I Y"Vi '"1 l f rV' V A JliHif.-f'- BALIHHUUY, N. C....TIJRS1)AY, OCTOBER 80, 817. YOLJVIII-0.386. riftLo mm nr. Luauno Rtnr- u pa. Ictlli yow to ibe city of Iw-Trk wblcfc .pp itwTimi. learrpt n ' I""-I ) mile I dlttent. Iot R o to tne ate am L J.ttnrr .ta wrr-cn, are OanL . , eMnf ft loa,, . fcep CitUrfarflU n U loaned at fryeerU, . . v "i .i , '. I(. ara fur lh prw marpion. aaa miv' Irtttn tAir.! to the Witof, eauet be or iky may a at i"fw4 pTERNAL IMPROVEMENT, laarl Tat tllte eeeitfta,' CAniTON-No. in.;' "V. V. tnn wkaowntand cuMmet a 4 - . L fe ttt neighborhood nf popoloo mori more favourable opportooittrt upporting family and enlarging hit rty , tbo on who H vet et i JlftfKi I iurturotli and boiy psputMlon or k la the Interior of a country. f W-eu4 lU prodoctiooe of hie farm Via a-aiden. have a fair and DrorfiDt let, with no dalaf uf payment '.ThW ,t tirauiut te nit eteniont .ue c aerated to fort ill Mi grounde fo ire lb beti modet of t uttiuitan, to r'MxI-iJ kit llma.'-eod not to be U of M toil; Jj" -irtet"V wTl ti, kit orchards fljurtihi bit rcee ire luxuriant, end ht 1 DO lett p jr kl the quality of hit grabs ruou ,tttMr 7 He It o b-hhufttif in tpirltt-from knowbgoo oeceuiif la it' unembarrassed .'command' ff lira, tod V? retcul r"""1 M IfCtiJo'-Mftiiflr nd til fMMrtni h Ubourtt tnfcUa o oioc opprei rt proiecuted "nh rctiowr d inter hlle fte Jooki forward to ibrlr apee U friIn reward. I ft it no wonder hat iucb punhn of UP eoontrr ik ib-lniif of a dePM and actlro Ltloo, ihootd bt remrkbl for th rritf of their ioUUuntt. 1 be dif rmer bowa kit eeaie of thlt end town diMdranta Re,. w bile in cut town ibe timber jbat incumbers hit tod wbicb la to be burned b heapt n- Anla-tn jia -wat-be -reniarbi lere ihete met of ood in e'er. uttUut. imxead otcau-Uoz blm.ta M bit forteo What ia berc said (krmei or otaoter it o leat eppJJ- laeJi tort of butineet. Mioet of or lead, could thcr til be titn- Ll mrbul IWP tn tDOrt lOWOt Or titiet, or ei en tery populout ptrtt c coontrti err rooro't 'remote rrom the prompt: opportu of lle. ' 1 he i0tanuK oi an fmnufetOfiee ore-eaUoiWe,.b mntflKrt'iont. Letu then Lm i Lrin. workthoD or a rniafi I?-' r. ........L.sir ill ut meant a ptmK.FiswK'Mi jhl; two .hundred milet from :ne tea, tkeo up, end put down agaia a iw fmm a commercial citr. - he kirk hTnrt aucb'a chanee told for i Aiir: would now tell for 6fteen, h tblrt or fif if dollar, per ecre. i . . . I ' . . jJiilirt. :ltlt.imrm bowcrfrthiteIaMn bmelof M ----- i , iiiwgig urv'Hif wimiifi whu iinfw inrifivivi wi w i tUnvt'JCfl inVlll . "T'T'.TI lukU & ri'Kt in !rtejiinjr ani contr if emir panicuiaraof tbit etampie, trett oi lime. I iKoold tunnota Into it.- Wkeo bad lime cornet; you He Aawn and tlacooQ at tioil a bed at voe tnt and and Ibe next mornlnr you a a t a . I al tiie at four ocioci wua me initiu inn ikai all toa bare to do ia to ateo out of the boat lno ibe city, ai'end to . a . vour bUtlotM ana then return Home aRin bytbettme mean. Wkat (reat differ core ir mf be aiked, it there to fr at Miruir atona are coneerncd hiweeB la kinr up your hoow In Ne-JIrn. and muIor H flown attaecitr oi ncwiora and then reiuroint it at ln to lit proper ptjca,? Inhere any thine virtually io .opMrl'tii aivlnr that lh 'titt ' be- vf I iween your own boute and New-1 orb bat been remored at to the pracilcal purpo e of bualnetti" A per ton may -now irarel br tteam boat aiid tttRe from Nor folk. la.PkUadeloble io tbirtr-tix bourt, tbooyh the ditiance betwetn tbcte placet U l rnUev- Pyucb meihodt of tra- tclller a wart once pracuieu, rte of. forty or thlrty-Ge ruilet a day, he moil bate required fittof tli"dai "Ti c rompliiH ii. When we lr thai by ihe improved rntibod't of traiellinjf the di tnce"bf ".ehundrrd and teienty milet eUbe-MVeV one-butwlred oTi enty 6eat the olbcri bat been annihila led, there it no longer that objef ionable nnr.nri ef-miferr or miric which rr"(rj.-.-..-i -.,. . mixkt at brt Bae occurrcu io our v p!eheniuQ Tt I, nnf K lhnuht that the eiDente of uch trirellwir h been tudiiuly - - a wen. . a f . a. kept out of iiew. . i m expo11011 'cn hat been made it for the purpote of rlit linetfy khowlnif whut it mnni, when h certain modet of contenre, l!inre l taid tn be annihilated. Tbe ttai;e from New linen lo New l drk mukt cotl three dolUrt for the dinanre of richly fire boat la aa XfMtla- awfhw baili(t a rut maintenance at ikret wacrona, ain ihlt e a at a aa . - a aa a tain Da a literal aiiAWaneo ia ui aiad rtotaire of Ihe boatt. and b be or of lnd ctrriitte. It will the be tree from tbe orccedinK tutementt that oie horte br meant of tbe Canal performt jbe work of fifty bortet upon a road, orb mm tbe woik of twenty fSe and oie vttcoo vr nerlv at mucb at eertrlien war root, nor It tbit the lull accjunt of the matter, for ibe ron, borte. id wttrrrari w m - , do that in one dif, which the Wenty-bre men. tilt r hortetend tercntecl wareoot - A V t - 1 . ... do in iwo oaya.. iow u wt tiypoto toe day t work oi the mto to oe toe dollar that of tbe bone ball a dollar end tbe i warion io be worth fifty ceott day, and ihe value of the work done b he twen ty-let men, fifty bortet, and ievtnleeo wiRffoot.la ooe day wiu do iny eicht dotlirt and a half, or ooe kurdied and teveMeen dolUrt in tao dar- plainly lutlowa'iboniujM when la Coat' wf reyance by Um4 caitut atM one nandred imf-tenmew -tJollart It wo more than three dollit by a Canal f or "'ft.L i 1 X V m IIIM CipcnM Of "IKguna a Don a Turnpike Roi, U eiibty-acTen dollara and a b'alf.Tll one, dollar.by the Canal or Rtlwty.' The liberty bere ta ken in ipeakinR of it Ctnal and the Kiilway ai alike in Uetr emnency Irjnipnrt.Uon, I woollremmatneTeaacr, it' founded upoo the preKnt rtltninK opinltd of Eri;ineert,VDd upon kfilcb eil denre at hat been r'u in Ihe precedinR number. Wee a Railway cotk'ructrd from Ihe mountain! to'Iieauforjon the tee coot, 11 Kaw tr ahttvrterf from one rnd of it io the nther.lhrouRh a ditunce of in hundred rnd ft rtr milet in two vv . v r ' I.. a Thia muti ha Wiident at toon at dolUrt lor the cimanre I nKniy ore - 7 r , CarHiMt. milaa, and that beel.een Norfolk and "f. a"?f, ."?.f, ihioR W tbe. l.uer .b.nce .brinR found r,lKh, .nd day. go .1 .r' a ..... aia nimwm nawawi nuirs. mam lataui . a?av wwaf aai a in the t weller," through tne fliwe w v- : r " L. oVie" iuch a Uailroid without the leaat incu. if m aaa.aai a-ia-a"-',i - ii m . art in a run aiariii lata aaa u waai . a rav Ulv..K . r.rlriletre toeffcet ilwlr '-'".nr rU-ib cm.. - r , . j snail i men mcit . iwim.. . obiectt on tbete termt, ana in roou caw. hich, if accom . . i. t- .w. m.nA ikafi.w - r; . .. . plithed, mutt be of ineitlmtwe mue io tbeTHate - Ik" It ror tne peopiw -w -7 i. ... -.k.. amnio at toon at lie I iv i - y . - - - r n ,av n ni-nmii Tnpn ?. I www auivi v'Jf lor nf Tntne 6 in flaTBrtminins Tnl Taar rim ti i .anaia A l iniua ia umj mM .k. wi.i.. - KaUwavt aai commoo roi, L4 1 ut j dittoo la HQ9,anfj he mutt have been SI admit fur the tike of rompirito. that one j at tbtt time. HU tppetnnce now it that -w." ...iot. rlUttinrrt on buiinefftt H w r ' - - , , we they -rain aormuen j - thw eapenta u-moreioan niinytu'n. by 4he adraOURe. Wbco ; they r.e for bleature; we Ihall acarceiy nenyH- Ibeir remunertiioo is grratly enhance, nr at Waal thai it it a nwtlr wnico ouK... l ... nM tnft,.n-a on the tubiect orcbawb4or WV, for we do well m ..... k ri.ra) in the newtDa- pernbat three diy auerwardAibero la to I oe toio at auciiu" i - - " quintltyofRd or property in which . ... ..J I . tka laat he Teelt nimieit mieroMcu. thirty til Jourt before the time of tale a r 11 tk ak aw. be ptttetlo the ciiy oeiitya r at . a l.i. a.aalaaaTa aflall r ta. pentes of m p itwge wmi wS,t ww...... eaant) oo wuiir t '" " jmaket nit pure nca,auu ,- Ijd, it bal aU the opportuniilet oTa ju ,bem t0 the amount of tome hundreilt ronicnicnii u r lor eren inouaino - - - 1. i V. . mti ftf aimall I . r - u.n.ilrl nn Innffer OC H ibuhi . w " ' I ling II It preu"icA n, , aratlon, that,the land ?t prewnt waa Mmed) 1D(L the.ditltnce. ..between I Ji'-( . f J. ..... t rntiivafinn. . ThetO I 4 ki. ..n rrlder.ce. he Will danger tbtt tt would rot toon be- fons.nl lo tay bat fceen reduced to lime rich in tbete new clrcurotttncet. or nolhi01l7 by 'the.-facilities of the pa- T.....ntn.. Mcnil on the New lork Canal, from Albany to Lake Erie, a dit- tance of three hundrea ana bit-. . t 1.11 mm'frantian with a man iniiea, "1" w....- L .' .t. ' ..r ifwtni-r. naasinor westward Of InC IWtll' Wl .w4--Tl r. ' . ... At II- .... n. gt in lhe tame pwrket ooat-.o w. v.v. your bbin, tubttantul, tenoie iu,.., . mod farmer, wbollf of a practical charac i.. n ih r.nundneat of whoe opinions and iba corrtctnets oLwhpse statcmenis, it fair to tfo that reliance wtt to be nl.Ced. , Said be, 1 live aome uiaiancc up rr.ki-T ..krh tin Knfrinefr WleUl Ja I UViai' kH O , a few bontht tie ut an enlightened cor rect and conrlusiie ettimaie oi me man- f a smooth, telftati6ed mto of 40, who bal fcotbanded bit betlth, and wl'h whom I ha wmld lo aaMraI haa lhrlti. lla U tald lo be fond of tbe rclaiation and quiet . r j ..i. i! f . ..j .t... l . a ... i giHiiiiic ui, anii inn ttm ooca o mile aa empty boatt when be tiyi that be bat rather fled from than been tbe pursuer of office. at tocceeded by bit eldest tow. Thomas n.aiuktm.. ThU-ttoUeraaO wat al to t diptomaitatt ha wR been Dccrclary ol the fcrnbassy to the Vonnreti oi iut burRb.in 1761, and Ambatadur lo ihe raa . t . aaaa I . t WW A L Court of Madrid in iT7i. in i nc wat rvoraioatcd Firt Ird of Trade aud Plantation; in 1781, Seeteiary of Suit Aff.ira: and in 1713, be concluded the preliminaries of the eier a n ..fa t memorable J raaty ol retce-itn rrante. Hii lordthip mimed l7lO,Miy Jemima, dauRhier of Philip, ihe tccood Eail of Hard.iike. and titter and heirett pre aumptWe of Amabel, counten He Grrr. by whom he left two tont Thom Philip, the prettnt Lord Grantham, and Frecerlck John Koblnton, ite wnancci inr Tihn aria ratitrf to the Peerate br the IV I , - w - - - - ww ' Itjlfli tnd 'ite. of ,Varounl Goderick, and tucreeded.'. n ; onhum- at - rnm ipai III rtlllrt- bntt is ta e.mf (ir, a4 w'.!!'""" nr-:-- JL iiaatMi rUai'H t (LrnfYrtoa m aiwl r, ' carry prudv'a at OifiwMr, hVi tK auk. - acrutcrt vim apart wt ricnKHi o ripcoiie lot . rraMnorlitlaa raf UrOtluea aiut rrwula la atvl rma. " either f tbe abote place. Iliijknat haa mai . , , a inp iron unancoa, vuo a iuu irttpt IB . . lew than Ire dart. , , ; , vf j . ' a. aw. a a a . ... - I wa ! a rote 0"tt now en me ttocu al.Lrk IU ka t...rk.J .k.,1 Ik. I'. . a , ramber. raLmUlt la nm ia kua1m1 k.Ua - ' of cotton, and of ao ntht a draft of waier. at to ' ' ' ,J,! aa anabW to ro at all araapna. Ihii boat In ' JMitl.hMlM milk Ik. L.t 'M L . ' 5 . wy..rn. wb.w -new w ... rfmrr in ; - v . eanalrrty of np and daaa frctbla, althuut dclar. - . . s ajMidrrate tenna. and aaake Mcbarra far C . atorare, if ahlpped by tkrlr boata. v :n .1 .!. j . , ' j "t wiu anw rtwin ana rvrwmra forma, cm , VaMMt.kla till.. kvlnv . . iip '"a "..v.a ff.v.v, and warr-bouara, foe the aecurity of rootb. , .. tl. Ilaao U'. ru. tka ..... L 'k. J . wm-wwwf v--"". p j., .j v r. .-war ica. ton, wlM atte-4 te the rccirlnf aad fbrwanliaf ' j aO food te th'w or any inttrtBcdiate plaert uaj ik. u.. rw. ...i ' . .. j . . . iiisii awn w in icmrg pnvj atirml . .1 j . I ... . TBF. fMEMlEU OF KXCLAXD. Tvtril C.nAtA. k.'tla fiir Frartartrk RnK. Inton, and the pre seal Premier of Lor V . a I a M M M a iana, ia mmi pot io exceeo a a yeart ih aa lla I a nnniraa hrnlK r liM tiranlkarot Baron, of Urtntbimf in Ike rntinia el LJnrnln. I ha lnuitnr tT kla familr. waa iTm. Robinkon. an eminent lltmburf merchant, who w.t Lord Mayor to all ordm rerpectlrf carton tUf e-y be anrt AT ika rlla Al Tnrk In ika aaara MBI amtlt. VU 14.. .A it l. . - - - m u"ii ttrm wunnwn pwun arra 1194. Ilia eon, Heicelf Robmaon, w aclrea, taif ndinf-trHaraMenooaU Ueir aar. - . . . - J . . a .a - . traataif a Himn! In I'M II aa. ika I POWfr KJf 101 imerttta Of ItOM WhA toaff taala RTBOd faiber of Lord Uoderjck, who 9Ui'" - . . "v - . - t otto. a. rj. m4 -jm. ttrrr jnui . I . . .1 .. . .1.. i .....I.. .. . .a... I " 1 . v . v.. murvrn in vluwrnilK tapatiiy woven 1 1 II ll.l..,w .. .. ..a!? ...ml . -w . . a ini. lie- roae so- nienar wiw,.wiii. i um..ijr..r--- - wat b office until 1770 when he died, and IN 7"xw ?. UMMUB - . . .. .. r. i mM a rruni r.ui.r. .1 .1 . a ' fertile ike- bereated alicrity, ineenuiiy V.nairament of the owner. If It t' . . ..kt . m urn. nernllap r.roiY . ' "... .. It:,, k. ...M! tO jnwnCIOie ncnwji n L, liitla af itt former unproduc !ondition. .All thia it eiidcmly r true of te t jnmo of the worktbop. V cite can nlybe imagined and r tbe take of illustration alone ihat been tuppoted. But to prepare .deBhititrftly Tot . the we tf Ihit leTTcTiMKpeaT i the dllTerenceJuetween tbe value farm and all ita productiont. In the Ration and in ibe other in distance from market. ah mat w iupposed it the annihihtloo ol 0i- HI the ,nectkuy &Kt,j m? ortationdid not exist, the farm that hunareo rniiet iriim r7 would be et once -at yaluable ln ..r.i.T: i:.tt ir"wrrewithin"-ne W-itt.hlw4w would be:rooreMry,pr1itaitt Jherlbecause GwMlld ;3Ufiit4h opportuoiqea of market, ana ine timKi. mi, r inintr coia. wiiu ins vtuut. v.. - 7 ""---n - bittance of liyine in a healthy toun tit.araVin wav ofanmhiuune nit- opt b realityj bur: b all that the r wou d ask. l mean ttt .eaecit 1 hit or.norinr.Uiet t . Are there' fio of reducing jthese great dittancet fott nothing wito retpe Tso i hntage to which Jhey tuojeci mm Imiwar nTalnla U. that it can be done jCanal Or a Railroad; 'i It may at frit strange and eitravagant to. apeak aihilaiiDg djttapce) between If . t . . aaJ ak a m r nfita9 b!!-carlton; "wi o fit uTJBY CBAftACnRi: a LrK.ndent of the N. V. Timet, in wrltinR from London, under date of July laat, rW the followinir brief tketch of the enarastert bocm of the prominent mea cd England : The new.Lord Chtoceiiorit e pemon of a iery ttriking figure and countenance. He aeerat exceedingly ai nis caac u.. B woolaack. I heard him on one occasion retort on Lord Ellenborougb with aarouch aeperity of tone and manner aa 1 bae eyer.itnessed on a tri9ing oceaaioa. The Duke of Wellington a a noReity ,nd talkaiive perton while tbelr Lomtnipt . ...trJ..:- II. la nerDetuallf are in aenoerauuii. r r--- thifiing his potltioo, ana i""K w theperwnwhohappenttoaitnetbim. Lord Goderick it t perton whose tpeecb it better to tbe tight, or on paper, han to the ear. The rererte, probably, may be taid l LoidDudley Ml tra jitwi. great precision, tmootnnett ana iwn.., h, whai he deliver.: Urd L.ntedowne, howeier, appear, lobe the bett ape.ker b,lbe..pp.r hou, lie to onej. i j the country along thlt Canal, and have been down lo ftcnenectaay io marac.. . took down five hundred end. twenty eix barrelt of fljur in e boat which coat aoout .-a- Kxndrad and fifll dollaf t. It : WIS doneiy-1wo tnen and two bortea,and the .. k,.i. win do . comoicieu in ciicni daytUad I done thii by our oia roeinoa thinr would bare it equired fiftf ft fiftf waggoriind nuiidreaiiortei .awjj.vs.vH-r.-i f mi tht be left fwr any one to eaUOUte , V . a..a..aUKaa k ilak the romntrative cot: oi iraiijr-H i. hni.d the reader will excuae the ego V i " . 1 .. ...J. .. la Ihna.rht im. turn jometiroei reaorvru w. - T . k..-.i4 hluimia and viewe uooa cannot be miated, for it wat noted down on paper at me me. f. ierewo hL wLfrwrwcli atari commonly usedie .k. .nrth.m country i that ana owe' p. v, 1 ----. - bat One of them carne.it let ten baml.of flour.- nia tkey can oe "i.V n".'. ainro wblcE, UDOn t nm ii i i i . ' . f O : Va ala innflinlfd demlte Ol tBniOa; tn.mmw 'rf - Flrtt'Lordol tbeTreatury, ana mm. Mi.t.... f r.norind. haiine taken prece- lllll, w, ... .. . .... dence in the Peerage of his elder brother the pretenl Lord Oram nam. . a . a a -la 1" If It. . . Ml A at all. a dlt'.lngulshen oenim oi -cent cttty on tbe tubject of extracting lealbaUudea to the effect of the imtgin; i;::.t .lAAh Aii .ih. loom acne uts, tbtt a lady m Boston, who it tubject - . f - i..wi.lni. ha for aer tOlDIt tutircaaina;. --- -- eral roontht been in the habit of borrow : ki. in.n.m.nii when the fell a rr Hill . bhh. - f i , . . .... ..in atnn i ( rr mtw it w. ..... turn oi ,uo w'u -. never faila to eneci an ioiui- the followbg reme n menu "rf.- -- . dr for Bott in Hortet t - Bleed the hore . ' . i! ... .ka. kaan at the in the mouth, noiomn h ":.:. . lime, that be may aw-uow in , and In fifteen mbute. .fur the WernK ..imniF notion of sage lea He aaya thia tiroplf treatment hat been .....j.j ...I. r nil re luuira m lltUUIW wua batancet within bia kookdge. it ia at.t.J that b a l-le trial at Albany objection w.t made to the tom" .' . ..! ikil ha i!id not be wi'nesson inoi;ruu... - ,.!.hm.ni after death, it ap Hfwfj it, umini ' . avnuld rje'DUniinrju - T .' a. a a. a..j. aa.1 a a, an WW held that he wat a compoieui w..u and be wat admitted : Grtcerv and Cemmiuton Buitnru,:.t:-- voaki nanMifully twllcil a aUro of pubue.- , a. iu'laa.flika'Beceaunrarrai.n ' ' tuvB. --a : , , ' , ! menta frr tbe batter eondurting of a ( tmmimi a - . kala ttMaulrd with rood Httr tm, tWttM.aloraga of O'iTVa Wr. aul' atanttal, and well built iWtor ibe Irait-porti. tkmof all pioduc that Buy pe tmruirra io ..... .; a nlrdfe that no want of at lire .1 I - ,';--- ... i m lentkM on their part in the faclliUtinfy of an CornaMiaion BuanM-at Uey may oe larorr j a n lltey Batter themarhei ith Ihe hope of tmng rry rrntral aatiafaction. Thrir l r4iooata M..tu fnr lKr rrff nlion of fOUntrT HIT nu. v . ... I . . ..II k. taaanail Ah proauce Rtneni.1- i"' ... i Horace, aold here, or anippea coronwiac, n rrquirra. . Ihrr hare now on hand a rry rrJa) a.tortMnr cf 'JX'r!H!Li rAi .tary atntrknf rrrnr arTicle la their line, wincb ii mM aatauwarl . a pari artlHrh hrT flmHrf thcflV'-'' acliaa they will be enabled tovfier an aa Rood -. a. .t'-." tftal " -rf"" i . a . what he doet in tM n I" amazing ftcility. A writer, who i . par- .. . kl. nariwta. and ItStldiOUS 10 licuiar aoou. i'"" ... . the collocation of worda, eiuecfUy wheo the idea, to be exprettea n.-. - , - . r .1. .1. . k nm, well the UUll- aeai oi -oiupit';, . . . .nrhtlMI. LlOfU Jii"'-. i --- grea eat ""iM t,im tiff hatidi end wHhou wi . Tr . 1 . Whon I aav in the U fe tation or C - "-r - ,h. a. per lloiite I mean, Wf"7t Sye ditcharge of it. dutiea. I refer rad,. to the member, whose toicet are f mil iar to the eare. of those who h' v i - ...1. .at retrard Lord batea can acarv! I fd. f lunkeit ft of the band ifrttojljj t.H.nn,,i.n vl it at yet a nu."T . . r . IV.. kinka nroner their aphere, ou: wnen .""""5 ' 7. . 10 exercite bit energiea, bia atation, aa -1 .u -HI. of courte, be maaicr wt tiuvuui . K k- t. :- .k. raoion from wnicn ne batatcended-thatlt, itwin late Mm above all compeuUon ana m airy . . Peel lpoki yet ter; J ooog InrtipcwM t-lk- -v.--jaJk.-i'yrfi. JnaMrjnon&V black fcllbwe, n D- L..t,iMM an recently at Keading, aenn. . pute at carda, agreed to decide U by but . ... c-k.:n ha ad lo head.1 Une na' or UK"""n ' " , . . i them waa killed, and the other lodged b jail. bfumrftr.bave : a i irtnaatnn. Teun. They weTe vv . ..s.i and aenteoced 10 imm.niiiFiF iu ---- . . . . mootbt impntonraen, " i Sfteerfy -.-The Stonington, Con. Telegraph mentiona thai a uioa .- der, lot drunk in that borough a. Wed- "'. . l - J ...a a rltixen. Wtt netday baMooc " rial bimWlfMenup,---;- and conaemneo - There . . j .11 .ki. In two hours. mere r k...in:. a man will bture to Mnwii I ri. j.IuarwUh albol:oLruoi a j..4 w. -- f wek09W(J,!: if t - ' ' rr n... raJ...n l.rvrlt rr (1101 n TO IBB IV r.m. the aubicriber offen for ale tbe whole of hit lahiabV poatfittorit, fylnf oh tbe louth aideorme latiainTTTtx. mnn . both iidrt of Crant'a Ureet, anmning Jameil. Unr, Adam Miller.and other, between 3 and 6 milei of aliburyr Kowan co.ir.ty. h.C, portion of which il firat rate lend In the counly. rw Ika mailUKI IMtt. IB -I, p JWUUrr 'W 1"-w . " ' . .. . . . a . a ft a.- - ' .- " T . A H.cient -oantrtro l.nd7: unlrhiraUon, profitably tomp 14 or 15,.-.- handa: with a aufficieni quanii-y er -j . meadow ground cleared, to ewwer til ru,pojee, x , v and a coniidernble qnanmy unc.c.rcu . land ' waceptible bung. " mar auit purchaaera, divided kite two or more plantation!. ' ' . , ,k t AfeO, WiU Oe Olipoaro in, "-TV" bery inureat (Iho half) m ine t..o mo MILLS, well known aa tmft J. Orant't Creek, between 3 and 4 milea frora. 8an,buri 1 The aubacnberbeintf ietermined a tell, all ibe abuve properly, or any part of , w 1 be dUpoaea on uie n. - term, to the purchuer. ft"" f ' purcbMinR..relnvi.edt my brother, Jamea I. Long, bring aear Lonf l errv ,r by my Oreneer, on the premuet. KILIiU. W. L.vrw irewea tunty. ay3d,1827. 70tf 5 lialeal from TUdieia. M.a t aft) . V nNEof Ihe wibaenben i.inomai v. wanon, l . 1.. ,.A IWin. Phi'ad. lohia. WiU) ill Ibe fkahimw of -the dayrd- .- .t.tr at.., . t.;i. at tna l.nrtn. nw rorm tne puoiic, u-. - . ' " cerebrated lauonui pcv..7,v 1 -r. flobbk Wlnebrenner.and Mear, tharlea C. a. k. ..bal A akAOlillA flalT - Wataon K sonar wneiw nc Tror a -. . v hritifflfWthetJCTpoMrf ewMHMg wvor:4f-- mationreapectinr ht ""Pr: menta are cut ana mmu. u , . -'-;'-"";r two ahopt are the celebrated tti the. Unl. ted WttU. He alao fiwtef many other very celebrated ahopa, In rniiweipoia, -urr.v-. . L j J o.i.mKhi-9. Vim he abo earne through BaJUmore and, Waihington City, and examined the faahiona in all thcae plaoea. " Tfce anbacribert (Tboa. V. Canon and B-oja. eatirityle,wwaw menGbhed phveeaand ViM tfiriSHE - kno their work wHI wel any. JMth3L ik.u wnrk aa taonaWe aa an in thia aee .7 dd tbeir work aa reaaoi 1 r ikon.-"1 lion of country. v--- .. - -y . . a, AW - "J! ...j t-i. 1 1827 ' . vr i. : TIE I Eft, a -Airaalk tallow eoninfceted'r . . c an, v.ara old. about 5 feet 8. a iciiow, w. r r . . ? . . i iha an aanminir and imou- . ff:fiWHsc::' Diitrict, 8tHiUi.caroi.ira, on u.f . u, Informttion of bim -directrd, Liberty Hd I. , Ker llaw iJaUicWaoMta-CarollnH?4! 1! . . 1 ' ' V.- '-:- v.'-. V. !" '' ' ": J