, ; 4 " ' " i T t . , , j t ' ' '.' '-' 1 (. , I I'.;. I i.jMa.iiM---a-aaa-aaaaaaa,ltM -X .. . ... ttrBlLO WMtTK- J . . - - Mill XU tonne aA WitNtW aa, fj e a aw ee CI M. 'A' ev.--! lay to e.l-a-e w.li M ft',-1" " ftfl bfr el d-aJe, are to 0 gJJter, Uw Soave repaw4e f ji tilu Maris lit parwiwr, . i.aaf attaajvaeL'(e V-S at the -l the !) U wwr JrTTT fZ CLVtwT rTTl rt! - ? - ji M twnw m Pf arau 10 ktian eAirr-i-d to the FJwtVe p4. t (Uf ssey tM M etUwd4 to. . . COMMUNICATION MOkUMTtVX.f.C. .' TUftAfffof b rhe eAiej B V. fUiee, eV&veiei lorpMos M the 4ih eJar; lest, to the cowpeay mm fe!d U tele, rata the day. QHttntl Tbe short period of limt el lotted fee this occasion. hcrii iM dlSUUKt with which 1 1 ntr tpm th 4vnj thU rfif tnJfiwd m. Vf iMt t coramtnioftia of f Iht mol lpoftM trtM hi U iltiorf of war couetrf tml 1 rtgrtt lht f drMil or rtoMrk. coervccted with ih Amtri CAS BfelaiJcttf oiM cmri)f he iht : ittult f ay Itbcrt. It wMld. lo n. 'thtf n4 Wf hM)t yoo hd com mil U1 ih iMk i M tpwt4 mt iho rBcctUio, fiat f tilWt wtf io the wpl ti 6fa ivAjtrt. To inet U W bldi IH (0artcprtilon from IM fodcwiH wkh-ftUliWmt m4 , bills;, would bt to th chtrtcttrt tw iWidiB' iwl UnrnDhar i la. da IdtUc le tfco fifties and 6tfbiim of ." - r - .1 ---:tj t our rtrociuanary wonuct wovmi w w fteord irtrj tkktg that could !t it tnd dorw lk4 "ham ehirtder. ttrf i m4 cMtmry fomlhe tiiinplti of tht Ixirtkodo of hanuft icW, and iht pr , Hhliif iBoaamcoti of tnhtr rrdvr. , Ttt UCCm1v ch0(t lo drU govtro . aocsU cm'd bjr cooqacut and rerolu- ttafc r rimllar lo lh fluctuilnt of bt ocaaa j and lha rl and fall of em 1 bireat WU th undulation of bcr btllowa. Dot waVt rlw tod It aooo iwallowtd op ' la ill ftbjiti and aeen no more ttbtr ariacti and having reached its dea ' flood ristHa, fait quUilj awiT, and la ioc- Coeded bjr jat another, which b Iti turn - Ire all Ind tfUi rently on the abort. ' : ..Thtfrnaettlmofthli eountrr rf trlJf cbaracterlMd by lhat at era . MoralMff (Katptowe devotloa, which dia . ihif utahod it DeciHir people, the pro- . aMt.ni dliaantera of thU ate. " Manr of . mm wm imp" ' - r r la the reign of Jimeithe In, to teak that peace nd quUt la fords. whtcB vet denied then at home. Whltber . eowld-iher See for refuge K in . ijoiU ud of advehtarerat tkat had long rtiided at Uvdeo, in, Holland, landed where the on of Plymouth, in Mam , chtiittt, l now aituatcd Here new and enforewen dificultiea e waited them ( here . the fwotatepa of clvUUcd man bad never - left a print wpoa tho ahore. Their land ing on thia Inhoaphable coait, wit (tree ted by the bowling of the tr mptat, and the ' yclliof It i axvage tenant. The crieiof the Ciniher end the wolf aounded their cheer' it welcome ) and the horrors of want and wretchednea were toperadded to the : hcletaenclct of the icaaont. Tet here tbfae forlorn and iaolated f itgrlna, cbou , to erect the aunrfard of cjvll and religious ""' liberty onthie bleak and dreary ipot, that cwnederrtleue followera of the pious . Rrilnwo, consecrated en altar to tbeir rod, la whose providence they trusted. - Tet no talUtsry preparation, no Irople ; nents of carnage, no blood atain'd banner r give warning of tbeir approach. When our ancestors emigrated to this land, they brought with them the magnet, the com pete, the plough, tbe art of printing and the nrlncinles of Locke. Their deacon- , cjants still continue to value these as their best riches, and whilst they retain tbeir attachment for them, can never be broken to the yoke of an arbitrary government. Little did they think that in less than two centuries a flame would be kindled on the A Mun continent, lhat would aeitate , all Europe, and cause the tyraota of the J old world to tremtue on weir, wrooes. fi.Maid from the mother countrv bv tbe vut Atlantic, tbe colonies owed her no allegiance, but that imposed upon them by British rulers; they owed her Bo gratitude but that which an enslaved toaoni txeatowa ubon the Tr rant who onnrnnaa them. Bv an'essldoour culti r .1. m.t Ik ntnnta ' t,f)idl Ittcteised tft weiltb, rn popU ttea, and it science; Bat that unnatural !:i!:rlvalry whichnecessity aomettmea pro ivztt between the parent and the child, se trtd mem in teeung tno not id inter est. The mistaken policy of British Induced them to believe, that as we acknowledged their protection, weJ would quietly oeno to' their power. n ttemnt to tax the colonies, was sniwer'd kn firm and manlv remonstrsnce t As tb parliament insisted, the people be- . mii aVaiarfftla'J In their OPPos! tloe, ,The Amerkan ciiliaei 44 M tm khu.i iWlr aonntkMiooS evea il IU foot of ike ihrooe, to event ci U salty, that Mem'd to Ihreiten separa. iW i Taelr vtX-e wis stlBad bf the f aVe ef rebatlion, the floprtroaey of PeMtibertUl, was wrstted froas I weal and L'iflUftV AlikwihtherlihteiitIglkeMmaftlmoj4Ve; bf Hi ft!ioH " V - f :l aV-1-a It . - 4 sasta a bt at cotd, Wil irKatsa SO eeny as sne 7"' mi,e ettempt b4 bene made so whUh basa'd Lsihevesr ITf received - m - tir tertotia nrtfMMlilMi froas the eotoaUl foveraasewte, ad was so strooglr depre cated bf etsey pf the entlghten'd Slates men elCegland.thit It wss repesl'dle the -ear Mowing by the powerful eser lloet of Mr. Put, Oel. Cewwsy, Col. Berre-end ethers, whose chsrscters alooe form en epitome of every thing thai Is great or eenelmovs. Great BritaLa had alvava rtealated the commerce of the covntry, but had not Imposed eey restrictions or duties, uetU the fleer Mrt RiU wss brought into operauoo. M.ar eseeises had been committed by the coUaI, ks ITt which aoJr served to strengthen their confidence, sod render ihem more tenacious of their rights. Taa ar 1774. was the period, when the wittily dilution, iho onoiDotence of parliament, was about to vsoisn. u was L U ik latarlaM nfTertd their DCli' tkJrte etwaorUle W 4he ting and rnUtara I ken h vain that Mr. Pitt (the Irlghttit orb that ever iltummetetl ....,... - ,.,. ...... al ike eowncila oi any peuoeij ibi r. Corke with all the power of Ma eloqwence wsrn'd them of the danger lhat waa com ing upon them. A military force was oaartered upon the sen of Boston, to e a forte the laws of parlismeDt,' who for got In the execution of ihtir duty thst a soldier's honor is a soldier's wealth. It waa then that the colonies swia d from ikalAne lathsrwv. which cmberd her energies It was then thet the genius of liberty like the wnflefg d teie tegsn 10 look bevood the Eyrie, in whkb it wis nestled i that the ipirit of frerVom in- dirsiint swslrd In every heart, snl bum a e. . . -S L a upon every tongue t it wss men mat every citusn was tne nrsve oeirnaer o hie vlolsted rights, thst every metron wai a soldier's bride end ever? maiden the patriot daughter of her country. A dep utation from the different colonies atsem bled U cwacrsss, to adopt auch measures . . r ... f .T as would meet tne necessities oi toe umei at Philadelphia. In I77, the battle of Bunker a bill, like an electric inoca, per care oi nr laiicn a-wp-vsded the continent i end roused the dor- tid liberties.- mint energies of the nstlon. Active pre- Our cxsmple, likewise, in Great . Brit- parstlons were made to carry resistance to every length. A person of reflection . L... ..t.nl.i.il. that at mm, period tbe colonies would form a sepa- ... -1 . ft.. I.M,Lm. from tne moiaer couoir. vi ",CDCCieo in w .w r tifV w !iKrt lantimenta. oorl.t... Mm,, an! atineratltloTi are apain ntuii. vi . . .. growing population, the jealousy with tlA fv . A ..2.. naatla tsssrf attaTSiersi MrS.'t i ha nolitleat Inititutioni of "Eu ike rwT'sttail InBtittnlnni tA Eu a v v w w -w j-" ------ - en rope, the encroachment of the British narllament UDon what waa look'd uoo as colonial rights, and the eitcnt to which tbe royil prerogative wa attempted 10 oe carried, clcarlv demonstrated the troth of the ptrpoeitioo. Added to this, tbe opto- as .a a a Af ioni of aome ol tae aoies; iiacsmcn the eirhteenth century i opinions that derlv'd their force not ooly from the m,mt of character with which thev were accompanied, but-deriving a itill more powerful Influence, from the extra ordinary talenta of those who edvsnced Ihem. Washington had been placed at the head of the American army the 4th of Juoe 1775, ISdaye after the battle of Leilngton, and 3 daya before the battle or Breed'lhiH. A lew provincial troopa formed the hopeless bsnd, which were to oppose the welltrain'd arroiea of Great Britain. Tho' lorcea to reaistancc tno ultimate course we were to pursue bad not been delineated. I be whole conn nent from the lakea to Florida, waa agita ted by the impending itorra. The day at length arrived, which was to seal our fate forever. Tbe 4th of July, I7f6, will ItejcmembctMoPciLgO."8" cee .t0 aOja eiavaaajeaae. a. o-t- mti.. . t 7- . . j- k r.nmtwr'it amonof the nations of the earth ; when the sceptres of kings shall be broken, and .time shall be no more. Whatever of talent, of virtue, of patriot ism and firmnesa could be united into our bode." oiatintruished the American rnntrreaa. when tha colonies were aeciar a . - - . . . . . . 1 . . a tha meaaure aatohlahM all Europe. It mj inrtrtirtitimt. i na- noiancaa m a new event In the nolitiesl world a hovel principle toll1!!! roent. ' -'-- ' ' ... Intettine ware, and sana-uinsnr revotu tlnna. had for centuries distracted the ok) world. France, Germany, and Britain, hail felt the effects of civil anarch v. The first still retain'd ssme lingering vestiges - - . . a ' a ?S or feudsl tyranny, seme reitcs ot me mis ttar deinottam of Charles the Fifh. Germany had been carv'd out Into little petty priftdpsUUcs,atia Urtitin mq pero jAy, august H.jer r x -lceWJlnLt,wJ! ,?, t sovsnlty, Uu I fork ad Laaaattar. I- s tie icut't fef 1 X$uttrtiU V powatweea she aJ imd parUaiseM. Their swaraa dm a, f as they ire front to terns It, the rrtt cknf of Chfl eo wvwt s-aro i w.r ewewu le ywsw fwcotlecikaa t aUw that coot tia fee bower iBfi rWM f mora Lka the effect I of UordUsif imbttioa. taao loaa af ravntrr. Not ao wfch AmAf ci shehsd frltlho sriiherkg r!eef atritale sae vm Mr ineooarap sast Jaklne Into aolhovitf i and her esoctlet verrlnr to aarvlude and chains. At this swTuI crisis, she b4 tae counge i oorst ika rtierahUhhoeadbartihtso4her ceuAtry, le dispel the ctowdi of erfrsrrity which ever pre 4 aer poiimsi laeuon and to trcait-witi maaif armnss tae rtiifa tnioa of eoflreisloe. br which she - vw r km.A Kaan LuffitiaJ. Lone aai.arduoei via the struggle for IndepcadeKO the raw, wndiKiptl d troops of tae felonies, k.it to tambat the Veteran irmUt of Brit- In l the one conquering teeeaUve,tei . - . a .a a ai. I other deleadiog taair uves, mesruoerues, and their homea. But the heioea who rontended for Ike tights of asaa, ware not to be luSdoed by those ho faecal br the rights of kief medoae wit ift'm'A to iriumoh over the tf rtoov and taw mercenary blrUge d XagtW, io bflw before the sons of Uberty. ny a rhlvalrous ipirit Bed i mapy a pames ca pired in the arrai of vie Vary. Bnt the memory of their vlrtues,wW Dee la the heart! bt their couurf men, and posterity l!h Ktil rratitnde. will shed tesr of regret upon the grew turf that 'covers tSelr ashes. Trance, our friend and allr, caught with rapidity the vital epsrks, si tka itanarted from ike eouli of our Sain ted dead end received additional torchei from the surviving priesthood of liberty. But the lempenment of her people for bid It to burn, with the .Sims steady sod refulgent light la her rtveiuuoQ, tae sanctuary of religion eras polluted and the eelL with too twee SIM impious s hand, etrino'd from her altar t the ecaka of justice were wrested from the law and WW her political bead feu victim to tae ungovernable fury of rekre who bowed jbclor no tribunal but the fl word and I Lll.. I J., k.. ..I.MKk. w uih uu,imu ,r tv)fi lalsaaaolltaey aMOrMrewawr the oeo. gtTa new Ufa and energy, io the friends of parliamentary reform. le C !- Imilri mnA rlht nf ana nan. pje t0 be represented in tho council of I V . J ! I.I. Vt.a. m Sk tM A MMl iiu.i .fc. r MaMd upon tbe Spanish throne. There I tl.a a kaiOa alVaS WMyta. axf iataw ff i ka..i ffom th rntr ibf Stballri ttt tht inmm i, nt the Tvrol t that voice now i j veil - -- - - g- ---- WIW"'"1 " w " - sleeps io the grave of RiegO)-4utlH ii some consolstion to the friends of free dom to know, that ber Amcricsn colonies hsve shsken off their alkglanee, to the mother country. Bot let us turn again, to tbe theatre upon which our fathers r ted. Scarcely had the United States emerged from tbe obscurlrywhkh vailed her destiny t scarcely , bad 'she overcoat the stormi of adveralry by which she d been buffetted, and the war-prokes aoldier r-tU'x io nil familv and bit borne t .be fore a greater calamity than tbe evils of war, seem d to tnrestco ner existence Whilst our little army was In the field, our hopes were asfely moored apon their fidelity end their courage) hilst we sympathis'd ' with their toile sad Buffer ings, and deplor'd the wretchedness and t to which ther were expos'd, we had the consolation to see them surmount. without a murmur, the dangers by which thev were aurrounded. And eun when hope seemed to hsve neo, weir scuve m ..nM!tw would restore our confidence, and light up a amile amidit tbe general gloom But when their services were bo longer required; when they were disbanded, . hail hut little to hope from the grail tude of their country, the sceoe wss changed. To the neet oi osrae enu me j: r .m. aueceeded rjouticai coniro- versy and disaffection., The confederacy of the States, which enabled as to weather tbe storm of the revotuuom waa insum tnt tha oumoses Of civu govern 1TS7. to frame a constitution, all the local preiudicea, sectional feelings and interests of IS States, diffariug In soil," in .ni oninion. were to be recon- .u.a w- had atill to re-learn the science of government, end search for JJ"".!1 . j: ..n'it nannta. The idea to unite a uiaui b rwwr , r t . ffneernment comoletelv re publican had been treated as an i Imaglna- rv flream ) anu wo hv-v. rcr.titTslaf ftaeae. and YatJe. were bU etf ai terrors la Amirkan ftatismea.. The i w " v - - - - v. wtiiioft ai lUraCHSSB. oraoev io av wera tkaavkt ffa tklauiaa bt a heated lesiglliitlow. Bet that nrovldeMe wklcb watched over and protectee M W IM hour of periL did .Pot foruke es, epon IUI In lam intrnwi. ill vuaoni. virtee asd Mtrlotism of tbe Amerbni psMflav was eieaaffJUd ' lo, lie Ua a lka ItAartX toMfhuilolk. Tha bcliiitkl ktalaee of a vet v naiiaa. was csp- vstaedtofriAeagotcramentthst would I I rnonerini tee m. mA al lLa iaaaa time maraniae eunal rleh'i and brivile eea to a tare cidta. Tka aveht hal dia- tloaed bow rational were our hopes, end a aa a .a.a aaw, cempwtiiy tae wumi oi tne peopte have bee grailfied, and their fears drmd Idle shd unfounded. I will vert- lara to ataatt. tkat tha federal CfrhsUttt Uoe, In its principles sad policy, standi nnrta.tW. alnea tha laatltiitioa af civil ukUi.. Tkltit It iMilrii tha MitP tJ rtitrirr, sod stoids lae evui oi a popu a .a aa aa.a. lar rovirameni n comunai an iae ca- rtnrm. mnA aarlud! all tha cfittla of every political code of which we have aay knowtadra. The wisdom of every Pallet) contributed lethe grand deilgn, of secer lag lo every Americas tbe liberty of coo wUmi. tka trAotn of ihourht and ac tios), end every privilege thai caa elevate or digtiry human nitore- overe wai lka tA,A tkmuvk aiktch it OiSSedl POW- srfol vse the eppaiuWiaede..le) Us . . a ... . f aoonnoa i out n lurvivsa cverv esteuii. nd remaios the living monument of our If countrt'i glory sod Its bapplneii. jj Whilst we re olee al btr trospentyi let os not ferret the heroes who gave ber existence I at each periodical ret ore of the 4th of Jolf, let us drop an hallowed tear to tbeir memorf. There is perhapi some wir-brukee Soldier of the Kevotu- ... . 0 a two, sua UagcrloK upon the stage oi hu man lilai narhaM some who have tome to witness the festivities of the dav to them it most be cheering to know, that thev have not been forgotten by tbeir country io tbe hour of decrepitude and age) that their grey bain will yet go down In peace to the grave. To you who ire in the bloom and vigor of youth, 1 would recommend an attentive peruul of the hiaiort of vour coentrv I vou who ire fathers, when you retire to your fami lies sod your homes, snd wmwyou are .JitiwJntka martlfof tha Rate Rial board, teach your liwenleg offspring to lisp the names of Washington, Frsnklln, Jefferson, end Adsms, the Sword, the Shield, sod Buckler of their country la karinf.nt atrurs-les for libertv t For pos- ,.rli. ui venerate their namea, wo ihMi f Cesar. Uromwcll ana couna - . ri parte, will be swallowed up In the vortex ' Mvnlutlnna. Teach them tbe inunc tion of other times, and instill Into their arfhiinaw minda tho love of virtue and pat riotism. No natloo under the canopy of heaven enjoy the ssme blessings that flow around us i no government on earth can pom so msny pmicn., " ... M.n t. KAi ahoa tha Dcople, the low en la not below tbe people. The poorest citUen In the country, if be possesses talents and virtue, may aspire to tne nixa eat offices. Here then is no distinction r na.aena. but such ss are crested bv In k... ...,k .a iorlns from an emulation of .... r.;kiM .Mai. Our datfcacouPci? sre composed of aU cUm .of H? k. .i,k ta tha nooeeit. Thev are not distracted by thoae factions, lhat disturb :he pesceof other Countries. The vssi Atlantic separate s us fromEurope.from Its clashing Interests, Its strifes, and its am bilious. la Pc " Ubushed our laws, In the bplrff of liberty and gdod ill to man, we have irsmea our conawu- i na irmi oi I'ur tvumii been open to the unfortunate of every na lioi, wi. . .... . -a MrUi him. not as a strsnger ,v arin. i n airinecr but a brother. He sit-down atpongst us to ua aiiM w . - a fellow cit aen, and in pesce sna secumj .k. fn,;, Ar hi Indiittrv. nrofeises his opinions, shd leeve a free Inherltanca tw lMsbUdren-n-iunurjvr2i .t- Areiihart his not been erec- .j .m a itrriratai oi nunian uwren iv viw r . , .l. Ki.ia r, ina rnumrr kiicii uvw. - 1119 - 1 , j throne I lot ua endeavour to hand down KIU.n Inatlltltlons 10 DOBtCrilT, unsullied by the dangerous principles of faction, and tba f.iH it na conauit our inicrcsia - , . . glory n.PPlnVr i: ' . ... awi ataiiare. ana our u" edvancemens oi every wu Prolite "gg- gentleman reaiding In Oranga county, mwrma u., -i .a, ah tr r.vira on his farm, tne present sessoa which preduced I Gosli.ns, Sotwlthstandlng one of them hatched I no hing) of course two of them must, have yielded twins. , rTawiww .NO. a75. - , t. fTVTff, mharrn, (TV t, Cm a4 Fri JL, jtaua frtj) aatM'f W J eaaareS kaie CpaHaWrf to ike ' , -I - Tailoring fiuitnnt, ? la Va m!J a4 ta lka ffLaa fi iai.i(l VOL VI u. S. TVoekM T, Ca 4 tke ta a Cmtatj iUieVatMr(aCaaaiak4) 1 1 ' .m ti.aw fkw La - aaa -- - ratalvsi tU hJ tiliana. aa4 waatmlta Sav'T'T- UWaawa m nr, aa,--a mw v - - w ar aa aaj ...i t aad are deteWaed to have rheir wreh dewe U a err le -apefior te ay as the CaUad tuiaa, lad ao the Ua-tai rerwaatearaf ta warVwaw aUpr'Aayperaaw saVarg wwrsj dawe aa shear - la wJ s4aaa te timt tawawUi m-id ictiW ee W tt!ir i0 w Me, they wilt he paid far rhear-JaCk. ' AN kefCaMawiflheeWMdeaaw etviberV aho I and m peine Martd k ahataf Use UdJea how to awl tkW iiame S-rerhert nf uvry ire cwi mm. mm m pwwihii k rne tm Kartk, hf the awrpaae sf fcr dlr the Maieat and aavat ao ptwad fkaklae av ta at j. i ne (we caa ww nwaiiann at mil aha, ae weB aa the fay. Al sedate fraoi e dieteacw, wtO he y atWo4 te. TTiuwaa vJMua, tNUhTUf TaAlXT. iiiRsoLirnoii, rpRC eopartaerakia) heretwf-re mbaiatiaf he JL rm rae a nimiia, raor vaa ayia aa iUbeUa j watu. w UW eef emeu, y mmtmn taavt, Xif ve, w: t. n watt Y. 11, YATT8 Mbr,. jXXiTlHVlt taet iifmi toajtoehaei asef mrumA k Mr. Jar, IJbaJto aaJkiata.! irerious to thetr diasahrtine, oe ttaie Street, t .Um aaalk at tka Caa4 La rtkai te-m ei aatiahery . where be eoScta the pea. raftage of the pubic - - - rre ret, (if vvvlaefT frwat Sie eorrespwawasrt M-tkActpUa, the k-teat aeea M-- thrrs sad the other Northern CMicei wiuch m.M aaakla Llmm la ! I la nit.la niifliai n hh every dcerriptieat e ImtUnOk ChdUxf, smJo w 9 to the aweL Mateet, sad Btoet duro hla atytoe wwh-aiaihip, thateaehedawe ae f . a .aa - a - taa cawatrr. ana ee tae laweai paamoie tersss. .1 k. J- J wawK khiu Bmm ism ap m nwma pna. Cattuur et of all kiaaa at prwwnta, doe ee . . . I . I 1 - - . 1 . anon nouce. iewtciaaa u ai m iiw.anag rvweaii wiade vp tm abort a)otioa. caa be a- aewinedatad with the gtaelail Meaibla espedi. lion. CrmirfiJ toe the eOTrarre4 cxiended to the shef, aader the Iras of lUbel" h Watts. (Va .l.3t knAM Wv kta .aJiaifaia atlialliia to baaineM, ta Wteril a coatiaaanee af tkat acav toes harvtofore recetoad. tf. H. WATT. JaSliara. JmjM X, 1137. .... 979 nrVM H?t having entered brtp eopsft 1, werentpt tor t-y. r ,.m. ta TmMnf tm, uraJeTtTelni TolTleWJ ty ttJMrTwr, tae mtrssecawi i"y-"u tyltsfWt She cMiaene af Uharrea eoaty and the aA)otwi wwauj, wm tensed eajsineee a toe shop Prcroor- woawa. ed by Mr. llagl oppoKW r. Aktsndere House of EMertaltMnant, te tea town a eord. where they are e-peied ta e wwte all deeoripOons of work -to thear fiae a.budiSS, to the reoet aabataaUal manaer, and after thai Moat fahioahle aty lei of wottrnanahlp. Bav ln SMde irnnremente f receiving Quarter, fwi pkibdftptia. the ktr-t faahiooi le Topie there, they will be enabled to eu aay gentle. aa with tha newest laehioned aVaea fsrmewa. made vp after the ralawt rrotraeter ryWs ed taitoriaf . - Thaw- prleea fce watt, wiB bVaa Fine Ctoth Ceatt, . . to J , Homevpue doth Coeia, . . lalewraw . T . . J Waiatoaata, . . . . . t l aa I l mm. . ..Vr Mmm tuvilxl la tt ihfl I Vl cmtT ui a ftlr trial i if v then failofiatlaW e are eontent Pot to be eatiwalaed. " ; . TROMAI a. racui-; MS ''f iw, 10 a- HAi Jest iwcwivU he wuat eropetaB proved faahione from fPhiladalphia, aoco- nled with portrait n-urea, repra-wouiar ,-mr ara worm DV the WOat bakianable rentWea of tbe aides of nukdal phia and New.yerfc. The disile of the raahioee new received, are, in regard to their neatneas and elepnee of taate. aupenor io any renx fbre publiaheo. " AU geniiemen, wicTvrurv, wUhlng faeWonable gvasenia awte, wy rwm s-sured that they can be u well suited i at aay ether 'plaee to Ihn ee tpa , aei auwja. Hivinr as his employ acowidersble foros, or. ders for every description ofworr iroma oia. tanee, will be eteeuteo m D0?r" snd no dwappoinfinmt, either hi the It of the csrtnents, af in the pttactusl eseeutioa bf theai. need pa warea.Ji.va,qujv.yMit'-j ."""" tlniTWUtrinxde wp vsveaaoaaoiw- price! tbsn pa nas nerennore cuarg"- , i.L..A.(V.afMlill ICC Mian H" - r ' a , . , ... -I vIM i.Vaa tha ShrrtV of fettmilflr hie Aneere thanks to th PUhlie, fee the Kheral en couragement he baa hitherto, received .fad a . . . .. ,.. t ..i A. aim.. hopes that tne nyie es nw wora. - k-:-Uiaiity with abicb be wdl execute h, will av Mire a continuance of the reteoa PWnf which bat heretofore Peen encno-a - SaOeStrrf, Jpril 18VT. " TO jail in exinon, pavioKa, -en the-. erh..-inH.'1te.Whw ,whew, Myi hji naroe . ii7ofl I tVet f or! Inches w- .i i..-.-a AKirtt Hni. a km.1 toMn-"- tenance, two front teeth out, alittk baldesded. alxNit 4J years old, ana eaye pf neionn w Thomea George, Uaioo Uiattrkt,, . Cro whom be ran away abwt four weiks tfnce The owner U reoueated to come forward, prove

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