lift i-1 'ft i i -V s i a ft: I : ILi... 'I; f i. V(. . It'. i ' ' . 1 A. i M1 r It 1 1 " 1 11 'Hi.' to v.. f.iar. DE WITT CUSTOM. De Win Clinton, third ton of genera Junta Clinton, Wat born In the ytur IT69 , at the family realdenct, In Ortnte cnun ' Ir. la tbe suit of New-York. AAir at tending to the fits! rudiments of education, he entered grea.frtr school, taught by ' I ho Kev. John Moffat, Presbyterian tier iril.lo dtUinrtiUhcd academy ( Kinr ' lion, conducted by -Mr. John Addlaoo. He commenced Uw Mud; of Ibt law, to IT tK Uk 3motl Jat eq. telebrt t.d c ounce nbrYtecond to none of hit pro- elected a member of iiumblr for the cl ft of New York, without opposition. Do t ber chief rnaglttrste, and her most Ent'rofi(Ungsn iTngUnd, Utefyi lavorea torn no o uftu 19 c m i touna; udf ncn in nanatomc; wit ncta abuse and rldlcoleof bit favorite scheme I to bail, for entrapping a young gentleman of Itnpwemtnt, cbinged lo admiration into Urttna urtea marriage I and applause, and ? an party prejudice There era litbuand loot of CoppV tlclJt labia comprehensive mind, the M1 m.m.f.driif r ifinom Li Sir..U,r : i .i ' ....r..i i - t .r :: - r . , . : ' wmminuiiwm ir w-t rT,....w. . yermoflt (h wont art owned by a attentive powertthst rare! MlUihi company h Dutioo. and tou'cJi of iha cop pralse f aa active public men. Da Win , j, ,f,ft(ported tothat place by land. Uinianwaemerrica o "na s-ranaun, :., aa eminent end opulent merchant of New . ...u.i. i.l.u i York. Br tbia lady ha bat been blernd r Tr Y.a ! sT ..i T'" .TT- ! Aial I i.r... rut... .....a., i- with anamerou. family of children. itre.m Lata g'wloui Being creature, In- Ting Jhla eetaiof), Robert H. Utinptoo wat propoM id a roreraofr lo. oppoutjoa toJoSo Jr,anl flir. Clinton wrote loa addreaa lo the electort In fat or of iba for fner renileman. Mr. Jav, howererf auc eeedad In hit electloo. Mr. Clinton wai at ihit period cbaen a member of tba nnata lor four reert and. In that body, had (he plcature lo mee; ea memtwrt, hit old preceptora, Additoo and Jooet. In the tpriog of I 00, the current of pub lic opinion wat turned in favor o! the political party to which Mr. Clinton wat attached, and they aucceeded at tbe elec tion of that year by a large majority. The oppotite party had, at ibit time, a majority in the aenate, and in Mr. Jay, aa governor, they poiactted a mott ret- Scuble and decided eiecuiiva officer. r.Cliotoo wat choua a member of the cooncil of appoiwmen, between whom and I ha governor, a violent ditputo aroae retpecting the etclutivr right of nomina tion, which, wbil it latted, autpended.all appoi(vtmentu.Oa the Sdhof rcbruar;, tba governor rtpre tented tba conduct o - tha council lo lha aaaembly, and on the irth or March; thlt rfprtientatU wMl"Vl, rk rV followed bv a lone; arrumenutlve iMtr,.!?'lf b' ,her written by Mr- Clinton. The tubject be fhg left to the Hate convention which regulated tha number of leRiilaion, that bodv pronounced, on tbia much contro verted point, in favour of the council. On tha 6ih of February 1803, Mr. Clinton wai appointed a ttnator ol the United Siatet, in the place of general Armttrone;, wbo had reaigned, and on the 23d of the earn month, he look hit teat in the aenate, of which he continued an active member until October 1803, when he tetired, hav ing bren thon mayor of tbe city of Sew-York. The journal! of the Senate Mar evidence of hi aittntion lo hit orucia dmiea. The part ha took in the debate on the oppotiiion of . Mr.. Rout 19 aeize Hew Or!en. aerved, rratly, to dittin- gulah hjmv.ln April I805fhavingbeen'aenl again to the ittcmUr, be brought for ' wartT in that body," a plan fur the defence of New York, which wat adopted, and ap propriation! voted to carry it into eiecu tion. He continued to preside over the police of New York, until tha 9tbof March 1107, when he wat aucceeded at mayor - of - New Yarkr- On tba -3tb cl . Ai.rch II 10 he wat appointed, together with Cverncur -Morrill Stephen Van Rensat Jeer. William Noxth,.Thoma Eddy, Sinv i,. eon DeJVVitt, and Peter B. Porter, a com . DiitsionerTto rYportWTte Improvement or me internal navigation 01 the atate. At the next tession, the board of commit aionert made their firtt report, and a law wai patted, " to provide for the internal navigation of lha atate' In 1811, Mr. Clinton wat choten mavor of Ntw York, naving oeen auperaeded the preceding year, in consequence or a change ol par ty in tha city. This office he continued to hold, by annual appointment, until 1815, In It Id he waa chosen lieUt. governor of the State of flew Yorki and, in the following year, wat recommended at candidate for tbe office of President of the United Statea. by the unanimout voice of tha republican members of the State of flew York. On the 2jth of March, 18 If, he was nominated for the office of eovr .... T 9W - - ernor or tne atate 01 ntm xork by e vail najoiiiy of a convention of the atate 5 and that atate, which bad never before been without ita division and party feudi, sow xjuoiiea we at range and gratifying PllfHfw.0'" 01 enter magis- irare, wimout tumult and irritation, and it mfghte added, almost without opposition. To Mi Clinton, more than lo any oihe Individual, does New Yotk owe her lone- j U. Wur. active,' and met horioiia, ha Vr ? 'Z V, L jLul" ZlZi ' J ! aecood, probatdy.lo no roan in m UBt. cot PfU-lemenltt and wat gawd led Btalea. In tha great and trina. ? !! Inlaw lottrtil by lha crow, af atata and which U .. a mo Bnet wno mogaa as darkened reiideni, fid mart htl ttmMd hli Bame. ,h PPaIl,f iftwtlt , hie genius, and bit aervicat,. on more Mr Frev.ibt coovtrted Jew. recentlr naa maoe amongst tne diDerent tradei ... . lW.e,.,-r nf.t and professions. "A taint in crape it .lhK t 5li . r J 1 twice a tain, in lawn," PopaMnd ''XfftVf fc? yet ba.ell. g.ib.t "honor and .ham. I"!La , 7, monuments .f nubile munificence and a celebratei preacher lo lha Pedobawlit pnai niiuty. nr. viimon a personal eonneilo,aawwi . irr tlormdf becowie BkKAa.. t. V 1 I - J A af I tn a at a a t af a 11 uigniuca an Daptitt aM wat puoiiciy oaptiud a law ma lorm it lare ana wen proportioned-, oaekt eima. Bafi. ftr. nu neigh! above the middle also 1 hi. J,mM fc,el, trUd at Wlncheeter, V,. countenance la highly eiprasslva-hia eye fof ,h, aorder of Hugh Kaonady, hat uncommonly penetrating-bit pcnooal tn titd, after lying lo Jail ihret n.,m n --- . Thert It i irto In Meilcana, which la w.,MWiiH,mw1 aot.n6rih.taiancaaoottoucbanyof If lai am it mm f a.aua Lk 1 a, I . vi i.wiiuvi fiiTcvurauon, lOllt. hnirhM but II withers hrunil ciamine lha distinctions which society! w b ,, 1 ., Isli It 10 coo repugnance to . f A i ... . frnm . rM.t(,iA. .!.... i , nMinrocwvv a very lauaaoia undone- irua by the lawt of oature Iba former I 6, bf-tbf'ciairei of aocletf."Whrhr-.1 - One of lha largest end most tolendid liwyer it mora retpeetable than a doctor, j fb9T' t,,r ,h niied Statea or amarcaaoliban a farmerjt a out,,', roorcinif ITtaai variety, hat iUn bai it not yet tenUd by her lighi M"I' beougbt from IiaJvtAdU mlghtinett, fashion but with rtsDect 10 Pw oepoaited al ur. Uoolrich't la State . . 1 - " I . n fT. . 1 f ina-oiuarcnt nnt-mitt f ir.f--.w . k.wrrtjT( ooMna 1 nit vat aM ,k... dcawtr h.diatincUooa, havinr conaalttdl''10" hvr In addition, thla-BetulIari- nciiner reason nor rhyme, and governed "y are maoe antircir 01 wtx. It it otelv by her 00 whlnatr A butcher oriinooi,0D fpoudol for 8100. instance, it considered br tociciv at bum- I A new town la 10 be buDt on ik Rt... . . . ' . ' r- i .. . --w "i'wi nor 10 a oaKer and why.m ibt name ol Marks, florid-, to bo called Mgna all thai'a eatable f They, both cater for IU Tha ilte choten It about five milea tha appetite of man w forni.hca the distant from the fort of St. M-rkt, and It slaughtered calf, and the other the gener d to be secure, healtHf, and verv ad out grain, which alike tupport life one vanngeout for trade. St. M.rka Itvelf U Cuith America ?otwuljtfin!ing tbe strong expedition of peace between the Pratilitfl and Huenoui At rem (Jovcra- mentt, it tecmt that lha war it fiercely waging, tnd tha blockading tqutdront of both are materially affecting the commercial latercourte generally. ' - . , im tae latviaaat eatrrra. A report obtained verv general circula tion at Mooie-Vldeo that Admiral Drown had resigned hit situation et Commander in Chief of the' DuenoVArrtairtQwadfwiw and moch tenMiioa waf aicuad la con- Kduence. amone'iha frkndt of tba Ra puWic, and : a propbrtlohata cinltatlofl mw tha BraiiHHr Tha , report- It mentioned fa tba Pwvwo A'reaa mwi .a Ia a l. a w " uteiy rccervca at our cuiwe, wunout coo tTadkUonXroni which jg Infer that it it t roe, or elaa lit publication b intended aa a deception for tha purpose of rendering Urown ijutura naval ope rat loot more af fectlve. - Novcwsca a. xkt. The New York Daily Advertiser states, upon the authority of let ten received in that cltf, that lha condition of lha Rcputr lie of Central America it highly pro. per out The rebellion hat been completely put down, and the government have pot session of 81. Salvador, which fcr tome time held out ag.intt them. 8ome of tha leaden of tba revolt have been thot and othcrt have been pardoned. Commodore Porter. The Marv Beck etl, at Philadelphia aa on tbe 38'h ul off Cape Antonio, Iba Meiican quadron under lommodore lortVr, conslstkig ol the frigate Leberted, brigs Guerrero, and Helrnan. and sloop Surprise. Tt Capt. wat o'dered on board tha i-ommodore a Wp, 4Md waa treated poliialy. While Porter it thua cruiaing In thi ilda" feif, Com. Laborde, the Spanish commander, with morv than double roner'a force, ia tnogl? moored in tba harbor of Havana, afraid to come out. -' Urp Mwwu-Al a Silrrtl kurt, Uitr,i, the vkinity of Lycoming, feiwylanla, aUe pf. ton. kilUd la ana day 601 Kpilrrawt tw p,. son. killed 308 1 and ee af these tae, with e hundred balk, shot Pa atpjimk A detach, went af $000 each turkasea, with Jaekto t lead thaaa, would give a good aceount of JOJta) !0rTir9p eawmaadad by WtDingtoa kit, atlf.'wba aalgbt have dttmifrji6ifc4Z' aouatr)F at aay point. Jtweph Wet baa beta aaanJnottaty Hi, U4 atayof of f flttadelphta. - -' -. ' -! , CtpcMiijoiTU body ca Maa las bera found on the wW of lake Ontario, Tin vti tktnj by tha aurf, which la pronovnoad ta be that Capt. W. Morgan,' who ia auppeacd lo kt,( been' murdered tad lbrealata Mmm by aonve mX$Z3&irfalM7timX tin. Morgan, the wtfe, and Dr. Itrong. n. pbrvlciaw who pulled a tooth lor Uorp , abort tinse befere hla abdacUoo, have auouotl and prowaanoed tbe body hli, ahhovrk k L auch a state af putrelactloa that k ia difficuk u Uewtifyit. ferret eat, convict, and punub 4, BMrdererai' but deal bang the aMaoua., awpkioii, hr we bt lWve aeaw of then trt gm. Iea. Since Ibe diaeovery ot tbia body, It kauJ a snaa earned HiO, m Bufalo, baa cWemd be waa one of the BMtrdefera af Morgaat-ke btlwJ jo row tba bead out Into the river, and threw Morgan overboard. He ie la Jail, and proa&ea to reveaJ the names of hie aeeoaipCcea. Wheat ia to abeadaat ia Olio, tkM it mUmu ill eenta per btubtli It may be. bewrvw. aw. Ig to4ha scarcity of SBener 1 we net. 37 eents are gfvea, whea paid tor as gowk tt rvaiiya mat'croi aaiooiuimeni. It ap pears, from an eiaminalion of ita hiatorv, Ihmi in lha 1 7 OA it l deals in fire and the other in tword-are low. unwholesome, and frecjoeoTKftled.. 131 t and 1 hat in 1125, (a period of thir. they not on a par f A shoemaker ia more I W. U.r . k, j Irr fi.. .a n...A nt respectable than a coble r whv f one urMU. .Mn.M..L,L .l. 01 1 ink;,.n,, .,-.av- ..w- .Tim !k ll V !L men Sheldon tnd V.!e,, Cennetaee co. N Y. ' creas, it may be fairly I.:.: if r " w Chr Sec 'nated thai tba eltv will in future la the Z4i Ht jrtrter, we ttrkfa cafcuIatW what la likely to be tbeeleetorml vaV in 1829: W -Kfti. '' y."h r J .- rapid increase o tne ctiv of New York k . . i'""7 fiwvm ie Jackioa' Very liberal, indeed; Bat that ia aaoro th. J enua where I. the difference f It a hat ter more exalted than a tailor f The one covert u the dome of fhoug!it, the palace of the soul P his vocttton it cenainlv a the Aead-mbt turmountt the rrewa ; but "C"' wuteio man wovld .tie fa General to receive. Now we should have at better aliased, had you riven ta even a Ir. lauroSer. raiher than iVorth-CaroGaa ehouldbe pot dawn ulmtkJUf But e bare a corml- A-,. 1 estimated thai tba Crtv will in future en-waaew n, that Geo. Jackaon wilt The New York Gegrtte mentions that doub'' P"polation In fifteen yeart I A I- be dependant oa partiaaa adninial ration Mom the Licu'enmt Washiogton, recently kil ,c"ini.' the present population to be abont I I 1 ... ' . AAA AAA ! Lt.ft . !. 11. ! . ra in ureece, 1 tne aame person that Vl''vw minr jtmn 11 wm, in an nu lately rrrmonced hit allegiance lo, and m,n Pfbability, exceed 800000 ! -eon rgVnn wSra aaaSik lk ..a, f .a. 1 nilfafMlv. fkaff itl rae MaAA Ia V.t2AK then lha l.ilor adomt tba graceful form United State., thvt this Hand will be nearly covered hit tnak.a mmh k.. .l A 8 Oartal lr ttie licuutr Minn.l. .hi. k r1 . v w . v . Dcwn. iiw mi nil .... . I, wbicb ' Wllh . den PP',,lon' In 'ha short pace KDSaUoa and th, aboda of pittionr II. D'U(, " ch.xc tement lately . In 1 ZZ IIZ " V"'""1. make, you either, gentle nun bra Uown, r" "' a,-.lw, h,d dretsed tbe I according so Wwill-youara eVUtmer r 1 cy to the fit of your habili . e edge of the menu and the effeet of vour; 5r"f,.,0flreMea ,de fnmense assembly la Broadway-thuextenaie h hit power, ' Toice ,oUmo ,nd fu" of r,inlf and ia not power retpecubility ? A mil ffattlt Snaket. ln tha TuksIoom f Aja maw ia mora retpccwa to eoUety tlun a Hms) Sentinel, of the S9th ulr. it i maniuamsner tne one makes hsltlhdl'hafK i. there an v thine on record ia mul thit I . . . A", r. Mirror. hr h election i but that hta refmnee win ba . the only legitimate aonrce of pofftkal pomn and sovereignty, tbe the loion. Tbe Pmident of the V. S. reached Waahinj. ton City onr W-dbestUy- evening, the 17th alt. after an absence af two or three aaontbi a Maseachuettte. ... ftAreM AA.Wn...:Th. T l'ri:--1r:.r-: v""B-:,uJ uo,WTtIr 0.. . - .. . oune iotn on, nti: " Firmi the beat inlm. upon th,, , tu'.jec, in our city (t.y, the I tiers we can obtain, it ZZ New York Sfieetator of th 1tiK ., .. ... .noc"lr7 Oel.ertf .hl,h U ..:. 1.1. .U . ' "J, lM"n"CT0l.N" reeeiv. Pi,,:.,!.... - i.f.. ".' """7 aa 01 tae so electoral, votes oftik irtle Orjikei anr tmn,,)).- r.i.n. i I i .. 'atate." In manyof the convention. i itut oome 01 mmiiM irnrtn. and u,mi . hwk . i .js. :. . . . . " . r . 7 T K. n..4 ... r... ., " -. " - vuiimir in. iruMi .1 Ik. umiuij.i ... .( .1 r-- ninini ana i goods! respectable aa a yard of tape f la not a A few pertona btva been bitten. One of h friend a of lha propagati a of chriiti in near! nra a . an AT fttawwam at' at . a ( poumf bf-cheete . honorable aaai; wWMh- .nffi ' B'.-an,,!!?r?.l Amerkw r,. " . . w,tiwr. of nin a hunch at nnSA. . , .i.i. t , T TTP-MttC O'tiB isilit waa felebra-" ,"B"U w wnieeTTne aenatwial di ol pins-a bunch of omont at a tkein of although wrekt have elapsed since helled I... week .1,.-. " ' "iricts. andi..nerfl,.r, i.w. - - 1 w wis aivi w wifr li" ' " " ""wMvai, wv tvw uwar tloned. Last evening a meeting of gen (CHntoiiinns "and" bucktaile) " have" wrmtnatei tlemen waa held to devise measures .0 Jsekao men for office. Thia looks squally fv increase in meant 01 the Board, aod im the nowera that b M.1T th. m. r Kf- part additional energy to its oper.tiona. York forJackaaa, will carry him Into tbe Preat which wat one from the Rev Mr. King, eUewhere. thread-Is not sugar equal to broadcloth, bitten bv on. of the largest tnaket, and molasses logini!hamtf CertainU. andhaaharJ tb h.,, .u L. . . . ...,, aIU, no (1 Kain, wny i a iWier mperjor to a not hle to travel yet but it likely lo do ihoemakerf He covert the backt of well." TVc ft . 7hiefC0?rr',lh!.feel of 7ht Bos,on ' ' . . ,JVfc v' Kr:ier upon, in a country town, to omciate at a momenl than th. back of aven Eclipte fUner.l afterconverti new ithlhemourn Now and whu then .r. .k... e Pyer, he went into eed, to be paid in annual insialmentt tion. made f It it easier .k . ! : . C0. w" fcp Te-r?. which w., led off by on. - -- wwa au answer the question ; to do surpasses our wisdom. But late from Palettine. and the Rev. Dr. Brecber. A subscrintion w.t rMnm... toaakthat 10 take a last view of lha lifeleM thy 5 nd gentleman with tha round turn of UflOO o the latter there he t,w decanlert, pitchers and ' 'loiUrt. The C. rgy put in a puree of are thr. lumki... i. . r , .... I:.:. "' .7 7 . . ."Pec,w in have been a thot kin line of Canals, and the vatt improvement of population and wraith which they have introcuced. w hen he proposed the mea aura, tbouaanda ttarted from it with fear and diatruslria the rash proposition of one - - .-'...-. .. . t m' -ii. . ; vnatost or 011 tcnermea " k fcnw the vast Txpenta of hilunderuklnT'tiiitf Mr-Clinton-to-lha-legislature,- but -I . know alto tha practicability of iha meat- -rrVajwtb4nfirw con tar on tne atate ; and I pledge my po litic! hopee on lha tuccest of the mea aure. I am content to rite or fall with its progress." liotwithalandine the suceeaa of the canal scheme and the floods of weal h-and population which it poured a I. a a m aionuiia wnota cnain, Mr. Clinton exper ienced the usual effect! of party proscrip tion, and after leaving the gubernatorial chair, he was even removed from the of fice ot " Canal Commissioner. eyerr vocation. The faithful mason who piiet one brick upon another, is th. -.i of him who makes the brickt, or of him wno burn, the lime which is used in ma king mortar. The industrious mechanic 1 tne prop of society, and to Inner k. 1.1 : - . . ' " Muoura omgeniiy and honestly in his vo- rauon, it. enutieq to jreipectabirttyr and no win receive it. A". Y. Courier. Fact:-A single mercantiln hrm.. nn ' T ww LKng wnarl. hat sold, ainre th l. Af ' - ' - WW VP January last, thirty teven thotuond bar re Is ot uennessee Hour; of which lest than 300 barrels have been ditposed of coast wiae . ibe remainder hat been sold to l??n,ry ,rdera, and chiefly those in the manufdPturinir Hlatet-W!""-"--- - - noiher house hat paid sincellhn i .1 01 Apriu ef Mnarrtf jtna Jtftu. Jhotuand aouan lor American Wool, purchased of fjrrnirrt and wool :fjTOf ?!'' -welongine; to the Ne'w'Erigsjarid ttatei ifid.dttScl' urn cm again 10 ine manufacturers of XNe w England. Botton fiaiar. The Boston and Canton Factory com pany imported, during five month.! nre- ceding the first of May last, one million fioundiof Smyrna wool j til of which is used in its own factory, in the manufac- v wiai 4 cmiea aegro cloth tng sight. Clay never waa more in the Dnmn.. than at preient. He hat but one trick left, aod if that doet not win, he intends to throw up his hand ha will advise Mr. Adamt to abdicate- . Mah. Cotiiumfition.An eminenr . - - r rf in vcrmonl, save " that from nerton.l knowleiW nineteen out of twenty case, of rfUllllmM!.n . 1" I . . ! ' ', .. ""." "remnica originate in light fypSng aUHKrTh Gnad Jury of Tori Diatriet, 8. C. have presented, at a griemicr, tb. onnecciaary number of Tippling bouse ia ne gnevaoee exists elsewhere. that district. limn rfnll... liiil . .1 r RMM . secretary of ,b. Wry 4 ty of Monroe would do a. much a the , ,. nominated, ia the Scioto individual above referred to; and before ( ) Cuet,e M ,h Adromistntioa candidate the meeting closed, the substrtpjionv for ,he Viee "dency. James Barbour, St& upon the spot amounted to the sum of rtUry wr' WM nominated in a Kentucl; one hundred and three thousand dollar t. Pa?r tely, for the same office. It having been denied in the Wew-York pi- c.7r and Henry. .- During the week Pe" friendly to Gov. Cfintot th. he will be 1 of the Race, on Long Island, (New'York)tCMdidate r the Viee Prseaidcney, (or that the celebrated hone Eclipse was told on the second day, at alio hit competitor, tecNonrbfonrmder pchajed by i. yt tie Beilowt Fallt paper. Kou IJfV:uwHrg7olTinr might a. well attempt to put the tail of cou"1' L 'iC,,l . . - . . ii.nrH tfm v. inn IWI oiw live rel into curling paper, a. to make mem credit it. - - Mah. The New York Daily Advertiser con tamsa li of all the. tbioainir in the Har- uor qi new-lork. on the lat Ortnh.r thev .mounted to Od Shins Ita Brit 1 or ;?cnoor,ert.-l&7 aioona.3l Tnm. t. ....... ........ . Ti ooart ijj 'ttS'tt-tfdtt"T otal f Mi Tl - . ' a ' ' ai- ne aoove it exclusive ol a treit numoer of toatttnar veasela employed on the Sound, tba North - River, and elsewhere. for 28050 and (Theae are encouraging facts, the eiis- ' a . T The subscriptiont for the Chesapeake and Ohjo Canal amount to more than 81,500,000, tha turn which the company cquirea to be tubsenbed be tore com mencing operation!. In Wathineton Citv. M-oo have been tubsenbed, and in OeoffeefoVn. R42S.OOO inrludirnr lh Mr. Exra Trull hat, nt an expense 0 about J5bu,ooo, built a Uistillery in Bo. ton, ut the junction of Portland and Mer, rimack Streets, in which "are daTly"made 1 too gallont of rum - The lengtb of the ouiiamg, wnicb is ot brick, and itandt on r ipot that wtiTovered witb talt watet-a year or two since, it 150 feet, tha width 8Att-.tidIatitlawla'arMli of excellent water,.l&e cost of wbieb wat nearly 85000. be would even .re.nt at k f " VIHVD W I ' percbanoa t bo elected)' aom:o4U:Tiii)err peak Quite eeriouely of hit pnwpeett of a m-tctsirfffflw&r-i.rnrrfhribc PKsiJac itself! Thit bare aup-mirxtmn t. nwrkwi r- - morsel for jbe enrmiea of Gen. Jackson: they teito upon it, announce Mr. Clinton a candidate, and proclaim to the world that the friendiof Jackaon are divided t, But tbia iaa'wrakdf Vc.ofJh4rjemy.,.Gov. not tH to oppose Gen. JacksoiC ball imia'der"' ted to jht ffmi ,t the 'Tjireideiawa W - thwart them in their choice. . ... T . . . . new pence or them, however, mjlitatea no litUe lscrioiion nt ,h, rornnrxinn f .1 rvi wmwm m aaaww 1 cities. 8250,000 ha. been tub I bj tho corpornioj, tjf Alaxyjitjjiju T - . - ft.i.ui, uuwntr. Ark h. hfiw.. n.i... .1. , . 1 " DtWIttCltaloiitetfaaV 8250,000 ha. been aubicribed ' .a" ,v' 4yryiws wm vongrcw.y Cotton Thread preferable to Flax for Shoe. Wa would atrongly recommend to those among our readert who msv be tboema- kert. the use of cotton thread instead of flax, in tbe manufacture of thoet. It ia taid tbtf tboet tewed with cotton thread are worth ten or twelve per cent, more than those sewed with flax, so much longer do they h,st. a jtl tl ""li w a lU Ja ea Wi U tt b out ' Tei gen of ti and unb al 1 grei . anei num Pi ,mucl atth wa i f'i aC aumc town ofwl yetai tea vi altion -tbats .4 .Republication of the PetersKrirgHepublicia h. been suspended, forltye: tba embarrasimenU of the Editor. - It however, be roomed in a few weeks, if nothing We should have thought tbe ad- vcrtiiementa alone in. tbe Bepubltcaii, woulu have supported it ' wawtaftaMaar A Mrs..lack, near Zanesville, Ohio, on tbe Cth Jnat- ih a fit cilnsonitJtilled three of 'ber children, and then cut her owathroit. 3b T did not die Imtoediately benelf, but it Vs thotrght she could not vurviye tonv;. . . - . . We farm, novice "knowi proba' rote 1 Jacksc ceivin bing, I snust 1 aubjec nventsi tent 1 I, a IS . 1 t; im:::r.