! 1 j i p f I I CAiMl WANTKU I fllllR subscriber has declined rre.Msf his X U.xvU. ami rrntirsts those indebted to him, t make pajment against the first of rVbruary het, m longer Indulgence need not be expect ed. Iwillsoll ' . flOODS At reduced prices hrrraitrr, flr cm stow. GEO. M'CONNAl'GHRiV .TflMtrv, AW , 1837. VI MANSION HOUSE. TIIEpubhe are respectfully informed ' that h .1fdnn if. will be LT!LL'v hr Ihe reception of traveller end ethers, on'fhfTsf 6nitlliW7 eetjwsr-. -.Upftreoot-lfUKllinf. .rth, 9I5,.h,l'm' Ti m ha miv i,h lo void the Mt ana BUU Incident to Hotel having attached lo It pub. he Bar, the Mansion House, oiler tytteVrrpoai. IM Steele, Bttecnea ioin premnri, m -jw kept constantly supplied with provender of en- Kkind. end i careful end attentive Ostlef will "af elTTImcTln redrotM(.o perform the V tiwof biKtloir.- - ' '. '" Town boarders would be icommouated. end every attention In tlte power of the conductor to render thea comfortable shall be Invariably firen, JOHN MAC COI.L, CNlVERStTY NOIlTIt CAftOLWA. OltDIN'ANCtl adopted by Die Hoard of truster at their, enmitd meeting lit thia eltvoitthaltohlmit. , ' Jl it Ot-AiintJ, Uc. Lt. That the dreis or the Student! shall hereafter be uniform, end shall coinlst In lummtr of e coatee in color of a grey mixture, and of waistcoat end trowiert of while nd In sinter, of coatte, wai.teoat and trotters, ofedk frejr mixture.- The ue of bixrti it prohibited, end It U recoov mended to the Students to consult plainness, economy end neatness in ere? pH of their PRotbIf In this ordinance shall extend to the !re of the Senior CU t the commencements. Kor stall it extend or epply to eny Students who shall have aherdy JiroWdprf or may hereafter. Ihrfttfbr1h'HrM provide himself with apparrcl according to ad ordinance adoted et Chapel Hill in June but, for which th ebeva tccUul uttUnarC If e tub. Itilutr. . J'tfjUilxJ. by . order f the PrenJml the hard. ' 'i-"W:'Tr B tutrix, wr iay.-v-."r-,--7t- W4 A VamUn, S. C. Ve . Yld, 1827. 498 ESTATE OF JOHN pOXALDSON. THE eubacriber bavins qualified M adminia tra'or on the relate of John Donaldwn, lec'd. late of ftowan county, N. C. with the Will annexed, drairra all prraoni indebted to eail ettate to make payment with a fittle drlay at powible f end ell pertone having claima ajraimt the cfate, are den red to present then legally utbtriiieated, within the lime limited by Act of Attembly, otherwite this notice will be plead in bar of their recover?. KUFUA RKID, Admimtirattr. Dtermirr 14A, '8.7. 3 BOOK BINDING. TUT ubarriber rrtpectfully infurmi the cit liene fit Sahtbury, and the turrountlinfr country, that be he eetablithed a Both INntUrw in Mid town, on Main Street, a few door aouth of the Coort-llotitei where he will be thankful to receive anv kind of work In hi line of buainrai. myroei trmmbrr of yeare eipericnce, in Europe - and America K(laconfiiIcnt Of beiny able to five entire ealifaction t all those ho may fa vor him with any deacription of ItinJing. Bknk Bkt made to order, after any pa'trm ftirnithed, on abort notipe, and at pricca 1ich no one can complain of. Old hki Rcbwnd, eitlicr pUTii or orrumm. f rrtatw tbet most . moderte term. All orlrr from a diatance, faiUifciDy attended tf.mT'5, . ronagr of the public iayepectfully aolicittd, by nAlTSIOlf KOTCL7 SAUSJiURY, MittTH CJHUU.Y.i, UT KZRA ALLBMONO. j, - rTIHH elegant establithment, aituated uZ7 L at the north comer of the Court. Vl jL"0U,e " rtn recently repaired and fitted up in a new and nrprrior etyle, for the re ception of Comjiany. I he greateat paint hare been taken to procure for this rftablwhment new furniture of every clereription, necefary fur the comfort of Traveller! j the mot ap. proved aervantt have been trlvcted with great care i the bar Hocked with choice liquora, and the ttablee attended by obliging and attentive hostler. The convenience of thia aituation it equal to any in the place, lite houae contain! a number of private rooms, ami out-hotiera, well calculated for the accommodation of Traveller and Boarders. Attached to which, there it a Dry Goods and Bock Store. i o iImmc who may please to call on him, he assures them that no paina wilt be spare-! to render their stay comfortable and pirating. EZILA ALLCMUNG. Sulh'nirt, a: r. S,pt. 17. 18 7. 2 I BC.VC.UJSr.lt, i Jl CULM sea. at; tsoii eooo, I remember, I remember the house where I was born, -The little wlrtdo where the, ma. Came peeping is mom . lie never teme ! too soon, Nor brought two.lwg I day put now I otten 'h iliat night Had borne my breath away f I remember, I remembei The iwe red and bite,' .. , The vilett, and the lily-cupt Those ftowert mdo of fight j , i -.The Klacks where the robin btiHy , And when m brother act ' -Tte hbovwent es hi birUuUy, . The tree le Kvinf yetf ' wX, t reflieraeri t remember ': Vbere I wae ! to iWingT" 3 And thought te air must rush at fresh " To ewatlosn ea the vinft -My tpitil tee In feathen then, TUat is so heavy now, And ijmme poo' could hardly cool The fever on my brow f I remetnen I remeber The fir tres dark and high i 1 used to dink their slender tope Were clse againtt Ihe akyt It wu a ,'hildiab ignorance. Hut now 'tis little joy To knot I'm farther off from beav'a Than vben I wu a boy. their obedient servant," JOHN II. DE CARTERET. fltfoAwf, Jnf28A. 1827. 61 Stale tf ' r&anllw, Burkt rounlf : S1TKRIOR Court of Law. Pejitemher term, 1837. Lidia Beach f. Elijah Kcach j iti rtrtt. On motion, it was ordered, that adver tisement be made for three months in the Ka letrtt Register and Western Carolinian, tlut Elijah Beach appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for Burke county, at the court-bonae in Morganton, on thr 4th Monday Of March next, the a and there plead, antwer or demur, or the petition will be heard exparte. - Teat i WM. W. EHWIN, CT. Price al. g3. 3mt9J Siait fJftrH-VurtUna, ; hrdrtt timtf r KOBEB r II. CARSON tw. Havid Carson, An. drew Carson, William Carton, Eleaxnr Car; eon, Mary Canon, Joel Wetbrrly and hit wife Marearet, Jamel Scott and bit wife Martha, and Samml Carton i Petition for Ihe tale of the real tttae of Samuel Carton; deceased. It appear. fog to the satisfaction of the court, that the de fendants in this case reside without the Iin.it of thia stute, h hi therefore ordered that publica tion be made for six weeks successively in the Wevti nt Carolinian, printed in Salinbun, giving notice to said defendants to appear at next term iraid jwtirt to be held for the county of Iredell, on the 5ih Mdiidarafterihe-4th Afomhiv-tn-- , JJarch next, at the court-house in Statesville, and ) blead, anawer, or demur to said petition, or the - samn'wIH be taken rr emtAM, end heard ea parte ss to them. Witness John tihat clerk and master of our said court, at office, this 30th Dec. A. I). 1827 JOHN MI'SHA r, r . . State YertA-Carsina.- ROW AN Count v Court November sessions, lfi27 Uaniel Caaey n. W illrt 0:i-v j origioa al'achment, levied in the hands of David tjey, and summoned him as garnishee. It ap - tearing '0 the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this state, on mo tion of the plaintiff by counsel, ordc red, thaf pubhcation be made in tlie Western Carolinian tor six weeks, that m.less the defendant appear at the Halt county court .to. be held for the ' county of Rowan, U tUeourl-Jionse jn Salisbury, on tbe third Monday ot rebruary next, and re plevy or plead to said suit, judgment will be entered for the plaintiff's demand, and a decree of condemnation of the attached effects. 6t97 JOHN' GILES, Wl: State f JWrtk-Caftina, Jlthe county : SUPERIOR Court of Law, September term, 1837. Msjory Bald in t. Elisha Baldwin ; Petition for divorce. W hereas, it appears to the tatisfaction of the court, that the defendant ie an inhabitant of another state, it therefore ordered by the court, that publication be made for three montba in the Haleigh Register and Western Caronnian, that the defendant appear at the next Superior Court Of Law to be held for ihe. county of Aehe, at the court-house in Jeff, raon, on the third Monday of March next, aneTTTieirind there plead,-anwtr or dmur CAKU. . -- - -' E. VTZLLEX & CO. (At tl fiipt ttft Mvrtcr mnd Fettle, J e I" AVE just received from New rzf Vwk, a large supply of AtrJkine. an J """I'orTXTj which, together with their fwrr stoelc, mn'ice Tl'ii'ir pre icnt a'ttorfmc wt irptete w4l4he -mst valuable fitt'Urine sold in mir eonntry. As they nre determined to make tliii esiabli.hnynt rthy of pabfic patnnxgc, they now offer for sale. Wholesale and Retail, the above .Vedii inn, i!c. on the mrf'st reasonable terms. . ox ruTTiar. Plattery'ta perfect mistress of her art With piclkxk-keyt to open every heart i What mrtal can withstand tbe fire of Hatterjr f No one I 'tit such a most successful battery, No head, however thick, resists its shot Vet eadi pretends to it! what sot! Dunce (altera dunce, and thus in Faroe they rite On r amy's ving, self-nounted, to tbe skies. - 111 1 - . MISCELLANEOUS. raow raa ascaa (sao.) rttteaara. ' December. Ho the Earth, tailing off in thr ecliptic, tnrni up codwayt towrd the Sun, and npens her " po Ur orifice to hit inquiiitire evei. Now the great luminary. I iwcrine- hit rsyt, takes a peep Into the bowels of thecoicave spheres." Now out ruslt es old lioress, brisuioa like a wild tpar, and fierce as a svhipsaw. Now the guilty stars "wioVslHy at each other, and hide their fares as the chaste mflOi. stalks by them. Now the moons cranium presents nwful bumna to the fir . ..' . i . i . . . u . . - I . . . r i nvuiiam mi una rmun m iiic cn nnrv, ui nhnn nniii T II ... .1 I ,. I. ,..r I r"""'s .v...m, uHvui, no have b en in the habit of sunnlvinp themselves ! V ,Dter cnned With SDOW, extends wjth Medicines from the north, and eUewhere, i his domini.int, and rules with a rtd of will liml it for their inieret' to encourage the et fort of the present proprietors, in making this a useful and permanent stand. N. B. Ordtrt carefully and punctually put up, tjrreeablv to directions; and on the shorten no tire, fiathhurt,, ,Yar. SOfA, 1827. KJ THK SUBSCRIBKKS Have in part received their FAIL M'PPLY of ea a. - ice. row rrost, like a poor rela tion, makes his annual visit, destroy ing all before him. Now Hail, Sleet nd Snow. Eke duns, meet us at our thresh-hcld, and h.ng on to our coat. sleeves. Now xold, likca guilty con-f i 3l.iL LILl . a dUDL.l BI UAtStS B 11 1 aril IB Ba II X Bra tv GTVOCTaUIlS i fof leethr Now the nih wind svhis. PflHB whole of which is expected to arme X during the eosning week, which they offer to their friends and the public in general, tut for CtSff. 1 heir stock will cowtint in part of. the follow ing ARTICLES, Hz: C)fHhila.Nea-Orlrans..bl, Croix and Porto JJ Rico Su(rans 2J bbli loaf and lump do. 40 hhd prime Iguyra Coft'ee, 10 bars Mountain Stl Dotnidro do. J"3i. PepperT ' 50 pieces cottm Pagjin0,,43 ind.es ' 25 coil bale Rope, ' I bbt ehtffee tvendl Tobaeeoi ' 7$ bbls apple Brandy?, do,' Wve Whiskey, 10 do. N. P Rum .10 do. American tJin, 5 hhds Jnmuica Spirit?, 3 do. Antigua Rum 1 do. Shrub, 6 pipes old Cog'c Brandy, (fuvtite branth,) 3 do. old Schedam Gin, 5 fliiar caska IVnerilTe, 5 do. do. Sherr), 2 pipe old Madeira, 8 lulf .pipes sweet Malaga, 10 dri 'Cjttar-.-Bsls 4a ties through the unsealed cabin, and the greedv hearth devours huge wood, piles. Now fe-itherbcds are comforta. blc and old bachelors and antiquated spinsters throw side-glances towards each other. and The following (sys a London pa per) are the names of the trees planted in St. Peter's Church Yard, with their symbolical descriptions I Cedar of Lebanon. It being the tree) selected by Solomon for building the temple of Jerusalem. Weeping ttVfow.A native of Bab. yloo, and the tree on which the un happy Israelites hung their harps when the bemoaned the lost of Jerusalem. ,. Sycamore. The tree on which Zacchcus climbed to set Christ on bis way to Jerusaleajr.tr-.- ,. TAtrn. To rcmiod ui of the crown of thorn,' 1 Mpen.li being the tree of which the Cross is said to bave been formed, Ifm. The principal papyraceous tret of the ancients, and on the bark of which the Scriptures were probably first written. Ash. Esteemed a acred' tree ' in ancient times, and the one to which the Serpent is said to have a strong antipathy. Plane. The favorite tree of the Greeks, and under whose shade the Athenian philosophers retired to studv. Birch. The tree from which the L'tctors made their fasces. Elm. The funeral tree of the R man's, and the roffin timber nf Dristor. Cyprett.Tht funeral tree of all Eastern nation's. Tew. " The sacred Yew, so fear'd a a in war i and a tree consecrated and dedicated to the grave. teca felt tr. i Lrr a ita. son, strolled into die iX.a-, and very deliberately engrosstd "Ur only super numerary chair a very genteel com, panion forsooth, and a worthy ! There he sat with all the orifices and emunctories that emptied themselves, or claimed outlets upon the surface of his noddle, open, wide open, gaping stating, harkrniug, and makiug wr efforts to think. For the space of ait hour, he spake not. There he sat and stared like the everlasting Ia in the mansion of Lord Fitzgsilyhog. magaul. Now and then the busy type setters would exchange shre wd rima eeiMdnlinWdeWn visiter set and stared. We thouans of Black wood ;nd iUbiimghlriurr themes. Ihe nan was perfectly so, , ber, and perfectly at home he appeal ed 6 yofoptnatt io bts oo- mace. "1 ment. His countenance bespoke a-- variety r,f clumsy ruptures and terrific enjoyments, oddly mixed together s but his tongue lav motionless uoon bis nether grinders, while he sat. anrf s j j ' stereo, ana aecaiccj ui ruminate. The pauae was awful 'i was past allendu. rsnce, the fidgets were fast taking hold of fingers that rattled am ng the types and a sudden fit of cramp crooked our very quill. At length the stranger moved and snrrzed and coughed. symptoms indicative of speech. He raided Ms right arm, then the remain. der of his body, and stood, and star ed again. He spoke, and never did human accent touch tbe ear of sus pense more mellifluously. " I aay, mhter, d'ye make here f Arbor Vttce. Alth ueh the tree of life, it shows that immortality is not Wend, we make newapaDara. the lot of ny thing terrestrial. 1 wwrt bu natt' IhUey. As being used in the de-l . ' cor .lion of churches at sacred festivals. new m(H,e of dmioistenng mei. Box. The pUnt formerly used in is now rapidlv gaining groun! in the feast of the Purification of the Bles- Lte"nnv. instead of the large d ics led Virgin. J Pr?i,f!!t.?'J C0UDtry, veryjoinuto Poplar. A plant held sicred by quanuues re . given, and as It aceroi,- he Romans, and the tree usi d to 1 trtejuently with good effect. So small a mark the boundaries of their lands... Jatf l0" Wuc P,U a JOth P" of MableThc tree of which the bowl l Ts some times administered s of hospitality was formed in the days and f'u,Pnate "f quinine a medinne of yore. of which the ordinary dose here is three Pine. And the tall pine for fu- ?r "r R"" -20h part of the graio ture natives. Da utile lignum is ordered. It is difficult to eorreivi how so little medicine produces a v n sible effect j but if It is really found t answer, the practice must be very ben eficial in debilitated persons, who are I . a - ' I aa I hia Aimlvu f a . . a . & I I was consecrated to "" y ncijucnuy scmspeeauy io me grave oy medicine. In Navigus Pinus. " The ueful pine for ships." To thee I consecrate the pine. pagan days it Diana. Bay. The Laurus Nobilis of the ancient warriors: the Crown of our poet Laureates : a supposed protection rum ugniniog, ana a punner oi pes CLEOPATRA'S A EEDZS. The prostrate monument whirhroee bjr this nme, and which was a lew years since given. by the Pacha of Port, J Lstsst larotTiTioa. otherw ise the petition will be beard exparte, and the aame set for trial. Witness, David Earnest, Clerk, at office, thit Ttb day of November, A. D. 1827. D. EARNEST, Cr. - Frice' ,vt : 3m03 - Stat f A'orth-Carolina, ffilke county .- OC I OBF.K Sersions. 1827 : Braxton Cox and avife, v. James Wellborn, adm'r. of M m. Allison, dee'd. petition for settlement. It ap. pearinp to the court that Hugh Allison, Benja. roin Allison,' Ephraim Allison, William Allison, " " ZhhleV 'AKisw, lcy Allison, Perjry Allion, Polly '"Alfisbii"; and Betsey AHiaieqtrV- befohd the limits of this state, it is ordered that publica tion be made for six weeks in the Western Carolinian, that Hugh Allison, Benj. Allison, Ephraim Allison, William Alliran, Daniel Allison, Lucy Allison, Peggy Allison, Polly Allison, and Betse) Allison, appear at our next county ccurt to.be held for the county of Wilkes, in the town x -of Witkeiaionrpn the Tfirrt vaWn8Sj:ftT -fa four? h Mnnuav in January next, and cause them splvs t' lG niadt; parties to thVaboVe suiti'&ci lis'. H 'BERT MAJITIN, t. v, 1. 1. f;ice aivt g3 50 tS3 i 2 quar. casks old Port, 8 boxes Imperial, 6 do. C PowIer, - -4tlf. V. nyson, 1 -hrtdrCopperav 1 ccroon Bengal Indigo, in packages of from 3J to 4 Ibt each, SO kega Orange Powder, box Mustard (for family use) 5 boxes sperm Candle, 5 casks choice Goshen Cheese, 1 cvk Epom Salts, (warranted genuine) 10 kegs ground Oinger, I bbl. Philadelphia Starch, 50 batrs Shot, assorted Numbers, lt)t Irt abotf , half ami quarter boxes fresh Ma laga Raisins, warranted frese, and well worthy the attention of families, 18 tons sssorted Swedes Iron, 1000 bushels Liverpool Salt, r - With many other articles in their line. Jit kind of Country Product taken in Q0yment. .tua, tilcntial air. iflure. As ' an honorable badre Egypt to the King of England, still un fair those who bravely defended their I removed by his majesty. Its I'-ngtri is country and their laws. about seventy feet, and its weight ia at . -L ' li I I ' r . r r ... .-J L Monarch, and ever the bulwark of our lapt Allan has lately suggested a plan tor removing it to England j and alter bringing the needle to the beach, by means of a railway, to builJ the ship round the pillar, and then to launch, the whole together. In this wav it is thought practicable to reach London,.' X am'.. ' I wnere meai-s would be lound for erec ting it in one of the public squares. .1 i rrz - j " cipvos i4uiur UDocr prouuvia cold rains accost the moody traveller J also, cleanly housewives deprecate I I at si v v at ' m, . ' uiuuuf uu'uji.. imw.npv ppnen ana i flip are decocted, and. men get drunk by steam. Kow "weddlngs'ire pro- moted-atid domestic" manufactures sort of machine ; and its curiosity is begin to be encour-gedi-rikewise the not the least curious ingredient in its doctrine of M .Ithus is getting out of) composition. This is one of those vogue. Now the rvtsdom of the na tion does some mighty foolish things State. raos na aasToa arr.siso bcilxt:. cVRWsnrr'- - ' The human mind is a most curious 10 esses of WOOL HATS, 9 do. fine fur do. 4 do', wool and cotton Cards, .13 pieces twilled negro Cloth, 10 reams writing f'ttper, . Knives and forks, Ixitehert knives, shoe knives, sinrle and double bladed neh and Docket knives. End locks,' stock locks, gun locks, trunk locks, utt. hinges, wood screws, horse Fleams, nail and spike gimlets, table spoons, lead faucetts, kneep snears, Keynote, tenant ana hand aaws, claw hammers, club ami cooper's axes, ahinr ling hatchets, post , and ysnkw eoffee anjUv shovels and tongs, steel-yards, poll chains, screw augers, gouges and chissels, chest hinges, shoe pincers and rasps, curry combs, saw mill (ilea. cow hide whip;, plated spurs, razors, shaving boxes, spectacles and cases, black'-lead and slate pencils, English alates, boxes soap, German, English and cast Steel, castings trace chains, Wackamith's hammers, jfce. c Ac. Well worthy the tt ntkui of Countrr Mer. chants as they will b- iwld low forcah to close a consignment. IIORTONS HCTTON. raytttnillt, October 3?, 1887, - J W , ...,nd Uncle barn's treasury gru the conMimption. Wrw bdd crops are heavily complained ofand bad debts contneted, ntwithstinding. Now creditors draw out their accountsand debtors draw out their pocketbooks. wiihflrnhhignhTmrAndrnow the Printer xvantt money I r03i tub rirrsBvae essirri. We do not recollect ever haying seen the annexed analysis of the name of Napoleon in print. Together with the orgiinal derivation of the name, which t -computed of - two Greek words, Lion of the Desart," it forms a most striking coincidence with the character of ihat man who has render ed it so conspicuous in history. 1 NAPOLEON T 7 3 4 5" 2 APOLEoN POL EON OLEON LEON EON universal properties that influence pco. pie of all classes, and help to estah- liah and dcinoin rate the doctrine of mn's perpetual as well as original .rajidrrzrAH equal, but remain to, in more respects than certain aristocratic physiologists are disposed to allow. The boot-black whrr-tkes his sixpence for polishing a dandvsuiderstanding, squints askaunt at the visage of his customer, where- by to ascertain the affinity between his own wages and " the gentleman's" gratification this is tbe curiosity of interest. The statesman, who flour ishes feathers of rhetoric in public halls and very much obliges the printer by In a late case in rhe Quar er Sessions in this aity, one of tht wIuicm'i, a woman that lays out the dead, testified tbnt a thief who had turned sta-es rvi denretn the case, on one occai in ttold a dead body out of the house while she was making the winding sheet. -7L rogue caIfing3Tr maker, recently appeared in Horry District, S. Carolina, while the court was in session, and having obtained possession of 15 watches, decamped. His age was not more than 22. A wild deer was taken at sea, about V I . !l - f XT . . . condescending- tofurnish-copies. Jf 'T mT ,rom "Wn SDeeches for the nreaa. li.ten. with M. 'I WS Since, Dy I WO men 4u ' ON ... x . lly dropping the first letter from the first -syllable o( the name in full, and from each part of it in succession, six ireelt Woyds are found, whjch, trans- iaiea in tne order ot the numerals, aignifiy. Napoleon being a raging Lion, goingiprteot conclusion. about destroying ctttes. The revenue of Rhode Island for the last six months atnouted to gl 8,083 98 cents, its expenditures during that peri od were only 28,585 12 cents. gerness, as trie lodiherent multitude Utters sentence laudatory or condem natory, this is the curiosity of pride. Therrrare-drvers -kher- pecieafihis queer quality, appertaining to the in termediate grades of society, which we have neither, leisure nor inclination to particularize. But, if we ever before entertained doubts of the. fact, that the spirit of Curiosity, operates powerfully, though diversely, upon all the men uud all the women that inhabit the upper crust of iSiTiSi"i,Ili.js.i.i.. J.. 1 . I .... mis cv isccraiea giooewe were last evening perfectly confirmed in our A fellow in a brown thread bare surtout. cowhide brogues, and trowsers home made of two blue yarns here opposed to two black ones, there with a visage strug gling between wonderment and dirt, surmounted by a chaneau that had skiff. It had probably escaped to the water as a refuge from hungry hounds. Every family In the county of 6nta rioTNewsYorkrts-now-supplied-witiL a Utble. 401 which had no part o it, and 110 which had only -the Netr Testament, having been furnished within the last two years , There are no fewer, than forty-nne kinds- of pepper-i Batayian n1 alisr)f the name of Blumh has writ- . ..... . . . i ten a description of them accompanied .MSkjtawaBa Button 'ocory.--The establishment for the manufacture of. ihif .-little smcle at Attlcborough, is in very successftir pw- m. . - . . . ..J M gress. 1 he expensen ot it are staieu .v mount to nearly 880,000 a year, and the amount of Buttons msnufsctured 19 be over 8100,CO;. I tl J2 et e a 4 P is alt Al of ns Be he Ce cot In Cot ac an cov f na riet eer hov for ier coo War ingt and mer toll to Arm ard the i Kmi the i toll the Vitik mii oanv atitui for' be Tt folio A ertr Leg ners of tl ept of iAf w trolle perly him l belon the c, favor, interc la fav In fas Amhc draw Histoi pds of Wi C, Hi tnpre. Thorn vor of vl.i R. ftmt