U ik- f -fc re ibe AU'umt a4 lettifbte jfre wrtt bfer tbe hra sarrea. juA k,M 1 lUm had ba runaways M amral ytet,-h4 bu.ll IM eal.ioi, mtT At talfln aa ahj tabtiblg reg I Mkirou, from . b ibT depre- 4tt Mth whiiee. MiJMlMIIn"' ate vf m w. w pr tf ermart. n m rearyibef tUhHgtdiy ort iili,MlltrM It lhi t their ,..':. ; : . : r TU irfcrne paper cjl"f4 "f b iT1 Ur U. at thUc. artol la ,f,..4 euadry bf .I"!" t tortfc ItlMN potii abde ibe t?. P. TrmoH. RWhaaoni Eaq-i 'rer, end ethers of f,. rMaebWa. regularly la Mad. Aft -I ,.. . 1 -1 - - ! I J it.. ..at. MUM. X UfvrwuniT iwpw -- -rv--. t nat iU orTit In lb place 1 hJ MMH 0MI1"'' M NJt COM.! MtMMk sua "a " ' " - 1 towtsrag fceahWe of Ibe Charlotte gditor ees w b aw ibe rack M fcmt out the aaietbiawoua art at that taue these anUrarri. ages I and he oWbt would Cud rharga thrnt iroi e tit DfptHm'irt, ! ct fror lK clreu. MkM M pipe f of llMW M m-f W! nil lhif pwfxm. J Ait rMr.berld m ll.W eMimv, la t: Urn, m Fmmltr, th 7M tutf. IK vw flrt diowrd b) wlf. wp-d4 by Im u Uimriitf mtr an ftlWratMHi of mint! 1 but m lhntit IbM iIm) oct)ieftiu cwk of the rommlMMin of tkii ufftrfqrkl d ! .Tltit m itrikwir nu-tr 1 mm f tb frtiHr r-w -uir-. H k la dv urt.eeuatbb, Uov itn 4J ma sImmU li wifc'a intoBlinenff, ahen. r.om 1?e w ting Kim of itair Jf r K -rtny u aiprclrtl M llif marftt JIif-lTr wet tocf ainra lnr4 up ia bflth f thmi. loor jaaal Efta'if lU t tfjilctona bra vrll Krouiutr!. be M bettrr tiara ukca BUlrv parV aUticatO ForfH, (xirprr-rrffMe, nd I g rfr! 1 " Our Lcl or ay tliia m no lioia lo blcrJ." MUCllUXtnvS PAR.ICR.tPJIS. Kiort tb pbrir!K)a of wif laat fapf, iWe hara be rrfrrahinf raint ablrli bafe irrrailv rtfWfd ff )rta'Kn, and viO ba of iacakula'ole txnrflt to b rroinf rri and rUmprtcu laHy tb formrr: t' ram crop wiU ba fary (immI ia Rowan, and adjoining coanlirt. Tba JacVioa (Wrat Ten CaiHtp, of tha 3Cth ah. tart lb- crop are rnr rally rery prMni-inf. and iba eilur at brallliy, in that ace tifm of cwtmry. t Jaawa, Tbora, a pUirtrr of jrood ataiwlag in Yit eony, aaa committed to jail in Halcigli ontba 13tb inat. rbarftd with murdering a younr w aamed Iloara llradoa. A nrgro, (anted RnmulilV a alo eommitied to- tbe ... a V . 1 k' . , aame Jail, rur atabkiaf a too m air, uowx nsa maftef. " . ' " --- - - It wiB barely be neccaury to refer tha reader Ho tha ad J ma of "Jndra Morphey, (wb4eh wa hafa comenred thia week, and ihall finih in nr neil) oa ba firtt page of tcday'a paper 1 k neada ao paaeiryric from ua. to aecu ra it a careful penuai. It-ia worthy, ia matter and atyle, of hi difiinfwialied author, Iter, itamiiai tMr,uicu wmiwiiiii ' (a iftla atate, on the 13th Int. ' Celt. Btmt. Ilowatow, (who ia anar , a- candid. - ata lar Co. f Tenneaaee) receded and ccep. Med an MlatWw to a public Ball, Id Paria. 10 -. that rale," on tha lat ult. Col Nc vton Cannon, und. El-Cof. nmre Woant, tra alao eandidatea for 'Go, of Tenneaaee 1" but from tha tnoet authentic aecounta, we are incKned to think Gen. llojtnn will be elected. Raimng ikt Drtd ! ft man in Wilton eownty, Tenneaaee. wi'rtea to hi friend in Paria, ia that atate, that bia aon Jamea died on the I0h of June, and continued d,ead for hah an hour, and m h'JU u,,t?5L " "' ffen. John OoVr. of Tenneaaee, cat rnmrn'mlonera fia con lunction with Generala . Daridaon and Grar. of thia atate) to bold a tree U Viih Ifce Chrrijkeei Indiana, uited the tion on the 3d inat. while tha Council . waa in eetaion In Newtown : the Gen. waa received in a friendly manner, and infited to an audience in the Council. A conrention aeemhled on the 3d, for the purpose of forming a Conatitution for the e-nremment of the Cherokee Nation. It is now atated that William II. Crawford has aetthifd the Judrcahin to which be waa recent Jv appointed by the Gov, of Georgia, and enter ed on the diacharre of hi dutiee. Jlie Richmond Enquirer eav it haa euthen. tie ariirne. that-Jactuon will get one half or T. t wo-lhirda of JC w.York. But flie"Whlg;Tf the ((airirriTia ) Oa 1turfc!r, ll.a 7h M, aa afray ,lry li.fl ''ia wwvl jtn, at,uh aoa f4 I.M dk. rJ prau4 htMiL t lff waa ewftrff.4 la aaffa il U apf Ji of t) t a, I f-t b f H, atentler ada, I 1m a t,f, tjn, w (iff a ta iioaiioa, aba d'tkr U ta'kaioa, a4 mwnUiaii kut ba I pptmt lidtyiH aidgrtltMlyi (aa aitlr rtad auf nttf had Ma blue rMb cea, nnm-Ii wraal lcld 1 white real, papain aw aa4 Ml baa a kit, aala by kaf, Um. li from a eye (aixl b4 tu. The ftW aa Ihla. ami ay of Ibe fljUoiag a, woatd da H ta appfthaM rat ak yiaan aWy, laat ka atay be bewail k' Jaaiica. rHutrn Wilt amt the I. CALU W LUX, Htfifl7lK rata rai nrrVrar airaarib. 7Y TBI rVBLK. Oi y arrWal at WbCnr, aa the JJd . a'aat, I n Worl that Mr. Carter IWferlr, Ttiea at tbat pU. bad rectirrd the eecbig a-rX by ata! a brtter fboi General Kim. birJi be baj eihibiied la aeraral prm ami left with axy f'l Col. Noah IW any p. rwaal, tM which I waa told (.iraied a ihjct of gvaeral coaveraatioat, and bad peodaead mrM eukeaaeat U the lawa. The Cantaui of Ibe RinUr baring kindly drtaiaed ba iIimU for aay areotanaodatioa, aaJ aa I wa aaaillinf Inatg e la delay hie departare, I bad only liaae to atWaia baaty bat I blee a aarrtct epy of the teller, and I now aeiaa ibe fir avaint, af. lee any armal a boa. ta rnti it ta Ibe pb. lie, tnfrther wi'b a copy of another letter ad dmrd by ta. IWaerly li CJ. Zae. I pryj febea,at IhU lime, to mike ae. feral cyme nf which Iheae Jucamonta ai'ho riie. ami cWina NMartf to a notice of the rhar fee which General Jckaoe baa brought forward ia )ia Idler. iV chinrra are, let. That my friend ia Congrtaa. early ia Jannary, laiS, peopoaed to htm thai, rf be wnukl ear, or permit any of I f ottfiVnlUI frWap la aer, tk(, in caaa be wa elected PreaSderrt, Mr. Aditn aVoold aot be continued eery r-f H'aie. by a eomnlete anion of mtarrf and my friend, we could put aa end to the I'rcaidrniial conirat ia one buur 1 and . . 2J!r.. Tha' the Ur pmnnaal waa made to Gm. Jaekwrn. iSmuth a f atmipitJird member f Congfeaa, U Ligh atanilir with my fwltj ana tnmmi. Tn the latter ehaare, I orinoae a direct, on- qnahnrd, and indignant denial. I neither made. nor enthorieed, nor know of any. tiropoaitJ(Hl , aliatefer to ri'her of lite three randxlates who were returned In the fl'xiae nf Tteprea-TTttlifea at the Ut Prealntil rlrclion, re to the f.icml of either of them, fr thr tMrpn iif in duenciiic lle reilt of the rleetion. or for any other purpnec. And a'l allegation, intimation, and inoendoc that my rote, on that nrrin, waa offload to be giern, or aaiio frt riven. ia 000 tide ration of any ttipulation nr undenriand ing, exprea or implicit, dirret or in-lireet, written or eerhal, that I waa, or tht any ruber pron waa not, lo be appointed Seeretarr of state, or thai I waa, in anr oilier mirnw, to be I pcnonallv brnefittcd, art defotd of all truth, and deatitute of any foundation a liateeer. A r I firmly ami aolrmnly LeKere. that the firt of the ta l ova mantiaeied rhargra are aUke untrue and groundleta. Hut if frontrary to me full belief) mv fricivUnr any of them made any audi pro.poait.oft or otTer, a ia aaered in the Cnt tliarge,- rt-wa without my knowledge aad jilnint my aiMbority. Thr VttVr f Gen. Jackaon inainuatea, rather than directly make, the further charge, that an arrangement a propped and rrt-V between Mr. Adam' friendi and mine, by which, in the erent of hi election, I 111 to be appointed Sreretarv of Stale. I pTtniminee that charge alao, a fr if I know or brliefe, to be untrue and witltout the Iraat fmindation. Gen. JacVaon having at last voluntarily placed himarlf in the atti'udc of my pnhlie acruarr, we are now" fairtr at raawe-r I rejoice, that a apet ciffe accusation bri mponaible arcuaer, ha !! Cholcl, Ma til llf H Utrrtil.' OlJ Iikloer It tha te n wa wiih lb tt -.'.i: mi tf Mt I't't id l k at Iba fwi!i)in lii l tout, whirl) rxj Intrljua c rnmirt ntM t ttVa from (it a. Jatkaoo, aod H yia tU u;vi f, a, f I 3 t It II If 94 M 19 I - 3 1 ( A !, M-appi, . . . Groegia, ona Carohaa, r ., f . . Netb CaroSaa, JVjfinia. . ? rtaatyttaala, Kentucky, Sdirfrkla, 0 V ' laa, . V,.,. - . . . . " , ut- Ui Ulftf mijotiff rf fha) alwJe St! r Hot one of th( rottt will Mr. Aaarri ar rectirtt and wh i'tt aijorltr iU Oca ml comet Into afarjUed, abieb baa If rot by &Mti. er.Tork, . . 26 do. da. Itrlaaiaref' i . 3 " Jo."" tKiMi, . . . H do. New Jerery, I do. Kantucky, 1 dletri, 4 6", VAinauTt AVMriicikGiL,t f,t4 Minimis i.:4 ioi -' if af 9 F I 1 ltnt. City flat, r".a aa T "I't-i l1) a II tef rd. d owe m !' at iW U, laaa a a l U tjf$ mi 4 $ ftmt. IU4 ;Vi I ila lu MMU fl Vow, ho etind Ihctt votei f In f- rrland 0n. ackao race 1 red at the laat t'.a arral f rvMjr al Mlr 4 it. fehf, Ul.ri Kifif. Jttffik C.UU, I), V. iVei't. and PoTf. fe MikI rhl!oaoihr Hat. ;ia A. M. TrofV Cbcmlt lf, Mmtnlogf and OeoWgy. ftav. If at eaArr.A.M. Pr'r. Ubiurl itd Uric. aav-a A. M. Proff. Ithm.k M Haiaral P biloaopbf . AAaaj f. 4 frra, A. if. frofr. t AruWnt U fiagea. A, A. raX.A.M. Prpff. ef Wwdart Laagvagta. , TUTORS. 6a,r rimtiTK, ltr. - SJ01 M. JoJ'tvi, A. U. " .... ... rf ' Tha IJMrdf? tntmml aiewyara met In Ihi ciir (be 30ta nil. agrata 14 r ia tpp4nimant, and adjourned on (be SJ inat. Veflottt ttibjecli cama under Iht Ir cooperation j but nothing aofficlent Tf Tmporlaiil 16 14 deilllrd to Tha rrtrMtc. Our rtadtra will U grattbed loltirn (bat pram, a . Ha. a f, 30. 0Aa. .V SIToifrm, f I a lh 'ra, ill l.kr, 37 43 1 aak, f a K)f lnJr, A I J abr.t, II la ft.1 1 bh br.ly N la 7S f ippta d t4 ta li bia f i 9 bevf ft f, Xmt, . ill irrlfat, la CeemanirNt, It.lH runty, aa the lib law. b Jreewi t) UMt. f. Mr, Kt,Ua tl. Ug ta M Mary tliiting, jUogMtf af Mr, iwba LUi'tiag. --- la MvVWb4rrrniy, mT'lr.ie lw Inat. by ti-iy 4twtl. r.-j M.j. Ma rtomgeav ry ta Km M.m H. r4 rftai rutjy., t '. . . 1 - 1 h i)i.s.soi,tTio.vr" THE ropanneeUiSa) tweatufurw auhaUinff U tvrra the at.WrrS ra, anwUe ta turn af lUata Av Wet!, la tbia diy rV..re-f. y awatl rooarwt. Jacob Rinr.ux. .rM,Hr. V. If . W A f f . TAIMIKI.NCI nU8!NE88. f Fl ft K awbarribera hating fneaard a copartner - A --., W Iba tMteMta aaamieg on h I 7VWf Bmmmtuu to the a Sep fueaarefr eu. tha IW.dglnw Machine, which It at .othj !TrV' . publie TltntlH V. CArtON, rir.KJiUI.tf rvAi.Rr. Uatk Wank ttonflia on Ibt ahoata below Vmingion, bat ra duted ibe Pboal upon which ll hai opera led, tea ftrl and that Meter. Nab and Hrazicr, our Ciril F.ng Irveera, are engaged f.atam a..leaJ afl la I A AnhAfia nl ai 7 Mil a akaaaal aa 1 a start WamlrttriaV lilfrktw Clf thai of 1 1 -.I. ' , larttkl w4 Uk, iract. of our Swamp 1)1: vj 1 '.,. 1 . . . T J I . ..I ' w.i w. m. .fw iorm no twtt oy omrictt, ana i.i'uJs aome 01 nun art ai iw vm the heart of the rteopla art wirh Orn. 1 lie 6 rat (ju-Iity, and Ihr bell mode of Jeckaon. Km Inirigoe, no coaling cea ilraking .el.f will U rrportrd lo our lurn Iba republican party oter 10 John aril (Irncral Aiatmhly. Hulngh lrg the 31 Drlwar will unqtettioniMy be fur Oen. Jackaonlhe ccDfcniioot 0 UitH panic in thai Halt late a mainly in hit fatnur. In Ohio, Gen. JirkkonUd' A(Jm in the 11 clecion 6500 ftfet, and aill lead blot at many more. - f f All the account! from New Jerkty unite in taring, thai ibal $i'e will be, aa it wet before, for 0e. Jadtaon. Wc'wIII leave ou( of tltar New Hamp- hire am) Maine. Suppoi Otrt Jtf00 rrrrirra tntl half Ikclft 73 rotta, and how atanda the retult f jkaaa. t 171 Adam. ' ' VO T 1 iet t,t .Sio k of Ibe Slate Hank of North Carolina, were aold al auction, . ictly t iar l epUmtU Oitrrvfr, 1 2:4 at. At)ihrr Urtirn mi Tb Franklin ft.i.a ol New Jeraey ttoppraj paymcnl on ihe IJih inat. Tha Cahtr gara pub lie i.oike on the Utb lhai the note VTrvrm f-r,4iniin IH7T. To Wank UivtTA. rpllf. MtioVrwgawd bating beta frerprntlr 1 applied la bf deatert ta Iba Oaak at ibit place, aho fraide al a ianre, lo accept aa agency to iimrvre lite reneaal re Uieir hrnd Ac. ia fUnt, baa eonckided lo bflrr hie arrrieei la tboat bo are cfipoaed lo connde to blm anr buaineie of thai aatnra. If tbum will be ihe tna eat lhal are nauallr ma!e. fa'hwrm,jmh,i ruttjn wfirTr.. Stolen TJMrmt Ihe tulW Ftable la Concord, fa. ' lurtM mnir. X. C. tut tha nirhl tJ XM. would be rrgulariy retire med during the , l. tvq gray U0HHr.Ktm( lUem bating a hour buaioctk, but aheraardt lailed' iark taana and lait, about 7 or t yeare old, and ' to do t. The fitora of ibe NVw Tbtl ? r am irtmnd W.Tiglbind fry W rha. 5,;(c.m.n Intimkte thtt tha Ihe paper mutt U tonteot to pocktl a loa. tU rtbf f , hy .We.aaUabod befbrw hen atoien 1 they are of Ihe common aue, but 261 There miy be a great hunla about tl.Ia maiter, but there trill be U feftlUy no rare. We would admonith all cor tery good , frienda, who hold ofTicea, or waot oDce, and aall who with to ba oa the atrongrit aide, to make up their tninda protnptjy, j for there it little lime lo be loa: ; we shall koon hare no nrutralt The trial' of tenain prraone in the City of New York, charged with con apiracy lo tie fraud Mmt of the Monicd Inailtutiooa ol ibal city, have at let'gth been brcfttht to a cloae. Jtttb Barter, and Mr. Vcrmilyra, were found guilty mar appear heavy buih. A maa aba caQt him arlf M m. Ileen, 1 euepected ta be iba thief. Dean aaa miawng at the aame Ijme the llortra were 1 he i aSo.il 5 fret 7 or o1pehet"lig,"" broad aemw ihe fure-heed. but Lia face lapera lwarb ibe rbin. with a very large mouth, rather tioop ahouMrred, npleaanl countenance ami .Matthew I.. -Dam tummed up ihe evi-, down look , "boa. much f bimanliood. and i . . . ... ..i . rr h f'ni "f mimii kirgthe vviat brogue, fond of dence in hi. own cat, and made a tpteth, ) JT b tniU . r . 1 ik. r..n, 1 rnnm. i r . " . . . . ; . . . that dtw leer from all in the court room. and carried conviction to tbe jurj, they arfjuiiird Mm. Sistrrn huniud persona partook of the Democratic Jatkan featival on Ihe 4th at had on a blue cloth coalrc aith a black Vehret collar, gray caaanet pantaloona, bbek bat, will a low tapered crown ami broad brim. A very liberal reaard will be given for hia apprehen sion iml confinement in any jail, or delivtrinr l.im to ma in Concord, N. C. Alan, a liberal rard for both or either of the florae. Any -office m thia UTr. FROM FJfOLWD. rVl.. .r r ...Im. nanvra In lh 7th and Urerpool tn the l.h 'of JulJereacf, fa. j httrgh, Oaa, . r4Uf -",1 ; JJ?f clutive, have been received al New lork. yet It it taia i ennayit.r... .. ' K, MAIIAIf. . The tpeecb and ktaiementnrMr. Can- I'ooh! 00 crW. A. C. Jif 23. 18.7. 3t7J nlngi the new Chiftrellorof the Eiehe- - .. . aT Editor of nrwapaprra are requeated to quer, OA opening .the BttoVet io'th). lioaM S.tLl5BVRT BIBLE S0CIF.TV. ' ' al in UetectJr.g a hofaef, by rng the of Commont.wat admitted, by all perrica, Tl,eneit annual meeting -f the SaKahuryni "" , 10 be frafikand ingenuwi. lo the debate I ble Society, will be beU at the Court llwiae in Tlrtt-ltX ft,nt WoitSa "VfHTittd. I,lch en.ued Mr. Cajh fully and j JXA) T ?H kbly lupported by Mr. Brougham. mg J w a y , be M m y p t la not pretended lo M concealed by VV,'!tT.j b' M- J O. Free h f Auguf. I w.n gite 46 cent, pV- M"r. Canning, that after Mwelre years t0 it.Jeirh.-and all the other- f the.fratn. tlt ta well. ekanedt aad peace, te nmonai ocin n mcrcaaea oy a . i . . . . .nn.itrKM amount, and that Ihe rare- ted in their place : - - .. . . t . I - . l In li. InnMftrii ' . . ... . . . .1.. i ih. iiieneat once lor rooa imn. f l -I ..lh. imfiflflinl bun. JIIIIW SCIIUUl. , - - ! 'am'a"place; declarra italieKef thai lWwi8 not Gt, at moat, over ix vwea in tnai atate. rer pa to split the difTerence between theae cal culationa. would not be far fiom the truth i which wmiTJglVcaxkson-reea tolea. - Bu te "the wind bloweth where it liatetn," ao New. York vote at aha pleatea, maugre all takula- fion. . , ' The provincial parliament of Lower Canada was dissolved, br proclamation of the Governor of that province, on the 5tb inst.j and writ issued for the election of new membera. -The OAa-Canaf hat been fin5hed from the ,fa;,l '""" -v-r--- , - - - ,- , and trie, tirst noav yineo irwor mnw.m ,; .Jsst, nimed place (a distance of about 40 mile) on the 4'b of July Inst." A tptendid celebration washgd on thjtcMio .""Dunnr the.aecond week in this month, the : weather;, w -Cky, in thia atate t ,ihe jnrrct'rJ h Piktmm eter rose as high as 100 degrees. We have not noticed the' atate of the thermometer m 8alia. bury j bt believe it hae frequently, dtitmg two or three. weeks past, exhibited as great a degree of heat as that above noticed in Eliza beth City. It has, however, been comfortably eool for a few days past. " Juven'n" shall certainlv be attended tn, at "tomvas we can dUpoaa of ther-JnitierJhftf wsnss to caj for inora hpnediate attention, t lMth annr-arrd. thoueh at the dirtance t iljOOOJOOOl, Thlk defiaencj it IO be tap e ,. . .. . r cfc.-. .j,,. plicc by anoincr nu ui i.iicfucr tuna. Tbe openiag commerce af South Ameri ca aod the operttion f more' liberal principles and policy on the continent of Kurope, are looked to as tbe sources which are to retcae the country from its dilTlcultiet. -- - Accounts were received from Qdeisi .rrA. .WAia.il.- b'f b, ...menjioDed tbst but the particular hsd not transpired. The also atated that an insurrection had broken out among the Janitsarieaat Con stantinople, which had thrown tha capi tal into a great state of alarm. near two and a half yeare aince tbe charge a first nut forth, ihmngtr Mr. George Kremer. It will he trniveraally admitted, tint the aceu eat ion iaof the mot aeriou na'ure. Hanlly any more atmciou could be preferred aframal a representative of the people in hi official character. The charge tn auhatance it, that deliberate propoailion of bargain" weremade bv mv Conirrefeiona! fr5enleolbrtively.throurU waa. by theae " meana ot bargain amt corr.tp- tion," to exclude Mr. Ad ma trom the uepart ment of State, or to aeeure my promotion to officeTaridat t wa yittend asaented to thoae pmpoaition and to tbe employment of tboae means. Such being the accusation and the pmeru tor. and the issue between ua. I have now a right to expect that he will etibatantiale hia , . . ..; r . : r. Charge! or IM eimuiuon r wwk'wi fi dence. Ira that event, there is no punishment which would exceed the measure of my offence, la the onnoMte event, what ought to he the judgment of the American public. Is cheerfully rubmitied to their wisdom ana justice. H. CLAV. The Washington Telegraph gives the follow u . .. ' i , i r ing note trom tne -cusiinKUisnea memoerui Congrekh(Tinformed Gem-Jackaoa otihe M great intrigue, which he affirmed waa going on. From tbb letter, we are led to believe, that in due time, a full developement of the " great intrigue" may be expected. , UA Jul, 1827. Dear Sir t I received yours of the 30th ult. on the morning of the 5th mat. In anawcr .to jt, I can ..only, at present, refer you to my answer to yours of the "IWf of October Wr l hata o ae ry to'f I recollection of the only conversation I aJtw lkaala-1 IPsftl l-aviva I laAlranN niarninrt thaw w v.tv. aii.,aa tr aav aa.an,Pis auiav 'K av i . . " ... . . . raatWrfdetWa anC Men compelled to disc loan it, 1 need jtot aaythat4ffapea3ai Everything m this State at nireetrf. looka well for the General. We have been makintr treat exertions in his behalf. The character of the proposed Convention of States, at Harrisburg, seems now to be pretty well understood. I hope that nothng may occur to mar bis prospects here, aa a doubt about the vote of thia State might have a serious effect against him throughout the VI11UH. ftVtU IUUI liliJV .WuAwrt. yM5tA.I837. 4V75 THOS. Jul, jta, 187. COWAN, ferar. Sery. 173 mrnrrr rnrxTf mni.E SOCIETT, Mnr IJI.ItJJ fcui.". - i . . . . .... f( .WI The Rev. Doctor ftobineon m eipecteu. to jjf g .V.IlLft for ftae. TilR eubacriber, acting Si At?nt for Mr: ' Henry Fulenwider. proprietor of the ia- rVi7 .Vanufartsri, oiirra to tlie ejuouc . . . i . i .i . i tire ana ueacnpiions oj nn arg preach iRe AnnivcPwry Sermon oi thia qmotiivupon term equally aatiafactory as tt Fourth Creek Mecting-llmine, on tbe firit t,iev Mn ,e brouirht from Charictton or any afn,l. in Aurti.it next. The membera or (nr. . ... , - ni. -i-hinr to Society .re .Icirrd punctually lo attend. Wo . i,emaelt es ran do ao by making apph- JMPORTJAT frtm SOCM-AMERICA. Aecounta from Caracas, in Colombia, (South- America) to the 20th June, have been received at New-York. The Caracar paper of that date, contains aa official detpatch from Gen. fiantan den, Vice President of the Republic, to Gen. Bolivarurging him to resume the rein of gov. ernment The Ttce President gives i.deplora- ble picture of the tUte of public feeling in the country. .n it., frirarfa of the cauae ol toe lliuie and of Iba lU ligion it ineulcateii, lo meet us on thi orcwion; ami evrntlioe irarjitiuriront nlcawnl and profitable to n.rei wiui na, mi rarehilly to examine for themr1vea our method of rondiiding the businew, in which we expect on that day to be engaged. JAS. CAMPBELL, Krctrihrtr -rec'y. aKWf. Ciir iarutts. cation to tbe underfrned. EDWARD CRKSS.frenr. 5a.VW. V4. lia. IB37. . tn70 Junt', (iOLD AND SU.VKIl Talent littr "WftlclifiSt JElfF.LRT, Ue. nUffTINGTON h WYNNE have jurt re reived from Philadelphia and New-York, an elegant amwrtmrnt tfvtle above articlea. Aim. . -! uoHmrnl of Mitilarw Cood. All Jf rrit Marlrt, Jut 17. Cotton, uplands, , wf w,;t, cn t,,d wj be told on the mot rea- funder which denomination, all from N. Carlin i gonjuie terma. . i. m ii. v.iv.firtfnii. 10 to 1.1: ti,. i.... . fr.li Minnlv of msteriala. and Cotton bging, htP ' ,0 n" 13 l" "'are well prepared to Hrpatr rt aiers KC domestic calicoes, blue 1 1 eunion; f " order aliail meet wii prompt aucnuun fancv 16 to 20 j brown ?ottn blurting j j Satithury, Maul, inlT. wide) 7 to I0J; ble.d,Mdo. 7.8 wide. 1 1 to 15 , j LmfL BN0, brown aheettnes ,-Aia -v ,7 " "1 .i,.,j . ... ,imiiums" All 63 r. M..rht. 4.14 tu.i9-lo. 54, irtoW; yellow beewx, 28 to 29 j check," -, 14 to in. r..iion varn.5tol0.224 23 eta. per Anrer- Ttintiinrmt nf htVanatd)Jlolifaxis9a-i rQ,i or 00 . hidea. 10 to 174 i sole lealh. Vii ... 1 . rn......... . . " . er. oak tanned 22 to b, nemioca lanri a 22 1 North Carolina tobacco, tn leal, J to a cents ed a proclamation dated at Caracas, 9th June ; in which he says, among othet things, Pom-teen vesrs I have been at your head, by the almost unsnimous wink of Ihe people. At every period of glory and proaperityi I have renounced the supreme commaad wita the purest sincerity : 1 have desired nowing so m.rh uto diveat mvaelf ol nubnc newer, tha . . . I MIL a IO trmnminv bibsebb. ja ubii "w m j m . --.. ..-ii'a-.'nj u- .-.m - -- , Cefeiw&(r. 2L -Cotton, uplaml. M a to. k;.b.v. V. to 15: intite brtmy,5aJ6.i .tajatrBWtkrJTV t vy v., ,M . M . ..-M Uw.i. 27 a 28 1 bacon, ,60 7 TK&WRrP Waninwei "jrn WWB 94 10j Coff-e, 14 Jn,moi.5rmrbiaAwm awr7.. Julu id. Annie brandy, 45 to 50 1 Peach do. 60 lo 75 ; Bacon, 7 J to 8j Hag- ging, 20 to 25 1 Coitee uiio," 9 00 , Com, 70 a 70 i flour. 5 J a 6, Iron, 5 50 to 50, Molasses 34 to 3(5, "agar. to 10 J Salt. 75 to 80, WhtaKey, t """ . .. ,k-. ...iA..ib.B" niriM I. kr m. m wwm ,u. ilk, laiprwrlrl, f fwlllhif rll "T rw ""W" T " - -- - - - ...fc.. .- . ,11 l.ir.-'"w.p-r.""-" . I ...M .U" Ml. If ". Oinwta 7 ! . .k m. .i..lt. kMKtl ta Iwt mttr MffNW iirrniMi .it.ii. (Jbtervrr. Imnfninv in the hour of danger h Would tbh ha the con- t.;.n I 1 am reaolved 15 i prlate'if inrfbTW arctirwifl mreoTMe eonsiiJutwoT At a Citiren Liberatof an4 liea. ideht, my duty lmpoter8p1lMrr necessity of sacrificing myself for you. I inarch therefore to the southern confides of the Repub lic, to risk mv life and my glow to deliver ye fmm the nerfidious, who. after having trtmpleet on their most sacred obligations, have spread the standard of treason, to invade tha depart menta which are the most loyal 1d tha mo worthy of youi prpfteonV i flfchA -IT. I'lil.!!..- .11 ... ii.. ur Wkli.. I4li-r Wm- li (uwtry. SaUtbnrv, JV27,1827. JOHN KINDER, i 1 w corn, 50 a 55, flour 5f to o. Cotton Upland thi demand ' mre than equal to the tufifiliet ; tri rotiie autnte of the ttork beipg very lovn lhe tu IhuH dont hat been lmitrd-venunur our qntimVordimrV 8 1 2 tjivr u RinELIN & WAITS, ITAVR just received, from Philadelphia, the nd tbf ptbitjef of tlie Ntih,rnpMi 'wTKlfafl and portrait llghres, ?ejireacnfwff, .gantkmen ;l full Ife. awl tne raw. .,.p.o.ea ... worn - , icli will enitble them to fashionable garmenta- made, fhey continue to ear-cute all description of plain work, it abort notice, ind on the loweat; terms. The are grateful for the auppOrt already received InJlus place , and hope they will give such satisfaction as to insure a continuance of patronage; AuMury, May 14, 1827. V '. V

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