i Ihe r ike Mend f if', Oaf bin hl's 1, th.iiky viwMflicM fi, ikn. who jM pat tot, or ant thing 10 IhM efftft I J wb.tker ownou. ee sJ 1 to Usa raeJc If tt frWad. of Adam, lo Iht frUnd. of 14 r. City, offering tt appoint meal of Secretary of Suit (of Mi aid Id tied A4em. en4 whetker ikt f.Un'ft of via, git Iki. Information 10 Iht Haodt i(kiot 4 kjaud tht ir ku rvuadi "' would offer tkt t.mo tkty 14 ekat whn lSen. e4 wkalktr Iteary - CUf kai umUtrtt, oe revolved 1 tr.na- f', Mt Merest t A4eoe end ifi in ! mifVil placet, i pfvf.lrfl f ls;tnlw, In Ihit, t !it I )? d.f trrtd from eoroe. tkt, fft at pul.ll dmn.r tiU.s, bt h truD4 la coo slltr tnt .1 Ugl'leittt ahjct f I epteck, end the entertainment of tkt Company. Tet, f x IkU, who bi heard mt compltlnf N f). 1 Tfttwln lil tbt hikt of to IniIIiotl people, I k.v. been CfU0'. 14 ftf fof MCUfll V 04 tktlf cVI.ioA, egtlnsl lk CouniUtt etttaltl iod slander. wkUb m rpt !! rt aouiht 19 be pelmed apon tkera, without seeking topreteni ntrwlf U ni oa defence, end etlll lass, it become tk WkctHer ti wet uU'.fuJ Uiltt.J.U.t TI Tr-iBaatJ rirditrif frf CMar. - ?-lf M.avrt.. f.nl.'.l...4 I " r " " " "' P-J tVy, la kJ. tonetitoeaftt Ctaff wet M kil.f r t fir, V W. . 4 .11. ft .1 . .1 w t I J - . . i4 tMkflftklM W ftwWis4 14 f4 fof n tad fUMftf 4 Mrmptl u "rln4, eMf mort tkt ik t4 Itfmf cetnmw kilo W'Mr. BtrHf a4 NdUf I conrvli viikM ccm ' UMI ftxblklf hirf4 it l MvtpcfMr I : f e. Mf. CUr. t ikl Uit p4tMt inm(nti V rMc4i that " tpllc ftmHrtrMU; on ik lOk rati. t4 nclM4 kf appJiiiif Mr. RliMf, Uit pftktr Ikt rfiD7lrittU m9 f tlo i Si Bl, of N: Turk, mi4 Trtf Tilf hmtt.ol Mr;4 V. trtdit i iv4 Mr. Holi'4 f KJfMf, tnd R4o4 Btirrtn ro.hfi, TV ,- r-Ttt iJomtislc ff d kir frm 'ri t ktr ckiMno. 71 Wr Mif ikt kit i miny l ihtlr Ifef f ktrl to Iktlr 0mau. . ' tfXmk, 1119. 4 04 ikt tUvtilo f kit lrt nJ (rlaUftj, ft4 Ikt 4w&ftt of Inlrtf a u4 ofrupUofl. 71' 4mritn Fit-k foitUrtf julip Ulklr4frt. in4 w.tt - IW U Wipfl ftf COMMUN'ICATIONJ. kfft. Wtft f IS iMMtKilint kkk ;wt plUU4 l Mf pr' rt;i t tk IUUUm ik rnkJmif U iVW .!t. UM im( knM4 M tkt titniMft. U i.i.r.cTiOM nr.Ti:i;Kt. Uf p-.,1. lt. W.i.,! ,, U, KOkT, kr -7 14 tM .00. ij " it ksfik tpr4.' Ctritlnlf wt FlUr, mt PkiU4c IdSU, 8crturit. . VVk y ttrt H ' Pttptclf Tkirtet U r rt prtMt4 ! ikt Mt, ana teiiow iptcinc, wtr ami i lanvtnUo,. Iron ConMftkvl iktrt "fttff Mm-Htert txxfc ltkln kit rtcHt i r rt rtHn T ntaNrt. DU.r 4 wirm nf t n . M m otm ti Kta'tckr 4, KriUd I. MMkMii JldupoWdtd'lk lntrit, ooki4 f, if (M r.l4,:St Ttk,5f, JwlM rptfef fnceiln ir Kr lI.mMkir9l, NtvJtrMf J.Okit ttoi4lM'fth4tro, M U toM or loo r inm( i.VkrtUlil. If U thlt f lr kik f t 'lo ki? pm4 ipo f Vjrlolt i44iKXn4 tfcM mo i ikif 'tk ronttdc ration of ikteomsiinit an m I ma4 b aclf conitai4 Jtlrrte 1 lt(n lion Ctacbod In ht nJMad pkro-1 On ikt tJ 4ajr ii vat rttolvco) tkW ikt fof lkt flki U oof can Jt t infvrrtd.! mr:ir of olln foot rcquirta t "Ifcti lnV rtatitrto-aetWHW frUtxftv l fortlMf txtHccUo4 lrnLtofmwf at, m4 'Uf.-CUf w4 fcat vwe4 afntt.i fcofn'mintt via appntc4.io Wti ' ttnOf thirf aM fof por to tbJ eom- I mtmonal oo ik aabjrf. Commlttttt tkltrtf.'iU lanoctni w blott an In vtrt ilio lokt ippoiitt4 to report t y ;'bartU jrlban) fort not to ntat ikrx -4k ttp4iciicT of froctinr ! -lWikr tfirf M any puwer taai ceraprienr- ia pro tniorr "Ktmn Bt Wp yT-t. tboOlJ tI I and ftPlat tfeonlrftif 'prtnttd calko, coio to4a aJ diatlllad . correft b honoraUe jmeir "-' j - Tkt mtmoritl to Congrota waa tigo4 ; onotocf er utf wr itirft i Ainiy nlnt mnber of tko Cmi "dirgTfi rot frlajt and kWoYn tmbaa J I loo, Governor Morrow fearing m4 TtitlVHr,Cklt br ff and In tka open ! from Ohio on ikt founb d. 'Jltln, ' and proud It ktr own ttreik Tko mmoil rrrommarMfa a dotf of jnrali ntr eomt reiritwr." in pro- ' W tenia on U o ika lu in a " poaitbo aobmlt'rd j Mr. MDuflW. ihtrt ' forrlgt port of I ienu, nt S It ccon f notklnf to alarm, nothing- thai Inno. I tnnuallt until it t etc baa 50 centa. gnctanoold bM !oube4 tbont, ft aa 1 Woolen gocxW itk a hm eicrpijon. Ahhe mora nor leaa ibtn call of tbt of Irtt iban 50 centa, -o bt valurd at 10 ika"tiiib of the committee to particultr 'canltj lkobtbetieen JO rem nd f,I 0, "Qgrfca, ltb anapplkarton lor power , at Rt S0 ikoaa between 8 50 R4. Wi.. j - 10 09 I "iokhii Gocumenia. and untcqdtinted k tbo number of Mr. Claw't filcudk. la kumao mti okM itfiUtl tl at htarknn at necitr and teapkaaii metodlotjalf bt Itcking aalkt M'aiaar of Orpbeat. tail cktatHy and eerarlif bt IbeU ocular aV moouratloai nd nay they acter bo aa etaptkmtd egrtt by Ikt pomp of gin taring aupertrUliilellM .On, arlronwCavy bat tuaUtd b!m. mtlko kat reprove bed biea, and aiander ALU of tkt be. JU Umm, m f fcHoe, :'K rf Itaj IUfrt4aaoMapprfWtlraol c-(Mf k. rtU... b .IIl-ZT: aca4o frM 14 ObtUjas 3d eKpf, Uik I JiJ. la Ikt IVtmt diitrkt. Om l t nrtt i Wet Ike Ipl ef tkt Ur4U,lkt I ktn aWtd, ky kl JWy t kt la UkoHr" I M !! aUatcd It art al!"'-. m,r mar'mum T t. e,4J. ntkd in yyer paper , bol rWJ I i!7 JT HZ bate keen n-U awa griJt4i M ikMt oka tt U IJ.U - - vatal 14 tkt Ua 1 HMi, Cl Htrfl ki-rUMi n m.i twi ef t tW. Ui tWe- ao aUta V TwdtI . . f? ." mc. itllufW riO.fol'rVer H.t.7 Uutj til, TV' WV&ymiJ ka 272 tor ttrtUJ Co u.Cr.MviujZ - lie mmU, WrfLia Dvl1a", Tta 'fTtTtiafci atkte. y. t'4 1 fcr Ckt a.a.., Uu, j AtoatMWr. E-j. 10CZ. irnmf BWkao4 lm Imgftm 460. rf far OMtrtoi r-' ar tit, Ikitraon yi. bumivari I tnatcb fof Ifca OaoralaK '' . - - . i . lUal.Olin rv -. ;r . - , . . ' Z: J M trWy gk4 lrpiBVa tUA4ff (fiirwMtd I fl. 37tk I : nmrr ?."-:v k u. rau. t-ii ru. r me Btir of iiwf aacootton M im I .1 avtM, -. ot tMtbtw4 at yowr paptri aadl kad ike titTUUUrm4i-mmhr94 pari af tit aTKottTar h oould bavt ewoatJ tkt k4e. Tan i4 pirate yt Ikt takataore af IkttM renvaria, In yoar nett paptf, akfgt A ILUCKBEI. batiaeadtd Ikt ftanclaary of bit bocne fcOoin Uyew pi.kto.iUni CwHU4.lan-liCa BXkot. iruii . I j .1 i.t u.j r ' " " wa rw, pke It a.kt U I rJc.T.uTTZ'Z J InmuM ui tmk. k. '-- -' t r-JUi. lnl I I. .. . btl 1 fTatcful ptopit U1 tnttain Ikt into ka wat bit Country! tiay and auppon la Ike 4r aod btr of daagtr. MtreS 10 kiai wko m kapt out, 1 bVii att to kitn trko kapt km awt 1 f rrkape tkt taa awt torn akowL And lorn ka in ko vat kept eC 1 . . . . "i ttanoo wticw n, ai ivunM B.Irr, toai for Congr.. Wifiaiw 464. HtMkal (raon eaa ramrraaertfr.) TftB niUMAHiyi WILL. ' , beginning lobe tnfctblad i lj. .. r 1 1 1 . , u, 111 ! vtru.r 1 my tupo ea mi I u - aid la mind, and bavlag tattrtd on (bt u. in. ln. nr. m.i iw. 04 courtt 01 'arrwArrenrr Irora vhkb I bare I iTArt:.MnM thofortf. amatt ana t lire Mimpy .TJrmrtd tktrty. tt(l iamtt A dm, and Imm M. IJHmmJ ltte ikf pl M ike atat, Dtbrrry Jl Cram, iw wort, luu roi, . K. WS1 t, br ik, 1 D. fa- no! atrengtk of enlad la Set, aod alrtadr I CoU. and I ' a, f m.. i . .... I Ittllne Ike otUB rttaltlflo from U. hli-hlP"' 7La T:r"1L77."rr. r1 I k.a not ret. la .ion 10 aeerl .-do .k. r"l " ?. M. C. ..i .'nt.Hw.n ,Mgiiri w buimk , ... . . , , . .,: -1 torn 04a. wm. KaCbtnUon 4i7, for tommm lufor. ... ,, and pubfltblklainyUl nillandltaia. foe Co t ,m VaniT -CWXK.MmrfXn W, kead 7"f r S r "tT. !32! JWb nf.a , aMv..ija U ik. Lt:! '-""a-V".-v' "H I . V T ,"r ma. natn. arm b.a non alrl-ri-.. U .In IUM m"" ""Pf VPP"5" '? 7 ttu ZTTL JL .TTv? r f (e orocaotini lb t ort of Uod. I kaon 1 ' . rafaer jti. far boldvfe.rWtl and in4eDtad.nl. Inco; J I 1 1-a..rv.i. U.'.Lf t-r' "MV ' "? . . a'"taiinutiao lk tbt number or Mr. Clt.'t :; lb? Ifnutt, I cannot eaten 1kat f fo oppoahftxj to Mr. MDuBt'e t ,.!!'. M "ebeioua, - that the inffi rtLu ai a a. " - i key wtra eaolulion Inffuencn bt added, until it amount! twv cent. - Iron la retommended lo aland erne per noond.- . . -otton gonca, artnp and flu, and train. eoalei tUiam H ,ru.P,iw h M id' liHint cioorand nl Wtr rndlnwahlott to-Teaiat m ' low of Ubttty- utnotailon. that I rive an ra.talf ntir. M. 1 v an' a a - . w- r r w a . . . - nrn nt crra an a til. U wlU bt ao. I lo lalembcraocb''aiKriti-aodat-- tleae.1 - Pl,r.rte. aena'e't Otavt aaq nunwr Ullrta COCJMaMMMa Kt ffMaiiMa aa tot .areata . Joe tka Otmmt Jmlrrm JatlnnMtj bebt til'od mbt tbt fojloafog Uquctm 1 a .a vKionoua la aia ' cootctt kntvea, al be bat beta Irrtota. rilb poliilcil lib foreign ir e - . . .e I propeny 1 give to omtpation, Mtr-HaB lirt.Litllefir. Jkt, Hmk V tm miwtnBj it wm oon itu inioine nanoti cowirt i;oiptpr ikT, cmrmm jtf, thkbtSe of ibo bo furnUb me old ardeai epl j 97, 1 ko. I 10 - , . v M . ritt. Mr reputation, already tottttlng on a aandf' foundation, I girt to dealroc lion. kappy in life, to annikilation. To XBt 1 1300. Nttlt tlQ, Jae Averr. Eaq. 141. tk.nl i"nrr. feUmtt Btfrtla. ornate 1 HU tUm OaOUej O V,1 - - - - - M.al. aaaok wmmtfa - on a aantfv loundatlon. I r 11 to riattnu-. I Z. ' . Tf" " " Amonf all I bt production! end inven lion of human WJi, non U mora Jmi rlle and natful tban Wridug, by neaahclovc ira, obo baa cbecrtd mt ao Tat, Jr. Iml 483 Ok . . r . I iff. y abili.y ,o" ba aaeful and UVKTS 11 kreof a na may copy out bit art f,r ' tbt patb of life, I give thamt, pot I .-,'AtaiwTer HcNrin, arnatti CVa coch wo learn, it aVonil.n f ilU Torr-eot tn memorUi. i; r . a. . , M07 U'"' or rnf lnU, i.rvrvq ine vonveniHMI t(h hi pretrnce Tbe Convention mfjoumed riA.. Tpo.M,aea kaW t.n Imnl. ..4 wabla coraid- -MrTCray bcto at alt deilraua Ikai !! dif-, W- - ooW nk.beBr produced. The retoluqon contained atrong imputa tion, tad tertoue ch-rrt. Blr. Clay and bit friend were both lmt. !!,. 1. t - r..-..u, vau ui , . . . Ot preumd,underauchaiau of Mtttftl ,,MW, oya. It ft aaid lo JarairlJemrntr that if Mr.Clay detired :Uflt,iirW Hpret.Me awnbligt of U, he could not bare found, oreaeni mnA ! H,tfceafc.Tkey appear, if be deermiwd i . r it fund, ome friend iot.k In ' hJabtaalfi,H b. in their tffbrta to advance fr in-i mo rcaoiuuon enouM be adopted, aod i"" ailwhicbia verynttMrJ kjtit juh powc n exTcpded wthe commirter I' U4to0 "tlunl e peoplr ofoiber-tfctjo-, " w f.n 1, n moogif, thut t " avwoaanoow loot to thdr own lauretta urb an. ludulgrnrr,' if dedrtoV by sMr too. rbeae nwvem,u rt wt b V' nJ 0f,,,i, fIil'r could or Nror.Con wltiiwMK-loa. - - wu.hi. Hitv en ocmeu 1 And ytt it aa S M I am ad tffj m . . t . . 1 a.A I fWM . a. . , .....mucn aa. in. leaolulion wat ue org4 paper, etate that Mr. F..I rj . ? e P0"" ,kd 'i re- on. oeir Civil EhgirTea, h.. ju m,4t i r ,y naoiicnuotlol",,,,","aon ot ioc Uconet and Alt fina.M a IDeciflr acrmatinn. k. ...... I mh. R;.... It.. . n ''iu?! N"."4:.j ti,; r ,7. . 'x-'jun-1 ...... a. iciircaeaiv tnt uconee eriou.1, emerfiined torn, a, h i. taVnert-1 t W rrqW t'fflS : .Jr . . ' L . cenent..n "per to effect it, i, containa ,n LT Vk "r1.0 "counter '"V""" quantity of logt, which roust fcon.emnea, and o m lavour.blt term. inrf .... .k.. eantrnvr. m.:, l. lt. .r - 7 . win, mm ihouhia. otter bie mind without oocnina-nT aorrow, and i broken heart. bit month, and aianify kit Dlcavore tta catb of mr children. I bequeath I . .. " m Ia a -i.ta. V'yu I thouund mile, dicanct ( and tbia by ibt Plf' 1 I one j at H.ti... . Icfc f S ..j; sl,.i..J,T7. flUPo"1 W W -boat ' - fuicriiiir. arui irinann.i i mrrrv hi, .k.... j ..... . k... I . ' . . -au - ' unut w uvtj coin mi TUJI beM ieuera, do oo, (t, Calvin I bate broken, and who ha. declared ,b. Ta wiiiian, ttm.ror.1, rtmmm I For eonrreaa. Clkhriat All. ruwan. err j i .L- I l t .... , l r-r- ana i n inocruinct 01 me anare oil fatber't tharacttr. finally I I rive mj tar tUteeae, mi4ry, and early j iVBOaVWU VIVa. fan lha, .11 thmgi tbatart to bearen end tank may be" epread by Ibo belp of Iblt wonderful i,.n.oet naica mar be CQfflDrlrf U tompaat of a fail king. Arenra. fAwft, iityr- . . I beaniry vik that aonve pkilanthrepM I mmttr, a bo can afford Ike lima, and . Ewtaonel Ihokvr. mr . folofnont, and Fhinavcr, COn,fana) atatt of Ihr poll i Solomon Tt9. f.mrr 74S. Rotate TV, H. A. Martin, Eq. 689, wick llXClarktti: FwCongrvlpMrd rtoetved lMO, Bmvn in - rT John rttrton, and Jamr. AnVa, eommotji 1 - Htait of ikt oolli iar uhii. tt rw.. .H en fkTdiO I eonMnoat, Clayton J.4, w ubt vjiionct Hoora 07ft. For Vaeal9XTartM Mir. -..-.-rntit;. : - nlfm. Fdmnnd Jowev.-at'notci Karbariid . taoeuoit, tna Mauciti Hobtroa, contoMna. VjW. U,do good, -tryw. oar, a ay or other. IB? '0 eartera fevecpieaof-llelikard'.1tin.- yl. Bl. r: j-k. -.l!!! . ' "i i- w wr -t-i avoHvea aeair a i luture gcntraiioM may riat np and call " LI i r ! I ar - . " ; -wwl - , c appomieoior their ex ng I he Milledirevllle R.r.. ' '.Tt , r. - Mwaiaa. ..... - ....iiwan. .wore jrietf and cpnricted at - ,a wintra. mr dm effortr to tno laat SuperCrt of Taom r ,r murner oi Alien O'arr V familv. jn T' Difemberla.r-Orie of ih. rll.il. ...I ..... -- .... ' "w' viou T lVi , " r?ner ,nr nnR on f . aneroort tfteir fai. iik wnonmoa lorttiude. When ono of is.m the U.t one executed) wat launched off. !M0penbf Mch.h wtpended rote, lie row U3 ana nn'iTr4 .k..L.. mm. UDOO raeaivinar .a. .... . t. tba Carolinian, and oblige your friend, a for the Kftatr, Jonrt 4C, CorJo AU t iiO"rrea. wuimma Via, M.alui 46J. -CAnrAtw Joarph lUmaiv. icnate Ntihav w ureea simtft, in piathan Alctander a d anan, emninona- For.eongrev, Lpnr J06Z C banUl!4.SurwA;40 fltjrh,and H'HCtta Irwit! eommona, 9ate of tbe oollr r iK. M.n.t. rkJ'ti' raraa t. ,ir me COinmdna. Hik M DoM.t.. TAlepMng fja, ackieX4..IUb. ena J32. throwo away. A can no more diiclote or render apparent Mr. Liiy a. innocence, than rould the con. trovcisy placed within bi reach two and a nan yearn ago i and yet, while the one the espenae of rendering that river capa ble of steamboat navio.rirm .in k. ..i r .. nu. r iff fling. anrta P,..!.. .a . W.WIKI01 VUllllVr faT at OaaaO li,J.. was avnioea.or at an? rate not mk....j p..r. . : -uKe irkh . seal correaponding with her" 7t 10 ,he Gr"nd Ju eea.it, of th. occasion, VwJS ZfJrlf K??e ,he di"e presented y the othe , exceed STZ- 22!!" M ft?r of ,h tJ :r....J ""eo,n joy Ublithment of a Supreme Court - for ih., M.w iw w aaeai(iaf;B(Bu rw.l nn.. negative, he aaid, a 1th gre.t aoo-cbal nee, try il efain tArn." Snug Frtunt.K 0 if r.l.C.illl.f i IM .IT I a . u . . . . Tl,. ti-. J. .' nafN. tVlutBeM, aenatei Gem V. Tbe Slot Annivem7 of American Indeoend- WkitBrld. William B. Kiln.iriek.Lm-Z ence vaa celebrated at Jpnnp i Academv, G -Jcit, ftpe!gt,t, wt , Ha-per, York Diatrict, South Carolina, br tbt ai.utrn't. ir,d,ow,Ph K'Ha. eommont. - .... , i ummrr. i.iat. . ... -.nlUun ni ut unitea State, j tinee ""lfn7 narnaro, ami Enoch Ban, common treaaow haa IrinmnliM :.. ..!. . I Rm., r.-4 n V u-ir ' 'aaon baa tnumpb'd over it. .pirit, tbe rirbti . tba neople and the eafety of the republic rr 1 nU'nt " ud for an amendment r ' I For Conrt oft aloud erman paper O K. Willianii.aeiia'ri Ww and T. W nVkU.I For Conpreta, Hal, 611, Hinea 603. "ni'r.Charif . I. Hinrnn Mr.... . I.Ji - - . riic I II II npTr i n . , - - 1 " , ain for office will be witb the people.-he " ,nU 8mm"' VtAer conimoMB. not Kmt h. j r .i 1 '...I. r or conpwat. RamnM. i!or l... vi . , . ' ' M.iu., - ......i .v.uinrrru ot we lWV Which I ftw w, ""urniici w. fled daughter a fortune f .l.k. : comiDtio- r.n , :. . ,77. nicnl firr.-WillUm tinnf.L ....... ij.. liont of dollar.. ihr -i . poaca. I n'kard and Joha noon. rArnmr.n. (enatr. Hnnla aa I- .or. mo iianiorti convention. Mr rUv'a m.. Ir. . iuu,Micnnj: Emland roliCv. ,kj " T !N' f"' 5"mmon, fitockard 1332. Boon 1287! -i no T. 1 .-...... u.,iivii w u. Ad.llIHl PalnL.. lOl Ti.. B I ........ I , that the late kino of S... k.r. T.r k .1 ZSZ? w ?" VM e.d ? t ,. , . . 111 a.ig.in IUT OmCe Will be WltD III nannl. k. J th. prince.. Augu.u, hi. onlr unm.r ' not Rod them cowZSn J VSSt ...... wi uwnara, (inrce miuiont ol pound. 'erling,) from hi. own private fortune, i M 7 induttriou. man the king, II nn...I Si.l. ..J . . ..... a nHr orro,r w b.W . - '7 T- -. '"correct thr error of the 1. . . ..ir- niiixr.ni (.mirla ..J 1 v.... . . Une lurther' remark, and I am H. r i" " prwuco-an tnt- ith a hone that, on .hi. M1k.,t . "I"" ""V.0 oec,l,on ,n ,h Circuit. nndernaa;:r'.L:;7 "n,cn atttt " 'Mtd. in me new.nancra. In r....... likr k; i . . ' V. '.XJl, I - j ' v. vianain. m I iiiniin i . w.juliii c laoour. ,n . r.. r . ' " o ",nH poiiucai ireaaon. aon Tk .a.. , - '" w o-e oi ni. Smith r.mim. . Tk. . . i. a. . r . "cod, common. Juglter.! But, hundred, of thouund. 4ljilLnV?rl Wk'"ChV '""".Darringer 408, MurpheyW. of ' the ? boneailindr!; ece. HnW. eenate i Joel Eirr .7- ."t. " n - r , nippon ttirm. ( J.ltumn. commnna. not praring ivhat I have, all the1 circumstance, con kino r c 7" ,,,B TL . . " . " UP " oecirre and de- ",u nawwn wirxevcommonev' aing oi Oaxony wat arnomr ik h... ..r'eft her nirhta, when threatens! in..,i.ii i... -A .. Nicioli. J n... . , v n ' trvoi ui i . r . - w in? tjusu itv i . - r a ai w. c. v-iimiaF i jarar. . "'' wr I aV Inffi i ma na r-(s.aa, .a:., af. . I If . 1 w. a well conceived, that persons will not yf.nting wllo my;,chatge,wbatereri . done, to a dealre lo affect nihor. ..j k. e. con- count,, in th., State, h,. lately had thi, T lL.f'Vf 0 wPn ,be d blood myaeir, operation performeTupon him by Dr of ankincl 1 . M(ti. Ll.lte Pnvsick, of Phtladelpni,. The operation "Pray, ,ir," ui Lady J.ne, one day to V. a . .... aidered. 1 have fell it at... and to the public. Mv with won Th... ,.;a k.: . . v- v trvt... .v.aju.u .....hit any in nt lo aa n. I-.l l... r . A. In ikl. ' ' " " ' . ..wa--uaifcuiJicia. UUl IOUF minilta. anrl it.. ..... vru mi j inaini, nam sn BDnrak...:.. . , . . "-i ione i,-- a . i Tiranrn Mr.aa-.. . l . -are of nig her i niDot tance and - Valiia ... In - ro,in me opmioivoi.tno.e .vwho itn- . a e.v ymm eenMire vnere It . believed not tp De aeeryea. I naye been actuated by no aucn n sijrn, nor governed by any uch , vwiiMoc i , jt f wnjjin joe Jr gin ning of ibis matter, was at tny owfThoiJse and 6reside ; where surely a freeman may be p rmitud to speak on public topjea ; ayitiiout having mribed to him improper dsigai.-t4ie not good into tba higb- a- I bt be ounce. We ar. t 4 n I D I a . wnj w f'f9 of ona ol s. fX!!:..a?.,alW ,0 h" ,h he Adw: ribsf- uBecuw, madam.- JITllr'TiW that he P'ed WhUton, iha rib w.a the tttieV.r irilnalrW ?f4(lo.W threescore .nd icn T.k7v 'd We woney-.tf he hundred n.? I v lei lajut . cr. supper, vTb . iif- k. three n,..l. . ... ' . . Tv U"J .li.V ";" vim mrai ot mree course.: l and marbled glass is m.n- well; ioman.,.nU 'u7''"p Tcm- Coloring- and ornamemin- a. . ""iriiBUira, OOr I the CAmni...t.il.. 1 t- t waaae iw a. De aetd-ArT. Ovtrbvry, Idone. " ' oe,milu,,7 k ibrclgtv or domeatieiut. Voluntf.r. kv Tt. f n r. n . - v.. u. n. uarnaii. vi . iilil!?rJDL0i,'"ck commons. . T " ( arv.ita.a; a,KW 1I ain( 9J . i with patriotio oil till the next Presidential ele eL"nd K,,,chin Q-'AdAme, eommont. ft. . i people of tbe tTmW Sj.i.. . c ' ' ... "c spnull and Mr. Shine. rnmmi,n. oualy ahorn of hi. tocke. may thee anoim .h. . "fMDavM nompaon. aenatei H. W3- fT ovjk. 0. Sherrard. a.n.t. . and Joabua Hastings, commons. 4. w wnfon- Jowph A. Hill. 5r'r.JoIui Scott awn iunettniU.;..:;Johh D. Eccles. Tjon, Wifain their itrengih, overcome the PbiliiJ ul?i r 1.. ' a ,n "'ff f tbe true WrW; OVA ta f f his fCDOrtfid thlt' (hi amnanot.vta afL.l I .u.ll "t a. . - ---..., arruu, me oniv aurvivor nf ,k. :i-..l --'i..r: -,-" ------- . . Ar-,kiu,--f ft J7 "'Knersi j no. new i orn Courier annnnneei IM vcc4ara(aon oi.jcwi.rv.nii.... t. r.-r i..:. - . riten-sevehf. the Mar.1 AJ.t ' ,.,ow"0 J ,cu "irirr r tnouklrir the W. -lfat-, A gentleman in Pari., i... K.... , f : atoMr. Washington of Vir- Mma.ext)trimemainhr.rJr r nM "en for aeveral .ears descend and rise .. tS u7L-Z?r ""moiifaaor bi. deed, having been cd for an hour under tb i water .ir Z !n' ?evcre,f mented upon in some Amer e.of tnt lino ? Ik. drmia- lean papers, has renounced hi, ullrgioncj oVl.fcct! ,lne ,Uhe d'pth o ib. United State,, tod .11 cJaimi ( I I I b L t 1 tl - k- Pi ti It k tt bo cf to pi tei 'lft m th on uo of fui be Inn I: "aWi &(b ' 4. ' den beii 'htin Ati fore rmei ."M .0 rem '- - joui com ag.i Rre.i m hear . Hay .s C rer, S. V We. lour dr.p New Com will the t bord ;bytl atari "Balil Rio. June mon Mini war Buei Prel tbe tort, ribatL term Buei is .si rlain Orie Tl in Ci in V their protection.

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