J - I ' n. -.1 v A. 4 t ... 3' -Ua . It.' I-?; . 4 - . 1,: f ' - i 1 .: v a i I 4 ... lUg C"pUl l r ofcmm, from the l,',lh fiair. oIiikntim ef Gee. act h raUikw u swetmtrsy btiwea .,. UN--df sad tv. m " frmu4 as te gis the pubhciry w the - ufevtaf rrpy l'tk laitaev- tlarlag gWr a each ht ULr a k remains far the Oublie te deeile lefvrtw fmWw-r-d frees tin tutpi. ' M V?Ka . , - led by iMesoriji'tcr reading the rtpbA ef the commutes, remarati "'""" m the theJow or s doutx, tSit Morgan: was inBumsnty murdered on the NUgsra frontier. We obtained Information Juoe, which ulnd ! ikU borribi fact. -But haft P Meetbat the twJ number or the fretern&y who participated In his ebduetlonrhtd ady direct knowl edge of agency to the bloody trtgedy : - f AtioofD. - -., , ... - iih m wmuoim... wNfi. o'Afi a 1 Ju" .'tente Mm4 Kort iko bnctlon 0r R. M. 8-aoJrr n,W I.f,fd,l ! '4ld M( MippoM tbrt Hfed m bdiiWuil o doW f imit T rated fctmtoir I b. Df fertftci for public opinion ladaeci m to itk tbo hror if t ou to publish ibt following reply i f. tkm month of Mf Ult. I wrotO Ut fKf to orime tentlemm, old Coo f rtwloiul fricad la Frwklort, In reply to erne rereived from him not doignejl for publUiilnn. try etftJld ron woald perceive "t "uir Ject, iv4 he h ieo polofiied fofipof ' lion or U Badinr lt wtj into th public , foumttt. f. ikt. uncr. in coneiuenco of Gen Sunder otr reilout prt in tho flouie f RepretenUUM hf prtetomif .... r.h lot of ill coowrttT I ider " ted to fonterwiioii bo held whh no the - -tjomJnt of the PretidentUI election err otd of bkb I ter to be Ikt end I ikrow bck noon Oen. Stutidere tko :"' tLf.0 lr mmtitet'Wiw i vitrtton Jn. Bjtbdert tpproached tbe Ere plKe it the toath'end of tho room, upped me a tbe urn, drew mo Hde,-td ed the strong UkJK I hlte teribed to bin end, farther, I uw do IndW ldul, bfter the ... ..eWUoo better pleeied, J thanGcnertl S. appeared to be, fn consequent "of Vtng relieved, aJ aappoicd, front the dikrnma fa which he hadconaidered bioitelf placed. Geo. 9. approaching tne in that man ner, did surprise me and raoaed me to recollect th conversation (hich 1 rcpea led to e friend day or two afterwards) because, until that moment, I did not evp poae he could have been forced to vote for General Jackson. Our acquaintance wis as limited ss bo atatcs, but not more to than I desired, having never made the UrgU CdrtBft6wrda in latlttace - . - ith him. beeiqso i . considered bicn e fain, sill v.onhappf tempered tatn, always the tool of some aspirant expecting no ' v ' doubt, in the" event of iheirjreccess, the v Central 8. only wanted to know wbeth; r " Mr. Adatnt could be elected oo the first ballot, to save him the necessitv of electing Gen- Jackson V Ilia aQrhment to Gen. . must have been as strong at bis inclination to oblige his constituents. when both united could not render him willing to encounter the trouble of a se cbnd ballot. . - Ho a much Gen. S. reei rdi hliveracl ty you mar jodget when he ealle the re- , Weming . pledge made by vol. 3ljtrhel U his consti'uenta, "asuicidiil moralitv of my teachbg." Unfortunately for birh, , I htd but little, if any, conversation with Col. M. about the Presidential election, . whilst I' was pending ao little that I did not kon, until I had coonted the ballots in the Mouse of Representatives, bow the Voloncl hud intended to vote Gen. 8's sensibility, on the present oc casion, is somewhat surprising, as he was Charged with the same remarks 1 have ttrihoted to him, by Mr. F. Johnson in the House of Representatives, as will be teen by tbe following extract from his tperch delivered in February last; 41 The , Secretary of State did vote for Mr Adams, and I might ask many who are now array ed gainst the Administration if they would not have done sof I might ask the gentleman from florin Carolina (Mr. launders) if he doe not know some, who ntado earnest. and solemn appeal -members who were uncommitted, saying, paw ina nairon, mtc ioc nation, oy ine election or Mr. Adams, and who ara now to be fotmdf arrayed among the foremost HKNEIUL SUMMARY. The UKltufS of N. York Is holding an curt ScssUa,' at this time. ' It hit now been ttaembled twclra or fourteen days. The prioclpal object Is revision of some gtnertl ttatttet. These relste to the mi&lii U,wnsf tlcctlooit public ratdi. schools, kc Tv. Lesrislature of New tork ktving, vEW - . " . tm. l " . ...... iiifii tt.i mwrsrw"wwa conctodod 'iMUlwiwisI tetaien. re Male a tne Ijw it j -T' tJi...."'r.'rbiirh t.. - kta lira Ia iim.IiIm m. Ik men WOO uca irvm ' Imuoaing a ptnUtf for tnyttitwgwo the America era not nwinr w "joawum, aatiin.i" ' ally aid lathe 6Ve theUUatidit(ctfjtlneoiif Atony beve eTisconil those who did. btvt long since nto Europe."- Bed their etteod.oce i0 epa the dtiTy Mtiloos, in the utqal fofca of worship. A petit M Pf paring by severs! oil the serHoot otiAwgooi prtyrag mt eaty'tOoveromeot to allow there to Im port a'cad humtn bodki from Franca, e'av yrre, and without moUtlatlm from the etcisa or custom bouse officers. CUrt waavf The foUowiog sla- 111, upwards of i.JtO pwients Nva . -pnlcatioo is made totbeLegisU Men received. 1430 cured, and 1,9 J9 ra , 0f TcnncsKe. now In seaaioo t " Mr. DISUSES or TMZ 1UJL : The Eleventh Anniversary . Meeting of the Governors or the Royal Ditpeossry for Diseases of the ear, wta beld ltel at the Institution, when It appeared thaw since the establishment ol the Charity to I been lieved. Out ol this nurnbar, 100 peisana . wiq.w.- lntrodaced a bill to alter the afflicted with nervous dearoesae who wtre(me Suntsak Crensar to William out of employment, have been cared tr cftmeft WhlcH was read the first time relieved, and thereby rendered espahla ( rjht p, tioner bad been or following their various avocations C90Wenl a woman, bad worn female At this Meeting the Surgeon or the In- cJo(hM rff of J0 fnn ttd Kd stltution, Mr.Curti remarked bow Utile , . fcr ntm$ JJt attention had been paid to tbi Important nKfd H KM ,a Vi. Kirs- organ, in consequence of Its b,n,"m u, marred . iL, d Is now living in being so extremely compucw - 0fftI Q,0B,,. Wnown hut oosenreo. ,. g M , M reeling of the piston priie a knowledge JJS rommltne of Her Unl.mlty, a PgoW dI' " t'tiSLS . - d.l a the value of fifty dollar or E lAU.Zl ikTI fMaii'r.7na"niwm in the-Wri: hooW be a powerful ' w ' : lln0t Pltio.m. bo-.b au. -MwVs forierrf lw or rcplethjonkWsfM-si iihj wnpyloR mribanuro er the heart, tbe;great ms keuthe uccwrul writer was found covert of the circulation of the blood ','!? Uther Parsdis.M.'D. orrrovidence, would never bati taken place, tor k b iJl-Md--H-. .-. only by-persmrng rnvestigatioa) thi we JoMph Liocaser la about , to open a can arrive at our object j and be assured ! school upon bis sptem, In renton, ft. J Tk !tmnt la iHihofiCtttre tici in r-- ... rft ihla coantnr to tor estenl, eJtaourB the Governors, from tbe encouragement be bad received, nothing should be want ing on bis part to citend tbe knowledge of acoustic surgery. . riMTuts or. TOBACCO. Tobacco h constituted and tompctrd of the richest, strongest, and mosf delicious, and also the most delightful ingredients. The alcohol or tplrit, the oil aod cbitim, the sutar or saccharine matter. ih murl- laglnous wax and guma, the edde and ni-' tre, with several of the other VoUtila ni" oieaonao, oaiea aepi. iy, salts, Itc. all to bermoniovslT combined, ' ,H uthe city sas never more beakhv constitute this the richest and most deli r tM e,,C1' '" Jnrl deed this clous .compound eter engendered and ' .wnninm more keaiiby u pmalble than In f'l'ioK s hire Hemlock Tiee In Hope, N Y k was discovered that it bad been wounded bysonehsfp-ynstniaeirt when it wae only six inches in 'diameter. On counting tbe eurksof annusl growth it was estimated 4o be III years since tbe wound wss iijicted. A person In Wwerly, Coon, gives no tice that he has ra)scd a Cucumber, which weighs six ounces - Is II M Inches in circumference, aid 14 12 inches in .i-i the most recent origin, have Mvenncissa been crowned with e success w men Mflui ia randar as. at no distant perlodi entirely Independent nf lofelgn A. in tsa sobtJf or this cosily tr llcla or drett. Sctcrtl lace racioriat have i.i.i. M,n m la Rhode IsUndi iha principal of which It at Kewport. It tm rtoa aoo rjeesoos.; nrinclpslly. lenultti wlw roanuTaCldre relit, caps, ptierioesJ andi Indeed, laceaof all deKflptiont. The taste and logenult'y (IJipliyed in h fabrication of Ibete arUcleSf-ate nigaiy spoken ef. ' ' The Bahtmore Republican cootslnt a calculation of 'iW Itrengtb wf parties U the two bouses of the Maryland Leglala ture, in whkh 44 Members are assigned to Adams and 36 to Jecksow hi the lower kooae, aod b Ike Senate, 19 te Jackson and I to Adamt, giving thus te the Ad mlnltirailon a mttority of I in the House of Daiegales and f I on a joint ballot. Maryland will give f 11 not f or Mr elec toral totes to Qen.7eckaoo.Ar. C.Jtur, Eighth eJaiMfa-Ai e meetbig of the Jackaoo Central Committee" ef ! Baltimore, on the 3d instant, it wtt unan imously Rtnthed, That arrangements be made to celebrate In a tultable manner the Ith of January next, the anniversary of the Am, on which Andrew Jackson filled the mcssure of hie coowry'e bonor": rffi find in the Warrentowa (VirgioU) Gatette, a notification la tbe following terms l . - CUmim rrt A enmber ef rreebold- e rs, . belle vlng .thitl.Pf wht Clinton, of New Totk, possesses tstents ot tne krat order, and would, in the Presidential chair, administer tbe affairs of tbe nttion Ln a superior manner.' Intend calling a e-enaral mectinr in VTarrenton to frame an electoral ticket for bim in tbe State of TirglolaV" ' "'"'"' "CtttrrtnfwmrM generated in" any one plant. " fro wonder then that all classes of evercountrv and part ot mVokind, should take delight ia its use. h forms the travellers commn. on. and the philosopher's aid. Ii it ih old bachelor's antidote ; the epicure's Utt resort; an? tsllor'i and sohiler't tti,A daily rations. It. keeps pen ih nti nel't eyes and besides medical and m ny other good effects, it cheers the watch man in- tbe- silence of the nighi. Woo. derful weed of American origin 1 of the Opposition I Tbe language Mr. Johnson attributed tp Gen. 8. is stronger than what ! have Used, and is said to have been addressed to the uncommitted portion of the House ; and Gen 8. is again mistaken in suddo- aing that he (Mr. Johnson,) derived his information from' me t for, unhappily for wrttmgr-ever passed from me to Mr. . ... JolwsRn. An . Rtt Mount OcU 6, 1837. . .1 CAPT. JiOXGJIJr. The large joint committee who hare been engaged in the western part of New , Tork fotmany months, inveatigating the facta and circumstances relativeto the kidnapping and presumed murder of Capt. vr m. morgan ay the r ree masons, in eon- ttquence of his having published a book', Xrnttriy The Frankfort Argus tlas ses the members of the Kentucky Lcgis lature on the Presidentinl Question , fi lows In the Senate 20 lor the adminis tration, and 18 for Jackon. In the House of Repsesentatircs eoujllv ril.i ded, there beine 50 for each. Sri of those placed by us on the side of the uminisinuon (says the Argus) stand piettged to vote agaiast any measure ha ing a bearing on the Presidential election and some of them for an amendment of ine yonstituuon taking the election of rresident out of the handa nf Cn... We have no doubt that measure will pass iuc House umrammeneo, nut ita fte m. ob aouotiui in tne senate. v0 the whole, inere nas Dcen a gain for Jackson in th Legislature, and if tbe national question mu cTery wnere aectded the State 1.. tiont, the majority for Jackson would nave oeen dechire. the-lsr, and raora- ao iban-ihe corrct ponding month last seaaoo,' 1 ieie shoti lousvi at oionwjj't ion, bona a pauper named Joseph vook; ttced. 101 years ;.Hc wasau.Braddock's defeat, and served in the Revolutionary Army during the war, but ia unable ia procure certificates, oec'essaty fbt pa sion. A Hartford, Conn, paper contains an account of a tun flower, that attained the astonishing feet. - Mr. Rush, Secretary of tbe Trttiory of tbe U. 8tstes, has published a state ment of the certificates of 8tock, crested February 1819, which will be pid off in January next, amounting to 1,500,160 dollars. Acta Tor Sttamhatt A gentleman coming from Albany last week, met 9 boats on Jheir passage up. Anotner, at the Jeraey City ferry, between"! aod I o clock in Jhe aftefnoon, counted 14 in sight, and. movuig' It once, Including the ferry boats, to wit 4 starting for Albany, v comrng flown, a rowing p i ke bay, and 4 ferry boats t Stopting in at Mecker'a. Iha steamboat rendexvous at Courtlandt street, the whole number belonging to the city end river was counted and recaptlu- laird, and found to be 34 or 60. - OCTOBfi. 50, 11. UU3MUMT ML SOCltTT TVe adjooaed tutxirg tf the tuJ bU lucieiy, Wbtck Wat appaiad ta kek J0pps Masting House, aaar Uockn'JU. 26th Oct. Inst, la poatpontd; by rha m Maaagcn, te, tbe U frUay la Umg the 9th day of Ike avmk) at 04 ,'aJL a Lick llrpe,' a gcseial 'ii'aj the atembert It derirtd and It k kottW (b InUbhsnta, wbetae taake imv will boftor the tsceUng alA jnnk , Oae or taore Kmone ad be frxuW. vumt panwwng mm, VB4CB, R la em win wvim nwrnuii log prMtattkJ e wbo nary attend. - j t tf. C. mwjt-U MadirUle (Tesatsf CaroRoa bank hllli are tooted at lml cewt. OtacouM 1 lout vCafofiaa, 4 a,ltelrlHe,IJto30iat, tJ aaait notes are rmtved are hk 1 mJ ar rcksctaace, evee at JO orUjweJ eoonv-etcept ay Ume who ara tw km deaKap ks, Tetntasce, IHuilUti Brmth lau mAmj Job Hmke, Charlea F. MaOatt, jw OoiMldwe, sUbard 7. Tarbrwrh. aW Laurla,EIUha IHedaien, Dark! i. rw C ffeoper, at Fayettevaie, and frurl' of Raleigh, bare beea elected Una. tbe Braacb of tL V. 1. Bank at Tijn aad at a aaectkr of H dWceorv as kwt John Utiake, U. was susatuasoaar t ea a a. ' rrehoaM w we wea fat the assakf )J -iUewwrawWe War great rvkadan! tbe ad-tnOfolnftJWojje,,, kat'wg eireted a atmber tf c lJ Bale juu if, Dtbwart.But teal trf Jn Aliij9tor."-in Augusta (Georgia) paper contains an account of an attack ing ttatcaBeat, it would etca ikat tar not arack rcaaaw to be aterry aw tkii ataJ IbeJacijpfuaAB. appear 4eave aaaaei L- ! . . . -1 w irgiDatere 1 - ... . ' ttaita. New Castle Cauaty -... j t luastxCoontj j 9 i awtta at asfasatrranTas. New Caatle Coasry . T t K at County 0 Suaaex Couatj ; . 4 "Aatoala K&g, Charles Philippe, aaj rbe Ualcoav were tried oe the lOtkiajt the coart ef acasiona foe the ehjr af Oarl for. the murder ef Uvj Ana lasts, laal, Tfcey were all found guilty af but Ctlh. sralcom wu recomavsdHa ey by the jury. . Great interest vm this trial, and Ike court wat crowded heigbr of fourteen" tDd a half i,mwle b ,n Alligator upon a female ne 1 continuance. ..The cournel forth 1 stro, who was coink into swamp 'with 'hliuTmi&irrJZi T, About thirty soldiers belonging to a J"ket! torn Wpon '-kf' l.w.whkhVlUbearVda miUtia company uv Boston, while on par-l ho- , She V ,lreck nth A tpft-rzz:; ade on Tuesday, wee made sick by est-1 Ty"rJ ' 1 I ing of some poisoned cheese sold on the fr10"1 who sttempted to de Miami f7njVfrVt. Thii tnitltntinh ;. legated at Oxford, Butler county, Ohio, uu is in a verv flounahino. nnJii . 1 nemumberof Students ls1arfrffnnt if. .. ... .. . . ' vuege was lair to be one of much usefulness- The second annual commmce mm h to. take place this day . when set eral students will craduate. Wiih 1 h. exception of Augusta College, (Kentucky) this institution has risen inia Holloa f.. rt- nstitution has risen into notir f... ler than is common to literar initin.,i,n. both are destined to attain still i" to atllledMaiQMyRe,MledZiivr an cthclal report on the subject, whirb " occupies a pamphlet of fo pages The yypVomF$Bil Adrertijer, (edit ous and ctpacious mind to a iurv " Ve lv the learned editor must suppose that His Honour's brains lie very near his stomaqh. . Mrvick Jtmrnml. Judiciout Advict. The best w. deal with slanderers is not to notice them ine times in ten they will die Quicker haW"y6Uiea'h'kiIf ihim:''"'"'' A Quehec paper tomaintiw weeotmr of - Ijirt 'n, .hnill-.M.Mr'4MH.M K . . i here has lateiv hem nn vhtKuln.. 1 t5irW,i k., . .si- r. -.1- l:. i- . nucipiiia, qi iomestic ftianuiartures. A Utter from a , friend, now in Philadel phiaf snd who bad visited tbe Masonic Hall, where the articles are collected anH exhibited, speaks with ereat admiratinn of the yariety and beauty of the works of labour that are Drtsenred.- Crtr,n. j r.ui e r-. . f-""R uu viuuici mrniiure are particularly mentioned. There- were alio minimi and philosophical instruments and appa- M.a... f . t - nm. . . . . 1 avMBk a r r - - - tit 1 . 1 irroimrf Pr. r..iii. r vour ner, tearing ner nesn ana ciotnes . y -wm.,yTm. iho.:,; hTdK V; 1 . "Ith hi. claws. She extric.ted-herself th.ttheIUnk,cGeer,i,M - w - - . '. w sw tawas. as us . . . ... 1 t a a .a . forwt. .,mkf , K . u .i i h tiifhcultv, and Bed, pursued hv the reMCTea ,row fflcuiues snaar w, w w .wv v ivi.1 mi acvcri- .... .1 .. . ty of the law. Alligator ; she sought shelter upon a log, wna.ne wnceiitbored, tbtt iuaotai r . . one ena 01 n,cn rested upon a stump m uergia, anj that they sra,a ?VT n S, " " ?M? 10 h her cries br uKht to her ssaistance sever st a nnal. discount oU I. chafes, al slaves from an adjacent field, w hoi time the Darien Bank etopped pare auieo ine Alligator, ana reueveo ine wo was a rood dealaf (i n.rw,; - . a I I I " roan iron her perilous situslion. ui part of tbe country i and so reatnl n r. . - " 1. beritf that the bank would neterka a 1 . w . . . m,. . 1 ny our citiaens in getting them offtW lltll W iinneratsnH Ik.litn Thin mA-,m I ... . o night, sy.h ult. tbe house of Stephen T f" ""Z Edo-ecomhe line, -aa aurronnried K. . "M"n of aueh it ia, that tbanaa Innoculation for me meaalea. which h- aantr of desnerdoea who killed two of I ,eB ' Ptrt ih the money attw been alresdv practised with success b his horses, desrroyed fourteen barrels of acr'St'c,foeyueaaret nearly its nl')' 'ome ana nursts, waa reneated h Fm cider, took ofl a Ijree still csd. itc. Uunl"'f o L.nancaion.-anaitsiuiinmc,7 ior apfrantj-fluring an-epidemic at, wej-e constantly fired by the hand, and j "a igia, or any other place ihf uiamua, in leaa. in each of aeven cases, they resorted to every etpedient to iunnl w w.uiafpeak lhu ftvori ine measles appeared m a mild and ie. the inmates. Cueraw,V2ra im- i a - - -"mmmtmmm -'-i- ) The editor of aRochester paper repre4fcniiLglcfc k. New- atve. DMFJi Tf ii cnjvsrmv Srnil K Jimffai ll SlAnaAa;M kl. Y vaB hit Ka reOAHlla AkBSA4 i.;. L i T"-i - it ww wiivvfuiiiir llixt III III I ti count i y in the vlcimtv of the river St Joseph. . The object of his-visit ia to ef f ft a consolidation or the several Indian reservations through wbieb the Chicago road passes, and to locate them at a dis tanre from the road. It is stated the United States Review and Literary Gazette has been discontin ued, and the subn tipiion list transferred to the American Quarterly Review exhibition were under th Conrpitteo of the Franklin Institute. field, Theooirad iisitklein his hand with which he struck the bird and fortunately killed it. A provincial paper, describing the en 'ertainment given by Mr. and Mrs. -W. i ayior, at Devizes, says, M The hours nfcw with tbe wings of Faradiae,". This announcement will set the whole flock of ornithologistl on the out vtve. l he death of Air. Canninf wat noticed border the first instsnce ever known of mus noucing tb jf a BritUh WDiSteT. Tork, who has recently reached his home, after an absence of 14 years, during the moat of which time he had been confined si DmiI... v.. t-. i i :.m iWa ...cr tn.aH .w years, aunng the rf ,he fr-j.,tttrB u New-YorkM as prisoner in the interior of Me.icn. ... 9TmT' -?? ,rCTOW"- P! ignorant of the late war between Great' th Vn R.ii.;. .k- fl-:..j Igsrd to the election of Prewdenta w v.. Buy viiucu wiaica, until am . . . . am ..... ar... :.. . :-.:.. rp. , . i renncune a irsc'e enrib itvtotowi .vi lumaiiuii. t a nia ia an I - , addiiinn.t tUnrik if ...u. I9"' .term r and 2d. that no member a ...... r any wsid Wf asiiiailtf t ., - .. ... of . Uie extiemo ignorowe 4iHwhkb 4 inhabjtanta of that, part of the world have 01 the President, 'or - tbe.Preaideai m been kepit by e canisW Iu jAocjb'nr ifcaf rThe Bri'ir.:Oaui Id mair F&ketrsrTived days since, was run foul of,ln a heavy land we belie four-fifthi of the V gale of wind off the Capes of Delaware, leut in hu r ,h. Diiioiw-at! ny a Spanish bng, which, there is every f0f iu.h . .en,e rWced. thsp reason to believe, went down vsith all hand I ! : . , . k H on ooarrf, amounting to upwards ol 50 . - .Li-iwridept PO down.it hut mre heen ai-r,ainl.t I ' ' . erf .1 i.l l t .-J . ..i rm. '- I Piesident inelieible to a relecuOTiH . -. ""'"v mmayur s unciaiton.ti person wnoi " .i-r- ,.k,arfl in nne paper m Farisrith arrnirnwwclveTtised some time sinter in arVirj talenuvndhiahole efforts, wwMl finia nan.r. W..:k4 k..Sn. u I ta the dtitifj of hi. office r UUl B. nose turned tin In tfc enliMU hnn A I whole of the firit term w wasted m a" neat - t-- -J- WV IH.SHWIV WVUIIS w 1 ' - fepthighlir v-4-.; t. (tm'aee'lMosv't. fa r';:---f;:' ''(:

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