f.':. 5 I 4 r. n (1KNKKAL ASSKMBI.Y. Dtt. 36. Ort' motion of Wrdnridau Mrh-kcM, KtuJtrd, That jollit Select Commit tee, tonsUtlng of two members from each Home. be appointed lo coiner with the remeaentatlves. devisees and widow of the late Treasurrr nf this Slate, end lo tnak such arrangements with ihem n mev he thought compatible tub the pub Jlc Interest to if tun lo the State. the Davment of the debt due from sId dece dent or such portion thereof it may be practicable, aubject to the ratification of tbe LeKWaturev-ft;-:'" Mems JVkttt e J wesvsw a ppcuv fed 'the committee "alhe psrt' of the -..The entrrossed bill to establish a Medi t.s,:ctt iioara.nq io rrguijic inc, practice wi ""pby lie .andaurger j . in this Slat?. ae In ' definitely -postponed tin- in second read The bill concerning the election of county surveyors, was amended on mo lion of Messrs. Love of Haywood and ..Jooeii read the third timet passed and or dercd to be engrossed Thunday, Dee. 27. Mr. Shober, from the committee of Proportion and Griev ances, reposed a bill to authorise John Waddell, of Randolph, toured two gates. Mr. Shober alo reported a bill to re atore to credit William Ferrell, of Mont gomer- county, which was rejected. Mr. Davidson presented a rrtoluti'n in favor of the administrator of Thorn Cl liott, of Mecklenburg j which was read tbe first, second and third limes, paused, and ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Shober presented a resolution re lative lo procuring iron barks for the fire puces in the senate Clumber and Lorn Tnons Hall. Read the Grt inr nJ pat ed.i- - WAiyr-"-28- Mr.Prberry pre sented the petition of Parharh Kirk, late Sheriff of Montgomery, praying to be re leased from a certain fine, and to be allow sd his commissions, insolvents, tccv Mr. Burgln presented a bill io Vest the election of Sheriff in the freemen of the county of Burke; which passed its fir at reading Jlejected on. its second reading On motion -of Mr.' Vanrmok the -com' tnittee of Finance were instruc rd to in quire into the expediency of issuing 100, O09 dollars in Treasury Notes. Saturday, Dee. 29. . Mr. M'Eachin presented a bill provi ding for the appointment of Electors ol President and Vice President of the Uni ted States, bv Distiict; which being read, Mr. Williams, of Martin, moved for it indefinite postponement. Mr. Pily moved to lay it on the table ; which mo lion was not agreed was then taken on the Thecnte having receded fitm their dipreem nt to the amendment made ly this IIoue U the engroed Mil o allow the right of challenge to the State In ccr lain cases, the Said till was ordered to be enrolled. Several engrossed bills and resolutions passed their first reading. The hill to appoint a committee of Fi nance for the count; of Surry j the bill to amend the sale law h Rutherford, were read tbe second and third times and pas sed. .... " TfiUtiJ6y.'Dec7 27 MrTXonra'rf pre sented the petition of sundry 'citizeni of .. . . ii"nf uocoin praying inai imam J'" oe releasee from the forfeiture of recojrni- Heferred. . ,JJr. ElJis presented a bill to compel te clerks of the at vcral courts arid registers to keep theirvffires at the court house of their rcipecrive eoimtks whicH wae read the first time,' passed, and referred." " Mr. Drittaln presented a blH to establish a new county by the name of Macon r which was read, when Mr. Brnnm moved for its indefinite postpotemen'. This motion was decided hi the negatnrc, 64 to 61. The bill wi thert ordered to lie on the table until Fjiuiday r.est. IVEKtKO SBSSIOV.. Mr. Gary, from the committee ol Pro Kisitions and Grievances, made a report, requesting to be discharged from the further confederation of the petition of Lronard Hicks, of Durke Concurred in The bill to incorporate the town of Islington ; the bill to alter the dividing lines between the 1st and 3d regiments of Uuillordi the bill to incorporate Frank lin L dge. No. 94 j passed their second and third reading, and were ordered to be engrossed. r rdau, Vre. 28 On motion of Mr. Gjry, art cf I82'.i, mpttt't;: the reservations of rertain ' ttie Unit lately ac iiu'red from the Cherokee Indians the bill supplementsrr to the ads relative to the power of courts of email f In cases of t a . t.i . - l . ! part HI on ( the tin tonceming n appoint- tnent of clerks of the Superior Courts and masters in equity The resolution' front the Senate, lo structing the committee of Finance to I Ae charge of all (he money In the Trea sury office and bqw so much, of the Treasury Notes at they may deend unfit fnp i imitation, was concurred in. , .' Mr Erclei ptasenled the mcmoriaf of the Cpe rear uank, praying that. the tax paid by, iu'd bank be repealed or mnflificff.' Ordered lo 1"Teferred'"toa joini scieci tominiucw. The following bills sssed their third l reading, ana were oroerea io oe cngros- V j . - t- - - . . .i . r? r lief 5oclety o Soetb Carolina! aod.lU Wll lo authorise 1 the - County- imrt-of Rowan lo appoint committee' of finance The bill te authorise the wardens of the poor of Mecklenburg to purchase a tract of rand and erect buildings for the acepm modai ion it the poor; were read tbe eeconcT any third times, paased, and or dered to be enrolled. Mr. Litle presented a bill to provide for the appointment of Electors of Prel dent aid Vice President of the United States br districts t which was read and rejected 34 voting for, and 9 1 again-1 Itspafgf Yfni MfMrs. Adams, Allen of Uontgotnenr CAHION.1 , Of Oje lublic Acti,iiini-d ly ihn LpjIiUturs of North X'trtillna, at tla artiocj of 18.T 45 acta of a publio nature were paaaed, mtt of hich will ba fnund below I An act concerning the State Htik of North Carolina. Authorises and directs the Speaker of the Senate to exercise all the duties and powers in the meetings of the Stockholders, and in the Board of Pi rectors of the State Bank, heretofore exerrlied by the Public Treasurer. 3 To alter the act of 1104, fixing the time for paying purchase money into the Treasury on entries ol land. Extends the time for paying such money until tbe 1st a? a rrescybtijtpoii .whaj.McncejJi! Public Treaiursr shall receive the pur 'nf mnnryr sn t! a t prC; rhun cf (!,. itate not be p.,i 1 until U. roj it com. pleird ) 20 To contioue In force the act ef ( sesl)n, entitled " an act to revl ,nj continue In force an act, pasted In the year 1135. to alter and amend an act for the relief of such persons as became sun ......... .... inu, U4 jj. derthe authotltyof this State). Con. tlndei In force said act uni the meethip of the next General Ambly. 1 2I Amending the 2d section of the set f 1191, far as regards Salvage. - ttJ, Idee for the appointment of two commli. slonef s, one to be selected by each party " and In case the dltsgree, they are to t! Uctan umpIre...If .aoy paiifc ikouw-" dlaalUd jllb,..Uie decUloa, aJs.wpBe-i, rwaaas I us maiafa IA I IS a flu n tU KatA monali Lni manl aiam1 iinannsMRtL. f k. . 77 7tT . 77 7 l T i a rrenline; l be set of lift), entid- PUtgm ot-.?le. n auction of -IS-of surveT beW tl ed wltfir the Siratare.L.c.Tj- 4 ' -....-V VM Vl wer.. grant I certiCcate, on , j, Ceding lo tbe United Elates a ialr rUtorecelvefhe-jor Hamhirdt, ilarnett, Benncn. Itlackledre, Black wooit,' llonlen, Urrvard. Clement, Conrad Dickirf on. Fulli, . Foy, Gliwon, Gaatoit, Hmp ton. Iftdinira. Hill. Ilodtrea. Little. lillv. Mar hilt, U'Dearmld. M'Lean, Pool, PurcelU Simp ion, sisiih, Hummen. Troy, H. Walker, Waah- mrron imj n. WHUama. Aaw-lesr. Aleunder. Allen of Bun combe. TJaker. Ball, Barnard, Battle, Balenun. ... . . . ..-I uicu cuuimincc or I Ilurnc. nuno. Xii6ee. Bvnum. Simii J tlni- appoinr4 to inquire into the expediency ' man, Chri Otyton, Conr, Cos, Davonport. oi adopting some provisions for the eub ' lishment of a uniform standard of me sures throughout the State. Msrs. Gtrv, Jones of Wgrrcni and Gaiion, form the committee. . - The engrossed bill-to authorise und di DomAo, DoogUw, Doi'hrr, BccIm, F.llia, Flaher, r. roy, uryt CiUeipieA Gilmore, Glaagov, oKi, iioruon, bree-n, flarpcr. Hardy, Hotrgh Jackum, Jmper, Vf. W, Jones. R, II. Jonr. 11 C. Jon- a. Kerr.Kilpatrfck. King. LawaonLcoiu to, iwii, unt. Msiitr; wrtchenV Monromrrva Morehead. M'Villan. M'Nair. Newland. NtiiL reel the Sheriff of Roan to collect the ' nmri KiWickl Hoberta, RuftK.,dmona, takes imposed by tbo-tonuniuioners of i ?c"l''X'l' Slmmoni, SpcT- . . .. "'"H "'F Stephen. Stewart, Styron, Thiirna nHet. W Dim .uuuiurrtu iu uc cnroiicu 'flrrwontL ard. H. Walker. Webb. Whr -r. The eneroed renolution in favor of 'White, WhitReU. Whitaker. Wilder. E. Wil. James Patton, of Runcombc was amen- i ,1m w'ikiion. ded on motion ol Mr. Nuttall, read the I The bill to publish; the countr of Ma second and third times, and passed 32 'c", passed i sfirtit leading 69 to 60. to :e Saturday, Dec 29 Mr. Jones, from the committee on the Militia, to whom was rclerred the resolution instiuctini? them to inquire into the expediency of am.nmntv itom I . : I . : . , rr.. . ....... v.. ..s .... . ia uwi iii rcianon 10 to. J he -question ,he time that a captain shall keep his men indefinite postpone armil. ' . .fc J '"l" men, of the bilU and decuUd in the affir- e r' native yeas 43, navs 14. m. c,,jb ' f W-lUr. Aakew of Bertie, A.kew of f C ''" the Hertford. Aleiander, tlurgin. Bailey. BeaIy. clect "nntee lo whom the subject Brodnax, Burney,. Drake, Dobaon, Davenport. wa refrreci, reported a bill to prevent Devanr. Hnrr, Harrell, llollimon, Hinton, Haw- the importation of slaves in'o this State ; kin. Love of Haywood, MTtowelf. Mattlie, which parsed its first reading i , .... flalyear. Smith, SaundfTOn,.?cotLih(.ber J Pseniea a bill to e(.b.lh rard, lbonMon, Vanhook, fVHion of Camden, 1Be 1'intc f 1 oriyhe, for the Urpoe Walton, Wilfonof Kdgecomb, Whitfield, Wil- f holding Coutii of Plea and Quarter Lams of Martin and Ward. . Sessions within the same ; which was Anw.MeMri Bethune, Debcrrv. Davidson. it., fir.. .; J. , Pulltr, Franklin, Gray, Joir. JUnev-Lk, Wft I "j - v- . - XcreoiMrchmo.Kl. M'Millan, M'Neilt, sfKachin, V ' r 1 1. Prc8cn!ed bill prescribing , rarker, HeiubaKtt and William, of Beaufort. 'be tnanntr in winch field and general Mf - Oweo-rcported that it is inxpli wictrt bsll be. , rccoiMaended-1 - the ent to Icgialate on the subject of insolvent tore.- " ' -imrf blank licenses; Corcurred in." Mr. Fiher presented a statement, MrrReinhardt presented the nctition of "hewing the expenditures of the State on John Davis, of Lincoln, praying to be ij!crnfl improvements up to the present placed on the pension list : and Shu ''mc whcb wa read and ordered to be ford, the petition of Thomas Muriin. ol prHtetL Rutherford, praying to be restored to 'fhe bill to appropriate 6215 dollars for the purpose or improving the CaneTear ucr uciow tfiimmgion, was reaci the third time, fas"edr awd ordered to- be en xvtRiKo session. On motion of Mr Alexander, Jtnotvtd, That a joint select commit tee b appointeJ to inquire what measure this l-eguUture can adopt, if any, to pro feci the local Banka of this State, and con srquentlr the interest of the State and its citizens, against the destructive operations or the liank of the united States at Fay etteville. Messrs. Alexanders Fisher and Bynum were appointed the said committee on the part of this House. The Military Academy at West Pointi from the report of the late Visiters, is progressing wlih Its actnstomed success, and Joses nothing in a comparison, accor ding to the testimony of those whose op portauities enable ihem to decide, with any estabHsmrnr of the kind io the world surver betn ol state. He it to which the Treaiurer ehae monev.1 ' v J I J I . 4 Lxtendmg the time for registering grams and mesne conveyances, powers of attorney, bills of ssle, and deeds f gift. Allows two years further time. J , 5 Increasing the penalty of the oflicial bonrit of the clerks of the several courts of record in this State and providing-for the drposite and safe keeping of said bonds. The bond to be m the um of ten thou sand dollars. Bond of the clerks of tbe S ii pe nor Courts to be deposited in the offices of the Clerk of the du'it Courta, and vice una as to the Clerk ol the County Couirt and clerks and master in equity. Said bond to be register's office, a certified ropy t hereif to be received in evidence; Judges of the Superior Courts and Justices of the Count v Courts to cause the bond of the clerks of their respective courts to be. acknowledged before them, and to give a certificate of such acknowl edgement Any clerk who shall enter upon i he duties cf his office before giving bond, shall be subject to a penilty of one thousand dollar. J for the purpose of erecting thereon .' fight house 34 Continuing in force tbe act of Hj; dirrctlng 4 geological and mioenlogicaj survey to be made of the State. I (Joo tinuet in force the said act for one r4fi 25 Amending the act of 1123. respec. ting the reservations of certain Indians ia the lands lately oolredSv ire.i. the Cherokee Indimi . f VV'hn., 0 m ot crnor bat reatoq to believe that taa title set up bv any Indian, or Der claiming under any Indian, to rervf lion under the treaties of HIT and Illy, is not good, it shall be bis dutr to emnlJ counsel io defend the title conveyed br the S'aic ' 30 RcUiive to the sale of the estates of infants. (Un application of. the of an infant, setting fonh thar ihf of the infant would be materially benrfita ted by a salej the court of equity to whom the .application- lmiirnjvdecree salr, provided the farts set forth io lbs petition be found to be Irue. " 27 f rovidiog more efficiuafly for tbe -llwmg .the .iightof challenge.to. TepreBen-u,0ll of the s,0ck or the St,t0- he St.t ir certain cases. fAn-hoMse. held in the 8t.te BanVr (Authorise Tib. he prosecuting officer in behalf 0r the Q0,ernor, Secretary and Co32 9 warawB h w i w null, ate iaa i iiif ssiaiaa a credit ) wbicb was referred BOUSE OF-COJUMOA .t- ..;.,Cjrffrrjt On one aide of t her blade: of the penknives used bv msmbera'orcoh' cress is slampcd " Rogersi makers to his Majesty and on the other, manufac lured by Rogers for the use of Congress." all criminal cases of a capital nature 1 i vonrermntr lite i uoiic 1 reasurv Enforcing in a more rigid manner the accountability of the Treasurer, and in corporating the several acts of Assembly rela'lve to the 1 reasury J 6 subjecting bail to cost. Whenever r!tss . . . a scire larus snan issue against bill, md said ball shsll not, at the term of the Court to which he is bound to appear, be dia charged from his liability by the death or surrender of his principal, the bail shall be liable for all costs J 9 Supplementary to the several acts now in torre lor the relier of insolvent debtors. Provides that whenever any debtor shall file a schedule of his effects. 11 debts due to such debtor shall vest in the sheriff, who is authorised to sue for and collect the same $ and the monies so collected to be distributed amonir the cre ditors." 10 lo amend the act of 1771 , estab ishing courts of law, and regulatinc'trie proceedings therein. Any person sur rendered to the sheriff afier the return court, or committed to the custody of the sheriff upon a surrender in court, thai) have liberty, .before final iudement. to " give other baiUf T II-lf-rr-- England. Egbert united the kingdoms of the Saxon Heptarchy in 827, so that it ivjuoooj-iears since England became a Kingdom. Silk Arenritino ..tit. a, 1st Hi atom nt nf itr.i . L . t ireonciaau. uec. so rar. Jr,ne. nn crossed i.iir M.i.w..n ih. ;l n.r..r,..r. ..r Warren, from the co oaijr, made a report, recommending the committee nn Intr.rnl I rr...,-I amount of fourteen million tterlintr n.r r .l- . " .. r-.u.siMcma, - -t, ,-- j..,.ui toe i ckoiuuoR insirticting said reported a bill to establish a turnpike j annum, and is consequently, aftercotton, committee to inquire into the manner in road in Durke county : which n.rrl it. ! the greatest staple of the coontrr. C. . I ' I I 1 - . '.. M ii ia cornpmetr ina; roe capital actually invested in the cultivation of the British soil by the land owners and farmers, amounts to the enormous sum ef two thousand milliini tttrling. svhich the several Governors of this Stale firat re,iin. have heretofore exercised the power ol Mr. Fisher presented a bill to incorpo ,.-.-,..... ...w .vr. ..,(,, mm.,, rcpon raic me north Carolina Inatltution for the ... tv.,v.ru .n. instructton of deaf and dumb ; whkh pas Mi. Morehead, from the Judiciary com (l ita first reading. Unmet made a teport, recommending the Mr- Mitchell presented the petition of rejection or tue resolution requiring 'onn oseot Ashe, praying to be restor Clerks to advertise ( flic t rate of ine county ed to the pri vile ges cf a ciiixen. " liefer- tax Concurred in ' red. The resolutimn from the Senate, "to Mr. Burns, from the committee ap- raise a select joint committee lo confer pointed to conduct the balloting for Brig- With the representatives, -devisees and dier General of the 7th brreachi, reoor l.l.,.. .. f . u - ... p. . ..j .i tu .... ti . . . . ' - r"' U.1U1; ie. f caurcrr waa toplad, I ica wiai m ii. rverr y f!nf yileocd ena rarssrs. Alexander and Gaston were P Mr. Gaamn.. fr -k. :;. ..i ppo Htd the committee on the part of roinee, who were instructed lo confer "r"fii . , , . .. , ''b h representatives, devisees and I Mehead, from the committee on widow of the fate Treasurer, reported the the Judiciary reported aeainat the exne- fiWnW;n"v..r.!.Mt.Vn.-s.Kfcft : .! r j, . . r- I - it wim.li win iuuuicu fiTf.ndlnglhe.1,W'"S.,Pre- 'AVaeArfrf, That this House doth an m.itiH, J'V" voHveymK oeu- prop erty.bsumortgage x 4leed.. trust tne or more cieduof in . preference to the othera ; wisp of settling by law the priori ty of Akn be t ween e xecution . issutd by justices of the peace, so as to fix the lien in favor-of the younger executions which iiave beto levied ; and also, of passing a Jaw to pnwnt the educating of slaves. voncuiud in.- . The engrossed bill to provide for the final settlement of executors and admin atraturs, was rejected on its first reading. .aiartno, which has now become cele brated in the annals of naval warfare, is a strong-end populous town of the Mores, (the ancient Peloponessus.) and is seated on a hill, near the sea, 6 miles ft. E. of Wodon, LT long. 21 40; N. iat 37, 2. prove and sanction the lecommendat ions contained in the Xoregomg report ; and on us part dotb.diect the farTangemeot$ niertin proposed to be carried into execu . -i he engrossed bill to incorporate-the North Carolina Gold Mining Company, w reaa iue nrst time, amending, and ptissed- Plie following engrossed bills and reso lutions passed their first reading. The. bill providing for the payment of jurors in Ashccflunfy; the bill to amen tbe Yale Cottrge . This institution numbers over 50Q students. This is more, if we are hot mistaken, than are, or ever have been, connected with any other college in the united Mates at one time. -Theological-. Students, SO ; Law, 20; Medical, 9 1 i Resident Graduates; 4 i Undeigradu- ates,-335 ; total SOI. Uf the Dndergrad wtes, B 5 re.j)beHio.89iJ.uMo:ra.. bophornores, 7 1 Freshmen, Tnm the Raleigh Register. We observe by the Virginia Advocate, published at Charlottesyillr , Virginia, that the prospectus for the oublication of MSS of the late Thomas Jefferson, will be of fered for subscription next month, and that fi is contemplated to deliver the iwk to subscribers eirJy vent aumtaer. llTtfiRTnc it tfie "'oifyor'inierTfftTr"or oneis and constaLles to serve ull uotire required to be given in proceedings at law or in equity. 1 2 Keducinx the number of petty mus ters to two in a year fCiwiaini to mn ' , i ter 'heir companies once in six months. J? Appropriating G.2J2 dollars lot the purpose of improving the naviijation o Cape-Fear river below Wilmknetow, 14 Prescribing the duty of committee ofr tnance I Requires them, immediate ly on entering on their duty of the Finan ces, to count all the money in the Trea sury, and report the amount to the Leis iaiure.1 15 lo change the time of holding the Supreme Court of this Siaie. (Fixes the lime of holding said Lourt on the first Monday in June and December.) 1 6 Amending the different acts concern in; dower. ( 1 he iurv not restricted in assign dower in every separate iract ; but may assign in one or more, having regard to the interest of the beirs as well as'the widow.) 17 For the relief of persons, who have madeenlrie a of land with entry tak ersujc who have had lands surveyed by survey ors, who have not renewed their bonds agreeably to law. (Entries and survevs rhade in the offices of entry takers and by surveyors, who have not renewed their bonds agreeably to law, rendered valid 1 1 ouppiementai to act of the present session, entitled an act to alter an act. entitled an act lo amend the 4ih r. ;,..' . r . i ........ v. ... - . ....1 oi me act passes in mo." 1 1 he provis Sbhs" oT said ac f to coh tin ue in lorce t o t h e end of this Session.) ... 19 Amending the act of 1824. 1'ivino the assent of North Carolina to, and en- torcing in this btate, certain acts of the r-gislature of lennessee. relating tn ih Sirii.kv Mountain turnpike road. (Authdr i s the stockholders of aaid road to dis charge tb,cr sobscriptions by labor instead appoint a person to repreicflt rhe sfate if thc.anoual meetings of the stockholder. of taid Bank.) 28 To erect an arsenal oo the south we- of the Capitol square. 29 Supplemenary to the acts relative, to the power of Courts of Eauit ifcii of partition (Whenever a court of equi ty shall order, the sale of real estate be longing to joint tenants in coperrenary, the court at tbdr ditcretion m rlireet such sales to be made on the premises, or at any place within the county ) SO For the relief of clerks of court and clerka and masters of eouilv. fEaemm. clerks of ibe County, Superior and Su,. pre.me Courts and clerks and master in equity from the penalties nrestiherf h rbe- act of U2J,pnti'led "an act to amend and extend the provisions of ap act to, promote agriculture and family domestic manufactures within this State." who shall account for, and pay into the lre.u- ry .by ibe 11 M-b neat, all the moniesr bey were bound, by the before recited ' act, to have paid by the 1st December jt.) 31 Extending the provisions of the act of 1822, gnnting further time o perfect titles of land wil bin this Stale. (Extends ,lJe.prviiiua.of said act io ibe .1st Jnu-. .. arv.J829 A 33 tirai'ing the appointment of Solici tor General and Soiititors so four years. 53 Making provision for widow when they dissent from the wills of their hu- bands ( Allow the widow of a teata'or. out of htr husband's ette, one year's provisionr tnthe same manner as if her Susbm'l had died intestate.) "SfP.re staves, heading aad Shingles shall hereaf ter be iitapected.- (Ten hundred alaves, heading or shingles to.be considered a thousand, and not twelve hundred as heretofore.) SJ Concerning the tat to be paid by persons peddling on certain streams. 'Persons peddling on the south side of Al bemarle Sound, and the waters emnninp therein, (Roanoke and Cashie excepted,) to pay a tax of five dollar in each county in which they shall peddle.) " 35 AmenJin'g the act of l7l5T"aDtoin. un public regis-ers and directing tbe method to be observed rn conveyini: land. gnotlt and-nattcl, 4iiid for preventing fraudulent deeds an(Tntorgigea. 7 Concerning the appointment of keeper of the State fiinjse and for the . preservation of the ajatue, of Washington. . 38io amend the ct.of isae, prescrt ' bing the mode of nrvey4g and salliflf he lands lately" acquired frn the Chef K I - j: TV! "Li ' 'IM ' ' ' cmec inniani. greets ine a reasurer pay to the surveyor, or chain bearers, fcc, . ,SfllB.l5JlCilil-5','n? kaidJaiHljhilie sums duehem era appointed under the act of 39 In addition tithe acts relative t weights and ' meVsueir'TMalcTlr lb duty of the justices of the county courtl, which have not provided sealed weig ' measdrrs, stamp and-braodt. dii eciavl t be provided by the ads of 1741, to pre -vide the same at the charge of their revr spectivc counties ) T rime