''.-".-' ' I i . J 4 fr' a4, mm ,-. tig Pllll.U WHITE, J 8ALI8BUKY, N. C.....TUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 6, flJ7. VOL. VIII NO. W. TIT . . eaa-aa. Tin term of tlx Wtrn Carolinian W rf annum g: Hijji in -K.teJt ltutal iaiUKtiH H JVYrf4 I front, ell aubaeriWa at a dnUOCA. IM er tanknown to tit IMitof, Unlrat an Itliwi1 tro fcit aavjtiaintanr tfln," yy. Ha ppr AJsco,..-',, th flitof) tWtjl H rrrt Pul- Advriaemt will be inserted at fifty eenta p-r aiare forth fir lnrtio, aad twenty 4v c entt for each ubefuei ' Alt lettate eddrwaed te the fAfit, smart e ftti.pdJ, or they may not b arte 14 la aaaBBa-, , ..x " INTERNAL IMTROVr.MFAT. CAULTON, No. IV. . In the aecood of thete numbers it wn proposed to show, and it it hoped not tin auccessfullr, that for inland transport tion, etpeclally in our climate, Kailway are preferable to Cenalt. Thtf are cheaper in the lint conn ruction. The iron Railway rot not' more thin hlf ranch at a Cnl between inch dUiant eittemitica at 'ha eattern and weaiern prta of our Sure. And if it be nude of timber having a strap of iron on the top, the expense would be reduced probably to half of what it would be. if mn'i o' iron. Not only i the cost ol the Rail road let at first, but it forever continue! to in maintenance, repairs, quantity of travelling, and the numerout bridge over Canal not necessary to a Railway. Il it my object now to five more full and cornicing evidence of these truth, it ehall b ucblduct.aa feva jpJururt elimination. .It invite and eolicii in vestigation, not theoretical and fanciful, but practical, and such at It confirmed by the iocobteatible auihoiity of experi ment! already made. Anderson wasamnn of practical knowl edge on these aubjectt. The conrlusiont hich be alatet are worthy of our confi dence at derived from actual observation. One horse, says he, can draw with ease tjpon a Canal twenty tont, and he wiil do Ihia travelling at the usual rate of ho-ses io a waggon, on a hard smooth turnpike road. . lie then aayt that the tame hone, on a properly conttructed Railroad, can carry the tame quantity of goods in the jaroe time. Mr. Joseph Wilket in 1790 mated thai a horte of the ! of lwMy p""l sterling," which it one hundred dollars of our money. drew along the declivity of an iroo road deJcenditig two-eiehta; and talf an eiRht ofan inch in i yard, twenty one carriages or wbrko" laden with coals and timber, weighing thirty-two tent, Orercomintt the vh inert:, repeatedly trith ease."t By overcoming the r! in ertim, it meant the starting or the waoni from state of rest : and every one nowt that thle ia the reteu difflcultf .in .draw ing, on any given aurfxe. The same horse," continues Mr.Vllkes, "drew up the same declivity, five tons with ee " It will readily occur, that in a trade be; tween a seaport town and the upper country, the weight or tonnage to be car ried towards the sea is vastly greater than is returned into the country. It will fol low therefore, that a Railroad may be properly made to descend in a very small degree, so as to favor the draught in the direction of the heaviest transportation. It is upon thta principle that the state ment here made it to he' understood. If Railroad descends five-sixteenths of an inch in a yard, it is at the rate of very nearly forty six feet in a mile. Mr. Wilkes also says, " that when the descent vas an inch and three quarters in a yard, St was necessary to slipper or lock the wheels, to prevent the horte being over powered by the weight pressing upon him." "On a different Railway one hore, value thirty pound," or one hundred and fifty dollars, "drew twenty-one waggons of five hundred weight each, which with their loading amounted to forty three tons and eifiht hundred weight, the de elivitv beine one inch to a yard ; and up rihOtme fte-afterwardvdrew aeve4n4 "In the summer 01 uos, a tnai made on the Surry Railway by Mr. Bankes, wherein horse taken indiscrim inately out of a team, drew sixteen wg Kons, weighing upwards of fifty-five tons, for more than six mile a-along a ievel, or -i:Lci .ottninrr nnri nf the Rail-. I ar ft TTof one Imle accustomed to complicatecT See M A sji raon'a Kecreations." It maV be proper eipb-W -t ayf tbatbv a ton Is. here. irwntaa-uol Q hundred weiebt. :.ff,Rees",.Cycl)padiair Article Canal, p.&, Uradford'a editithkdelplTa::u.; i It may be well to explain that a wneei n ometirhei made toabdedown a hill not upon the tire, btit upon a plate of iron turned up on ach tide to confine the rim upon it, ami attach ed to the aide of the carriage by a chain. Such a plate of iron ia called the ahoe or alipper. It it preferred because it prevents the tire of the locked wheel from wearingtmt faster than that of the others. , . $ To tpreed the preswre of large biirUens upon a Railroad, as well aa for other reasons, it ia customary to employ a number of waggon in auecetsion each connected by a tUain with the prjecding;- Now aM tSeta are so many unnuestion able facts. 11 the tame circumttancet be renewed, and the tame results will be experienced before' bur owncycaTahi for our own benefit. The law of nature do not cBinre and if lattimonv tkta Om max twtiarwa)f riivdt whaU'U say bar tktll be tufheient lo famova our oVtubta and perpart us to avail ourseltct of the great and important practical truths which) H it Ht object to ettablith f The tons, the 3) tuna, the 43 tont and 8 hundred wcifht, and the 35 tont, can be drawn as easily in Ameiica as in l!ngl.ind. V k fwtw ikiit mwwi fMir rnminnn rnarta: it Isket the forre of four or five lionet to, draw two tont ; that it, one horvr at Icatt it necettarv tt hjlf a ton. If one horte then on a Riilwav. ran draw twenty tont with eae, it fllow that he will da at much at fortv horet utually An i:i our common trnportjiion. If howeer, a rood horae canon a Railroad draw thirty five lont, he pcrformt at much at teven tv hortet d upon our roadt. Should we take the third of lhee numbe rt, namely forty-three tons, to ny nothing of the eiicht hundred weight, then the effect of a horte applied in one way. it to hit effect in the other, at one 'o eigh'y But one ctte of njil trial ttill remaints Mr. rjjnkea tells fut he made U himsrlf, and hit tetiimony it recorded for our in for mation. He haretrd a hone to the foremost of sixteen wagRont, weighing together fifty five tons and the hore car- Tied WAjn,Jo.s'ar'1 lMlA.uPf?n. ,.,ee., Railroad, or it il had any declivity, it waa to tlight at not to be estimated. This it making one horse do as murh at a nun dred and ten. 1 hetc nunc are to at lohithinc that we are teady'at firit io pro notmce them incredible. They are how ever incontestable nrl stubborn fact, and not to de denied.. And whv slmuld we be ditpotnl to dittrost them I They re veal tout power of . Mechanism, on whic h we cannot set a tuffxicnt vjlue. It it properly subject of the highest intr ret and exultation tocverr man, esjieciiny o every cititcn ot a tree ami einiiuciicu community, that our opportunist are tutreptible of tnch alvnoit inronccivaWe enlargement, provided we will unite i:h one another to t-rTact the object. Shall the aubjreo of uionarcliic j think nothing of employing themselves in scuititig.tht advantat;e of ihia prodiRiu tRicicuty, and wa. who claim ll the enefjtlet of pec aonal and publiciiberty. sit., still with our arms folded," and gjre "at what they'do as tbouRh it were vitionary extravagance to imagine any th'tiik like it within the com- .. e r l il l . A It appear then not an ccreitive or gratuitous assOnip'lon' when i: was aster-j0y ted.tbal aa larue a tonnage could be car riagc by a given power upon a .."railway at upon a vaoai. uur incre-aro uiucicu. ways of.compving their eflicacy, and if Oils according jo every, view, be much the same in both, we shall be left to con sult their circumstances in determining our choice of them. "Without calcula line," savt a practical writer, " upon ihc immente loads of thirty tnni and upwards which have occasionally been moved by one hone upon a level Railway, we can state that an active horae Weighing ten hundred weight conducted by only one man, upon a well constructed edge -Railway, will work with ten tons of goods. In the same manner we may take thirty tons as employing' the effective labor of one horse and three persons upon a Canal. Prom which it w ill therefore appear, that the expenso of trackage per ton is pretty much the same in both systems ; while the first cost, and consequently the toll or dues, mU'it be greatly in favour of the Railway Nothing has yet been said respecting the locomotive engine. Ry this is meant a steam engine propelling a carriage by which it U borne", as the steamboat is moved bv the "engine fastened ; into it. This contrivance strikes us as approxima tinnM?r&tK,nr bjr imitating an animal power. It is independent, however, of animal force, and hat the advantage in uniting energy with the untiring property of mechanism. It were to be wished that a description at once brief and easily in telugtble. could, be given oi tbts engine hot this i . acarrelv. notsible. The mind e mac hinery , soon becomes fatigued' and confused, and his curiosity is disappoin icdr "AVracttial rnspeCTion irtctteHfian an hundred attempts to describe it, and 'ii in f Tgoad engraving; -make -it" ajly comprehensible. It is hoped, however, that we shall feel no less assured to the perfection of this gigantick automaton, as it may well be called, for the purposes to which it is applied, than if it Were before our eyes, and performing its operations with all that elegance, gracefulness and power of movement which excite at once the BdmTraiioii and astonishment" of the spectator. Oh the Hetton Railway in din. Encyd. Article Raiivoy p. . Am, td KntUnd, It has been for sorra) lime In dm. Mr. WiliUm Strickland, CM Englnoer of ttnl'Tfn'0(iT..fot-.InienaJ Improvement, witnetttd 1 operatloos, and ha tells us Its coat It four hundred rMMamd Marling, ax oToitaa4 OOllarv 1 bit tent leman- treat to tnauhd to tba employment of the Soctcy to -enlarge hit viewt, and bring bark important In formation retpecting Cirala and Rail roadt. lie says that "this Loeamativf engine hat drawn on a levellwenty seven waggons, weighing ninety bur ions, at the rate of four miles an bor, and, that when lightlv laden it will trarl ten miles an hour. The warpont draw by il cost twen'y-tirhl rxxindt sterling etrh, that it a ii'jtKireo aim mny uoiurs . . I.. lorty dollars l he wag gon bodies arc teven feet rule inches long, five feet wide at the top, yid three feet six inches deep. The wheels are three feet in diameter, and weigh eatb two hundred and fifty pounoV"f l or further aatitfaction I thall extract a tatrment from Mr. Jettop, a noted civil Cngineer of Kngland These are hit wordt. " A hcomoth e erfJJThe of len hortet power, will draw one hundred and twenty ton-,, a'. :he rate a draught horte generally travel; or fifty tons at the rate of six milet an hour. The engine re rtuiret the attendance of onlv aaauautd a ooy, at a Uj.ir expense oi uc loinina, (tterlins ) " The coalt cootumed in ten , hourt ould be from twenty to thirty hundred weight. .Tbefefore '.b expente altogether would be lett than thirty shil ling per davrfor which fifty tool may be ronvcred sixty miles in ten hours, which it Icm than rulf a farthing per ton 'per mile. So that making ample allowance for drlavi, the return of the empty cer rien, the com and maintenance of the ermines, and providing the waggons, the txnente is altogether inconsiderable."! But. while these proofs arc detailed of )he Rrfat vanjjet 0f Railroadt, in rompariton ith CanaU, on which the j ..eim ecine cannot be used, it is proba- b!e more embarating difficulty Is sug getted, than any relating to the great value and importance of these advantages Ii 1 not so much from double retpectinp; the eff.cacv of a Railwav. it will be laid that we fjuejtion its expediency for ua. hot from the vast lundmeceasary to idc ronttftKti'Mi of it. Now it is my Inten tion 10 show that this ia not a real didcul ty. Let us come to it at once then, and look at.iu'iQ allita urrots... -Tie number "of taxable "po'llsln the State of North Car olina, is a hundred and thirty five thou and. This number is derived irom tr.e : Com pt roller' Report of last year ; An annual payment ol thirty seven cent rrtch individual. raises aronco th tuift ; f f.fty thousand dollan a tear. Let any one try 'n numbers for; brmself, or - lei his neighbour tb do H foi him m, ! he will find it to be so. It cannot be 'that the payment ol 37 cents a year upon each poll for five years, It ao great that we ought not to consent t6 it provided we are made sure of the result. It is upon this condition then that it is proposed, and uoon this alone, that it shall be ade quate to procure to the citizens of our state, so eaty and to cneap a conveyance for their goodt and productions, their manufacture! and their mines, that when it now costs them thirty dollars, it shall nnt rot them one. Let a Railroad be commenced at Newbern under the direc tions of a proper Engineer, such as now can be easily had in the United atates; let ii be constructed in as direct a line as possible to Raleigh, and thence continued through the middle of the state to the mountains. In two yeara and a half it would be extended far above the Capital of the State. Through this it evidently ought to pass,'as centrally situated in re gard to the general direction of our boundaries on the north and touts, and as being our metropolis, its growing impor tance., otig-ht to be fottered with affection and interest by us all. It is not to be doubted thatil-thejum-of fifty thousand dollars were by a Legislative determina tion of the Stale, annually appropriated for five years to this purpose, and capi talists were invited and permitted to sub scribe fifty thousand more, the sum would be, realized instantly and in the best of jhandsror can we auppose tnere wouiu be rany diHicuTty inT Tfiptutiorf 61 Ihe same 'hing every year for the whole time of five years necessary to the work. More than fifty thousand dollars .a year :o hej thus sobsaibed,. should not be admis- 8ibie:rror should the tal be allowed to hope lor more than eiKnt per cent, after it should become produc tive. For it is necessarily understood that the dividend to be paid must be made good by tolls uppn travelling and, trans portation. On tbis account the whole sum subscribed should be understood from the begging "to be Returnable by the State, in five years from the time of f Strickland's Heportt pp. i fee the 5Xmc o:k PP : 28, 29. - i.:a completing the work. It Ii of the ' last Importance that the publtck should not PiCub.tbek.pawer.ot.rall-xuoti works calculated to facilitate xommercial intercourse. -This it the nnlirv now svisciy ana resolutely pmuted-in otkrr Sti?tt, ed to this trery cotrotry djtceet In its economy should tenaciously adhere.. The rtader now hat under hit view such a plan as naturally results from tb best methods of providing for the etae and chctpnett of commercial intercom and from combination of all the interest of the State in carrying into effect a tin gle enterprise. It hat been the object of thete humbet, I. io thow with con- clutive ei'l-t"C in the present ttate ol the arts, the bett and rheapett methods of opening the matket to the people of the Nate. Ii it by mesnt ot liailroadt instead of Canals, or any other imirumcn- ijli:v which we can adopt. Indeed if they be preferable to Cnalt, noi.e will hesitate to think them superior to all other means of intercourse. 3. It ia re rommemlrd to commence a Railroad from Newbern to Raleigh, and thence through the middle of the State to the mountains. 3. As soon at it can be made Io appear that this will with certainly accomplith the object of throwing open lo the people it,caf im. .una ft" ,i)iui coodt and produce lo the hett market both domettic and foreign, it it taken for granted that there i not a citizen of the Slate who would think it oppretsive io him to pay annually" thirty teven rents aa epolKtox amounting toon dollar and eightr five cents a piece in five years, for effecting in thai time this great and im portani object. 4. It is no undentood that the work can Incompleted by the two hundred and fifty thousand dollar thus ried at the rale of fifty thousand dollart a year, but that combined with like turn to be subscribed annuallv bv capitalists, returnable in five year after the work it finished, it will be found am ply iuffiricni for the intended object. V and lastly. Refore resolving to com mence rbe execution of (hit work, hav ing for it objert the individual and public prosperity of our Siate, a Civil Tngineer of unquestionable integrity and practical kill be trnploved for a year lo determine and report to 'tne LrgWsuire and me people qn the practicability, the expense and all the merits of such a work. " Ii i hoped that every individual wil! ee the wisdom of declining all prepps "seasidnt on a subject like this, relating not I onlv to the general good, but to the per sonal interest of every man. It is pro posed in our luture numbers, to sci ihjt mailer much more fully before us. Il is believed ibat where any undertaking will certainly be for the good of a free and enlightened people, they will, with full. nnnnrliinitv. ee It to be SO. And it is the ereat and distineuishini' advantage of a " . . . . Donuiar covernment mlar government that- it is .amnion-. tered by a power winch will be laitniu! to the inlcitit and bapplnrts "of the whole. CAKLTON. September 24, 1827.. rE.tCH TliF.F.S. This is the season to destroy the pest which kills this valuable tree ; just above the surface of the earth you will now find a Rum, which Issued from the wound which the worm ha made in bis ravage on the root, and of the eating and of this gum he has formed a sack, in which he has enclosed himself, about an inch in length and of a dik biown colour; look ing much like tobacco thrown away after chewing. This contains on insect jutt ready to come forth with wings ; it is of if,, i i.i.rV. and looks much like a f .... r m wasp, not to long, nor with the small mid JVHUIIIUI UIUV" die of that inser t, but having round his ht . r-.n nf.i hrifht orange colour- in " "' . " ... . U, a few days ihcse insects win ue at matu ritr,,and they immediately commence a new work of, destruction, by depositing near the rwtt of the tree their nitSv or vouno-. which in time are riuickened and tommenerTBttng-againv Ii-i-auppoed that a covering which will prevent their access to the root of the tree, will preserve It from damage. j ni.onnr df.eT)? -..Ka' could I drink hot blood, ;.r And do tud) buinei .the bitter day .; ' 'outd rjtktfcc M4t mtlif0M' - A man in the city of Augusta noi long since sent for a physician to bleed him. W herbe - arm . - bM.nd, ..the .Doctor asked for something .ta...clcb the blood. The twtial le foii tliat purpose- were offe red, but all refused by rhe patient , who demanded a tumbler. In this he caght the blood witlj his own hand, and when it was full, after ordering the doc tor to stop the blood, he put the' tumbler to his mouth, and drank off its contents ! ! On the doctor's expressing his horror at the deed, the patient said he bad several times bled himself to get the blood to drink- it was the Best phyk be could Co-VartntTsrily. NOTICE...... The Mibarrihrn havina; rtrtnWt tMM&-rtmm.m- frth trtniaetirr of a twoi.Kui.r. - ; - ?rr7. or"' Cenminien Duuriftt, patrwr.r.- ttannK made ih tverwatry anai.p. ' menta for Ui better cnrvlnctinj nf a fVmm.rt.u . m, for th atofsf of LOTTOS, a ff, au wantial, avl well built fini lor the tritpna. tiHi of all produce that may he entnjatrd to" their care i vith a plrlpr that no want nf at lrntKft on their part in lh farilitatinir uf all Cofflmiarlnn Ruainrat they may be favor I with, rhe r (lltf thrmarlvra with I lie liope of giving try general aatiartrti'm. Tnrir Warc-lliMiae ar mom rrailv fir the errptioii of rmintry pmluee ren-rtly. Cotton be rvcrived oil urKr, aibl here, or aliipped eaatike, if rtouirrd. I hry hav now on barvl a very gnertl aortmn.t of tmnrr.Nlhs , with a hravv aturk of rsery aitictr in thtir line, mUkii ia rll Mlrrtnl i ml hirh tlify (latlrr them atlvrt tlicr ill be ei.ihlrri lo nlTrr on a r l term ai any llotiae ihia mV of llaltimore. iiortons k nnroN. FuMrtiintlf, Jt'ifml n. M7. 75i( Vuudbe Vropertj BF.N'; leteriiird upon rtrrvuving to the VVftrm l.'oontr. the subscriber offer fur tmlr thr bolr nf hit valnablV poawaaioiia, hinp on the tiHlth aide of I he Yadkin river, and or, both tidrt of (irant a Creek, ailioiniua; laiuit ot Jamca I. t-nnf, Adam ttlllrr.aiKl iHbers lfteb 2 ami 6 milra of Mali-bury. Kn cminlv, N. C. There it, in all, KXK) acre of Ijmd. a (onil portion of aihirh ii fir l rale land in ihr rounts;. n the premisei there are a good tmis'iy BrlXnthut, ttrn-tHh, iuhlri, amt all tife. arv aww. . Jl ruJVxMnt quantity if ld i under ctiilivatMtn, nrofdably toensplo ! or 1.5 band . with autTictent quantity of rxrellent meadow fnnind ckareil, to amsver all u'rpw, and a con'iderahle quantity uncleared. Tb land ii luacrptible of brin. and will be, a ma) auit punhaaer, ills klcd into two or nioro pljntjtiiiu AIo, ill he d'upotd if, the lubtrti her'a intereM 'the half) in the valuable Mll.1.4, rll knoan'aa .onf'a Millt, firs lrnt' Creek, between 3 ami 4 milrt from Salithuo . I In- uliM-ri!ier linnij ilr'rrmiiK J to aril, all the above pmp ny, or any part of i, will be dipoa-il of on the moat acronimoilatinc; terms to the purchari. IVrvma ,b 'irxn tf purchaiing, are iiviie.l to r limine the premi ses which, in " ahstnee, will be ahown by my brother, Jamt, I. Imj. living near l.ong'a Icrrv, or t my thetM-ef, on the preniiws IUCIID. W. UlNf,. n.- v,., n.t, tvjT. ro'f teftm Wnat -NOKTII CAUOUNA. flHIS boat ij in wmplete order, ami will .JL-.commence running to (H-orgclown and CharleMon, on the first f October, ami Witt' furry produce at customary rate. The aub- arriber will apare no exertion to expeuile the tri'tuportalion of produce and (,-omU to and from either -of the above plarr. 'I hia. boat hai wmuIc atrip from. Charleston, witb a full, bright in k'ta than five daw. We have a pole hoat now m 'he itoeks which will be- launched bfrt -4br Vfrf -Mav vender. rilciilHte,! to earn- live iiinuireit baiea jot cotton, arid of o rht a Irfl of water, aa to 1 1 v i i . . ii i . i l.;. I...., rn,o,eu ... ... conjunction with the iteam boat wfcnMire. the certainty of up and dn n f rt Iglits, vnthmit delay. The ubcriler will rert-ive cotton io freight on mixlerate teini, and make no charge for bturage, if thipped by llii-ir boat. Thty will aKo receive and forward poods, on reonahle term, having comniixliom "atnrea and wart--houses, for the .erurity of good,. Mr. Henry W. Conner, the sjent in Charles, ton, will attend to the rereiving and forwarding all gnoda to this or any ii.tcrmedinte placea on the Pee Dee river, and ill rcrnve. and atteiui to all order r pec!ing coitnn that my be tent to hit cue. 'I he subscribers pledge thein aclves, to use all diligence and attention in their power for the interrtfi of those who may make consignments to them. J. t ,1. H. IOWNKS. CArrati-, .S. C. rpt. M. 1827. 8t9t AI.L persons indebted to the rHtatr of Snrab lluir'n lute of Montgomery couutv.-dee'd. !are requeued to aettle their accounts ; and a!) persons having claims againM the eatate ot Haul 'gaily authenticated, within the time limited by Sarali Hams, will present ne.n mi ; una e law, otherwise Jlie acts ot assembly in aucn rase made and provide I, ill be plead in bar. DAMFL HAKIMS, .Un'r. ...Jtunt qimeiy eom'S, A .. fcr-.rr 18A. IH27. 3i87 V W er oWarHl rw ari : RAN sway from the suhsciilx r, on the 15th . ins. an apprentice to t'it caqier.ler's trade, by the name of .forth 11 msuir, about 17 years of age. I lo epi ct he - gone to Stokes coun ty, where hi mother liven, she lett ahshury about that time. He mav ps-stor a bla-knnith,-aibe first ' waa bMiii.a to T f!ards -9 ajw-to learn le liarptHlK't.UadcJLM. w ill give the' above 'rew ard r any fwrm that iU bring him To'Saliabury . " - h JOHN Al.llfttCHIT. ..jfjcjt..l9tH!7.. 5 Yr' WilkrTeoMtyrOrt'lw-Oili.of Mar, I827,a vl negro man who says his.inm" in SANDY ) he is 5 feet 7 or 8 inches hii;h, about 25 years vrry black, tpeaks qiutk, lias loat aome of hie ujipi r front teeth rather on the left side, both ear cropped, nd h belongs to .latnf UlHCkmen, t.nca'i"-r insiric:., -ou;n ...aiomia, who purrba'ed him in tbe lower pitrt of irj't !tate, and 'liat lie if n m master ueiow imi- lotte." I he owner is desired to come tml ;irov bro.xrty, pay charges, and tke the rier? iwav. CHAULCJj I'llELTS. .MajZltr,lTJ. -II l

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