-V - Caiamu Meetings-ln the ffetfrtrnsit- which preceded tde proceeding of the anti JadtooN meeting, held in Concord, on the 3d inst. a typo graphical error escape, I us, which the sensible and candid reader could not but detect on first right, and, by the exercise of. ft modicum of charitable feeling, excuse, By the inadvertence of one of our type-aetten; that meeting w termed an tnll-admimuraiion, instead of an an uJackton meeting. We are desirous this cor. rection should follow close on the heels of the error. In ordr to Mop the carping of hypercrit ics, and the malicious sarcasm of political par tizans. : In eompliahc with the request of the .meeting, we give their proceeding, another iri feertion i which Totto w 1 " At a meeting of a number of the clti-' in ConcoroVon Monday, the- 3.rTntant7 agreeably previous notice, for the jr j ICnrims --xouniy;- m"ine" vonvemrw-ot- Delegates txpected to-meet -in-RaJeigb. oneLiSQtU Ticket lA' fQrf t t hi 'raecrjMMb'n Quincy Adam to the next Presidency of the United states, the following rcsolu (Ions were passed : " 1st. Resolved, that we have entire confidence in the integrity and ability of John Quincy Aiamt, and approve of the leading measure of his administration ; and that we will use all honourable means to promote his re election. ' 2d. Resolved, that we appoint and hereby authorise William McLean nnJ John C. Barnhart, Esquires, "Delreates to represent this county in the convention of delegates expected to meet in Raleigh on the 20th instant, for the purpose. of aiding and assisting in the formation of ft ticket in favor of the re-election of John Quincy Adams to the next Preaiden cjr of the United States. 3d. Resolved, that a committee of cor respondence, of 12 persona, be appointed by this meeting, for the purpose of cor-. - repndiBgwiita.:Mther cummutc.es in ' other counties in this state, who may he : appvintU fo John Phifer, Paul Barringer. Christopher , Melchor, M Iltmi; Samuel Scoit, William II.. Pharfj John L. Beard, Joseph Young, John N.' Phifer, Alphonsn Alexander, Archibald Houston, and Samuel Morrison. 4th. Resolved, that a copy of these proctccing be transmitted to William fll'Lcai: and John C. Barnhart, Estjuiresr- 5th Resolved, that the proceedings of . tbis, meeting be sent for publication to the Catawba Journal and Western Caro linian. signed hv fhr chairman and Sec reti.iv ARCH I) HOUSTON, Chr'n. Alex'h Fl. Ai'RM.Je-rVy. Concord, K C. Sec. 4th, 1 827." 93 COXGHFS1. - Congress convened in W'ahingtQjii on Mon day, the 3d inst. In the House of Representa tive, out of 213 members, only 4 were abent .fuller house than- tmilt for - the fimt dav of the tension. On balloting for Speaker, lion. Andrew Sttvtnton, of Virginia, was elected : Stevenson. 304 votes j John W. Taylor, of New: York, told speaker) 94 s P. 'P. Barbour. 4; Stevenson. 1 ; 8. D. Ingham. 1 1 Stevens, 1. ;' MrV Steve non was conducted ,ta the cbatr ': by Mr. Randolph, from whence he made a suitable ack;! ltdgmtt Jor ..tlie. honoj, ctinftirtcd on him. .We were aw are of there Sejnjf majority cf tii-- friends of Jackson in the Mouse, and werc'coi.fvieiit that a Jackson Speaker woti'd Jjeekcied1.pji!lj"d nothing should "occur to - prevent -a f .l .udn of members t and 4u expectation have been more than realized. Sir. Clark was re-electd Clerk i John O. Dunn, tergeant-at-armi i llenjamin Burch. principal w.-doof-kf rETti. and. Overton Carr,, assist an t. Af- ter the; lloufr w-j tul'y otgamze1,TT1iTourBeT over till 12 o'clock next day ".::'.'':;:zi';'.-.',7'. In the Senate, the Vice President of the Uni ted States ti nV the chair, at 1 'J o'clock ; and "those Senators Mf' tTsetcTrrrtif office commences with this sei. i. t i wit : John Tyler of Virgin ia, Samuel A Foote of Connecticut, Daniel Webster Of Massachusetts, J:jmes Nohle nf Indi ana, and Hoi-atio Srymour of Vermont, (the two last re-rftrtni) then bad the oaths of office admin istrd to them hy the President of the Senate.' lr. Johnson, of Kentucky, pave notice that he should, early in the session, introduce a bill for the abolition of imprisonment for debt. After ja;iing the usual oruers on the organization of the Senate.it adjourned to 12 o'clock next day. A very decided majority of the Senators, are antiadministratioti ; so that jhe friends of Jackson will now have it in their power to carry any measure of national policy, w hich, in their view, may be for the nationol weal ; and be cnabUd to check any impolitic or visionary si-heme which the administration may be desirous of trying Iheirhandat. On the 4th, in the Senc.tr, the President's message was received, read, and 3000 copies ordered to be printed; which, with declaring iJuff Green the printer of the Senate, occupied hivlv till the adinu: ntner.t. In the Hniitr. , 4w-i -"7 - - , 1 on lb same day, the reading of the Preside"nl's V tnewi ge,'4600O itip-uf -wIhcm - were-ordered to be printed) ami tne presentation ot a memo rial on claim of the llevulutioiiary officers tA)ii"i3ved ibe wTudeof tlie day. On the 5fk', in the Senate, a report was recei ved from the" Secretary of the senate, relative to the disbursehient u the contingent fund of the Senate. Mr. Johnson, of Kentucky, intro-Ar-A a kill tn abohfh imnrionmtnt for debt. I -A report was received from the Secretary of War, relative to proposal mr priming ano bindinza certain number of military tactic. In the House, on tlie5th, a commtrnica'inn wa " received from tlie Coniptroller ofthe Treasury ordered to be printed. And a resolution was 'pa?ctl, for the members ttftresrmpe 89 day. in respetaXo lit memory of Ur.Yilutigrii mem- ..... t j. j ber irom emucIy, wno iea wsi summer. The above w a summary of all the business that was done in either house Of congress of general interest, en the three fiint day of the session. - Copfer.l it Stated in the Catnwba Journal ht a bed of eoWier xrt has been discovered in Aihe county, winch promises to be very rich. John Schley hs petitioned the Legislature f Georgia, to id Inm in the establishment of manufactories for fabricating coarjc wocjlcn and cpttdn fofd, in tlt sVe. Messrs. ttmrenee U Lmdp, f ubTisheri of the Raleigh Star, have been elected Printers to the State of North-Carolina for the ensuing year, without opposition. The public printing in this state is poorly paid for--only 900 a year, for all the work, publishing the laws, &c. that is re quired to be done. , in the state of New-York the Public Printer can enrich himself in a few years, the nrtt pnfti of the business averaging 'glO.000 perjannutn ! t Printer to the U. S. &naf.Our readers will recollect, that at the last session of. Congress, there was tome doubt whether Gen. D. Green, editor of the U. S, TeWraph, wa legally elec- ed he having ihe- gTertertjwmbejLofvotesj)f any person in nomination, but noi a majority of me wnoie numoer given in : un me in msi, :Mr;,ltowtiirerj?d thefollwingreMduUoiy.viis "Retolved, that, in the opinion ToF "tlie 'Senate,' Duff Greco is duly elected printer of the sen atei" wliifJi was Bilontcd. 15 to 19. after a lone1 .disewsion..., So that all doubt is nowTemnyOTj'1 ami air. s,reen taxeswe- prmung oi ?ne senaie, It is worth about per annum.- .r legislature to ' the 2lstint.iiicluive,-wili be found in preceding column: the President's Message, and another long article which, we promised last week, do not leave us room to give the business in detail to a later date. The Sheriff' Ml, it will be seen, is again rejected in the senate, by a vote of .30 in favor of, to 32 agai nst it. M r. Dlackledge has, howev er, offered, in th! Commons, a bill to give the election of Sheriff directly to the people, but differing somewhat from the one rejected in the Senate i so that the lower house will have an opportunity of voting on the question. ' On the 6th, Alfred Dockery, of Richmond county, was elected Brig. Gen. of the 14th bri gade ; on the 7th, Athan. A. McDowell, of Mun coinbe county, wa elected Brig. Gen, of the 15th brigade ; and Micajah T. Hawkins, of War ren, w;.s elected Maj. Gen. of the 7th division; and on the 8th, T. V . Norman was elected Brig. Gen. of the 16th brigade. For each of these election, there were several balloting, before a choice was effected, owing to the multiplicity of candidate, li deed, there were ao many vacant offices to fill at this sioii, that, we should suppose the legislature would become completely exhausted with repeated balloting, before their adjournment. 7 - Thtmat Xettlr, Esq', member of the House of Commuui (rota Uockurghant ountyrWa.lected Speaker of that body on the 6th inst. in place of Gen. Iredellj elected Governor. Abner N. Vail, has lost his seat as a member of the- house -of Commons from. AVashuigton, county, for not holding a freehold : he had held bis seat' three weeks under this disqualification.' The Treuivry. What we published last week as report, in relation, to the deficit in the trea sury of tliis state, i now ascertained to he a well established fact. Prom the investigation of the committee., it appears the deficiency is between 69 and g70.000 ! In consequence of this unex pected and most afflictive developement, in re lation to bis father's accounts, Mr. John S. Hay wood, who had been elected Treasurer, resigned that office, inasmuch as when he i elected, the legislature had no knowledge ofthe state of his father's accounts. Wednesday last w an fixed on for the election of Treasurer ; Mr. If a wood wa Again1 'a candidate' -for that office, opposed by Col. William Robardsftif Granville county, John I.. Henderson, of Salisbury, and James Seaw ell, of Fayette ville. Cetrgia. Mr. Fulton, the civil engineer of Georgia, lias made several reports on. the im- provement of the navigation of the rivers of Ujat atatei .In one of these- reports, he recom. ' mr nds-to he fegiltiire' to purchase Aeiprae?, in Maryland or Virginia, to the amount of $80,. 000; and 'estimate their annual cost, in food clothing Mid supenotendance at Sy2-5,OOQ. And . he proposes to employ them four or five months in rokl weather on the riven, and during the SKSlv :ason on the rcorfr. When the stat s!iouidle"done with tnem, they 'can' besofd, and the money returned to the treasury. We are a little curious to see in what light the legis lature will view this Utopian project. Mr. Ful ton, we think,-nrwt-rtg)rtftillj be charged thw tinie 'with want of. v'linuZiYwitU'ptagiarUm, in copying bis report from Keese'f Cy clopi-dia; for the tcheme here noticed, we supect, never entered into the head of mortal man before. At the reeent e Irction in Georgia, for a rep rewntative in Congress, in place of Mr. Forsyth, elected Governor, there was no opposition to Kichard II. Wilde, and consequently no intere-t was felt in the election : in manv counties, the polls were not opened at all and in the w hole state, the votes polled will prohahly not ex eeed what might have been given in one couil ty: so that Mr. Wilde will literally go to Con greu by default, as the lawyers would say: Intemperance. -Wc have received from New- York a package of Dr. Chambers' celtijrated Medicine for the cure of Intemperance : and, j with a view of testing its efficacy, propose to ifurntih any person, uho is an habitual drunk ard, with a doe, provided he is vi.'ling to sub. I n it strictly to the course prescrihed A ncigh ! boring editor-says he has "made vse of a pack et" of tlds medicine, and pronounces it an ef fectual remedy and we arc willing to take his wotd, that it is so ; and on this authority, we 'bespeak the faith of those who need, and are disHed to tru, a dose. On application at our j office, opposite the bank, the medicine can be had by, and tlie nectssary"iWsCf'tptions given ! to, any habitually intemperate person provided ihcJor jLen the case may be) has morrrrf to be cwett. we believe that, in order to give the specific a yur trial, it is necessary the patient slirmld have faith in its efliracy, and asit itn operation by u determination to be cured. If. af ter thi the medicine fails in its reputed sove reign efficacy, -we may be induced to believe, w ith the. Proieatora of Uutgcrt College, that it is a "quack's nostrum." A bill is before the legislature of South-Carolina, giving persons whoae lands may be sold by sheriff's or e ommiionr m rrpiity, thep'rivilege of redeehiing thfm 'at any inie within one vear "after the ialeS.'-""- ' vi'V1 ... Rail loadt. A public meeting assembled at Hillsborough, Chatham county, on the 24th ult. for the purpose of making inquiry and gaining information on the subject of the proposed Kail lload from Newbern to the mountains, through the centra) part of the tate - James Brant ly was called to the chair, and Woodson Lea appointedj secretary. Afer a free interchange of opinion, and much conversation, four resolu tion on the subject were adopted : lit, that a Rail Hoed through the central part of the t,t;e wot)ld be, of immen'e beacfd to all the cftizeni Aeffcef j -SJ, tRattLTt CCHIrTj s idling to pay a tax, to be levied at the present session of the legislature, fof the purpose of effecting this important work 1 3d, that an! Engineer ought, at the present session, to be Authorized to examine the route, and report on the prac ticability and cost of such a work; ani 4th, that the members of assembly from that (ounty be requested to use their best endeavors to effect the great object in view. The publications of the number of Carlton, en to have infused new ardor into the people, i regard to internal mproveinenti t and while "ttie spirit ot improve ment is abroad," we do sincerely hope the Le gislature will improve so At an occasion for doing1 tmtthing toAvert the present ruinous de terioration 1n tlie political condition of the State. our columns of this week, renoea It Impossible for u to find room for proceedings ofthe meet ings lately held at Newbern, on the subject of IlleflSSSehcy.-rAt tbeadmawsUaUon meetig on the 1 5th tttt;'n'tvlir-fn(rDed;'-:That'tnitinee' tinr naslhe;:fullest.confldVnee-m the- present try j snd they setf with regret and alarm the relent- less opposition waged against men and measures, that have received the support and sanction of preceding Administrations, enjoying in an em inent degree the confidence of our common country. The following gentlemen were appointed the committee of arrangements, to wit: Edsard Graham, Hon. William Gaston, lion. Jno. H. Bryan, Hon. Wm. S. Blackledge, John Prsnk Smith, James G. Stanly, John Burgwin, Gen. Durat Hatch, Gen. Vine Allen, Isaac Taylor, Wm. Dunn, Wm. Hollister, Col. John I. Pasteur, Col. Tho. H. Daves, Samuel Simpson, John Snead, Joeph Oliver, Silvester Brown, John P. Daves, Hardy B. Croom, Dr. Peter tlistis, Dr. John 1'. Buyd, Asa Jones, Jeremiah Brown, Ed ward C. Pasteur. On motion ofthe Hon. John H. 'Bryan, it was Retoh-ed, That the Hon. Wm. S. Blackledge be appointed Elector for thii Electoral Pistrict. At the Jackson meeting, held in tbat town, on the 24th ult. which we noticed briefly last week, a very spirited address was adopted, which we regret our want of room 9 ituert. Among the resolutions passed, was thl following t Re solved, that in the opinion of meeting, the present crisis calls tor- tlte ltctuin ul a niau whose honesty and integrity araabove ushchmi, MimidrimMj!), aMptiouthe interest and honor of his county, will atop the advance of corruptioo, and re ore the govern ment to its former simplicity ind purity-and that we believe in General Jlnlrew Jackton will be found such a man ; in whOn), in the. words of the illusTrioiis"Jefferson, seelii itjc only hope left of avoiding the dangers mMfestly about to arise out of the broad constriction now again given to the Constitution of tie United States, which effiices all limjtations'of powers, and leaves the General Government altogelhor un restrained" j Jifjton.-A Vermont paper hates, by informa tion received from Canada, jiat Snelson, the robber of the Petersburg bant, has been arres ted, and is in prison at Quebri. He did not, as was said, sail in the vessel that went from Que bec to Liverpool, but went into the country about ten mile from the city, nd there remain ed for some-time, ril suspicion excited, and W wa apprehended and candied in prison. Juntice w ill, sooner or latei, orcrtake the guilty. ..Vara Rattle. It is stated, by way of New- Orleans, that a naval battle lately took place, off Havana, between tlie Mexican brig of war Bra vo,' and the Spanish packet from Cadiz, the Lit. ttr having a valuable cargo on Wd,-, -Each vetaci mounieu me same numuer 01 guns, ai- er fighting three quarter of ai hour, the Mexi - carl captured her enemy by boarding, after TosiniT6 killed and 25 wounded. Manufacture..-Meeting of the people, in that part of. -yirginracOTtigirovs: burg, have lately been held, oa the subject of, establishing cotton and woollen r.anufacturies there; subscription books have ulready been opene.V.preparatory-to forimng k - mp iocs, iitr uiaiiuiHVtu, ing raiimt, hu ulllouitV nearly ' sufficient tor commer.cinf .. operations w ai in i V n Jhort time strbscnbAj.-- - H U A eUtUd 1 ho last neis from Ken tucky, in relation to the election (or Congret?, in place of Dr. Young, is very unsatisfactory : fhr ur fliv,rs rumiirft nn tlv ttibwrf .n i . 7.; y j . uiai 1. union is eiecu-u Dy iv votes; anotner, that thrre is a tie between the tw candidates ; and another, that Calhoun ha received the cer tificate of election. It 1 strange that the truth cannot come out of Kentucky. On Saturday, the 8th, Gen. Iredell, the Gov. elect, took the oaths of office, t 12' o'clock, in the presence of both Houses of the Legislature, and a numerous as- scmblage of spectators. He was attended by Kx Governor Purton and the Commit- tee appointed fot that purpose. The in j jugural address of Governor Iredell, wai very appropriate and was delivered in m impressive and graceful manner. 1 I fiank f Cahc Fear.-M t t meet.nc of the Directors of this bank, it was re - solved,-that-"from the smallncbS of the debt due the Batik, and the ncctdhity a hith demands its still progressive dimi nution, while the Institution is ncceisarily encumbered with its- current exietiscsi .ind weighed down by an one row State Tax, a curlailment of the proOtt.to the Stockholder became unavoidable, and the expediency of continuing its. operations rendered doubtful," a meeting of the stot k holder -be cajlcd,. io lake place on the first Monday in January next in the town of Wilmington, to discuss the expe diency of surrendering the charteff and windingup-the concern of the Institu tion. It would seem from this, that the pmssure of the times is ai distressing to monied institutions, as to individuals. Solicitor General. We leam from Raleigh, that John Veff, Esq. of Hillsboro', was, on Tuesday lt, elected Solicitor General of thii State, in place of Edward Joins, resigned, by a considerable majority over Gen. R. AI. Saumier of this place, and John M. Morehcad, Esq. of Guilford count v ; Set 107, ban 43, Mor -7. r Tremwrer. A friend, who left Raleigh on Thursday last, has favored us with the result of four balloting' by tlie Legislature, for Public Treasurer as follow: Ut. John L. Henderson, . .' 41 U 35 56 58 17 3d. 4th. 35 61 59 SO 85 68 13withdr'n. 9 5 John S. Haywood, ... 47 William Kobards, ... 46 James Seawell, - - - . 21 Ex-Gov. Burton, .... 18 j .16 Statl Bank V e learn from the Raleigh Register of the 11th inst. that the Stock; holdeTrSf iRfe State Bank co'nvenetl'Tn that city on the 3d a greater a'mount of stcKk being represented than Msu4rrr?lr5 Yancey, speaker of the. senate, represen ting the state. Col. Wm. Polk was appoin- E.inltd IfJ.'exaraine into the;affai.rrp.the temporarily-Oft Thursday the 6lhthe meeting was again convened, wnen tne committee of examination made a very satisfactory, Report, which was concurred with, as was also the Report of the Com mittce on the revision of the By laws After which, the following Stockholders were elected Directors of the Principal Bank for the ensuing year: Willim Bovlan, Stephen Birdcall, William Polk, B. A. Barham, Duncan Cameron, Henry M. Miller, William Peace, Alfred Jones, Theophiltia Hunter, Geo. K. Badger, Joseph (inlet, William Itobards, James F. Taylor, Durant Hatch, jr. W illiam Hill, W. W. Jones, . John Bell, James Seawell. Tho. D. Bennehan. A committee was appointed to draft 0 Memorial (0 the Legislature, 10 pass an act to reduce the number of the Direc tors ofthe Principal P-jnk to thirteen, and those of the Piatches to nen. The in eeiing then adjQume,dsu bjcct.to (h e i call of the Chairman. . -. j ,..'.. On, (pc.SA9.tsycnjinhc.nevlf elected Hoard of Dirleciors i met anil orgahizedYhei r meeting-by re appointing Wm. Boylan, Evrj. their President ; and on the follow ing evening they --met rami appointed the Directors at the several JJrjnch PaUkSi and Wendrd in other btiriness tif the in btitulion. There were no alterations made in the diiertors at Salisbury j at Wilmington, Fayetteville, Tarboro and, Kdenton, there wtiea lew changes made. Aew Governor Gen. James Irf.of.li., of Kdenton, ws elected by the legislature, on Wednesday, the 5th inst- Governor ol this siate for the ensuing year. There were three balloting before a choice was effected, to wit : lit.; 2d 2d: Iredell, 66 ' 82 104 Spaight, 0 82 80 Polk, " '24 15 withdrawn. Stanly, 21 withdrawn. ;Jljjor . yQhi)-vwf,,P..oi liiapcn, not a candidate, received 15 votes on the first f M e It, balloting, and 6 on the econd , : Preudenj'i Meage....n another part of our pHp,, f (v, will bfe found a part of the 1 nr .1,- tJ 11 i;ii.i si.i.. I h- - . 1 we have not room for the whole thi week. Il nUin. s. nkihle. bn-iness messiiire..verv (Trifunient of tlie kiiid frortf the Mme (rt.nteH1an. ,h, nl,itllarv nnl;re. ,u ,uu f 7V.. - Dtiwn; ,00 ja'e for insertion thisff'7 reare.11iie prenne, conven week j it shall be publiiheil in our nesti- James Wi 'McCluhg, "Rsq. a member lat year ofthe legislature' of Alabama, was.tiied at the November term of lhe Madion cirruit emiii, for the murder of Andiew Wills, E .ite cili tor of the Montsville Democrat , and, alter a teoious 1 nveptigaiiun of the subject for five day, i he as acquitted. I'OKLKj'N. papeii t" the 24th Oct. have Fincl'isli been received at Norfolk, by an arrival Irom Liverpool. When the Tally Ho oiled, one of the most remarkable and proctracted contests that history iccords, was going on in Liv erpool for the office of Mayor of that City. The canvass was conducted with unprecedented warmth, resting altogeth er upon the respective popularity of the candidates, Messrs AVrAoa RoDtni on and T C. lrttr, bo'h said to be gentlemen of fortune and of the highest lespcctability, P"onai ir.enas ami o, M....ar ,.o..La, i0Pin,ons And the election was to be continued on the 2 Ith. The following U the stale of the polls on each day RMt First dav, Oct. lHth 5W Second dav, "19th BfiU Thirtldav,' 20ih 1IW Fourth day, " 2 id 1440 Fifth day, " 23d 1720 . It seems to be pretty well 560 H60 1160 1440 .Un settled by :n,.ii.,..nr rprr'wrA from Cotis;aiitinonlc 1 ' . . r .u., l, UHough.a.yariciy.fii sumacs m . . tnman Porte h is decidedly nr ,',"",r"t - jetted all overtures ot-mcdiaiion from ipe European powers.. A letter fromCotfu n'fihi 24U ef September atales lhat ad al tlie J4W 01 epuwwei i- s , . miral Codrtngton x cl"c measures. He has blockaded the r.gyp- tian fleet at Navarino with moic than four thousand troops on board, and given no- lice to the commander that it would not iicc iu u c be permuted tomake any attempt against ny part of (ireecc, but that il the lied were willing to niltither fur Lgvpt ' r......,;nr,,.lr. h would arcoirtlKiiiy it and protect il fni any uUtk jfli.C, rr. . t V S-Grccii- FayetleUUe, B?cN6.--Apple brandy, 32 to 35 1 Peach do. 35 to 40; Bacon, 8 a 10; Bag. ging. 20 to 25 j Coffee 13 a 18; cotton, new 8 to 8 50; Corn, 40 a 45 ;flour, 4 JO to 4 75 Iron, 5J to 6J; Molasse 35 to 40; Sugar 9J to 10 Salt, 80 to 85 tyhiskey32 a oJj Wheat 75 to 80. ner bushel. Ilills on Ne w-York, at sipht, 3i per cent, pre mium, at 60 days, 1 J per cent, -, at 90 days, paf , U. S. Bank 'Notes, a 3 per cent, premium. K Charleittn, Dec. 3.-iCotton, upland9J to 10J 1 whiskey, 31 to 33; apple brwndv, 30 32 beeswax, 24 a 25 1 bacon, 7 J to 8 1 bapging, 20 to-82 f-altf Liverpool in 4ulk-4i a 454 urk Island 60; ugarf brown, 9 to 9j j Coffee, 1J to 15; molasses, .17 a j8, black pepper, 18 a IS LefvUL-iSk lo5 7J,, ( 'ttom. In ' Urilaoils the mipplv continues) ' limited and sitles at our last. We quote 9 j a 10$, though a few lots Very choice hive been soUat aomtitu,wwr-- - -Noiarn; Ti dicotnts 'Gew-gta-dores wpt 4rin) 1 4-l per cent, discount. , 1 --r..r- In Wilkes county, bv the Itev. Richard II. Parks, on the 2Ut!i ult. Maj. Li tie Hickcraon, of Bockford, Surry county, to Mis Amelia Gwyn, of Wilkesi Also, in Surry county, on the id inst. by the Hev. Joseph .Tones, Mr.L Nathan Craft, of Stoke county, aged about 7J, to Mrs. Polly Padget, of the former county, a prightl-y widow of IS, ...all fur Jacktoix. coMNCniCAtKDj In Mecklenburg county, on the 29th ult. by the Hev. Sam'l.-Williamson, Mr. Kobert C. Far. net to Mis Margaret Week', daughter of John Weeks Eq. In New York, on the 28th ult by the Ilev. Mr. Hart, M. M. NOAH, Esq'r. Editor of the New York Enquirer, to Miss Kebecca, only daughter of Mr. Daniel Jackson, all of that city. In Stokes county, on the evening ofthe 25Ili ultimo, Col. William I'oindcXter, to Mi's An F.liza Nel.4on, daughter of Isaac Nehon, Esq. SZTD, In Surry countv, near HamptonTille, on fl'O 8th inst. Moses Div. K-n. aired 35 viai-s. IJa retired to rest in good health, and was ascer tained hy hi wife to be dead in bed next morn. trig, He wa twnett, and respectcU uv ali wno Knew him." ; Salisburu Lirht Infantru BliU's. TN actordince "willi a request from tilt Com 1 -niitte'e of Arrangement for celebrating tho, ensuing antiiversaty of the Victory of New-Or- lt ans, that tlie company of Salisbury Light In fahtry Blues' sbimld uiiite with theirfeliiiw-citizehsv in the celebration, your muster is postponed to Turtdait the 8ih of January nert ; you are then to assemble, in complete uniform, at the Couft House, at 9 o'clock 1. m. By ord. r of Copt. LtMLV. JOHN II. IIARDIE, Sec'ry. December I4M, 1827. 3(95 LOOK AT TIMS ! V1TII.I. be sold, on the firit day of January v v neat, t the Store of William MrJimSry k Son, in the lower end of Iredell county, two valuable A A.G'WOA.'.V, a man and woman, about 26 yeais of age, belonging to the estate of Hugh McKnight, dee'd. TFiere w ill al-o be hired, on the nmr day, ten -or twelve likoly Xtgrnei, belonging to the rtat ' of A le xande r YV01 ui, dec'd. Terms will fa made known on that da v. JAMES SLOAN, Mm'r. Decemher (th, 1827. 395 VAI.UAM.K PLANTATION, AT Pt'MJC S.11K. Tiril.Ii U soKI at I'lihlie. Auction, at U ft :wirt-lfoose .111 haliabury, 00 Tuesday, the 1st day r.f January next, the Plantation on whi' h the subscriber now resides, on the waters) of Third Creek, adjoining the lands of John Voting and W'tn. H. WimmI, Enquires, and oilier i .. rontainiug bout 00. acre of a good ..land $J any in Howan count y. About 175 acres cleared, nmrli of which is freshall under a good ient and substantial buildinpt. of all kinds re. quired' on a large Plantation. Tenna, &c.'maJo known on the day of Nile- - - - SAMUEL YOUNG. fVc. 5rV 18-7,. . . . . ,2i94... F.ST AT K OF JOHV DONALDSON. rilHK s, I Ira'c sobscribt r having qualified as adiinnis- Ira'or on the estate ol John llonalrlson. dee'd late of Rowan county. N. (.'. wild the Wilt annexed, drir- all persoin indrbtrd to laid estate to make payment with as little delay 1 possible ; and all persons having claim against the estate, are desired to present them, legally authenticated, w ithin the time limited by Act f Assembly, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. KCFl'S REID, .IJminiitrator. December 14(A, 18.7. 93 NEW WATCHES 8l JEWELRY. Ill NTING TON h WYNNK. nVE the pleasure of informing their friends and the public generally, that they hav received lh irf'all supply of U001I1, consisting in part ofthe following: Ladies and Gentlemen' Gold Patent Lcvr'r WatcheH, Silver do. tiiitHl plain English do, (.old Chains, Seals r)h SelsofP. ail. And a very extensive a.iortmcnt of Fine Jet,'. fftr rats, Hertoiis iiuleblrd to tlu-in, are refpieated to call and settle tlu ir respective accounts, by bond or otherwise Sahtburv, liee. Tih, H27. 92 State of Xorth-Vurol'iui, II ilhei muntf : Of, I f HKI Sc-siuni. 187 t llrasloii Cox and wife. t. James Wellborn, adm'r. ol Wm. r wile, t. James W rNtiorn, .LA,.4u!4t.1u.l,aiuHttjut. ine,ncnt,.. It P- p(:l,rlng it. W mri that Hugh Allim. Ilei.ja- ' ll(iB Alliaon, Ephraim Alluon Winiam Alljon: Daniel Albion, Lucy Allium, Peggy Alti-on, I'olly.Alli-o.i, and neivy Ailw, bve beyond f M m,i,,d tfm p.ihli,,., . nc made tor a., w.-rk, ,., the. Wester,, j;nfolini,p ,t)llt nll);i, Alliwn, lienj. Allison, t;pir,in, aIUwhi, wUir. aIIimju. Daniel Allii Lucy Allison, Pi gg Hioii, I'olly Allison, and H. tsey Alh-on npi.ear at our nr county ccurt to be b d for the county of Wilkes, 111 the town .o.rtl.c fir-i Monday aH.rtho ; u Moiljs- jmvy next, and cause them., jbclvt-- t Dc nm'l.- (artif tn the nKst- tjii. i.e I est. ROIII H I' il.VU I I.N, u.c.i.. rssparsssjsss

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