Vt 1 it ' 4." v7 ' ''-Jf ii iiWiiMiiiiiMwwwwriiMn"wl ' P ASI ! W AVTF.n 1l , Married n i i ti. .... t... .i:.:-- sir.jainei lie ruusvioi. r Hi, uetiinru i-rr.fif hipi .. ,, Uo.wtt nrl N-nnests those indebted to him.l 11 , . . .. - -- M .,llftui th first iif February' ."" T to make payment nirainrt next, as longer indulgence need nut be expect, ej. Iwillstll . ' ' GOODS at reduced prices hereafter, for turn aitm. . GEO. M'CONNAIGIIEY. ' Satifbur), .Vnr. 29, 1827. " 9r " MANSION HOTEL, JSJUSDUttr, A'ORTf C.1ROIJX.1, BY I7ilt AlLFMOJtr TIIIH elegant establishment, situated n at the north eorner of the Court, f louse: lii t"t?ieWinier:"iml i T ' . :, tted up in a new and superior style, lor the re. evtiGmwVmJU&r!:l Pa'n have been taken to procure for this eslalinpBWeWt0' 0. V. latcly.tt East Machiaitate of Maine, I Pigeon to Mm Ann Beam. Upon rc a i marriage, sortie mlschit'vom wag wrote ing pun t A lonely Ifyeoit, young and fair, The dupe of many an idle dreatt), Forsook his wandering thro' the air, i And lit, by chance, upon a tan.- Where, afe from ttorms, and quite at rest, He fmmd a partner fo hi nest. new furniture of every description, neocnury for the comfort, of Traveller lb most ap ?L ;w iroed rrvts fc.avf . been-selected with great care t the bar stocked With ehoici5qnoaitl : &e tables .attended by obliging ami attentive nosier, i no convenience of uiirirai,,., ,. . equal to any in the place. " The house contai.:sL,, )ic, he tna'Sffi&& IMtaL. new, cheap Cash stoke, . ' in costoiin, n. c, eTiilE suBscnber reSpectfullv inform tl oitj. I. sens of Concord and Cabarrui county, that .he h 9Qietunin Uie Hnine formerly oecu pied by Mafhj &"tftiMtMtrsmiffi t ,. vT. llafdwure Cutlery and fn a word, a rrnrrat asaortmenf tf ait (r4lctei -rvee---.- f ; " ' I t - I I ... 11 t a nuinarr F niir?nn,.wui.niKN , Kfcl(( with n,ch care RnJ .ltrhtion caicuimea ror me acconmioaauon oi j raentr arid Boarders. Attached tu which, there is a l)ry Uoods and Hook Store. . To the m ho may please to eel! on him, ,he assures them that no pains will he spare ! to render their stay comfortable and pleasing. KZKA ALLKMONG. : Saliibwy,XC.Stfit.7tlHJ. 81 EBEN DICKSON,- Gentlemen and IahTui Fancy Hoot and Mite .Maker. t KTUIINS thanks to the gentlemen and h 3 dies of Salisbury and vicinity, for th lib era! encouraerment he ha met with since he llSf all of which will be sold for the fen price possible for C.1SI. The subwribiT invites tlie 'public to call, nnd examine for themielvesi and he hopes, by strict attention to busincs, to share a pHrt of their patronage. EDWARD CRESS. N. II. Also, a general nKsnrtrm-nt f ! IN and COPPER WAliK,. tnge her with STILLS, equally accommoriating. F. CHESS. Concord, Vov. 27th, 1S ?7. 292 POETRY. THE JUEETJXO OF SHIPS. ir noon. When o'er the slleot ieu alonei For days and night we've cheerless gone, 0, they who't e felt it know bow tweet; Some sunny morn, sail to meet. Ship ahoy V our joyful cry, Sparkling once is every eye"; While, answering back the sounds we hear, "' " Ship ahoy ! what cheer what cheer f" Then sails are back'd we nearer come Kind woMs ire nid of friends and borne And soon, too, we part with pain, TS'W (Per Mm 'ft m jfgatas-s;- JbEU.WNOLt. All thing are tracifwitnelanc Rorn of the ecret soul's mistrust, -To. feel.her 'r c'hereal wings p' Wertgh-y iuwn witlk yileidegradcd dostr feei h Mght extremes of joy nt ing bfrfohcrasicms bf digtrt,j? Like the sweet blor-oms of the May, Whose fmgrance endi in must. 0 give her, then, her tribute just, Ifer sight, and tear, and musings holy ; There is im music in the life That sounds with idiot laughter solely ; There's not a string attuned to mirth, 15 nt bus its chord in Melancholy. TIT''" . t GOLD M I N ES, N KG l( ES, LAN OS, &c. j T .ITILL be sold to the liigliert bidder, at the ; IT. late dwelling house of Angus Cbisiiolm, i ! c'd. on tlie 1st of .Tlillliirviirit. nnr! In enn. has been in busineks ; and hopes tbat his unre- j tinue from day to day until all shall be disposed mining aitenwon iu ou-ines-t nere.-uter, and a i . riOGKAPHICAL e!y lilt- V m TJUM1S JIDDK EMMET, Ef. I rauM mi 1. TOMK iLBIOS. I The melrtiicholv death ol this excel (lent roan and distinguished advocate ha; been announced to this community, and excited a stmDathv as honorable in it. -T . 1 J j (t -..'....ii ih.tci r . " 99 ftprtli, a general atrtment of Material, which Dam creek, known by the name of Chisholm's I possessors, as it Was justly merited bv wm enable mm to execute every jlescr.ptiou.oLLMpl' Mine, including ninety acres of Land. ! ihe eminent virtues of him whose sudden "vajii snap v iii a lie iiitai. lAmiiujiiiLJicT. tin ru. i m.'iii 11 ic nail in i .am i. r-nnmmaeaai.i i asfM a s - We. nd elegant style. fining, he Naoddph linV.nd A. HlV1? desire to please, will entitle him to a continu .nee of the same. He lias now on hand, jut received from the Sateen or eighteen lik Women, Ho s, and (iirl? AIo, the well known Cold Ke.groes, Men, Vim on Reaver was prieraioenf, ctianp;ec1 hu icteftmA ation, ahd gave a direction to hit future fortunes, and laid the foundation of hit future fame. Dr. Emmet wished him to embrace the profession of his deceased brother, and he immediately entered into its studies with an ardour proportioned to his future success. Called to the bar, he was immediately distinguished among his cotemnoraries, and might have looked to the. highest.. honours of his profession) had he squared hu politics With his Inter est, becoming the associate and friend of Curran, O'Connor, and Grattan arid Keogh, he espoused ihe cause of Ireland ;a cause which at last brought Tu'slro- Iberdtoutbo scaffold Ijsnd he was one of wic executive coinmiuce oi uiuicu irisn men in the memorable rising of 1798 GENERAL SUM M A RY . APPAU.LM) FACTS, It has been ascertained that in the cits' f New York there ,re 3000 licensed . trog thofit t that at least three-fourths of the tenants of the Alms House becotno such in consequence of Intemperance ; anJ -that nine tenths, of the cases which are brought before the Justices of the police rise from the same souree. As the an nu.l expense for City Poor .is ,boUl" .;. S80.000, it follows that 8r3o;00O is thB annual, tax laid upon our citizen by this vice, to say nothing of the Urge amount Which is voluntarily paid bv lis victims. . A. Y. Obiervtr.' Union if ZMetafii hni tat'eitittu in v"onLJ: " -I, , viuvnvj tuutnerunt ana IWIITUW Ift Utrmar.lt' of that society and,,, plan, for revolu UtMnndttr to renounce tht lionizing Ireland. Such was then his u.n.,i ia .k- -i.k-.i" 7.0f reputatiaTJhe jjar, that lie was invited to thelttipbTiiint flice m 1fendi0;4ec bajd Hamilton Rowqn,; which he declined fiom the best motives, and yielded that task to the firmness and fearless devotion of Curran. He was' soon called to ex perience the fate of his client and whh M'Neven and many oihers, he was im prisoned in the nil of Dublin, on a charge of high treason. After icmaining here ot some months without nv overt act barged against him, overtures were unleavened bread at the celebration of the I C....- . .!.:. .l n .. r on whir h lb P.j... iswtvioai, nq ,,saiq,reach-foh-rt band of fellowabipwe.re'"h The assembly rose ?'iimalianewsfff'iAd the Calvinista embraced the Lutherana in the true spirit of Christian love,' whila no dry eye was seen in the place. Dangerous Question k kimnle hos'h. being one day at confession with his priest, was asked by the father if he had never greased the teeth of the guests' horses, to . w. Alexander ViM deliver an ad.lresa. Brethren of tlie nvigl.Loiii.g Lodges are in. Wed to attend. v " In the evening, a Pah n be given at Mrs. Mary Worke'a. By order, THOVfys jfR, .rv. Stntervi!le,Aov.26th,W27: .-5,93 " nT" Orders for work from s dintmre. uili nntiten im udilrh rhrr.. . - ...1 ,Vhcn an individual in ordinary life. ovattatded to,unlesi accompanied by the r7ii;,,7 JoM fimnd : One tract, do. adpinL'ig lip above. ' w"tever my be. , the purity ofhis char or its equivalent. No Northern made Work will , i W acresron IvhTch elevation bf his impaired, excepl ladies shoes, or the footing ! lived,: One tract, do. of 50 acres, in the lower views, is Pitched a WTroltiusT the lot. ' 'y mcp. .rtinininsr : ClarkMill Vetttr vhc..hcart5 of friendVand wr - I .;?nof Deeemhrt- next, being the an-Smith, on which rti'ereisif'H''1Wiw'S--Oii. ?J!.0!b,nS the affectionate endear' J nivirvj-yAf--i.j-.i ,1- ,,r"tfi . . , mm .T la -;t. ; , iloriah 1jWv ci . t k . . k , ari" '"" owvni -,. uiu o ltiy lecis. not tne event i??:; .LtS ! ;r; J?r. occurred, the great machine n, . 1 1 - -..- - nit i.uriuw.',, jiiciiitu mr acri'n ... 11 .:.u .1 1 r .. orJanU. . j 1 oiis rn y nn ine regularity 01 unntsturbed Ah, in ' Randolph "co.inivf ?'acirsrhert I a,-f' M.lf .progrearfonBut wh:tl.a Edward It rearer formrrh lived; One tract tf 1 1;,C Thomss Addis Emrnet, Whose JWacr.H. .jHfkwn'i Creek, wlieie Joi;t:han in nte istngrsvrn on the imperishable Jerrat formerly lived. f.lhl,lH of historv-whose Renius and Al-o, m Davidson county, om- tract of 208 i,n. .1 1 - . . acres, where Wm. (JrofT now lives. In ihich , " Reived the Un- there is 1 Tan-Vufd and 25 arres adjoining- Ueht "l!)Ute of bo,h hemispheres Alfo, 200 acre?, on which lam... v n,:..i whose public .and Drivate course, whrthrr 's a patriot or father, was a combination of tin,)itted onor, of the gentlest and kindest affection, and the warmest chari tv -he simple beaut v of whose life. iotary on wii, m. may be in " Mmry worra ; wnen such a man mfarla Kn lhasi rr rr m vyi anl nim n A id i .k I:. .u. 1 r .u. Preent ?Mir eatirg their allowance of : c x"" w ,"B hy -ndp-ur Never, replied the ostler In a subsequt nt confession, the ostler ac knowledged the -frequent commission of that frud. How,'' said the priest ! "I remember at your last confession you said you had never done so !" Na more had I then," answered the ostler; "for till toutold me.. I never knew that greas. ing a horse's teeth would prevent Ms eat ing; but since you.-fiist put it in my mind I have been tempted to practice tho T NO POSTAGE PAM) est? a l ' T m . ss i nr. .-11 1 rsii ni a rwi'Pii eminiw k . t i - ; ., K"esunspur. , now lives. - A liberal credit will be given., bv the ciuaer giv,.n honrt with intennea revolution, ann the names those implicated in it, as the ptice . s a rr . a ineir release i he proposition was re- ec'ed with indignation, as a reflection on heir honour. Dr. M'Nrven and Mr mmet were the committee who received the offer. The prisoners were then re moved to Fort George in Scotland, and thus the bonds which bound Mr. Emmet to a father, a giiltufit brother and n ufTcc donate sister, were severed forever. Af if 'wo more jrearirbflingerinav captivity Mr. Emmet was released, Bnd passing to France,. he .spugM in . her. sunny skies obli;tpjf-pt.-'a renjfr noil 01 a snanerca constnuuon. :. -r . . . in 1 oii ne loutMt a resting plate in Ne.w.York, and soon won his way lo pop ular favour and . professional reput'atinh, ana nelped, bv bis metchless cloquenc fraud" Original Jnetdote Man of our readers kno tha Genr ral deene, of the Revo. ,rllHtion; ,ait General Bh,wn, now M,j6P . ' G e ii era r bHh r UfJ ifed Si t4f w j Wit- tumiuon, own summers. 1 he. Jwiier not Uihg since attended Hu Qu kers meeting in I lii ritu "Afiii .i;rt-i.' -.1 .i... i" .- - - r wi i-c, n wormy 10 addanother triumph to the universal, f " " I9,!:oen Uur : .- 1 ill 11 tnr rrTuiuiinn njn 1 - ,.,.... 1. 4U'Kcr now we" have t Brown nnLr. k they were both true4ae." Prila. fiap.tr. I'. ni,',. ... .Iln.. . ..1 . 1 Aaion to write to him through the me-iint f Ae post-office, on official business, that he i' determined heraafter to py no attention to Cfcrnmunicstions on which the pota'e is not paid. He is compelled to adopt thia ruk, to a)ve himselt from a very heayy tax. P. CALDWELL. ; StatetwUe. On. 3l,j, ly. t&z ' pur- npnrnveii ertirii v. winrsoN n. chisiiolm. .fmv ,yf, 31, 18.7. feO FAYETTRVIf.I.F. Nor 7th, 1827. f "tlfcKt -JWHAY h4. -Ml DAVID . M I (Jlf A.NF. L Co. will LAND FOR SAL Whojeale Hardware intl Cutfem .Wore, at No. Ill Pearl street. New-York, under the firm of .tallray ft t;rane.: Thev are now selling off PCRStTANT to a decree of the Co-m of at: very, reduced prices, their assortment Equity for Rowm county, will be sold on ' Dry Goodxr the premises, on the 15th lv of January next, Utirdxvure and Jancis Gibson and others, near Stiie waft's "Vlfi Z:r:z. tn aaul county, on a credit of 6 and 1 months, lr'T 'r"'y o ineir removal. 4.92 Price advrS?.?5T" Ml LI1 ., r. m. r. H?e96 this B1 -ESTATE OF AU RED MALAY, , ... TflK subscriber having qualified as Kxecu. tor Af the fast wiH and testament of Alfred Macay,- late of ahsbury, dee'd-. desires all per stina indebted to said dee'd. to make paymciit With, as little delay as possible : and all nersom liaving clmrna againr the estate, will present wirery-ttt ins profession.. Jle tliem, legally authenticated, lor settlement, within the time limited by act of assembly, oilier. Wise this notice u ill be pled in bar of their re. Cprery. JAMES MARTIN, Jr. Fscec'r. Ao. Till, 18C7. 1V02 lt..J. W HILL-YAK IV EOS tetive rrirTsf refnectfitll,' tn ir,fr, !,. citizen of Davidson countv. th:i lu- llH llllt rMveiriu 'i'ssortme'nmf -irH'edHea- arid expect to t rccive within a few week, from Philadelphia and New-York, an cf-ortmeut more extensive tlian liiivr .reached, this and he pledges his lime and talents, in future, from hopes, : cars exiKTiencr in the irofsion. In ml u-rth that patronage which a man should, whose whole mind is devoted to it. His charges shall never exceed those ntade bv other medical gentlemen. . l?wt 27. 1827 ' 78 FORTY DOLLARS BEIVARI). T AN away friMn the atibcriber, on the 1st of X May last, my Aeyro Jloj OEHRUE, about 26 or 27 )eara of age, smooth black skin, plea sant countenance aving one of his fingers so injmed by a machine a renders it u?elc), and, til as recollected, f.lllte doubled un in I114 Stfiie tf ,wth-l uroiiui, Cabarrui C'untu : JOHN NLTL anM others, hrirs st lawi.f Jamei Neil, dee'd, Thomas Neil. Mary Carv, Hi'iu Hunter and Hetsey his wife; Petition for sale of the real estate of Jame- Neil, dee'd. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court tltxt the defendants in this case reside out nt' th!. k struck dowo to the remorseless grave, the bJcod tushes bsck to the fountains of the heart, and we ere lost in wonder as e ccntemplate the strength and unac countaoie providence which has: hurried him so suddenly away. Emmet passed from before our eyes like a brieht vision Lr-p stood but now in the glorious pantr Hn vi mirm ana eloquence In the very hall . of judgment, pursuing- the noble !',.eJ, nid embraced with an ardour and rfe vot :on t aTefy'Svitnessed at any time, ciwi -winost c-ver-athis. period . of Jiff. V heard his last effort, which like the increasing plendor of the sun as it sinks o rest, seemed to grow yet more radiant itn tetltngs and energy, and all the at tribute oi grnbs-ond inanother mo ment the heart that was ever filTed with the noblest sentiments, and the enllnaaal mind which rould patiently eiramine the arrana of practice unravel the knotted combinations of falsehood or comprehend with its grasp the profoundest questions of government and politics, were palsied bv the cold hand of relentless death ! It IS a consolation to those who Invert him .. - . r.. 1 1111' inr rrvu 1 inn B. n.n .. l I -.-L. -ir-t-.XJ' ; I . . . J n " ij vi miii inirni. nr him uisungtiisneciT artd nimseu nerc in (teter.ding some luinive slaves, and astor isbtd hrs audience bv the ardour of his enthusiasm, und the novel excellence of his manner, lit held for a short time, in 1812, and '13, the office of Attorney General ol this State, but soon resigned the appointment, and never af tee sought or occupied a public station rnnce MatternichV is stated in 1 let ter from Virnna, that this distinguished nobleman, ihe greatest diploma'isi ft Eu rope, is about to lead a plebeian tn :ho aliar, In the person of Mdemoistilr Da I .awa,L am it m. k - J ' L . f t Simple and unostentatious in hi, private vl n. . w 1 K " " " 'lU'C arc, Mr. e. ,.valcd his whole 80U 10 his , T"rcrrom. proiession ; midnight vigils too often fol lowed the severe labours of the Foium- and no client ever complained that the merits of hi? case had not been perceived and sustained. His knowledge was nro- f foundhis researches : to hia last , mo meats unremitting. He possessed a mind nf vlrr.rlin.rn rkmnu.!.! - " " ..whuiui 1,11 LU 1IU C1IC1IBIOII. - . . " - - and the strongest and most extensive i ,UP?" DeI4nK , ? 0pe" In. ScPtember powers of analysis he eliio, td the secret -:- ' . toj!,e fMT n of identifying himvelf with his case. .ndT'"'"" 1 "e 9At hA,tlf pretty. All the Austrian aristocra. y are in commotion at this mlillirtn f, t even said th! the credit of This powerful diplomatist may be shaken by the circum stance. - road in Jone-A piece of stone from a lime stone quarry at Wamall, N. Y. large enoviuh lor the load 10 turn munil. tin a christalized or sirrv .... r f adding a. sort of personal interest to his K . i " K? professional ol.lbalion: " Enerf i.h"an( iKillit imaginatioiu forvBed withacru .' . 1 l,e 'one ' a Prion of a rate and discriminating views of English T "1"" en fee' below the surface. history, enriched with all the fruits of various knowledge, and Messed with a noble en'husiasm -he appeared at the bsj-j the very model of a learned, accom plished, and eloquent lawyer." American IfineThe editor of the 1 THE WORLD: The world, which the s oung mp figures 10 himself smooth and quit t as the lake ia ihe vailej he wih fiiid a sea foaming with tempests nnd boiling" with w?ilfl- pools; he will be sometimes overwhelm- Darien (Georgia) Gazette, says : A few 1 "V" ! ''lenc5' T Nome' days ago. gentleman of this citv polite-' ,m,Vla,:,:f,, to" iuiiuiM wrongs anu iruns, rompe- '-. 'it'?' m h "- ' s -f as we kand; andS feet 10 or 11 inches high. Said ,:l,e ''lerifore, ordered, that publication be boy belongs to the estate of Jese Wren, dee'd. ma(le.f?r SIX ;eK? successively in the We'tem ow in the care of the subcribcr. iind Tafot Ca'u''nian' ',r,n,f'1 M1 Salisbury, givinjr notice to aa-ent ofaaid rrjt it 1. .,.,,,.1 1.. :.....!. sanl detendants to anoear at next irm ,.r making his way to some free state. 1 he above ?ur ,0 e neM f"r ,he county of Cabarrus at ; ' o this community which . he has so regard will be paid on his delivery to me, in ,h.e couH-house in Concord, on the Gth Monday ! inng served, his loss is a severe one, but to Lancaster District, S. ( or lodged in .my ji.il in a tcV f',,r,h Monday in Mach next, and j,his brethren of the B-r nerh.n, hi. In North " Carolina. Virein.a or slanland.'so aa I P'Uer or demur to said petition, or the ! : rnnrCLn 01 Car' perhaps his loss receive him ; or R25 if taken in South Carolina samc Wl" be ukcn Pro confesao, and heard ex-' ,"cl,dri,nic- 1 ne amenity ot Ms man ROBERT S I INSON. Parte " t0 ,llem- w'"es, 6l96 November 4th. 1827. 3mll0l) ALEXANDER H. McRF.K, e. m. e. that he died in the full aosseaaion of his uniivalled fHculties. and in the rirh nffr wa!l n,de from Grapes which he denom- 'ions of all those who ever approached !?.a,t" ,bc u'arr-nton, native grape. This him. me, to my tMte, is similar to a rich wine such as I have often drank at Cy lv presented me iu Knttl rr V;..l! made by Thomas M.Call. Esq. with a re-1 ,",0,n. fnxlt,i"' fhe wis OUest that 1 would e ve mv m.ininn nf if. ' I""" "" ,u' ",.v ",,u "... . . . " r-- 1 la nm which 1 do with oleasure. One botth- ly quit hope, to be free from fear. Haaselas. -StaU.JSteh.qrotina, Jihe countv t kJLl'ERIOR C.nnrt of Ijiw, September term, KJ 1127. Maiorv Hatilw!itnrKaR&,Tr&'KKbh.ii. Whereas, it appears to STATE OF NORTH CAKOLlX A sT v - j r . . - " i finur in aorcrer or ine nonourat) e Court try 1127 UfanWitti-X.tlT ". 19 of Eouitv for Rowan countv. n. IZ., V TTy BW n " E7II' BafrlWrnl! t. - , riiiiuii mr oivorcp. ! . f 1 r ! H- oerterm ttierenrriirj7ririe-f,teTa'-mt--uj.i.- ...:..r ,.. '"l T'11 ' -..age of, Moekaville. on the , "XZZSZ W flayol January next the LANDS nnd. rd( red bv the co . th.V i " ii . .u". ' J! .c .: . . 'i I" 'J .,w ' "y:0 1 iern Carolinian, that the defendant .nn... survive h m. .- . v . . . . . . . . ..im .... iii. un r riwi rnni.in. ' same creek, contain. ing 196 acres; being the property of George, ..ii, u.u, n .rtuii in iweive montns will be allowed cn the whole, and a further indulgence of 6 and 13 months for a nioietv, with interest after the expiration of 12 months. Purchaser will be required" to give bonds with approved aecurities, on the day of sale. And title deeds iftb$jlel''r uPon I psymeoJ of the4r4 chaac roohej Tjp-r-iXU34i!l.w rice alv. ners, the urbanity of his deportment, the excellence of his heart, and his kindness to the youngest members of the profession, all render him a model for imitation, and re.,Jbreter.ngrfen.jiwLl.hJ.'.hei.rt of whom he was associated. Of cmight well be called the fath .I-....- . . .... i. '"i 1 ci.us n tuiamen pernans we ithout offence, tn those who that whether w rmtrarA ik lit t tl lib V I . 1' . I . . - -. . .. ou,,u,iurs.oun or i.aw tobe held virtues ot the heart, the hieh sense ol for the county of Ashe, at th.. r..r, u. ., . . K tense oi Jefferson, on th i.ird iiondav of .ur.n,cn cnarae erizel every action and then and there plead, answer or demur' , " ' or ,he displays of forensic otherwise the petition will be heard exn.rte, and I ,a.'cn, has not left his superior behind me same sei tor trial. Witness, David Earnest. n,m- Clerk.. at office, this 7th day of .Noremher. Mr P.mm.i w.. P.i. prus as abreaklast wine. The other bot tle is from t grape he calls the Violet. This wine aDDroaches nearer tn th ?fr. A I). 1827. ' 1 rice tdvr. R4 D. EARNEST, LTk. 3mtOJ, 'Off Rratm tNJurr of aw: ptember term, I8Y. I.uii.i Beach Vi. Eliiah Rpnch . Al. vorce. On motion, it as ordered, that adver tirnient be made for three months in the lia leiidi lieirister and West rn t:mlinion ,(.. TO JAILERS. rEIER, a stout uiade, yellow complected fellow, 35 or 40 ears old, about 5 feet 8 inche high, of rather' an assuming and impu dent manner , left my plantation in K. r haw jwinci . rout n-rrolma, on the 7th July last. ' court house in Morganton, on tlie 4th Monday Information ot him d reted. I il,.r,v n:ii v f....k . T ' un . . 'nomy . .. v Mifnm maw nistnct, south-Carolina, would l'ji'v received. ' -JOStni eiNM.(JTJAM j Elijah Reach appear at the nest Superior Court ,of Iiw to be held lor Dtirke ,coi4nty, at die court House in Morganton, on the 4th ,Mond lot March next, tlitn and there nla.l nU..r be thank- demur, or the petition jvill be heard exparte. 7r Ifst: WM. W. ERWIN.Cn. M,un. f Pr;feSUf. SS' 3ttit99- 24th, 1764 his father was a physician o gre.t practice and reputation, andesided waifiard--Ml.Ir.,.,aaer . xeceivirur a rrmst lihefai duatibh? devoted himstlf lo the study of medicine. After passing sometime at Edinburgh, he visited the schools of tne Continent, and returned to Dublin, having made all the acquisitions, which unremitted labor and a vigorous mind could a. hieve at that period of life. We believe, however, that Mr. Emmet practised but little ; the death of an elder brother who eyen in tbjs talented fomilj sala, or, as we term it (Sicily Madeira) than real Madeira; though a little too sweet for either. It is to be hoped that Mr McCall will continue his exertions in promoting the cultuie of the vine : and that Georgians, grateful for those, patriotic I jLjtJ efforts will amply compensate his labors. j By "J, PAurie Docior YYadd men'ions a cajft of one Samuel Jesus who died at the age of 5. in 1817. This man in the tourse of twenty one years, look two hundred and twenty six thousand nino hundred and thirty four pills, and forty thousand bottles of mixture! RRITIsn CJBIAF.T. Tt would annrar tn be a difficult task tfl get the Britiah Cabinet again complete! since the death of Mi C inning. j uy almost every arrival we have lnfnrfns- The following lines add7edloC were written by a Revolutionary Soldier in not materially affecting its character. veT .... L!-l. . . . l:i:.. kWnrko..J.mitAti..v..:.i... -. c K to anew its want or staoiu.y. rniumt,.. ir .h- - . . . " 1 hus one of ,h latest London papers re- Columo a. It thev are tint ivm nn.! ..!" r r on ru;m ,k. n.r.Lc , ' ' WJ ce,ved antes, that the r Hail Columbia, happv land, Hail great Council, high you stand ! Remember those who placed vou there 1 hrouge eight long years of bloody war, While you could neither feed nor pay I he men who now to you do pray. Remember we as Rebels fought W'e k not mlm as Aecae d - . . A contract was 'twixt us and youj We humbly ask you to fulfil Engagements made, and pay the hill. In the Legislature of Pennsylvania. there are eighty one friendly to the elec- i f i n i f fin bkaib r r mm v. t. Bv ft son, lourreen lor rar, rangement now is, thai Lod Tenterdeo is to be Speaker in the House of Lords s that Sir J. Scarlett is to take his place as Chan cellor, and that Mr. Brougham is to be 'Attorney General. A 'meeting of citizens of Newbrrn if this tva Utelv heli,.for.lhe prPSL e . : .. n :. oi rremotaiiztng tne next vongres. on the subject of tftiproving the navigation of the several Sounds and River, which empty themselves into the Ocean at Oc ra- cock bar, and particularly the Swasn, or great obstacle within a few mil s "of rhe bar, and which it is supposed may be rc- Ad,ms and five doubtful, in the flousc of i moved by the constant- use of dradsi:'g "wprcsenranves. machined - l W( sal (ff, W ha wi wi for " u 1 agi tics