t ncronr.M 2.1. W UJ of the Mountain," W received, ad all b robhhrd. M a UH find room, fa VfrttV, Virginia, 13th irt. CV) U quoted l from I lo 10 ctnlij ftaco, V to 10 r.v apple trmly, 3S to 30 1 oM peach, Ti to f) , W, 0i tobacco 4 lo 10 whlikey MtoM. KortMUrUa bank ftotet, 3 to 4 per rent Jitcti f. Carolina, Iff Ueorfla,?. Utit rMMWbia u alfOTpHeii th awjiWon that there waa per. . feet vittuuukt bctwee n lh friend uf Mr. Adams tad tboM of Mr. Clay, before Ihe latter cam to that conclusion of voting for Mr. A. Of '.iii. wt have ever been full satisfied, in our mind but unlikt many other. ' have a!; bad too high an opinion of Mr. Cly' tact at political management, we bar believed bill too much of an adept at intrigue, and bv thus repeatedly cipmacd ourref o suppose for a moment hi would to bmi;1rl mm! Ai'i w4 u to cipnor bia hand." No i politkiaaa much IrntkiUcd tban Mr. CUj i aJaii'ted b all partiri to l. in the varimit aril of, mana(inr political frtrndt, co-ilj f hare effected all be did. aitltout eiporng tlicnxrUn to aVfrra'Mi i and it would be denying him that ptat talent at Intrignr, which it concril,d hwn on all handa, to auppoae he could iw H ihr cstentirc iaSueaec be poatrtaed orhiifn'enIs to bit perianal aggrandizement, without bring - caught U tb nieahce which hit enrmirt might apetad for him. In hort, r duit. nor cfd wr tm, believe Mr. Clay couH be fully ttnvitttd ..afwompt bugtin wUb JJrAslUnv.inJh lection which eleritrd the lattrr tr the Frei. tiva diair of tb nation; But at the tame t'lTf. from all the atatementt made, ami Ctcta elicited fl the aubject for. nrnrt than tojrear pat, wa don't know bow any candid, in rldgrnt in. ajuirer after lha Irutlv, who bat bad accra to all "' 'tbelc"phlctoni Taicmrf'thw ennrlciion, thai, hadtfnt Mr. Clay been perfectly aatufird of rtceivinjg tht Hke of 'ecre'ary of State from Mr. Adim, he and biafrieml never wcmld ftave voted for the latter. It ii v plain a de aonatration to ut. tfathvitle Bank. Our reader know that thi bnk failed aome two yeari aince. which rauaed good deal of eicrtement, and no little dial re, among the people of Tennenee, it note com. poting a eonaidcrablf proportion of the clrcula- ting med'tiin there. Beaolutum were immedi Wtely eofepccTinio by the boan) of dirednr, and prompt mcawrra taken, to wind up tUe cort.-J Certw m tne inuiuium. since wnicn nnir, utc cern i ' tabor of the officer of tbe bank have been di recUd totbaccoorprihmetrtof that lje!t. Ia the last Tenneatee papetf we find a detailed abatement of tht affair df the bank, aubmitted to the legialature of thai atate, now in rion Prom thia abatement we learn, that the bank i indebted, at thi time, for nntea in circulation 8196,411. and for deporit. g9,896-tn all S206,. 308. Tbe mean which the bank can command, - wkh which to- pay thia debt, are, Mt IndU yidiila,a'erdelucting amount of atock, f,7f 361; pccie and rjote of o'her banltt, si4,47j real eitate, S8?993 due by other bank. 146 making 373,848 1 deduct from thi amount fur bad and lost debts, and lot on real catate, $ 100,000-which will leave a balance in lavor of the bank, of g57,540. Prom thi,' it would appear that the ability of the bank i nil .aufficient, unlet it meet with heavy and im probable losses, to redeem all iu paper in cir culation. Hugh I. WUtt, Eq. ha been re-elected by the 1-egialature of Tenneaaee, a Senator in Con. great from that State, for rix yeara from the 4th of March, 1829, when hia preacnt term will ex pire. The reason of hia being thu toon re elected, i. we pretume, because the legislature' of that atate only meet biennially, except by special requiaition of the Governor! for had they not re-elected Judge White at ihit tesaion, bia term would have expired before another- meeting of the legislaturerunbjM "an fitra eetsion ahould hare been called. From the return of the recent election for roember of aesembl, !cc. in Maryland, it ap pear that the Senate ia composed of a very decided majority of the frienda of Gen. Jack son i while in the lower houte, there is a small " majority of adminiatration men. From the de monstration of the strength of tht two partiea. .which these electiona have afforded, very confi- ,TOjktM!hMjJ lerVei at tCe liext Presidenttal electldn, .'Jrew tl fcort (it not more) of the eleven electoral i.l . ' J . .... m., .''i-TOtea m ma aiaie. .v;-;.-.;. ".tOt Craryi'o. An ' election for Governor, one " member to Congreaa in place of IE." F. Tatnall, resigned, and members of the legislature, took place on the lit of thia month. John Fonyth bad no oppoiition for Gorerrior, end of course ia elected, although in some countieathe tcat ," tertng votes were a majority againat himt- and - Geo. II Gilmer at,' ia all probability, elected by large raaojity over Thw. V P. Chsf Iton. I tic hi g4vt th pUc of nativity, and h orCU I patWma, of all Iht member of h prtaenl I gi . blur M innee I Iron winch laar) Ilia! 24 art fti nf Virginia, 14 of Timmimi, I of North-Carolina, 3 of ftnyin!a, 2 of Kin luck, and 1 of Delaware, Of their occupa tion, 34 ara farmer, 19 lawyers, 3 merchants, I physician, tm I mechanic I the of Mi rlmony , they sr enabled to hold up tbeir brads, wt think, before tnf IrgWialivt bod hi ths VUi, Hf ir 66 member of kk (tow, only tigki 't In a of ngle,-llcecdncBt--fijur ta rach boutc Dr. Yming, on nf tlx representative U iXJmurma fromlLantu'Vii. iii.l m lit 1 Oik nk '"'llU.kHPHHBUiuin,, amiable man, 'and htrArMTf;rz.i: i...t hla fwbuca opponenta. A Mr. Catttoun, an adminlatration man. and a Mr," Chilton, a Jack, awiian, ara caiMli!ai for tU aeal in Congrcal vacated by (lie oVuti iif Dr. Young. John Pergf inf. tbr alminittration candulate, hai been elected to Congreaa from the aecond ditrct in Chilailrlpbia, by a majority of 157 rotea only, ore r Judge Hemphill the whole number of ote gtren in being 5244. The dittrict liad been fitrrymantlftrti, to faror the election of Mr. Bergeant : there art 15 wardi in tbe City i three uf tlicK, which are Wrong for Jackion, had been rtruek off fron the 3d diftrict, and attached to the lt by which manoetirre, the f'anama mmiderwaa elected, by a meagre majority. The city and ttuniy of Phillrlphia, together, fe an orcra helming maj ority (or the Jackaon ticke'. Kinaey Johnt, the adminiatration candidate, hai been elected to Congreaa from lite atate of (klaware . in place of IMjii Meljne, tranalatcd to tbe U. f . Senate. . ..ri.i " soufitiXr. kiiviiivr " It i pmpoMM to pubhah, in tlie city of Char, ' ... t J ... -I.. .. . . . r mm . 1 " . .... ' ijut hi w uici-m rnimirr, 'lav. ftugun. aJ wjm) a ttevw, a.m.Iar ,n ,ti cbaraiter to th-North Armenran, tbe PliHadeJ. pbia Quarterly ( lie. to be edited by Stephen Elbotl. SJq. prufcaaor of natural hiitnry in the I medical college of Smitharolini. Thia work outit to, and nn doubt will, be hbmlly patron wed in the -Viutbern aection of tbe I'nion, provided it it conducted with abili'y; ami the high literary (landing of in editor afford a guaranty that it ill thu be conducted. Thrt i.irj at Brum IiiirtUn. Col. Mchn ney, in hi tour to the Vtern lake. Ut. men tioria, that "in the winter cf 18?0, tao gentle men came from lyird Selkirk' ( ftritish) eaUb bihment ou the Red Riier, to Prairie du Cbien, on tbe Mitauaipnl, a dlatance of irvcraf hnndred eth fa-, in t Tnin bv 2 or 3 doci ' We bave heard of dog being uaed in thi man ner In Buia, and perbapa in aotne other Eaa'crn eountriet; but were not appriaed of tlair ever having been subjected to the yoV, or the nUar, on thi continent. The " train" here tpoken of, it a pccie of broad bottomed Und canoe, much U.ed.tirnilb.oVt. tfO wer Ca,,a js calculated to bt drawn ith eae on the jurface of the now, w here there is nr beaten track, L'nnke our tlright, they have no nnnrrt, but are drawn on their flat bottom, and move in an irregular, aig-iag manner, having nothing to guide or steady them . Mn FcndmLh.Ihe Hudton 'New-York) Republican, relate an anecdote of John Itai dolph, which, of all the oddities attributed to him. we never heard mentioned before. It is; aaid he "object to the simple and beautiful i Liturgyof the American Episcopal Church, on account of an unimportant grammatical error : li make use of tbe liturg) of thr bulwark of our religion" (the one fHn'td in F.ngUnd, nd ued in the High Church there) throtighmit, praying for King, l ord and Commons, with all imaginable devotion." This may appear a little strange to those who lo not know Mr Randolph's predilection for every thing F.ngUth. But it is a fact, that ihhnugh an American by birth, and a Republican by prtfeuion, he always peaks wi'h perfect contempt of. every thing American, when brought in comparison with any thing Pritith. Jppln.K Mr. Mastey, ner Dnver, Del awarr, has shown tho editor of the Gazette of that place, an apple weighing fw pound, and nicaauring 15 . inches in . circumference. We.. thinktlilsTltelargiripplerwe'evcr heard of. A Philadelphia paper lays that an apple wai taken from a tree in the orchard of a Mr, Cole, in New Jersey, opposite that city, which weigh- ed "6J oufices: and another one waa taken from the tame tree, weighing 26 ounces: the tree contained a number of bushels,, the teatt duel .'-In con.equ'ence of a dispute which arose uurirur M.e recent election in. lUIhmnre. a duel has taken place between Mr McKlahon, a , member, elect, of the legisbaure, and Mr. Tyson, a defeated candidate. " On their way to Bladensburg, (the field of honor") the peace officers overtook and arrested Mr. Tyaon j but he managed to escape, and all parties repaired over the Virginia line ; where the combatants dhot at each -other twice, and '-were preparing for a third blast, w hen the peace-officers hove ' in sight, tri pnt the Jtgkting yaXy to fl'ght. n Un the flij tfl,' of JW iUtf iafi to bk around, or whether their kwrt wtu b rated, wt cannot aay, ftot having beard. CO" One of Iht partiet aa aliot U ihtpenta. toona, but ao other damagt to f At ft fruktysttiu f oflbampton, lo Maaa cbuaetta, a man by the aaaaa of ftubert Buah btmg an farru m, bad (if aomt tw beea la tht babil of baaefitrl trtating bk wife M much ao, that al wuoblirYd to lrat him, and Crt with ber frienda, t after which, be bad repeatedly threatened to take ber Iff i and U purauaaee of thia diabolical reaolutioN, bt went on the ?9th wit. to the bowae where aht reaUed and dcLhrrately tbot bet aht died U a few Uauttu La jaaa imtwad.alily AnaUiL. John Marrjii'n, of the tit of Richmcmd, -wa the.?th inH, Jn. a tLofjage rtalbed to the heart and killel Agnea Trcker, wH waa living ith him i Marquia ai arreated, and commit ted to priton, tilt e iliatl have bit trial. Vfiunan,0 Turada night, tlte 9th but the a'ahlea, carriage bouae, cow-bouac, bam. com-rih, lie. of Jihn F. May, T. in tbe tub urb of the town o fettrtburg, Virginia, were burnt to the frouiWi a Urge quantity of grain, be, ami nine Aarae. were aba destroyed ; W ettimated at 0(N. the eareleasneea of the otler, in carrying Ire into tbe ruble, wu the caue of the eoriflayation. TnLtui fJrthn.On the 19th uh. John II. Morgan wai elect ej tngToing clerk of the aetata of the lrgiUrure of Tennetsre, on the vey-eefane Afij .' The K'eniucky Importer ' relate! the following incident of recent occurrence The lime) of acraice ia goal of an csccl Irnt bUcktrmttrlitel rtpircd ; ibe ket per waa driroua of retaiainjt him, on ac rotjrtt of hU merhinicaf iklll and erffererl l: m . rn .1. ti... - . . k k i - . ,. . , , , , eefocd lit had not teen but a abort ' . . . . j iimetMcm, iprrnaMtmir I lew oi t, , . . . , . . . . .... . Ucn jj anJ tRaj wntenced-aolhal be bat resumed his alativn without wage Henry .hulu and Alexander Boyd were 'ied before Jude Johnton at Edgefield f urt llouv on the 4th inMant, on an in c'ictmen' fur the murder of Jotrpb Mir tin The p'isonrra were aasiited bv a very uh' juv of counsel, among whom wat Mr M'Dume. After a full and pa tient examination of the testimony, the jury returned a verdict of manslaughter Elnqutnrr of, mole The perfection to which'oratorr -ha, arrived in Harvard uiiMciiiit, duiiuuieu of winer tor the Boston Courier, to Ihe (r-neral uve of' r if . roa Tat. wirreiw raaouvt. rAsr lur, Ut. - ' - Mr. H hitt Please to publish in the Weitcrn Carolinim, tbe following extract from the l?at Minute uf 'be General Assembly of the Preby eriari" Chiircb Tifthe United States find" you" will probably gratify a conaiderable number of your subscribt rs. A PRESBYTERIAN. "Thr comtnitirc appented toJruj;hr a pastoral letter, reported one, which war adopted, .and ordeted to be signed by the Moderator, and committed to Dr. Rice, and the Stated Clerk, to have the time published and sent to the churchn. "The same committee also rerom mended that the uenerai AtM-mbly should h.a. t ta Cl apart the iteana Ihurtday tn Aovtmbrr next, at a dttjr of ThanksuivinR. humilia tion and nraver, to be observed in all our , . t, . . . churches The above recommendation was adopted by the Assembly ; and all the rhnrrhea under the'eare of this Aaaemhli- , l. .1 . . I.r.k. AApn.sIl r,nii,lH in .nn.it. t said day unto the Lord." IE IIIIWT V . . w . , .t,..a,v,u ,w .BIII.1A Deniht in (harlriitn, from Ihe 2orf It ihe 30M September, 1827. Hied Of comumption, 2 ; Debility, 1 ; Drop s, 2; Fever Bilious, 3j Fever Yellow, :ij In fjam. of Brain, 1 Locked Jaw , 2j Old Af;e, 2 Total 16. riir IH.Trftrts. Favettrviilt, Oct. 10. Apple bratulv, "2 to 33 ; Peach !. 35 to 35 ; Bacon, RJ a 10 ; lig ging. 22 to 25 ; Coffee 15 a 17 j. cotton, new 9J ; do. old. 9 a 9 25 ; Corn, 40 a 45 . flour. 4j a i, ; Iron, 5 50 to 6j alolassea u7J to40( Sugar honnif TalVT8tJT-Hhitkeyr5B-3r4;T Wheat new, ,3 tow, per oustiei. .itumai. Transnctiona in Cotton have been ronsidera- j ble for the list two weeks. Sales fullv support our quotations. Floiir is rather scarce i but lit. tie in town except what is made in the mills here. Sugar are not plenty other grocerie are. Journal 0th int.- whiVey;32"in ,T, iiple brandy."! a 3ST kMtvir .9A 9 - Haron. 7i.l M t iiirmm -9.1 J tO'"55 i wit, Liverpool in bulk;40 a -40-t- l-urk 1 Island. 52'",' auga'r, brown, 9 J" to 9j j Coffee, T 3 ' to 15 , molasses, 63 a J5; biacK pepper, 18 a 20 cts.; corn,jJp a 45 j flour 5$ to 5j. Exchange at abort ight, on Boston, New York and Philadelphia, par a i per cent. prem. 60 days, perctdis. Exchange on England 10 a 10 per cent, prem. t on France, Sf, 15c. .. . North-Carolina Bank Bills, 3J to 4 per cent, discount. Georgia da. (cxrept I)ntift) lj to i? pef cent, discount 44 4Swhktr, 40 a 4liaaN, JaAOi flour, S to J J wheal, II lo Hi Cf nil pea'h hrtmly $J It SJ t apple Ua. 3) lo 49 1 ba on 17 J in l beef ft It J, Jnrmll, JfWy Jlfaet-Ia Mw Vtrlt,(Vt. II, North Carolina hank I J! a were at 41 4 per 'nt. diacrmM i Vi'riina,li "tMith Carolina, H Ueor, fia, !J urpt Daficn, which art 3. eatatw, aer, II. Wie,1 b priee if (olton during the week ha been ttrady at 9 "J. Conai.leral.le jmrcha- " lUarrlfi. la Ihit place, by Hi. Mr. Pankin, on I fab btH.Mr. JJ.u Pabiicr to lliaa Marjinn Ifaoip ton. Al (JtcUrlL Go F.nglaml) Tfcomat flutlrr ( hum, R-l. It Miaa FXaa I ippeUU- A WMvwbav wJwMa m IU4 aiefl, wtutt, lUt lvUvang cuitp. lit on thi u'uon i Ahbougb tbe wn if aul'ry yet, . II cold aviUatMMl eiJMi.. . And TWna dort qf't tigM 1o get A, Tfftu for hia tain. DIED, In Ihia town, on Wednesday eenlnr, the inh irnt. after a .i.rl but diatretaing illneat, Mri. Keberca tarbrmigh, aife of Col. K. Varirourb, in the ?5'h ear of ber age. In l.incol'1 rmiKv, lately, of a n4rnt fir e.f apopleiy of four day (biration, Mra. Mary Wlutener, wile ! Mr. Daniel Whitenrr, in the 6Jd year of lrr aje. I In Kalcigti, nn tle Vh mat. nrnjamm Huli llavwomLyoungral aou of Jhn Haywood, Treaaurer of Ihia State. In Montgomery county, near Kindan I pt. office, on tte 13th it. Mr. Polly Carter, aife of Mr. Henry Carter, agnl about 45 veara, leaving a buaband and thirteen children. In mourn the Iom of an affectionate companion, and tender mother. ' V'ommuiutattiL 8UU ut N"oTl-Civrt)na. Tl X virtue of a derrce of the honourable Court I f of Ectui'.r for Howan countr. ma le at tVrto. ber term I hereof, I8C?. the l lrrk and Mier ill aellat the tillage of MocknilV, on ihf J rt . dav of January the LANDS and JVlIIJuS koon by ttie name of aneri Milta, on Hntebmw'e f k, jWriirtf fnoth,' '- A bt another tract of land on the aanie crvrk, contAi... . ing !9Ti acre bring the proptny nf t.rorge Kaner, Jec M. A cnuit ot taelve oiontlu till be t .h,...i .ui, .i . f.,rti. . "Y ' " 1 " ! after the eipinthn nf 1 montba. P.trch ,.wcl K"e h-HHl. with approved - .1.. .1.. ..r ...l- ...! .1 i. ill lr ri ... i ... . e.i lUc (Irbtrertxl upuH full (ameutf the (Mir. . .... 10,01 Cltaae moiii't , ov 1U1 fsM'l H I IMAN '' 1 F. OtKbrr IS.,. W.7. " ' Vnc'r .d" 2S. 1 rrtMtiea, on l.l. rnn indebted to the e'ate r.f Jarh Marl. Nte of Mon'gomerj r, ui.tt, dee'd. are lequritrd to tettb- tl.rir arcrmnt ; and all petVii' having da tii againtt the efate of aaid v.r,!. nuns win preaem r-em m. v ami e. yallv aii-heiitirated, m.thm the time hmifd by law. other ue the acta ia-ar ti bly in rirh?aa ! mJc nd pr-We i" be plead in b.r. IMNIEL IIAKKI3, .it iJm'r. 3tST 1 - YWt litAftT9 UewimV RW aaay from the aubaenber, on Ihe 15th , furnislied, on shr-rt notice, and at prtces wnicv Wt. an appreb.ke to the carpenter1 trade, I no one fin complain of. by the name of ncei rf aimer, about IT yeara ' Old Bok Hcbtund. either plain or omamen ofage. 1 do expect he i gore to "tokrs cmi". tal, on tbe mot moderte terms. All nriKm tv, where hi mother live, a he left Salisbury t from a ditfance. faithfully attended tn. The pat about that time. He may pawfor a blaekmith, : ronage of tlie public ia rrpectfulry aolicitcd, by a he first bound to that trade, and after- : their obedient servant, witnta to iue to karaJbe cameDter'! irade. .1 , JOHN II. PE CAHTF.HP.Tr will bring him to Saliiburr. JOHN ALBRIGHT. win fc.-v ... "" .Ma.VHUUV UUTV.li, SALISBURY, N. CAKOLIXA. F.ZHA ALLK.M(N; r FpHIT eli-ga.nl tatabliFhmcnr.mtuated : fZl?W I at the north rorner of the Court- , jj. House, hat been recently repaired anil ; fitteil nn in a new and tunerior stv r. tor t he re- ception of Compan. I be grealtit pains have ; been taken to rocure for thi - tbli-hment j new ?"u,rr r( 7fJ?' detcripiitm. nccr..ry ' for thr con fe't of Trat.:li'i' ; Ibc ji.ol i- d n,, lnvr h,,.n ..-hrted with r. a- ,. ,i,r b.r s.,.rked with cbo.ee liquor., and . ,k. .w.. nmM hvnhlnun, .n.l ..i.miv. , . .... , . ., , t,ntl..r, 1 hi ronvinirree ot tint kitiiBtu.n i . ........ ... - ti ,...... , nnmhrr of private U.J out h.msra, well j calculated for the accommodation of Trailer. r and Boarder. Attached to which, there is a Dry IIoimIs and Hook Store To vbo-e ho may please to call on him. be assures :hem that no pain will be spare to render their stay comfortable and pleasing. F.ZHA AI.LEMONG. Satiihvry, ''. Sept. 17, iH 81 I'r'Wttte V.rttfriumct. K II WARD YARRRO 1 1 kur.cTrviiT' jnform hia .friends. .VIS and the public, that, hia lease of the lllJt Mansion Hotel having expired, ht haa removed tn lire, large and eommodiiMi Hnuse i owned by his mother, and formerly cKJctipiedTry htr a 0,IM. of KnterUinment, on Main street, a few doors east of the Court Home ; where he is prepared to accommodate Travel- Itrt and Btarden, in a style which he feel a. 1 aured will give general satisfaction. He invite I his acquaintances, a w ell as atranijrrs, to call I onbim: every attention which he and his fumi- ly can bestow, will be moat cheerfully extended U tlem-...-. -,i,rti..-v.-., Wum x tlK.sf!2tr. - SttHfiMrfi A'r . 24, 1837...... . ;.,,..', For ftwUiYi, 1 JIOCSE and LOT. ituated on the comer I or the rnibtie scfttare ; in "TtuttiTtorimt, v - frontintr the court-house. The "lot cbhialn 1 about the f mrtli of an acre , the house is two itorie high, 36 feet by 24 : the lower corner room has been occupied aa a Store and Crocenv and from its central situation, would afford u good stand for either a merchant or mechanic. I be term ill be made easy, as the subscriber wiahc t . leave the country. Apply on., the prcirises, to IfATA. C01L1ER. O'tM'W. 1!T. 7?9 NORTH (MKOMN.V. rviina k.i u u .... ..t.i. ,.-t .k.1 ' 1 JL Commence running to fieafgrlown ae I CharlrfoN, en live ftrat of (Vlober an, will carry prixluet at Cualumary ratrt. 1 be n.b. , acrlberi will apart no r ten ion to eiped.r thn Irantportation of proiloee ami rnola to ami frot either of lit abort placet, 1 bia boat baa nmile atrip from C1arleton, with a full frtig1l In Ira than fivt da). We ha t pole boat rnw on U atoekj al.'ich will bt Uoticlied aWit the firt tA No. t ember, ealeiMd ! tare Va limUd , bale nf cotton, ami of ao light a omit w a a'tr, a to be enabled to go at all . ll.il boat in etxijoncttuM iu I'm alt am buat will ajxure Ibc certainty of np an l d'nfeiglla, ailbol delay, the Mibw-tihert aJI rt rrie cotton lo freight on moiUrate term, ami n.ske no than t for "Tbr will iU eewrvt wad fora ard gntoa, CU rrawiable leimt, ba'injf rtmnuxliout atorra and ware-bouari, foe the rurity of roo.!i. ftf- ll.BM(ll.'.MM Ik. U 'kjM- Ion, Will attend to the rrrriing and forwaubng' all ckmI to Ihia or anv li.terineihate pUrrv on the Pre lee river, ami will receive and aitfm lo all order rtipectlng cotton that may be arm lo tin care. 1 lie aubvcMera pinige litem. Kites to uae all diligence and attention in lline power lor the interrt of Iboae ho rut Dtakt Connnmriit to them. i. b J. ii. iowsr.3. f Veo,. ,s. c. n. 1H77. mi auait Vrovtrty. BF.IVG lUtrrtDiitid upon removing to th WeJiern Loon'.rj. the ubcnher tITcr for ale lb- whole of lot valuable potSion, K injy on the touth i'mIc of the Yadkin rivrf, ami on both aidr of Urant'a Creek, adjoining Unl ei Jtmel. I -nor, Adam Millr.amlothera,bteeii J 3 and 6 mile of Salobury. Kowan rnunty, N. C. Tbtre i. in all, 1000 arr of fmf, a gool portion of which i firvt rate Uml in the county. On the premie there r a good, jHintr JvttUng Aautr, t em -en 4, HitbU; and all no c aart tii ktnfi. A uffirii nt quantity of land is under rultitation, profiubly lo employ 14 or Ii ham!: with a aufficient quantity of ticellcn! meadow ground cb ami. to aotwer all r urpoaes, ami Tomnlrrablc quantity under-d. Tbe Ln'J h tuKipiible of bring, and jmH Vc, as may auU ivrvlcr, divakd into two ct roor plantation. Abo. will be crirpovd of, the ndttrri. ber intcreat 'the half) in the valuable MILI.". well knoan a tjfi Jh'tr, en - lwteen 3 and 4. nut front - (W. Creek, ' naSabtiv Ihe subrnltrr being rlctrTjmrd ft - ' !.h tb7' Pmy. if t will be eh'utoae.l of on ihe mint a ny p' of acfoniii.-niaimc 1 'eniu tn the rurr lavr. I eraon iir u ct , .v .- a . ,Vi rnirthawnr, are Invbed tn examine The prerftl. . . n l i k . aet j which, in mv rre, ill healmitn tY y h.therJ.me.Mo..g. living near l.o.ig's Kirry t or by my 'Kerat er. nn llie rrniM-. urr id I.OMi. .i. -. H.7. 7(nf hook luynixc. TUT aoWribrr r. ipi cliiilly ml .rt . the clt. ieti of Sahabun', and the iirroumling rnl1) ,n ,ie f lh,,M ( Mt . in Mlin lr.H. a fe door. souOi ((f ,ht rourt.Hllllle , hrre he will he thankful ' to receive ant kind of ork in hit fin' o: liu'net. I From a number of year experience; in Koropc i and Ameriea, feel oorifwlenl of beinj; able to i give entire alifaction to all thoae who ) fa i vor biin Uh any detcription of Jiiadiitgc.. ' JJan XTcA-t marie to order, after any pattern ' v Stole it I?ttOlTThrrer4eN-iv Ut lit---of I lrloi)er, mat. a Jnjf ore. . M t eam oM neat annnir. alioul I .'.liantln lnirn. wme wnn on n nmu b et. a n.ll r in hit fo ehead, has Iwolumps on hi back, h nvl hi d before nd he paeea - Vfr). t.n , (rond'ta.hl'e. bnrtlr. and biai.ket, wttr ,,.C, tWfcJ. w t, (tlp l(ir,c, Anv prrson intua-maatjon of :.i I hoi, ibr.cti d to l-- .i.... u. r. v i .1 .11 V,. ,berwlly rewarded fur ;. 1 do-iii. MAK'MN W I HtFER. nrtnrr . tmmiU.UA to tf 3tvU " , , JVUV IV ''k-c.ointy.n.thc-u;iM.I.tu.,i8w.a V nrgro man who Mtt hit rami! in SAShY . " "r " J ' "r "" '"K". ""ut yearn I.. c i . t u i.:. i . . . n - ' Vm r'' h "k1'". hl f 'I"?' '? Ve "" , win i. iiiirii-ii, aiiu iia or iii-ionifs in .taior Bliirknitn, Ijincaster districl, 'vmili Carolina. who purclia-ed him in the low, r nart' of ihia tale, and that he left hi. master below ( bar lotte. Che owner i ihkired U come and proves property, pay thargia, and take the ntgrrj awav. rilAHI.F.H I'HKI.PS, Jailer. May ?A,t, 18J7. 65 State nf A'trtb-L woliMt, Stoin caunt'i : f lOl'li r nf Pleaf anrl Qnarti-r "esonvScpv J ttmlier term, W2T : John Webb ft. Ed mund Ueaaleyj original aMwrhrnentv rterl-r A. Ilodgcn lumtnoned u gnariiishee. It appear inif to tin autid'ttction cf the emir;, tiiki Kri- mnnd Beaxlev, so absconds and conc . als nirr telf that the ordinary process of law cu no' be rervedou him, or that he is an inhabitant of an other atate, it i therefore ordered by 'he court, that publication be nu.de in tbe Western Carolinian for aix week. that unlets tbt drfen- dant aforesaid appear ut the next court of pleas and ouarter aessiona to be held for aaid count v . at the cnurt-htuise in Germaoton, on the V.d Mofldar of Derember nettrand plead wr-re--- pivy, 'that 'wdgmen' ttital will -be entered agwinati bim- lor. .tba junuwnU of. ths (ntifll't claim.. ; r Testi.M. MOOHR, f . Orrmnntim. SrM. WA, i H27. fit3 " - s to 1ianV lVwvlen' T1HR nnderwgned having been frequentlv X applied to by dealer in the Rank .it this place, who reside at a dianre, o accet.t an' agency to procure the renewal of their 'hind he. in Hank, has concluded to offer hi ri ii e jo those who are disposed to ci'fii'c i him any business of that nature f m.h will bctbe. lowest ihat are usuailv n .-. ' ,m Vvt'9,i82r. . " K Mi -I ..... k .

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