'1 I e t A f w ,Tf i:rr8AUSUuaY V & imxv, august t:tm." VOL VIII. NO. S77. . , 4. - a- rT j III 111 . .... ' " " . . j ' Tb. If rmt of the Wi firm f arC'a . fJ 'Lpm4 lfw m a tfiW4 rVaas ail 'euMaaWal eVa wfcw a- ..r ik. aarfj an mnnrri Bra mul a .1 L. I...,i a lk tnli miwr aw in. win w m w - mmtt tat mcJi i t i ... . .. . a. a. -a a, ft- a ' A 1 N hiiamiitttntm. DENNRT Hr 8TAMMIHK, VI art, oppvtiiv i Jn na wrtntn i . . w . t . ' ov tof kr to fMptrwl l rr,' . MkiMk im inrrtvy m iwot4 io kxv a, m glto.1 MMirw cm k Km f"f. m t(i. M rr.W. M r.ikir i (h , MUi t;tHrLf.rOJI ! Mfji-m kJ Am T.J 1 k. (MmmI Pim'i tMi ril fop l" W vim v flfl (rom t'U.lklj)-.JM4Pr.Vrki " wbicK. atth Ik drtv t j n. HinjC to rfkof riB liT'Mrl rrfe (ae'i'aitrt for ri4if yerk - . . . 1 . k. ' M L 'tkM inr Mafattvha'nt klc tua keratsfer a la If, .t ': rir-.l ty Ka LilUrftO IWirrdi nj h opr. lUl kto "Vttt, m( mlr VtMft tk ewiiHmtrt of ... . a. , . Iftf then n ftltrad lo, ai4 kh atoir. .11 ' Umm U (tor tWm with work, tsy (tpjX)imilT In tti prompt ctccutwa. " TJ1IL0RIXC BUSLVRSS. Tilt wbacfibc'n blt-mj rnlerrd into copirt fuvthlp, (hr lk poipow of earn la m th Taenia h r lk rn of MAUVl It Ukt tba rvathtd retpectaU - .1 t ' I . Vju.ft ivl lha 4WM einfy, ika. lbr ha wm- -fjf Beta IWHWJ W IB" awojt wrnwiffT nrrupi ;Ml fcjr klf.. Hoa, Hlort Mr Alrnndrrll Hooat af fXarlttaatrai, ia Ik leva of Con , cord, wbeit ibey ar pre parad U deacnptioiw oT orlt ui.!htr Km of ja)ne, la thf moat auk-laaltal maaner, and after tha . - aaoat tn-Hr- atvto of vorkmaaahip. " feritrrajijpiilrWiaf 7nw PUiladtlpGa, lb Utrit Mikon in ' ttwre,1bry b tr.blrd to tuit any ft-jtk. - en 4th the n-wrH (kahiWd irtm prm-ma. bmuU up after tba f aieat rrotractor y'e" I taikwinf. X1' P"' " irork - ioDotr - a ,r.n Clotbltt, ( . S. J Homfpun dotb CoaU, ' f i . . .... 1 91 to I 39 tV HikS are In-kad to trur kop, e " 6MT uk k fahrtm. rtf aatisiaj, f ar Content aot to k patToakted. -THOMAS A. HAGUE, wknE W. IIAMf TON. - CmttrJ, Jmlf 10. 1827. avaxa i u ituia V Canon and BeO Uin wnptnimi. 4 . - 1 jaiain "raleyj hivinr tbn day entered into jwpartnta.rtrf - -1 Ubf earwl on in ibe Shop formertv occupied by Tbomu V. Canon. In the town of Concord , tbii i. to M.form lha eJtitena of Concord and tlie adjacent country, tliat the aubfcnber. have jnrt recei-ed the lateit faaliloni. and will eonimua to meive them u oflr n a. there u any clunRe. from the citiea of Philadelphia and New ?' I and ar determined to have their work done in a atvla auperior to any ia the L'a.ted Statea, and on the loweat termt. According to workman- a,;aktna trOTt dott III their line will pleaae Re their ahop a trod i and it they tail re: 'inf meir pnntm. crihed, or fail ratiina; fated, in tbe neateat Btyle. they ill be paid for tbeir cloti. - AH ktndi of Cutting will be done at the anb acribert'akopt and ipaJn apared In ahoaong the tadiea bow to put their drenea torether, aftvr they are cut out. One of the aubwrAei. i - K.Mk f... ih nnrnoae of furwar. dinrthe-rtealeat-aml hih- appfov.J f-ibuMta a Pa a -ait.. .......... a. ka afKnmmAilalan a-. a aia iaiar a iia- ittbyc uc awvwi mnvivv at thia .hop, well a. the Jy. All order, from a diatanee, will be promptly tnded to. THOMAS V. CANON, . BENJAMIN FRALEY. Ctnetrd, Mt 25M, 1827.' 3t78 nnnK BINDING. mn i maotrullu inrnrm. the Clt ' Sii'lT 'liflia.V. n1 (K atirrnundinir in aakl town, on iwn .itmi, . r ," TV il rfthavCoAirHiM wiiere ne ww uwkwnw 0 receive any kind or wor in ni. woe , . - C. ,.r um ntrience. in Europe from a iiuiuhv. v - I . . . i . and Amerrca, he leHuUet nSJk to rive entire aautaction au inoc uv L: ...k .nu ,l.ur.nliAn nf RinJitir. Btmk Bki wade to order, after any pattern ... a . ... J I.aV .alaaa -auKlJth fiimisheda on mort notice, via m (inwp wM.v s a a..M jaimnlai.Bl ftT. ;- UW wtm voiu w 1 1 B Old Booki Ktbtund, either plain or ornamen tolon the root modemte terma. All ofderi from a distance, faithfully attended to. The pat rouge of the public ia reapectfully aohated, by WH.BErCABTEMET, J-. tflww I rrrea) af m uuU.dk Mr a V CUy M.rfoitftrja Eta. IfysHCaisd I, U k M nH(f ik)fK loinM lk mmmmf vkidi ! fc p it 4 Smimtjdmd Cm. Wi CkwvTW Utmm ti rMw ni k kw lint kotirr. m .if inne nofa, kw Jl MM HMr(lfct4 kf Ikft Irt ti MlfMf, k fmi- Un kluk vitfc Uv. drM T lbir Mr. Cl.r. tjffTf Ik. tfxit tott' k-d Kf.n rod, uMrtiit. tbf coroptn n TA Ioil . ' , . . , i i k nmtItUn i.f a (far . K.n --- f-i - - ' tkinka. m4to in.lt my repcifu1 ck fcowltrfanietiu. (or , I be afc(aoaia ft- crattuA wbkb bat Uea dirinx fn v ual iaU la mm tviat CtaiMra.ainaial dll'Hetf i ad lor tkll hwpltibU Vo Mir.Kla lA.IIMlMI tf kUa mmMM J ' j'f .1 " t I. conua.oc. am .ta4D, .oat atpeatauy r . .i . j t ; j t' lDrilJ ta tb loaat wbLcik Vow k.ve iuat -ooe tna tha battokr t drink, f a! . tM Bapaiae..U.kaaLof ihtl 1 I- . 1 t .. . rnmrro. in nipa nrvrti. ins iiTirn PnM, "I, iW"l JIU WI IBWUW (III wti wkooi I, bmtt If rafaMotad i Ihji I . . 1 a a I . a. a... ... . k .;. . .r r.ii .1.1 i aavQii tvrr-aiaw arrv-j-Hf or The trnr-lk mnd mriinttt nt iKrlr. aa,,.ifA. " ' - F - . W V I ictpt for lb" ektriurdlojry'cbarVcier ofT a - M I too timet, tor near Jo yaart tad. a klf 1 bate htn i4 mkk m nncmnr and bitterrteii kick have few eiampln. I Karr foataul itf thA fkarlLrnl. ,kiao .f . . .J ..J ... .....a . other. lhurtin tbcmaelrei beiavaen ou .od me, have dared, to .rr.ira ma for trtKbary to your irxerc.i. Lln my for roer coo.ii'nrntf, unafreted bv the c. a 0 a uroniei wdko hire been to perteverlpir- y tlrcui.teo to toy prejudice. b. atocd br D ub a eeerouronteitcr and a ooW.moaliUf aoiroMVi. vTne mraaure nf theiV-rtrard and conndence Vi.i rfaea with, end eten .tirr.Mrd. rhit nf th nal-vnlrnre. rrf at aa It ii.ol rnr Dcraop alaod iwQilCal txu..J thank, you. ep iUnen,b art large poriwo bi ray laie conatittienta. 1 thank yoHetd avrrvame I them, wk U nr bearitJortlve mhl tupportwblcl. I have tmttonniy rereiveo. It he cbu'reil ni cintolcd me," emld.1 all my utere truli tod my I not add that it ia honourable to the generou. heart, and enlightened heade who have resolved to" protect "the "char.eter"orBn eld friend arvd faithful tervant ? " The nurnerouaftiiniffttttttont of your ptiEdence and att.chmrni will be among tbe hta.t liki niotl trea.ured recolfection. aj ma lifa Tha ImnoM on me obliia- ..t-j -a- - ' " r ' iU, wklrh rn never be weakened 0' cnrelted. One of these' obligation, ia. that I ahould ttnbr.te, every fmr oppor lunitv to vindicate that character which yotl have to generoualy au.tainedt ird to ..In, a to anil unA to ttta world, th.t tOU have pot yUldedMo the i jnjuUei of a Min.i n nibviu'V' fwi.M!'l.lfl That tS':-l!-.fiiH frpec'i.llr bound to vindicate mvwlf to my former con.tilueot.. It w.a at thtir re pretend live ; it wai in the fulfilment of a high Irutt which they confided to me, that I have been accuted of violatinR the mot: .acred of dutieti ol treating their wl.hea with contempt, and their intereiti with treachery. Nor is tbi. obligation, in my nor antlnn of in imDOtl, at all weakened by the di.tolution of the relations which heretofore existed between u. I would instantly re.ign the place I hold in tbe council, of the nation, and directly appeal l the auffragea of my late. con&lituent aa-a candidate for re eleolion, if rdid not l nn ikai m foe a arc of that clatt whom Dne rikingiironi ibe deed fpnnotjcoincjj aham nothintr can alienee, ana 00 wage a war of extermination. On the iatue of aur k an inn al. the would redouble their abuse of me end of you 5 for their hatred a rniamnn IA ,ia hnlh Then have' romnalli me an often to be the theme of my addrettet to the peo- xlo ih.l I .UiiM k... .:ii:nol. aKllainad Yfcsr r-.:.. r .iii,.,nn MM Mill ysiv,.VKvaMUiwiltuXv"ifww WtJU:aubieHb ting form wbjcb the caJumnjgointt ma h'.s Tecendf ' aasiime'dr''It anit arala but on my defence, not of any pew charge nor bv any new adversary: but of tl? old cnarKO, tnu mw uraaa, auu itiim it. A h an onen'and undlaB-uUi(l nemv. - i . a---- The fictitious names havefbeen tricken frnm ih foot ot tna indictment, and tnat of a known and substantial prosecutor has . , . :i -AT J IT. j .. J I DC en voluntarily vuirsu. uimaM4iicu uj the' formidable name of that prosecutor, I ..ill aail mvaelf. with vour indulgence. win i m f 'w-w f aj) -a of ibis fit opporiuoiljf of . ijrt jOnteJ serw iniercourif who jwt a a wi tomUrbtBe lata iafr.:Itu.aa. fa a.l m wUervatlnet m tie 9m i4 on sent ,ttsie of the' frjf V '? tyi dartre .half ka arfwlnr J l aa I ' hate Ban ecUarrifkftadmae4l.0rc-lo Ike mb N take tech (uxlct ef m Me MUtre JrftrurraJlllaiattraa eat iotr.es ta eteKrvefjiafifi or tfeit MiMrtct, ie a aH . .a. at . a apv . f . a vte far eome OH p lot ijtrww cewdidtJe for ika f r.aMaart. wkvo ware rat a road to v. it . . . ' . r t. IB. lJUV.a oiiniri.M.iiii a ii Law ettabHiHrd. and ca I farUer aboard, leCarw i lel tkio Ut he wrwea4Uw tall.l taearhuiteatad M tvf.l Mi'1m.aof Ii. Mhaal Mkneclawalltr. my 8ia4 dete mlo.tlon not ieoe"fe 1 . .. f r't. . af. uaaavai jtina . a u iruni. di air. Craw tied saaeaed 4 Ua Use, ikwi tbe oovaJtiktw of kit kealikj wore tweh a. ea- aW Mm to aAiifclnir ib dotke of tbe officf. I ihocyhtcKb4rwUe,.fttrl reached Wk l-ioaj VVf, ead fHitetf ,RUw o m iafrm.aalfi aiwdlkal Ikiat ah.alcal La. Daub asesi.il tbe re were; no other nteetieeia. owgm to prtf rf his election. nnotiga Ih Delegtilooi trone feor rates , toted a a a . A a. a a M W-,aUl bit peteaatoi were Wo- .... .. 1. 1. ly pretMe leiM.eif uiov.aweni, m n. heaa of late aaaarted. aad 1 bailie. bv ota of in very aarrwaaje who lKs wamt iv e.Douaed bit cause, (kit kit bcooip ivncy waa ao ptipioie a iaarry -w tmw, the choice to loo of thi three retained rirnfl4tti.'fr 'niy 'kw iJtTy tij l .. i.. k... .k.. .kUk I tenef was so p.lpibl si Clesrfy tw MnJl OTBhr-arrd. Tbtt I had some objection! f nr. Ad.ru s, i ins rt4y irteij w.m mil, Oot these did not weigh feather to compariW witblborii'ir ind.lntur mountahla obirctlona. Lonr and a4ctiber atelv entertaliKd xslott kit competitor. I t.k fhlt occavlon, whb grtif ittisf.c ?ion, lo w.'e i that my objectlontlo Mr. Ad.mi arose thlttj frora spprehenslant which b.ve not bees re.uaeo. i mi fwuad Mm al the bead of the Oovera meat, sble, enligbtewed, patient ol iove. tigstion, snd ever reedy t receive i'h respect, and when approved by bis jVtc ment, to eel upon tko Counrls of. bit offi rial advisers. I sdd with unoaJxt pies ure that, from the comm. ace meat of fha f? Mar. n.an I. ' atltk ikaf avoptitlnn o( Mr. J.iTersoo Adroinir.tion;'oo Chief Cabinet ao qniied oo ell public measures, nd m cordial end triendlf in all a4e in- lerewum, peivata oa aoVlal, as toose r o(lhi)rcMnvrtsldem. . -r -vnaa-r-iotctl'tor Oeoersi JeckeoiH I onpowiloa to. the. well known opinio, . a. a A 9 a.tl. a.a.aal which 1 entertained or nia.wrw p-" of the ingenuity end aeal wbkh have beeo employed to excite prejudice, again, me. would hero held tne up lo sjatvertal contempt; and what wowo aavw oce worse, should bsvor taal I roaiif oe- served h: ' T ""r'T' Beforo lb eWctiotr, an- attemnt tvat made br aa aboeiirw Uuery MWikbd.i the Columbian Observer. i PhiUdelphie a paper whicb. ss hae sinto nantprredi w.t tu.tained by Mr. Senator E.too. the the frlfLvd and th biographer of General Jeckeon, toaa.ail eay maivt, and to deter me m tlvt oxwiao ol - say Tkla iMtaahfllnff avowed bv Mr. fcorn-bS i&&ftMVnidchktf vestigtion. A committee was rcrordtug 1. ah ika 1th daV of Februarv, J8SS,aa tjointrd in tbe rtre mode of balfotlng by the House, Instetd ot ny tne seiec4iu u. the Speiker. It was composed of torne of the leading merobera of the body, not one of whom was m political friend in the preceding Presidential canvass. Al though Mr. Kremer, in addressing tbe Houte, had declared hit williognetf to bring forward hit proort, end bis reaoi ness to abide the issuo of the inquiry, his fears, or other counsels than his own, prevailed upon him to take refuge In a mlsersoTe subTerfuge: 0r tUTpostible periods, that wai tho. inott fitting to sub: ...n...i. ika rharce. if it WSS ItUO. Ev- rvifcumstsncririrtbeo: tresitrinerww-j nesses all living end present mo elec tion not yet complete ; end thro;or.e,.tn' imputed corrupt bergain noi iuiuhw All these powerful contiderttioot had no . .. .1 ..a.nSaainra and their weignt wun iiw vvi..M.-w.- . : . the maantt shrunk from bbcaaw ,-- . - even an attempt to pro Jhelf : charge. r:.-'.-m,-kir F-H r,naltrtaTenaOI- OW' lor-uio m.a. wi r cooM iddticd fid proof rhickWM - " . ... l i i During two yetrs nd nir, wnicn bav now intervened, a partioo f the press,: devoted to thoceuso - f-ilenertl Jackson, bu been teeming with the wlerfr.B.u'm charge, under every cameleon form, has been a thotissnd timet repetod; Up to this lime, I here in- vain irmted invetti gation, end demanded evidence. None, not a particle, has been adduced. Tbe extraordinary ground ha been U ken, that Utaccaerk wero not botnd o ' euahHab by,.prtwllJariUt tbl iga.Ud tKitst. U cltlllMd, cllrltU.o end eawvlciloo ere .?aorraovt sad (hat w.rd ia tirtxloos ck.rge, vt eteeapied ?uk P-Mnn'tr Jb; .M c um r .ii . .i i .r - t i... i. ilenoji lot of Ltim.n rutare. Ill.AllnU fro sllotlkyiM la .uUi.Mlata It 0Qq ipe prcieit it, mi iu cnneoeing a A ayJillcal Aalnra. la akratiad U tara, ... . i .i - " f -w w w aav r pMr,lQUal4oI belaaf ewVetaaiia "wi w-ww v wjib ar M ar rwyaaw tf fj iw f tbi re.pcctt betweeo fwllik.l ta4 other offewcesf Do ot all perpclratoH ol crirtva ni!vHi a conceal ike ir e-ullt. talA . fa ail lal iKoM aWa.l A! ITaW ttaS bA at. . I AW s4 lo elude dvt.ctioejf 1 Ike accuser of polukal offence it abtolrcd from ike -fill at a AHhfiafwvlttsiaa klai aka nsalLan . afi at ai other moar of off.aco .taadt orioally .UoJral.. fuck a prl.clpU, itracucolly pnaclplv, pracucally , would tubven ell iranuiUiiy. peoetsioa, nor tU ' .... c.rnao.mi aociaiyt itttonn, peace aod tra i i . f a a a .aai oa eta. ear a a. aor iot. would ib eafe.aealnai. lit tvalafal end overwhilmieg kJueace. it .would a mown lo en unite rtaj tkense to tibher aI caJueons 1 ... - J w Via r. a L. . . . . aaaktaawtajf. tk.f iV. proof ekowldcat etclaeivery thai of ot wiiaataaaa. taaauain iroan lhair aanac. pooavely and dlrocilv to tb tact, rolil a I. hkA All ajtkaa raaa Ka aa l.bli.bed. by CaacuBJ.tantialas .wall .a. iinn.n. vuimu irnim,i.ii torn tvcne, b h what it may, onghi tobreiklbrtet'' inrrert U nor4,"DW Ar. Ik. wruuti tlM Ikat aa r n . . -. k.a pemtive cvMeac. cot l do ctteeo that r eiasaneav T inner oe rwwve. now do the aexusert 4aes tkataa offaaca baa Weti perpetrated f-If tby do knew It, k ft'Jkf'f- kk-JV,r victton. is baaed - I will aot even assert tai, ia public sff.irs, a cmaea h-s not a tight, freely lo csprc.s bi. .- of public mea, endjo specel.ieoawn.the motivct of Ikeir conduct. But if be chooses lo promulgate ownioas, Ut them be tiven a. tAiw.. The public will coeractly jodgc of lhair value and their ground. a one has a right to put forth the positive amnion, that politic al offence ha. been committed, unless hr stands prepared to sustain, bt satisfactory a a . . a . a t proai ol some unc, Its acltai existence- If he who exhibit, a charre of a solhl- r.l crime is. from its ttrv nature dis abled to estsbfi.h it, how ru nth more difriult is tbe .condition of ill H-d ' innocencei if no .Hirroauve proof of bi. .. . . j j i t guilt 1., or can oe. eauweg i Ii mut h.v been e eon-kilo that (he iuuice of lb. DtibUcreoulred a denrutc charge, by a re.ponsible accuiet, that bis, at la.t, extorted from Ucneiai Jicason his letier of the 6ih ef June, l.telt pun- liihed. I approarh that letter with great ralurtanee not on mv own accoont, for oh that, I do moat heartily end sim-erely re jnice that If has made Its appearance But it it reluctance, cx'ited.;bf the feHingvof respctrbicfJ. would anxi ha. rniilv. ted towards Its'.otbor, He'bss, boweVerrby that twilovr crettcd such relniont betwten ue, th.t in eny language which I may employ, in exam ining it contents, I feel my ten oouna Dy no other obligstion. than those which be long to truth, to public decorum, end to myself The first consideration which roust, on V v a-- - W every reflecting mtnu, i. mai wimn ea out of the delicate ponure in wnicn General Jackson stsnds before the Amer ican public. He i e candidate for the Presidency, avowed and procfalmed. He has no competitor et present, and there is no probability of his having any, but rw. . Ll-L. L. a,.. .Il..aa.l one. ne cnarges wnn.i no .n..-v.. himself to be the organ of communicating .. ,Ka r, nublir who is to decide the question of the Presidency, though di- rectly aimea ai me, hc.i' v... his only ' competitor. Mr Ad.ms and ...tr .r ho!h puiltv.or we are both In nocent, of the imputed arrangement be tween us. ? innocence Is sbsolotely x attuM--wlth mv iniilrr-If Oeneral Jacksonihcrrforettin$stabiiluniLi j l. t.r...nr. m ha insinuation, tbat .r ki. .nt. rival, he will hare removed VI HI" --war w , . M..i nKaiarta to the consummation oi KTV.1 ----- ..... ... I.JIrli. 4. an. ika ah a. ol till amDUIOTl- nim v..., at the tame time, nuke out hit own pu r .nn.,rf. and imnress tne Amen can people with abelief thal nis pumy -T a a ua.aK.ait ... k(A Stllr . IVY VI vwiir . ahd, jnlet-niy: none pixai:u .... t betoretbe IIusoXJietMeefil4 hi dms wiU lmc solujd .;ku Wartberer-evef mof o- piwnir . r I rraater interest, at an naiu, .w. r . . . tl l -Am av avanua Uui iuib of charges f I state, the case, I hope, fairly 5 I mean . . r !.,. faarlatJa. If the DO to ataieiiMij-aw.v.-M,T"i:z.. ... ... shion be one which exposes Oenera Jackson to unravourabld auspicion.. must be borne in mind that he baa volun 5,. and he must abide th? ....,; 1 am actinir on tha de -Ii ii r. VboI. me, 4 who bat called fonh, by ihe eternal i 1 1- ' ii m i I ii 1 i jlawaaf ealf pfeik h-t riyM to i I ell t.gUia.te enaane of self defence, i tst N M ! Mt eurnpf f Jke kf o- I M "Wi laal la Mala Adl H..I La a.t la Mil. aril It . I La fa a MHMi a . w . w w w .a w a-- V t iboae QOalitUt la bit fits!, '((ffflinly. w Had ibrovgHott e lellrr. lbow4 llii.nl Ia aal fni k til. litn IrnAS.rtliatW purity In (riVnr Cotrtit I(t ko ramiptloo which It ottrtbdf fd fo thtra. V?e would tmtrine frob hif Utter, lt ..IJ. .'..-L.. 1 i. .rLl.'...a' tV?. ,,? ,?Vb,f . .,,lf,?L- 1 l?? ' .T,ut.fl Wfiwnjor . "iv , i Vi. n " . U w WMlA.Vb H mivai 9t Jbo "trn.lg1 very 1rfrviir1l.. JfT ,w ,U b''c IfKihil la al ..LllII. atkala hn.lhlm.kl kali. runs as v m Irr al XaakvUtV. whoAA ahMitntmaftt ban. ... , -yr rvan.fl rcA fo be boon bia reriiinmenda lioOfoUtrqctad Us rtcsptWlf j ; U .i.An.fi isl St i a Hsl .aralalnai Ika Tal. tnuyplM ladnoi tie $ih Jot JUT. sccq Cerier Iletf)ry fmi fijevte tlUe teller, dated the lib of In breceiluip M.rtb. MibTTthtd In bureeius raultet. and publuked. I kite Un) Inle doO)t, alihugli I hate not the ry n. al Kr t.lalnribo fact, in- thf rrertfy .Hik- .;if. f afTI tint aa. rnnlrar lo Ornaraf iarkao&'a a.iArtloAa. Thai. Ja .kaal Jkcter-. tpotUft inowrtnee, ind fi virjit4 trC'7 jllQtf.tQ.tfUUIt.l) Vlrerj iUrtU .- nt k Miiiri Infarenre. the waaf of read that leHer, when b wrote th.t. af m lh tTohd Stelet who btf not .d -J. Tb.r. j, , ierniblo coincidence 0a-rl Jacksoa end caruia lt- L, .ka. ..r,n..aa Ma inlaraat. in relataon ,n Ur. Bcrlya letier. Tbey vary fly look the ground in reipeel lo Jt thai I oueht. under djt ear titnttvtf.io come out and den; the itatctsents. Apd General Jaikson now isys, in ila fetur of the t)tb of June, hal be 44 alwaya in- ttnued, snouiu nr. uity com oui ovwr hi. own n.me. and dent having apf . . . a .... . . knowledge of the communication road ha bi. friend, to mi friends and (0 rtl, thai I would give him the name of tbo" gentlean.n through whom Ibtl Commuty Tka Wialinaulthrd manvbef Ol I'd!' . " kn hnra tha allrwad OVerlBf, cording t General Jackson, 'presented him veil with dlplomstie circomipecuow. t.at k. akimLf wotind ih vaTT wmt-aefi' .iKiin. df ih Goneral. Ue avert that tb caromunicaiiovt waa Intended with the most friendly motives, that he earno as a friend," aad that he hoped, hwwevef it might b received, tber would b no akr ration in th friendly feelings between them.. Th .Geoeral graciusl conde scends -to -.receive the eomwunicatiofir and, conaiderstioa of tjnndhif 4t ihrdUtiirrnilhtd. -member, . JI . having always been a profeivod friend, Ha ;. nnn.;.a4 imnnnitvi and a..red that there thsll be no change of ernlcable tiea. After ell these necessity preliminarleo ar arranged between the high negotia- ling powers, iho envoy proceeds, - .A kaan tnfnr-nad ha tha flicndl of Mr. Clar. that the friends of Mr. Adama bad .r and bis Wenda would untie in aia ot . a. a a a faaY aTa - - iba election of Mr. Adam, r. vias tliould be See retarv of Stat I that Iba friends of Ad.me -fere urging, aa a rea- I ha friends of Mr. Clar SO iva aw .... r I accede to their proposition, thai if 1 wa elected President, Mr. Adams would bo continued Secretary of State, (inuendo, there would be no room lor nentucxy. j J.rkxvon'i inuendo, or MBVJ --p..--. " that of the distinguished member of Con gtess! " Tlajt the frienda of Mr. Clay atated the West does not want to separate frora the Weat, and if I would say, or nermit any of mv confidential friend to ' .' . . . I T 1.1... ssy (nal, in case . uwas eicao -Aa"" M. aj... aimnld not be continued Sec- rttary Tf Steia. by a complete unior. of Mr. Clay and hie Inends, tney wouiu pw an end to the Presidential contest in ona hour and be waa of opinion it WM rignc to fight such intriguert with their own weapona." To wbicb the General atatea i.:..ir k.aa ianlied in .ubstinc. Ill iukm iw -. - - r . That In politica,'ae in every thing else, a a I ' . . a.ai aaaa ftfa my guide was prtncipier ano, , fW0UOTrtep;int -rj',:-land ,equ3ira Jw;mJ I r.. I AlA MiAnnaa ha had IIU Ilia ii.v.-, - ,me from Mr. Clay,- tittogh: M4 ihe termt Mr. ClorJHendt,) that beforo i.4 arh i ha .Presidential cnalr by I www . - . . iiiti maariy t (f ' baHmin and offUptKo I would aee the esttb open and swajlow both Mr. Clsy and hit friend, and my lf with thetn." ow all tnese proic. .ions are very fine, and display admirebfw purity. . But itaeublimitjr wouldbotanaa what more impretaire, if iome periyn rtf ,fci( j,.., 9htm j,t Ihl. ,f the fth ; OTlf( j, WttM lfcjog 4h.f t ir. IbbCU bfit bkte. mow it d thai t dooU wkelber lbar- 5. .-k.r-,,, 0r . rIhkirerobeco

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