B' YuuAbU Vruvtrtji i, )TlSn b . tmi to Ika Wrrfrta Umcv, (1,4 auS'tW .e M aa tin - el M kU U kwwH hUf M ika aawia tale af Itv tfeUM B4 M kk d-Um f r-i"i ina, t J J a.Wt f ImK7, Reaea rewty, N, o. h, to n, I W im 4 14. a nd punU t Ua. b 11 m toad U tM (mi mi jr. IH ! efcWe Me ft 4 "? 4m4Hf i 9riK ataKrt, tJ 1 MM ear Mi. ' A a.et ir f kM It adr twJUalkie. peaAeMy toeeajilaf 14 Mil kaadet rk Mra MMlltl af a aba Re fclMtoB im l ill ml IB BBflt till Bill BBIt . . ' I . . kJ Mttal af Murr m4-mM ka, m eaia eLkatrt.dad4 kta t ar taee i . t" Aba, w3t be tQm4 af, Ike MkerrtJ f..: I er tote m ka rafcakw pad 4 St 'fr.ntun frt Aur. tjta ta. S t utjn Im i f itytae f cStefta, l Iffuricl Ie lte e,H, U et'f kwJ t u &fta!iM aj re. twr44 aal fatad, ad .f Man aaaAe if ilf ie eat at aaty It aev be im e-e iW4 MHmm ka mmU to ikt tkW Fairy tad W rKm Cafl4ee M lVe avaatt.e. liil mIh tka 4t (rkfltti ipv M pi a MSI M?v4 ! C1f lnr ke lnWl m IknMMMi h iM MomUv ( Nat. mm, iW mU4 U Uu4 9tpm, 3U TIKH. T. A 1 I ttf Iff Q, C7., Cm1! Cmt WlMa J mn, kilibc ito iwrr, my pmi m m. tl U 4ptot if m terifmltiiof lama H tmrclJr. f mow lUrK a? )miMr, ar laliH l ttaWa th xraU. , mt bntkf, Jmm I. U"ft a"f Laff l r . c . , RICJIO lY.lONQ. 1- WaJ tt rB, arTN far tola kit U4i U lUa couaUr. tit 150 ton a :U m af llto Yadkto rim. Waif Ik kad arttna a trad b W taaaV artaat rr4 ay a)1 vW r acqHatotail jia It to a lafariar to aoa aa U rtrf 40 ar 0 arm af . tUa Ma Ua cWwH tmmUf at aar mA JM aaaafiaajt. arapt aUoat 20 aK k rratiKf tU arcaaMf Cf9 IVrt ( aba tOi r ,M W al Ma1a aaMaV JaJj aiaaia.gitatjtoflia at r fnrf Wataa aa4 ite, aa4 axkan i ttuivr lil pUllfa. fl tp?9rmm ta tba aii, fatav Wataa vU aiT. tficaor;p.fWitlK: TWaa Ma, Ja Min. m4 f.r j 4a aVta, iaf U tiU caaa, rt a latU af lab 'v-Onlrftl tUt twa. lkaiSi U aavla hi Urn vt4l to tfea Mrtaiaf Oitafiaiaa, IW tliay aa MJ aMMr M h al avrt af aUaa aM iaat araMana fuf (Mair, to U lH at MorrtiMaM. aa l unk Haahf a (VUrfaf iwtt, aa4 Wad, aaawrf at Vmw, ar JaAraaral atfl M teat a aanii aa aa4 MaM aiMrta. 177 Taaii j: m ii, rr. (A f a"iJ at a( w' i3 la W aft iJ)! a; Taa m.mu af tJ fiffco 4 Taa to rai to m4m katt Uaa tWy IM ti7u aUU af Cj1i TVii Mi aka iml Ua.Lr Mt Tat if Jmw-4J pri4 af &4l faaWjfMalaWaltMaiaaar -K. AmU ifca J.a4 toi aaMUM, . H aaa U' UMa aaaaa U a'r, ' '.. ....,....... - I k h(T fjutt Juuf fiitoit, II U it V fed with i pn, tnj (3 VIX IclH a pBdi. lilt li ha lha ctt to Jama ca your tt J anj li pirid IfU tutijr aiaul irUkAtl your Uiag Ui to throw hcrovtel Uta vlojo, li (l N hift koraa dUa'ipattd clJ out. Vr, Holcri Ifarr; tf TLUiiiffUji bit rrctnil; J.'itovrrcd ty' )icalef cipcnmcqi, iSM the-itti mittrr f.f lh 8m Potpf ji, loiUgoui ta motuuior U,Mccrrgn, c ,il4 Tat ri(b!AC4 la ihr iitur ia aa renlatktUr, thM Doctor u Ui ta boil 1 won, midf 1rvm - potitofi, a proper ipiinluJc, with a Ja (jgtad Ktf AVfA.I'aa4aa, TaAW raaa lit. A aril t4a McHaa) Cvmbto Maltoai frfUtoa WMtrLUatC A M Uhatnl um, 1177, fnr ibvaarr. H afaaMiff la tba wbtacUaa af laa wntru Ual Ctk Mdl. iht dtfrMUnL h aol m toha(Hia afihia fitfa, l It Ikftfora nrlrraT t nK. faat aMBlaaiWai ka bl tkrat atowiSt to lha yftn Ct rati aha, gvU( Ka(i to tk drCnakM, I Hat W IpMar at tfca aart fimptrivt Covrt af Uw to kt kU k U'Mrfor4 eahait , at t'a caarVkaaaa. ia . featk. rnurnaN, aa im u nf ih fti Wot. Uf af peatbf a. Ia Aadlkefa Taaa. . oWM ar itrtMr la taai aaHii ai(Varb It arid be takra trro rat . anl uf UAraJ a " -. -a 0 ag irtaj 11 frv af lha ladrp4a)r af tka l'aHr4 Ufattl. Sa-.lTV ikMl MOMSia, (Tk. tav lafiMr tif 1Q ar tJ aerrt ivtlkat an. aVvrv ta.(tWalafiitref, la motbar af tkrra kaadrad aayf finf ar. Aaokerlict,af krtwrra Irt "! all ktMfrt aem rtiar aa ooa oet u atwin rwd nai, 4 aa &aa laTribarr, rf aw rata tkbtr mm at ptatflt to cahtratiea j laa llutib af thb tract a) M ro aulaad at ar ia tU . jKlrfcbarkoad. tkartbaian a larja panina af . ffvaatf) land of tM beat itM, rrkrr tor paw ar grM. laf aa IM firtralart I rv tm ,'cetnfbrtakla ilatkaf kaaar, ararlf IniaSeJ, alth jJI tka arcraary oat-kouw, alt m i it ia aba orroaaH"! ' kotpitibk. todal Mckbaan. Ia Ika aaiffckenrk'Md of Ikit. it traat af aaa koadrtd m thirty am A a? rM oVairaut af BVPchatur ia (kit totntf, UI da tn ta apply tathr auk. arrlSet. at aa carhr dar. 1 ka MntMli will La toaH raaa ta Ika (wrrkair. t7T jh wtk. inf. cro. Lncxr. WW iaraa raaaty T fOI'ITT af Hat aad qnartrr aaawna, Jult J aa4uatt37f Jia Htaacl tnd aikat. He try TiaJ'er! aim in rtrfor atkatat- a. tiltoa lor (LtinbtiGt har af ika ratal of llr arjr Badlrr, Art d. It arprtHaf la ika tmlU tktt Zrtirbh fadVr. dm t ikr d-ra.U aatt, b ao tn Mtkitanl af ikia (, M ta Iktre lirr'attfrtrd kf eratrt, tkaf antiea ka fiaaakv. publicatkHi ail artrki in tka Wratara Ctro&. aiaa, raquirinr the ttti Zackariah ilirt to in. prar at ia Mil aoonit rourt tt piM and oiiartrr aaannt to kr held Ibr and covnjr, at lha tourl-hrmm ia lincatmim. th fooHR Mo. dar aftrr tka foarta to KratemMr Mtt. tkra tad tkra la timn'r ar dntMir la tka aaid sati. lion, otbrrwiar it UI b pr roAata, and I.JI...I I ir.i- ' . . tjuian eiikt ktnoMtl fro at ytnit avrtr, a4 to U too fct kU to obtcct bita, . it It to let your Utrd to until yrra look I o hopo, sboui two Kovrt.'r It wat tKa U f t or ribli m ibt rati ol ShrtckHoro. J Cooled aoj tctu dJf Sf mmd It rpiiw UUto mm four rei look likt44 cdtiMtiv it UBjiUDad btta tiitd. tJantWAvfcMctaUaLJbalkUt Cl4 and tUirrrf. .i tkaatkakaawAJaW, brctchi.' Aod intWri II ton dio h In tttt in that of kU rotJr fr,Z buib'll of pota lor C V oulj E;lm!Jc liT Cl!jC?V.w"2rt It thrtf buiHr,t f .aJf . j '.L'.Atr'r ir:r'i -...:. aa inai ioa rciiauB ei ; tre POUUaa would b worth balfu fOttdttor c4 1W kata't kk hM tMtaairuIafrif, tf ipcrfw U pf U aatlf W, --. -a It If4avtof avtot af paaaja f . Irk atatMM OkUW4kWtWlaaJaat. Tkal Wa aa tratrfal aaa, rfaWiaUi,Natibjaal, tka krtfkt vavtaf rtookki A ad aka tfc tafawt aWd aot ktar Of raak a laabaf wartd M tkal, V kaa aaiik dbala, toaad ka cara, . U kr1K M ratraaai lata ktba. i irorr hjux ,nniai,ii waac , aMMt.Mkiiwf,i.lnfk, Mi I Mataa,al awh ataa, fa m m 4 . at I aaa mm I M M M aaatMT I MM Am, ai tMiki aw, a ""Mi taa. aiawaMjitXZX I mkiaM,a IMkMtMatkaMMM am tanataaa.waa.f Aattaakaaa,a't - NirtNlaaata.aiMMnMH, Ma.MJnai aa.a.MS i mM-iata) , ta I mi a a. w)o iaqneiltd lo praa roprrt), ptr charrra, and lata una aarar. r. SLATER, JmUr. and mmnvmad Purrcl Wcltt and other. rmi. fakaaa. Il tpaaarltf 4a Ika aatUaatia af lha court, that Nathan at. Iloria, Ike defendant, it aarin innaottint or ttiw atate, it thfvira ld b (MirUthat BQtiff.kc riCB bj- publj. cainn i iccemcir in Uie weatern Cararmian, rrtiriaa; Ihr amitl Sat kaa la tpprar ai inaaouma cow m pi tuna tyurter arattont, la be hell for taid county tt the rourt-hoie fn IJnenlnton, on ike frwirth Monday tf'tr ihr foortk in frptemb r nrxt, ttVtt and pltWitlit baor, or JiKmenl hydtfiet an'l be tnlernl up again hm itnet. V. McfVr. Clerk of toidieonrUjt filer, the 3d Vondtr ia July, i i i , . I . L 1 a. .a ! BaU ot Lands Tor Taxes, 'u, i. ' " Tnf.Ht WlH b ioldri Ihr Crt.Haw to l(W . V ABORT weHf.r, r.r. " ' ktonrantea), oa tkr kmnU Mnday w "p- 'T" . ... T; . 7r?k-fc-,k.-lt ' V"0- ,8J7' '"c Nathan 0 t IM M Hm r,r J y ' Or-jpaalwuehmenl. levied an bnd. "lTinMijt'Brrr, ia tka Mate af Martk tAd rVUIiaoi Draanport. One vtkrr trad, of 180 tmt, tuptuatd, to ika -BjBe4-WUHaaakoe and FrrT)enM Jtyk tytMf hi LferitW Coe, adjoininr t tract of Col. kaae T. Arrry, called Daliri Old Field. . AWL. Metl. TATE. Shnf. JttySlmlKT." fitSO- , Commuted to tbe 3a Or Bt aawaty, NrC.' ri Mum'o aayi ke kelotvjra ta Tkoaa Ataiae, of Jfearktiry Dulnel. H. C; M thai-ka iefL til ; wwner Hr Jury hart. ; He h about 35 rrart old, black, thick li pa, commoa aitc, tnr lean, and Aat a tear attr l rf TTr. -Tkr earner it 7TU KWa a ITrC aAW rawy aaaa rataaraif f i r i fl M aa a - rd kaar krt rraaoa aJI kef Maaiaaa awa ' Kaa la raaMaM-4a artvato air Cm to rbp, ta faff cVarrafnf fraa- -:.B eoftatart ta krraalC and trwa 1 aaa f '4 bate tba crperaaMMl af krr tkoofk aii'yiU not term rtarmd. aor tmlk Her conduct rrrulfr her mirtk rrfiad rtaatact ttAr ayiWty UStmtikf lakaW 0d ClIttrBCO ItMll l akraaaaa. doubly rnjoyed with thifj our softer A Grnnn writer. wboMtaorkia new Mufortune tbtxi half Iu ao. f r'f tfatumptUn. lifiUfiit. tber tKd Iwtn ct ih'tboftvbuh! boil S buoch'4 of iKcn la htJi t!ot of mlk i )tU wof till abuut mtt Pi,trtitmuk -.if e m trmdfink it the Erit thio, iiKl pf JUcord.ieo. Jliorered: duriiIa Ukt a walk icaniedl.Uly furwirdi. ofl refdcoe; ,la America, wbkb Thi flowtri will be ft lor uit all tha rofiaidrra-a aura mnAi it - yetr, i.wtl! ipriaklrd with savftg aod UKbJrf frooi auebbiir, - f It U ! to aoor a few druf tf Ciotharidra eta tka wauaur Included. ' . Itocauae m n Jacari xwl aiairatio iVofr Qniorut. .Talt ouncea of oaIrliihcteli6rreirJhamtfoa.rut PcKur'un bark. S of aowderrd cloreti f tha atiaWa of the rrfillf a ar rtrartyr'd aad t of crtamof tarur nil tbraalwlth, ihe'.epidcrmU t&it tba b!iitt Itngethtrf divide ibe corapoaiuoa iotolrilic. . ' IS rojualdoaetf aad ttke oat.doM aafiTviaa-. www ania win. in Pl-.l f t. . t ... ' i . tba roDpUiot i..cbeckfd tbta" o.,l. .!TVpcn,nJ W"'J nroi axb dote f be t.kco io a rltt. of ff,f ,rl 'f ' 00?Jh!o t,.on.e ,h ao7 kjod of ptritooui Uquor, biird 7J F?t'- ocag. n i .'a " : . . a . . rll tnf snenrji of tha tfii ltiaoriva'' Naturt and Katorc'i Cod .r,te op. L0M. hf awWi .bao i. I w "' V"" r rU lf? nat a proved ft in itkeaxk, tanxi araoy it, me ipnere 01 UJ,,, mtmt& t Tkrhkk 1 aaaa M.m i.am I aklJ A..af fl I . r . . i aaaar BBBaaaBi r mmr u ri a ai tan aai ainiMr rrr ii . inn arwwiar nt a at a . a- at i "n,wit a wiuci ranrr. rr k oc I thtr la la h..,V "".t" ! -it 11 Ulillt ' ticcd ia the Bullctia dea Seteocea lfu''1 beoraih tbc aoothiaa; infuence it)i th.t birda, and aome abinala haie of her ,tt"n triurapti becooiei arireightortbechaneaofibewcatb.rlore ,unPnJn, n marea wit r. i he leathera of birda are eetrL " "'ui ner wui it ma i a cal it a high decree, aod be aacribct 1 -nd 'mtt drivew at to thia their aeoaibUity to a change ia P,c"ure bT romknUe ipecoutioa, and the atfooapbere, U girea the ltU ch1,f1 miacr by futile bopea lowina iodicauoni, tmoog othera. ' d " -of- uw.med paaaioni. SigtuiffairivtiithtT. WheaawaU B1.lhe di"PPioted Pt,rue of fniit- lowi flv rery. high fcaue fliea are,eM JQr'' Oar wiih tier be awakcai ' m uirr aiiiouow. patDw a a a a a wuer atu: oohier thao the narrow road then high in the air t) rarmi and hawki mnke more nnhe than oioal ; wrcrti a'mff from 9 to WoMock. -A. M: fend from 4 io 3 P. .M. (their aoog after thete hoark. jDrjouqcpirarn.7);w form are irirring iq tbc etenina t io ecti tntT fliea aport in the air after tunaet bata abow tbemaelrea Jate c ended idea aftar beowaJca" tba liquor 7,: "T "Mathod goei ftrto jjrennt troo&la id boiinriif for it mikea the taik el. iyfbtid era coofuaSoii aavea kbuoilaoo of limr, and ioitructa tboae thai btre buiineta depending, what to i'drt. aoa hat to bop.frar. VnaV Wrh. , 4 -is . $ Sbtroa la a trttt rcatraiot japon ptAoei at Aii! i but that aooaailt fii ahta men, bare onca Jot ibejr lnocaacdibclr raw7aiif W not like to be lonr trouhlaaoila l tbtm. For Imnudcnca comti aa aifih lcc, and rroat up )ib h. Letter t Icci do ot Aaattk alt iJUtna and mudaatf ; . but rreat ana) abominable Crimea kardea foeo'a forehead,, and make tkent ibame- to eiraggTaQditenjepti-that iaVcai-l Wfc " ' tart ia to t tered with more frtrraat flowcra and illuoioed by a dearer light. aery Ud tkiaf, tkr y aaldota waat Ike fata to bear it out. a TM-fn.- HmKmmf, At Ik. 1KT. 76 Votlce. WAS takra tip and committed to the jail of Rutherford county, on Hie 19th Jane hat, a nefro man who ttyt hie name it DICK, JHoU . verta.( ae'ne, liaeaZa eai of plra and ijuartcr araiions July Brawn, 1tJ7t Jotehh Claden. ta. llrnr 1 LOXO LIFE. I " T? ""ne4 and to mrrcjr ctcao He who koowa not what it ia to la. I Zn ,u,r,rt, Am arnt. tpidera weave their neta . quietlr. aod t knnwi oot what il li to eniov.? Wrtaw patai IWoaa . extendthem much. . ... The felicity of hum-o life deptndi I , ,mow ' Siftu tf nuts Wheti T;ducka and on theregular, proaeeution of . aome l!.TwT-Md our gene- plunge iat tbe - water, ahake laudable, - purpote - or-- obfert. wbicb ? TT- "e7 W.; lt'R, of Skirt i Original atiarhanaiit, levied on a trtroa ail a etill It apprarinir to Ilia eatitfartioa f the eotirl, hal Henry hHlea, the defendant, it a ! .. L t .i . . ..a - nn in inniBnini inia Maw. u aa ibtrwiiiM nr. I a .a drred by court, that be apocar .1 tkr nert r" 1 C"C" Crow OiMy alter o' any tern p.r, gtM)d. 1 6 mr aa rxl H . a 0 M .ht l"i 'fro tkt m ma 'tail nr i i I Tk4 thrmtrlrei, and make a noiar r awal. kreP awake and enlireni all our pow. lowt fly low domeitic fowls, part.er, Our happineia coniim io the ridget and imall birdi ipoii io the I puriuit, rooch more than in the attain.! . Wbrw areerW nrtoe akaii far refuge iyc erery tear be wiped fro erer eye."' "we i eotioty court of pleat and quarter trationt to be sun,et I ,jrkJ, iparrowi, Iinoctl m. w for LinroiB emiaty. at the catirt4touM ia robint and a .1 . . ... Reat it pT"iniBti nondaras fa Britiili agreeable j but it ia onlr from precf f "al "e nuf.rtune to be, rlmg labor, that reit acquire! iti truei,1 in on of ,he urtt of the rcay. It loon lanwIahTal? X RtitKtrfurJUn, A. C. sing. 2d, 1827. Committed to te 3ti OF Wilket county, on the 20th of May, 1827, a nrrro man who ttyt hit name it BANDY c ai a reei j or o inenra mrru aoout 1 vrart anu, aery oiaca, apea quicK, nu loet tome of aua opper front teetn rather on the left tide, both cart cropped, and lays be belongs to Jamea DlaCkmanv Lancatter dittricl, South Carolina, who purchased him in the lower part of thia ftate, and that be left hit mattaa below Char. lotte. The owner it dctired to come and orate t . - ... .. ' t80 TARD8T. McBER, t. r. State a.VarM-l ' emAno,' Linnln COURT of plett and quarter teationa, July Knion, 1827i John M. Mota. t. Hrnr Sidet: Ongmal attachment, levied on three ne. poea, via : Milton, Sarah, and am. It appear, mr lo the ratitfaction of the court, that Renrv SKlea, the defendant, ie not an inhabitant r.i,:'. Wtte, it it therefore ordered by court, that be I Pi-car ai mr neai county court of I) ea. anrf qiianrr aeaaiona, to Oe held for I noM. at the courtJtnute in Lincolnton, on the fourth Monday after fourth in SntmK.. ...i cratch the ground, and growl in bark ing i foxes bark t frow crosk more than usual ; bata do not leave their retreats in the evening j apidera work w y a V, iliiaa I j a a let that raiierahleaet of men bear it-.htf a,,awed t0 neu who, after apendiog a great panv'"k-L n recei,r'"f aaawer ia of their life in active industry, haveT fflm". be replied "Why retired to what thr-w UnrA ... . k-itf?en think the person who bat nroi but little, and make ihort threat .la pleasint? eniovment of themaelvea ! ecu(ed me as great a icoundrel aa eur fliesbite the legs of horsea and cattle, wealthy inactivity and profound re. I he w-, ' ! . . 7 7 "" .nit nL..l n f..jl. . . - .r .'. ibmiii .1 ... - . .. ..... . l . .v ar m .w i i.uc. tir i i r ma.T km i ...... i. ... i i way. CHARLES PHELPS, fTi P rT )rderedHoat pU Jtioy sut, Wi. 65 niaoe m ween aucceatively ... taiciii ia.i miiiifin. wirnaaa v a- - ' aaiiaeaa. W . iilHII TakeflUp and Committed, - 'fl "I lha 9 d Htb inttant,. Jlrn. 'F rank, and vr .ewi i sen aoout 30 years old, I feel 6 or 7 inctirs high, black, taya he belonp to John J ordain, of VVilkta county, Georgia i Frank, i years old, 5 feet. 9 or lO iocbrt high, dark eomplMionea)i.be belongs to Charlet Smith, .AT arivl.ll,nim. .nilnt. ...! 1. l-tWi' "'."-w..iwitiB v "nn, 4m yean a u.ibri, tars be befomrt I 8aawelGbaiwy of ea uinon, aouin waronna. ine ownert are re. qiieated to come forwardV prove property, pay w.i ,f anu uia a incni away. . Ki.i' Licolnton,'th. 180- VARDRYllcBEE. e e ,Jfr.-ielM! Slate KtrtK-CarthnOt iJnctln catma COURT of pleat and quarter arotiont. July teaMon, 1827 1 Thomaa Huton and ath. fh.bjrthe.if iriardian Eli Hoyle, m. Sarnuel TO.,in. wiie, miiomon titowe and ceivea aii mm p... Ia..- -... wile, and. Jobn Jrtiddel ami viRi . lr km i.:. . . . . . t tka ooott that the deretntTiZi T iT T V" 7 ms noBe w ra WlCaiWi,Iake Kemiewife,!:! and takeJ kna a n H Hi, .k...a . I t a t ..... Uj aiMiut lurauiiuousiv a nth are diiturbed. . Hambihirt Gaxttte. . at . MisEMES orsrcxxEss. It ii to wake up in the morning, gt hlf.dre8sed.-anri-ff to brA nnuing mat your body ia not dmpoicd . .iii.huu, ii is to aee your aer yant enter with your boot a nicely pol, "hed, and to feel that hia labour baa been toolkit. It ia to 4tave this tahnl to aaWtfao tt de-SaMet in Taafo-J. family rush into your room, screaminc Richard II. at the earlv aoe of air. Wh,.. .L. an i. . . e'!i... . j . . ...... mc diiiift i - ii ii in rc. vvu, iiu uiairicu I ijrii Th iin.r hi pose: where they expected lo find an elyaium, they have found nothing but a dreary and comfortlesi waite. Their daya have dragged on with uniform languor j with the melancholy, remem brance,' 'often returninir. of the cheer. lul houri they p8se(TwbenheywTre engaged in the honest business and la- bora of the world. Two cotton wagona meeting on the gusta, ueorgiav the foliow- tbo r a ToBaiiki Dealer8.sa raiHE undertigned having been- frequently -ki"'". ' vy ucaiera in me uanit at thia piace, wno reaiae at a distance, to accept an agency to procure tke renewal nt th.i. fci. fcc. in Rank, bu concluded to offer hia tcryicet to tftoae bo tre ditposed to eonlide to him any bunnett of that nature. Hit charge will hethrloweitthalareuaiiativtn.. - SfittomTbJuljf, l PH1L0 VTWTE, and w are not inhabitant! tf;rl OOT init ttate, it it therefore nrArA h .k.. 'liavi l ' i j . i ... Wettern Carolinian. n.,w- .w. SJ .::T1 "uu y0ut4aw.-'ajajejal -frf."nlJwi,e Solomon stowe and wife. 8a,nst poniona. It is to have' your fltla Jnhn ' aTaVirfrtaat'W ! 11 s a . a - a vwv i Buni ibhiip. rn annaaa ' a - .i . . . ..... . ' fc . . . - natl ennnt r ..1 r. w hviujwi waaiii ajiMiiit v inaa ib K.. z i a . . " W " VjBVIaBajBijBJB- n Lin coin ton, on the fourth Mr.ri.w aL. fourth in September neit. th a.. i. Jf. L!rmur ,othe ,,id Petition, otherwite it Will be taken era eaM.. ... i.,ij I cordingly. Witneta. V Melee. nLr V J-i noat with hartshorn. It ia tn anao? the same question' fifty timea a day, and to see the farea.of all tnnr friont. - .WW. tvuu, i r...L . i. . - .. f tk C m rt.m. Xf 1 . - I . ' t ' ' i"',r "!rri"' " i-cpaiaus, wnose ma. Pny. virtues acauired for her 'Artn;i: f introduced the use of aide.adUea roue asiriae use men. road to Au mg dialogue took place between unvers t " Wliat'j Cottorf in Abautt ? aava tbtimehhTlo9l.--LC9tton aava the other. The inouirer. annnoainr L! ie ' . , . 7 ."'r. ."-i l a cimseii npi to be underitood, repeats, " VVbatV cotton in Auguata V " It'i cotton.': f says the' other. "I know thatr aiya r the first ' Jur what i it?" " Why,? says the othVr, I trtt you it ia cotton t Cotton it cotton ia A uguata, and. e V triu vhett elae. that everI ? beard -(JlU. know-hat 84... (...- a. whaVeafotert-hrihg) 11 in iz 9 umiiinir inrrp. but ?h r Ak- It ia a CUItom in Turkev. hf - atav wi icpruacn, taoiacic tne iront ot those Houses the inhabitants, of which are notorious for tale-bearinr. VfnLthJ M, If - 111 1 t0.wh'n5 nd,melan;j wuh us, what Y disimal figure aome dressed for the occision, in sympathet.fi ic sadness. It U toar all their voi-1 J tfcej iUiof war boincj would maic. here, friend, says the first waraner. with an oath, you had belter leave the .atate for . Til (?e d d if . don't know too n?ucb for Geqrgia vArf !.: He who thinka nitre of ' the manrer than of the matter of i peakci' aercrrefif. by bis words. ; T feopa tube lf (hit ii adjae receii re ceii from I and a etyk and ot win. line w they f aerihec ityle, I AH 1 acriber the tt after th baa goi . .a a i at ton from a i Ctntt THE izt country. Irf aaict f of diojCt Wrecei From t and Ama give enti tor tim t ifant wurn'uhed no one et Old Bi ui,oa tb from a dii "wage af beirbed

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