r SALISBURY, N. C..;..TUESDAYf NOVEMBER 27, 1827. -r-yJilO IV HIT & J VOL. VIII NO. ago. O - . . i per annum or 50, 1f pd4 In foiac..but -payinewi vl'uc will m required from atl iicriHert at a distance, who are unknown to the E.llor, uttlrt tome r-.spoible perton of fcU axqtudntanca guarantees the payment. . No paper discontinued. (except at tin: option of the Editor) until all arrearages t" P. .-..Advertisements will be to'"!'!' nU per square for thfr Brat inaeriion, aiW tWanty Jive, tent for each ilwient one. All letter addreMed to the Tditor, must be put fiai'l, or they may not b attended to. MR. MAItKLEY. taui tbb aiMocaaTic raws. Mr. Buchanan, Mr. Iiacki, ar.d" Major Eaton, have thought proper to bring my name before the public, a that of a per ton Implicated, or in ome way concern ed, in an attempt to induce Oenerjl Jickvm" to (fire a certain pledge, or pledge, it to a certain appointment it would b his duty to make in the event of his election aa President of the United States. One conacrjuenre of the publlca tiens of these gentlemen n been, that thoy hare given rise to a 'orient of r-buae and calumny, which has been directed against me. ft is not, however, for the purpose of evening this pointed stream, .IflOlkiliC Jlhre ho he cast nj0 their mite of kinder, that 1 sit flown. My object is of a, higher nature; a desire do mVSf If jns'tre, and, so far as my beat ollrrtion and jfldyweTt a!tH pcrmi- Spread the truth and the .whole truth, re my fellow citizens. "" I do not hope, hf Vtrtirt- l cn savr howcTet sjtisTaC; Torynd conclusive, to propitiate onv of - f rnirs, personal or political ; nor shall that, or any other puiposc. turn fro, a fuj and fair examination of euch par, of (he letters of the gentlemen ho hav0mpied upon mo this unplea sant duty. As relates to mvsrlf, I could have wishfl t0 have been spared, this ap rtal.but it ino longer a matter of choice might hav been persuaded to permit the errora art inscruraries of Mr. Buch nan and Mr. sacks, arising from a want of recollectlol i0 pass unnoticed ; and from desire irrie at peace. I might even have been contnt to overlook their un kindness ; but, when "Major Eaton, on their showing, penutnes to call me " the negotiator," in Vnt he represents to be a corrupt Iranaajion I am imperatively . bound to peak j and J..wlI,:peV that which! do know t0' be t r u e r T e t rthe blame ind'conderrhatiorY" fall where it ought ; where i: is merited, but nol on me. If these were not raujyes sufficiently powerful, there is another which would determine me. .-- ArrrTm-?-i3kwj by he abuse, of my name, to urafters fv.me. of our the use, und the wound the chara blest and most' exalted citizens, and by : accusation) which 1 believe to be unroun ded, andta-whkh, t st certain, 1 bore no part, to sink them in public estimation ; to cast them down from the heigh; which they have honorably attained, und in ;heir placet to put those whom 1 regard as having adopted principles, and avowing a determination to pursue a course of poli cy, which I have no doubt would greatly fleet the prosperity and l. 'ppiuob ol' the State oi Pennsylvania, and of the whele Union. That I was originally fricnd!v to the election of Gen. Jackon lo the 1 icsidcn cy, I do nut deny. Mv feelings of grati tude towards him for his military services to his country remain, and cer shall re main, unchanged. 1 voted for hirri in the Democratic Caucus of 1824- As a rep resentative of Pennsylvania,! subservient ly not orly gate him my vote, but used my best exertions, by every fair and hon orable means, to promote his election to the Presidential Chair. The united ex ertions ol his friends having failed to ef- TecVMi election-, t - was-nor-ommf those tko fclt-it a tmtor-lhauchtilpfpper. immedutely to unfurl the standard of opposition without knowing the princi pies and the policy of the men who were to be called to assist in odministering the government of the Union : because I had been defeated, by a constitutional majority of the States, in rny desiie to have Gen. Jackson elected, it did not MenUAJft6jjtl4lJjSM cal'e.l upon to re ,ist, embarrasi and 6ve"rtKrW"tlitt 1m!tii8mtT6nv or wrong. I thought it my duty as a . n u son F if i ha . . T il.it noAnl, - -.nrl -..-'9- .-..lHtavii.UTV.iii-.-iw-iivwiVftfw'-: svould be the general - character of Mr. . Adams s Administration, aiul w h.it would be the' complexion of his cabinet.' . When I ascertained that lie had taken to his aid such able and expeiithced ad viser's as Mr. Clay, Mr. Bush, Mr. South, ard, and Mi. Barbour, men identified with 'be republican institutions of our country, in peace and in war ; men who bad en joyed the confidence of the Republican Administrations of Mr- Jefferson, Mr Madison, and Mr. Monroe ; men who had QES acted and wcte incorporated with'. the ureal Democratic family of the Union, what would 6? llif ch'afacfef'ann policy Mr. Adainsi ArfminHtra'ion. I ronsider that in these appointment, a pledge was given to the nation, that the policy which had been pursued under former Adminis trations would be pursued under the pre tent-1 determined therefore that re plTsniTalTvllT the people, I would not permit my par tialities, my disappointments, or my pre judices, to get the better of my judgment and patriotism, but that I would judge the Administration by its measures. If it continued to support and sustain those that sustained a system which promotes national prosperity, American mnufc lures. Internal improvement, and com merce; and to cherish peace, and admin isierthe government with a due regard to economy, it should receive my cordi-d and hearty support. The latter end of December, 1824; ! believe, but cannot with absolute certain ty say.it was on the 30th. my friend, Mr Buehansn, called to see me in the eve ni g at my boarding house. I happened to be alone iu tny loom:. he sal with me a coniderab!e Ung'h of time ; our con versation turned, principally, on the then "pending PresWennal -JeviKM.Ma,.-. commenced, by stating that he lelt great olicitnde for the election of General Jksonvarul tlut his friends should use . every honorable meais lo promote it ; to which T'Vf plied, ihJi-t" heartily tiTJhetJ ; with him in opinion. Mr. Buchanan ad ! verted to" the ruinors'tKc-ft' 'ifloaC t itsr the friends of Mr. Adams were holding out the Idea that incase he shnutd le tteciea, iir. viay woum proosiy ne oi- j fered the siuation of erretm y of Stale, Miiu inai in use "tiifci"! .-iitR.uii v ..a.i... :.. ...a 1..-L. ... ...... elected, he would appoint, t-r continue .ir. anaras eciuary oi .ia'c- i ioio Mr. Buchanan I thought such a report was calculated to do the General a great deal of iniury, and if it were nol will lounded. it ought to ne .loniiaoic ten, anu mentioned further, that there was ureal plausibility in tuch reports und that their receiving credit, particular! ih it whn.hlanfj mo,e should have elapsed. Mr. Buch represent! General Jackaon a-.' having inan aIt(i uiysiclf boarding together at rhe determined, if he should be elected, that J - n)P noU-r durinir ihe two last sessions he would continue .Mr. AJam-i Secretary of State, inasmuch as Mr. Adam had been one of hit ablest dcfcnc'ti b and ad vocates, in hit report luatnining General Jackson against toe charges wbicu were preferred against him for his conduct in i elation to the Seminole war Mr. Buchanan stated that he had wtit ten to, or received a letter from a mutual friend -of-enrs-4n -PenwylviM.a.UiftbwKy!. Uubjecl of .ine Presidential elcc:ion.. and ! reserved towardi me, particularly as Duff I cabinet appfinimerattd,tlwt be b.d de '.Green had been furnished Hh state pptiinimcnlSrWd.tiMl termincd to cull upon th General him nr In rt Mnim F! ilnn. to nirnllnn to . him the reports i haV were In cVrr tiViiK'tni j ttnd that a -statement had also been fur and obtain, if he contTrmrimicttorrtd UM L-o.- him by Waj. Laton in August them. Mr. B. also asked if 1 had seen Mr. Clay, and whether 1 hnd had any conversation with him touching the Presidential election. I replied that I hud seen him in the House, but had had no conversation with him on that subject, Iwisineat, anu vei, ,nai unner an inese but said I was anxious lo get an oppor . i circumstances, Mr. B. should have been tunity to nave 2 convcisaiion with him, asjent toward me, and that he should I felt a great anxiety that he should vote with I ennsi Ivanii. Mr. Luchanan ir plicd that no one felt more anxious,- for vunnus reasons, than he did himself; that it was important, not only as it re garded the sucess of General Jackson's election that Mr. Clay should go villi Pennsylvania, but on account of his ulte rior political prospects: declaring that he (Mr. B.) hoped one day to see Mr. Clay Piesident of the United States, and that was another reason why he should like to see him Secretary of State, in case Gen Jackson was elti ied ; and that if he was certain t hat -M r Cla 'a v ie w v were, favor V able to Gen. Jackson's eleciion, he would take an opportunity of talking to the General on the subject, or get Mr. Eaton to do so; that he thought by doing so he would confer a particular benefit on his country, and thai he could see nothing wrong in it. Mr. Buchanan urged me to .Use no, delay in aeeing Mr. Clay. I told him I would, and accordingly called upon Mr. Clay at his boardini? home. 1 think but JM.-a.uiHLjLhift . ludginet. ... I called to see l.im again, 'but he nlrllome offiw ,fi,ienda mtb hiin, id l had roppowur inity convtHuijj: aitft him,: hor hid I ever any conversation with him until the evening of the lOih or llth of January prior to my leaving Washington for Pennsylvania to attend the courts in Montgomery county. The conversation I then had with him was of a very gen eral character; no mention Was made of cabinet- appointments, and t did not ascer tain which of the candidates Mr. play would support. I have no recollection of any iinng being 'said in the conversation with Mr liucnanan about the friends of Mr. Clay moving in concert at the elec-J tion ; I however distinctly recollect that werrwrtw expTes4edai xlos.hops.lhttJ offthe W ewou'ldttot separate from Penn- yivania. -1 have no recollection whatev r of having urgedV-Mr. D. Jo tee Gen. Jackson, although I concurred in the propriety of his suggestion that he should call 'to see himi nor have I the faintest rectdlecli'jg.pf any ,lhinj bting.sald bout 'It - . L - . f own weams. u any aucn eurionai i were Use'. I ni very certain it was not by me. From the recollection I have of he conversation lo which Mr Btihnsn has reference, is his letter to the ptblic, of the bth of August last, my imprestions are, that the object of his visit that eve ninfj was to ure the proprie'y ol mv seeing Mr. Cla', and lo give him mv virws as " the mportar.ee ol his kenti King himself wiih Pennsylvania in sup port .f (Jen. Ja-kson. I eniertaio;d r.o 'lutibl that Mr. Buchanan ws hoiroK determined that no exertions on his prt should he wanting, and that he felt confi dent he could sjek with certain! :s o the great mats ol Gen. Jckvon riends, thst. in erne of the flection ofGm. Jack son, they won d press upon him the ap poiTitmeut of Mr. Clay Stafe. as Secretary of opinion tiiat Pennsylvania would prefer Mr. Clav's apKiiniment to that of anv othcr lervnat' Secxttsr a( JSate and horn the otdiga'ions the General was un nt on iga'ions me uanerai was un .,.-, rehh.vliifti,lhat be Ould ROrf:1"' Tec to to ratify her withes, and that therefore bVlleyeTrlie CZe7aT,'f eTeeiea, would' Mr Clay. I have thus given ihe , appoint i conversation TrtSiji' Me , ,ler lo ine . lust. It was j ,r, ,;rril and promiscuous character, in mh, i. u . iw,ih n.ir urinatrd. it is un wards of two years since ihatconvetsa .ion took place, and considering it of ' . orivute and ronfuleniial character, I made ,1(J mino cf it, nor did I ever expect n L,..i,M hm criven to the nublic. It !j, omcwna. remarkable that two vears i.f Congress, dnrine which neriod we had substantially II it took plare ' pensile that tt shouttl e cisnnctiy un ; r"i.ui T"" "" mo Mr'. B; has reference to in his det.d Jhat ftU. iacs,,. was utlM1rlzeo,;5;J"!.JVJ..i,i,, .V!.,.!',.8,i,..,:. public of the Bth of August ;bv U-n. -'atkson, to receive proportions; 'o mm, in ine course oi mat ronsersa ' -.L. . i... ,'... t)i ii.iv I h .i tion, I exnresscd mv reeret at not lwvin, man conversation on the subject of thejt!e unrest ivcd conversation we had had Presidential election, aa well If on public I on the -subject, wished Mr. Cay lobe and private msttetn yet, not once, in .' alUSccieJjf v ot Slatt,. in l'thtire;Uev that time, did my triend Jlr. nuchunan cvcr (jVerl lo the conversation which he h .. rnil ihouht rimelfelld ii'r.nr. I to cive as having taken place between u ..... , ... - , I cannot avoid thinking it somewhat mi n: in October,-1 836, tf what had oas- tevr between General J ackton and himself, !". ' ,nc Fn" oi ine conversa lion between himself and Mr. Buchanan That these movements should have taken place, and that there should have been no concert improperly to drag me into this ; .L.nb m.mnrw in inipruiur rs in rsistii Willi MUlv.a tu muwinvv v ss puuitv. p dnti ikd conversation, in which he makes me say all and himself little or nothing a conversation totally unnecessary oi the ptirposi of sustaining an individual acting, as hi protests he always acted, on his own authority does to me, and prob ably will to the public, seem somewhat unaccountable. It gives me pain to think of these tlings, especially as having emanated from a person to whom I feel obligations f friendship for acts of kind ness, and in whose fi icnclship I reposed the nio-t unlimited confidence. " The succeeding noning -after. the ton. versMion wlih'Jfrr'Butn'iiiunTt'mer'witii'' MrrfsBckrf-Tennesiien tft-Il4 the House of Representatives. My rccol lection does nol enable me lo stole wbctb er it was at his seat, or in the lobby, or on the sofa, at the right hand as you go into the door. pmay here be permitted to remark, that Mr. Isacks being a native of Mont gomery county, (Pa.) the district I rep resented in Congress, he early sought my Hcqulsthtance- in the aeiaion &f .4&2J a'f id :' 1 fit r trod- harl- many-; conversations wjth mJf a P'ivie character, in relatiop to h im serf, and in which I look an in'er est, and to the best of my ability and op portunities faithfully served him. These conversations necessarily produced., an intimacy and friendship which frequentlv brought us together, and even into the habit of free, friendly, and unreserved, conversation. The conversation which he represents. to have .taken place be tweetroi is incorrectly repotted l . be. as suredly misapprehended or much mis represents me. From the general tenoi of his statement, this however does not appear singular. He eerm; from h? narrative, to have paid more regard to MMlMxtJVPi$UWU9lJhZ -Html meeungs, 4o.wnicQ..ne.naftxc!ercncc thin. to.even the substance of what pas ea between us, reiving upon the recol lection of Mr. Buchanan as to datas. That -1 here -was a eon varsation bet ween Mr Isnrks' knd m tie If, on the subject of ter Mr" T.utrianan had called to see me, I perfertTy' wt i If ;mmferTitid I havo: no 1 doubt that in the course of that ronversa J tion we agreed that fien. Jackson's pros pects of an election were fain in fact we both eaptesned . ourselves anxious for his sAicccss. I riit'inctly recollect Mr. Isatks remarking, that much would de pend on the course Mr- Clay's friends would take, and expressing his belief that ihey wool I act with us. I replied that 1 sincerely hoped 'hey would go with rennsyivunia, ano nai in ine eeni oi General Jackson's election, I fell confi I, . 1.1. !...! - f dent that nothing would be more gratify ing lo Pennsylvania t no to see Mr Clas appointed S. tretary of State. Mr. Isjcks replied that he was bis second choice lor President ; that he would be his first rhoire, if G' neral Jdckson was elected, to be appointed Srrrrtiry of .'"'t.-.tr, and that he had frrquently expressel himself toi that enter. I be m. rer oliertion ol rv 1P25i an(1 no, rfl(irn unj xeid,y. see Mr. Katon, nor ciJ I, with more than jr. Clay's card had appeared in the Na ordinary interest and earnestness, insist; ,.nj II.,,.ij.nrr, ThU-U.nri.ui iht thaV GrraVJaCtsnn, if elrttedfough It must be apparen! lip: triore i ori" ..,; i ucprouaiu anv rrre count nave nirf-utt siKini' ian Uu .ge imputed to me. that it w0s md.s r.o evidence, t'or enteitaiued un opinion, nor did I t any lime, or to any one, use ; J i i the shook langu-ge impuuo .o mc ay ; .Mr. Isatks. I well remember that, at , I . .i I . ,- i .. A i I thai ume we ooin ot iisvco, am. i ure5cti .... our tx lief, that if 'lenerdl Jackson was."" exprr-to an rtnxiciv inai mr. . lay eltiied, and he muld not be elected with ! out the aid of Mr Clay and his fiiends.j that he would be appointed .Secretary oljing the resolution of thanks when Mr. States Fu-riher.-Mr. Isjcks declared hisj Clay v;,s about retiring from the Spea- bclirf, in which I concurred, that a large portion of the Western delegation, fi On wete ioined by a large portion ol the drleg.iiion'Tio'm other States friendly ttr Gen. Jackson's's election It is indeed a r . ...r r j weil known tart, mat amongsinc menus of all the candidates. ""there Was much speculation on Le subject, much .was' said unreservedly and with much teal ant! good humour, on the subject of cabinet aunoinimenti; that if this, or that, can didate succeeded to "the Pre'sTtlencjr; "The general voice was raised in favor of, and the gr neral .eye 'fixtd lipoh," that diMinguiahed statesman und inflexible re publican, Henry Clay,' as the fust officer of the government ; and I now sincerely believe tbat which ever o! the candidates had been elected, be would have had the offer of the most prominent situation in the cabinet, that which he now holds un- (U r .Mr Adains. It has rt pcatcdlv been stated lhat I was the agent-or rs Major llaion is pleased to sav. the ' negotiator' o! Mr. Clay, author ized to inoke propositions, or ask a pledge of a tondiiion.il chat actor, lor the vote of Mc Cjy and bis-I'iends- I do now solemnly and positively fleclare,, thai the charge and insinuation are void of nuth I never did, either diiectiy or in directly, receive fiom Mr- .Clay or his friends, any intimaiion which could bi constiued even by political rancour, into such a commission, or any thing even 111. L reinotciy uppioaiiiiiig it. iuu any sutn agency, -by any. one bee n tende red, I sFould havc' iud 4wM go-4ui iluir. antLlalC-lii jjJievcr 'id I, in the course ol any convcrs-Uon with Mr. Clay, bear him say, or express a de -dre. that in the etcnt of the election ol Gen. Jackson, Mr. Adains, or Mr. Craw fold, lhal be should wish to be Secretary of !Stat, or hold any station in the cabi net. Further, I never have lo any one, at any time or on any occasion, repre sented mself, or wished it ta be under- TSlood. that I was akuhoiizrd.TO ICCfivc, oi T -,-'' -;"-'i'i,-,i'i-i'9 aM -. iO.-mae.,j,.oveiiMis?...M y'1 Clay, or "hiT fiTen'd'a". ' "t M.ihli 'proper lo make ibis grMral'ahd nfjlified decra rauoif, th'itJh'eVriity.nbt'-foe' left a hoop on which to hang a doubt on this subjc t. 1 did not know until jen days after the election ol MrT idams, TTiatMrr Clay had been offered the appointment ol Secretary of State ; and it is a well known fact, that after he had the offer (he con sulted marry of his friends whether he should, or should not, accept it. He told me in a conversation he did me the hon or to hold with me on the subject, that the acceptance of it would be lo him not on!v 9 sacrt.ce of dcmft'fc kapphew,. but a serious pecuniary loss. I know tl- L:. tht .wpt ntdy his immcdia'e persona! whojfoted lor -.M r randidatrs, were de iirotrt that he sh'id accept the station-- and urgad that .j, ctmlry had rlaima upon him p.njratnounf jo .,f!her consid erations, and wof never see htm suffef from devotion to her best interests. "i'Tam frre to-ckiw)w(edre thas at tha- time of the tonerliolvUlC.ebMf. Pucr."; hanan and myself, my impression wa that Gen. Jarksonr would be elected and it was ptetty generally talked of, as well as understood among many of his friends, that in the event of his election, Mr. Clay would have the office of Secretary of State and I doubt not but I may, in com mon with oiheis, have mentioned mr opinion to mv political friends. These impressions were founded on the belief inai ine wexiern interest would unite m Gen. Jackson's election, and that with . L . . L . .. . the aid of one or to of the states in favor of Mr. Crawford, he would be elected. I mention those floating opinions of the day. to hn that I have no reserves, and that all I stiid, or did, I urn rjuite willing should be known. I left Washington for Pennsylvania on ,hr morning of ihe 11th or 12th of Jjnua: , . ' , . .. . WKl-'tfi ipllmr i y ..-v. ,," uv .nn.icu p.es.dent- I reco lert a conversation w,th had hi onnortuniu of a free and general conversation with .Mr. t ay on the subjec: .f ilia f if a& Ilia. t. II ! tftir A m.AA ik.a convcrsiition with .Mr. d " i-' r-. " me ...e. o. w.,.,nR to nun as tium i I urrivt-il ut mriunuii IV . - - ! . .1 .f 1 shouM vote with Pennsylvania. PXcrption has brcn taken to my offer" ker's chair in 1825 Such a ie solution it had Lei n rintomi v at tha end of con gress lo offer, rfnd the house to adopt, as it did on tnis occasion, slmost with per fect unanmity. It was my own voluntary art- I had no consultation with any onw nor -the slightest- f lerence to his roqrter on the presidential election ; I offered the resolution because I thought he emi nently deserved it. Il tie. as a speaker, did .rroLrirhiy earn a y)ie of ihanksr.wbo shall presume to think he bus pretensions to such an honor? The .thanks of the house over which he presided, for a faith ful, firm and Impartial t!lsch,irge of the dunes of the station was hardly earned alid wilIiri'gTy""iiwa'ldciT." T thought it his duf ' rven though he had thffercd from. Pennsylvania in I be choice of a President, she owed him much for his indefatigable ness exertions In favor of her policy and bct interests Not only did these con siderations but oi hers prompt me to offer the resolution of thanks. Mr. Cluv, I thought, bad been unjustly and undeserv edly assailed Jot an honest difference, of opinion ; and it whs puinlul to see a man who bad raised himself by his own talcn's and exertions to be one of the most dis tinguished statesmen and orators of the-. age , one who in war and in peace had never abandoned his country, but always stood firmly by her, deli inling by tho powers of bis gigan'ic mind and power ful eloquence fier tinhtJH and boldly pro claiming ber true policy ; that such a man should be untlunked when about lo re tire from the speaker's chair, of a body of which I had the honor to be member, did not comport with my feeling or senuo of right and wrorf-ifchwild iiidcef hav considered such a neglect a ross derelic. tion of duty. I feel snmewha at loss for terms, suf ficiently measured, in which to speak of ihe prscsumpivious and unwarranted con clusion at which M.ijor Katon has ariived, and the bold and un reuioniMjs epithet which it has been his pleasure to apply to me. The tmrversaiions, reported aa t tic y are, by nlr. Buchanan and Mr. Isaacks, and biliously and carefully Erected airaiftBt .me.ftMWfi'jfiSj, tcieev-io - warrant becrie&rtwibfcl was a nrorioe i and I XceJ :assrf d thaL. . . nothing but the devoted real of Major Eaton, to .the rau-iC of Gen, Jackson, coiMtf hive --trrrrpted- himrm- lhe-fa-of an intelligent people to use the language he hai used. Mr. Buchanan indignantly set aside the imputation, attempted to be cast upon him by Gen. Jackson, of having made a proposition or propositions, to him, in ihcname of :Mr Clay, or Jtf r. Clay's friends; and declares, in express terms, that he alwiays acted, and repre sented himself as acting, on his own 1 J 'ivia 'Mwnw i -ti jb V M.k4irtkUNWMIU4 il

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