j fih, (oo'm til rt the eWt i 4 viUb, we ke kr ' ' kUuly Msrndrf U rrf ree4ri U dessi e Ihe aUiai . irJUa fsfls e4 ethr w, Horn Tom' ;me Ifff, ad n'ra. U r ltr. frwn Iruit Wtffai tu hire a4 evfya wr "Jlmee o. fw.n, . jtmet r, t"us ! . tv iUf I OrWr f Mfr . Tba haira of CtirtrlM U BaneWn Ae4be ytaetod-aWfloAeJiewe4. rjUM hum ept.w woum T.r the tewi beWw rtrrmd m4 . .. !. ur.l. aVnort tcxifirevti. rumf()fot.pliWI'W"l7'11 ., , I Equity, from evt. ri ctcre., ,bn KU.I . Ifogb efre. U EqV'tr. from Rows, feport carwitd end Arcreed eaolhiry. Tin Governor la the em ef the sie Dank . 1B Twtety whare appte. frm Ruther. feed. Jtdgwent ef the Coert below reverted tad Jirmem fretted, CheHte Mcfoweiri ade. . David Tft jgjjri IWke. Rule for new tnel made William funrl.om w. lbs f ieerors snd Heir it kftf K. rrsrson, In kVjnitj. fw itoo UU pi. . Jofl IUfr kJ Abrr Berry, frm UikoI. . Ju-lrMM ul! H twif tad )aHjwM of npnof Cwrt frtmd He rH4. fit rtrttfott of WilUm 11ini. dt'J. tmn U fXJMl'r. Rill tfiMM'td wittKKit ' cb prt It pay hit drt. U.C. L.' ". UrUT.ik MofTt, Jgflirw 4"th fMptno' Court ftrf d. JUitu-wrl U fir n 4 ift O D- pal fn)r tokrr-'-iyi W K . 10Kiiflf Court rttnL RU for pw ril M! Svihj. from But. Rule fur m tml mal aUoluU. .Jad;trt Eefl. from Buritt. Rule fw t'l d m )d tU H"' rtrr4, 'JtAe llilarifl indmhci Rrt IT o ni Mbtri h Equitj, l HccUcnurf . CX.-1 ; rift crtM. Tht Rtfti 9. Rohrrt H. Mdier ppt. from BdMonbc JuJfucil of Court blow affrmL . gtit . ftamorl Robert, from DuaeumM. JtKfrwent rerewed nd rule (of r truJ Tb Sutf . JrtM Up pjt. ' nt4 mi. Jo4feot rtred od ruU for err IrU! mU borait. , TW Halt . Hry A. Unrford. from IJi . .oJfc-Jdrirorwd inf ew trUl T1 Wit. J Kkr, fro AU. Judf BcattOnMd, I Cot 'DmmhI' O. CmfM, lr from lh Onrra CirUf,' h declined. rdinj M. endi' t OMremor of fond tf tb t- - . ,r4 m t cmadiiaU In oppWoo U Mn f orijrtfc. At Mtl court ourtUI, rrctnt) Held lo Term, rVtrhb, Uettteiuuit Jimer E. Uftre - M dlrmlmd from Km ftmio of tb IL- 8, vVioh imeiic h bee tpprored by th Prf - luieotof lbU. S. - m ' 4 ' '' TU PwfUst cf Ihi:. rWtcd , left WMhintoo city c 1 31 ult. fof MMMcb. ', ""ADDITION ALlBLECTiotf ?BtU8Si f . Davit -lo M. Smith, ert Tboouu Runpton and Aotaloa Willitim commooa i "bare not learned th iite of ttMpoIK' v . JMdt-iAoiwr fraakhn, Koate i;Waiitm I. .Rummer, n4 William rWcomwoM ItaU of tfei mQ i Dr. FrankB 440, Samoil Cn)r, ? Kta. 40 J. for t aet. Btfmmeti Tit, Fall ;;mtUcei 634. Iw Hi ?82, Oaitrrwi. -Lawioe P. Alcxanxler, aenataj "William "McLean, and John Q. Barnhardr, com 1 esona. Aleaamler 331. Get. Khftta, Eeq. 158, i fortevtate.. McLean 563, Bambardt 370. Robt PickeiM, Eaa. 363, J, WUIiama 244. for Con- v areea. Mai. Henrr W. Conner 539, Dr. Samuel Ueiicferaoa 167. ''"' , ' JanAk-Micbael Binehardt, eetiate r Ab?a v ander J. M. Bmard, and Damtl Conrad, com. nona. . Wt have not learned the atate of the poll, - - ' i. - ' M wHter ta tAm fWfftdili t couraing on the aubjeet of aa amendmept of tba Conatitution of tbia atate, takca oeca4on to " mention' that tbe Borongh ef Babbitry eon. 4aina feat than 109 voteaUbJa Ja t witrofeevtA lay ' the least of it i for there ware been aaort ' than 139 vote given m at in election in thit ,'towe. The hex ia, there are frequently more otra given In the eWwf of lariabttry, that in aorae of the ctvnftV in the eaaten part of tie atate.'" ! Stlh-jtmttia Vemi -loth Hih of Junehaa been received at New-Ynrk, 'or ' thirteen ' thoutahd " rnenr onder the iV coAmirtcl otlGeflAltear, ' incj fortified themtelvea at Bejar, .about 40 leegoet from Rio Grande. Their advance guard of 8000 cavali y wat under the command ofGen.; Laralega. ' On th Itt of Jone a detachment of a&out three hundred came within 30 mllei of Rb Grande, and car ried off a large t)umltf of cattle, after which thejr. feM back to tbt mBlw irm. 1 Jnkn Hiianat 433. ' Ju .fik. a 4 k.J ..(.il owl In . i r . l i r .1.. u:ii :. lf.nimn. J "William J. Alenlukr a4 Joaepb Black waod, Th. -v remained firm, and an ad- farmer. rf William White and . commote. . .1 . iJ v.J t.b.. t., u aa taluti. I ....... k ;n I ;nilta Cove, adioininr a (in' !.'. l-'li t f t!, rt rjr, a klB iha IWiihua I rt a i viraiSifctud, by (" 1'rtnllatt ! 14 Ua a'.la 19 Uinf of coll04 f"c lMlt flald. Ibd 04 tD0mtri of Iflf coMn(Jcnct hid Iiiin 1 Buo Affn iroopt Uafcd vill 19 h lohaUtaslt, nd iJ'lrt4 tf wnil ef lorm. Com. lJ'oo kd (nrd, em ii 4ik f Junr.fifr Hrt 0 from) IM Bnf itlliAt oni cf 3 J gonti rvd ib otbtr A !nir from Port PHfwt.flaJiniJ of si. Domir)to) r tht ik Jnt. tift AUxjt d tlnrt conp4r(f dluorrrrdh ibliplarti kih h4 fof bfi-Ca)M U f MmMrtU Df U(rt nnrd4f four cfjkt rinj; teVri vtrt boi and aJI iio Quiet. Tkt Iff! Mt 8fvi4rnU H alairj U I b Norfolk Beacon ibat frr1rr hart barn Jnurd from tbe Var DroarlmtM. Vo'niTotrnariferr''r W1nlndU Rftuadrnn, lo rrndrfrotr. oikHil drlar, Ilk bla hota forrt al Krf WtU. W tarmlafl tbat I K to movent fit bat torn f no naction olio tot arrvntrarKC ld la Kara bra rarantljr mada lo our Coram mrnf by Ibt f pariab Mititr at Watb, atln Com. Portari brlfif par mkteJ to rnikt oh of that a a nruinl port. kit. rlridi. Frm Vaurr Tba Edward Queanrl bHnn Tar CU in h I Alb ult. irxlo. altr, lo H. York, Tba iaiaal acronntt In the papara art anfiroraMc lolhr.Orrrka ho, according in tht AamSurt; Irttrn, had bam bratrn lth t;rtal loaa and In a pitched bat'la oder iba walla of Atkena. Onr a tcctmnlt (rm ibero wart nf Ihl 10 b and fib April tba datat of Lord Cochrane arKlGto. Chore ba'a da paicbca. It would arrm thai another affair look place on lTfa' iflir'ao4tht 'intai1rtrotre,0jj1iof,---il, -Thr eooimrrrt -J" oneti at va infer, from collating aearraJ AawfirrfA.ci, formerly Imported from accOMtttt. on the 3d and 6ib. Jlay. I hr fir it report mada iba retult favorable 10 ibe.Gretkt but tubeqoenl Informitiol faro an oppmiit and mort melanch df view of It. Comlra; hr the way of Aujv bur, howetcr an unfi4endlf aource, wt may hope the ditattrout intcingtnca It Br tht F.'olla of 16th Jonr, received at iht Kew York American office, we find thai Lord Goderich, upon bring left a te cond lime in a minority in the Rritith Uoute of Lordt, cm the cam till, had an nounced hit determination, at we turmit ed be would, to abandon it, on the ground that tht amendment adopted drtroed lit printlpJe. "The Duke nf Wellington 'a amendment waa, it eeemt carried by a raaioriry f tl.ihoet For the Amendment, - I3S Againtl it, 123. --Tbt Auj'n Gateivo nvblkbea two leuera from Trlette of the 23d May, con taining oe wa from Syr a of 1 0h May r at rv melancholy lor . Ibodendi of the Greekt. ".They have no longer room lo doubt that the Grerkt have been bcJ'en under the walla of Athena, and that the Acropotia wa upon the point of aurren dertng. The garrlton mediated the blow ing up ihe fort rett and barfing ibenv aelvea under itt mint. The Sentkler with "hit relnforcernentt fromXonvaotl nepleVhad aurroonded the Greek array, who roat IB -tho ballla 340O iotu-or.a anma air. 3000; among them' tht brave Karaitkaki, Englith, French, and Aut tritn tbipa of war were in alght of Athene hoping to iourpoje In favor of tho gar ritoo. rem eW A Jvicea from Enrtand. to the ttJtlfulUbata'heenreerifed at Kew-Tork, by lt vVaa rCnerallv tupnoted that- Parlia men! would be proro'god on the Slth of June by the King in ptrton. Many veteelt have been taken up at Liverpool to proceed to Ireland there to take In clVra (troops) for Rio ,. A London Alderman la t.ld lo have lately made 50.000 by hit dealing In hnpt. and that he would have made l 00,000, if It bad not been fortheptrverae intermed dlidg of the prett. In the House of Lords, on the 14th of Jane, the royal atsent wta given to Ihe bill dittolving the marriage between Mitt Turner and E. U." Wilefilhtr It waa reported that the Turka and Greekt bad engaged lo u spend hoatilitiea for threw montba aa a preliminary to ne gotiationa for their' independence. This doet not agree with' the newt of a later date received direct from France. ' eao a aaro.rita. .. Count Capo D'htria, the head of the GreckGaternatnC, it b Greek, and Jt bora-a'CCorfttV inio tha aemce of the Emperor of Ruaaia, and tjnder tbjtt government bat filled ma ny important offieetJ Iq the year 1813 he waa ulinitter flenipoientiaiy of the Emperor Alexander, in Switzerland, and afierwarda took part as Pmieian Afnbae tadot, in the Congreta of Vlenjia. In 1815, after tht battle ef Walerloo, he wat the Commieaioner of the allied powera, on tbe part of the Emperor Aiexanderi Ut i-s,fr-' n r ft- !;t, i-.J utfjuantty or4 tf V I UalfttUrii fr cwrflilof iba ift!f tf p art. lit fa'arntd ! b t'a tmparof Attindr lo Raula, an4 w applottd Uinlaiit (i Clitr, Inl Stcrtfary tf Slttti bltb ippclctmiDl kt l&Ui I (bit lima, Iboujb ha bit tact Lt Ibat par Pat raUlg la ZnUutUtit Uart bf ibMMf. Tht CaptrM AJia4tr caoUtrai cm htm many honorary dlatloctioOttU ra ward of hit aarrkt. A IlrtW mora Ua jitr tfO ht Widt i rlilt 19 F ark and ll am ibcn turmlml thai hit ourr h4 coftoa ikn Mb Iht InltrtM of hit batlra country, though iht OWaoalUa otjatt of U a 19 conaori afhpiclaa ratpactlrtr hit nn hrkb. Ifatat Utaly kI out M B Prltrabarrtk.!! bt occtbU (Vt tpooltt mani conferred o blm by H cwp'n merit If ltf iopWftoa bovittteaja ibt aartctlon ol Iht Kiwalao Oottromttl Tht mllijarv affilrtofOrraet aptr lo bt ht t aattaiaClory lraU Jaaf II M. It ibt rrtoch Cbambart, M. tHipoal lately roortd for Ibt appolntrntni l a ramW'rr a X'utHom, bot cfuty It aboutd bo to it Ibt e 19 at) Iht) iallt hoodi itttftd from ibt Am-' Thl chief itirTiCfllry flryd ittnit tht trtotian ai tha impotibiU:y of flndlng a Conmittat who oould oodargo iht labor of ibf oftct. fihrrKkmr- e WtUtUcf W learn by tba thin Kev Terk, that Ihk Udv. (lata Mitt Caloo of Baltimore.) left Dub tin iht Utter tod of April for Loodoo ohert tht tltn remiinaj end refxtl lift, . . a word with tamt libit- cacb other, nor til al ibt -It bet been remarkedi R ibo Drititb Iloute of Comtacot, at ao citrtonllnera . tnj:. k, countnirt now made in Er.gland aod ciponed to India.' Tbit it Karcely to eitreordlnirf at tht fact, Ihet lt iKa wKl a ri too rood t Corttum in Ihe United Statea, a few f tare ago, were im ported from Indie, and that -ear wt man uf.uri and ..port tht urn. hind of ll9Contara tbJacouoUyt, ii, j . ,..T .w t.v.f.k.' A, ivmii to nVlnrk. on the nient ol the , , ... I ! 25th ultimo, eoout bouaa ol 31 r.. Stephen , iRocert, 13 roilet tooth wett of Ihlt city,; I ... . a t . a. I . I wat atrock by lightning, and, who lit coo tentt, entirely eontumed bf &r. , . r l f nJLJmnA On Ihe 7ih of Juno Gen. Dermri and Sit Aid, Capl. omaia, were robbed about for AlX mooltit prtriotil loser oepenurt, , iki forth lranap-ia. aha and tho ilarqult had OOt aiibanKrd:liwi tg ,,rod4e that may bt entrtetrd la 37 milet irom ew Urleaim W au ineir!L uia Tb-aaTod4. ?" haeiraa-e. Including a f elite, oonlaining bla i Mrut9. 1877. rvr aw - - ' , fi papcra, plana, t herte, a raewemoiaeenca ol the rJorida tanai.RC. Joey were, now. CTC, rtlUTnu vkbiw a .... . . . . . XT r i and Brougnt ia .m vnaane '.MTi. Tt.,1l..vf Manhetr.fEnpiind k.. ..l..V.n tn ..im from Ll.ernooliemilh-wret of tba CouH-Houae. in the Iowa of :"", " ,.: O nuncprn. a C.t.anc. o, in one IIOO, oo me vi -"'Jt "iiwum ; lbeatliT.riceofdthtrcwkaor Wadderv' He it. without ttopplng, lo barteke of re freihmentt, that are to be handed him from a boat ; he It RotJ? to?c1Di..,?0,ti or any other thing thinj idm may render w . , hlmr eulatance- Bert to a large amount aglntt Ml performing toe iuk ere peno j ing" . The latt Jtecon (Georgia) Telegrtph, after atating the very flattering proapecta of ihe planter a few week! aince, aayt " The tcene it now changed. From al most every part of the ttate, we hear ihe mott melancholy account! of the eiten ; John Serrnnt Minittef toTaeuhaya, and li'UUam B. Rrrd, hit. private aecreta ry, arriyed at Philadelphia on Friday, in the brig Eliza, Ctpt. Meircken, jn 39 day t from Vera Cruz, Theyvwere Janded at the Lazaretto, at half past ten o'clock, A. M. under a aalute of 1 3 guns. Aaaiana ymo 30A ufl. ,J31.-Tt.r Terfr; thii port, hea been, from the Slat to tbe 28th- u 110m.. Virginia, iu.Dicai norm v.- ..a . - olff 1irrreoTtvtbw articrr n tequert. Sales of the week amount to 4000 j bales, at prices prevlouilycurrentmy Uplands 1 . t IWf I " Tennessee aii curomon Orleans. 10 to 10 eta. The busineM has been chiefly in Uplands ind Alabama, at 10 to 10 cents, aad common Orleans at.iuf cents, 1 fr 'export: For home comaumption, aome fine Uplands, AUbemae, and Orletne, have been taken at 11 tt 13 ttnnw Liverftol advice to June 13th, received per the ship America, show extensive tales in thst markett j:eady.tatee tj(ihimtr!i vS' continue mtf former quoUtbna, V. S. Bank Stock, at the above date,-120 If. York City Bank Stock, 123 j Phehii da. 132. fafetteviUe, Juguit 3AplerattyriSld: 50 1 Peach do. 60 to 75 Bacon, 8 A 8j , Bag ging. 20 to 25 1 Coffeel J a tt, V CI on, o au to 9 00 1 Corn, 70 a 70 i Boor4 a4li Iron, J 50 to 6 50t Molasses 34 to 36, Sugar. 8 to 10 1 Salt, 75 to 80 , Whiskey, 37fr a 40 j Wheat new75a00pr bmhel. Odtetwr. Cotton ia eeltiftg tbia morning at from g8 50 too, ; . f , .. , . ' , Jtumu urn au. Ihe utter protirauon . or, nropc,, " 1Mwe.,u H C 4 I '! tlr.r k Ub il a 4J, Iwtll ud i tt't It la 19 1 t"v ' 1 , s,l4.;i aJl bUk p rt afU ftrts 9 till la If la I. , r.iUnr a II jxr Mat oeam.i m rrta. U. IU. N 111 ataMC CWfU 4.(icf4 DaAe) I It l. par aaai. tataj. a il Hbahet, 37 AMi aaj fl a U l4r,t a 0 Wat. H to fel paarR brv-Jy l to Tt i afik tU M la Cil banm 7 la ft baafllaf. ..U iU arfya-lbalb but ir Ih. Rf. Mr. Rrck, Mr, Ckorja V. tano to tfa tvaa-o TITTT1 r lo rUf cMNVtr. ao Iba 0!b loaf; MH. Lmi . . ' . I . . r-.. I..L. II.. .1 WtUiva,UikarJb frarUUr ae. . . . -. 1M - t. .4.-. taa af bit era. Ma Annfe.,-, CWtk af It fmumlm fjmri tribal CM). Ue Maa, C-artif(, tba ?ihalt. Mra, raxlr llaakt. Ua f fraivrU I. Ilafi. Caq trf HillaUron ia IbUiutr. XOTlCf. 1 he aabarriWra barf 'fnt,X i formed a C4miw for tba irumtif irkiltiatt GrKtru and Commiuin i BUM S MS. woiill rtefeif-lrr aIWt a ahaea of puLSe rmtfoaipt. MeraaUtb4Braaaryarrajr. mrti'i for tht batiar aowliKtif -a a i mmmw But I bf prapfUirdflh food Pare r- ... . . -J rnrTnV) tuh. an. wr ma urw -" - tK,lr r . arilh a oled' ibat io oaAt ai Unlioa on ther pan in Iba feeilir a ail Commiiaiea Bua.ilby aha? balar! K Xhrt int thrthe with the h"ta r""1C rrry rrnartl aairfm. Tbi Were llwrert irnt1fyr'f)miAkmtmMim j HWe. ja here, ahipped eai, ef are nna' rrr lor ir rrrfnm . reo..re I hey bae" itAW an hand Hr rf ffy 4r1itU m brif lnft hlfh Hj aaorlaent of i , .wi .t;w4i Wv Aaiter iteav aelvea ther ill be ei hled ta rn"er c aa ftd term.-a. any Xi'AlXVrTCiH !,0UT?Jt ""Vm faa it7r' m Hoime and I)t in Haliiburr. .... 'r.. Iini , be eipoel to pllt eie.o me nm Ty . A (l, K iwa.Uyr ,,,, ,,mor Roam ciny ih.h) ibe ... m m. a. ,r,,ibly aiiuateU llwiKa. wi w Ihey aland. main etreet oppoaile Mr. klaub. . . ii,-. iJ rBtrHainmeni. in iba town Kal'wburv, laie the properly of 1b aa Todd, dee'd. A liberal credit will bt aimaea we " ,. .u- IMk ,n j JJ Wfo4,t Tat r lkt. beim of Coach .Maklnjr. T . v '. Ktrt thanki . . tn hia friendi and the puWte ie g-eraf C it. ntrrat eneoumrrment ha baa rreetreo. ' -. i,.nerteJairwaiieItrlaire"SiOJ .i M. oUt atarxL on Main etreal, a few doora umte. N.C. .r4alaoaJlWrA-eAhr, . ,J,lition of Tna-ar, ami Han,, aw j, preped 1 flnieh wort complete al - kr hw work to bt A, mrXL and in the neateet end moe IMtlon. .kt. mI nnt to ha anroaaeed in eny part of ,lw uirounriflf' country. JtErJttltt.SV, of every leaerplkri, io tba above line, ill be done on lb aborteat notice t0JC linCf Will ay J i tte owett pn,. MAimycrmrtRr- Unnlntm, rwj Z4, 1827. 3t77 of Iiftius for Twtf s. THKRK will be eold, al tba Court-lloufe in m irx cm ihe fourth Mofxlar in Sep- fpmSer neat, the following Iracta or parcelt of Land, or ao much thereof aa will mtiahy U urn tric, 0f 125 ecree, on the watere of Wk.of j... .k.r.nf. tor me veara ioj ana iou. n 4M aaanin ana .sevft-s..-??.. nnoeed, in the Prrmeniee Taylor, tract of Ul Imac T. Avery, called Bakert W I FieU. AAM'L. McD. TATE, .SAeT. , 31r, 1827. fe80 s'oWct. fwTAS taken np and committed lo the jail of ff Rutherford county, on tna iym w t..i nro man who aava hie name ia If CAT 1.. :. ,k.., "ft veaet of are. five feet 7 or S inchei hijfh, strong built, blnck comi)leaion, full-aet whiakert, and stutters conaidcrabW in t- - , HVI ne be onra to taa-ia. to con0 futiia prova hii propert). ch,reevand take him awayror He wii .oe 7 fl. ti " J ftnt o"n8, -VittTAttA 7 .. -V. ..u. , TW h wish in mircnaae a uuamj v ... delivered in tbn piece, any me .cr tbe 1st of Angus'. I will give 40 eene per bushel for the grain, that te well easaneai ano lb. higher price for lgjj., CHOOLfc-ftatitb.J-lf 131. 1827. 4rtT5 ,,,,...-. .GOLttUNDLVjai"; Talent liiritpf i I r r JtWlLKT, Ur.v - HUNTINGTON k WTNNF. bate just , re terved 4rom FhimdelphlA and Ne wrYork. an elegant aewrtment of the above articles Also a rood assortment of Military CaaoV. All of wbich m and will Ve told on tbe mt rt. aonable terme. . . They have a fresh supply of materials, am! ere wH prepared to 7p ', fcc. A" orders ahall meet with prompt attention. &W7, .Way 14, 1827. 63 ''f' ' '12 ! v ! tt i j .rT, I m iffm M an t.aaa 4mI La at m. 1. rraaawi. ntm ta ei aaiftaiary aa lr aao ho hrawgM rVm .WWeist ae a 7 eWt thy to tbia place. 1hea olahtaf it turpi iWweareea. cat 44 aa by aaakf ap yb taJta tt tbt oWrrd. faiaVo. M. ISO, 1177. H R. ttUL ft miS by Ibt tMUrrtbar. rr aUf OU (af far, cckiil. anu) w.vstfA). nmTIf.rini k HVKIRbbarmetha9 I rMiUtM rran iny 4 CWfor obieb ibey will the big-Wet price it eab, M oa Itaey al lbtr a4earaik'a aboa M Uhvj. RCiMrecrrmf ajaptoiaf.M be. obWh tbry ofTer for eale, aholt tela d rti A 'rrme enaa dai.xf I (ha liana. Arraaft earote Uirf r.ade at the Kenh,rhef will be caottanllj rrcrMef al artklat ba tht If kit, 4 tba laitel In.partaiUte. K. WH.LCT, barlaf deroted fifteeo reare 19 tha rf fif, ffattete hMMetf that bt el..ll be nabWtl.h pJ etrW peranwaJ tt leWMM la M.e .Iptkrfy a ad patow Ur'y a tba clierweal d expound prtper Ikmm, to please all IW b eay Wi la fmr thaae. Cetry rhyilctaM, 1ertUirt b atbaf iIjvmuX ere reaj'crfunf Iweiud la call a4 Mpphr therpaeh-ea i te, br aeadrff 'heir eetlave, they thatl be fahhfally aWR rihaaby paf aooal nibatln. Oi . Aa4try. Aae in, KT. ftORT of pleat el onartcr araoM, Jul J aeaeioM.tt?7i Jaaaee llaaaal B"d etbera. t. Ileary IkllrVi ad Wetrafora and otherai pe i.'mmi fue 4 nam ire enart aa nm wwmw w fiMr Ar. Arr'A. It Meeriak- It lhw emr, Ibat ZacharUb Rtdler. eaw ff Ibt drfrnd ante, le not aa iwhabhaal ef tbia atata, R ia ibere fW nlaaaby aWt, thai ootiea bt r. Vr pibbeaiiot ail weeke W Ibt WfaTero CafajtVv-.wt (Man, reoirir rbt aWI facbarUh adWr lo ap pear tt tne oen wmmj w ffrw MBMe mm la ha bald fur Bw coottr. at ourt Wmi-, j, iimm. tba fourth bfob. ilay alee tbt ionrjh ia arptemoer aro. loeji and tbefe ta aeer nr demur to tba e4 p tint, other ier It be Uke tea reaeeae, aad tdjutlftd accordipslr. . Wrtweaa, T. McBta. Clch of the aakd c.iurl.ei LUccmUn, Ibt 94 MoeUy ia July, BI7. ' . (90 VARDRT UtVt.r, r.r. Alae a 'enA-f 'mrUmm. iaealt eaa-Wy fiOURT of pleat and quarter aemwwa. July 1 eesaion. I.7t Tbowme llamw and Oth otbera. by their giard.aa EH Moyle, a. SaaMtcl A. MrKriHie and wife. Bom Howe aad wife, and John friddel ad wife ll apoearma; It ihe court thai the defrndanta, Samuel A bk Kemie and wife, Homon Stowa and wife, awd John rr'Kldel and ubV,ara M inbab.taaHatf tbia ataie. it iatbeirf re ordered by court, tbat notice he riven be public mo ait weeke in tbe Weatem farolinkn, requirmg lU eaid SamUll A. MtKeneie and wnV, aalow-m ttewa and vA, and John Friddel and wife, to appear at tbe tett ennnty tourt at pleae and qbartrf arawoirt, tobebeHfora-idetunty.at tbe etmrtJwita U Lhcnlnton. on the Wib Mamday atar tbo fourth m" ieptefcbef belt, tben and rhtre -to antver .i demur ta iba mid peww, atbarwwo rt will be taken yrt fmft. and afldfad at wlirrr. H'ttnem.Y. McBee. CWrk of aa4 court, at IJncolnton. iba 3d Monday ia July, 1827. - IM YARDRT McBEE,-- L 5fflfe tf AanW araent, Vi ttnuw r COURT of pWu and quarter aeasions, rqnr araainni'11271 Jnhe M.-Mott, te. Henfy Hides t Original attachment, levied on three at groea, via 1 Mihne, Sarah, and Sam. It appear, ing to tha mtitmctioo of the court, that, llene . f.kles, the defendant, ia not an inhabitant r atale. It la tbeirfiae ordered by eanrii lhat be appear al tha neat county court of plena and quarter aeasiona, to be held for Lineotn emwty, at the eourt-houa in Lincoln ion, on tho fourth tinfuii ftr fourth in SeDtemberneit.repltvr and plead to iwue. or hidgrmenl by defauh wUl bt cnterril up epinst bim. Ordered, tbat pnb lication hereof be madt ail weeke euceesMvely in tbe Weetem CaroBnian. Witneas, T. Mao Bee. Clerk of-the aatd court, at lineomton, the Sin a A'ersA-CaraJfna. Jincaln cenaff I . (OURT of pleas and quarter eeaaions, J4y J aestion, 18271 Joseph Gtadeikv. Henry flnlea : Original attachment, levied on a wagon au) a atilL It appearing te Iba mUafaction of the eoort, that Henrv Sides, the defendant, ia not an Inhabitant of this state, it ia therefore or. dered by court, that he, appear at tha next county court of pleat and quarter atanona to bo held for Lincoln county, at tba court-house tn Lineolnton, on tho fourth Mondsy after tho frmrth in September neat, replevv and plead to ueue, or judgment by default will be entered up againat him. Ordered, that publication Iwpeof be piade a! trr eekt aueceasivtly4n-4bo-Weatern Caroliiiian; -Witneas, -YJ... IkBee. Clerk of the eaid court, at Lincolnton, the 34 Mondav in July, 1827. ' t80 VAWDUt McBET, e. c Tmiff-ffmM. nrsnnt,-Jiireafts eamVf -, COURT of pleas and quarter lessiena, July sesaion. 1827 1 las Krwln, te. Nathan M. Hojle -. Original attachment, levied 00 lertd, and summoned ruirrel "Weill and others, garm. ahe; It appearing to tha mtisfactlon of tba . court, that Nathan M. lloyle,tbe defendsnf, is nbt an inhsbittrrHif this aute, it Is therefore ordered by court, that notice be given by rubli. cation six weeks roecewively in the - Western Carolinian, requiring tha eaid Nathan to appear, rtthw-etnjiity.eosirtof, rr be held for eaidoty at the cottttrflojse m i - UttcolnfoiT, on; ht tourtlt. Monday, after ftt' fouiih In PepierrfcrtiextVtrplevT' and plead to isaue, or j.ulgment by default will be tntered p agsln bim. Witetis V. McBee,Clerk of .id court, at office, the 34 Monrlsv In July, ' 1827. 180 VARDRT McBEC, e. c. VWoak Bank BonAs, DRAWN after the form recently adopted by the State Bank, for tale at Ihe office of tho Western Carolinian.'5 ufo, 1837. -'jr-- ci r. -.'..