t fU.W .-timual ft. Cbrtifca bte ten f Ut4 ir srgWaier of the Ne w i IttU fUi,k of Tf annae. James f , Lowry bu , W.ifct4tofie5ofillMllllhiilHcl Rot- ,rtLCrutl.ersofthe&buricl mJ Erwt rUraaa.ef the Ithdiatnct. The Editor of ltt !ahvlll RrpubCc, ad to T Ut Xaottill tUgUr, are elected frinisn t that Stat. ' $f Ittlf , tot tkf taring jeiitT- ffeimul Houston, tb new Oovernor, tai Mudtd Info eRcVa' Tburiday, the let The eerewionlei MJheeccaaio were . jtt mplg I tbey look "place Li lb baptist (Surchr the aaeajbcr tb JeguIaiwro.W Talent, and t tbe moat dlatSngu'ieh. i cUImm (f lU Male, tad visiter from ather id'H, among whom r mUc the wn tf Seieioe SrtocVef thU Atr-7 ti-Oomwor CtnQ delivered 1 very feeling valedictory 4 tVext I bc the oath of oftc were admlnia tared by Judge Catron, to the Cot. elect i after vlUt, Cor. Iluwioo addeased the company I I shut but Mat aad appropr iat speech. U tfx N.ahvilU atepublicaii, of tbe 3th oh. r M l pubLctio tnn tht Nhrk Jwbtoa Ciaiili Nbdaf to tb tuu(So of the ail U 1814, at MoliU, for mufmy and jtifrtloo- eottrtilwy wbicb ao xicb dunwr at Wa ralacd apW, and ao mock elumn bcap4 Poa,1 Coo. Jftrktoo. Tbo reaaoning aoi K beta art fbrOi hi tbh fwbnra'ion. ktefy ttcolpoio tbo Cenl froa all blame or labmawiNtyteftMtraMaetioAi and muat entirely act to real afl caUHng on the nbjeet, J la J iri.-Mo.tffooKry lvlff No, J J, Soditora "fctonUo U Bwaoory," lo publiab atp1lc4 from all coAamnlettio with old Um fcff hni afl tfl ftifbll IIW) ftrWL iwwf vw - - - - - - r I kW of Btaonry, for wmimmit wA," Now, JklUrlAg lbo'lMdlataof -aiorry" "M fain. jati b benevolenor, aad baring no evidence aol nbot tbat carJirud rbta ba conUnuad to (bo fratarait, m m, waving, boverer, our pialoa In tetUion to tbo Morgan affiur-we alvara been rorbly" dMpoted lb craft, and aaoat willtnglr gire pub- to tbo nwortblneaa of Mr, Holliater. at reqveit of tbo Lodge although we are, in pis particular Inatanoe, left a much In tbe u i iKm twifui MadMdf bv wbich he rendered biaatlf an obnoiioua to bia fellow. aa vo are in general unappriaed of COMthutce unmaaonic eonduet." But Ing Mr. HoWater'a eapoWon In oumpariaon Itk tba eondoct of ar Waaont, aa wuin'nW would at onct conclude that hona tha diabofieal wre.ebon,"earh, t; deeem banb treatmetit at tjje baada of hia breth- or etnniplei. It bu been proien, tbat Broee. ahenff of Niagara county, w.Totb, ViMQ of lig tndrng, and high in degree, BMoratnrcn, wat aprtnni oaer in ine r a " m a a " . n ..a tfw.a. I of fcwnappinc anu amrtfrniij wapi. Jonran, for wWch he baa been rrmored from jeOco by Cor. Clinton i yet this atrocioue con. jjuet oaUho. flart nf Brucf. im. ,0rt..KtaJo Jraaderldia obnoxiow to the charge of unma JaTondttctf'' aa wa hear nothing of Aia being eefled," and etrt off from all the Vtghta land pririlegee of maaonrr.M We are curioiia to !know the apecille cbargea apinrt Holliater : for 'J fc'oWiifS nd njafrf(v tbo two moat bain. crimea known to our criminal laws, be not eient to rain bim attainted of them an ex- from the brotherhood of maionry, what creation coakl Holliater bare done, to entU Ju'a to tbat kind of proacnplwn from nil brethren XatktiUt CaOrre.-Tbe aeeond regular com incement In tbe UnJveralty of Naahrille, wu elebrated in tbat town on the 3d ult. Eleren ang men, alumni of the college, bad the dc i of A. B. conferred on them i and the nan derrce of A. B. waa conferred on Rich. rd 8. Wuliame, of Columbia t the honorary egrVe' of A. M. wu conferred on Judge Wm . Kennedy, and Aaron m. urown, fcag. aenaior the fcrialature tha.degree of Ll L. D. waa Mtferred on Judge Francia Xavier Martin, of (formerly ;'T tbia at at a j) and the ide- rof D.- D wMconrerrel on the Hightmr, Joahiia Soule, Blabop of tbe Methodirt EpVaco- jal Church. -1 John Graham, Xaq. a member of the leg'wla. W"of Tenncaaee, how to ttuten, died at Naah- ie,ont-vnuii. I JaiaifwIfe.The rayetteville Obaerrer, of ,tb loth mat. aay t uoiiucrre .jui.w.. Qoodl nare Wi'ieeeireT In town aince out W,Kwfral Bnji wJjgim' liWfa&tt&a mere i iari i Wiuilmp1rwfement,alao, in the produce market aO that, on the whole, bmi jarJJWattt4; CAeralrer 7mfia-We are sorry to learn, (bat die effort of the - W. 8. commissioners (Gens. Davidson and Gray of thia state, and Gen. Cocke, of Tennessee) to assemble the Cbero. kee Indiana,'' with view to enter into treaty !.k fm mmmm mt Mm of their lamia. WHU UICM MVW m v"oj.w. r ' re likely to prove unavainng. Toesday, the . ' r . ...... !;. lota ult wu appwnteooyine uommuwioiicfa. n whkhto meet the India.! but tbo latter could not be prevailed on to attend. Some, of Tulaton Kb p(iteppflCefokeb CemffiWonere, wVh tviaced the lMer U . two tb gf. There Mefl" to be but btW bop of the CwnmipWt being iW t H lb W ate ,- U " with them. Cim, Davldao end Cr, two of tL CowmUto f reached tbalr placet of ro4d4c kM woek-tkat f tb fcntf b lf U Iredell, and of the letter U BaadJph eouaty, - t- - - litlHmf.ft klgVfy Important and palav ful operation of eHraetUg tbo mm hm iki UaJJtrf (whtcb "oprilon 1 Tenr4"af pbyaklana, liiiUmf) ai perfaonad upon tha body of Mr. Jaaara Locke, of Kutkerford county, TanaaaatnU lJka JJy V, h t. I'rederick L Breton, In tbe prraence of aereral pkyaickjM and atudcnU of anadieme. Mr. Lock wai about JO yrar old wbon ka aubaait. tod to the ope rat Um, -and bad Wbfirad ndcr-tbo dWaao for aora than ten J tut, aulteriag all tbe agonica pecuKar to tltat moat (Bic4ia of buman aaaladies and did not poaarte, witbaL a aounj eonatitution i yet the wound wa bealed, and tbe patiret on bl fett. In three week after the operation. The mono ri tract ed weighed fmr tuner, avoirdiipoit i and wa of the ape. clea called Multerry ralcuhi," eowpooxl of the oxalate of Kne. Ibrre are at Waat half doaen peraona within tbe circle of our acquain tance, in tha Weatrm Kction of tbia atate, (aome in thii county) who art etiftcring the bv dWrilMbl pain and excruciating torture in cldcnt to (hat dreadful malady tbe wet Are there none of the medical profraaion among ua, who can rurf to thrir ilill in adrcrturing an operation m CtlwXoiiiy ' ProKroaWnal nunc, and iU concomitant, an citcndrd practice, would await tbe aucceaaful operator In tbia can. SALISBURY RACES. - ,.to"W.:U w...t- ... Tbo Race om- the Paliaftwry eowraw eoav menrod on Wedneaday, tbe. ink inat and eon tiauad three day. .'- Tn JCrti da 'i ptlrae. two mile bratl.au won by Mr. Turner Horae, North-Carolina, beating Mr. Harriaon mare, Huwn llobiaon, in three hcata; tblf raco waa wrtl.eontratod, .tbewin. ning borae coming out aliead by only half a Unfik, In the eonrl beat. 8uaan Bobiaon i4 yeara old. aired by Sir Halt North-Carolina, alan 4 year old, by Virginian. Suaan Robiaon, ... 23 North Carolina, 211 Time lit brat, 4 m. 5 1. 3d beat, 4 m. 4 . i 3d heat, 4 m. 8 a. oVcmo dy'i pome, one mile heatt, wt won by Turnert Colt, Indian Chief: heatng Mr. Harriaon' mare Jemima, Mr. Tbampw a borae Napoleon, Mr. If uie'i horae Cobetord, and Mr. lelly 'a mare Betaey Robiaon. ' Indian Chief. ' ' ' I 1 yennnia, . ------ Piapoleon,' 4 r 8-3 Betaer Robiaon, ... diatane'd. Time let heat, 2 m. S I. r&l heat, 1 m. 58a. Third day, Proprietor puree, three bert m five.-rx "wotr br Mr. Cauble'a aaara. in two beat, beating Dr. MoorcS rare Rrpma, Mr. Irrin'a horae Napoleon, Mr. Krlly'a mare Hirtil- la, and Mr. Iluie'i ctik Stride. Much good run nim waa kit in thi race, by the unfortunate fan of Stride and Fhrtilla, near the itretcTw the aecondbeat. CaubWamare, Napoleon, Rrgina, Stride, rnrt.iu, - ime It beat, S .1-1 . 3.dit. . 3, diet. . 4. fell. . 5, fell. !m. 2. m.2a.i 3d heat. CT The Editor of the New-York Enquirer, in copying into hia column a paragraph on the aabject of making Wine from tbe Aercaaiw r.,. .i, i..t h bad forsrotten from what Npiwr it waa taken: We are happy in being to rellere the Mj. from hi regret on this aabject: tbe article ftrat appeared in this paper, (the Western Carolinian.) Mr. ICoab can now make the necery acknowledgment, if he thinka the doing ao worth hie time, and tbe apace it will occupy in hi column. try We owe our aubaerihers an apology for the unauitable dimension and inferior quality oftbc pa-on wbich tV Wettern Carolinian ia tbia week printed jlhit the Lf?'!!10"."01 lie at awr door our contract for paper, waa not for auch ooarae atuffee we pthUg4d to uae thia week :-no bettrr. hoeer. haring been ient.ua, wemuat u such a we get, or iuspend the publication of the paper a week a misfor tune which we have for seven or eight years averted, and hope still to avert. ft7ay.The Charlotte Journal,- of the 334 int taya i f An attempt waa made on Monday night, the Mth met burn tbe dwelling house of Dr. William J;;bll iboiiV'; three ;m.iIei;frofa. town. Thi home i ekvated three, ojt four feef frnm the pmund. and resta on Dlllara : and ih incendiarv . had inserted piece of lightwood 'between tbo weather boarding and ceiling, to which he aet fire, with tbo intention of dettroyihg not only the houae, but the Doctor and bit family, who weie ,n it. But fortunatelTi hie atrocioua de- sign wa fruttrated, aa the fire waa disco vered in teaton to extinguith lt without .material dam-ge to tne couae, aiiuuugn . e.. iKnnaht lh huildine could "T" .m . ai ni , ,v f . not be saved. 1 ne uoc w .on . w- videmiall; atepping into dostt, he dfc i.. nmrm nrnrinir io ipo iu wcu, v f" rum J ih garrjei, i!rt iJy fciflf NiCa d lk Mccmd itory, isd tbo tb lirci of blniaeir and family were lared. Had lb fir been communicated half an hour ! ter, Ihe protabinir it that nil would by per lib Thar li no 6ouU tkat tb perpetrator of tbll dUbollcel set U Mfroi tod bar itrooa; taopei (bat f wilj b diKow rod and auficr tb ponlahmene k io- Mrrta. . . , .. .... A rtwird of g 500, U offered bf Dr. F oik; foe Ike, dcortrj Cjb4 IncabcTur. ' -: ' MMK . - -i-. XZJTM . T. MZSMT. '. DUi In Chartettife; f i Ct tk3 Itfc Inat. after a abort and eera Klntii, tto Ret. Thomu CUftton tfmrfrU tbo 11 tb rear of bia ate, Paitor of fto lecood Prttbyterian Church la tbat'cVy. Ho at burled on Saturday rooming, etbj benealb tbo centfo alJo of tbo Church, adjoining tbo rtmalnt of tbo lata Anirrm Flint. A correipondent of tao t bar let- Ion Courier, to ootldag tbo cfcath of Mr. Henry, rernarkii MTbt oulogy of nature U the eulogy of truth nor ran we of- fcr to tbo memory of tbo Kir. Thomai Chariton Henry, augtnt tbat cat bo held In coroparieon with tbo anguiahe tight and tear of Mi numerous roournpg and el flicted congregation. irrTArn. M Pilgrim1 arrouldat thou approach tbia awful ehrine, 1 The merit of tbe honored dead I arck i Tbe friend the aon tb chruian,!b dirinr. Let thoe who knew bim, thuarwbo loJ him apeak. ! Oh ! let them in tome pauae of angiiah, aay. What xral inspired, abat ralb enlarged hi How anon tb' unfettered i apint a-inr'd k wax r rro una kw, Jnm hitg M be bleat.- A rnapjwoprUto; iriproulte trxl it ceilent funeral aermon tat delirered on the tolemn occaaion, a which tbo Ror. Clergf of tbo citr -tlended, by the Re?. Mr. Gilder tit eve. CatBAW, OCT. 19. 'TneSteimboal NonhOaroHtiB.Capra liH f L . a!ual va4 Allff4xawl. afll II. loaded I urooa, m .-v 1th talt and oiker mercbandne lor our .erchantt. Thii it her firtt trip, and merchant. m.m m wrw mnrh in hoaca abo will be able to make her pattagea unhtterruptedly hereafter. We are aorry to aay however that the river which bu riten contldera bly bat agaio fallen. cfT. Rather Extraordinary William Chap man. Eta. bat iutt ihewn ut an apple L meaturing 1 1 S inchet in circumference, being the attend growth we year, on a tree In hia garden. -Mr- Chapman In. lormt t)t tunc tn tree on .wntcn n grew la now in full Uooifi. :'Tho firtt jfjowth of applea on tbia tree wa tery fioe and abundant. Wo witnetied rather a novel et well at melancholy tpeiracle intbottreetaof tbit town on Wedneaday laat. . doming; more nor let than a man driving a waggon loaded iih four coffini, containing tbe drad hfxliet of hit two. wive and .two "children Hit lt" wte bed died .within a da or two. and havinp . determined on hurrinc ber in N; Cerolina, about .40 mile distant, he bad dtsiote rred tbe body nf hit former wife, who bu been dead about four year, together with tboto of hit two children, tome time.alnco do ceated, and wat transporting tbem to a new place of sepulture. All tbit may for euirht we know bo rerfcctlv proper, but we never wish to wijett a repetition of the tcene. airsnaoMDt OCT. Fating Intelligence. well Court Mouse tince, me ccreoi..iv - . .IUaaaitak) , IN. C a anon 22 to 26 Cottee ia a 101 vwn, wf- Tn.nn. ia annnoted to have r Wt Ull.lron, i, to o. , - ; heat. In a contett with Mr. Harriaon 1 frantic, no too iu m In the aeeond, hia left foro-leg, (which nrevented his running at Tree Hill Iatt v hft.i villi riu. i Spring) gave way, and no can ou. on thiee lega, ttill winning tbo beat. Many a - . think him a hore ot me grcncai pv-. ever run over n American Csurae FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. LATEST FROM EXGLAXD. net. 12-We have received by the packet ship Birmingham, Captain ii . .rivd laat evenioe from Liverpool, our regular filea of Uodoo pa, pert to the fth, and Liverpool the Stb K..mclutWeA. we were WJ fro..nutU were definitively arrangei on e fld ult. L .The foUowing-Ulbirj.Jfeiw if now atknd t - - --Firat Lord otihe T.wory.0 erirl r Chancellor of tU Exchequer. Mf? Hrlri f "Secretary of State for Foreign ndi7. and Ward: Secret- Srtment, wiih the led of the Houae of Common., Mr. Hu.kitton ; Secretary of 81? far the Home I" of Lanadowne ; Matter SSLi Ordnances .rqu ."of Chancellor, Urd Lyodburtt Pre.idtnl .:i Tt.AmrJt Portland I ora ci p.ri f Carlisle : Pretidenroi I'lff, Mr. ChirlndrafJi retWeal of. tbo Hoard or Control, Mr. C. W. Wynn Secretary at Wr, Lord Palmerttonj Cbtncellor of the Duchy of Uncattcr, Lord Doley Maattr of tbo allot, Mr. TUrney i Surteyor of tbo TToodi aod rorwatt, M. 8. Doorno. Tha Intilllgcnca from Greece la rather bf gratifying; oaturo Reduhld Pacha bad gon to Acaroanla, wbero bo bad ef fected nothing. Tbo Oreekt baring placed their Fe and cblldran wlthlo tbo oaiortl forfrtttet of Iho (oU3 ad kli 'morimehtt and loufcepted' bit uppliet, ao at to prevent biro from cn tarinr to any dUtance . from tbe.coatl. !boblTaba, ibrouth a almllar reaaoo. bad been obliged to return to Modun and Cortn, from wbeoco bo bad despatched two European officcra to Zaota to boy proriaiooa, with aereral-Egyptian re tacit of war to guard the conroy. Thii wat be flotilla which Lord Cochrane attacked and defeated an exploit which bad lo- created tbo terrort of bia name through out the Lerant, and imparted proportion ate couraco and ardor to tbo Oreeka. Instead of tbo Roaalana having beao defeated at Eriroa, it appeart thai on Ihe 17th of July, tbey achieved a conquett over a bodv of rortiant, rompoeed of 11,000 cavalry. Abbat Mirra narrowly eKtped. The aon of Napoleon bad been India poaed, and wat ttill attended dally by bit rbyaiciana, A Utter from Smyrna ttatea, that tlnce the knowlcdiro of the treaty concluded between tbo Allied I'owert bad become general, the greatest irriution prevailed amonK the Turkt. The feeling wat ca pctially directed - tffitrrit-lho- Htniitnt, -w mut be bckl m gw UCHiW. . . lt Tbe future of tbe newt from Spain u iintoomble; Trwopt-ond : UVlel M all kinda from tbe neighboring prorlncet were pouring into Catalonia, where In turrec'.ion waa growing more aod more tsnrl and audacioUI. it it conndently elated, lhat Poo Miguel proceed to I.Ubon to ataume the regency of Pcmugalwrtrw4b.caeia.JUdJU- thorit of hia brother, Uon redro ii la ..... . .Lt. i. ,i. ,K generally ocjiercu ima .K " taken ith the ..sent and concurrence o r,i Briton Me wat to erooara Vrnire In an Austrian Trieste Parity September I. The Jounul 0U Con.merce publishet the following ex tract of a letter, dated Conttintinople, July 3, which it hit received by way ol Marteillet Nothing it talked of here but tbe ap proaching arrival of the aquadrona of all tboCbrittiao nations, to tecond the inter vention of the Powert of tbo Wert in the eUairi of Greece but people are eonvin eed.'thar whatever jepugnanco the Gov trnment roty feel lor tbe proposed aneana of accommodation, it will not ttriko a blow t and the alarmt that, under tucb circumttancei, might bo felt for the per aona and oronertv of tbe Frank, are en tirely destitute of any reetooable found. tion. SPAL. .PariMSefil 2--A courier extraordina r'. who arrired at Bavonne on the eve- an anew if. ft h 29ih. has broueht (he newa of the Change it) tbe Spanieh Ministry. Tbo following are the namet ,of thote who now compoae it t M. Erro, Minister of Finance. M. SaUzar. MinUter of tbe Marine.. M. Calomarde, Miniater of the Interior. It it also taid tbat the Duke de linfan ado it nominated Minister of Foreign Affairt. arhr fHarftrta , , in, Siiirar.. 1 10 to J ' buihel, Sale of Cotton thia week support our quota-1 aaie OH,uun r . f - Horn. Tbere ia no couim t ..- i Tbe late swell in the river Has enaoieotne to get up many kw :. th;. time, here and on me river anu 1 11 L .n abundant aupply of all kinda CAarfr. Oct. 15.-Cotton, upland. 9fo U , whiskey. 33 to 33 apple brandy. 37 a 33 ( beeswax. 24 a 25 , bacon. 71 to 8 j , "ftf tSIOveroooUn bulk4J i LlDL' Island 52, upr, brown, 9J to 9, Coffee, 13 to 15 molaaaea, 33 a 33 black proper. 18 20 cts. corn, 40 45i flour 5 to J. C..-Uplanda both new and old, nd a ready sale, a fa as tbey arrive-the old crop . mi at the new. at 11 cenU-tor aome my w ...... .Mhinr over very favorite loia oi in --; our highest quoUtiont.hu been Stained. dot?aiwWare leceauriry di4w W 12SL Jd id nr U,. for CoUon to fir.! Hfi. York andSadelphi par P cent. prem. WiVunlOalOoer cent per cent diacount rMi' Ort. 20.Cotton. 9 .9 75; torn, 40 Camden, ua. . a ftourf 5 rat. Orf. 8.-Apple brandy, 53 to At K.CC t aa- Jwh do 3, t0 4J , B.eon, 8 10 , Bar- hnrae. Monsieur f- a m . Porn. 35 a 40 : Hour, ww(i PttrJutf Irf. i;-Tghat, ptitti fl I t to i rrfuaed RV to 4 r-Crton, M. 10 to llcta-oU.S to lO cia kfd Vbeat. 7 J to B0-.V)U do. BO to 90-Com, 3 14 to f 3 1-3, -Pork, JJ Brandy, new, 30 to 33 ctaSacoa,. 1- cti-Lard. 9 eta. AH Ik Ur article will readily atD at our quoutione, Cotton b glna to come to frtafy-he laat Curopeaa ac oeuato do not appew 10 Juatify tbe price gfrcfl oare tbopwrhe watndrattnd being aere n to aupply the Brat Iratdeaaandof our owe mtno V tacturcra. ' - aaw-iaae, oef. 11. C ittt Tbewlrt, ilnre Our la pubjlcationv anMMM lo alwut JIXJU baira eompnaiag about UK) VpkfKbvand the reminder AUaa ml rr--''"' coramoa) NXrkana. , New-Orleant, new JO a l34.l,pUda,iiew,iW.w. 10 a 1 1 1 Alabama, 10 a It i Teaeeete, 10 a 1 u I. J9f4 M1 ttfw.ivr NortbJarolina bank billa were at 4) to I per cent, diacount i Virgin'. 1 1 SoutbCaroCna, 1 1 Georgia, If xcept Par W-ft, vhlca are 3 Alabama,! TeeaoiffMe, awoxen i 3 to 3 1 Mteaieaippl, 4 to 1 Ohio, 4 J i Kentucky and Tenneaato notea, are a wncertain, that M rate of diacount ia put down to tbeaa. jmrrttw. . In ibis place, on tbe 33d inat. by Stephen L. Farrand, Kq. Dr. Jam R. C. Ncagle, of Lla cola county, to Mia AlWtine UUmaa, of tbia town. On the 33d iatt. by the Rer. Dr. M'Ree, Mr. Hiram L. Sloan to Mist Sarah Brevard, all of treuell county. Alan, on the ?3d inat, Mr. Jamet Jobmon, of -Mecklenburg county, lo Miat Nancy Torrrnee, ' daughter of Alexander Tommo, taq. of ire deli county. Near tbia tfrw. a tbe 2at inat Mias Uv garet S rider, daughter of Mr. f eter tridet, in the loth year or nrr age. la Warren county, la tbia atate, an tbe JJtb knit. Mrs. Sarah Corn It Coir ma a Orrea, wife .. 1 of Mr. NalbuUat T.XrMtvaod daurbler of -4- tx Uto Joabua Dinkloa. of UacUaaWg cocuw mother. It waa elghtoen tatbaTrom nU . t . A . ' hM. llMtll M - - - . riage jo ua uay . ka 41 r aat,Mar aw MinxT"H -." County. 14U in. Ura. ocn;anaui n. ton, of a abort but arrtre anaca irpn Cenrral Covington waa Clerk of tb Court of Richmond County; and chief Clerk of the Senate of thiw State, in Uontflmerv counrv. on tbe 3d mat. Hob- . 94 p.nrk. Rao. ared 36 tear. He wu member of the Preabyteria 'ChwrtrV and left tbe world with a bright proepect of a florhHt immortality br)ond the grave. . In Sandwich, Maasacbuaetta, on the .'filh ult. ih Hun. Nathaniel Preeman, ared 86. He way n artiva Patriot of the Revolutkw, and bia c vicea are honorably mentioned in the bietorie of that period. ... 1-atcly in Sampson County, James Holme, Esq formerly sheriff of thst county. Departed thia life, on the 13th inat. Col. Ma tagir Ibward, ot Baltimore. 1 1c dralb of thi diatinruiahed Revolutionary Hero, and pubrio piritrd citixen, baa covered that city with mmfrnWr Everv testimonial of veneration kit - tuvui saiisxa aw v t K;. irhi, and rratitude for bia earvice. Civil and military, waa ebownintbe laataad tribute? ..V of respect to Ma remain.-Howard waa , .... Colonel uf tn Maryiana sna,ounn ua w hjtion, and diatinguahed himself h Jb oatttea of G Gilford, Eutaw, and tbe Cow Pens, and wa severely wounded at Eutaw i he wu after aria Gov. of Mar) land, his native atate. - - To ttit TiibWc. TlIE aubfcriber ia now receiving a Urge arjd general assortment of -. -r Dry GooJt, Cutlery, and Hardware, of aH deacriptionfrom Newr-York and rkiladrl- phia, Where they were selected by bimaelf, with f care, and bought for ceh, and which are offered o the moat reasonable term. . A he bu two,; Storva, be wiU leB for cash ' at the lowest - . nrirn-rthrrwiar. on time. Country PTodueo bought, at the highest msrket prices. Arrange mcnta are made to receive Goods monthly, from tbe above named places t which, will keep up a good supply of Preab Goods. Call at hia More in Salisbury, and examine for yourselves. JOHN ML'RPHT. N. B. Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Iron, Molasac;, Rum, Winei, French Brandy, &e. ke. Oct. 34, 1827. , Gentlemen and Ladiet Fancy Boot and Shoe Maker, w-a. aTiTDK'a thank lo ihe ffentlemeo and la- A... r S.r.Jf.n I . i,h ,- ha an virumy, ior mm uv hu been in .inea. , and hopes that his unror milting attention to buainra hereaftrr, u.. ill ent ile him to a c and coniinu- ucn y . .a nf ik urn He has now on hsnd, jurt recr v. d from tbo North, a general assortment of Maimub. which will enable him to execute every description cf work in bis line, in the most fashionable, dura ble and elegant style. ... "'ZT Order for work from a btancrdl not. be attended to, unless accompanied by thrrosA, -or its equivslent. No Northern made work will be repaired, except ladiet ahoca, or the footing ofboota. ' Smhiburf. Oct. 29, 1827. 86 SraTa Baa or Norr-Caouaa,' Saliibury Branch, Oet. 25, 127, ORDERED, by the Board of Director., that a payment of one tenth of tbe ..punct ual be exacted upon all note offered for renew al, from aiui after :the.ltdsy?rf j:zzr:j and that tb Cashier gre notice Carolinian and Catawba Journal.- '"V r A copy fronrtne arrmnw - p,g4 " JUNIUS feNttP, Cotry. rpO jail in Morganton, t. v. on uw yin X 1827. a negro man, named JJronsvn. 46 veare old, J feet 4 or 5 inchc high yllow com plexion, aay he belong io Dan.el Allen, Creen county, 1ennes.ee. The owner ia deired to come forward, prove p?oerty,pay chargw. and take bin, away. ff Slieriflfe' Dccils, OB land sold by order LwriU f VLTO exporrsa, fcr Cfc at w nc V ' fit ..,itl 7 :7

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