!'.... f (.. - '! 1 ' V, ...v . ...... (r "-. . aWfMfe.Wl :. , k r.v V; II- , , t . ire! "in . j .u - vnal responsibility , snl was solely moved by zclnus anl anslou desire io inanl fest Ma friendship for Ucft. jackson, by assUting to elevate hltri io the Presiden tial Chair. After wch declare ion, no tiling but Inf.' union, nd determination, - to fi as in him lay, lb iisiainQcn.Vack , ion, could Itave tempttd Maj. Eaton to ' hr to have forgotten what w due to hi$ wn .LbMMtmMHfoW&jn. wertion in tuppori oi wnicn mere wa nui imio -of etjdenrrv- AiUhat appears, from the thawing of Mr. Buchanan and Mr. Isaack, to 1 a concerned, i. that, in " common wtih theie nU men, I esprci- aril myself exceedingly anxiou for the - election of Ocnr Jackson, and on mv own fertonal responsibility, adi and" flw, ay could to pttrrrjote it; '-'t..u,-.:-I was absent from ihe aest of Govern merit on Saturday, ihe 83d of January, the time at which Major Eaton tat! it wa reported a meeting of Mr. Clay and hit friends look place I and at the time of the conversation which Mr. Buchanan had with Major Laton, 1 had left Waslw jngton, and was a'mnt for more than two week. If'I hud been acting as (he author and fiicnd, or agent, of Mr. Clay, it would have been independable that I should have remained on the apot whe.o my service might have been useful. Wetter Tmnutei.Oiirti I2tb, I.1t!i, iSih, and lSirt olt. a eonsiJera'.le number of tou t luti were sold in the lowna of Moscow, and La Grange, in the Western Ditriqt of Tenntiicet 70 lota were aold In Mmcow, tvtng'mg 22 dol. Ian each i and HI in La Grine, averaging 43 doIUra each. - The' munia for fn making, run high Mjht Wtrtt but it hai not jret run the people quite aa atark mad aa tho navigation fever did many of our good citizen, soma eight M.ta y when there aroae, it were by magic, the rwia of Blukely, Hen demn, CIimoreeettle Utter of wltlcb waa awepl front Ife face of the earth "by a d strv,ctir ConflAgratton abo4it tit year aincv. Ttnneuee the Senate of this Hate, the Mfowint Brovnwtre ojicd on. jybff..ji,JtJjr ' vote of 18 to 2, Mestra.' Bradford aii'i William Rivinij tho two votes in the ne gative . I. Re$olotd, By the general aitcmblv of the tae id Tennessee, thai the con:i luiion of the I'nited State ahould Imi o amended, a to give the election of 1'ie- aident and Vice I'miidem. diicctlr , At tho; fill term of the tuterio'r court for ParUotink county, held in the town of Klizabeih ciy. JuJo Martin presiding, Thomas Spratt was tried for the murder of Bagby Low, and acquitted. Negro Miles was also tried on an indictment for murder, in killif negro Allredt. and found guilty of manslaughter. The M Star" printed to! thai town, remarks The b'u-.i stneas of the Court occupied the whole w tmpad 4flC CllrJ poM or eH ceive it proper liere to staTeTIfrTuTfKet to ixiQrp Vm, thai the induatry i)d ability with which hc4ncharged his high NOVEwnr.lt 27T IH27. tan ni or mm a nr. Mr, IThittt 'I he tJghiS January la a day that will ever be held (acred by those who fee for the honor and character of our common country. "Whilst it la In contemplation to cele ft k, and , great many c.u.ei of minor F9!' St,'of M.lla titiwugiivu, jmiv union, ti ii uupeu.iue ciwacn Mill not bn seliind in Uie expreuion vrthcir patnolimon the anniversary of so glorioue an 1 important and arduous duties, the or- ' of their gratituda to tie Uiatinguwh derrrcgTtlartty nnd deapa'ch of fcusinea,' cd individual who eowtribated ao largely io ma- gave general sumiacuon. "g a uay ucar id me rccouenion oi every .. . ;'"(T-w-s-'':ri'.'rrr!: American. ; ., .;iv-. ,H,,::.V At the' fall term of the Superior court 11 berefore respectfully luVn.itted to the for CrfWff 'county,' Judge nmg1fe!'?.MJt'fJ,,r' Uut a Public ding, John IV, Grant. m tried for the Meeting take place , the Courf-flouseiOn 8at inurdrr of James I. Carbrav. and found urcU),the lat day of December next, to make guilty of Murder in 'he tirat degree- On suitable and appropriate airangemcnta beliii? usked by Ihe Juur if he had any It it further suggested, ai our Legislature ii thing to say, whvaenirnct of death ahould no in iL-wion, that ihe said meeting take into Hot lie pronounced agaillSI him, he addlCS cuniideratiun the nrnnrit ill- Ktflrowlno- tb. a,"'iied ihe court and audirnce for aeverjl i r . . .. .. . , , . . llicilllfru Ull VUMIIIJ Oil (U'JJCCl Ul " - r"-"r"- ,"-v.....h hhiiiiicv hi which ne a:ciareo, mai ne.f,.; . li,...i ..t present relative weinht ot tho severnl , tlit aue of comprint gainst the , .,., ,. ..... . 'age. 7' L'oncfpontl'fi. ! he advertiaemcnt of states in ihe election. 3. Nrtolvrd, That many of the mea sure of the present administration of the Frequent intercourse would have been ' general government are injurious to th absolutely necessary to communicate what was said and done, and contempla ted to be done. If Mjor Caton be trtditedy he would wholly disprove the statement of Mr. Buchanan, who avers that he acted solely -OfHi"tf uhority . in the conver jition held between him and Gen. Jackson, and that it waanot me,bit his friend in Penn ylvania -whoae letter determined him to hold- such a conversation. Mr. Luchan interests and dangerous to the lioeriiii s of the country. 3 Hereford, That the surest remedv for these evils, now in the power of the people, it the Section of Andrew Jackson to the Chief Magistracy of this I'nion. 'hey; also passed ihe house of repre sentativea, unanmiousTy. Tlje following resolutio'i was offered in the House orKeprrntativenry iTiif. Rotfcrsi an Court, J urv or Counsel, io the trial of the ( nusi : that if he had been on the jury himstlf, he ould. have been compelled mo(lern wm of .or(j:m Ureceivedj but our column, being to ncumbered, at this time, with matter that seems to call for immediate an'a dates do not agfei with those ra,rw"l,"1,M manui aatueJrtfmUoI .Jadu jpr EatonjwbQ labour in most thing to i wn P.erce'-Ycd bc (lr' M' il .o. burlesque agree wi-h Mr. Buchanan. .The only ,,,e 0,15 of Mr- B". Ttfticed above as adapt, conversation he ever had with Oen Jack- i ed, tliey voud itdon: son on the rre'sidential election was on ( ReKtvrd, Tnat th Kepresentatives in the 2d of Jmusry, according ko M.ijor (the Ciuxess of, the. U, S, from 'he State ton shewing; Sir. Buchanan, howe J or Teniirsscc, bv, and they hereby ure, ver, s he did not call on him, before 1 reujetited to prefer clurges against John his conversation with rhe General at a ' Qiincv Adauis, Daw lVtsident of the certain day, about the 18th or 19th of Jan- I U t.iirai States, aetting forth the charges! uary. ) and artMiniPot, for.tdined in the forego I i here appears some strange discrepan- ; mj; prrambl'-. and u-.f their endeavors io f .1 ... . rm i .1. . il.i &i . ey in pan oi mo sie:ncnia oi mr. "c mr sain onn aarns, I res , U . . . . I. . I ' . . . i. .1 . .. i,r Knrru Teroic, , ney 0(jr C(),umn, bei M , ncunl)ered ,hU . . t . II. .I..I..I ii.. .I. i!... L.i kith, iic laico i ii u hi i lie iiiiiu ne n miniiteil the murder he was enraeed who passinn tnat he scarce v knew wha: ! insertion, or notice, and as the legislature ia now ' i i. P t s as i he had done. He had. hovever. offen "",OM' luc l""'" w .led again.t the laws of the country, and j ?- m our paper, we m.ut it wide ni'Hi die he hsd nothing to say or al, jt'll a more couvemcut Kasonj when, we tb.nk, as to the Icntli of time to he given him 11 br poblinlied uitU profit to those whom bcTore lTc,TirbTeKec U loh that " intended tn satirist'. would Itaveith'tTieTourT .""" j - I'he aubriaoce of a-4iitle, headed-Bc)-re. - The ht- then, io- a mosf elorjuent .f.VswaHwmivfa and feeling address, advised the prtsowr repoldent,,? ,-we Uve htrelofore published in to prepareTr 'dea'lh "is crime vf aT" of !Pttr' paper brt it ae good a "hi," at t nu jucrr nature and accompanied with ur.Ui.na cbuscifncrj; community, that, at omc iggr,ea circumsianiea. int ne oulil f oUier ume, we aill pve it another wacrtioir; noi rupee, execuuve clemency- few a-Mrrsscs of the kind were ever ehore fteli:Jv oodc. - Scjrcei,v a dry eye was aa aUo, the other articles with which the mc corre?pondeiit bits favoftd u. A- J ahull fim! m nluri in amp rnlntrn a to he found in a crowded Court House M we can finJ room br hil)1. ' Ihe nsy of execution was fixed on the ,, . , . , ,, . 7-h of Deceml-er ' Te ' u, ,,gned by G' ' (and i tuni'riKil npswaiiima fmm susrn rsariuli'sl I dr above fact we gather from a detailed 1 ,., . . . . ' v I r .i . , i .... ; or the day, to which we nave not accew) are I rep-irt of the trial in ihe Milton Gazette. It , , ., , c . . i uoir.N f.rinf Irilla! (pi t.is.1 V(. 1V.I1UP 9 - vbiuii'i aaita . 1 1 av c i Ilaviop; puhlishc.i, is our paper of the Sept. on the authority ut a eorre'ipoydent iu Lincoln, an article in relation to the apprehen. lion tf the notorious Jo.Wicr, who made Li ' escape from the SherifTof Lincoln county, i,;iu conveying him from Surry to the latter coun), we feel under some obligation to giv plce the substance of a statement from a Mr. Ceqrg ' Moose, who conceives himself aggrieved by article of the 2Jth Sept. ! Mr.irNtft I have not, until lately, seen the article In your paper ef the 75th SepVrtlij'ft tT thespTclwmiwi cf HtiMwiwji-j tVier.'' Aa 1 fcel impltf ated in that article, ask of you to do' me the Jiwtice to publish tL0 following itatement of acta;. " Wler escapedrw Thnnday night; tm yiQi: daymorning following, I discovered him w ay fileM near the apriiig ; I immediately toV him . he being unable o walk, and diasgreealU thw bouses I placed kin in. rof barn , being iul.. curled, 1 believed him perfectly safe undtr tbo eye of my family, until I might procure auiit. ance to convey hirti to jail, where I eipectedto receive the reward offered for bis apprehemion. Accordingly, I haatened to om-of my neighbor!. to get assistance, but he being about moving V th West, could not leave home i Inextwtnu, the house of Mr. Jacob Hhuford, Capt. Kltctiotu Conm-r .belng there 1 1 informed there I hadtukrn wier, and had him secured in my barn loftj whereupon they went and took him without resistance. Wier being thus found in my barn I believe myself the person aimed at in the ar. tide first alluded io. Now why was not our informer honet enough to tell wh$ wa suajiee. tenor Am44r,wr "ierf . And.not, calumniator me, slab me in the dark. On the report ot) Shufordsnd Conner, the aheriffhad me arrw led, and tried by ihreeretpe etablrniagijrratf- Conner and Shuforc witneasetf I was acquit by atr except,-at it -appears, oor adviser whom t call to state the-grwiBda upon W3 e rests Ins calumny. GEORGE MOOj -OctSVtA. 18". . - Burhani.n,Mr. lWks and Major Eaton. ; dent s aforea.iid, im.clinl ai.d tlin.is MmPird l t''1 wrtnea agaiiul which are perfectly irrecoiuilcdble with ; cd fiom the TiesiJenc) of the United I " fc-from groveling and un. -I I 1'alieJ. tho letter of General Jackson. Mr. : flutes. lsuarks thinks that ht& conversation with j Mr Buchanan may have been one or two i weeks later than Mr Uuchansn states it to have been ; but he seems quite wil- A'cw-IVA- F.'erlhn. f lie Jack-in nartv n- pear to lutva uiuw.i.iuU throaa-luMU liu; 'Slu of N'ew.Vork as veil in tin- nty snd the id ling to give up hia own recollection for ' n?,',l!?r,;"n psprs are obid, , candor, ta accommodation a aakf , and to take Ihe I n ; ' : t j - . . . . it n L ,l,e t-o' rcial Advert t-er, in admrnistra- time stMed-by 3Ir. Buchanan, and agrees ; tion , paper, apeaks very despondinHj- c the ina' ii snail uo iiicu uu liio uvin oi ,l'C sui'jrti; n says: cembcr. 1 cannot pretend to say that when Mr. Buchanan called on Gen. Jackson, as he never communica'ed to me whom Msjor Eaton- - represent1 aa the negociator"-. any conversation efween him and Gen. Jarksnn. I do not recollect that Mr. .Buchanan. an.d.jny self had any conversa tion, from the 30th of December, untii The Elertion, in which we have leen actively engaged for the Lst three dan, is over but not so :he "agoni." ',Ve have been routed, bc.itcri, overwhehnn bymemrho the universal never been hea of whom have in New York, nor a name in the ttircrto j founded jenlouiii of hi wife's virtue ! - &,uth Amerua Letters termed in Noiiolk, from Bogota, lifted 21st Sept announce Yhiit f ne French Government haa sppoiuted Coiikuls and Vit c Consuls to the Government of Colombia in -fieu of the Commercial Agents, who repre beiiied F.vnch interest thete prior to the recognition pf the i Independence of Co lombia by Wance. The ssme - letter Mate that Bolivar havintr entered the ! capital, in the moit unotefita(iou m.m At the lute York (Upper Canada) assize court, a man by the name of Wni. Jones was eonricted of maliciously killing cattle, and sentenced to be hanged.' While at the same court, an Indian ll.vmnn . ' -. .n..!nl ..I f I "II . I . m -.uuiilicu ul kiiun a wiiiie man, t u. lu. a c ! l f u'a rlrnnV rnul l. i.iui...a,1 . ' T iTiWh-S impriv,nmn.t r -Likewise, Hiram Lo. ee was hjuml guilty of killing Oliver Tui kin too, aud sentenced to be impiifwicd ona year, and pay a fmr of to pmindu V So it would seem the killing crduttib cfeatures is a more heinmit ofTence iii hit B(;riy'i dominions, than tkc murdering of rational beings ! A'at. J!editaL.Qptmttm9ywiBrfy. Williamstown, Masachusetts, having Tidentsl ly sw allowed a- nin, on the-3d insV1, sybicU ;" lH?ged about half way down to the "nach, rious expedients were resorted tn or&et ,u dislo.lge it, by physicians and or. withou". success. After the young lady h4 auftered ex tremely for ten hours. Dr. F.mW1 hi' upon tbo foil jwing simple, but novel n'ngenious rem- edy : He took a common wi. twelve inches long, doubled, with apiece osponge attached to the end ; this, in a drv te, easily-aFipped down past the pin, where itbsorbed moisture. I and became so much swollc', that in drawing it up it completely Ailed ne mtaphagu anJ brought up the pin strong attached to it. .rr,- . ' nm,e'!decy to c5iTciii-ste "tn'MiTfivr sulliage aystein. who luve .... u:. r; , . :p v::.,:.. ,u. e . rd of before , . , !- cinncijr ins lUI.IICI pu(uiarnv, I l" "'o' .-aiuru I1IJJ11', inc . Miiicn Dad su tie red much Iroru the ma u'th inst, tne kxciiane Coilcc lloue, a verv iA.iiiua.iuus ui uu luicrc&icu pan, anu tin; ut mosf tr.nnuitity -and confidenee er v. I ex'enjive budding, owned and occupied by Mr. Mr. Emmett, the distinthed counsellor of Ncw-York, while profrasioraily engaged in the U. S. circuit court, on the 14th inst. waa takta with an apoplectic ..fit: lie Twas immediately " conveyed to his' house, anil the1est medical ai Mstancf in the city caMtd in but it was feared he wou'd not mrv-e the attack. A univeru! sympathy 'wiir'i;s'cteJ"iKliU'''bt1udf,''and'tiie-' court imrncJiatily adjourned. f.Wf ufwi. Coii.ideiable numbers of the in- .:..M,-.Kw..foii1 tne ryanu.-iiu.,.cpuw not even now- be. , A.i o 1 m" .. -,-""mv"vw 1 uur,il t',,l. '"Jhabiutatf this H.ni) and thnse adjoining, are I 50th of January, from Nnrrutown, that found. We have rio certain' ftum' I is foMhe-wholeonth, almost irnmedl--lro,ny of. wa.idatbui enough i, known! Th ' k k ilire putupin IHI,'r,d()Wci ateU preceding the election : du.ing the torokethe head sick, and the hea. t faint: sN,t W 'P ' ,,Krmj'wWc fer tho worth. .vC xhA other advantages which the WeW I KVli9. r"0 Tkon majority i -his ci-y. h -s ? W J S"' , or the uhof My j. over thl,, which operate I ...... . MU..U.C. .iuiii -.i.c stcnc oi lucly to be over, as under, 6000. There r ' te valuaWe lurwture destrou-0.- llkt. , !r mulll. ..j' - .u. ..... r . . ' ,c At Cisti u hmn n, h,. ' uae Uiaic on mauv, -in tearing asunder every To undertake to detail the numerous conversations held, pending the preticlcn- nhutcd to increase the disaster, s the driving tempest of yesterdav, which continued tial election, by the fiicnds of all the can with unabated fury until the polls closed, di.lates, in which I was a patty, o-which by keeping the -fair-weal her politicians, I heard, is -not my purpose. Indeed no who are always on our side, at home, beside their comfortable grates, swelled 'heir majorities several thousands. Th J-ickson men on the contrary, were cgnsideratjon would tempi me to divulge private conversation, especially if the ob ject wis to injure a friend, br even a po litical enemy. It may, however, he prop er to state, that in none of the converts Hons, of which I have any knowledge, was there arty thing said which had the slightest tendency to fix or trace either corruption or bargain to Mr. Adams, to General J , Jtson, to Mr Crawford, or to been h-r;.,l ..I ... . . , . .-v.niati, Wlic Albuny it nesclay. snowed :ho whole Wed 4 in 'residential. At a drill muster of the officers of the second Orange regiment, on the lTth inst. at the house of D. vid Mebane. Esq. after the parade was (lis mitedv it was proposed that the com pa Sis courts were lately all tilting during oix week, in I'hiladelpbia ; to wit; the court of chancer-, court of errors, supreme court, Uni ted States court, circuit court, and court of common pleas. Fine times for the lawyers. " Lrve snrf a litt'e Bey." In the town of North Adwua, Massachusetts, a- Doy aged 15, thrtr glory, for they dehgthed i:i riding I snould ePress their sentiment on eloped lately, with a girl aged 19 and they uptm tempests. ' j'hc presidential fjuestion, when 57 de uv ere married. Cupid plays sad tricks, soac- In every county from which we have I cl-,red for Gen" Jacll,on an(1 - ,or j times, even among cWrC nca;o mis moinnig, save ojie, the J-ckson flua"'a. fiiusooroug.i aforacr wfte- mcn have sun-ceded. Even in Albany, bin oi:e of the Administratinn m. n k,. enseiaer. vvhrrr ihr.i A Mr. tVeema,iroin Viri1uia.wf!T educated On board the brig Pa-ifir.whirh sailed J)c5omplihcdoung mun, who lately i;n laiely from Newbern, in this staje.Mrts0g,.d iimr 0nthe citizens of Uoston a lime since, a ote on tlie PresidetiMnl ' ..... 3i.ii.c, vuic uii iiic , rr5ifipii!irti ' i . j i , .. it r;:-;j.:r'ir ' . .v.ran int V4 --. :- I cicrir, man, aim jircntucu icic exueuem scr- 2?"" .,nf ' Vi'?"" "n" I t0"!l n,)t have becn found, and even week ! Ll'cl"'" passen-tmobui who afterwards nroveJ-,ol,e in im; ' post or, and was tried and convicted of larceny, oidrs. was a lair an honorable anxiety before last the best calculators awarded i RCIS' officer, and crew, when it appear " T Kvll WKt i . sinrt immianniH..Jias nrtta. 4iirn.l hi l1 f v4f t t.v anl it A to promote the election of their t us -,ue-Cnaiaaie. JJact&nn m.iinpi,.. I'l:,.. m.... at. I wwBtwjuuuiaiijaiei 1 rti.i. thitt riiinmnnii.linn h.I..I. k... C 1 i . , nr. - - uiiil.huiii nuiui uaa inui,, .Jiooiiane una warren counties, urn, rx.o.icu inmi me, in vinoicauon oi nave given large majorities for the Jack ana in ustice to those who. me, have been assailed, and mve-lf. ;h ouuh ch j. ,:ed with having pmticipated in a cor ru; f transaction. It has been to me a riiost unpleasant duty, one which I sin cerely wish I. could have been spared, but I .bought I owed it to myself, mv friends, nd mt country- J have endeavoured to "Word offensive piewons ani.prrsomi Uiought indispensable . to n;iy on j'ub'.ifi' cation, nd as bearing directly on the statement of the gentlemen, whqse over zral h e induced them to break, into the banctu jy of private friendship, for politi cai putpose PHILIP S MARKLEY. Jtadelihia, October 30, 1827. Andrew Jdckson i not the fierce-hearted. son tickets, and Columbia a small majori i unprincipled "chieftain," which some ty in our favor. So far as we have hearH I Pr'"se8 represent bim to be he is the with two or three exceptions o,t,liuFe con ' .'rm ar,d determined patriot the tiuzen sequence now, Senate and Assembly!'" Peac be so'.dier in wir. Andrew all, all, is gone. We have no de9ireto!f'r'kSOn ' not the illiterate, unexper hear further from the countrv. lAkr i iced bark-wood man which tome pics Jire in the woodi, the Jaelton fever must 1 e" wou'd willingly prove is a graduate nave its w,iy, and be sufftied to burn out. ol lre0(om, and practised in htr defence -The National AdvocateJ tl,o.mbitteWi',?e ..'H nU ?er oehpcd circle revrJrrof hear ii The Shelbyville IntelligehcVinp--lrub'lb'y a vIc of mending his habit. 0 We are gratified in learning from the Jackson (Western Tennessee) Gazette, that we were misinformed in relation to the conviction of Dr. W right, at that place, of manslaughter. We had heard two versions of the story of Had cliffe's being killed by his employer, both con curring in representing the case as an aggrava ted murder. On this infoYrnalion, we published I Ii(r.imeut which can bind them to a comfortable heme t and w hen once set ajtoat, bu' frw of theat ever again becoiii cmfrtaby ami hppt'.y wxo in their rcni Jence. The Jackwn Gais.-ttr, of tho SOili ult. mv'i niiiTvbc-rs of emigrants htA al rea.'y arrived in 'that section of country, and many more were expected. The Gazette in vites them to come on ; corn is onlv 20 cent! a bushel ; a'd the "sod, climate fyiatrTT ana convenience to niajkt;"Trc superior io any new coojtfrv-vTTiToftlie mountain." We hesr ditTereiit uks, hou'ever, about this land proniisc. The Commerc-ial Advertiser, of Kew-Yoik (administration) sayu, sneeringly, that it is ii htittcd, oh all lands, thiif the b ulk of the "Jack sol voters were never seen before the election. and - cnoM mot be-ownrf after it'' that they must have " sunk in the Ued Sea, or gone whera no man can tint id the i ivi - . 1 iewrdfcfe'aKwa. "'mm uhrn.l A n.l T..l. ; ...v. r...... ...,......,. m r " i .,...,.,.,- tempt to account for the success of tbe-Jackson ' " r good authority lor doing justice both to Ur. they cannot "I.c found alter it," ei tu-.tr..'M. i... ........ uewner which one press nas Wrirhf .ml !..-v ul,n tri,t .;m K .i i. ..:u:.. . ... pu'i.iiii I ail., uw.aiiii,, v. hlwl"t. .V ThrU:tlatureof Vermont commen ctd its Vision, on the 1 hh instant. The honouiahje Jicbrttt B B.ites was chosen &pckei - Isaac JI. li'iiiiamson has been elected f'"otcrrjor oftw Jerjry, .shamelessly and unequivocally affirmed, j thc , f ,fc but the people's firmest fneml, and Hea- P H . . . v . . , of a mild, and pacific: lemperai veil s noblest work an honest man. . ' . ., ' The whole Clinton party, aided by his Excellency's counsel, throuch his "bodv guard," were brought into actjve opera tion, and through them, the Irish, wheth er naturalized or not naturalized, were led, or driven to the polls n squads ; and us forcignert-r-n Irishmen, vo'.cd for Ihe Jrtcksolli.it) ticket :d rr fl. linn. A.nr. w - . ivlf UV Ul U . oing .o inemasmen, and humiliating to j shockingly mangled. The whole arm us, Americans, that any portion of our. was literallv torn in nie. nA it citiz, ns should be thus transferable, bv f chtcftturj, whethtr civil crniliturr.. tfCr. Jfic is dointj ne,.. : that the Ur. " wns temperament ; and the jury ere impressed with a full conviction, that In Belcbertown, Massachusetts, on ti.e ,Iie bl,'w ,nf,c,el bv Tum on lladclliU' Mi 2d inst. a .'aiiohn.r f Mr. Irl H mHii ! causctl thc dell of the latter, was more the re- who was employed in the Factory of the Swift River Company, Enfield, had her arm caught in a picking machine, and suit of accident than deadly detig n." The same paper contains an account of the murder of Iraac Miller, in that county?' in an nffray, on thc 26th ult. and of the murder of two men in Shelby county, in that atate : Dut we are not informed whether their deaths were 'mtVS restf ojocciflpittlian deadly design j m." Now we take inn ur a compliment to the friend of Jackaon : The plain inference is, thut they are the industrious, peac ;b!e portion of the community, who stf at home and mind their business, evcent on OV. , r days of the election, when, like rational fre men, tlai-y go o the polls and exercise their estimable right of suC'i age and when they hv done that, disperse to fheirhomCa and Vocation!- This, dou'jlless, is the ichStd v. by "they are not aa-.the:' ther hra Imj,' their lament- tioik-, about thc result. Gov. Clinton. Wc have said, til along, th Dcwitt Clinton would not suffer his name to be used in opposition to Gen. Jackson: the follow ing extract from a communication to the -Editor of the New-York Kvcniug Post, confirms what we felt perfectly assured cf before : . Dear iVr; I lately had a personal con versation with Governor Clinton, on the subject we talked ol, asto the late iing'l lat ccu'.tc pursued by lh& Staicsnsan

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