i Lb mm SALISBURY, N. C.....TUI SDAY, JANUARY 8, 1828. VOL. VIII NO. 30fj. Hh Philo u nite. s . Tlie terms of the Western Carolinian are, per annum or '2 50, if ttuid inMihine,.Hi .payment in advance will ba required from all subscribers it a distance, who are unknown to - the Editor, unle some responsible person of hit acquaintance guarantee he p mem. paper distonrinned, (eav'rrrt at th-oftow "vt the K(litor) UtlH H Tntf ft. .wmpntl fillho Inserted t fifty cent , per square f6r the first insertion, and twtmty-five for each "subsequent one.;u:;. .. All tetters addressed to the Editor, must bt ' they.8ay i jattMdedJo.n." ': i'JIi)J.J.rii ?!-"" j l'' ''''ir'J'j.-'W-'.'-iw.,' . ff'aAnfo,0rr. 24. "I "tn the Senate, Mr. Benton Introduced. : Vulome,expl4niWrr Remark th bill 7 to 14 graduate the price of the public lands -and lo rede the refuse to the .States in "-; which they lie which also elicited some . explanationfc from Mr. Barton. Mr. Noble 1 fit rod u red - bi 1 1 f r tbe eon t inu at ion of ' the Cumberland Koad. Mr. Silsbee sub ' milted a resolution for the Increase of the ; naval force in the Mediierranean.'op ac count of the piracies to which the com merce of the United States is there sub ject. , 1 ' - In the Hew of llepresenativea,a great 'number of Hrsolutiona were offered. Among others, Mr. Hamilton brougkt for ward a resolution on the subject of relief In those who suffered inconsequence of me Allen and Svum f w w -,'-he gave notice that he should call tip on -th second-MondaX-in n.UH-T A t)i" making partial appropriation for the lop-; ort-of. the Government tor wuo, ."K orihr compensation of members of Cou- gress'Sn't Hhe expenses of tne uousc, w ' reported, rad three times and passcd. Mr. P. P. Barbour, Irora the Commit tee on (he Judiciary, reported a till to l ter 'he timeof Wdiog the Bisuid.1 outts o'niriea' Srafes1nJiTrev-i;vr'tctof Mid ordered to be engrossed and read a "third time to morrow.. The House djoured till Thursday. ., WtdnnAay, Dec 18 In the Senate, Mr. RobSins introduced a bill providing for the adjustment controversies arising between the States and the United States. The bill for dis'iibuting among the se Teral States a portion of the revenues of the United State" was referred to a select committee of seven. Select committees were also raised upon the claims of the " " ;TiTnrarrtoTi of the revolution, upon :;i7e,icir BpollAticms, and -tJpn the resolu tion for the revnal and arrangement oi rr::ne;rolefif.!hi'-Snate.--;--- r rrlnViheshotlse ol Representivest Mr; MitcbelU of Tennessee, oflTeted a resolu tion relative to the removal of the Indians rlo the West of the Misissippi, and placing them under a Territorial government Sever1 billi"were reported, and several petitions reported on unfavorably. Among hill renorted was one from the Select Committee on tharaubject7V6"authDrirc -ttr .oceVnatHW nhe..mooth of ihe Ore on river. A bill was also reported by ---M.;Suon2raltow.in.K.th onti of Florida who were residents when -,T--iiAr. was Iransterreu - to-tms -country, in J831 the right of voting in ny elections of Legislative Council, Uel cgate to Congress or any other officer. Thundatj, Dec. 19 The bill ft abol ish impmonmcnt for debt was taken up, in Committe of the whole, and was advo cated in a speech of consWcrable length, by Mr. Johnson, of Ky. 'in th-- House of Representatives, a Bill xft reported from the Committee on public lands, granting relief to purchas ers of the Public Lands which had rever ted in consequence of the non-pavment of the purchase money- Mr. McDuffie and Mr. Smyth offered joint resolutions containing propositions for the amend nient of the Constitution as relates to the election of President, which were read, and referred to a Committee of the whole en the state of the Union. MrTlfolrnes offered the following-reso-1 luSpnTwhTeiTTieinw r-r-eh?rrfi That "the--'Secela'ry'6r-War be instructed to lay before this House the report of the Corps of Engineers directed to survey the river Cape Fear, from Wil- ' mington to the Bar, agreeably to a rcso- I . . . II St U ! lutloa pasaeqn tnis stousc on the practicability end probable expense of excavating a ship channel through the Flats between these two points. Committee on the Public 'Buildings, r,Wd vesterdsv, us Mews. Van Rensselaer, Evetett, Oarrow, Taliafcrror "j'o'rtiTitri6n'Kingi''i'if FOREIGN INTELUGESCE. -Letters 'of the 25th Oct. from Zante, announce thai Ibrahim Pacha, upon being informed of the memorable action at Na Tarino, fell back upon Coron, and put to the , sword all the Greek prisoners, men women and children, which he had held in captivity fifteen months. " According to custam," say these letters, " the monks and priests were crucified or burnt at a slow fire. Details are given on this sub. iert which make one tremble, but ever thing seems to Indicate that the last hour of the Egyptian tiger his arrived. , The English; French and Russiin flags (luted on the 24th on the ramparts of Navarlno. Christian t i pie Alliance. datedaf arino, .October 2 J1.!; It U im possible to describe the enthusiasm crea Jed monittT br tbe aimiliUaAian7j)Jflve Turkish flset.The; triost noble emulation was displayed by the vessels of the three allied powers ; each one rivalled the oth er in carrying assistance to any ally in danger. In this respect, English, French and Russians have claims to each other's graliiude. - Immediately after the" destruction of the Turkish fleet at Navarino, the allied commanders despatched fast sailing ves sels to Smyrna, whence expresses were to he despatched to Constantinople to ap prize their countrymen of the event, and enable them to provide for their safe ty before the intelligence could reach the Sultan. Other vessels followed those first despatched, to aid in the protection of the European residents. The raris Journal du Commerce, says 'Perfect nccord seems to prevail be- iarn .ja rjihinrU nf F.ntrlinil. France and Austria, upon the maintenance oi the repicsctiiative Ciovcrnment in Portu gal!,Vc1, adds the Monitcur, "record with pIcsjUTC this phrase among the truth of the dav. Th-tTfBnte Don Miguel was expected in LondonTii all November on Ills wiy to Lisbon where he is to assume the reins ol Portugal About twenty of his household servants have arrived at Portsmouth. . fKA- M.-:.vA(.lv,r-Tlea will hf? MD- ular V ircrov in Ireland. I lis court will DC upheld by a gieat nufoWf Engfisn- mj - biliiynd bv magnificence and hospuaii ty. The latter is an Irish virtue, and Irishmen both prctie and honor it. ... One of the toimmenes columns mat are to suppott the gillerv of the church of llome.airived in the Tiber in ihe begin ning of Octobei ; so immense a mass of stone has not been seen since "heYime of the ancient Romans. It length is 52 Roman palms, and its circumference about thirty two MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. ZTtSunod of IVrti Ttimieiitt convened at ashviile:onttie siK uTt."Tlolferesfhig" Revivals of Religion were reported Irom m,ni roHbe Churche-, and the Synodir.al Narrative states, that thefc heVet had be fore been, within the same length of time, so muth attention' to the means of grace, and so many additions to the church, as during the last year. It was a, subject of regret, however, that this moral renova tion had not been universal within their hound : and that some sections, profes-' sors of relicwiTnwPe dispoiition ip. the customs and. in some instances, to ihe vices of the world. Er- rors in senttmeiu and' pracitce-ytt. pre vailed to "a great degree, ,and jpuIJy'nIed for "the earnest :"'prVyefs''and" steady" vrgl: lance of the icopIs of "God for their aup- pression. Charlciton Oicncr; We have been fvored with the perusal of a letter from Paris, dated the 12th sill, which says, that the news of the deslruc tion of the Turkish fleet was received in that capital with the utmost enthusiasm ; but that an impression prevailed that its effect would be to exasperate the Porte still more. ' Aat Jour. Ircmh .avy -. late London paper, in allusion to the French Navy, says : "The government of France appears to be making great exettions to recover its Navy, and to become again a formida ble naval power. We hjve frequently alluded to the nctiviry displayed in the ffocTfYardsTat Urcsrand-Fonlony trrbutt- '(1tnT''Shtps-'-tjfwrT'and---the--biilding-f- large ships has also been proceeded with in a very rapid manner at Cherbourg. The brig Doris which sailed from Bal timore on the 10th tilt, for Liberia, had on board owe hundred and Jive tmigrantt for the colon'. The on Nautilus which will soil in a few days will carry one ntin- drcd eighty of whom are from the state of North Carolina. We are happy to learn from the Repository that the contri butions to the friends of the society have amourysed within th lait ractfvthvtoncftrly 83,000 more. A work has recently,, made its appear ance under the title of.M A Voyage to the Moon," in which are satirized the various follies of the wise, which have from lime to time made their appearance. The allusions re not alWays very clear, but they are generally fortunate. ' The work is amusing tnd well written. AaticnalJour. SliEEP, MJA UFACTVRtS, Ue. We are pleased to team (says the Ra leigh Register of the 4th Dec.) from sev eral of our Members of the General As sembly,' that plans are forming in differ ent sections of Ihe State h our tntellitrent flocks of sfyeep, and also Tor establishing cotton and woollen manufactories, as f lie mntl likola nuini rf rtiinf? tkmttt.pi fromltbe pressure which they have for se-meikix sed prices oftver' igTjcultBrBl product; They are "now convinced, that those of our sister states whose citliens are partly engaged in manulactures, as well as in commerce, succeeded much better in providing the necessaries and comforts of life for themselves and familes than they are able td do from agriculture alone, and have therefore wisely come to the deter mination of following their example, possessing,' as they do, equal, if not supe rior advantagee both for raising sheep and carrying on manufactures. The ad vantages which they - have for raising sheep are, the cheapness of our lands and the .shortness of our winters. In the northern States, lands suitable for the pur pose of supporting these animals, cannot, we presume, be purchased for less than ten dollars an acre ; here it can be hd for ?IrWcnw,nu five months in the year; here, not more than as many weeks. . Our advantages for engngintr in manufactures are equal-., ly great. We have water power to any extent" Which would be rccjtiired, and the raw material at our doors. "Arrd we heard a gentleman state, a few days ago, who had visited the northern manufactories with a view of obtaining information on the-ntrbjccti that'in working a cotton man uTactory'o'rTuW spihTTTes," in ' this. State. Vy-Tneans of slave tt ten years, there would, be a saving ol 216,000, in this article of labour alone, w ken com pared with 4 he cost of ,W.or.kuyi., the same at, the Ntrth. besides saving about 2 1-2 cents a b on the cotton used during that period. J The great difliculy in raising sheep in this country heretofore, has been to pre serve them from being destroyed by dogs. But this danger will now be abol ished, by keeping large flocks and em ploving shepherds to wstch over them. How much preferable would a course of this kind be. to cultivating a jealous, discontented "spirit towards our more in dustrious and enterprising brethren of the Ntorth, and how much more honoura ble and useful to our State ! - filinitttr fa -LonJon. The - American CetuineL mentions a Deport as circulating in Philadelphia, that Mr. Clay the Sccre larv of State, is to-stcceed Mr. Gallatin in the Mission to the. Court of St. James, and that Mr. Sergeant is to be made Se tcretary of State.-" Th Editor of the New fYork Evening Post h rrom Washington, w his received a letter hineton, which says " I: is rumored here that the Hon WajYte) VVel-- ster ' is to be appointet Minister- toEirg- land." ! The Mends of Gen Jackson in Indiana, will hold a Convention at the seal of gov ernment of that State, on the 8:h of Janti-1 ary next, to nominate suitable persons to j be supported as candidttea for elections, j The Marriage Quettion.K few weeks . L 1 i since wc inscrec an arncic wnicn was1 - ST 1 going the rounds, stating that the .ew York Presbytery hadlinanimously decided to erase the section of the confession of fait hi forbiJding a mbn to marry his de ceased wife's sister.) The last N. York Observer states thationthe 30th of May, the sense of 68 Prejbyterics on the sub ject was communicated to the General Assembly, 5') of whifch were found to In aeainst the erasure! and 18 in favor About-the lOth of-Jtne,4be same- qutami k ,nn r.m n n he.fore the General Svnod .fih Reformed Uulch Church, and was!claw In'nmer, decided in the tame manner, djj vote oi ..... . r 41 to 15. The United Slates' schooner Grampus, arrived at New-York on the 15th ult. in nine days frdrffM atsnzasrwtth th mains of the late Lieutehant Men, who was killed a few years ago, in defending the commerce of his country against the pirates who at that time infested the Mex ican Gulf. The body will be convey ed to Hudson, his native place, and. then inter; red. - A Societr called the NcrthCaroHiia' butution.,for.ihein5!mQtimQtlbe.0.w and Dumb, has been lormed in Kalcigh, of which the Governor is f resident A lady is delivering course of public lectures, in London, to crowded audiences, on the "morality of the Christian reli-Bipn." KAtTSIOIl HOTEL, SALISBURY, XOIITH CJROLMJl, BY kzkA allimoko. i fpiilS elegant ealabluhment, sitiisted faVZVs I at the north corner of the Ootirt. rll Jl louse, has been recently repaired and tted up innwj ccpltoi) of (imanr'J he graatcat- pajna fiive- beA fatrn in nmnir. tm tin. .f alil!.Knnn Ke 'Jurmture V everVerTn1 f DWred "icrVanfi Wire' hlr L-tit irifll rrr. KT-!Tr the. ttaUeii- ttemled bv oIrrrmar".arul.atteatit '!Hie:towriiift.we K thii isjuatlon Is equal to any in the place. Hie house contains a number of private rooms. ;k! out-hmtsea, well calculated for the accommodation of 1'ravellen and Boarders. Attached to which, there is a Dry Goods and Book Store. To thoe who may please to call on him. he amtires tlu m that no painir will be spared to render heir sfay conifortable and plentjiifr. EZRA ALLEMONO. L Solithttry, .V. V. S,pt. 17. 18-7. 82 CARD. E. WTLLEY tc CO. (".it the Si$n oftlte .Von.ir and Pettle,) n.sVK just received from New York. hrge supply of Drugs-, Ncdkines, and Paints ; which, together with their firmer utock, make their present imorl merit replete uiih the moat va!uabi.e.,Ui-fiftr5,4w'nriiM'rx..A.l.,.,x worthy of public patnnupr, they now ofli-r for sale, H'luilcsalc uml Ki-tnil, the itbove Medicine, &e. on tlie niiiKt reniriiille lernii. PkyiitHiHs- in thintectum nl' the country, as we'l as tliiMt to the wt-stward, who, heretotore, have b-rn in lh Imliil of tuiinlyincr thiinsliii wnnlminnesrromthrrnnhTTi7i't elscvhcrr; will find it for their intra to eirmirfe the rf- i fort of the preent proprietors, in making this j a useful and permanent stand N. B. Ortlrrt carefully and punctiialW pot uj srreeablvlo directions'; ancTon tfie sfiortest no- Tt(K"XaniihiH:x:-m,: isiT ;' i- THE snrsciUBEKs Ihve in part received their FALL Kt'Pl'LY of " li VilvlViO . ,wo s,1l's ,,re ,Iie n"1 celebrated in the UnL pnFw-rttti'1s'tpWV'4-t atriwt'' f 4jMc&fcir, 1 during the enm.m week, which thev oiler , I.ntr.l al.opa, in h.lsdelph.a. Fie.h ncks. to their trk-mls and the public in general, ' l,,,r ''hirioiid. and PeteraUirw, irg , he alio for C.ISil. I heir Htock will consist in part of the following ARTICLES, Viz: (fJllU New-Orlean. St. ( niix and Porto 4 Kico Sugars, "25 bhls Inuf and lump do. 40 A prime Ijiguym tJoflee, H hag Mountain St. Ilomingo do. 5 do. Pepper, 50 pii;res cojton nagging. 42 inches, , 25 cotl bale Hope. 1 box choice f'avrndih. Votntceo, 7i bbl apple Uratidy'JJ do. Rye Whikey, 10 do. N.-H. Hum 10 do Amento tiiii, 5 lilids Jamaica spirit 3-do. Antigua Kunw-1 da. SUnib, , . f pipe nldCofr'c. Bratuly; favorite fomdr,) 3 do. old Reliedam Kin, - i oiiar catks Tent-rifle, 7 5 do. do. Sherry, i pipe oiu Madeira, YlT.S n ogu pipcaawcei siirapn. 10 do. quar. casks do. 2 onar. casks old Port, in ron. j. j uj'-l? r C I.stist NroaT J n boxen Imperial, o H0.fl.lnwder, 4 do. V. Hyson aTiTIOS. 1 hlid. Cotitieras. 1-certwM, HtMtgsl liMligio packugc of frum .j U i . T - . " '5o"' kegs llrange Powiier. 1 box Mustard (for fimity use) 5 bpvs sperm Candle?, 5 casks choice f.'Oshcn Chee?e, 1 cak Kpom Salts, (warranttil genuine) 10 ki'( ground (iinR-rr, 1 I.M. hil.sdelphis Starch, .V hags shot, aMHorted Numliors lUl m a bole, half and i tiirter !.. fi i-h Ma lap Hainili", warraiiteiT Ti rse," 5ml ttrt1I worthy 'he n'ti'nti'm of families, iH tons nssor d Swedes Iron, 1000 bii'beb l iv. rMkl Salt. Willi manv other article in iheir line. .f 7 kiwit of Country I'i tdutc tah n in p.nnunt. 10 cases oflVOOl. HA IS, 9 do. fine for do. 4 do. wool and cotton Cards, . ,13 pieces twilled lURro t'lolh, . . 10 reams writing Paper, Knivca ai.d forks, hutrlu rs knives, shoe knives, lfinhb. hlad d P:n and ock kniv.-s, pad lock, stock locks, ;un lock Km, lilmr. s. wimk! screws, hone trunk locks. l'lcains, nail Ulu-en Clears, ktvholr. tenant and I. a ..I aw, ctiib' aiiil :T(f tprt axev bmg I .. u and Yankee cxiJIce mills. Tinr. tiuifMiiX. uuni ; .,Vel.tord,-pnll chains, screw aurcrs. gouges and chissel. chct hinges, shoe . .n,L . ui mill ftlai pincers iUlMl WDif curry ium, . . a . S . i..vinir row hide l,in.. olated snur razors, shaving boxes, spectarles and cases, black-lead an I r..n,:k Kntrli-h slateg, hoses soap, t.cn late man, and cat Steel, casting, rs.i.e Cliains. I blacksmith's hammerg, &c. kc. &c. Well worthy the attention ol Country ,'vler. chant, as they will he ld low for cah to ebae a consignment iiiik I tirv in i " Wtf ettnwi'r lie. Ochher 23, 1S27. " .1- ...afstil nii j w. iiiLiiiAitw, - tM fcCTarW'ewpdly 4o. intitatn the 1 1 cit'uen of Davidson couniy, mi ne m i fiw.artnient of ; W ri,l ernects to receive within a few wck, Trtf PhiliuUlnliio.d New-Vsrk;,Hnj.srtment more estensive than ha ever readiedTtfiis country and he pledges bis time and talent v in future. 4 entirely to is proletsion. lie n-e ...... 1c""r ' . il..' .t...;i,ii 'in mli, wilh years experience-in mc ;irui".. that patronage which a man should, whose whole mind. ia devoted to it. His charges sha! never exceed those made by other medical getttTemen. .wf ?7, 1R7 H t MANSION HOUSE. , lit public are reprctful)y informed that tha .Vaimim Unit.- will ha J"5. fl .rtadv for the rteentinn of travellers and othrr, on the 1st of Ja-mary net,----.. To persons twet'J ;'g"with, or a ithoot faTni liri, who msv wih avoid the noi and htutl inHoVnr tt WrreKtttirrr xchrA rlr vpmtr" ue niir, int nansinn iinuse oni-rs q'icr rcrme. kept eonttantly sunnlied with nrorendcr of eve ry kilxL-aftd a cartful ami mtteoHv Ottler will be at mII timet in resdinen to perform h da- T6w ttoarclers wnuJJ be accnnim'jdated. ami.-, frery attentionin tti""powcr of he conductor to reifler them conifortalilo nhall be' invariably given: JOHN MAC COLL. Vamihm, S. C. ftfc.TM. 1827.- 4t98 LAND FOR SALE. PI KSUANT to a. decree of the Court of Etii(y for Kowxn cotinty, will be sold on the premiiies, on the 15th dv of January neat, a Tract of Land containing 180 acres, adjoining Kranri Gibson and others, near Stirewall'a Mill in said cuunty, on a credit of 6 md 12 months, t.v RM L. filf.LIMAN, e. m. . I'lVE DOLLAItS UEWAKlT KAN away from the suberi!er, on the J4Ui instant, 'ihomm F.nu; a mulatto, bound to me to Itarn the rahinct business, ami can work pretty well ( he it a bright mulatto, about 5 feet 6 indie high, between 19 and 20 years old ; had on a blwk fur lint, pale blue mixed homespun coatee. All person are forbidden to harbor, employ, or trust l.im, at the peril of the law H"n.Hmvf.rin:Wl-?Vi'Lb civen for Jiia.appre Iiih cui.niiement in any jsil in the Mate. l.fcWlS UTZMAN. SaMurw, -r. 2iM. 18?7. 3t97 LATEST ITWrTHILADELnilA. NK of tha aubkceiben (Thoona V. Canon S rf ' f-hsvnsrmnrnf d !H)m"Tlilttrlphia7 with " sir the faithiona of the 'dav I and wishes to in. form the' public, that w hile at the nortli, he pent principal part of his time with the mo?C tt-l'.'brjited T','lr.sof the city, (especially SWaur..-. Robb & tvinrhrciiiier, ami MesM. 'Cjmfles C. Vvii stiii & 'Song 'Pwliere he wbi ted a piirtTcin of li tit)c, for ll' purpose-of gu'iHing nvne infor-.- muttfin vni.f-4iti lb. m.iKi.r . .ta-kifl. -mu ,, ft ' aA ma.iennr .l,.!. came tliroiijrh Haltimorc and H'tih'mgt'Hi City, and examined the fashions in a'l those places. The iliKcrihrri (Thos, V. Cauon and Ilenja min IValev) can now assure the public, that they arr prepared to accommodate any gentle man, in a very hort time, in as fashionable and neat a ntyle, as ran be hail in any of the above mentioned plart i; and as to durability, they -kno their work will excel any. And they will do their work as reasonable as anv in this sec tion olcoimir v. THOMAS V. CSNON, -OtLVJAMlN Fit I LB Y. Canard. Srfu. 1. 1827. 9H ' WVm ALFItKI) . M.AC AY. TFlMK subscriber hnving qualified as Eiecp ' I. tor of the lust w ill ami it stam-nt of Alfred . Macav, late of Salisbury, dee'd. desires all per' sons iiidebttd to said dee'd. to make payment with as little delay as possible and all persons having claims ai;aTi)gf the estate, will present 'tlvem, U-gallv authenticated, for .settlementg within the time limited by act of assembly, other wise t)ii notice will he pled in bar of their re covery. MMF.S MYt HST J." RreeV. r.JVW..22JV..ia27.r J .l3rtDgl .. .l'ITr(kjmil.D(lNALJJSON rllHK snbtcrilxT having qualified as adminit. I ira'ir o'ii tliejestale pf Jolfit'lIoHaltlsoB dee'd; late of liowan coants, M. C; with the Wllt annt ved, deairrs. all peraons indebted to said estate to make payment with as little drlay aa fMMwilile i ami all person having claim against the estaler are desired to present -theni, legally authenticated, within the time limited by Act of At&enihlv, otherwiae this notice will be plead irs bar of their recovery. I! IK'S liKID, Jdmiiiiitrntor. . KtcenUr. 14A. !8i7. -.. , 93 ... " FoitTY DOLLARS KF.WAKD. R AN sway from the iubsrriblrr, on the 1st of Mav last, iuv Ktgr Boy CP.OHCE, about 2Ci or 17 ears of age, smooth black skin, plea sant countenance '-svinp one of his finecrs so inj'iied by a machine as renders it useless, and. as well as recolli-cted, ijsiite doubled up in hi hand; and 5 (Vet 10 or 11 imhes high. Said buy belongs to the estate of Jes'e Wren, dee'd. now in 'lie care of the subscriber, and lawful atrent of said estate. It is supposed he intend making bi w ay to some free state. The above " reward will be paid on his delivery tome, in Lancaster I listrict, S. C. or lodged in any jail in Nortli Carolina. Virginia or Slarylund, so as I receive him ; or il taken in South Carolina. ItOHKKT K1INSUN. X)fmtrer 4rtrHW". 3mtl liOOK I'. IN DING. Til K siii)scnlier n gpcr.tl'ully informs the cit izt ns of Saliabury, and the iurrounling rouiitrv, that be has established a o Hmilcvj in -nl tow n, on Main Mreci, a lew uoorg goutil of the Court-House : where he will be thankful ,'. .a1.-. -. r ., .i IO receive anT mini w-irn in ,n-f ,ittc wi From a number ol years experience, in turopei and America, he feels confident otbeini; able t( give entire satisfaction to all those who may fa vor him with anv description of JtimMkg. ... Blunlc ttuoki made to order, after any patteria furnished, on abort notice, and at prices whicli no one cau. complain of. 'lT' tUO- AIaasW,-iwtfer plain or wpm6: tal, on the niOMt .innderte terms. All orders from disiaiice.fa'ithfuHyatteoded to.- thm pW Vonage of "the "public ; is repectfully solicited bf their obedient servant, JOHN IT. TIE ' CA RTcnRTV 7 n,'.,ir-, .y'tril 'htU, 1827. CI JSCO' t' T .S NAI'ULl'.t lS. - v ; i K copy ol this work (new) for sale, ay u f unce !es llisn the ongtiiai casi. App the office of the WesTern Carohmao: .V... t 11 ' :iit