f t t- 4.L., I B "WW i i, Mi' I . 'at t ! V : a- :4 v- I j'-w: Lhltf :1C 1 ' it II! m-1 H I- - ioric is uur. .1 , U tUro tluaf ufc bmr r . Lt, Ik lit bee, hi w.ti d" bring And. I kr the brf. it Irave :-J And tk bee, to", 1 i (W aitJjrt, levied, a. II appearing . ... -J , ..wiU. lb court. that th defend- i, M( M bUb.aeJ of lha I ..-,,,. WiHitl countrl, ordered lhatt pubW. cttiua be ada the Wetrn Ceroli'iie fr S Weeks, that unlet the drlemUat appear at lb. Mil CtMUrtT CMIt, t M Beld WT in sow" . .f iMir.rria.v or sruri.t, ruhiur. T m& tum'd r' t41 tay " Ytnj8 ht im)1 fromsa lo-tlUj. And why to-day, kv, awel t The roie bloom tut) net for W Tear Blttd the meidcn'i riven eye Tb lightly won you fli'ly prm ' To maks you jri lb ke)o pin,""" irfcairnttrti bf ton iMmi-. Aad a Horn, loo to Mill 1 1. . 'Tooll ttr M kia frame to-day.". MEMCAk DEPARTS LNT.--- wil Com. Rowan, at tb emirt house w !7" tnui ux t uiti tttemuiio) - --- rvineinorr nrm tw- ,a. rv i -; car 4 . JOHN 01LK r.r. Jtw nig Mr 182 SA Ml'tL fOST M. Joli A. Cb i Ori rinl ttuehnKirt, letd, kc Ittppctrinf ( lU MiWtdMMi c th court, ltt tb dcfto. tUot it Mt tn InUbitiat of Ihn Mitt i On no tioo of lb fUimiff b countel, ordcrcl that rmblimkM b iMdt In U Werr twvJimn, for til verki, (b&t onlrM tb rkftmldrf tppctf ' ra tU ftext County Court, to b held fur Mid Kovta, tt IM court bouk in etut Monk. Aratoinjf ! Snrjftn, Hp u. tr, iuju m. n. IntttluUt of McdtCtM tml CAnktl frtctlct, Tbtorr tl !rciK of mrJicinc, Ut Jk C-. M. n. Obit -irk I tml ditturi uf ftiwii tml chiklrrl, ' Bj IT. II. RkKmrMn, M. II, - Mttcria McJkt tml Mrdictl Boitnjr, Bf Ikariet IT. SUrt,M. D. . Cbr mitlry tml Pbanrucf, Bw Jam B'ltht, D. D. The edifice vbicn lit btea crctrd during ' Countr of WrepVny or pUtd to -id ouit, H-P . h "r"" U ". U tnured for & PUintifl'f drna.KCt t d. h wdicd drptrtmei.l. U rtpldly pro(-mJr. jtm of owitkovnttion of tb tt.chrd rlfrctt. od lh tevhy, vhH CiAunre, nouc. . " rSST JOHN WLES, c. j h PKC .P4 ' ' - w I fur ib rccrptWxi of ih ctMtet bcfw tho com. , Frma Ctwff, Jvpitt Sfttimt, IW ! raeiMcmcnt of the ewuinjf teMtoa. The HmIUU ' firUJ-IAM C KIID tod Mooby tA. John A. ' ng occupy t tptee, on rttfoindttlan.of 7S by i.i f V CWIUi Orlfiotl ttoebnent, levied, lie. , JO fctt, tad Conltint two -pcioot Irclur room, Zi it tpptarinf ttf (be attMbotio ti the wurt. that Urg apartmcntt inr tb library muvqrtj tnd thcWemb-tiaa iibbUatofUlaiiataf ehemkai labonUory,'' tilcr ia bbrtrian't Vm mpuoa of U fWlliT by Countel, orderrd ; donoltory, and ory etber coneaaieat and oe. rSj nubUcaikM be bade la the Weetern Car. crmr tonurtentnc. - llatM fur tis troakt, thM oalan 4b UfoiiIant i ka ailuatod in a plrutnt a4 Cntrtl part uf . .V tffi'jHomtn Tttir.o: ' Ob 1 blc t4 b 7 baby boy 1 " Ttmt Ipokt ootbr lo her cblkJ- ' A4 kWd k' wtntt Joy, 1b lotk' "Pfl olt face id J irolTd. , Then. U awtber bmtk'd hie i The ftrr Kacefy at!4 CoftTiWoftl b bit lafa4 ffta-t 1 '"-Tkawtb'taali bJa 0t4Udl- Dut ttill ber Wtb U Hi tbe kf pi ta in b 'ond fW bt joy t And aiUI be ururA M the wrp -Ob! bWtKdll y baby boy r Who,' aVdcr patting temptations to lir. adhere to truth, oor to ibe pro- . . . . I .tK htyty augnt oi a tacrea irutt, it rirtr tbt lomroit of mitdom and t Irtue, RAUSBUnr, N. CAUOUNA. I! I EZKA ALLKMONO. milt alrg ant rfablitbmcnt, ai tinted 1 at the north corner of tho Court. rl I lluite. hat been recently repaired and flttadup In aev and wiperior atyle, for the re erpttoa of fompany. 1 he greatett paint have been titei to procure lor inu imsirpnicai new ftimitire of etery ilrtcnpuon, necewary for the ctrafort of TrtvttWni tbe mot to- urtntt bare bern arlected ttb grtt roEriiT. ".Teftpcraace i eiient'ul to bein Id eating, driullng, kltrp;r)g,txmit clothing and taking phviic and -lie. eatri may be prevented and Kfg pt0 longed, by an attmttoo to their icfr. al 4tjectt i iliit it, we arc to rof oql, when nature travel food, .drink only when thirst require!, fleet when li. and butineM ar -ididrawn, jj nodef atcljr wimoor".oXaciff j fitrgu than ft cltlha ai tbe weather varitt! ttk exetcht before and after eatit? uie n i, tobacco or anuff if altoder'aaj delicate, and vUe H modcratdylflor. pulent take no phpif in health, ir Ut our .Jt ration be koowo untoaj roeo.w, If.'lo U thtio particular- I mankind were uoiverttlly Umperat '' the catalotrue of diteiiei. rww m an. rotri ASH MiaCT. . J palling, would b confioed to trry Who letrt the thunder, tnd feeli not a eli . narrow limlti, and caiualty and old Iluao'tf briveliifctkiraln-dropidooaipUBtf , the cjjcf panporta to the rne Who teei tb. Ugbtnitf'a W, the eloudap'd ; ytt f(M,d 0f iDy tnJ 0Urrt u ' ,M 4 , troduced . Into the etomath io tbe Nofkrtluiluacrottluiya.baIUiUtf nlil by previoua exerei- Yet tbeat are but the iwwirm of Cod1 rlfl r" "the ay tte m It prepared for Jtl BHnirt. Thinp in bl ml,M Bgbt aad pliable ' meoU CDe fa 0f ,omf ' Ai atnwi vitbia a happy moving nil Or gotitmer, where eigkpinkmt twetl. TUK t HOICK. ,f iltpt benetth a poj'Ur tree, And three yrg mtlJetH cro-a'd the iyj 1 rtfea'd lo lbs lyvtly Ihrer, . And heard tbem to each other ety ', No what l dearett, love to thee f. , Tlie tllett tatd "Young fctando'i ring .Wouldjbi ome the dcarrat Ibjng ' , No not ivtmifth tecowl erUdr?" I'd cbooae ilia g fait from bit ale." " rtet f, the yofa4 td U inth--r. ,,.1'd ratW hare lb ileepJngyouib, , ' Tb ring, O aiater, will grow dim i v ' Tbe girdle wlO ere long be broken ' - Dot Aia U aa eternal tela a .: , - r r Hit lova for ane, and mine for him." 3rtda Frttrj. -f i ajmeerat la aU County pourUta pe heu fur ) the town, i(nmeliately ennticuout to the tnato-r-W"mW'&.i not wrpln-Wuf cooirurt and coweul. Droved tewtntt oave oern erwcvca hb rrxm: ; ... . . . . i Jart-, tbelaretockl with choke Bquorr, and: " "" --J " tbe tublee HUnded by obfiging and attentive I W rthla the heaven of hu mtjeaty I bottWn. He eoovewenee of thle eituttion r k Ka hanra hU Horr round the Dole. .L!. I1! r. S.rKlforthlUvUofarfroV.tch.'erm, caU-nlntrdfue tbe accoounodabo of Traveller! Bow, la thy weaknea ever firing mind. WrA-Mtaebeo towbicN -Jktrilj forf ,btbywoftbaUlotUAli.. ; drama. bittera.alinMVaod luW Drv tMHa ana dook store. . ' .. ' ' . " . f tMorrt thrm tkat no pataa- will be eparat to - - -r 7---- rtt 0f t the cvill WbiCD We Dire been render the eenmrume ana pieaeiaj-, . ' KZltA AtXEMOO. SaUyii,.v:C. tfpi. ir.iBT.-;-? el- mfD.tnatarnanthould "earn hit Ireal Ja$t before rating tt,. I.ia accordiagto a a t aouou pnuotopny, - With respect to drinking, ao drink other than cold water, abould be takea Into the at '-roach before break fiu j thii, of rourae, prrclgdea all morobf Wit tWi YiBlilT "TZi 1 j" H rlu """r 1 enee, by any .imiUr inatituUon ia America -riaiw(-aiti ewwmatuoa wtwaiUtheU Tl, tu, .1...: I iKm e.,Mtf ;nea sJ r.11 el. I J J-J m wMtuuvn w UK iiaa; rt;rivti( ay airu ViarMllru JOHN GILES, c. c. llama, rate of Mantrodkry county, dee'd. --1 U3IU COW US M. Alexander work! on medicine and the collateral acirncr.. ,r ' - foul f.f-vaw iMvini aaeMaami BtBaaa'am a.Vr p awawu T Empmr if Brutit mnd tkt Oxrm Vfitf4 deprecauog, and ii the fruitful aouru r;Tbc emperor of Brazl a remark-- of every .other apeoea of crimtnaj io. ably atrong man, and i.-nd tl trjtng temp-rance arvutouaio tAt Ouoytnd ina aircngiti m lining a wc-igui ana uciu uwnw w .'. fuw. . daughter, -Donna' Alarla" da Gloria, 71 7':T,a:ww! now aced nine veara fthe foture queen I ' MKJIELf FOR CO&Xl of Portugal,) ia alto a child i-f grea.tR0lyfof prliconaliveco nflL-r Hnai . ......... ; u.:. :h i.. i i- :r.Hii.. nr.nrfh avhi.h ih. t.th.v nr in not aanra 5 annir 11 to inn rnm OriniuIi.,.U.,.. K.. ew-ptrt) ..hrwrjwul lb mtkm, aJ ("T" . " '? 7 ? w. T "" : V " ,' ,V " . T? 'l Tboma Oakea, and tummonrd binrtl rami. ate. It apptaring to the eatiifaetion of ibe :' eourt, that the defendant, Aksander Khea ia not ' a Inhabitant of thitttatei On motion of the Plaintiff by oounael, ordered that publication be ' Wettern Carolinian for tit wieka, ' that unlew tbe defendant appear at the next County Court, to be held for the County of .. twtwaa, h uit court boue in Haltaoury, on tne nurni naa inr nnvn, rmirrovrr. nr r . T ' . . cn iuuu ui avsiiiu tier uiii'kti piivi . o..t t.o volume, a. t",im. 1 ' .??V. ."f verv often makes her exhibi it before ! the m r ntauit" bumi nrriwaiui i wiia nei nmn in nair. s - . - - , eomainaa vaneiy of matruetive . . f .W.V. . I Ck- :. anfte both iJ !) lilnu. aiitii . nf J iM W. H HIU T. VVM.mi, VI liu.l,, - - ... .., .,.,,.,.., ,. . m , r . i. i :. I . platter imitation bv the first art in i of' nwwf. . ia constant aitcnaant 10 nil U'rillDg ; iw I "ewaer ima, loi7 V room, and inrlerrl U1 alwuv. i.ith Mm in IWO even keeping The preparttiont. ai and r.urop. JHudenf of medicine r. mrting to thi ach ml for Inttruction, a ill be accomnv -dated in the moat mnectabk' familiev with rcn'eel bnanl tnd bulging, together with all other incidental LIST OF LETTERS 'AIXINO in the Pott 0llee at Concord, N. Caro. on tbt let day of Octooer, 1827. rtilrrl tavuut.v t k.A. ka. .- i . i plead to midtuH. judgment aiflbe entered for ,le7U,lc?' "Pbetper term, than at any Uwll. A-nder.l To. Linfeton 2 the plaintiin demand, tnd a decree of coadeoi. -. "V mura ""'uuon in oar country. ( ''"'""'"7"' " 40ation of ibe. attached effect. . tOTu- . . JOHN GILES e. e. Ine eipeiitee of a complete emtree of rec- r Maraet Alexander tore, rmradmr the matrtettlttron and library ticacf, win tmoinT in fiiw rnene. Toe tee for graduation will be 350 in a&lit'ro. "r- By order of tbe Medical Faculty. v,.. i c..jy;suoR r, jin D.Pca. Lerinpn, ry. vh.j-. 24 I8i7. 5t8d - We are tut honied to atate that It. 'V. , Dudley, M. D. Hrofenor of Anatomy and ftir-1 tbe Khool of medicine of thii place. kUry Alle J.. Htmhart Charlrt Black welder. Joaenh Ptkef . Jacob Bov Leomrrd CaeU " 'CrJ6aeph'ltel.a(tef utnanaf a nwwn -JlwvimcHmtAHfvitSemnu, 1977 1 mENKT ELUS v4. John X. CluAn t (ilgi'u a) attachment, levied, lie- It-appearinr to the- eaUafactiow of the court, that the dcfrrJant la not aa lababitaat of ttiia xtte t On motion of the plaintiff by couravl ordered that nublica. T ' ffton m WtmA ,A fh it ..n PMtini.M tnm mnm ' mm r .i.. ii,. .t. .v. jr. . . .i .7.. , .. . r. Jtarr Cnilare . next County Court, to be held for the county . Hunrery in the medical rfmartmtnt of the t-ni"1"'" irw.,ora . Bowan, at tbe eourt-houe in Stlitbury, on 1 veraitv of Maryland, to uliicfi be wai of lite ; . . U C . Jacob Fi5er .1 . War-It . r. ... . , George Litfle McCurdy Morgaa . John McCinnit . A. McCurdy.. . ... Jamet VcCaleb NttUT Monteitb" Ahrl Conine -Andrew Conine : . Kowan, at tfte eourt4ioue in Stlitbury, on 1 venuty of Maryland, to uliicfi be wai of late ; tbe third Monday of Nov ember next, tnd re-1 wnam'mu)y leimlt thunjtuL ciul and much i iP'y r1c t0 ih, Judftl.eM-ilt be to the grati6cttion or the fHetida of (hedictl f - awilered for the plaintilTl demamf, and a'decree' 'iclciicie inTtlie eiVrererKng Mi lifnitfon'ind f Y conrfernnaboa of tba attached e(L 'K.-u,-,.-. JOHN GILES, e. c- 'win eannry, JhtruH Scitut, rUXlAl BKOt K t. Jol.a-A.r CUflln t Original attachment, levied, ix. I It lb. peering to the aatiffaction nf tbe cmrt, that the defendant ia not an inhabitant e' tb'n date : Oo -tnotmn of the plaintiff by CounteL ordered that pubnoation be made 'i the Weatern Carolinian fof lis a-eekt, tA unlet tbe defendtnt tppetr at the neti. .t. Court, to be held for the " 54111 J lowan, at tbe court4ionte in Salia. . wbr;, on tbe third alomlay of November next, . ' and replevy or plead to taid wit, judgment will be entered for the plaintiff! demanJ. and a de " oree of condemnation of tba attached effecta... . MT JOHN GILES, c. e. TnMAt.". ALTwO'iTlonn'V CbaflittVi Orifrinal attachment, levied, lie. It appear. fng to the attitfaetion of the court, that the de tnc!ant ia not an inhabitant of thia atate i On motion of the plaintiff, by countel, ordered that SbFication be made in tbe Wettern Carolinian ' (ix week, that unlet! tbe defendtnt tppetr j K ine next county court, to be held for the county of Rowan, at the courtdiouee in Stlitbu ry, on the third Monday of November next, and replevy or plead to taid tuit, judgment will be entered fur tne pltintiff'i demand, and a decree nf condemnation of tbe attached effect. 6t87-. r -. : JOHN GILES, c. . Jirmm twitto, 1ttfu Sein, 1827?- . . that to complimenunly tendered to bim by the , I " .Joiq.h Hpwel;. , laaae llowel DaiTel ffourton r T". Rr.5 leave miiat rrineHrutlv In infurm tilt citizena nf Il.vLl. ' 'nntthtn flttltel ton Count v, that he ha just received I r.hner Hndnon a fine aaanrtment of PMSYY I bner Hlfrtna SSTOXCXtTT, nl expect to receive within a few weeks, from Philadel Saml. Iltrrit Mm. Ilintemoo phia and.Vew.York, an tuortment more ex-1 T'10-,r ,n ' tentive than ever reached thii country ; Jo"n Jobmton 2 tnd he pledjrrt hit time tnd talent, infuturt, , Saml. Kimmoni entirely tu nit prote;ion. lle-hOptt, from om T" ,ulw yean experience in tle profesMon. to meet with that ptrontgt which t man alioukl, avhote whole mind it devotrd to it. 'r charjret thall never exceed thutc made by other medical gentlemen. yg .fu 27. MTT Jacob l.ituker 3(86 xytxaoetn nurtr John McChire Botanah McGraw Jabn Mormon - . David Miller , - Margret T. McClure R McCurdy Allen D.eaion. John Fharr Robt. fickeni " . Daniel t'rrraw-.': Valentine Pence -J. F. Pbifer - Ph'lip Rumple . : "" fanief Tleede " - Michael efreft Aran Self lane Shin John Strubt E. Smith . II. Swrrga'm Martin Stonght ohert Bherwood eter Trotitman- trnt. Wcllingion ndrew Wtlkcr and fatten it on with piece of cloth. motnent before going to bed. It m tbe corn to tuch a degree, tint ens and wholly removes the corn or three days, however lore, when he ia not t netted io buaincas. teratej afterwards wash the foot is He wathet himself in an immcuie warm water: io a little time the iodtt. silver basin, which, when filled with rated skin, that forms the horoy tus'ic w ater, scarcely one rf his robust ser of the con., will .disappear and lei vants can lift and he delights to see, the part ai tlran and smooth as if it his daughter perform thia Usk lie iil bAever been attacked br any diwr. a handtomc liktneu of Lis father, King der, . U. it , right to renew the appb. John Vk His kners aie thick. pro cation two or three timea io twenty tubenmt, like hii father a he uwaUvfour IwUra.,-., wear .mote, a ia rreacrtyvr, in oracr to hide" them."" The oang-Queen nof Portugal is quick and penetrating, and "Ar Enigioa said to-have:beeft wri. ten bv Mr. Cat ninn; which for a endures atiguc with great resolution.! length, of time baffled the skill of t3 nc accuia aupenor io me iorms. ana ;r ngvanq to soive. - - -eliquette of 4 palace, and despises the 1 -ncreU a wWofp!uii?i T nlnrttl attmka. -trdlriarjr arousementi -of -children. n,,r. .ri irm. -jShe. haa a great fatility in lcarwog and J .jw.a.aj4weliaic retenti memory f - wri tea, - wtllv( ,- fly adding 8, jou phiral makf . apeaaa ana tranatatea rrcnen, and is 1. - Hutif you add ao S to. thia, a a ' ....... . . v. t . wen acquainted with the rustory-or P'Ttirl.--The? Ewtneror treniirntlu f nttenda the atudiei ; of his children. He has a rrcat mrchtnical turn, and had executed several pieces of delicate workmanship with the lathe. He cuts his children s jiair, and when Baron Newman, the Austrian Envoy, arrived at the p Jacc, the" Emperor was per. forming the nffice to hi second datieh- nnhmr m Xtr' ite-tuftf to excuse r llow.f rang the melmorphou)i.V.v Mural, ia plural than ao aaoee, rt-fh: ' And ia eet wLat killer u before. Solution. I I r word is earn. which by adding an S, you have carta. State of eNort-i3ftronn. BY virtue of t decree of the bonourtble Court of Equity for Rowan count v. m.He .r rvio. berterm thereof. 1827. t ho. Clerk anri M.t.r .. h. 'ill I1 at Ik- :!!.. . C II . ..,,fic vl numviiit, on me it wtrat to ma 0ay.Hjar.ut7 next. ue ZAXTX!S and, will give tl, vurrr ar L . 1 . L . f .. . ..... ... .0. '"'-n uy me name or Mner tlillt, on Dutchman'i cnek.orXr tfthe Tadhin. Abo anotner tract of land on tbe tame creek, contain n. -.'v m ....-. . l: ti v. ., rYA UOUaTS UvaTO. ",n, ' ne nptror usually it. RAN my from the tubicriber, on the 15th " early, and reads till his miniiters inrt. tntpprentice to the carnenter't trade, assemble for business. When this is Tt"-.- ytn OVcr he rnount h' l orse.in a plain ol ipe. I ip expect he gone to Ktokea coun- , . , , . , f'"'" ty, where Ut mother livea, at riie left Saliibury "Dd r' und at, and proceeds U) bout that trnr. He may pan for a blacksmith, visit the custom house and the ar&en. .1 '"g 196 icrei ; being the property of Gehrjj e Siner, det'd. A credit of twelvemonthi will br rtOW V 1c McNEELY w. John A. Chaflin : ' " the whole, and a further imlulRence iginal attaohment, levied, fcc. Iti ing to tbe aatiifaction of the court, thtt fendtnt ii not an inhtbittnt of thii tttte motion of the plaintiff by countt 1 ordered publication be made in the Wettern Carolinian for fix week, that unlet the'defendtnt appear at the next county court, to be held for the County of Rowan, at the court-house in Salia. trurv,on this third -Mondav of -November. jext,4. -mJ. I . , ... . . ... 1 ... . I evy PTJilrad to tatd wit. jmlgment ill c entered for the blainlirrt demaiul. ami a .Te. e'e of cotidemnation of the attached effects. : g87 - JOHN GILES, e. c. will be delivered upon full navment of th mir. f,u uP',er fntteeth tather on the left tide, both chate money, by iot94 O 4 I, CVV I...., r mm m OffaAer 18A. 1827. t'.l.. ..ill ro vi t JCRTirrari terober term, lWZxi: Jpbnrjffifebb vliMz mund IieIeyj - original attachment, Hyder A. Hodgen tummooed al guarnisliee,' Tt appear ing to the attitfaetion of the court, that Ed mund Beaxley, to tbscondt and conceal him. r elf tliat the ordinary proceas of law cannot be terved on him, or that he it an inhabitant of an other atate, it ia therefore ordered by the court, that publication be made in the Western Carolinian for six w eeks tbatunlett the defend dent afbretaid appear at the next court of plcu nd quarter tettioni to be held for taid county,' ' at the court-houae In Germsnton, on the 2d Monday of December next, and plead or re plevy, that judgment final will be entered tpinat biur for the. amount of the plaintiffa claim. V J Tettj M. It. MOORE, e. r, Ht C. L, Daaxta, Dr CTje. . FOlf Sall.Val . ' w w.j U ' 1 W, ,1. . IIUIIIVI IUI UIVIIl fronting the court-house. The lot containt Kbout the foorth of ,wn aertT the hmite- ia two I - - B00K-BIWDIWQ X. ixtnt "T RanbuM: ahit 'h aiirrminrtin. Swear titt at ali.-- A aailor. recrnu ly in JCew York, brouciit a suit Hgaioit the captain rf a merchant. veurL for i assault and battery: jo causing him to he aeverely beaten board the shtjV at r, Hr wearing, 1 1 t.t capita admitted the ftct,' but pleaded tbe rules' or. the:, ship, which prohibited oaths, ; The court gave a verdictf the enptin j:ot the aame time ktyifj the regulation was salutary and pmiifr" worthy , and the captain justified m punishing for its infraction j thai they regretted it was not more . generaUr adopted -2nd at d) events adhered to by. the captain themselves r' IVtlt I.. r ..4I1.. av..aa,. lift ltd ho. in,, and finny. Airti-r to be interrnpted. He WCnt to heaV.s'.tVe chipelof id dinta wuh nrtvate r n r. t - f . ear. cropped, ni tay he bei to Jameii families cf his acquaintance, and .he r J ' 1 ?k ni..i,-.. i. -..'j...... . . , . . . u there. ne found renaira ia-re nomir W wilt bring h tiu oouikI to thtt trade, tnd, after- als for the armv and navv. He iWr. i . .. ' "r: a. I- . U , . ...- . 1 above reward lo any person that ,Ulfnd9 8,1 Public works, as Well islhe . . a a execution oi contracts made on account of government. Frequently heriden 5 tnrogfv;jte:8ulmrbs,-and; roriverses lttftd ttj-tYtfe-Jft lVh-Pcrsnnv.niJie to to Salisbury, JOHN OrtJ 94, .1827. AiJiniGin. i-S. children -..v...,H n,,er owncT, ..uin varonna, rigltt lUOUrt etiquette former V ohser ho purchased him nthe lower part of thit -..j l.. l . . r,,j0" rute, .ncthtt he left hi. master below Char- yeo bas been entirely ;,bandoned. He lotte. IVownerit deiieedtoeome and prove I.iond o.f XVCJ-y, thing nttilitarv.Jind.U. rtWKtl7i J4&affe :juhU Jake :?ihi.Jiefiro way.. .iJCH, May 31, lt27. ' 'Z.- - &J eotm iia iwmi m .Mitcd at a More and orocery, snd f rom 'nr-epntral ti(oitTonrwoiiId "arTord a goou arand tor eui.fr a merchant or mechanic. i hr. terms will be made etsy, u the aubscriher withet to leave the country. Apply on Hie prerr.iiea, to MAT'A. COLLIER. Ottobtr 2d, 1827. 7t89 To Bank DealeTS. THE undertigned having been frequently applied to bv dealeHi In the Bank at th piace, wno reside at a distance, to accent an agency to procure the renewal of their b'mdi &c. in Bank, hat concluded to offer hit leryicet to those who are ditpoted to confide to him any buainet of that nature. ' Hi, rharo-. will be the lowett that are utually made. " rx.- r-v , "I'0 "BITE- 4xentof 8arTbuTy; 'thd the rurrouiHlinr cpiintn-, that ha hat ettablwhed a Auk Bindery in aaid town, on Male Street, a few doortnuth of the Court-House t where het will be thankful to receive any kind of Work in bit line of business. From t number of yetr experience, in Europe and America, he fecit confident of being able to give enure tatuitction to all tnoae who may fa- ..m, k ' - .a . . m . 'm un any aeaenpuon ot unang. Blank Btokt made to order, after any pattern furnished, on thiirt notice, and at price which no one can complain of. ' Old Bookt Rebound, either plain or ornamrn- i, on ine most tnoderte terma. All order from a distance, faithfully attended to. 1 he pat ronare of the nublie is renectfullv aolieiteH kv their obedient aervant, - ' . , JOHN H. DE CABTERET. the building which prevented the cele bration;.TQ, !shuw.ihat " be' had ' man,, ana mrtsmMn.--He is extremely frugal' in humane, ,Jjmdm MorninfChron; - Method of preserving Cream. r 1 " ' nis habits, opd un,i nn the' 1 aisle, very care I till v. piacjed"card r?ke' 1 2 Punccs of white-suwir. and dissolve it in water, over a roftder- ate hre, Alter the augar is dissolved, boil it for about two mioutes in an eartherr vessel t after which, add im. meatateiy 12 ounces ol fresh cream, and mix the whole uniformly over the r . ... X-1 : ' nrer tnen aufler it, to cooli Dour it int0 a Quart bottle and cork t rsn. Mykeep jt in a cool place; and t ill continue fit for use for aeveral etSt-aod eyen months," . . Village KecordV eives an accodnt of gigantic sunflower, which it chVM,w Anai of annual plants.! This is.onf of the numerous instances of bad tastt and pedantfv on the part of those ru ral Addisofis.: So they caUed itetl taithetberd)y,iHbe'iu of rats." Th? learned pig M flU the Scaliger ofSwltje.?- M-'!Vcb; ateria " the Cicero of the East and Mr. Clay. the Hprtecalua of fjJ8RJ,rfAftA,l7, . 60 I a:; 7r I.

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