t - If 'i i m I 1 tjw .frWf tk.t flne. J.ckfrn k4 po 'tbiavdh. Me wuU ttvetke Prl dfiUJ tb.l,Ut r,f, mI r ro mry I "the eiptued eftd ekUM4 111 of ik peovbi of ttr coflrhytid " I two model ef ptII tilt tbe tfaore f ,U, il happae ! be it other twhvl wif. ,f , "Mi ike tank 'J" 4 twelk,w JU. Chj tod Mo fVUMt td miulf b(e he would reeck tfce fmldeoibl cbair he ltk wnt of bergaio tod . eotr I bopt General J" 4 "- -ft fwtrwd lumirrrt should bt 10 .Wallowed CJ, 00 IM CM' ' ' ilflttKT ! tuted, nor ihit Ihey 14 tiifMif ib.f fit bit to totoloit rfr poioenew to. lU'iPftefsJwH Toot wiaepWfirU. aatt toaacoid hi tbt tiootothePrctldeiK. Ifpe he under dihe dlejbttiLbed we Wf 6fCcirtti i Mile more flttbgwlihed, by toitairtly ordering bio) fro hit preecetc, tod by forth wit I deoooeelng; Mai ead lb lab ri prope.ltlo- whkb be bore, lo (be A re trie, a bbUIc. we ihould be Hub kwtler prepared to limit tot cblmt to latarebhcd latrgrtty , which the uenerai m moJtuly pen tofwird Bolt tccor ting l hit ewt k(mdi cr rapt tod OconWUowt proootal b made lo Urn Ibe . ptrtoa wbe cftevtttd h edrlatt Vln lo eccfpt ft, i4 yet ihi pereoo euH reuiot the frlehdihlp of UtMr.l Jet ktofk, bolt . m . i . . i . . I . wo iceetr oi mb cotrecier mei on eiroa H Carefully con tiled tot reserved to M T JMrrtfter bfwt M lbrra i lioi A t, If M U rwmUr of ih iBiinfisotii for lb Wk vbkb, U XTfi and itfiHH'Vf fw vluiitKocil to wm4 a (M frrvptk bllU toCf of wk M ill a iMrptewi th fWiw lff If-vbom 0t Jk mo wndi rtadf t tiubtltb ih cKriiH tlon f fcai wtko (hartctm tr txuf 1ettlot4. J'. Of QU pjopenUt wbklTUloBf lo wrwa on, not OAt.it n blblf ' m (bat f cbrctet. GeocraJ v .'rltoft (niot U IntcnUbla to it ulue, wf t ippetn to W ami MilaM mi fonb iU IoIUoh twf pariif of tI on. XIo kn kt traaitd nW f Durinr iba lipenut)ofl or iba boapliallJci of lha DrntilUf f , lo ib mldit of a naiied cam aor, coapowd of MWidaali from nri ui Sfittt, ba ytroilu blmie If to mia ctrtala utmetu rtipcth nti friend tftd me, which If trta, would fureter dli- AorwQr and 0e(rda o. The tordi art oardf paiied from bit moutb, before laaf ana committed to 4 k any kwkbr l:4,artUWn m ml aVtfro- 4i4 u iw tmti,, iUJ mHm tUaf crliliWW r (.mti. k tUWtJ.f Wf.IkrUj W lie feb ef W. , rw Awt; atA I I (tie pubM, a4 1 mrwtX. ao m u pwiUk i ik vriJ, Mm ey aimiiii" b I r btd v'.ik Oa. ap tU a.J-J.tl af Im lot f rvaJtadtJ WtJa, ftiU wimkm, b tbe fcaA af Pmeab ar, tt:i. a I'm tm I bead aaf f Ht rgwow 'h la elf. wW'Kiat UrftJ b4 dtmJrtd W4 a U iWd f f eM nf , u ewnttwf Hr A1mm M Ud HWrfirt af iiau. lbMf t fcl a bad a i a latlanuj anob dttslim af hofiiNMj, e'iber la U tin ltrnn ad tUil lo raft lo af tbe JfHif t e ia 'he feiolf dti-ynUia af u r,Vifitir it HoUij Urr. Mti iod Uio ton.wbd AMUrted iKa mme afl.Wnf n It id tii kr aliirt Ufe tbe tbod of bar . lofKtiteaiMbro4lf Iilddowaita teneral poliiWal littib aOd I tV one one lo product lint le tieefxM h tbe bluury ftfclfUlatdonWa iimm roll luff tbleftiio' 4t b ktorped, or li tbe iKere of Iblnt tear cao 0or tbe tltil toeertweM of orodMrf, bvl h rrif rUd ja of: tit Hart ioWiMOt It HI b lovnd lbt Ibd ejillirf -orper ad Cat .from deatrorlt (be poU b banurf M ted tbe ctwurf ;roa thtnmh?i hH lbrje 4 trt pretkwwy crecroo; opoo tie mine nf that tivn?. ; Wbat l ben la rfMf 4 lo be dnn frotq lb odaaaptai I It l that our PWrtt cao be devrored oft If f be comrpiioti of etr iatf micro i ad tbat if mtliurr tjaurpor eter aHoutdoNiln (be oreptre of iomMoa, tbe corrupt of tbe dU tctAerootcoi la tbe oo! aeetioo tkraujb Mcb be cao roircb to empire. Hn ridiculous Ibcbi dot tbe otjrciKm appoaft tbal Oenerat Jitk 00 i mlHliry' cblefam,'eHn If be in turh Im tbe full acute of tbe eipm aba) f Ilo tntih more kite t to ap prtbd I. th libortf of rowKIrr, frota oblrb) iOf b tnn at IfV. Adamt tad Mr CUf dafrMxf the 'People of tbt)r rljcMa, than iroro the clcctiom Of the rrp U. of iutk orilkarr diWflalna,' at'OeO arJ advM IAa4 what It It. I prif too, tbat etMOealif o arkaoo to I be Ofoetrio lift deimndnko f kalnr mllUfa I o period of rrctt nub! ut-rU, vbea rpowW end or ataf 4brealtaeMVkW adflf p bMe)mtiea,at e r!M bl c I n t,u ate M X ! it Ji rf aftMM imta i a!lr. b viU fb H 1T .l ( M Utaikeln. 7ti if be WxxiU rw be iU4 frM, M a-mld ( mm k trt TLtl k Wuu'.J iKm rn Ufa af. toe pft frM Ia4 anirtiMMWd. h4 oauld UMtat M" tUr y to t it ibe flUt a tbe (-tfMt ruk lue m aMni al Im Um. be bBttd U M im elk ad ibe teal N tbe IU PreuIlO ? t trrae of re- n4 If Vorii it. I toii bWa tbtt Vie eat la wn rmiao ai Ok aa m aa l M4 rrU4 1 rtatira. Vae apeird h at afl i ad tfo I bad mt mcM w tbUia M, M ay eiaiaTcio, liMaaaH kU, VI artre ai kUiy la rMt bit untr, Ha at'l f m parfeeitt tt ESttty la d a to a pim4 afM BMpar JK owtjr feourttbrff afarrt imW4 atr Im pnW t . Te coeraaita mpm (lW tpa MtofiMhHtHwaktiMaikcMU!Ure todtd jm I all ar toifetjne aliwe, U Mtr elcUIJ, Wk to ck4 tM ard" of bie ) VrlWt anauy.'a la im aovrto af tt lor hWU arvj HM't by kfcWri1i aaMUiwa.fNaiidiaat Oatral Jack am OMia ad. on im UUUb M bd iirrafr VWcW fc'r'rt rrtfTie rcfl- boot to tbe date if ba) ' - 1 - wirt ia b ant. f ' t. I iMortt Orafl jultaTa ad K la kU-i I d a4 rtwJUct i bat Omrtl Jack mi lold aib tad toibe ce bi bkSbai pottkel frkaV t Mund. to aontradkA ikla raMrl i anrf to declare ibat be Iraald a iMetot to tbat td. let OM aaa, ktamr iat be aJrtil m be i4 at Oe be4 af tbo otat (Kva14a parte ef b pe&ilaa! eaaaa lie. . iVaae btwf mj ba im, i adtlrwaed leaer to a emOdeotial k PaiwekMua, fbeakMd bIB lrg to at o, it etata to cMracir, aa aoe vaoaad ebrarte dalalaafaaf CaiH Jt. mi avaiia fvBwiay ntMifitov asai auvice epe im nkjt, irnatTfdbiaaiievenaVtad (K 27m ef nfdet. IRt, tot lb 3?tb, abkJi fa aoar brtbr im. kM obkb KrrMlMa- rsl am! roiSrrJ ij prrioia pUioa. ' f tbco lualto dalariw4 tliMr Itot I weald ak Ceo. iartaM laaaK, atfrt aortbaf af bia frtowb la lia Mkr M J4 et iVcbyad, be wa U astoiM M 4aSe bia otmnryaf uit U Jbt "rVTAl 'Yt 4atrarteoo f 04 rrpjjftrW M UfunrffrOMl kiOawK ad tbal t rWaVkVoUr Ke 001 bit tolra. geaj'to arp4M ktr. Adaeaa.-. t'.i IU ami dAk tmtem w rwM af tw latitr to aibirb I lt trtomd.oy firad Mr. an inapenanl rilr of lot t'aloo ibo ke of our aiboU Weaicro coooUf Ilk cip- loro tod detauiion, Utn. Jacktooi rtetM taken frato Ibd eialkr of prWo-fife deatiiair of regulav mllilanr ddrit!on baio been boi o er abort period in too rtrulir armbut impelled bf to ar W f pauiexiiat, inwbkb o roaa.Jor piaei biro t anlmaied be a reajrvre which ari oo cooarqucocet and lUMtlned 04 tbettiihedrtniua wkicbeioincnil? oaii iSrt kirn for command roihed forward to tbo point of danger, and oeercominK imcultka whick to af oiber mn nooM bae been ioiarmouoioble- ireaaow with ih and a aopcrior arm nhogimcbie ed one of tbe moat iljtoal and . gloriowa Icioriei ibai it to be frnd on the records i of military hinorf. And UOen Jack ion. r nr bfli JmI bodk idTor and ark mttmm rX abjrtf aT the rnaldeartal ataetiwi, ad eo crnuneine pehoo bH probity ke ee- Inte4 teCametal JaakeMWloftOtbt oQtct af aw af. iaf. fref mwerrh aarrt. (kl Ptor tbe CewrtL He obarrvtd that Mr. ;fr ffieoda oere vino! atrached to ki'm. ami - ata, I omvM raptal bia anaatr to Mr. CWjr aad bkilrieitbatrctJllbUBaonT toiake d tee. tM oktAa nwnnaltoo beiaf opao IM pbM fireev H fw m aataM4 my et rrvtoo, A Mr rvaaerU iad I tmel I ebaB bae doae Hb tbal tarveai4e bataai fcmer. I tafiad apoa Cawral 'ackaaa, on tM ace. Haw, abk I bate aaattoM. aototvaibialrWa OfMO mj to4irMtoaJ t aapanOatlily, aa4 oal ta Ike ert of Mr. Lmr, ar anr mmt mmcm. I bare bae the putties! friaad af Mr. CUf, aiaee be biaaaia a eaadtdale for tbe omre of Pre4 dVat, a yog rjr mB know, fjotj aiw Coa. rrai i acWa . brltoe to Mr.kWriy af tbt (Mb ft and at tbe auwa Ijim v Ufcrmrd m a kt. ter from tf CJrtoT af (be Caked Itaie Trla. mob; that I via tbe pena to wboai be afW IM tmcrym Mrr toe eoltrod ow maV Ibatbe Uftaoad tM to bate boa lb atYot af Mr. Clay ar af bit frieneV, aeibat I bad UlrooVd te aropoaa to biM tome af aav biad Iract ibem ar that ke eold Kara Mrfoead bm to be eaMble of tiprttWnf tha ovtoioa tbat w aoriat tofM wbJotaifoa mhk ikeJe owa oaapoaa. cb aippoirtioa, bad I ea toetaiMil il. vauld kar renfrrtd me etorrd. ity tMMppy. aa tbcre w M km tpon ranh, boar good ap'iaM more ratord. tbaa tbat of brorrai JXtm I rr ax ipiPad tUa totetmdawe bieRMMj bet I it n, ib the feat rrbtotaaee. boeaoaa k boTi iVxtdj, wl'hoOt my it My of akiM, fooad kt ty axe ike Kreaaahert, U eMwecttoo vkk tbialiaiuocfioo. ' : Mr. Marklty adtrrtrd to lha ruar thick 1 bare BMauoMd. aad wM M vae calmlalrd to CUyN tbal br Ibeocbt ibeV would rodrtvw to act In eoftcan at tbe election. Tka! k (ber did m. the rmiU thkere'aet Mr. Adaaaiar OcnrraT Jackaon at (hair pWaaor i kt tbat mmur af hem would arret ame to rare lor tbe laftrr. V tbey kaew ke bad preeiermifted to prefer another la Mr. Clay, for tbe flrvt oCc in bit wt inat aoqteaf be rwMiof Mr. Anam d already keeo WdSnf out Ike idea, that lo DaDer br Ana of mla - AA . . . a . . aua Kvraia, ano iruimiltea la tbt form Of I will nnl. . Um iaJ J,. . 1. J? . letter to Mother flute, where the .r. " " " X " .T::.:T'rMTir" 7 - . w imiih . ,if i n inu.HAiii fa rii r ,l I ion mt. mnjtw. vuu. I IvK CoalklMrt Dm 'aflirwciria - nadei whkooi tn cakolatio - ertJ fc.,.hr . Into tho public jour rv . wa ,4f tkefoeat il'MhVe VxT PH.MOT. tnd bra. J in the kattt of oaamwinr anna tba m,Ut - lha .UrfL .kJ i ..." Ll. V7 V V , noelbaa Ueo. Jackaoo kaa ktrd kU AAltalaMa mu.L bim that I had beb (hlnbtn trha Km """T WWt. ..... 1 r- . v.t . wUKJ tr in a civil than in a miiii.P. "Pf " oenetti myacK of ret om of hi " - w V011JW1- I alb fI I. . a . - T t waawr tltVlOUOl 10B OH KB BUWI IMtatl awrataaaiiaa aw -ft. iai w w u ii u inai nnnii oak ... - -r u aitor arawi m aaawa, orm noi aiiai - - Doit k. fcoroe. .ko ILC P.6.. " Wad, Mm bo wo. ieM brTo" who bad .lolatad .b. r.w: T'0 i fa foci .to "fk.' wk 0 daakrwioo, . I f o cooiaraaiion at ib. boipuahle board 1 1 Jo,,! Far from it. Tbo im,kil. i. i. I . " "i.rijivMtl caoooi OoIIoto tk woold bo to waoiloe -cwrwaT.Tot ftmf ippt.r, to Ilia for uo connrmattoo or tbe publjihed atate intwt tod. tbo . General, ptonipUt-ad ilrcatri o letter to bin. in wklcb be oet wneqwifoctUy ooofirat.luva Me Warier Boe.rUy.1, 1 kttwedd I'ZZZZ twouc ie iiKredotow. rJ.K.. r. , tbal Oral Jackto. o hoJd t mmure ron n,l K lo delicace and d. I L! " . ' tf .con,",,rloa' n' f 'a doubtedJwbetber ke would C , i uvir ins uivniraritwai ai t He eould not. I UUk. Kara Ibwiaiprrwioa, ttatil aiUr Mr. Clay I ioada koj awaatry aWdad Mr. Adaow) , aoi Mr, Adawa bod aopohwcoV. Mr. I Clay nocrriary ef Ktata. AfWr ibeaa e lad (raarpirad, h Way be readily conjrctarrd (a hit otaiuver. at eijimaneatiofl mtpbt kava laaiboajatotbeotiwike.'. f deeply deplore tbat tack kaa beoa He effect " ' ' ' r . . I owe it toanr oo eliararter lo aaka aianir ObamatKM. Had f em kooo a. ar roo mj. prded. thai General Jaekana) ketiered I kad b' ra arnt to bim by Mr Oay, or bie friend. I oH km imidfaitely corrccTed bia rrron. oae rrpmaaoa, ed tbui prere nted (he wreeod. it or ibw aoat enoltaaaot etoUnation. Wkea tbeedjlorarthe Cniied tfatee Telerrwb,oa tbe I7ik OCooer laat, aked aaa by letter fhr iMormalMM apon lb aablect. f amraplhr in. raws mm nj ' d rrnnumf mail, on Tfte iota of that ovtb. thtf I kad oo airtbonfr reea Mr. Clay or ko frtenda, 4o propoae' my lerma ie GaoeTOl action I reiaiioo to tbrir voteat nor "mrrr. rrron wen am u known Gen mil ackaoa woU be to reerKe watb a meware. -1 bare deeowd k mm.. . BtmirM. nr amcr to. itaaovo aa -oMepiion, wkie tuj ktaavbeto-occt W -ad. kjr tk MikCoktMai U Lha rUk. r ktter to the Editor, dared Cb' lltb tMimo. Wiib aAotlerrwk!.ila.1 doae thla com. ManiaaUoo. Before I bald tka -nrmrm.t'inm mhU rat wke Iroaehi Itrtt at WaitrkxH Ult 01 that Wx1f dif wit dacldad. la now confined lo Chun, mi ttn op hit nllitifV ptofeuiow.'and It po0. ilnj bit mliiloftirf tabort fof oowte tkrvogk Ccrope, ek4 ikU wndcf, 4k patrenit of b CMUneoi Bocieif Lowdot, for the pfflparaloo of ike ft, pel lo Corope. Tht Mmhil tppctrti di tondoe tl tbo annoal mceiinf ef loo Social r tnd io ihem ibo i5tr. eol kdr,rt of wirlikt fcorf tbat k kaa tWed, deal riof they aalgU kw dcro ti ew ibw wwtaefatoolT oCift; fitim jj; fkerev tnd frwth fa lk worlds, I fa tbo aiapUdtt tf tllM !e rblld, wbtld be potMatef tho rwotl wndaeaied 'coortrj. lie tppeart to V Hff1 twOaetaily CjuaJ.. i&ed for Ibo wort iw wbkk owe' Cod bat abpolntwtl kim. lit It not owl eU. icwt lo kit work, bat kit itefolotttb iff ftil." i . The tetterw beotrt trrooanco tbt etawk of tbe Bar. oaepk Tkaittrtred IS. 1 ibo Um of tko rttoloiiootrf ckpt,fov IIowtt,tayt ibo rkiiadelpkU 0. telle, wo prrwme ibe latt of tbe rerlmeou! rhapUlnt. ln?bildefpbU twoTroerabb reoilemrn uirrlre. Kkop Wblie tod tbt fUv. Vf. DUtkarll, both of wkoeo am kerej naked wbk tko reeoiuiionarj rbtp. Ukat Tko former watckiplalo of Ceo icrttt, tko br.tr of i 6r in- camp. Abort ibo year I fid, ttrerti cWrrr. W4B, belonrlnc to tbe frotloco of VW. rlnb, In o froik, tnae t toor Into tb werior of Kprtk CaroJIot.'and Chritir peopbofaJlifjro tod denomlnitloet, ,t certab price per keid. Oo iktir reiera tb4t bte4.uf.JulDjrin(lf rfaofe KWianea of 0 ore mm en I do J nrmtioa opon the aobleetj - 7 nnunctng ItimVt o 'dinwrm.' tiS...-1 r.Markle orrwf m' Wit chUHalo. Where . re J.wV m toiX U KZZTF?! woo aro..tbel .TOr k .. hT?. ,dtPPntSecretarr rf Jutaad ViniimateiLihai k. ..U .Z- ' ,w KWII 01 1 III w a I tnvtiill ua IL.I - . I t . . a ' ? - elBM ibo oenoro mado lo kim pwodu b rZ'?1' i W,DcS M thiztn bat Pre.idenu.l ebc.ioo CbrT fSl Vf' b' Cta rata , and ke re rratf dL JZ. Ue-Jjck ttemg hit country. mct rvtr tou me.-. I ,hoUld ke. rl.d to know if ail ihoMraloos of the i.le i,?.;l,0n ,Bd8,eir appearance, and Vhttbor Geotral Jackaon tll .11... .v.. 17 eaactjoVd tor aart. M;Dt 8ptttK reW V. ( ' a a ma - ai m Mia j oy r. Clay that General d bs hr anft lo it A!t aaai. ..u ... "oiiiiiarycnic Main," aad lhal would ciraanfer.tbo bbertiet of the !"J7r,.L,,r',Alm 10 chief eirll vuivv vi ino IvcpuOIIC. A eery brief recurrence to tbo hiitor of military utarpcra. will tatbfy yoo that totko deebmttiootof ttchoolboy.tk.o to Tbt threw, principal, military a,urpfr, who have Jgured in the history 0fVh world, are Cmi, Cromwell ' . - vwna General Jackpon, which I ba U.-f vL I mIUJ ib iW oh.) joe l4Mao,-W rootow4 .fcwa to ask erero "Ured appojnt Mr. AaliTM Pli., ..itcr in "'ri oe ot errat aari,tae ta a e.. e. u. Tthe Ck..i ... M T ,n i r-aw, .n. ao. Jkaonar. otodeekre uaoo kkowo-aoib-rii.Tr..:; tthTVh. I?' b the So much, fellow tlifeena. lwitk.. Aaaow mra. and ni4. ,., .L , I l. xarMoa - - a "i"1 '"t. win, meir wvwn weatar 4nmkeri Ao t itrtotdlntry circ8mttnco lately occurred o bdy wf hb towa aaye lb Srottfitri Jfrtrther. wbkk w tbbk de terret a remark. She had tofftred for wxne ilrot ooder t Ibfarbf d dangor out iilnatt, and Ihooxb from ago ker kair had cbinrtd from black to rrty, tetilo cfrdibfe ae the cirromatance may tppeir, upon ker re i tor i hn to health, h wet di covered tbat her hair bad onderfooe o -eecond cbaoro of colour tod ataio becamo bbek. A dreadfwl tcridetx hinoVned a ttf da i ifnce at Mawr h Cnwnk. Peona One of the cart bden with roal 'whlk wti on the rail-road, broke; bcc from tbt ropro, tod ra mhh ImoMtte Triocl? down tko declbiie wf lk rail war, tmiil i came to o pmipler, oeer wkiek w fell, billinf end woondipw NTcrai men oho were at work bcueatbv John thtef'jrdz tan weapona. That lb Uwt. and eitdeovorcd to eonrinea 1.!. ik., . . " - . I VOUIll ..ItlMll. .Cu k..! A ". ..." i nert are tome m nor ohU, .wu .. L. r",fr.?,n ,0" wenero nan. i wouw be ila erTcct. Th r- ZT ' wwaa wuou I II iiaawa Baaa ah. W a. tit. . I . I a. i . . w vwiircrv'inn n. m . uruumnaaaiw. inav an. .art iBaramoao aa ' ' w: on tnr to me leeffwi offlra la t ha rw. . Uirk i w. .... - . MuOi L. ......... 'iwB -t - . vwiwr pouiait UeIiMl i. I thouid bo ery wbd to ...-L , ... " ' 1 . . . v w. vun in inr wrrnn.M . utcauoD i wiu not o far lax your IT. "r tetiwaned , and hat If thV. I Pr witk mr w P rc e ngn, p, twoto far GeraJ Jackn, fWd th. q-.cmon ,o the Tr fSome of (he crowd here ,ier,l6c-nl. 7 e coaleat in bia CiWaed .In Zl J bu a. a a-r m auMvaaa a. a n .it . wiiinirnrw. aua.oie tone, which w.iaiidenriTTAien- fled for It prompt 1 bean preiume i lectiv'e il thank yoi niihet mi Gen. Jack brought ai . " . " uiuBJi aw ne iiaiaaiiiaa.1 ma .aa - a nairiniir and m.-so-: - ' i . ... ,MV uucwm iniDroDtwr. i . e -w iiiciiiuriniio oio ..itr i fniahi . t. - w a i mivia ioi hatu.ti. . life. . Who. ih,. m. Puwc " Tkot.o. only ' " " ,n!n wt been accu. were the causea wat a Uriuib rmliratkn, who pro a I Tht Xaitfwc let Journal1 cofri.In. aa etrirt of o fetter from Oallinolia-Ohtv deacrihina; a tinirobr accident In a aak ell. . A pervoa hd ham ln..i ... tho boHom of the well e depth of Jf bet, for ibo purpor-of mtkiiro; iom repaifi, when fndn It dark, be called for IblH. A.Candb wt orocored. .nd ott lowereeT to tbo deptA of hrU :wheo tbetir of the well tcok trt. Th puion tt", the' .bottom wat Jmme. diairly o'," dpwhia fundi and fate much aco bed, and kit b.ir and obit ken conufei.f but he it likely tow lee the acciant . flouting CAafiri.Sri EoUh loatinp; cbip,'Sr of teamen, ar . P01 It it furnithed wi; coD' ' hold o conjjregiliov"1 ?eront. mentoriou. aci. of iniblfc -robto n, w. Ambnsrer, and what "ol,r " krnp; it wu friembhip for him. . t of hu execution f lh .,rV,ted ke. .ouM ' ' be intr renegade, on outlaw from ed o aiaocbTed himir iir.Ll-Jr.M XF - waa Willi parte and 1 ineile yourlcTniin vur pariicuiap u.. lion to tbo condition of R wUlffl FrarWA. ml tkdV Waa.a4A .I .a a P ' - WW OMWJ AUU HI IffimiOl aaaa..- tbeirp.tlonHttid to the c.uaet which kT.ftRrt "e fitted the wa ,,.!. .....j. " .w" ,.B babitafjtt of i 07 ' awao OtUUIltwrila0iV , I V . . VI bvuiiii aa- .aan ana iubfo iioi.ai.. ' wpww a - an laiuiair ni v im a i wav Trial aniai aaui imk j ak.a a. r .a . torio,V iunk M the: lowe.t SK f ft- h " 'he WhyndredoV v-ittk. muI .K.I. :-r. ... r Wmetatlod, who word ertfrine-ta thai offi . .. ... tinaiiicniiip icu i . . r . tfiipleaof the f x w or rn.-- '.7:"" "oicrirjir.: eo'o aim, mere wai a report - wuiurn ana ahiM.a . . . iirnitannn- aa a. a a.j a . . . . - ---- fcuiiuicuiBppj i ""wnaa aetermtned that he MOICU romea lo w , ftlonat and hi. a lubirct. about .Ml - IT U.A "V J moT " We . -i w wian. "w iMicip.ieo on lha nrum Tk. n . . . r v.aaion. . H. uentni naa redeemed hit had mmifcitlr aDnaar!. .........i i. itneit in the General', prod c.ttrttxion f Uwol gland., by it it certain) mora .hll a red ho ". wratcbedoew anrl baolaavt t . tHyeptJaijiii wabu omeoi-IIliri.; ,a,,J Precisely io th. umm .ll tiaeav f ib il-ll "'-15 r'":." aa bibtm tAEU llDmitl. boaiiM . a "v I ID H. 1 hab aao. K.t a a " . : a....t ""'n"0 eecution w :t tnurderou, liiL7fA " 11 Uf J"koo had yielded to the turirett ona of a f.t.a a... preferred the dominion of Cir, to thai 'beprofUgatoandcorJ n2S ho were p, dowa by;himf Who, jf , mwen, who carried tha Riory ot England id the extremliU. i i pledged , A d0cl ,a,e,.r ,0?k P1"" " Botion be- if ?rh!. P of Mr. Jme.rWeen ,wo "J,,,,WPmert h U. S. Ni cucnanan of rennnlvan!.. .. .k- ur lT, named Yonn n ... . . - - mem- .J. . .. .. o rccn, we anow ber of Cnnor.. k I . I them hnlh V....n- : .;""--r- --. o mm the I , , . "U"K " STn and ureen it WtitM t-iwhaaebor0f-MrH 'f Of merelv Dromiaint th .r not hare been ri;.i. w... . z o -' . tt uiiHo on... .WW.,.!., yiucr nnnkT Secr.t.ryof8toeinrerertion;.nditrt. fre without rufflinR . bather mama to be teen what that ...... i tbotdo.ign.ted, b.i.o toroSVh '..r ; , . . mmv I they concluded to ,hoke hand, and make up. a wawr observed rh.r i:t,.i. their haodt were thaking alt the time. Eft 0A"- Lincoln went to m.k. oal ono of -, mia. report i '"'. vomparen with Rui.; I. -"'woewreoto movr.and I 1" w - ... A " Itt'ement -anraa ' in- il-t. t.t .k.u t -''-I "V,? i- u. reporti vompiren hould be DmmnfkV .h.3.. I Pkii.J.i.Li.. r i ,., ." r -rv ww mm.m:i itiiucr on own i "auaipnM,,a the worth. io the nr,:.,. " I"""" ' tko wowen and chlM.:. .w I rs -. vvuiu iStuana, . , ;uuf 1 "DO hetam ik. . . o1MoFnnc.. Tbe wo aubbc,. i Wh0,if he wtn , T9UI4 ...t prefer enVSo hare Uod of eternal i.i.il,. . "o sentence whk-h tuthoritv, 'bned, it bJreWvWiwbaM mme bjiiry proceeded to relate to him the , "".miiiw n rn. muimmiia. w i I .... lrJ?'",,,,lk.,eJ dOliotrf member whether mentioned h i n.m m m.i ji.-j . . ----- w vwium tutu ta t frbnd of M .ru.?- ' After 1 bad KnUiwijL ,k. aI t j.-i... 1 -1 , - mw Knia. ucviarea oe lion. "Tb., k. .l irBmv hich it apnea rt ihil Wu.i. i " "M,t Jy iw b. .kKfi "or m": a buT had nerer oud or faunrhd. that be wuH, or I- k.-..r ; r5 wauia eep '-7.. ""-"iir cnv. -'ihemYKa "h-: ro-oobj be one in fifty, while in Boaton the" are one in r. . t -. " IWlll JIlBaaa.in maM Tbrk, one in thin vUj m . ' kt. ' -'v , imianei- no in mttf two. tDd jn B-ki tnore, one in thirty eight. Bait. Gaz. Self Drente Th't LouWana J...i int.imatei that Gen. Jact.on .t- . w mmutct, to moire briber. Tho repealed till tka flen.e.1 the end of tha loo Tk. ,l . 1 . .." - . u .uuiaii men taid. llio Fji.ii... . u- ' iu which 'he General resiled. I ea r... ..... . -u ao; it it wit k iia", taid mo cmet y0U hire 10 too water, and mote farther!" iij moved ua tben .iked back ua to Enoliih DaDara m.niin. m . r '..i iiuiii uii . w Chinese bdiea ar hiK;.in i. f..' I doii. - Their feci ire ihtu teto Jong. l I 1 n T of n il. hi . er fe on lit tht I" i k oft e Uni Wb ieo we' 500 moi e)ei rwni latt the! fortj bnd ictn af Geo Atn oppc ofol oft!

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