, i A 4 1 !,. ii in a.-. 1 ruo ir jr;rr, J SALISBURY, N. CTUKSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1817. VOL. VIII.hm.NO. fl7C, Hill . m n m tr hmi can.- . - ..w . . - Lvu.. t 'i - r r"t - ..... H I " p- .--.pp-p i ,v wm iiiiuMnni m tr . - J . . . i . .. A - j - I iralaal M pn,.pp4ai J a p kA aaa I - - v p- -.- K. a.t.aa. uiTmi t.,ma-it4 tm of l"' iM! lb eda at il .IT..!-..,. -ka mimM. IMN MrrH jMeb Mdlrr. U, A large at J .i lta am'tr I l It lav fxwU, ertawl wrkai w.uomw Hnu km ffri aata-- s w w w mw mm a m w w a -w vv- v w - iuii -iUk UnJMiMW WHirUi MlKfrtf! riOwn( " . a - .11. It-. Ik. V.tWh Mmth(UIMMlMiniMll All Miun imwm wm tnm imwi w 1 w m r - r. , . , . , , . . . - s . .... 0 JW tWr 10 of J tcrtt acDa mm. la, akaail a ba4ra4 m af an W4 la Maa, mo af lcfc U Ua cka'aJ ! bat far ytara 1 10 o. J acrtt icD NOTKK. .Tka tuaacrilMf UUg tttij af lam itaV4 aa4 vm. fcfat.4 a aaa.iuaa tut Ua traaaaotiaf Aaatkfrtrc(,af MfM Ira a in4 l VaaJr mm hw M a(k ixlr U Br.Iif. for vaU tttMf aoficit aWa af piiCa Lf ikWlracI laaa fa4 apUad aaaf la tita Mtfaaan. Mnif wU UM tw taarr an-f' I attfaaHawl tWra i. Ua a larfa aartfaw af rt iimum HMi liMlaf;MlvfattbMl.tHMrofffuaaf eovatnr, prviw m aMPii r- w rtia, 1 HI w wn ina inaww a n w .mi aai.bflW KorMf af CO rrUV aaJa,i. (WgfUbk JtGrr4aaf, af wt; l.'iaUd, Ha ataatial aaJ vtlfauill Jfl lla Iraaaoafta. (J U ataafy aW-KotMa N 1 H k .Ua . .It ftaaatus. ikaj au kal .atrmilni III ' - .Ilk i i ll.t.L. Balar4tlwn.a Aj3Vi.inr. - . . f - . f m mm.,,.m Maanlb CoHaM aaill kal eritaA M atanftt aoii Wrt, ar ibipaU coaataiat, ifl rrtufd. I Hack af .nr vida . isalr Kaa. akkk U " iTT . ".tfrtT S3."'2r B "JS Ca-.-f-illol.att.alW.of '.Mmm tarsi a Mr I loan Umb imU of b.kwor.. . ... ' ' ,w k.u. u ik. ak of Rmu U0RT0KS k HUTTO.V. virtaa af a 4fJ af traat. tlf(t4 b Jama, fa Uaat Bwrwoat. tharrl 1 ianv'..' tt Com j foart) a.la la ba Mar))0ftH from dar ta AIT at !.T fa HWW7i a mrjw r.uiJi -.-i.u rr A ITU ML kiMiti I . m a. a A .at I. M " -at..V .nA T-- Q.. Ury li nou- af fffUiamfrt. Aho, . f. -i Kfa U tolkrt. lU fat- ucuaui buu.u.u wv4i,., jaaWMa CurrEll MOiLEM, auitabla for 1 wf ai 10a puoac. .: -. E- IV I LLC I B Vo. Bftwinf. lie. wWcfc iU wa iw iraiKma. . "! 4 REaa rl'iar ! apaaf. la A Ha, a Vrra faa, mw aaefyl M4r, k. I -I ... kk iK. ftTV. r. a.U aUU. ABO,"1 OK' W nmru, nr rrw wm Krwir. ir n maa hub bu ran. au immiir iiiv laawaa Ami 'mv la tka limfaV I . . ... . , ....v. " " . . . i. K lk. UUffll lermi aiU a f IifiKim m inr prenurr Amacrt, k-taf ? . 'tk 1 H0-. U COW AS, Eaa, of K Meat iaaponauoiia. E. WIUXT, kafinf dffotaJ 8A fft to ak. mtir. mt fktme. flatten biaaelf thai bf 'ahn ba aitabW. b paylaf aUict pammal at. Uaiioa to lha .ipttotfrf BUne, aaa panicv. kHr to tlvo cbewical and compound pre para. . k. a ,1 a aft MM CouAa Making. fcii iri fl ii .... kla aakAa4 A U lit rriiadt' and ta lvUi hi imnl, ' - vmmm ii ap i A ad Urtaf tftfUla t4 at fc la ad Km-L aai Mtfa Mrtet, i wKl fi( nf Ko r -... ta Hk IW LfuUa af rwMri Md hrm4M- I irt, It piaad. U 1hK mtk 4-tUa Im. ava aHup. lit arraai aaal' LI. k I. La a.N .4 la aka. . ...a- .akU. "' i', ri m iPTn pw abla fjU, not to k aarpaawd ia aaf pari af ilii a.iUL,i.f MHMr -it. iii..i u . .... , I, . Uf pir'wiiliiil pnnyji .,..., .. . . aiipw. p, I'll! pip,nMiab pi HP, aWrra all. a Jl kal ilaM iua ik. aj mil. hrfriutA .a. ..a - i . j im ai is. wftai pneaa, uiMitf a t a., n nRiiii v r mi a i tit-, Jmipii, trr. yrr BOOK BINDWQ. THE aubatfibef raopactftiD fetor lW tit. Ueaa af tiWatary, aad Uvt aafouadtaf Boatnr,that kat tataalaWd ifW Jfcadrr la Mid tow, as Mai a ttiaaC a Irar duo aoatn a ik. rLHkal. I kaM kal miH kal ikukful la ralt t tat klad of vart U Wm Ea of traa. Frovn MiakU r af jtara tipcrWact, a tarapa A palil k. Ca. W aaaA.taW af kaal ftkl. I. rt. nriirt aatfefaeil ta ti tkaaa woo fcay fc. raf lua. kA aar uM7ipioaf AaaAar. JMoaa- JUA otado la ordor. af .r aa palttra (WraaatiMl, aa ,ipart oatkw, aad al pnci kick ao ao eaa oofafnaaa at. fUJ Jta " ' - J .;(ka atU:. aal aluui. tal,oa) ft atort avaderatt teraM. Al ordrt rron) dMiaace, brlbrun; attf aod to. IM pat. roaaro af tfea Dabfia ia mat rtAiHr aattdted. f tkair obodatol ieraa. OmkUwrf, AfHt tM, jCT.- 0 Cm. JACKSON n4 Mr. CtAT. Til MHl iirtiuui, ivi rmp mrrmiir IP ai I VP aa w A tafa. 44..a..J k. aa. ta Ml ClHa r 111,1 ki V in, pr w wm . vbm.i IUtiri;i of V)rgIU U Uttlf, .btvMtl . ii xtmtmt mrrftrjtm tn on tot von powif in f in i a idc caip V. II. WATTft. Tfltor. - - r fluHTINtr.1 Ua Ualaeaa h lk tba latolv 1 tamini.il k Mr. Ju-nk BSkaka uil 1; ' Drt.tout 10 iWir (PaaoKjt'Hiii, M Itftft, ft door tooth uf lha Court iioum, ia tb S7t JACOB KR1DKR. mOM.9 MILL. House and Lot in Salisbury. firiLL ba f ipoard to public tale, on (be 21 at IT day of Auri. int. (it being radajr of A"Fiat lrm of noaaa vommy vearo im-ae H . .. .1 mm- I .1. a . l- a. tioaak to t all tooaa oao aaay mma o par. 7 . . ' . ' . T 5 fi nfaklarf, V.rcUu, fc other tipbly oHaated ""-'Vil fl-!.VWt .TL ,Tr of Th,-M Todd. ia fbib-UlpU, the bteat roiAiMi ia rof"Ufiro,d m.rf afffjWfii Or lidf(. lOWi thrrt and the other- Hortbm CUWti ncb ,v:.. ,i . ,.ir.., ...j .... mmtmm ,k ..n M.ku hi. ta .ki. Uaw '"" ' " " -" - ladtf. ruUidtf baiint betrt liftN to mJ. ub 111 !k iwrtfpa.. iiui mmm ilunw I ibt til t fMt U , I0d Btt tCDpl ITUd 10 kt. . I . k k . ... L . . lk.l . . . L. atn. &. 1 ak . . 1 1 . ......to I r.l. lk k. ill.. w p...- v. w rt m a. 1 ... iim "l lav W v aw tta coitirtrr, and on lb krveat paaablo tema fktanpMae rtaatk nakilal MPl J Kaiilkpawl arPa. Cutting out of all kind, af treet doM oa borl notice. Gentlemen deiroatof praearbK la.pjfc..tp aata.1. ain mmm atwa aMalLn. p.fll kal fta. co-iowdatad akli tb frtataot poaiibU cipedi lion. Grateful tor llvt encour.rfm.o4 tit ended la lk aluwi ... ik. AaaaaW U',k.l',. f. faV.H tbe tubaeriber lyjprj rAt'.tina.ncf of tkat cut- t k . . v u IV 4TT1L Mroirfxc,;. ----- i iMiafi rwrr- 1 " wa MUIIIP will.! a -' . that vin M at nuiuiuiij nun f r.. . ooaal apprietlon. , . . ., . 65 .. . - HaHtkmrj, An In, IKJ. " COLD AND 8ILVFR - Tattnt litver AVnUt8,' JBfTtLRT.Ut. nCSTTCGTON fc WYNNE haea re--eiad Irom Pbiladelphi and New-Yoek, an cknnt Mmrtraent of tba aboe -rtK-a. -Alw. tjr-wwttwMfpWlfMry CW.. All of wblch can aod wiU b aU oa tba mo roa- aoaablo tarouv They hart a freah tunply of materUU, and ""re well prepared to tttfmtr Wmfrhm, ko. ' AU orden ahall meet arkb prompt attentioii. Allift for Sftlt. Tllis tubaeriber, actinf a Aftnt for Mr. Heiry Fulenwlder, pmprietor of tho Un fit Xmil MMvJtrfn, offert to tba publ.c MILS of all mm and descriptions by tho krf or Quantity, upon term, eqo.lly aatitfactory at Uvej? ran be brought from Charcot) or any other eit to thw place. Tho wbhwf to i ..k W-a Mi. tn an b Bakinr ODDU. UDnlf Miltl1" " -ww mr a '"'iSwfto Art 4-E '" A 5afiiaaf.rf.15,1827. 6nt7 N.C. OidCftfrStffl., and ether Old CoPP'. bouirht by tbe tubaeriber. E- CRKbS. tar. !" r "' -"- - , . WiAury. bxo tba propert.r of TW Todd, deeU A bber.1 ered 0I te wwaro i purcba-er. For ftirtber partto-mre Mrt. Ehmm&edk TU or Ritmard I"' Ko bu Tbomaa TodkL-; I . !. , : fox Aalt, or lUni, MT baW and M m tbe ToarpJ of coneora. It ia in A crnt"d part of tbe town, and it a ft- ry tlirible Hand lot Uta Mercannie or anj w kind of boaineaiiba.inf been adTtntajfeoilyoc ewpied u a Store for many yearti Aero -i rl Dwelorr. o-r 0-tJwild.ngv o the lot. imovediately .(ininf tbe ttore. A great barratn ny be bad in tbe prcknaaof iba pro., rniie.. If not-iold, they will be Rented agaut. For rurtbeMMirticubrii apply to - . - . MrCllAEL BROWN, Soffry. g. 18J6. - - Salt of lidiuAs for TftT.ea. THERE will be told, at the Court-Houie in llorgantomon the fourth Mondty in Sep tember next, the following tract, or parcel, of UU or to much thereof a. will nUrfytUe tarn due thereon for the ye.rt 182J and 18 -ati One trad of IM -ere. " " I " Ij TAIL0RLYO-BUSINESS. . THE oub-criber. bating eatercii into copar Mrftblp, foe tba purpote of carry ing oa the Tcimrinf Ihmmmv, ooder the Brrn or Vf U MAMHOX. lake this nethed of refpectfuJ W mforwlng tho citiaene af Cabarrui county, ' . .. ir... i m. ik.i ik. ka eaa ana ine nj.tm . f need buiinete ia tbe ahop heretofore ceeopt td b Mr. Hagoe. oppcaite Mr. Abtaadert Houae of Entertainovtnt, in tbe town of Con cord i where tbey are prepared to eiecwta tU deMriptiont of work in their line of buamfak ia lite mow puo - - ; of4 faJitonable Hylee of workaantkip. Ht inr made arrangemenit for reoeifinf ouarterty, fnB pfcibdelplua. ibe btett fitfbloot U. jogye there, tbey will be enabled to euit any gentle. i. k ik. uppi luliloned drett rartMBtt. made tip after the Patent Pro! rector mtf of tailoring. -4 er pncea ior .om. follow, i . Fin Cloth Coatr, . . gi to 0 Home-pun cloth Coete, - - P.ntaloona. J M airtcoata, 1 25 to I 50 The public are invited to try our .hop we onlr tik a fair trial i if we then fail of enticing , we are content not to oa patron iseo. me for it accuracy. I felt il lo bo due to Sir. Deerly, that nothing of itbrka- uon tbculd be Impuifd lo bim, ttvd to rntkelf, ibtt bat I bad filed ihotild be correctly undertlood. Acoidingly, oo tbe 6th of June, and in reply to bit of tbe I Sib of Hit. I addreaafr1 Vr UT" li5,w, and by b.t metoi, it found M wt j into the columni of a neipapf . f n...i k.. .pr.uiiud i ba 1 1. 'ad to me thai he ge it into the fcaiM. of Mr. Noah - r k. ! Zane, l Wheeling, wirguua.H mi ear aat re queet, for pcniwl, under plcdgt of hooor tbtl it tbouW U reiunud,' wd One tract of-iw " . .. .. i V " riinyi!) a. HAGUE. WilUaro lietranpon. ,fl ,82r V VIM V it a ww BEING determined upon reAoeing to the Wettern Country, the tubicriber ofTeri for tale the whole of hit tradable ptaeaiiont, rj ing on the wuth aide of tho Yadkin river, and on both e!.-i of Cranft Creek, adjoining landt ol Jamcil. Long, Adam M.ller.end other, between 3 and 6 rnilca of Salitbury, Rowan county, N. C. There i, in all, 1000 acrei of Land, a gooil Dortion of which it firat r-te land in the county. On the premiie there are good country nT huH: A ufficieni quantity of Und U under culiWttion, profitably to employ U or 15 I banat : wnu . ..... , mm ground clear? (LJo tntwer ; a1jj)W3oet. d J LI. a. ii.ntit a ainM.irel. I Ibal rk il.-ii nf 1 ftO rrl. niDDOtcd. in the name of WUn.m White and Perroeniai Taylor, hying in Unfille Cf, adjoining a tract of Vol. lWa?T. Arer,-. called iert OU f Id PAM'L. McD. TATE, Skenf. Afw SW. 182T. 6,80 -- a ground ckarriLJP jnew fwjwrjci jkausar, conoiderable T..ntitraeared7lhe Cr.HyHw.w ... r L J ..111 k. I ..... . "V I - ana a - . . .:kl. .J k.ina. and a' ill be. al land w wip" " -pi - may euit purchatert. divided Into two or more pUnUliont. .u b, tfapoeed oT. the rubwri. ffea be interett (the half) m the valuable J.mImILLS, known at Lmmg't MUi, on 4nT Craak, between 3 and J ft SKeVurf The tubaeriber belnf determined to . tell, all the above property,, or ny part of it, I l. v. a .,t thai mntr accommonating Will OC UIFIIUKU mi v.. . Ii -n.h..-mirr w invited to eamine premi. :s.:r"rr..r- fl -;v-- . nt::iia:ahiwnrBV' Police. 11TA9 taken np end committed to the jail of H Rutherford county, on the 19th June bit, a negro man who em hi. name DICKi he ii about 26 Vf n of ige, five feet 7 or rnde, high, itrong built, black eompl" full-iet wliikera, and itqttert con.uler.bl) r in .peaking. He aiyi he belong. n -pm i . n;.:t. ti. C. The owner Well, Of iewucrrj . , detired to cone forward, prove hi property. pay charjres and late mm awj, v dealt with at the Uw direct. 7t81 G. DltJKMtsip'". '" 8(78 -.i.:.k mw aWnr. ;irry brotherJameVf. Ldng,llr Vf Ferry ,-or by m? ucn V " JtUWUIt m,mPi'('P;j - - eftTtmvttteA to lilt 3ft OP Wilket county, on the 20th of May, 1827, a negro man who tayihiiname it 8 ANDY k. u t . a :..hap hio-h. about 25 veart .ii .. . t. k.. a.m. nf omi, very oiacK. apeaa. quick, ""'..r" V k'i. r.ni i,.ih raik.. nn tha left aide, both earl xropped, and "aiyt he bckn to Jamet t ... . 1 a . j. - . C .k r'.av.lina k. Pinpohpa.t him in tlipi tnarp n.rt of tnl. lliv - - I i.. i a . i. i.i ! k rh... iatMef ana mat oa ten?j.Ur.jBaner jww .w:. Mte. "i he owner tedeiired to come ana prw nronerty, pay charge, and, (ak tb negro awav.. . , CHARLES PHELPS, Jatlor. Mnu Wti. 1827. 65 - II UNtlNGTON It WYNNE wi.h to purchase . .'i.l.M.. nnintitv of UUO. I Or wiiiwi JIM . BWHni" 1 ' , , ' . , .' -n ih. hifha nnea in cash, on de iney wm r- , ,. v " tverr at their earer-tauth' ihop in Salwburv. ' Ml9,W . - " Pi" r Look at ll-U i THE aubacribert, (Tho.. T. Canon and Ben j.min Praley) having thia day entered int. eop.rtner.hip in the Tailoring Bunntts, to be carried on in the Shop formerly occupied by Tbomaa V. Canon, in toe town oi vonco . thit ii to inform the citiaent of Concord and the adjacent country, that the lobpcribert have juit . ... . . r . .wt win onntiniia to received tne iair iiuw"i - . .k .. n.r. u thpra i. anv chanre. receive mem , .,' v from the citiei of Philadelphia and New-York ; .nd are determined to nave weir -or. urac ... .. t .n ia the United State. and on iheeprtiafordiogto workno- .hip. Any penon wiahmg wora aonc m line will plea beir .hop a tiwl , and if .. " . .k: ..I. m.t. aa npa. they fail 5"mt.T. 7Mrtt icritiedror-rati K'T? : ....k rtTu they will be paid for their cloth. njK, iiit i . the ib. All unotoi T . . . i J m m an.red in Ul0winf after they are cut out. One of the eubtcrfien i a aai-aw a. b.iie k i . - K---?4 to. rronioiwnw. .unu.t v ravON. T r BENJAMIN THALEY." p. r-k. t837 - aw TUfkflk Bank Bonds, im wtiwry,.ff34it82r'- 70V ly.,,, afur the form recently adopted by " inm TPAVTPf) li the Stat Bank, for tale at the office of tho r.fi.iui l tuwTV wiah to nurchaM - fillfaPI kliv a aa a,vvj IntOR land told by order of w'riu of venditioni 4." expowu, tor sate . uiw vtuvy. . i . 1 k.P(le at disitnce, to. accept an pbee, who rede a thai. iond fn hi. rrice. &c. m Bank, n . . .a.,. k m to thcewho are a.-P-- " ai rnaiT niiu c.- a tk any duiio- - - . betheiowetttnak-r-.v SalubunmJuij,' f State, if ceiplu baU f Mr. CUf tad bit frWftVt they ld put n4 to tbe rrttUrMUl too UH in ( lor, i4 b ti l phio tt t right to ftgM wfk ralrlgoen U ibetr ttrtpotvi.1 TbU dkcloaurt vii m4$ ( n by Mr. fp n. ka.. . .k.. .f r- Jtfrt. W I fre Penatvlvenla. a a.mlaaai ml i ba flrvl - C ot pan W 4 W tlatemtitrottr lU Ig lwapeeiaUtof adkttmgco.Thef Miara m ii, vi. y, comrauKiHig aoa iwag pwi v pm avraoiauucatoo, iw tUgiot By tbkvg I kf ritU,Urt wually the feie I Mtjat lilt vkkll M Mmtelf rniket me to tty Cto nt cJJtg lb !Wei. kb l(H tvot the ourtvttitkit gifts by Vim deilrt vintttf tninlttMtd.T&tl b thouVl"" a . a . f . !. comraooiciif vita mi, KertaM mf Laaa a lb .ufekfTt. Tbla Kal darriaadi dolog, Mggctiinff 10 Mr. Bobaeta Ibat be. well blmtelf, touli cofiurt lik im, nd Ktrttto ray ep.nioi trvtiDgb, from hi koowtedg f we, to &aL4 k tfkl1tl kafk t A af I M B W a aAaaal rvwas aarw J jwj. a J I aj Ml J aTWr thil I utd enter Ut bo eng.gernfoli wb.iit.i-. ii w.. if rnotpiar auccf eoiag (bit loiervlew, afitr Mtjor felon bid ob- jetltd lo convtrte alik me ofi tb ttb- atl. be (bra I bad aaf nut frfipn in butatiiaa I"'' " --'--. ' J PWVI.IB for (be ctpliol, tkat Mr. BtKhehii rim 10 ittil me, tod keb lira cMVereotW 1 bt ttned look pltct.' Tbt tntwer rw- Ibrived. bit Jreadf batn tMibilabed. aad? e d Mt Mrt Vo repdate a. To b "bit approached bf 1 1 cntlenifl of Mr. Buebanaa'a blab rkarasla. aiuf ttendlng. ekkii ipofogy proffered ! lk time lor bet bo obowt lo remark lo rat cat who,! I Bodcrttood.' bad al- viyt. lo that fnomtni, beri o tttilitr tftd lieodlf (trail ib Mr. City, aitur Inr me. I bat on certain term and eondJp liavn. balne aaaeMad la m aaa n.ri. Ikaft. by tA Mioa a Mt. CUy mJ,KU frkbdH . ihev would Ml id end to tho T rt aide wiil tonteti. in in. JiovrLtbrt oifci' .CtpBdu..., ion or ififcrrnco . ti to bo tfctde, thia kal ka arahka k pmkn.d. alik.a f 1m - - -J - J ,ivinl ,ltp,l VI mmm I CUy bim k If or tome of hit rofiBdenfUI irictMi. iDtchttacteroinr. KtKbioatii .ith fnr: frirblitf; 'tha trta iht' ti ' acting on hit own reiponiibiUty, or Ihtl onder an rirrumat.nra.. ba could b' been indued la Brorwaa an avranam' r -r r, unlcii potieued of tatiifactory f'nj cel. ibai il accepted, il would bo . fully into effect. A weak mind00'4 Under ell ih clrcumetencei ippemng a a. . f a aaV law.aaa. tt Ihtt time, 1 Old HOI rei m i-npn.- tion that Mr. BochaMD hid pproacbet1 mc cn ibi ciuipeotly mbmhted propai- iUp. nf tome aulboriicd MrkOtl I ttM MVM w . at therefore, in fltinr f f.4 rque him io My lo Mr. Clay . Wi i-i i. m . ..k.i ikai aAkwer had beCBi iiaTnuii ' w a ww - lo my Uttefi but my own Uaguig and own tetciMM. that 1 aaa called udoc to deltod, end aipecl to etndkete. 7a aaol.ln iba ea.anar la wkWb mt opinio b.vt found Ibelr wiy Into the . a...j . I ... a jowtntit m iae aty, teemii w mo ortt pltcei to bo due both lo i bo public and mitelf. Mr, Beterlt pelnt oo a vltil lo mr bouMi rtouentd to know of tne - - w ' m other eroile men being Dretent. w nether . a B a t. ibo ovenuree btreitpora imputed lo Jar CUf. wcra well touBflto. and ii I bad a knowledea of tne of lb facll mttelf. taiwerwd bim candidlv t Utat ontblt aa well no Wing, lo rtfsio Celling ibiAgi I bad britfl, ta imw to do troe A latter deteUUx ear coovtruiloo. iborl Ir aficrotrdt obtained Mihrkht. ia the fkw pfa a a. i.. "rtb laroJina Journal, prtatetj al r.ati.ilta. Oa Ik Uib al if. laal from Looliville, Krntockyi tommani ca!ba.aa addreaaed lo ma br Mr. Bev erly, ateting i bal before I bad not knoao, ibtt be w.t iba writer of tbit I.yc ueville teller, lie el plained ibo icaofi foe bit bating rr petted tba . tonteraatioo, and MtMta4 b raia. ad ii, tf ibirrg. ne bad miwiuouc or miM-ooceivea mt metnif g. ,.l)d rirtb . cjrtunlMe, cooceelmenit d wlftwe, might have for, and demanding the letter, u wat ra fuied lo ba rettored tioill two copiet ihould ba ro.de. He proceed! to y U, 7.n.. an old and fltMl mPCCU- bit ceniIeiTiin,aiked the loan of your let- a a m.X lia. llra a favor anor cooirary - - .nit nrnnrirtf in tUCh Cllfli be, in conjunction with Mr Clay ind hit frW nd . rv-;rt. '..k... pv- know led re tOOIl COplCI Ol ill "iiuww. .... - - or privity lotny wiy, And wltboul nklnp mm leave 10 do tO- ooan aa .. tkat anch wat the Ue lf wera . - f la -t.i. .v. ..nartaiion that anv copv oi ii - . p.a H . " r.V" . . k.. "kU annl.Sn. Wbclbtf IM COTOIC-.ipv. w.a; Wit IO DO TCl.invw i i .rrr- n l LP. I . V v w . mmm . I . . - J. I . k u M.J . to Alciplay krui nil irtcoot i .aww v. . h:. ikAiiDb.'l do know, that )bllo tlo opinioni and court of Mr. Cley it to tho election, were but maner oi twref-miw titb rainy at. and belora twi time, very ... ..1 .La Im klaaA Ibortlf Biter tWt converaaw mh i""w hi., .rut hi i friend I' ODinion ner.niw forth with miner of certtinty and genenf knowledgt " . Still I bta not uid, nor co tay, tbtt Ibe propotw "'j ri. pi,., .aithar hate ! wkf iht lug (V were making . r,rrM made fiTOfioiitiont P.r it 1 rtem.nrled of Mr. Zant ibe leterK. n. .1- Mr. Clal't Internreli- Va at - - a I Mr. M IKW ' .nd remonttrttfd igiiPit the unpreccocn ted courte they were taking. " refuted to teiiore it to me, rooti perenn-j . ..:i.k.. k.J paiiifird thrtntflvetbr fur until tusi . - ni.bingto Mr. Clay one copy, ind reter- ting tnoiber for tDeir own and the above eitrect of a letter from Nr. Bcterly, tt Wheeling, dated 35th of May, .re ptetentod to tbow that 1 have not, n !. . kV..it u riared mvielf in the attitude of a public accuaer " md that whttever . - . . . ikia tpppiapf- publicity bit Men given iw iion, h triten from no tgency or pro: curemenl of mine : md that Mr. May, in fact, hit himirlf held tne matter up Lublic ef. 'n doing '" w,u r . ,' .... t u..a rinpn accurate- have quotca wnai i ----- . a i . fnr then, the text and felt aiiu lanil i - ' . . - oronvenury would h.ve u.Ul toget pf t at pretent, his tontntliction leme-ibln--MBffiredrt)y7bimiolrraM--- contained in my letter. rf. .nnlaSnd in Rlf letter toMrcyciiyiiibi! ' fb" tn ''J: uo. a member 01 copgrei.. wetfT w pp.nart.hilitv. viiitfd mt one rooming ' . . i i I t. .... Infnrmtn h J . na nail urcii maw. ... i ana u i. r .. .- ,ha rri.r.if.of Mr. Cliv. tbi iba fitendt a v a p w - - . . r . .j.... ke.4 ma( ovenure iv " . ! .:j -r ik. alectloO Of "if- Adami Mr. City ibould be Secret of St. M lb. lli icnd. of. Ad-m. were urri'nrT' " ... .hi. nroDOMIlon. of M r.JJJ. !jI.Ad.ir. rh., if I wit elected "dent, Mr. Adam. would continue Secreiir oi B'.'e''l"" a1 -iLfi would te no rocin for Ktn eBd.0' bfk!. ThrSundt of Mr. CUy 7" "k . iv.. .M if I would lay or per. m7.nv o fray cooKdcntial friend, to t.y, mit ny .iected rre.ident, Mr. "-.A!! k "Sued fecreurt Acami -noun-. . . Ma Vl.aapla. arut iuni ai ma leucr to wi. 'ii' not whit my letter ittelf comaioe. Wh.t I have .tued ire the iicti oi a tion between myielf md member or r,...u of hih reiDcctability. Tbo VaiiV1 ... --al.Cp.pJ mm.ma fJW. laTkl I K J f the circurottincet. tantwcu ij it wat not imouAcnxfi. So I bed thought, nd to 1 il. I nd Tet ,! re" pcit, that in tbi luppoaltlon i may ntvB pouibly done Mr. Clay injuttice- If he ihould be ble to wtuin the averment. . k.. .A. .nit arnuit himtf If Of 81) agency indpirUcipttion in the matter, I Ii ' 1 . : ik. a . . I. p Imm tf p Jtt 10 atiure nim. - - ifJng me pin, it will give me plea lurer I certainly cm hive no deiire. that the character of my country, through the acti of prominent citiren, ihall real under any lerioui imputation i for the) - honor of jthet.;ontrj prefer, that my inierence i o.vo m.. miy torn out to be not will founded. Mr. City dedirei bit greit latitfac- Hon.lnaTWlnWerTial-ir.irtaeTi brought to light, and lo public coniidera ,ion. He feel, rejoiced - that ipecific accuntion by retponaibl. accu.er hae iOcriK.U aPJ.aMd " To lhi PWB notice i. due. It mu.t be recollected, ih.l i ronee quenreof a letter from Mr. George Kre 1 ir- f. i a?A. an enauiry wa titer, tit ii""ip - --- .. tetonfooflnCongrfrt oporr the eppHca- 6ti- thU triemorAle occation, of guilts Impoieoo the W0J. mainttincd on the other, Hr.lIcDume, it Ln....j ..,knti4 fnr rnnaidp- will be recoueticu, ""- - . . , , alion to the Uoute of Repreientativei, - 1 ii matter oritittroctlon to tne con.nueev . .k. fitn.inir resolution t ' that the laid coomhtcc tc intruded to enrjtj.io whe- i n Vy i A 'if f-y - 4r f i . ii . . - v . , .n .j . i I i n f ! f" ' A -at. j , J trl . m ji'i i-ir t if" r bii f 1 1 II n : . " ' " : " J " .-; - ... J . rk - ' . . ... t t;