ml .m V A 1 ai iiury.n.ia yim9 i-wi. Vta cWaia.1 aa fiay,1,f t ' fl tU wt e t tedaU, II 8Vb - -t fe. - - " mm atkl battb. J af taUrf . M tb WtfVfe ed M In b I Jf s abb I k.A4.n i mim luirry m4 !? y.l7f br. . 4 c ctvf i b: vrft : ' ' '--- U HWL MM fttk Wt dM(i idva r4i sM al mf ak art totUad U 13 84 ami re faf Mt(nn. i aw Mi raw JW M. f. -"PJjj"-- BtCTO WreUd apoe wimn try. - Wn'l bbaUsef Or! Ok. wfototog af Jsme I Uf. Adam afJbe.atd -tber. bttwoet Thrt k to all, I0 aorta f iW, food ymniom 3 wVWh b l M U! U lU ctoaty. K n paw tw i r4 bad with a M&ckirf ra aUeot tatadaw grrmmA sWartd. to Mwvtf aS purport mm a vl- SOMtitr ctMfl TV sad b MtiU W Uifr, Mi ilH mj PX IH1HT, dlrWW lM tV f MOT MILLS, kmn M r.r r 'U ; '( U i' .-. 1 Vmm4M7 l'(ttw fji4f. AftMl WICHAU. SMOfrf imtmtprj. XJ00T DWDIXQ. rpac bHWf titpifvpr yum e cm. ar w vvi y ortpi r mmf. -- mmmi mi trAar, Ttf nrf M M M f 'phl M. IrW I tM(, fiitifWOf Wtdrl !. TWMU JOHN I!, DC CAITflET. Jffl Itik, WT. CO 1 ww. wa T 1 - , - . to M 1IMML vta M 9w : "i 7. VtAueAt UteA TQl mUn t- if- !T " ink at Ytiila riv. iIoUi tlM kndi of t4nd br ! vW r MMratt4 wrtk k Ubi jjr to mm tlM rktri 40r JOMmvf tt8 vkfck ttMBtt tropti 90 KM k fiwtor Hi crop i TW b tin Cm. FtOli (M tbtWt liabto to CMMfd. C to, tv r7 MO tUS, m W tW UUf i mr immJ lii r!tJ tU4 foot, kowt Lb nrfr ymX, 'temdmii k rofx. TV W UmIi 10 r II yn rmtW lkkr Umji U(Wri toMh to fowl , ibo4 Mr uw kr lailt A mm w to) alH ktov ttlrwaw Cto,b wwytctotf to Ito) &k Dm m bmmUc ai Ik MM tln ia ftorH miftta ttoMtl aVtfa ttodM kirk Wm4 acrna ttoj far44, M kb Cat Upm lawirdi tk dtto, wkfc wj Im aaowk. rwlter W Mrrt.1, aaiaaMl aiAAC4 and 4wtoak Waa-t tuA to aMaawd. al b iba. af ia-cJtf tlM ttolca ft, fund of mMag; totf mi Wa b a araat k, loatoi Mm mm cleti eeatr wkb a black valval aflan gny paMaloooa, black bat, vita tow UaVa4 and broad bnau A arv nWrtl rmH U1 b fivt fur to appcrbta to) a4 lnaMM ia any jail, ar daamiar kia I a M CofcoaiL ft. C. Alaa. a bbanJ nwwi bok or Mbf af lb Hnrac. Aaj Ufcirlliia attract (a ib poal-i.flW to (iu ptoea, will b tWifvJJr recaWcd. J NO. E. MA HAM. . Caw4 A. C. M U Ittf. 3i7i EJitara of awapnr'afratt4 to aaal to datoctk a ham4bit br iMMiclwr tb W. J. K. M. 'if;; ' .i . . t ' iMtlUlif, Tf 1 ( 0 a-" '- 1 1 a.ia at n frrr CjbVUta aoUavMkaal4 IV va4a tv a'a b aatiba baaj, A4 Iba viaj ra iatk art, rTvta l9 A4 ltobdayajta UaiaM VWaaf Ma, , CW4 bm kpa1 1 n ta a kJ'm ibM 4aib Vtr grtil, te j ret rtx-k (til ia ti- ttsu 19 u.t lavo;loa of tLt wtr Ola, The r.icKInti tiart Uta trt.nouBird rkci i ill ibclf pari &omt tcttoa ci txca rrcc ktrt, I&4 I tttv lira tht aatch! tc 'J, J rati Dtihtl. J una I rcBt , p jura, J dciCOBI M, Lcrrnoo fcf lict.S. f,tS. ft.. l,t1J 5reury, 1 enail mcrtlnf U falurf la to L ktU m i. I... pprtl-rljt Cotto conn eyt lo MJj,r j, jj,y Commuakitt fjj Ltilg bunch. U U umt niearr g4bWl 6hx4 ntmtKtf dOO a V cUt.wd fc; Mod, ! it M coamlttf wu tfluttd, to coa! ThtBltlcu MrchacU, ho is. ,b Euum DixtM, laj ef ,!,;.. . rtid tto, H b4 it it iub4 Aftout bUW for Ch .ioceM of Vermooi. Irtatrit Aboul two jttrt lUct , hi ift Uhid fttUtui t)w, ibd Xabu&trrnet..J.TU tufa dud iaitf Mil Ufoct iKrr CWtr. I tb MnKodlu Epto! V19, Jl't f K"i " KChtfrtll lloMd I IKttfu MaaWa! U; wlkHbthiDOobrUtrd a-4 PoHl; iK lOik JoiUfikl fter lb iiricteit KTttdt;, 1 lit bo UUiUg truld4. Tea prAtb4 huh wbtrrcr btWw , V(,4 rtctiVtd on tHal cbiuac la Nfw.Tofk ta rtmott a.4 t m.m.C 'v .AarO-.ctoauftUrpiktoaatM, Wk KoUKI from OOf ptAt tO lOotk. MemUrt U KXlttT. 1J, lac badb cm, 4ra4brbtofrfv cr A few (Iri lUf. OM vai re- ..aa 1 .f fU. " pra At U boiiaett; tbrtc iurU. tVtJblff.-iTfct l!of of E Mhi tod iaciiuriDg fortjIi fill hu afowed ktmwlf e?poMd L AUU.tUtarUa bUacb lb cb!. , Ad ct rti Y4 lb brl Fatiaai ti i MHto bawr WHb trai,ra bpa al AaWg toy . , ; Ito4 lbf abb btMtf btoaai I .. tob Oto t pc ti ftnto , ftowWbwa vart, aal to4 otoa toaat. ' l' HaUrl,tobtab. . Tfc. T iCA CJUMMUL aWaaVtaMllbaUanMclMAww frwrt aiol aa4bf taif T Al Ury toab'd, a4 iraofiaf aj tba akf , iraaaA Iwidt TVat talM gtoaai lb fU arttraa b, ua aMq arnA avrarttd at paaw. lUr aalaat ttoli btoaviag rv af atoVt, latoa babad,kba7at1ataUaf lar AM all ta ravftr la kal nuttoal fU Tbaba-brf alabtayaj-aVtaalafcar, rbfdaa lb lar.abarcifa;bal dtr Ma, PatM)VfMwttofc Ippraattoaf yy! Wbf vta tor ckato iwabiaa 1 lb Want rrouad A rt:b ta bJd a 1 tk toaWd, at Aataac. A nab ntnm-tmrl ItairflM la tk . TV Vttt d.irit a.aad lb amatato top LmU aaaMtAjlVOTManbBtobtobMaRi a tbtok law atadi " tb ftondatto, waat norwa4 tttf 4 wbal toWMat fmkt. I dtr p. ... j CitkolitaaaclpaiioeitaadHUbtWj lACtttrtd 00 that the caihlie cautf hu not rtia aa (Kitsatvc acait ai ueonin. 01111. ! iv a. k iK i.i. .v.... . - ' V f -V wmm9 VJJ1 V DJIOjt. Itrr: Sir Fra!a Rnrl. .L t. . rn1atipo f Diltimoft tllaia.ia f r..:,. t "tfttLTltti rmancipaUoa ! c.rri 'dTwia THC USEFUL AKT8. " " tmm waa auM no. Tb cceda about t000dolhra fxraoxum. diiiett ia EaHaad rota neT Nw York city eoetataa If 5,000 la. babitaaUf and tha wboU cl&coaa 0 t . . poortaublubYMniaraEWW. J i 1U'Cr?'-K ? 'T AaraiacopalThoIoric.lSmtaar7 J W? ?y,C , a if prtZrd io U .aUi.btd 1. AI. JjJ " 5j fret to aad floloar.' Thabuln taa readier drtk ia b tbt ceatre. facio I a " . mmmmt m. Bl laadria, Diitrlct of Columbia. SabU Wrtlf F-ES? ftb. public Kboola of Boatno W jT i J? lNi 1 era, ioi . KtUa Ua. lhaa on. dollar for .A. fictioa p. ia ibia SuiA 1 U bka tW1 i...a .lrt'0f Ii p.teai. Wt tblak U laMlo-a lolubiunlcf lowo' m oMiai laproraaaeau Itoe racl , to m.MMaU..r.i .t 1 cbaniirn 1 al.tJ. aw a K.-r ncrrtut y retvaivn. tat loau. - -, nrl thr Mart r- 6"uulIO..!.. .L.. .1. t.t. ir auica van uia Krpiutioi eW. lartr4totoM(tbj tract, baaotaar MHitM buairvd aad ftAr acre. " AaoOuw Bttf btwj 6rndaia toawdrad Strri, Mnf aw wetk aida tba feat Fani fvad, 4 Awa aaJwCwrf. aut aaor tba tHlrty aer al wmeat to MMtattoa 1 1 ww ibtoj of tbl tract baa wa4 pb4 ataayia tb iWdbt:t1tortbaW a brr pwttoa f Wtiiip bad a tb baat luad. ftiTlr lof pttt W Tln. TbtT. b aw.tVa prmar a mw awd iotrtobto iwrfHbnwaa, aarty fobbed, with bS th aiMwmry aol-booMa, all aewj k baiao fmaadadwltba(pitblc, aocbl aciciboon. H tb aiabwarVad f tbia, b a tract of aandrtd a4 umv f tocbe b'tfb. bbek. tail ha bfei to Jab a oraaia, or wuixi coontr, Oavrpai rrink, 71 Jtwt cad, toot 9 af 10 tocba biCb, dark ipfcfMM, aart b baloof to Cbarb Aatltb. of Ofialborpo county, Georgia 1 Job, 30 year old, $ fret 0 or 7 inebe birb, rafto aaaapb. uuchrreloixd ta aatia to bicb aiiver bITa were btuched; vai carried arooad rrr atcarw Z aV. a RcP tht Aatericao Educattoo V7 crimaoa tcitci. a pmtt rer accetaarr ia rnndiac ..f fT . , .iKi iK u-b f tU, a-ktvuii.i 0 t m OJBJ BO a irea onto thu day, vara rtid the veil la ram their -1 OriT!! !yrt2K MeaaraVMdreaofth. , Ur publication, Tba Dlion of the tow at; k ttotonp to ftanutl CVtrry, of fra. oirioa, woota Vwo&m. Tb ewacra ar ra. Qucatc i "I com fcroard, bra proptft, pt ctkarrtaj aad takotbtot away. ---- ' JOHM HtCVlRl, Jeik. " JUvjixti, X. C. tow !, 1837. U CommUttA to JtvU Aftr proa eblrw of tfrbg kod h 1 ff Witkm Ihb eimoty, wii do wofl to apply tao k. ywm wm arriber.ataa varJydar. TlMyawwtowiaUaobAfat T aiatinf of twa aolid piecea of tar atone proper for friodiaff ffrala. each of inen nouqmta out irorn oa exti ty to tba other ia a Conical fonn furrowed froaa to4o boetofl), diaoo. auy au roaod. locae two aolid pie a a era arc taen A London Diner retea that tbt lord The Epicurean, a rait from tht pen I chancellor receives E60VXX) per an. oB- the for the artnv 21.000 a fort irn aad ttAna. It ia hinted io the beat bforaed aeemarfea S 5,000 Kh t lord.airb . . ., 1 nc cpKwtu, 1 iron ui pm cnanccuor reccivca oowl peri tl TkonaM Moore, Eaq.'the poet, b oarnj attorney ftneril 44,000 j at aotMbificcdt being UitW.toodoo tLPhl maater of preaa. J roBa 31,000 eornmaodtT ia'cMel aaadataartotbo eta lockc wr -tv. t m. a 1 - 1 aiuxvDicxuuiivPif;: BY virtu of a deed of trait, taecoW by Tbow 8ohwa, for tb purooiaa tVartla awociocd, wiO bo oapoaad to public tab, at tb booae of laid ItatoMM. to tbt tow of-SaJiab7, a rVatwJayand Friday, tb S3d and 24tb day af Aaftnt tost, fa acinf ia th k of Rova Coantjr Coort) aato to b poKponcd fraea diy ta day a wy b feoad waceaaary, a brr eoontr, o tb SQtfaj of May. 183T. a bmjiwbo aari bniuuM M 8ANUT r or H incbea birb. about Si vran old. rrrr bbek. tcrik, aukk. bu last nf am apprr rrom tctta ratltar mi tb left dde. boib aata crapped, and Blaaaauiilancajtcr diftrict, Soutb Carolina, wbw yrchaw-d tm m tira fowtr-vart-of bii toto, and tbat b IcA bia otaatcr blow Char- tott. Tb owner b deairtd to come and pror Property, pay chart, and lake th neero away. ClUBLCt FHtXPS, JaUr. Jluj 311, J 87. 6) put torrtatr, and I or in :f,.,v ,.t- t- f Am..! " 1 'r . ik.m...M U,.M...IJ . T 1 .v.v- w.m vtire 1 umirai, is a tier lit low oorsc, ua nrK the etrttoBe. beiag doveikd toeth.. .k- ...1 TrK f k i-l t .1.-.- L- twvn4 MMKii .l,k l.. j -- . wu i.uiaiitvucr v uio ircoanry a r . ,w (imi lorn -JSlwi .f,TiDE up to Iieuteaant of Ireland; M,O0O j lord project of tranatauog . tbt docuroenti chancellor b Ireland WX00". 7 - f L f: . ..... - T.:. coDsomini; uoiomoua, asa ia bow eo I rz. tommjUXmrtk. CmrmMno, fctdktrfrrd raoarjr 1 Cjaaatiiy af Tskmik AmUU ceaaanr. a hrr I nrtAMna . .. . rUJpiTUMZ f5 Lwb MeHaa . CyntWa McHant Petition srawrvrair tiw'jr th -tbfion of aarr pur q nrntrawmrav r liWtMAI i.-vLira-'aVi,.A. tory lor a Bbuae of TWirvai.. w rn nbttbb COPPtR BOILIM, tattabb t Browmf, aa. which will hold 130 pllono. Vba, a .Vm JUaa, very wacful al 1 Bidrr. be A credit of ail aad twarr Mmtba wlQ b fivwa, trarcbaa n fWtog bond aad eeoority. Aba will bt Bold tr rooted, tb ftooao i Civmbe, tb toiidewaa af ta bt barnabat rldon ded aa Main ttreet, adjoining tb JaiL liberal term will b uteoded to tb purchaier. - 1 THOS. L. COWAN, ItTd JACOB KBIDCR, Jul,U,liT. TalOMAt MULL. . DstoiUon, " nptnS CtpmmmUp Vtretofor etiatina; at M. aaockivuM omur tna arm. or Cowan a b not m inhabitant af ibu Suto, it b thtrclbre ordered by eourt, that publication bo made three montba in tb Western Carolinian, fiviaj notioe o nc oaienaant, inat aa appear at toe eat Superior Court of Law to bo bald for Rutherford oounfr, ai tb court 4iouaa to Bath. crfoHton, on tba id Monday after tb atk Von. aay or aeptember next, then and thera to an. rwer, plead or demur to aaid petition, otherwb fa !tl L. I - a ' a. k wiu dc uxen pro conieno, and adjudjred ao oordinrty. Witoew, James , Morria, clerk of mm court, at office, the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday of March, A. D. 1827, and in the 51st year ot tn independence of the United States. JmtV JAMES MORRIS, Ctlt. IfcJteeh. Was diaiolred. by mutual consent, aa Slmlnf tftrih farthna. etuat 1 tbS8tb af Jan bat "fja persona Indebted to j CUFfcBI0R Cwrt cfUw, April term. lBSTi tba Irm art requested ta call and aettto their ET SBOr u. William Snow 1 Petition for teDctlr beJancet. eitber br cash or not, whb oirorce. ' . . V .. . : It aDDearinr tn tha etmr. K.t i.n Tboma McWaclywhaJt-iullTtboriKdfl IfP0" bsued to th defendant andr. aetrja th ame. And rrant diacbarroa, THOMAS L. COWAN. SultM, IKT. THOMAS McNECLY. Turae(rhorround,arid prochmatlon having been uiauc accorainrio aci 01 sstembly 1 it is ordered by the court that publication be made in the Greensboro' Patriot and Western Carolinian for aad th, W" "J wwa mint KvncdT, in OlOUB. u . . ' tine, Witt, ia future, bt eootinue! by fcimself, tSLrJf !!St m ? $ ?iond,jr ,B , at tba tatne ftand, : frota the eonrM pursued ltt!J2!2 i! heMd MP. In tbt manajrement of that bonnet, which be I - J""'"1 BccoraingTy. - )atter bimMlfbas tiret pretty reneral satb. TWOS. T. ARMSTRONG, CP. . faction, am! b a pledgw to. tbt public of Jib fu- L.n. t . . r . . waiMJw irusium m a conr, ronneq Dy iur vunuavi wi vue iih biucs, ana niv ine the imaHcit end of the"fruitum a oaa at top, -i m mnoer is a aiooa wrought into a eitnilar aolid fruatum of a cone, let Vertically upon an axis of iron at ita base, and with auch other fattening aa nay be aeceaaary to pre terve Hi perpendicularity, and to bear tne motion of toe machinery to which !. ! 1. m an? J ' . a is aucnra 1 01s sou a runner pas of the capstone aa above deacribed : it ta alio furrowed diagonally all round aa the hollow. The mill work and geering attached to this machine, may be in any of the usual formal the adveotagee of the peed a an Aririoal work, which will friiiW Aa.Amei4rtiivelllnt be btertattag to the citiieaa of h I'm Europe, later? visited the duchy of United States. ; 1 Mr. Btnt is about to pobliah a collection of hia fugitive poemi. Thia geotleman ranka aa one of the tint American bards. Hia produc tions hare been exieQaivejvorcjilateHL aad mocb admired. Reiie Caaael: that country from which thoussndaof soldier wert hired by me vruisa gorcrnnicnv IO If 70, W fiebt ageinat tht libertiea of Aanetica. He found the population ao btrdesed and ppreaaed that it teen J "ai if mate them tiak.",. Ileaae ia aa epei eonntrv. destitue .of urlnciirva ' aiwl It ia aaid io Rome, that 1 Rtntleman lnerlirer.i- enhieatad.. . hae dicovered rasments of tba 26th Mr. Ruaaell. in K5. la Rer. and 28th Books of Pliny's Natural many says the Heishu peaiantry tre History which, on account of their chk8y herediury ienaata, who hare l j :u. j l . ' ' : - "im Tf" ,f f TV V' Ti wtiquity, wm prove imporunt one way to do a thing, aad never think of the uiuil frictioaiaavoid le-j. of looibir about fo?.nother.-They iame quantity of work can be done. wnn ieia power than is used in com mon mill. fir Ia rrnmtk Itala taifk an Sm. An xtroc1.U of two fruits one I a,-:-. mnA .n- thai. .t,.aw waa to be annihilated, which would I wb. . m,. . ..j aM.b you be moat willine to aoare. the Or. I. v.:. .."t.j j.I. .v.. a. t ' . s ' . . 1 iuvii iioKicu war uown iue uiui MHtRTJttT yfCW70JVV toge or the Appfelf twomto dirkramokw. dir. A tette rtothe Editoroftb Charlea.l"0larx.liOT - the I v krt-.i. , rMJJt w4-ri,;u- iyu yuuner, ironi a incna in tuaaaaf . tir " I dren surround tbe traveller at every Trine or vrnori . TV. I.r. n.oiA. f.A k.V.nd aaasa ,- eai,vva wwimw" chuactta, dated 24th olu aUtea that a Suii neighbor of bia baa juat completecTa . S " mf w m m JTaVaafjojai stage, . tlir wndactli4ubKTibef feWoniliw of a continarnca of tbat cmravrasvment which laobas heretofof reaebaaa"wlik1l' he Inlti rerpecuully aolicita.TUMAa McNEELT. - To Baulk Bealers. THR underaiMcd haviag beea frequeatlf I out the Hmrts of tab state1rOrdered, that pub. applied to by dealer In the Bank at Ibu j lication bt mad for four weeks ia the Western Stat JViA. CoraW.Awfe jam , 0tMTaf ptet jitrf qttsetrw jiemion. 1827 1 Isuo Martin and others. a. reier waitoa and wire, and others 1 Petition tor partition.- ft appearing to tbt court, that Peter Watson and wife Efleaor, David Martin, Thomas Martin, Jsmn Martin, tod faattr and wir Sarab, defendants in tbb csm, reside with. piace, wnocnoe h i oinance, to accept an I Carolinian, tbat tber be and appear at th nest ST w "w renewmi n uieir oondi court of pleat and quarter aaationa for said nk, baa concluded ta offer bis service, remintv. ta ha bald at ym..i ci. I - r WW, mi M.W WHIW . . . . r m. vmwto H..I aav ir rnn li anawcr mw r.V . fcu"aCT ui I oemur, or tudcmem wui o taken pro coofesao. be rb lowest that arewuaJty mad. 1 aad beard axTparte. rrw rw sani.Juir phixo white. teati j. tSiatctk. 4 ki. :n :.:l.lL!iJ in a . - mm mm mm m. I Ul taWU aJltZn7lS.BMnMl.83 CIll llircna BUIt ' WV" Machine lot CUaninr Sea Ittarul Ctt. Efrcopal Cenvtnhn of MoMtacautetU. millinna nf ri dullara. Th fruimit ton, and that they will be ofiered tor i hta body, says tne Kecorderrraet tia of his wealth was laid br his fa aale io Charteaton, ta all the month of b Boston, June 20. Sermon by Rev. Wrf ia bmog out hia troops to Eog wwuct uci, i nt iouowibw it srivcn l cuaira, a.v wcu. r rcacni. uic uisn. i ir.d. lor that Ameriean arar. aa a description of it I op, 11 presbyters, 4 deacons, 2f tayl , , t he Machine is of a very com-l dclegitea. T Key. U tutler wta U 4s better to go round the airesm pact nature, not easy ta be put out of I chosen Secretary i T. W." Philips, than drown la eroaaino' order, ajwlu capable of hebg worked, paq. J reM Good wt creeps, but bacT ie One -man with -onritmhA cleanae about 200 weight per day. School nembera. A committee rttrT Put bo confidene in dreami either lle, .Cotton passei but once through J tht purpose had expended 3000 on good or bad; the machine, and the seeds drop at. 1 the repairs of Christ ChurcbrCam- rr Leave nothine for onaa azecutori' - ". I !.! J . a ,:. ... I " most cDureiy clear 0i tne vouon. so 1 onagv, a commmee was eiectea to nucn io, mat tne auanuiy mat aanerea oeo permanent vunaa ror mail r . kl . . j?... .v. a Mr n .ha ....I ! kl.l.. lrkk ' A . 1.. I. -J'-fMWMn-w w aiw' pf .T"," licao Farmer acknowledrea a oreientoi a cent. When we take bto view theltions, approvina: the Church Sunday atraaharra frnm .CnurA JmeririL. mCSSUr diflerence between the Quantity cleaos School Union, and appobtina: a com-1 ins- four inches in circumference: aad of edby the present mode, ittd the auan-jmittee torero ... . . . . . . " I . ...... 1 ..;... . m . , ury Djr out ntchiae, the eficct it may J tioa with that hod. . I turiog ta? an iocbu In rJttu mKrtaca i . t a l t ti a li 1 ai -A ol - ma ar or ti or otl b0 E salt on bot Jar 3a TV po On Tfm tar, UIK bar and Ian ma; vpbj Cm Sal! aetl ten . . set. Thy Fet H the

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