wort Ifm a aU. lance, IK bee teeulcdoe ibe skoeveal aw tee j and no diar&htincal, efhef hi tbe flt of ike prnveMa, or a the poneltwJ ear cut ion wt Ikeas, nreJ be feared. Country cloth. oo4 awmaarr rk-tbine, will be Ifrade up at more rtaavoakle prices tkaa be ha beretoftife cWf ed. lie aUohrre lakes the h!CTljr of rrfamiof ka) sinrrra thanka lo ike pttike, foe Ike kkeral aa. Mjorsffrtnenl k ka kwtkorte rvcais 1 aad hopes that Ihe aiyls of kia work, aad Ihe noae. tual.ty ib ebtcbbewid eiectite it, aril as sure a cowtiouaiww of the fratrvaa patrooae hick baa keretcora bean ciUndad U bias. rvtVTy, Jfi 31. 1 KT. f TAILORING IIUSIXFJS9. TilE aubacriberv bavtng sMeawd hue copart arrant ferine jxro of carrj irf M tke TVi-f a TraOerTW cf BjQUC U lt.1.irTOJf. take this raetked of repeefiii. .:t. nrl..t.it.J nal ,i m rceommrndrd la Iv Ufurminr tbe cliLiena of CaUrnat coaaty. tka m that other parte of lUie oVaaa ka pUi boi and tha adjacent country, that they have c- alarsys oacenl, havina; dc re(are) eoooiy ia price. bJ the c JeaaJineta of their person. 1 'It... rrvu)tHin'ait!l rrarard to unformilV T ?.,. .I,,!! nor -ritrtrti lo the arrior rhae at ! cord t ohere lkt aro prepared lo ateeuts aU eoetmencemeirr, bot thr'rr lrea eprm aweb fees.-Jrwri-t,nfit of werk hi tbosr Saw of. buwaeas. menc4 biilr.ct le Ihe ahop beretoforv porap. ti bv Mr. Ilacsw," oppoarto Mr. AteiMalrr's Hmiae of Frtmarrwrter, w tnotowwaf Cow ions ray be as hisji aon ueir convrnienrr. 4. Ike rrguliliont altn rrtjard lo tke unifar mity of drw abaO go into operation at Ihe coav bcncrncnl of the acssinn m ar.rr. The fullwjnp; It another of lhee rule C0M0ICT(.J ebration of our American Independence at the house of L. B. Lindsey, on (be CatiwhaJliveri nrarTnyfil'i yVrjrjfi Lincoln county, N. C. on the 4th of July, 1827 1. The Hero of New Orleans) ntsy the time soon arrive, when this nation ill reward bim according to his merit'. 2. The President of the 1'nited States. 3. Addition to the frienda of America, subtrac tion to ber wants, multiplication to her bleratnfrs, diviaion to ber Iocs, and reduction to her debts and taxrt. 4. The dav we celebrate s it gave birth to a nation mat diu (it fiance to all allied power. 5, May the celebration of this day never be torcouen ny ine American peoslev- , . 6. The Itevohitionary Soldiers -may their menionoua aervices never oe lorfrotten. J. I ne conatitution of North-Carolina, while we actnowTeoVe its excellenciea, we cannot be blind to its defects. 8. Henry Clay. 9 The Army, Navy, and Militia of the United Statea. 10. The Mechanical arU i rciencea, sgriciib ttire and commerce, the four main pillars of the government. 11.- The fair sew, ij. me breeKS) may success croan their tmgslea. for Jjbertyv 'SI 'Z f QLUATEERS. r Bl Col. Peter Hoke Tb? I?e9n P'"gh, and itoolooih. harraw t .msv iTiev nin into our anil. ' fiy Btirkner Harwell i May the Northern '"and' yrestern mentms iooit more to the benefaction or their constituents, and lest to the draining of tne treasury. By W. F. Thomas : John Q. Adams i the nat- rioithe statesmsn i may he receive the support of the people ai long aa he pursues that course which h so conducive to the liaDDiness and wel. fare of the nation. Bf John BAbcroathy: Gen. Jackson, tbe Hero of Orleans, and faithful patriot t may be receive the reward he roerito. Viz. the Presi- dentisj Chair, polished gentlemen, the I a a law -a-aa' . f i wj amMMa. , LcRUUtor, Sjatetman and Military Mjn. Tbe Kaleiib Bluee partook of a Hat bacue Dinnef at Sugg'e Spring near tle citv.at which Capt. Alei. 3, Lawrence and Li. John Mirthatl presided. The folloeing are aome of the toaitt drank : Tbe Suta of North Carolina The first to declare Independence t tbe will be tbe hit to submit tor onprettion tue cMrai,wMu m xivs v.' cnarrs. May it he so amended at to secure to the people iheir jost rights. -- - - Our friends and enemies to Ihe lor- .' mcr, tne content, oi our canteen ami haversacks ; lo the laiieri of our cartridge boxes. a In Fayettcville, the 4th was celebrated with much spirit : the Rev. Mr. Hamncr delivered the oration tKeiKtary HiDali"r u'ne VHap'tayT A splendid dinner was served lip at the 1-afay. eUe Uotal aAcr.whkh.lJ regular sod .many volunteer touts were drank i from tbe latter, we extract tbe folldwinji .- .1 V - By V I. Tilnngbaatf Esq. fai'Vicr Pre littenti John C.Calhotm. By Mai. Birdtall, 3d Vke President The State of North Carolina. By Cpt. Wm. Lord The Hero of New Orleans. By E. J. Halt The Governor of North Carolinai Th e 4 v' - - r.ne Ckrth Coats ... RJ te 6 llomepua cloth Coats, . . i Pintalonna, 1 Si Waiatcnate, 1 Si lo I SO The pobhe are invited lo try our shop i we only ak a fair trial i if we ihea fail of aatof) inf, we are content not t be patroaiaei . TIIOMAI A. HAGUE. WADE VT. HA MP I OS. . CnewJ,Juff 10. 1837. &7t In the mnat aobvtaotial asewser, awa alter Ika noal tWiirmabte sly lee of wcetasaaabip. Har irg roada arrancementa (La reeciaing quarterly, from Philadelphia, the hirst faskione M vopa there, ihry will be enaWr.10 turt arrrgrotle. ' 1 ma.,, aiih the newest faalii'mod dress raraseau. No atudent ahatl be permitted to purrhaa- , 0l44ie tp f r ln falrtrf Protractor ryatras of any rwxW, war, or merchamlue, or ani.itmn !. .inriB-. Their orices fur work. ftiD be aa i .. .. . t .in.-, m .U. Him,,, m wit i" - lunotae: here, with-it the cuoc"t fl Ihe faculty, or aome one of lle profraaors in writirg, lo be filed with tha superintendent i and if any atiKlenl ahafl violate thia regulation, he may be Salmon, ikhed or mapended, according lo lite diacrction of Ihe faculty. rana ras aartatai jeriatu Enghnds The ministry teems to be firmly fixed io-their placet, supported by rrrecOTim'cme nrttre crown, ano" the great mate of the people. F.vils they have in abundance and evils they ilwji. wl.1 havf," to long as tbejr art 'to weighed down S h debt. The Bishop of Lintdown atned In the House ol I.ordt, that the King was t'eci ilrdly oppwd to Catholic concession. This question is therefore put at rest, at feest lor Ihe present. - - - trante.. Much it t:ii.l about her tittia lion at this moment, but we have no fcatt HTiciTghTIkf Tfllsturha rice there; or none that will end in any ihiog dangerous to, that ;6veTnmeni.-iT he diitianding'of the Parisian National Guardt,1t wis supposed, otiTJ have created a great' uneasiness. It was not the case a three daya'cxeite ment nothing more. In the tilting of the Chamber of De- a a It . puties, on the mn, tne I'restaent oi tl.c Bureau of Coinmc rr made a report on the agriculture, industry, and commerce Advertisement to Crodlttre. THE subscriber having quanted, at January term; IS?rs of Montgoaaaty County Coant, a F.trcntpf df the jrwtv of Itomartm Palm. ' Utr of said eounty, da'd, giyrf notice toil) peraoiM hnng demands against aaid estate, la prcaent tbrra for payment vithia. tbe titne re quind by act f awembly, or tliia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery j and all peraoni indebted to the eata'.e, are requested to make payment, ai no further indulgence can be given. -3i74 tMIERM PALMER. Etttnhr. Advertisement to Creditors. THE mtscriber hivlnfyat April term ISTT, of Stontgmncry Cout:ty Court, rmalilkdaa atlininiataalny on Ihe esiate of 7i2aa Fabmr, " (Lc'd. of. aid ;ctmnty, givet notice to all per auMa harmr demands againat aaid estate, to pre. aent them filr pa) meiif iThtH the time reqairrd by act of asaembly, or this notice wilt be plead, in bur of their recovery j and all persont in debted to aaid estate, whose debts are due, ire retniestcd to make payment, as no indulgence can be given. ;.1t74 CKP.F.V PALMF.t, vfaWr. tatetmin. By Cipt. J-. McK Strong John Qnincy Adams, rrealdebfoflhe United Sutes Mr. Thomas Hope John Hjywood, the Treasurer of North Carolinai the old and faithful public servant. By Mr. Stephen R. Brown J. C. Cal houn : The patriot and statesman, who by his many billable transactions 'has dis tinguished hirnself in every public affair, beneficial to the station over which he Has the honor to preside By Mr. Hrnry K. Bicker Gen. An drew Jacksonithe hero, patriot and states- man.-. - Government, frorn the hardships of the timet, he ascribes to the supenbundance of Tmjrfrtct antr the cheapness f prlceu The budget had lcen presented to the Chamber of Peers on the 31st May. Siain, has for miny years been in a state of sutTering, but its tilers have learnt nothing of the wisdom of tbe age in which they live. Superstition and folly, pride and imbecility are in per- am a IM a a iprtual rule in t'pmn. I he finances oi this country rm-such-re-wretc&ed slate that her efforts are paralyzed, and her energies, . what... are. Jet't them, are - By Dr. Junes MotTett Success to Geo. Canning in his political course, and may he succeed in cruthing-the unholy, pro jects of the Holy Alliance. fn Greensboro,' the day wai celebrated in a very creditable manner. The services were opened by a prayer from the Rev. Mr. Paialey i the oration waa delivered by Mr. Joshua G. Wright ; and the Ber. E. W. Carathers made the cloning prayer. - After dinner, many good .werajtl The dafw .&lrbra(e-??b most glo rious in the American Calenc?er7 "the brightest that ever shone on the political The consistent Stateamanf infle xible in the path ofCuty, unawed bylhe breath of slander. . ,s fly Dr. R. f. Wittiamnn.--Oen. An drew Jackson, ,M The hero and man," may he yet enjoy the highest gift in the power of a free people- . Iiy John Conctf Johnr Calhoun The brightest star In the constellation of American genius. ON the 9th and Hth lnatnt, Bm, FnyJr, mi Jlm i Hen about 26 years old, S fret 6 or 7 inches high, black, it t he belongs to' JoJm Jordain, ofTf iilea'.'eHMinly,' Georgia Frsnk. 3$ years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, dark completion, aay a be belongs to Charles Smith, of Oglethorpe county, Georgia John, 20 year old, 5 feet 6 or 7 inchea high, yellow complet ion, lays he belongs to Samuel Cherry, of Pen dleton, South Carolina. The owners are re quested to come forward, prove property, P.T charges, snd take them away. JOHN McGUIRE,'4i7r. .Varynafan, X C. June 15th, 1827. 8 every day wasting Greece. The present will be an event ful campaign. The gazcf the world is. upon Lord Cochrane. . He has the reputation of a most bold, skilful, de termined, and successful naval com mander. He ia made High Jdmifal of Greece; with the daring of the Gre he has the skill of the Briton. The rumors of the day are, that suc ceia ha attended the first effort of Lord r Gfrmoy, ;js jn - a stete . ot- rapid, im provement, particularly in lettera and the -tlLtUiTheQ.errneiL .Uteratj have Taken V3p awd ComiuUied f IlO -jail in -Lexington;' -i)atidatmmllnt Nr. X C. on the 4th inrt. a negro fellow who aayt 1ii name is Aicaa f 5 feet T or 8 incbrf -high, yellow complexion, thick lips, a bad onun tcrmncp, two front teeth rmtra tittle baW-hesoatlr ahcuit 45 years old, and aayi be belonfi to Thomas George, Union llistrict, 8. C. from whom he rsn .away about four weeks itnee. The owner ia requested to come forward, prae property, pay charges, and tske the negro awav. WILLIAM WKKMAN. Jaffcr. f Jnty 16, 1827. 1 - 73 ' State a Asrf A Carolina, Stkt cunig i J" SUPH.RlttUCU Evk "Biiow vt. VViiriam Snowi Petition fr divorce.4t appeariiJff lo tbo eourt, Uat tP, subpnenaa were issued to the defendant andr- long been engaged -in -the -discov thegynUaallPhs fallen to the lot of France to 'have pro duced M. Champillon, T who, availing himself of all that had been done y other nations, hai unlocked tbe secret which has been one of great interest for two thousand veara. Letters from Berlin announced, the ceaseless activity of the King of Prussia to give a constitution to his subjects. three months, that onlesjrthe defendant appcart and pleadi at next term of this court; which " be held at Germanton nthe M Mondar i Sept. next, the petition will be heard exparie. and uinarment entered accordinirtv. SintSl, THQ3.T. ARMSTRPC.-. i)ierilTsl Pecds,x T.10R land aold bv order of writs of ve! Ml expoiiaa, for sale ;at,thi office.