BXlfi, rl.iii ire eor ca L! i; roxmiT. 11 ( t eMla fof lh UtnaWliltf 0 iruoLr.utr. 1 GVrtrry aft CewWtiiei Duiirtni, Btuf. lUHnf h lrtrj r. (, ni, iM liif fHwWflirj f 1 C mmjiim fim4 I bciitf ftaMM Ha fw,) Jr- CC3I-, lw, N. C, M f . Ofef Ut tw tUptfr Ji'iBf K tnout! (net cf th couo r .. .IIM'-",.'1 rtoJfrti iht DiUt Society n ltr ih toil i, dk rf Mo, bin, ii aa atcrs'Iicf la anaf(J-f (at AlUoy. Nrw.Vutk) hrr buihaod, Ma Wkim.lt . rtraariir Tto-H aUhaacKipadfrom (he irrt tit tt tributit c Jrtti io UjU pfl4 U the ifuittal of the J7, yn Uu,,, hi rcJ lU ttitlmpo ad4oid'lp Ihf eiMi B0t bf ioot locad thai aha I otmJ! kaatt t aWt tart . lwl fla.alr MWiMIMfMiiMllull Wirf hf tr ,,-d Wf, wl fct b tw lb W f kf I, I kw (r1 ft I ' d, U ah m4 ay, a ijrl'r fcf awrh t.l ml f In aio'.f a a COtTUyt awa. rtUnf dM(WtAkri4,r,t. (ocrtoi. tt tht tfaacti M ih hubs want!, 14 l'J built k IW trvwpart. Ur t lU . ujj MfUf Mki rt'oVvd. I us tJ it bt'jt'r OiiktiHitlfiwiU nw UMH M fVuWC Hl By at rMr4 l tUt$n rth a pWdf lUl M iM it. tratlo a ra th 2Uaitf U aS Co; D'ltJmM thf Ml b fa. , Uf lttt thaare rfia lb kp f tiUf ryfal atW-cta,, .Vir.Wa'v lJ'WsM lirl is U Cnij dlli(Ul of UiUf, WiiJj ihf anltuncf of iccrl ttmU A4 i lMif Wa iIm mi. M tUt ah I..I M I WW rrt at inr4t cWW fcf It & sad Baara, r trn W lU Mf alna, sad 4!l tnto, ht Mcrnilnrd thai thrrc art 330 1 1 out of the moat prefftaie aad abas. Anmti rticttri that mt eifad tfm ib miw. ikor i"f, im K,nftrti Tt WfcUf NM lua CM4ii) 1 in, uniitct 10 ircdtii couoif. hlch art HMMMf(lflllMlM 3179 viuoui mi oaerrd volume, DutM ftaiur--that ahe waa axcraai.r iotla mofdf r of bet huaUod, whom aie kid art rlf n rytn U toyiHn pwL 1? fM ftWIritf mi th naoHnailo aa awv, la aomr In. B j j 1 11.: v ' -. -k imwii .1 1 I L.. ' - -- " I, i T . 4 ' i .I t u .'I. 1 - j I" u ,?V ft fr ? at-. IT 'i; W - . . clreumiiaacf. that ih. ShtiraWkfi. 1 - Jifia r rimiffi uai was, km mv anaftA&irflkara m . y w w wtiatmrv, 1 1 L r k i, , VTMcfii Cfvl-if, frlfMif ih mU ImmmI A. KcaM m ifr, ouKr M I d fttf, al Judn rWJl il if,t IpfKV t ta M it tvtj tvrt of lrM iiwf rjn-iT traiUna, to U htti hr etwolf M Ib eeviUtawa U li fJ.tua, 4 ilw arh Mannar atfr fa frith U pUft-btf aH. (bra tad thrrt 9 anar or d imtr la it oM jwirio, eWU il 'JI U Ukra rt tfi, and atuilrf J tc aord.Bti;. W,H.y UV;CUt tit taidl .kit u . . . - ' II0KT0.VH at HUT I O.V. 1mm f.KtnkJ 'araa iia rM CH'r a pkaaaad Owlrf araMnna, iHr a-MNi, 1937 1 ioa tf. Mo. . Mmj t Art i Onfinal aMaebmaf. WvirJ aw lhr av ' tr, vii i Minn, f arak, a4 Na, tnr M tt MftVft) at la wmI SiJr Ik 4fhUnih A )nh!hant 'r, it ia lbrrurt anlmd b .p t eoafy caart ( pint ani - tt tH conriJxni hi Li-otn(an. bn rbr ftm'j mondj arirr MHhM Kp(rmMr Mit,rrier NEW Mtdcm and Drug fttort. E. WIM.EV h Co. - a 4 MEarclit;aiM!opa(-f,U - ) ill lWm, I ry faa'l u.py Uf JSLSioum, rauoa, , ( ! avCklbifeffrf lba)r, akwJa. oaiiitf U nr ir.UYtU. On k k!t Wl apart (m ctm iU o nwiM itasawi aat-iidM. Mm lt ly lovki a arriity atiad tWto-, Quxk a ar rtra, awl ai nltr! m Hmm i favatiff la mm, a ill tmUt itUtAt i di Mia. kmfHN a... B f at at tS a rf lU pim mriU, Aad. lit li Na, iWv (IiIih om rt .r,r "' tkM fr. ai4 tai frJ UuriAf. aiKia'ca. la proafeutiflfihrir Untn. olent fcbjrf I, uniformly met with lind trraimtot, II la but known that any -ffcaw waa aHfca, or aay abuif wai U'fftttd. " " ' " ' 0 tht rnolutlona aertfd to bv the Society, ih ihrcc Mloioi are nor. lor ol atretics i Duioasa Ioat wiiora toe fi4 etcr rt. crt?ed-th kbd, tender ud aC.3 ffcilonite trr.foiet!." She la rxfaiiu fWlu "LVeV but ihwjn.ttyf tif cJ f abhorrcsce lad drtroinowl-ehuaw Bed aod ayolded by ertry frW4 ef ylriuc aod decrncj. ThU world aeye the , 2V. r. Con. Adftniaer, Ctn prrif t ooljr a oVaolte waatt it her C'-nremtlji n, $be caa ooly look to tone eoliury avok, where abe aay hide be r brad aetil ahe U umeod to her laat account. Uefrr that tiajM AmitgtmrM Ulrg mAt ai lit Kora,tKry in ba iiairjr tinf ail articl. ia tkctf IW, a U lial latbonaiMna, K S HXtT. karma HrrtXad CrWi rrara I' riMMt rtrmr, gmm .Hrttir iKt . b riuikd. b rxHnf alrfel Mrtanai ai. MArMMMH, ar rrfprcinjil) lniiH call aJ ifrHr thrfhrrri of, by artnliaff tbrif otiUr. llwtW) ba.aa.lMibfvli) - ua a ay ar . t b Mrr P f bluu OnJcred. tt.af p'.b. K 37 Mcattaikaita7Bt4aaiiaMlii., 1. IUa- Id, uoaaimouUy, ihat 500, cornea, may abc,hjre ro.de her price HHkMattefribii. ... copiea of the report of the maoagcre with the Judgr, from wboaa acMaace . . - r . ; i 4ln fV W,(-n, rawUnian. - HHa.V. Mai . ' ftlUftlUt 1 T Opttt . CVHr of Kp aM ttiart, aCTjiteobrton, the JiriVC d,Uribtl.opm rrmotinr l I fx M Vamliy ia JuV, lti7. fit WHcru oMr, ibr KiWribrr offen t!W """I TO "TtllDBT'M-lirr.. p. r. ' tl.- bote of .i nfable ii-rimt. H,r A' f Sni.r mrHa, LimnU r" !Ol r of bVm ami on the tooth a!r of the Vlki rr, ttvi on H that lo a row cW), Or a fil t p ilmirr Or for War.l.k mttb ark c FkI ta milrrfam ha rt Aa aid Tlai aM.n ihrac dm, . Lia mm a aay, Bui a BotH aad Vaadfart :Jnd,-' OfltW ik(Mi iml C1, dr-irr Iluft aiih rqua' low rmnbia'd, . Kirtdlc Krtrr-dvmf , H ar tkr im aoi I oVj.U ' .-.'fr kVr ipso- .' t ra Tai vtrriai feiatiaua. 4ur. uniitt inraifin amirrrtary oi ire jrratuuuuly liiblt Society, hrld tn Sratririllr rn theiri ,n,.W.v aa quite gratify ing ccca-ion, a my rmbrarinr no in. . . . . i . . I ... villi. WWr A', frrK aW, axl ill nr.. t K,0e ao PV the Col V, Th be prioted (or circutll D i ara I l i i . . . . m, irwiiu, un4fjiannuiy. mat ine (hanta nf thia anciriy b g'tvca Ut the Urt, J. hn H'thinano. lor hia able and impreitirr d'ucourai i and thai be be rrqurited t fun.iah a copy for rnibfi. cation. "' ' 3, Hriolvtd. unaalfflmntr 'that SOO UiL.ta, and 100 TctUmeBU. It.jou drred, with the view of aupplvine eery dcti(ue family in Iredell county with cepy ol the' 'Holy ScriDtoree. TU W of ibe &chix cyiw iio bai d- i i . - - - - quartrr ara-orn, Jurf ' 'V" ' ' in up.,. It , . , i J ana uw ut iii'DU'i loif ciiIt, IS, V. I " " vt, on inn ',imwimi unlTt . t,wrf, , ii- ta th utnLoa fi ' ,rr'w . .- T - ' m-w. fwg uiimrnMii auuirncr. ponkntf which tiri r.ie UnJ In th count, 1 f rr i4nir. A mfficit at quini.tjr of land ia Rev. Joho KobiiiiuO, of Poplar Tefit ' rri" fu,:i"",n irofi,th, lo '"S'tey 14 or 13 felavrrreJ Q eicellcot ajid approprl.tr' ' i mcailow irround chared. tnaiier at) (.uipwri, "001 fhear wnrda ; Hut i i . t . . ,"4"--.j . aJ a fill U appearinr the eoarf. thai Herr th d.fcndwi, i, w " ' Sot an inkibHaM f lU .,r, i, . Iherrfor or. I V, i flrrei ay court, thit hr ipprar at the arit J, enunty court cf pfe aa ard qiwrter lerioni to be ' "7 lf M lor Lincoln eotmly. il the enurl-km. Uncnln'on, on the fourth MmwUy aftrr the toiiie.orJ.Kiffiacatbedrfwirtaitibaentrrtd f i'. "'J'r!'b q'""', 'e can )e not diicero (he aigna of (hr p ar.Mt tiim. Ordered, that puhbcatkMi T .TT 'iTf . , . ' 16V 4.)- Aficr a per "tut vamunian. n wk. . u-il... ' tirr. of lh iimI xirf, it Lfneotntc Mondar in Julj, 1J2T. 180 TtRDKT airBf.K State f.VtnLT unSna. tincth etualt (WhHT of tlraa and uirt r ariaiona, July !!, aM th aba propem, or any part .!V?!L: ?art- Knin.-. -Nathan b d..poar, ef on the mr accommo. ai. tioyiej finrnaj attachment, levird on Uhd, terrni to the purchiarr. and aumroonej PtirreT WelTl and other, rami. purcha.W. ara ittvilrl lo !! SWt?nV ,h. ,'ifrtio" of the iwhieh, in mr iba. nee, .ill be .l.o-n bv ia belicff d, the ' T' , . "-" 7 . wn-miiw, my oromrr, junct i. i.onf, imi.r near Lour ordered hy court, thai ahttre be gSren by puhti. Iticill W LONG I Sunday school I Soeif tiea. and th there ia bo appeal." Thty Tey.w tie j . kni that whitb ia sot true at Jcaat three qurtera of the time. He it about the oral authority; you cat) 'produce to eupp trt the cred.bility of your aUU. meal. Scarcely waa there ette a au. picioua rfpTi put ia CKtuUtioe... hr thia Mr. Thy Say waa ib aath of it, aad he alw-ya eacapca tt apcoiibil tty aitd detrctioor berauae liainr Jttat J pr wnerr. ne can nevrr De foM-.d. are Ut (rm Lro ff. aufikieo t to raaei I H'Hn M iV Xtr' tr.r"-...!..-.!: the eipeoae aUend.nj (he eiecutioo of waa euppoted t .'be in a faffing coa thia reaolmt. .. -B.it the Sotlatbay. dltloof Why, They Stj ,0. Ja it . ej hitherto etpr.itaeed iho bleaai. g a fact, (bat MilVfc. i. oot in cifCuio, ' L ' l I I a. . t A I "II I . I f . tMlarll ffaaa aB..u&.I Ik a. I " ID . afrTl t.A Imaaaal .l.l L-lal .L. l... .t .L. . - . W . . ' r i:;r . " v re ' ''m T",""r"--4J,C (" wrrieniDC the a bun. .r.e. ;ri rt,rJ,'."0n f r?w. " d-nt evidence whieb :kr.a -T.. T "ranii -rer, iMiaeen 3 anu 4 milet rrom . r, , ... . 7- Rll ibttrv 1h .,riJ.hln1.J. ' (3rd Of hi IJ Vine IMllllOD. thr hrrnrK. I .a. of-it, ler prficerdcd to count rale -aod ilJua. nemrwacmmoiutirj-itraie icverol tirn$ the prtunt day. loriamme h PremU "c c"n-'drrftf aod rery juiriyion, 11 nl Ik. ai 11. l. .l I wt i',iFi iiign, in mcir numoie Horta to promote the circulation ol the inipir.d volume, and feeling (hat the piritu.l wantiof their fellow-nun call upn them for more visoroua ef. orta, they would-ehrerfullf proceed in wh-t apptara td them lo be the path "f duty. Tbey would thanWolly and promptly perform the wr ik allotted them, leat the oight overtake them when ni work can be done. And they would rmewrdly and reaDCCtfutle it l e the philanthropist, the? patrioc .l aim ic curuuan, to cooperate with ien in proaecutmg a woik which hriiiga govd to man, aijd glort to Cod. A MEMBER. IhjneJ r,. AV.V. 1627. eatablnhment and rity of Mieaionary, Bible, Trait, e Car. noTjn, rrquirinr the wid "Vatharf toapnear rwf U 'r'-'.-aTa.aiaia,) . - U aeU Ibr aaidoodnir at rtem.to.,.. . V ,"VV "l viii, IJnelf,too,-wi the lourtri Monday after the f Tor of Cecd. Urth in Septembt T neif. re aleVy and D!e.d to ? V.'" m '" f thetoNanl ia a e- Lan M l..iiu. k-rv..i. '11 ' j T erteiuie nani lor tne M rcan'ile or an utSer j -1 r a, :.ir- I'uicrvoce 01 ine .iiomniy Concert rm-lkoughnut the Christian world, aa conatitutlog Jome ef the pe up ifaintt hi aaul court, J8.7. tuftmr stent f thi iimt in, wtcb, ue !" a. ive. MM to diacern the in (he is"' ytiwi. win uc c nirrcu , ,ji 1 , . 11..' tiim W iinM, V. McRee. Clerk of . , Ut,,n """"K advinUjfeUuily oc- mor .l and religioua world at ihia d-v, ai office, the AI Momlar in July, "'"y e.ra: there ii. rtxx! indicates a Itl-e of mind nearly allied t80 VARDKY VIcBrP , e Iellin(r, am! nrceawry otit building c.n the , .. . . 7. ! u r-iriy lliiru VKU"Y McBKK,f.c. ott imBHJiafely adjainiaa- the at..rr A rreat to thi" ,,n he Jevra rrjrtted Sluts y$rlh-f'arSn9, IJntth trtu a- a bargain mijf b had in the purchase of the pre and cruifird Jesua Chriat. fill in tun HT of pltai and quarter aeMon, Juv niiaei. If not they will be Hented anin. I the rne instanre Thrnt f--. ' aeiai. 18?T, Jamei Hansel and other., . For further paiiiclar-, apply to I iT ,ns,anf5. Vhr,st K"v ,ne WVa.lJMJJa,Kn : MICHAEL IIKOWN.aSaa'iiwry. B -1I.1IB1BM - ,Tl' .'j" I" V . (KVVfVaBL , . .aa...... lirliPV Saiilr. I, r',f II iimi..... .1.. tourt, that Zachariah Sidler, one of the def.-nd- i UoURt UllA jOt fo SSttlt, ant, ia no: an inhabitant of thia itate, it ia there-f OH ft PJS'T J7TJT TIhlfcrft-. '-.orUent. the nian, req-jiri,, .h. .id ZZ N c.Ty nTd anfin day after li fourth an September next, then Smokr-Hou.e, Ice-Houle, StanlceT .c the and tbetoanawer orden.urtothea.id pet!. Garden i. not inferior to in Z phS" The aerkV,,,r,.r desiroui of purchteinr. or rentine. are invito m 1 a . . 1 . . - - ,VIII, iiuiiaLI. Austin 15th, 1827. 6t82 tht mn.it convinciotr evidence of hia j Divine Character, but they rejected! me world tau.i Iv clear urns thaa hi. o Monday in Julyt 182. 180 VARDR? MrRFK. Ai Wr. Ttobinion retired fromthr Society at an early hoM, it ia not kaoan to the wiaer. whether be will content .to, th publication of ui icroran. OPIUM E.1Tt. G. 4a Ilia mrdirililiuattoo on the different .egeou pf inioxicatlnTTT-iT aped aa ahe should be t Why. Ther SayM ao. Plague ibia Mr. Tbey Sj. He ia half brother to tlur Mr. Nobody who alwaya does ail the ania. chief, aod Uvea oo where, bufm thc inventive brain of those who uBdeaerr. ing respect thetnaelves, are desirous to pull down . there to their own level. We always suapect the troth of a re port which comes from the authori ty of " Tbey S- .w-Car(. thru. i i a r CM Ml art v tanas, Jtrijiijyj- 1"tlrjraph.-l( a grotlcmn wwix a wft hr wears a ring on the.irat fi.'er f the leTt har,d i if he be etu fiegiJ ht:. weara it.on tbr aecoctd b. gr il married, on the third t and on the fourth if be never InfrndVto'be married. "When a ladr is iitrnrarrd. ahe wcara a ho -p or daimond on (ha first fingee : if married, on the third t ... and on the fourth if ahe intends to die maid. When a gentle man preacwi a gijwTf, J iJn vi a irialut tv -tJv aKrtedtn rt a fondnesstlor opium, asof f wiih hit itfl land, it ia nn ht. , ardent pirit, ii creases with use untiiat I overture of rrrarJ a aWLl . ak laat ii hecamas nearly eiienrial for bod. ceive wiib tie left rand; it timid ily cmf-.rt and peace of mind. S me ered as an acFep ancf of "bia'eateV rn , will t.ke to the extent ol one or two but if with the rirht h.r.,1 it S. rfi.. drachms daily, others make a orartire sal of an i fftr. I h.l.hv f, ofsu allowing hilfanounceol laudanum tokens expiained by rule, the passion night and morning. The most extra- of love is expressed r anl. thrfi.h aOtdjMrv instance or record, of the nni. the medium f t.l.,..U .l- ol habit to orinffrieriailriifiAldSa this drug is the case of a person d.ffitultj-, communicate hia aeodmcme in rngiand who daily took eight thou, ol rtg.rd for a lady f and (in case his sand drops of laudanum, eonljin.no I offar ahi.nU fi rli.elinl A f opium. Thia er.ormi us riencing the mortification of an explicit a. nun : Kaalia.ua. .L. . FrMinS Ol Onilim. I hit r.r.rm. ... I r t rtetn ew I Bllv aIUft UCaC' I " " Muiini U i "tvi'vin quantity ne suddenly reduced to 1000 refusal. drops, or 40 grains. Inatantaneous. State iyrfh.VarHna, Rutherford nuntu : f Sl'rt.ROR Coort of Law, April term, 1827? Mcllan t. Cynthia Mcllitn Petition F' "Tstdtfe of -Jacob -QobU, sen. rormvorce. Itappeannjr to the aainniction of ; II AVINO qualified, at Aue-uatti.rni. lH3r nf ,CJ, j - ; oiereiore esuie ot UcorTCoBinerrecwdr-rrd aeitiered h mair. thai hnhl .iinn I.- ! .11 ... , .. .. aatu, coi - ' . - " l' a.nm.riii aV 1 1 1. U C all pewona indebted to aajd ettate. to make par- ...v... uiiiiicuiuicnr ,nu auinoae niTinp claims againrtaaid etate,wilt preaent them leg dry au. therrticated, for payment, within the- time pre acribedoy law, otherwise thia notice will plead in bar of their recovery. .."FREDERICK COPE, CODrilEY RATTS. thre monthi in the Western Carolinian, a-ivlnir .' inottcr fo the defendenti that aW appear at the .'eiext Superior Court of Law to be held for 4 .. ib hertord county, at the court-house in Ruth . erfordton, on the .Id Monday after the 4th Mon- , 0y or Hepteajber neat, jlten and there to an. - iwer, plead or demur to taid petition, oiherviae it win oe tiKen pro eonfesao, and adjudffed ac . , eoruiri:iy.TritneJ .fames., Moma, clerk of ; aioaaay .airj;:aXflb7t;aM'iit-.lj " , 'year of the Independenceof tie, United Sfaics 3mty9 JAMES MORRIS, . ,SVr.o:V-rtA f 'aroA'no, Hftokei tmntu; Ct'EHtOR Court of UV April term. IS27. y 8nowi..W1lliajn..SiMwr Petition for I 'ara cropped. and 'eaye'he-beHn.t':iams divorce.- II arPtri4iiir to theonrt.' ilmt lulOlackimn. Ijin.ai.r .i:..:. c.r.i. a-.;. i...j'.i,. J..A:7;rv A-.rn -rouna, ia about to establish hia holy religion and his glorious kingdom throughout trie whole e.rth but thousands un. ISlir)r.lftV eiaWj Ma-. a Kaaliaauaa. L .. I T V ajv uvilVf w VIU4 IUCIC I I his discourse, of which (he writer ia utterly unable to give any adequate JCBcnpnon, was truly animating ti the fiends of Christ.and hithlv Instructinrr Aaiai aa.U I : u n iiair in ii irrn irr trnm. - r - a, o . u a un anav i nparr luiat av . a . ' w..- , . - vii wiiil ilia LUIIIU. eu to bestow much attention on auch 'wm aummita ol the mountains, walk. He excused himself at first on uojects, Impressions favourable to or.rw one-aavj paaaed ctt with its accountof the badness of the weather, uiwcooeictiee. and Uher Icmdrrr! n. m"y "-nnera aa simuitaneouslv. ai hut irn. .f. ..A. T;i-;z,sA . . r . t . - ri . .. . . .. I min ii.iui inicivtuitw a iTJ andj"f-anempt to-escape without htf floated off by the apnng ,,de.' WelF, , haa cleared up, r .ee.C v.r, WM'. Vmm " haw tinaa..rl ' gi U VSfla. ' "7 f J i'V HU3n(;ia it iicear f 'eared up. enough ior 6ni.m but net u , . aa-aM ly, aaya he, "and as if by magic, the Sheridan bein in the country on a cloud olp.oioun.lest melancholy which viait, an elderly maiden lady, for rested upon my brain, like some black whose society he had oo foncy, let her innrtlim U-KTrK I hita iaan aJI1 I a . - ' laratAvr at "a atsai.a... . .a - a a -ti.uwoiia, must nave oeen made on minds of candor and intellicrnce TheTightorTJmnrTilh-1oc on me empire ol darkness, with a'ra. piaity and a majesty which cannot much longer be concealed, or regarded with indifference by a son or daughter of Adam. ' : llUSut;tsaite Jail Ami'ittMa n llaaa OHlU a.' il'bW r-''---.'s,.vu.,l..v.lil Ul-p.aj-, 40la-.,B, M WWr Who .say Jhit name" uHKtmrT he ia 5 feet 7 or 8 incheW hfir, . im- old, very black, speak quick, baa lost ntT.e of his upper rrorit feeTB riffie??11ie;pmydul" tihrr . ,...,u , ,IC uc icnuam ana re- (jurcoasca mm in tlie wwef JiaW of this turned not fimiul, and proclamation having been Matey and that he Mollis master below Char n..de acr.hng ,0 ,ct 0f mhy , j, (oHe. m ownef J b the c-,.r. that publication he made in the property, pay charjrei, and take the neirro Greerahon Patriot and W'eattrn rroi;.,;. ft., aftiv. fHiBi. , .. n.T " -,wi-jia)u mr m - r - j a a j a iii,i..i r-n v ia wm aaa - U.ir-niraitl.vtlisLjtiikss theJcfcndantanpf m ..r -. m a ul haw4 a . i . . " ' ,..-n - iirmoi mu court, winch will be he'd at tiermanton on the Sd Itoridav in Sept , rr, 'I petition wH be heard eapirte; at81 .. TMOS, T. AnMSIKONC, CT. jMaj3Ut, 1827. PHELPS, VwVor. 65 Bai.k Baik Bonds: TAVN after form recently adopted by .V, Ine ': -le at the offwt of the I Vt estera CareUnjan, Vy, 18.27. James Camobell. Earci. of the Me: thodist connexion, read the annual &f-crannriTOyofB circofaublCilunaff oince the society went into operation laments have been received 'tnto' Its dcDositort' flf th-a . tmv .1ft 'Ril.T. I a - -- ii.v" .? y - " w 8J I estamrrts remain. During the pat year, 8150 haa been remitted t the American Bible Society i which added to 2700 forwarded in preceding was spoiled them, you will find .-a a : ' Atobody; t "-"' If a false and scandalous story be told against you, and be breezed over town and country before vOu know it. rwl yeari, makes g850, n sum newrly equal you try bard o find "out the original to the original price of 1350 Bibles and author, nine chances in ten, that it will Testaments which have been received turn-nnt tKar anJUV.. A. :.' irom the Parent Somty, and 50 pocket I S9ttgn paptr It may be useful to our fair readers to know that muffs,' tippets, and other articles of fur which: when put into any r . ' - . - -.- arna 01 wood or paper box or drawc vcso-Dr. - for two." There is not a more arrant knave in all Chiatendom than a certain noted a - personage wno goes by the name o wpbodtf. - . II your turniture be broken nr AS. a? . . . . . . WCrantIttiBkanuire ..of vrnr lare o--i-raTI T!,K1. t l-,l..- -f'.-.m . .ii-yoOT I.rm,ng tools te rtyiu, iom j nu inquire w ho lost or oury, states iu the INew England Far- mer, that a disease, has this year ap peared on mauy apple treea, which ft aembles ;in its effects the 'disease of the pear trees. Itattacia (he extrem- uk Mi one of Stat IBOt read ject, bom i lore Iketi pron lemf spe. prow eratn the i Jowe ispe lions espac theFl Wr.A tatioui teous le is i to res latent at the ton is i rata.lll the Sab ekurch, epinion of otbei or show walks K try get mode, i parade Mr. A matters 'proper I 3ne (ton aoeforee cts ope ksan fthe da yoiing baaineaa. ! Joduairio Jwlth bite duties coi chief pri f throes of the perst I seems thi I moved, ol yDrwtmh itles, which die euddenly, and become It is safer to be attacked by. somV men, than to be protected by th4m..- Iffineijoi the most gross are I ted politic; I traitor Jh public so an observe man' must "ban be w : How d dent f wat ho Wis pi , . a-

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