Li p.h f in ) r.ichifc' . . . at, frrt V y iVt awta " ' dux umI - v. m1!- rnnu - t . - J'TTIV t'totT,'L - iJIfilW1" r I , i , . A V ;.LL 'VI ill -4 r- 1- 1 ii ii 1 ' ' t- arar . asattSnaV' UsLlUaUeYl 1 ' - VaB,'-. 1 Ui t 'T0T1CE-.rhe uUriftrr) knttt rvely J.1 . ferawd tMMiiM tar it trnmctftf ' Crtxtty end Ctmmlubn Bultuut mmU Mpctfcty eoBcit thar ef ewb&e pmrmtgu lie! assik im ubiot arrsi re 1Mb i bribe hatter eombKitftf of feajW'f Jtmttmmt aif prttdd wrtn food AW we, ft It Morvrt of a ef, .. Uattel, and wel bwr AW to lb trapert. Cm of ail prtdmn that assy be ewcwatod te tbW eat j with a pledge thot M m4 of el Utttm M the part to tM laetTrtatinf of w CooWiasiao BtmmtM fkay may b favor-' with, 0ey ttrr tWtsarlTe with the hope of rWUf ttfr resets! aatiefexton, TaU WaHwat nr now mdy lu Um rrerpitw f MArj nin er uwocr.xir.1, vi mt tack iwjr nlcl to iMr viuc t Klvct It UI bt mAbird to offtr i M row 4.fkita !" ----- iHlntf, la UU tM rurttih MrtWr U f . u'.C 1 lit bat ia tkk ww m www m I . rlll more rytrMHi pff bkk Urmlac m.ftiif. 6rblll:rf dltlrIo, U(jhm. itkM.fwflnit JUMsK A.t r,) tkoiik crimla&U kl Inf BHioH lo Koft)p, hk tkfl f ICtptlo annlf occar In EuroM( Frnct Bor 11 confkuHitf ! In (Ht df 1 vf npc4oo. Ilr popuutiom htr kit loff ktl lho, li HKnil.Hf rQlt ktr iplrlifd ml tlri'M ont rfr mirtUI 10 other or(tw rtnowot Bod ik brt rBdmmtinn of kr ditiorik ed altiur? tiplftt during ih Um l Mr if Mrt Ntpttux Ulnf It k4 CI oli) ootd p((t ktr cMf ilrou trdor nd ninUI ctnlai U tbt moti cooipki out polniff Uv. CrwtMfi f lit rmtk PrtMtU Dtcrti 0 Ibc Klnr MibllihIoi ih Cn Compttn Orders. " aalrtdla mumble tho Con4toB, m , lreiMUre rtudtnij it Mcorntcat to xt U lK lUtrd fisx. 3151 Br order of Copi. Vnvt - - JfrfcrV - jOHW H. HA It DIE. Xt'rf. littttRi from rhUadty 0X1 of tb Oubtchben ( rbowu V. Cainm) kit jut rvtoroxl from MlifeJi tpbii, with il tb fMhMMw of the A ft n& OMbei to . tn lk pubKe,' that ohiW- m lb Monk, k poM prinoipol port of kit timo kh the otort Otkbnltd Tailort of the city, (epecW!)v Hrmr. Sobk k Wlocbrtnoer, om! Meowi. CUHee C. YTaUuo b oti hre a worked portion of hie tme, k tf e Prpo of fainlnf tBonrlnibr. nation retjettiiif trW wjanner in wkicb rt awfrt art cut aad bm-W or i the abovo-oamed two abopt are tba Hoot celebrated in tke Unl oad State.- lie. alau (tailed, aaan; otbrr eerjr ctt- bnted ahopa, in PbiUdrlphia, Frtdrncka- Dury, BiclunoM, and reteriMirjr, Ttrf 1 kc ako oaroe Hirongk HiKireort md WaTJnt6 City, aid etaiied the ftWitrw U N ttM y.U... - Tke anboeribm (1 boa. V. Cairao and Benjoi dm iruej) can iw ajre the pubbe, . that thrj are prepared to acoomaaodata aor reaile - roan, ra a tenr kort time, io aa Caahinnablo and neat a atyle, a can be bad in any of thr abort. toenttoned place 1 and aa to thirabihT, thee knoa their work will excel any. And tkejr will ' do tbeir work aa reaaonabla aa aujr in thii tec- boo of country,. THOMAS T. CANON, . . , BESXUUJit rRAliBY.- rwrj. .fefli 1. 1837. 97 TI1B eubecriber rcapactfuy Uifurme rV pub. Rc and people at larrr, he ba opened a SIkop In the 1 own or Morranton, on the north weet corner of the Square 1 where he w alwaya ftaoy to accomiDoaaic au rentlenen in any rnrnaent they may want made, in the late aVbieoa, and in a atylo inferior lo none in ihia otato. Tbt faabtoM will be rerularlr attended to t and aotbinjf on bi part, or on . the part of 'ift eierohttloo of kwmala, fce..Tkal it ihaU conUal 0! ail c cotorx lo bo ep poiniid oay ,Ma rccomrpcodation I.Jhl aerf jounuUkc. abail. lfof Jt It prin led. hare Ibe vaaof ibc oEKf,(feriiGct of having been teen 1) Thai a council of nine f appornitd on recommendailoa of J b Ker per of lhr Seala, n.lreupeHtnd k rcnaortblpi That the offirt in Parittball mjke to Ihia Council a weekly report (bo In tht departmenu mom Mr Thai tferr provitkmal tutenkrt of a jogroal. kr. and alto etare tutpentton or uphretlon ificr judgment, th.l be pro nounced b the hint, on report of the MmUter nf Jmiice, afier the . loiter ahall hate edtiaed with the council ol luperio lendence. Ptfiant rmtlt oihe Cnuorhih The Parte Journal-dat Debate of the 30lh June, bt tto Hank columnt under the head of yritiy. r tiraiiil I' Tb Wiowlnr It 01. RttMti npU i 14'tt In tbt that Hale of Iklert, el befort deacrUtod, ! thraM ro4, and I en rm 1 entenain ant br etiloloa Tk f uceilon of Ike bd potty, aliaooik pa'ofal lo be hold, veiioiblng mote ikm oa ftdmlDlairailoo of jovrke, of did I err ktr k tobed oiqutulooed illlto Ik luramir of 1114. when Ike whole fTJr wii to perverted and mlart prraca ltd, that ttrenrtr. t W believed Ibe tale, tain kire thootbt Ikal Ike General and aj kit oOcen delirkied In aKeddlng rnnoceni Mood for roatemmi. I Ich bound 10 cotreci tke abaard Hoey, wben and ktrtTf t I beard ht and uvt ilwiy conuntie4)oH " A P nt paper tnenticmt that there nnrnber of Theatre av tilltard rrwnt -and enffee houtca in France, aa 'key are be pmlnjr danerotit to the moral and mannen of the people. The council of many of the department have patted resolution! upon tbat tubject. Cr'rcr.... Mr. J. f Milter, who wen l owiniTtfrnnaewanniupprf thip (which hat returned to New York,) Cr the Gieekt, hat. written letter to the Executive" Cbromiilre, in wbirb he itatei the ditpotition he bat mde of the cargo of the Chancellor ' We landed.' tavt he at Napoli di Rornniaix hundred and ninety beirelt of fl ur. bread and meal, and twenty nine lierrea of Rice, io;ethet with nineteen boiet and packaget of dry kood. Ai a small cattle in the harbour Tke feltowbtf k m titraot froea a totter wrkv tea at Abe (fete of Kew.Tork) dated 33d Jaly halt. - Ta iackm eelinf ft fajning daily It tfrenKin i be neaj raamaWreit are be a a a . . a . eominir now U ineir entwait, and tow miv put dawn the Senate of thl male ai Iwentt ffrtiii for arkton. ttrht lor Adama, and fcer doubtful. At the neii election, neatly all (he A-Umt men will ro out. whle the J ark tan alrengtb It neerl entire; ' New York will ro for Jac'avon all haHow." R ttract of atokSer letter, date! New-Tork 93th Jaly. M Our newt from the Interior of the tU'c it moticonaoIatory. The people nere allliuafe lor tbemeelvet, end de cfdr for thrmtelvea, on- the aubjeel of the pretidentitl ciciion. In this wate, liea, foryrlra, duMt, bootbg militia, ' nor iNndcri teiiiti bla amiable' companion an Utr tHnt tmrwr-Ttrv Amei kwa people dtvtrn makiog JKkaoQ- rretident of the United Siatee Mad It fa) out of (her power of batenea and wkkedoeaa to corrupt and deceive a whole community. If he livtt, no etrthly flower can prevent Jack ton't election. No feeling eao be excP ted in favor of Mettn. Adami and Clay here. Jack too In health, will beat in tbit Kite" Three-to one"? : J uib hrtikl of pit. U lunatelf pirrUd.npo. wkMl rtwjejj bot did M t r.aooaaew .1 'aMlaamc the kWa.Tke 1 wt Handera then ioiarlanof, prif Dia IBf fenkar eaUcbUL . tbte u Atrr.rrn mi Jtouz, Take S oncei beat Una Bark I table Ipoonftjl Yolaiile Sail, Awmonlae Of menink inW tandananii fetir pint Brandft r0' Mm roner bottle, and fill tp kh water, wken taken, to be well aaalen." Commence by cleamlng Ike Itomacl with Calomel and Jalap, or Calomel and ubfr A dote for en adaH It two table ipoonifol evert two hoerit dnring ike In termittton of fever, end before ikechW comet on til ortei ongbt lo be lalto, you commence at inldnlgbi. A few doaei oaght tobe taken ocfatlooally for a fe dtyi after the patient hat got wefi. Th rrtat cktrpi In ihie mrdklne appeate to trite from the wetir e, for whkB the frtmoftirtai'iiftO tubatlinte. Bark la frequently known lo bring mi a rttm of fever 1 ltk thli mixture never. . . rrwM, Arkanwa, daUd JbIi tO, fata a itaat .. clarrd. wiroga tke Ougea, and.400 warriori were ready lo at art for the Ot age country The Ckcrokrei lite the ri Bei the Oiaeet, the bow and. arrow, and alwajra fifkl oo.hortcback. wkkh ke W f frreawe, U UmA (Ubia) Uatt.. a rk ik. tie! M wotakto Hi al tke V evtr to oiaeatioo, la rafartaoe to tto Ckaytt of oorraptbo) bet ten Meter, aoaoo) . and thytrt Caailla. aPr eopWtfy nWrWg eta abo-o or Ua. JedU' aa5I k iVaraoa, kaoakaiaeth aaio Oe SArt iaf kwiwafat TkfUunderUg bf fool. Bcvtrtey rrotldaniUiy entniaud with tke Mcrat, aa blown op a naf of rawyWroerf , meaning ike pvlitkal Itlendi of Jackaoa, ' ko are mujoriry J lb fit flit flkt J. 3) iky kick, and. , all txoUUliiy, laved l bit lUprjklk t;am tke drgradaitoa of bebr mkd by creel btrt Igwtot dttpot,?Gen Jack ton d ky a bevy 4 Jacobbkal f.r.nte a." ! 1 1 Were a eoovWect Ml dm to eat ak hf fwae, It wawld ke praaa' poor-ire of kit aa itnoea to be tot lac on a peaeeabW t awaianity. We wonld adviat ke frieoda of ike jnlauaaatr. tton taOhto,to fvlr thie !kelr aaovtkpieoa oltk a acvB-eap deeoetion, otkerwhe kit atad kcnorlnra mnat Ueblly fn'fb'en aad dlafwat the frw of Ibe people al that atale wfo are fawoeabr eTapoaed toward! tkcif caote. Tht Iefm. We are aorry lo announce 1 (tat the Charteiton Citv Oatette of Ike Stlintt V that nor fearl of iwrarwotn Cropa tram the late blow and neavy raina.ont "petiioh Orationi twe FarftA and ano were loo well lounfled. iircouma iron we French iHWrtaiion 1 one rrk CoHoqny, aad one Porm, (Battle of rhltaborg ) afl original, Cant fjlTRtnOM XtXut JCJDUtr nneaaOBI 1 1 mikm iftt U, nhurf 1 , (W eatrd at Middletown, Coo.)' aoBimeaetd an ktoodaV, ik aft d oeaUoed -1 aV. 1 U CatcUa af tbat place raja tke euatian'ion we " tkroagkout rigid and rri'kal, anal fcrokked a' Itjyiii4 evidence V tke prtaVMcy of (kt CaJcta, to (M varinua1 braneVt ce hatmetkia; ' aad of Ibe pro. pe root cooiriion of tke Inetka. two." AavMt- tke ptrtbenatacee, we iwtloa eawnta twol4tto,.new Iwoek and .l -kl ! I.I ..J. In'mra ,! were deBeeerd by tke Cadets. Of tke Cedev from North-Carol, we okarrve that f C1 Carrawar, of Newbern, deSeeted aa Kogfiak a ration 1 and n. A. London, of WitnJnetga. alao an Kitliak oration. the Cotton Crops aa very ctieoMve. The account! from Georgetown speak of great injury done lo the like Crop. Account! from varlotii ptrti of Cng laod ttate the crop to be very proroltlng. The weather wai favorable, and more than an average crop wti intkipated. . A Dr. Wngbt wa tried lately, at JkIkk, Tans, tor nwrdenrtr hi overseer, and fevoi The Booktellen advertlte the 4Epicn f yky of awatafttT, kot recoaaatended to rin,a tale tT Tnomes Moore. ' The el isnercy by the jury 1 It ia said the wtahh of ki trsctl from the woehv-which tuv teen .connexiore t al( Ihal tared kia aack trnea tko onrrdtothe puollc, promise one 01 the ;blter abich kt too often the eaac, of late mneat treata that . the genius . o bit pleatinf writer kit ever aObrded. Indiani The lait account! from years.. . We take, (be following paragraph from the adJreja oC-lbft pffJcaLJlitOT of tbe Kentucky Cxfte, the oUert paper in that State, and one ahicb ha t'wtvt oietained the character of rrrat candour and impartiality, at well at inie- pendence. Wr do not Chirac Mr. Clay with ma king corrupt bargain, by which the vote 01 Kentucky wa taken from uen. Jack A.iW--TW PUadelpkla, and other rmirim Aa I.Mn. m lha ATiainnl. atata ' . ' ' .V V ' 1 V. J L..7 " : ' Wiilimm . l urij, tke celebrated Crorrspkeri that nearly all apprehentloni had crtsed' , - tT j . . ,vT I- . .. .L- Wi u r Wd among others, weooped tkenrtacki tto a wFV at in taeaa uwvvv,, I VUl a . ooa.'! naatsr t comnanieaoilbeU. S Iroon, h.drrl.d lnillt innf rttlria from I'elera. - mnA -nnm . . - regiment and four rom.Wict from St. "" i" MryhivJ, U wtock ke aVaaat ioa Loui wera not far off. Tha minora h.rf . ' set lie farther remarket proper to call on him. Me hope, by pursuing n mdMiflut course, and punctuality ia all bit alealinrt, ha will not only merit but receive Jibvral Mrtroiiajr from the peotle. He feel feeponeible foe any bad fit, or any failure in tke ejxecotwn of any garment be may make. All gentlemen from a cVietaooe, by taking their own .. L.L I I 1 T .. . pkbwi, v no inenra, or waving ineir meaaure With the suoacnoer, can at any time have an garment made to order. Huron er clothing wi he -made reasonable. At time are hard. predit UI be given to those that are eonaider od rood. He would return hi unfeign'd thankt to toe people ot Morganton and it vicinity, for weir iiocrai encourareitenr. 2t60 JMtfanttn, Sept. 1 - '- '. 19.7. -T5 BOOK BUWIJYG. , HE subscriber respectfully inform the. cit. -taa T aulmhnry, inri t)f miTOundinff country, that he ha, eetablithed a Bk Bindef n taia town, on siain street, a few door aouth of the Court-Houtei where be will be thankful to receive any kind of work in bit line of businett. rom a number of yeart experience, in Europe and America, he feel confident of being able to pve-rmirt awusraoiran 10 au woae WHO stay fa Tor him with any description of Binding, . Ulahk Jhoh made to order, after any pattern - lbniahed,mjhort, notice, nd,.ai.pricei ihielj 'aaw'taB'tomplalrt CIaTasjlvl of ornamen. tal. "00 the jBott rnrKlerte-terma, All ortl.-n from a distance. CuWulIr attjdedM . 1 he W- rwiaXT ui ih puanc w rcpccutiiiy aoilClted, by loeir vucuicik crvanu - ; JOHN H. DE CAftTEREf. Salitbitry, April 28M; 1827. v . fio av, that 11 the member ol wonr from this S ate had not been previously ta'it&cd that Mr. 'Adami would make Mr Clav Secretary of State, Orn. Jtckton would have received the vote of Ken tuciy. Were thoae men authorial d to rtiurned to their wofki.' uovi Catt wii at ibe treaty ground. 40 miles from Green Bay. where about 2000 Indian had at- embled, and among them 600 WJnneba goei. Gov. C. told them that if they were tired of peace, their great. father would readily accommodate them with a war play. . I: wa reported that tbey dii- claimed any .participation In the. late ""lMv life hat no flowed In to unruffled e current aa to render Jta ontuiutvc n tubject of much anxiety ; but at I have 1 family, many tin 10 of, and ome infirmities to ammo, at well a much projected duly to perform, I would, iff had my own choke prefer ' living a little longer. I am now engaged on a " Phifd- opbical view of the United State. and habiting the mount tint between' Napoli and Corinth ; 100 bbli of flour we thip ped on board an Ionian veasel for the Island of CaU'mo, for the ute of (hose who et caped from Mitaolonghi before it! fall.' With ceecled to Poros, the seat ofgovernment ; b'rttt ,w',lr ,0,eL w!!ich be'onK'd placed the provhione in a m.g.ii.r, and ' '! "V" "'" "- 7 1W -7 ",. am.f ii .win "ci, iiivy pyuiviiTCu tu presume, that the people of thi State would give up the right of elf-govern ment to secure the elevation of Mr. Clay f . . . . . fj , aiif . pai ii ifawwu til us. Il I 'iv tmuuu vi 11 j v vciKriiii ai ii.- will attend to their distribution. Mr. Mil ler givea a deplorable account of the mia cry which that opprctted people at pres nl andura IT. .... u ikui...J. -I .. mm and rhlMran .r iiin.. .... . a hey prefer the will and interests of tnailt7trjihird of thi- nni.l.tinn r .k. Ih people T of did theyTtnowinRTydis country are in hole and cavea of the B nu r ,ne PJDUC -.WM earth, like wild beast of the forest families in, this vicinity are living in the iTpcTT-wrrwiirrtmiy-an olive tree- to he er them the hope, that they should be able by the aid of the general government, to change its.furrcnt, to control it; wa finally make it subservient to their own purposes? In I "the signs of the times," there is good reston to conclude that their error was wilful and wanton i and that they rely 00 the popularity of Mr. Clay,' their own lueace of the admin To Ttaitk Dealers. THE underaigned having been frequently applied to by dealers in the Bank at thin piace, .woo reside at a distance, to accept an agency to prucure the renewal of tbeir bond fee. in Bank, hat concluded to offer hit service to the who are disposed to confide to him any buameeaof that nature. Hi charge will be the fewest that are utuall made. , Batitivt,Jt,W27 F11IJ.0 WHlta, 1 From. Colombia. .By the Mary Ann. Ru Ran. at Philudelphia. the Editor of the i'il IIUIII V UIUUIIM, IU IIIC inn AU' .1 . L . . . , .. - I t.. tai. 2. 1st ration, lo bend the people into acquiet- gtist l he following-re extracts from L.'" trrrr ' i c -.! V.t.::iXA. j.-..r4 rha L.,a.. 1...... . uTf Ji, a . . renc' "' approbation of their tonducT.T lieVrutourXhasn hi mnrh--' . r t'. - ... . 1 ""w acrr-acrvemv. $x aawaar. The twentieth biennial- stated meeting I ol the American Convention for. promo ting the Abolition- of Slavery, kc will be held at Philadelphia, on 3d day 1 (Tues day,) the 2d of 10h mo. (October,) next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. To which, the Abo. ' aVVf WIIIianiill,' wr anaox T a; . ... 1 Colombiana j they oppearjo be in w retch- eo state, ana 1 think ipn-e important change must take place. Gen. Bolivar, I am orty to say.'is exceedingly unpop ular in thit Province, where one, would suppose he would be most beloved, Car- sccas bclna his native city. The mea sures he has . adopted since his return, have rendered him very obnoxious: he left here a few days before mv Arrival for llllnn ml A Kf . . . . . I..!nn Qn. ... ... 1 . . ' I aiiu. .uajiuiniasivii vuikikii uvt vci arthagena, and doubtless, ere this, ha lran....,. ... i-.u.A .at n.i. . - imit,Mnvu all hiivhsju trsvnan or viv . Il1: f ii it expected gites. EDWIN P. ATLEE, Secretary . ho wtlTnot be wr coi refielye Spa Carriajri.A new carriage has been invented at Paris, which is exceedingly difficult to overturn. When any one of the wheels meets with an obstacle, it I raised up by itself, and the body of the carriage remains firmly on the three re maining wheela t the inventor, whose name it Van Hoorirk, has obtained a patent for thit useful invention. Muttadint irine.k renllaman nt l.aiii?f Amongtt the Imports into Constantino- dale county. Alabama. maA. ih u. a pie from Greece, are mentioned the wri-Jcon,ider,bte quantity of WTne from the faace val of "100 human heads, and 1200 .jr.. u. .i-.. . .. rr. , 1 "" aiuavauiuc unipcj WI11CU ne aaya re- im. mm m u.Tvr ainr nrwnji4 uiv wcat- awt. - wine,., and which, be believes, only wan agt, tionary. In brief, I have tnmVient work cut out for ten years attiduout labour. Such a ttrm will bring the eve of the grand climarteric,' when I hope to be more resigned, and better pepired th.o I am at present, to leave the ftrtr cincttof tke cheerful day " William Daisr. patrol tailed ctrt. 1 hey are ded for the use of the Sulian. -Xwamcnjctr Red River in Louisiana to render h aa fine as any wine'he ever drank. ately drank a gallon of whiskey upon ,1, pretty-pWC t, in the tpace of a few minutes. The ou,'Jr, " m' n"r ,h bnk, rf M ,b It tiet, in the tpace person who propotcd the bet " wenr forl",w''",eekt North42arolinar and it more, but on his return found the other F1"1 5 wortr ,he mli"e Hm9 oor enter" lifeless. jpri-4nr cititem, to make an experiment in rMmiraeturmg a-wine from them, aucb vast . romt R"geri h8miirned to Wtthing- qutntitietof which are imported from abroad. ton, Col P Brearly is also in . Washing. emigrant Pnypof .tfo CwekTlndiiflt Id rtrxaTistt. tie expects to aet out with them from Georgia, about tha first' da of October. and consumed -smong ' mi.'- If wo-pretend to render w'rtlVet fet y hdrildp' taJvT4fkfra! Literary. Messrs. Careu Lea J Careu of Philadelohia. have received a nortinn 1 of Mr. CooDera new novel. The Red H Ton, Dyer, Wayne, Hardin, McNairj', i'5eteVjt j. .-i.,-. -.,, ' In the extreme western congrenional dittrict of Tennestee, compoaed of eighteen countiet, te wit 1 Madison. Lawrence, Henry, Carroll, Hay wood, Weakly, Hardeman, Obion, Gibson, Sbel- (over," and will immediately put it to press, it it intended to pulish it in Oc tober or November. The scene commen ces in Rhode Island, and the work opens frit h a fine description of the beautiful bay m.A k..l rV .... awa wwwwr wi iewvti. Fayette, Henderson, and Perry, in which David Crnkett has been elected, the following Is tba aggregste of yotet received by each candidate t -Crockett . - ..... fi,W4 Alexander V 3,527" - Arnold -1- -i2,57tl.. . ' " "' - ' ; ' r 4 J ' .

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