J ; i3P WPf iff iUyp I r Lo 4 cri : rv I i I I I! i I t I I 1 1 Nw t I 1 t ! l i Ul I, l i .All I. v y ' , - i' 8AUHI1URY, N. C.....TUKSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1828. VOL. VIII.......NO. 397. The terms of the Westen Carolinian are, W uf annum-or R3 30, if paid in Jfjnf .-.lut payment In advance will be r quired from HI Jubacrihert at a distance, whe are unknown to the Editor, Mhk" some responsible. M lit acquaintance guarantees the payment. Ka naner discontinued, (eirepl alt" optioe f the Miter) until all arrearages are phW- - tVl A.lw,rtUemi.ntf will h )"t , square for the first insertion, and twenty-five tent k ch subsequent ' , . . aii .tifMtd to th KJitor, mtwM ... ..... . - ' CURAT B.1TTLB ol AAFARLSO. The. fcllowlnjf aMtional ptrticuUn In rela. Ioa to the Utile r rvavsnno, in wntcn w Turkish fleet vu annihilated, ere from Engliab and French paper. A letter from Zante, saya, that during the- action, Ibrahim Pacha, who oever bid an? coUrsge but that of an eiecution er, wis banting the Christians in . the mountsins of Messmia, presidio the punishment of some priests, whom he caused to be crucified on the tdm tret, in offering holocausts of peasants, and mi king up bale of (rirls and children, whom be Intended to send into Egy pt. could not paint to you the joy of u lonlaos the telle rlnie bonfires bUte, and the church fttea are hung with garlands. Greece is saved V It is intimated that the armis tic was violated by Ibrahim at the ei nress command of the Sultan if so, for iher hostilities will be likely to result, and the Russian Lmd (orces put in mo don.." An army of 80.0i0 Russians under the celebrated-Wittgenstein, wa ready (or the field on the Danube, and a still ftreatef force concentrating under Marshal Uachan Lord Cochrane bad suspended bit war operation at the request of Ad miral Codiington, but the uireks hid destroyed, after a gallant action, seven Turkish vessels in the harbour of Lepan- .to. The U. S. achr. Porpoise had e ta ken an Englith bri; from a tt of Greek pirate, 40 of whom were kilted by the fire of the boat tent against them, or drowned In trying to escape from the brig to the shore. The French paper are highly gratified with the there which their ships took in the action i and the destruction of 45 Austrian transports, in the service of Egypt, wa a mailer of peculiar rejoicing. A letter from a French officer to his wife, states bel lh destruction of the gvpt tian fleet was complete, and the ships continued burning two days after the bt He. At the moment ne wa writing, inc allied flt were, firing oiv the rampart of Nvarino, and the gaVrion marching out. '' The battle presenteJ a ' terrible icenf. Conceive 150 ship of war Gring In a narrow basin in a triple line, the bur ning of tome, and the eaplosion of other. Admiral Codrington. This officer was captain under Lord Nelson at the battle of TraMgar Ud he wirJniiharJay before he deatroy ed the Turkish fleet, it would have been the anniversary of hat great victory by which the. maritime forcet of France and Spain were annihila- ted. "a I St of Uct. I805-- Count iieklcn, -thc-ROTMift-AjloMrai ia tbftLeratl.tj jsa native of Holland, and is said to be an "officer brconslderable merh, and of tt cellent private character. PUBLIC DOCUMOTS. The volumiuout documents transmitted to ConereiM with the President's mrawifre, have been oblijpnsrly furnished ua by Mct,rs. Caron -and Ijomr-OueliiuUaaiillnotadniit of extract- inr very copiously from them : we mutt, for the pretent week content ourselves with giving the following abstract relative to the Army, Navy, Lead Mines Pensioners, Armories, National Road, and Public Lands t Army Tut army of the United States in October bat was composed of 5722 men, including 54 surgeons, 15 pay mas ten, 33 engineers, and 443 commissioned oBkriK The number sick was 603, and the number in arrest or confinement 232 The troops are distributed in 39 different posts, on the seaboard, western frontier, &r. Desertions from the army are fre quent. The number of recruits enlisted from Jan. I, to Oct. 1, 1827, was 953. Javy.- The Navy or the United States, built and building, consists of twelve ships of the line, fourteen 44's, three 36's, two -Ttrmtesr -ateero- frigate and aboutawenJimpulsefiaaturCiisi ty sloops of war and schooners. In addi tion to these, live oak limber has been purchased for 5 ships of the line, 5 fri- Sitea, and S sloops of war. The number vessels in commission is 19. Of these 4 or 5 are inr tbe Mediterranean, about as many in the Paciflk, and the others in the West Indiesi on the cosaj of firatf!, and Navy Yards, not Including the sums appropriated lor the gradualjmproyement of.th Navy, is about three millions ol dollara. The pay and subsistence of offi cers, and pay of seamen amount to 1,360, 000 dollars ; provisions 505,000 ; repairs Of vessels 475.000. Lead Minet. The lead made. at-the public lead mines during the last year amounted to 6,092.560 pounds, one tenth of which leIong to the United State for rent. The product of the mine near Fever River was upward of five million and that of the Missouri mines lest than one million. It It tuppoted that the an nual product of the mlr-e will soon reach ten million of pounds. T- PrZrin&:TWhmUt of tnHn. er on tle'rollt lrt 5ep(errtMr llsrwiret follow r Kevolutionarf Penstonert - liv 500 j Invalid Pensioner 3,803 j Half pay Peosionert 19 4.-lotallli.314jCieJlej olutiooanr te)slniert received the last year 793,354 1 end the Invalid and half pay pensioners.S 1 74,628. ..Ahout n third of the pensioners belon to ffew York and the New England State. Mi arhutett has 1557 revolutionary,' and 345 invalid pensioners. Armoriet, tfe. - During the year ending September 30th, S5.7CO muskets and their appendages were made at the nations! ar mories at Springfield and Harper Ferry.. In the vear 1826. the amount of money expended at Springfield was 8183,280; nd at Harper's Ferry 8167,341. I ne expense of the U. Sines for cannon, ar ullery carriage!, small arms, ammuni tion, tec. has averaged about 860,000 dol- in per annum, for the last fourteen years These large aums have been expended for permanent objects, and for articles of - durable. character ; and the value ol this description of military property now in the charge or the Ordnance IJapartmnt is more than ten millions of dollar. T' e value of the small arms alone exceed six millions. National Road - Twenty eight mllerof this road, west of the Onio river are com pleted, on the McAdam principle, having received three coverings of stone, reduced to pieces of not more than four ounces in weight, making a lotal tliickness of nin inches. The mat of these 3H miles of road, including bridges, culverts, Sec. has been about 7000 dollars per mile. ' About 45 mile more i.f the roid," extending to lanesville in USio, are in an active aiatc of progress. The old National Road, on the east of the Ohio, hat neailv gone to destruction for want of rare and attention. By long neglect it has become too bad to be mend ed, and must in a great degree be renew ed. The appropriation of 30,000 dullais granted by congress for it repair, has done but little good. Thla road, extend ing from Cumberland to the Ohio, has cost the United States about two millions of dollar. Public Landt - The United State have paid to France, Spain, Georgivand the Indians, for public lands, 29,600,000 dot lars, and the expentr of surveying and selling have amounted, to 3,320,000 dol lars- The total amount paid by pur chasers is lest than 33 millions. The quantity of land purchased by tbe U. Uiute i 2i8,377,6G7..lcres. OMhis, about 20 millions of acre have been ap propriated for military bounties, support of schools, colleges, &c. The quantity of land within the present limits of the states ancT territories, not yet ceded by itlie..Iildiitnt J sJ6tTi i Hi on s of acre, ; and the quantity of uncc3ecf TaniTi i TyTriR'hoTih aba west of the state and icrritories, within the limits of the United States, h 750,000,000 acres. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. We have published the President 't message, In ertrnM but as many folks ditliketo read lonir piect$,wt preterit' them With a humoroua analytia of that document, taken from the Elk- ton ( Maryland) I'reu : The weather has been very hot, my friends, since I had the pleasure of meo ting you here a twelve month ago but bv the blesMnp of Providence you have enjoyed pretty Rood health, and so hare I. The blf ssinjr of peace with our breth ren has been uninterrupted Though the Winnebago Indians did scalp some of our women and children on the frontiers. - Internal quiet has left our fellow citi zens in the free enjoyment of all their rights notwithstanding that saucy fellow Governor Troup did make auch a splutter.- Everv man has a right to pursue the I don't like that expression it mesns many things. The Crofit have been good and there is a good deal of foreign commerce car ried on humone thi Brittth Wcit In dia Iilantft. " - : At this time peace and prosperity pre vail over the habitable globe. (Greece ami Turkey excepted) present fore tastejof thai blessed period when the lion shall lie down with the lamb, and Jackson and 1 shall ahake hands together. . Objects ol deep importance to the wel fare of the Union are constantly recurring, and as this is the last opportunity I expect to have, I shall present them to the Le gislature for tbeii consideration. A negotiation, upon subjects of hiizh and delicate interest with Great Britain, ha terminated by Mr. Gallatin's re . . if turning home when be - talked about opening; the negotiation about the colo nial trade, Mr. Canning, In bis lifetime, very rudely abut the toor in his face, and told him he would talk ne more on the subject.- They have paid Hi for'our run way negroes, which wa very clever In thenr';'Tftenortftvf ern bosndary line U nfH--vffifief-ttitU. Uit.l.expeci shortly to get It done in4 if I doot, the Governor of Maine will.-i .-.. -Yi Ju'? on"l?r'LF fnce Xo ubmit the indamnifict7wv pf our, loiWs ty "the seiz ure and confiscation or oat property by Hounaparte, to Arbitration, kut ahe won t agree to Itl hope." however," I shall be able to catch her in a bettet humor by and by. We have concluded a treaty of amity and commerce, with the Hacstatic Republic- whereby they are to furnish the Cabbagi, if we will send them Vitegar, to make Sour Grout. The Emperor Nicholas seem a very rlever fellow he and the other cowned head ol the Holy Alliance, are gting'to give freedom to the Greeks Dot't you think we had better take a hand it It f The treatie concluded at theCtegres of Panama do not appear to have been ratified ; but no matter for that, t our Minister could not End the place. I have not yet been notified when they wil meet sgain at Tacubaya, but when I am in formed, I will let you know. The naval oflker of Brazil have cap tured some of our vessels, tut I hope and trust Jhey will be honest etough to give, them up The receipts for the presrnt year amount to twenty one mill ons four hun dred thousand dollars--the expenditures for the time time, will amonnt to twen ty two millions three hundred thousand dollars ; leaving the account at the end of the year to stand--Expenses ..... g22,300OOO Receipts - - - --- 21,400.000 The nation rninti ihh um 8900,000 Hut this is a matter of ho consequence - if our current revenue will not enable us to pay off the ten raillbn of the pub lie debt, our credit' good-t-we can borrow money to do it with. I The condition of tbe army and navy will be teen by the reports of the respective Serretarieofthoe Department. They are in rather a better condition than when I wt at Ghent. Tbe Civil Engineer$y my jurveyor, have made sundry surveys, sir.ee 1 last bad the pleasure of seeing yeu ; of which pUns and certificates shall.be returned to you. Thev are twelve in number. Our little school-boys, at West Point, are doing very well; they learn smartly. " Don't you think it would be well enough to have another school, somewhere on the pater, to teach tvfimming and diving ?" 1 had" like to have forgotten the Post master General, the only good officer un der the government. He aays he has one hundred thousand dollars of a surplus, in his hands , for us ; notwithstanding he drives' a' moi7 to every man's door. . v The amount; received- forthe -sale-of n..l.i; l.nt.. U ,ua ..iii. ,..1 we have paid for them ; but this is owing " t M w ' to the purchasers not being able to pav fur them ; and when (hat is the case, I think we bad better give it up to them, and not make any fuss about it. Those I I a (( . oacK-wooos t.uo..rrf arc ugiy iciiows to deal ...with- l here are vanous- omer suTjeCH of 1 deep interest to the Union, which l have heretofore recommended. Amongst dim ; a new Militia Law, which will pre j vent Jackson trom murdering our fellow citizens. The extension of the judiciary to places where they have none. A law to let insolvent debtors out of jail ; nn which, if you choose lo act, you may cA culate upon my hearty co-operation ; but if you have not time, it is lit tie matter about them JOHN QJJINCY ADAMS. P. S Lout or Mitlatdy I hat paragi aph in the " "President's Message which treats about domestic manufacture! ; perhaps it may be found in the unfrequented pigeon hole, where was found the report of the Cwrt-MtiaMbatondcmne(LihcsixI militiamen. THE BELLMAN. Elizabeth Payne, forty years of age, and h.tving five children, died not Jong ago at Bethnal Green, Eng. from tak ing tobacco water as a cure for worms. A O t'tac k doctor, nam cd Gahriel JDre: "manslaughter," and the doctor was committed to Newgate. The French College of Physicians have lately decided-that the cause of ladies teeth decaying at so much earliei a stage of life than those of the opposite sex, is the great friction of the tongue upon them. I JACKSON MEETING. WT. art reoiieted to say, that a meeting of thefi-wndjrfGen.ftrrJafewlllb I in isiatetulU, 00 the third Monday in January iwt. h bring the 21at day of the month i a lien ana nr tbe rrunusor the OH Hero, Ummgli out Iredell county, are requested to attend. January lit, 1828. t97 : BAMT STOCJC FOR 8ALE. Il'kWVWytibnrriV-, W Tuesday ef v January Court, at tbe court4iouae in IJn- eointon, th nmiininr gbarea (17) M llaiiry Conner, dee'd. in the BUte Bank of North t.i-. olint.Atw, at rheramB time and place, id rhr ooarri DeionrinrTo aakl estate N thff Cataw&a navigation Company. Terras caah. 98 ic 1 H2r. I). M. rOHN KV, rt-. . 1,imr. PEHEMITORY NOTICE. TIIOSP. indebtrd to the eitate of William C. Love, dee'd. are renuettrd to make imme. diate paymrnt, at the alUiri of the estate are uch that indulgrnce cannot he given. Thoe wiahing to settle, can rail upon John II. Mar. lie, ithwhon the notes are lutlired. and who can be found at the Court-IIouw at all times. gruki;: ix)cke, 7tOI HENItY CII.KS, January 3rf, 1828. ll crivtr, HOUSE AND LOT, NEGROES, kc WIU, be told, at public auction, on Wed iievlay, I lie 20: b of febniarr neat, in the town of Maiciville, a lfoun ami together with ttie iwcctwry ut boutea, and in addition therto a tafe am! comtnothOut blacka:i.ith'l thop, situated io a plranxnt part of the village, near ine dcm puui:c wen. Alio, One Ar Alan, two wgrt wmei, and one rhilJ. 1rni 13 month rreJit, bond and tecurity irrpiirr-l. M. I.. HILL. TnuteeS' January 1, 6(02 SHERIFFS SALE OK NEGROES Wtli he aoM for canh, at the court JnMiaa in slibiiry, on Monilny, the IBtli of Febni. ary neit, 13 likely nrgnti, 4 men. 3 women and children, and ) younir w omen ; told bv esecu- tion, at the property iM-Ionjrin to tbe date if tm. (.. Love, ilfc'il, to aatpfy tundry elecu liom in my hand, for collection. Price t1v. 1.75 V. SLATKR. . Shff. January 18?!). 6t01 IMLLMJOJiOL'GII MALE ACADEMY ' Hit K r lamination will commrnc -oo MmmUv I the 3d of D.cenibrr, and conclude on the eveninr of tbe fullovkinn day. The rsrrcitit will be returned on the tecond Thursday in January. W.J. D INGHAM, Principal. Xv. 20, 1E27. 3t98 OAsn , THE MOTHER and LIFE qf TRADE. THE subscriber bating removed hia Store to Concord, reipectfully invite i all thone who are indebted to bim to come forward and aettle bv tlx? firal day of March next. T bote who fail in complying, may real atMirvd that their note and account! will be placed forthwith in the handt of officers for collection. EDWARD CItLSS. Salitburv, At. 5rA, 1827. 92 ESTATE OF ALFRED MACAVv IHK tubacrilier having qualified si F.xecu 1 tor of tbe list w ill and tettament of Alfred Marty, late of Silitburv, dee'd. dctirei all per on, indebted to ttid dee'd.. to make payment with at little delay a, possible ; and all person having claims against the estate, will -present them, legally . authenticated, for settlement, within the time limited by act of assembly, other wise thit notice will be pled in bar of their re covery. JAMES MARTIN, Jr. TwrrcV. AW. 23d, 1827. 13iU2 - FlUE. DOIJAUi. REWARD. n i ,ACaway frcim.t.he VibKMber on (fie ?4th instant, intrm, e.wa, a. mulatto, oounu 10 ' m to S,,yi1hn rrf,irl trt.aii.M. nd rill work prettv well ; lir it a bnifht mulatto, ahotit 5 leet I 6 inches high, between 19 anil 20 yert old j had on a black for bat, pule blue mixed homespun coatee. All persons are forbidden to harbor, employ, or trutt bim, at the peril cT the law ; tbe above rew ard will be riven lor bit nppre- , lpn (l(..;rv , in 6.i;,burv. or for hit confinement in tnv inil in tbe ttatc. I.KW13 UTZMAN. SaHrfmy, Drr. 1 827. W7 (iKEENSlU)liO' MALE ACADEMY. 1 Ill B exercises of this school will be returned I 1 on Tucvlav the 1-t ol January. I ovo. Ine course of instruction at thit Academy itprenar. atory to admission intothe Freshman and Sopho more classet of the University. Besides the or dinary advantaget of a preparatory education, the pupil mv here avail himself of the oppor tunity of ttudying and learning -the following branches of clktsical literature and irience.viz j Sallutt, Herodotus ami ('yropordia in (irteca Ma. lora. AiL-ora. vireii s i.eorRioa, uicero t ura linn. ILuu'd Mnw.rii. 'IVhnif-B. Iktpl snd Sytyre, of Hor rce, UaLt er Keonretryv HhwVt Klietonck, lour bookt o: Homer t Iliad and ttie elements of Chemistry and Natural Plulotophy. Access may be had to well telected library. Hoard may be had in respectable families at from It in (a) nor trtiinn Tuition to varv trom giJou-812-3LVAccor3ing jotherade ol' scholarship, J. D. CLANCY, i'rina'paJ. Pec. 29, 1827. 3t98 NEW WATCHES AND JEWELRY. . HUNTINGTON & WYNNE, HAVE the pleasure of informing their friendi and tbe public generally, that they have received their fall supply of Goods, consisting in part of Ihfr following; ,...,,,. ",......,., Ladies and " teirtlemenV Cold Patent vver Watches, . . Silver do. " ' . Good plain English do, ' Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, Sets of Pearl, And a very extensive astoTtment of Tine Jew elry, at very low prices for ttnh. Persons indebted to them, are requested to call and settle their respective account, by bond or otherwise 02 - SuHtbunj,lkc.7tlS17. ; v I,L ,,n,, iih'y li ,f. theeniin)rpHpp,the -, to commence- about tb f "arch. Ii;in.1it. Slid ix li, ; handbilla, in lie time . .JOSIAII 1 URN Kit, n,Utru lan J. . 4t0 ...Vy-TO-Tf IK- WHLUZr: Tf R ximWr. W-iv mnr rreervtwy -a hrnmA general aitortment of , -Dry Good$;uttcry;and Hardware;"" of all detcriptionv. from New.Ym-k nA - phhH'whrty mtn aetiict,! fcy hfrhteW. with"' care, and bought ca-hand hki are offer J nn the moat rekMmable terms. As he hat two Stores, bf will tell for rh i. pneev otberwiae, on time. Country Produeo bought, at the l.ljheat markot pncea, Arranra ments are male to receive tunU monthly, from the above named olacra wbirh will . good .ipply of rretb rwda. Call at his Stores in Saliaoury, and eiamine for yourtrlvf t. N. n. Suirar. Coftee. Sab. u..i- Rum, U'imr., French Dram!, tc. fcc. ' rA( fOuAOE AND COMMlssrm JWMXE.SX LY rljui a rpllK sjibscnber re.pectfully ' Mo, his the above line of bnainea l.:. u j " KdmomUtoo't Wharf, wber. h. . .1 attend to the tale of produce Committed i fcu care, upon which liberal .. , . , will ai ait tioset o made i or to the .j i forfiooda. w un,e V'm. J. Wilton. Fan. nr in y,:. .i .i an, of lhe AhHwne" wd! rec.ve and f-.rw.rj. ...fcou, ,,e,,V( ., LotloMa-comMimed . mt k ik. er-t and will be prepared to make a.lv.ncet on Hid conipnments, if reuireL , . -,-07 ., Charlrtlttn. S v. Ul. 182T. COME NOW AND PAY! ' " rptlE Subtcriber hating declined the Tavern. 1 K.rper'a ItutiiM-ta, earncwly rrqurttt all pertrni. indebred lobim to Call wid make imme diate payment. Tliit measure it ahanlmlv crttarv, at he intend, devoting himtelf to an. uim-r orancn k uiimiicb which drmandt the uto of all U fumb, mJ Mnlravthit call ie-eompkad with bv tbe nii4ldlf JannryHtem have no other altenutive than a culltciion by suit. MRS. IVfOULLOOII Will acconinioi!ate a few gentlemen witli boartl, by the month or year. She would be happy in accommodate her former travelling customers, and pem.nt w ho with to be retired from the noie ami buttle of the town, at tht firt hiHite above II lair, Johnton and Coata ttota Main Street. M. . M'CULI.lCll. Vamtlen, Dec. 18. (0g . SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES. WILL be told, for eah,ti the rourt-luiuae in Salisbury, on aiundav tbe 10th of Feb uary, tH.8, ,e Ibllowin'g tractt of land, or SO much thereof at will tatisfy tbe tax due for tbe year 1826, to wit . 0 teres adjoining Samuel 'Martin and others, - giren in bv Thomas ttobbuuav- , 96 aorea adjoining forest Monroe and others, given in by John Robley. ATI acres adjoining Moses A. l-ockt and othety, given in by William Moore. 198 acret adjoining Wilie Coats and other, given in by Nancy Bhudt. 249. acret adjoining George Clodfelter ami others, given in by James W. Hamtey. ., 350 acret tdjoining Motet Drown and others, gien in by Itobcrt Garner, dee'd. 350 cres adjoining Doct. John Scott and others, ' riven in bv Joteph McConnauirhv. J 4?.ff a.:joii.Hg Matthew Locke and othetar" unto m oy jutcpn aicuonnaugncy IbrJiaej?: tiwaer. 700 acrrt adjoining William Pinktton and others, given in by-John F. fhifer. - - 1 House and Lot in the town of Salisbury, ad. juinnijf James Maruu, jr. ana ouu rt, given in by Iwnm Hanrt. 1 lloukc and Lot lying on Main street, adjoining1 Mary Cay and others, given in by I homos Holmes, lor Franria Connie. 1 House and Lot lying on Main it reel, adjoining William I'inktton. JranJ otheragiveu in by- Abraham .bieob4.' - " '. . . . 1 Houe and iM lying on Water ttreet, adjoin. ing aac Rarnbart and othrrs, given in by Italph Kestler. T. 8LATEK, Shtrif. Jan.Ut.mH, 40ctt.) 6tOI FORTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN away from the subtcriber, on the lt of Mav last, my Vyrt oy GEORGE, about 2f or 27 yeart of age, amooth black skin, plea aant countenance ''aving one of hia fingers injured by a machine as renders it useless, and. as well at recoil, cted, (,nite doubled up in bias handi and .1 feet 10 it 11 inches high. Said boy belongs to the estate of Jete Wren, dee'd. now in 'he cure of the subtcriber, and lawful agent of said estate." " It '"Si tupposed he intend making hi? way lo some free state. Tbe abova , roward will be paid on bit delivery to me, inj Lancaster Dittrict, S. C. or lolge! in any jail" in North' Carolina," Virginia or Maryland, so at f receive bim ; or 25 it taken in South Carolina. 1UJUERT8T1N9QJIi .ImtlOO .Vovrmher 4'h, 1827. DR. J. W U1LLYARD, BEGS leave most respectfully to inform thia t!ituen of Davidson county, that he hat jutC received a fine assortment of I'rtih Mtillcinn t and expects to receive within a few weck, front Philadelphia and New. York, an assortment mors extensive thtn has ever reached this country . and he -pledge hit time and talents, i fiUurv, entirely- to his profcsaion,. ;!!; hope,- from . ycara experience in the profession, "to m wiu that patronage which a man tliould wliose whole mind it devoted to it. Hi, charges shall never exceed those made by other medical gentlemen, '.fyyutf '2T.-8?7 - - - 78 - sctvrT's NAi'OLEON.' ONI? copy of tbi woik (new) for tale, at orice lis ttian tin: orieiiial cost. Annlv ai the office if the Western Co!inia1i " l :i. lis if 'J ... : ' t i ,",-,'..:,- .i- : .'. . " .;'; I I - ' - -

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