1,' A, Att ' I ,1,1 - III! (v ii Ml iv II, V'V6 A SALISBURY, N. C .TUESDAY, JANUAUY 22, 1828. VOL.VIIJ.......NO.R98. , fly rrtfTI!. J ill ed :d. 3U? I I the ids ita- fith. Fit, one tur uent icle, pro :d to and d to The term of tit Wnt'rn Carolinian era, rtf ief nnum-or R1 SOi ifiM j aayment In advance will be required from an lubierihers at a distance, whe are unknown to tha Editor, unless torn mpwiblt person of Lit acquaintance gnaranjeea the payment, , . No paper d-ontinrted, (i epl a the option . tk Rd'iiorTwsstil nil Brrrre P84- Advertisements will be Inserted at fifty eant per aquar f r the Km Insertion, tml twenty-fiv rents for each mbwrnnt one. . m ..,... -Art If tters addressed td the T-lHon iw we upaiit, or they may, not f anenocfl w. GEtflSaiL ASSEMBLY. Om hundred end fourteen of private Mtnre were pared by the legislature at He re. cent session i ll that are of interest to the an ttMoftbUpaof the state, folluwi An act making H the duly of the Malor Cen era) to review ihe second regiment of Randolph at their usual reeime ntal muter ground i Com petting lh office r of flampson county to hoi J their reniie offices at the Court House i Au-thori-lng the Publie Trewurer to py to Thoroat Searcy th c of a euit brought by the Bute va, Gen. Wn. Bthelli Aulhoritinjr Thomai Brown, of Hvwxi enunt. to erect to tf on tie mel Wadinj from Frankfin down the Tennrttee rirer i Alte rinf the name of I Jod ie O'fen t"r Edward fflwell, orphan, of Hti'herford county i Compellin(r the Mirrifl of Burke to i wrhtf n wmnvma to the juron mbet eeunnit rf Buncombe, ittcb proof rt Hihc may bmaf'frvqu.re ; In Sp.5tinf ib NetrCr.ifn Libr.rv Society ; ik. ration P ant Steam Boat Cwmpany Incorporati" Mount Moriah Ivode , . Mmitieo of finance for Surry p..; :.."-.Kr,.l.;n a turnnike road in Bun- "i.r.nw in. act of lftl an- ITJoelSTpubnc to from Uncolnton to 'iSffiB" ArtlKrt&if nd rect'jrthe Seriftof Rowan to olW ct the .axe a ln.poed 'i, ,k. Tuckaaeeraand Tenneee rera, and ffir tributary .tre. m. in Haywood 1 county Sttorin t credit John C.Kffene of Surry i SSnt-! Sarah Tiliey. of W.lkra. ruch prop !nV m ihe may hereafter acquire i AppointioR ibr the town of Aihffillej 8f eommia.wrn for tne 10 " KVhrSan Crittenden, of Hokea, ruch gorWnf the eH.nty rourt of Bow.n PP" committee of finance , Authonatn? John Wad . eommii c ,ncor .h. toinof Uiinron, Daido conn- tConcerninf the election of cmintv wnreeora JT-tu... tiutharford. Bwvombe. in io - r- ' , . , ..! Wilkea. Ahe anu nyw - -- S35 the name o 'art Ann Efia. Tooly, AlLrini Ibe time of hoWi the county court. oSon. Coocerni(f tie comm.f ee of fi. Tlnc of Montgomery eou.rty , Srcunng to Jane f the. auch pronrrtv v ahe may tiera1S ttf review the firt rerioent of Bdfj- Bi inrTmika road M Havwood ?TtnXef of Itandolph ahall bo elected and V . t .1 . InrarnnratSnr the lien- ric,,, MeamBoat Compaoy, Bientatina; from certain Public auiiea ne ' - r ZZ In 9oke. County , Prercnb.nR the Ome Ke ale of Vand and ' Tf U PrVacribii-r tbe manner in mhlrh land, .hall be Cereal r ndrtie4 TorUM Ibf tUetfta he eoontica of Ann aod Surr, 4 Concermnj the wVrd.-n of the poor for the countie. of Wah hU JUnWpfc Oatrld., Canvlen. Lincoln B Wak To ld all that D.rt of tbe 2d reg. mTnt i Burke lying outh oFthe CaUwb. nver to the lat regiment , Authoring Isaac T. Arery :9 t..mn-.fc road n Burke county Amending the act of 1810, entitled Gorman J In faror of John Duckworth j In favor of Matthew PrlJgen I Kequirlnjr the Srrretary oi 't to purchate Helton iry j In fvor of P.vM Kofjert, of Bun come. . f AHowi him for co in the suit of Doe and Wha va-hah vf. IW Levaat, and Ko nJTfX'iW'Topr'i'e, llujrh Kol (jertTtrtw hlcTThe ?tit wi' Infe f etteff ijl Relative to the rublle Treaaorer. Di recti. thaJTrenurerJo demand of, I.. Barham w tranafef I 30 aharea of r the atock of the Newbern Bank, which the aid Durham oM ta ihe Ute. Treaaurer, end alio the dividend rltie thereon. Re- quirei"thetreaturer alw, to proeeecf to the collection of all debt due to the Stat for the tale of the public land near Raleigh Directing Ihe Secretary of State to procure 1rn bark for tho Cre placet in the Senate Chamber and Com moni I fall; In fovor of Parham Kirk Appropriating 350 dollar for the pur chase of furniture for the government home: Directing the Secretary of State to raue the well on the Capitol aqtaare to be cleaned out. Below we give a few itemi of the proreedinga in the legitlature on the 91 un. and ltt inat. in our next, we wall give anfficient of the three or four l.t daya proceedUlgt to enable ou?. rea der to judge of the dUpowtnjJiat wx made r.Tt. Monday, Det.i -Mr. Ward, from the inlm .elect committee to whom wa re ferred the report of the Adjutant General, reported bill lo erect an araenai on me .....ik nt ihn Canitol aauare. -The reolut1onrfrom the other. Houe, m annotnt ioint elect committee to in quire what meure the UgWUture cn adopt to protect tne o.. --.w-ihe operation of the Bank of the United State i Fayr'tf ie. agreed to. pd Mew Shober, Mebtchw na riceti were appointed the committee, pursuant ikriln. on the rrt of the Senate. XT. " fiom tbe committee f wai iiui PmnoMtiona nd Griv.nce. reported reMlutinn in tivor of Pdrham Kirk, her iff of Montgomer. Th reoort of the committee of F I nn tha revolution relitive to MUi Udney M. Blakelev, watak n up and re iected I when Mr. Love, of Ilavwood pre aented resolution to d'ueominue the p nronriation for the education of ul.Ke I. t Kirh. nn motion of Mr Owen, wa . - Uid on the table. Mr. Pickett, from the Judicwry com mittee. reported that it it inexpedient to . . . L - amend the lawa reatraimng mc pr.vutc of ufturv. Concurred in. " The engrowed bill to incorporate the .. . o r v i n r.. Zaon Reliet nocieiy oi iiiwvuii waa re iected on it tec-nd reading Tutiday, Jan- h 1828 Mr. Shober from the committee -of-rropotitione-end 1 credit Thomat Martin, oi nutnenoro j which paed it firtt, cond and third recline nd wa ordcrea to ue engro. Mr, WiUiemi. of Marun, reported a bill to secure to Jane BecknaU of Aahe, uch propertr heTnay herealter acquire. Mr. Scot:, from the elcct committee to whom the tubject wa referred, repor ted that it it inexpedient to change the existing law on the ubject of baatardy. Concurred in. The enerossed bill to encourage the deduction of wolve in Aane couniv, wa postponed indcuniiely on it third reading. - Mr. Burney, rrotn tne committee if pointed to conduct the balloting for three nersona to renreent the State at the con- temple4-TOewi(ff4he atockhoUUr f the Crmt Fear Bank, reported that laaac Wright, Frederick HiU and uui u. ii aon are elected. The bill to repetl the act of 1819, cre ating a fund for internal improvements, and establishing a Board for the manage ment thereof, and the act ot isai, provi ding an additional fund for internal im provements, was indefinitely postponed on its second reading 32 to 24. whereas such claim prevent the said property from selling at it proper value i Hrtolved. iherrgre, Tht the commit tee on the Judiciary be Instructed to In quire into the expedlencjr el so emending tha existing law, at to compel 1he claim ant to file an affidavit, - mr. Alien, oi luontgomery, preaemcu i'l concerning the committee of finance I, Montgomery county, m ,WLJ, , MrMoeehead, from -the tommhtev on '(location, made a report recommending the r-iccjlon of the bill to repeal the. act of 182 J, cresting fund for the establish- ronr ftf.r omm!n ichuolicJCpTjcurred in. Mr. Gary, from ihe committee of Pro positions and Grievances, reported unu vorablv to the petliiona of John Logan and ife,of Kutherford,and Ueniainln Khodet, of Chatham; which reports were concur red in. Mr. Seawell, from the committee on Agriculture, to whom wa recommitted the bill to repeal all acts concerning agri- utture and family comeatic mmuuc- ures, made report recommending the pjixge of aaid bill ; read and rejected. Sir. Jones of Warren, presented a bill giving dower to the -widow in all catea in which the husband might nave cUKncri courtesy. ' Mr. Boon presented a bill concerning the number of justices required ir, the re move) of certain officers; Mr. utile, a bill prescribing the manner in wnicn lands shall be hereafter edmined lor tile for tues in Anson county ; Mr. Hill, a bill to continue In force tu act ot isaa. directing a geotogkal and mlnerilogkal survey to be made of the State. ' . a. . i Mr. U as ton preacntea a tin to amenu the act of 1715, iDooiD'ing public regit ter and directing ihe metnot J.4lfe. pfc served in conveying land, roois an chattels, and Tor preventing irauauieni deeds and mortgages ; also a bill to pro hihlt t'lce'and immorality 'it, nd in tne vicinity of the Unirersityj and Wr. Brevard, a bill to extend the provision of tne act of 1823, granting further time to perfect title to lands within this ute ; which passed their firtt reading Mr. Fiihcr, from the selec commiite towhom was referred the . resolution on the aubject of cotton and woollen manufac tures, and on the growing of wool, made a report ; which wa ordered to be prin The bill for the protection of secun ties, and Jfo olherpurpoe ; the bill up olementart to the aeverai acta for the. re. lief of insolvent debtor.; the bill to repeal in part the 3d section of thect of 1 80$. to K revise ioc Hun, " !,w"t ,w v and to repeal the 9th section of the act of tain, amendinor the militia laws oi mis Stale Tnr the bill wpecjejrxainre. - - . Rraravitis (iu,) ate. U. LUCEKX f FRESCH CLOTIH. Mr. A. D. Veitch, merrhantnf ihj place, ha received duantity . of this grass iced, and sve cannot forbear re commending U to -wir griculiura! made we are confident that it is the vrrv best grass for the toil and climate otilwih -Alabama Uut .ha-yctlctn tried. It is generally led in the green state after being Cut 24 hours: "It may be cut in ordinary season time, beglnnThfrbburthe and is very luxnriant and nutritious; It has a long tap foot and atands the drought well. It should be sowed (broad cast) in the month of February, on high rolling ground, previously ploughed very deep and made very rich if well put in it will not require IULLSB0I.0' FEMALE SF.viNRY. rpjJK esrreifi of thU Inatitutivn will b r J. iiimed nntlieJ:h inat. under the n anare ment of the Mttr Sptnr and Hie control of the Burerintfrnlen', ; . , , , The reputatinn f.i Ii.-kTiTi and good aociey which wr town.enjovv nniied to the UrilitW Wt.jTOWifciwii j.oj .rMcuu our acntMMry, ptwiwwu.uui Mm no orninary rimm to ihe attention of the Parent! and finanliana in our community. 1 he prices of hoard tml tuition are moderate i and the Trustee, and Teaehera pM(fe them, setvee re repreaa; lofar a lie In their Bower: every thing like ettraf ne In dreas, or any ? ' t annecesaary eipeniuture or money. .' . . H -Te-prk4rf-ordinary- tuition: varies from 10 to r'J per icawon, payable -quarterly .. d- - Instruction In Miil g25 tn Drawing and Tainting, .... JS In NVedle work. ....... 1 Hoard ran he ohtairrrd in the moot reapecta, bl faniilira of ihe place, at fcIO per month, ln eluding w ahing, wood, candiei, ke. WM. M. GIIF.CN, SutrinttnJct. Janwirp 5t, IS28. 3t9 renewing for 'JO years, but should havi an annual top dressing ol coarse msnurr. One acre will require 8 to 10 lbs. of seed, ud the second year it will feed six to sight head of cows, ox en or horsrs. Luccrn is nri essfullv cultivated in a'ny'a'Uapttulo inuncrn "climate." Indian School. One cf the docu ments accompanying the President' Mesage .contains a druded. state ment of the numbrr and expense of the schools -maintained by the government of the Uniu d States amongst the In dian tribe rid rlnewherej-for-the ed uction of Indian children, the num!cr .f tr achcre, of pupils, he. by which wt pcrrcivc that there are'Wiy-C'v-Wj- hivi g 1201 pupils, the whole rxpmsr of which, fi-r the year, has b-en 87000. The achre ar furnished -exclusively bv the tnissioinrv and uhcr hummir societies, and the number is abnut 120. Sili Ribbons. A Mr. Douglas, a Scotchman, is stated to have recent ly established himself in VinJ:am, Conn, for the purpose ot weaving silk ribbons. The manufacture of silk, IV.. m the w inn. is earned on to a Considerable extent in Wimiham, an a a the adjoining Counties, anJ Mr. D.iogtas state that he had never worked or seeu silk i'rom Italy or Vrncf of suocrior Quality or better ' - I i-lj. f, ;." i ii ; aed. in the year i809, entitled ila - an act paa- an act to amend Tj- '"-"If ..v...ifore nased rtlatire to the the aeverai nvera wwim -- to tha Peedee and Vadkln river! Repealing v. .is. .noointing commifioner to wttila new-ceuH houaeJaJjir rjuxountja-Iol rtva and continue v9""! r"l ' Mmed Incorporating the-Norrh atitut ionfor tbe instroctwn of deaf and du-nb, Tor the relief of Samuel and Solomon Carter, aaeoumoaa. Twenty-nine Beaolutions were paed i they A resolwioo in uvor oi uicr ,.r- Aotnorising the two houses of Rob the claimed bv Indians in the lands lately acquired by treaty from the Chenv kee nation, passed their third reading and were ordered to be engrossed. Mr. Hill presented a bill to Incorporate the Henrietta Stao Boat Company f and Mr. Jones, of Rowan, a bill -to- amend ab 6th aection of tRe act or XiiO, providing for tbe payment of the civil list 'and con tingent charges of government ; which passed sheir first reading. The resolution in favor of John Mill wee, of Mecklenburg, was rejected on ii: third reading 72 to 24 ;kf.knsbok male academy. rilllR rterciaei of thia achol will hr.rewmed I on Tu lv tlie lit of January, I s.H. Tbo roorw! of imrtrietiDn at this AcaU-my i prepar. alory lo ailmiawon into the Frethmtr and Hopho more cla t of tin- University. . timidra tha or dinary ailvantagt. of a preparatory education, the pupil may here avail himoelf of the oppor tunity of iid)ing and learning the following tion, (iray'a Memria Teehiiica, the OuV-a an J P)tyre of Horire, Caldwell's Cromeu7, Blair' Ithetorick, four bonk of Homer's Iliad ami tbo elrmenta of Chemiatr) ami Natural I'hiloMph Acer may he had to a well lelrcted library. Board may be had in rcipectable families at from - 2S ta 40 per wuion. Tuition to vary Irora RJ 50 to gl2 30, according to the grU of" tiholaniliip. J. I). CLANCY, Pmnbai. I rr. 29. 1827. ' . 3t9tf NOTE OR BOND, LO. - "kK thi '"''7tS of Unt October. I liAe.t a nrom. ' imtrv 4Ar,i -h.Mvi1-n RX)."rivetl bv Kit-r ' liain Jarrali jto Ur. Jnlut U'F.niirc, oi ItutlwWveJ county, rtate-l in Marclk 1822. , On tlie 25th or ?fi'li ilaviof the aforewid moi.lh-and vtar. I aet. led with llr. St'KMiea fe tiie wkidt whh i'itrr t to Hi's 17th thtobrr, I8J7, amounted t fv'G. or thrreahotit, .- Which note U loat or milaiil t any peron, therefore, who mav hava found it, will confer a faror bv returning It' to m. Morjanton, N. C. And I forewarn all person, from trailing f.)r .aid note. JOHN M. c;hep.nlee. J.tn. ?d, 1828. 3l99 Va' ,btt PLANTATION otrf N ECHOES. TIT II-I. br aold for eaah at the Court 4iome in 1 T Salinbun-, on Momlav, 18th dav of Feb-, ruarv next, the Plantution wlirrro i Samuel Yom now livef, King on Third Creek, adjoin Injf John Young,, tt'm. B. Wood, uther - -containing about 700 acrei of aagood Jmdtt - any in Rowan county, about 175 acret cleared, much of which lifrtli, all undc? good fence t . and there are on the premiae convenient and .. Suitable ouiklings of all kiiida required on a large) tarm. I'u, will be sold on the same day and place. H likfly J(f:ONOS, conaUting of 3 men, Women and Children. All nld asthe propertw a pafnuelToung; rroainiry-suiiary-eiero' .it M I J v -' sr. ,t v r-'t- In a late English paper, we observe a 1 . r thr marnatre ol iauenter ot some 1 : : i i rr t ..r 1 hanVr Willi i.llulrli v jjitai . ' v , I tions m my hamls for collection. qame. .jolull .ol .lonsa' wt w" I'nc a.lv. 1.50. - t. SLATER, Ii. Kherif. 1 r 1 1 Leeislatsre to elect, oy joint oauo, mrec tl,nn to represent the State in the tock r .L. r.n Fear Bsnk t In favor of Jo- Welch and Mark Coleman ; In favor ','bshua E. Lumsden t In favor af Mat ,hew J. Coman Instructing the Comp I .ti.. m take inventories of certain pro- m mwv - . - rr ij i l A 6eTTTtonghlirtotne Otatewequirnw",,wrrwwwitKrw5W7 ; him td take an inventory of the property Mr. Bynum, from the committee ol belonging to the Uovernor s nouse ann m the capitol, at the end of each year In r... r J.me Pattotis Relative to the im.h.n of law! with cither Mate ; la favor of Jesae Roger, of Moore county; In favor of the heira of John X. Bonner ; Authorisinr Hartf-BfroMn .owiih from the oublic Library Lawson s History of North Carolina, for the pur 'terepoblishiilg the tneIf!!or f VViiii.m Thomnson t In favor of John C. Hamilton; -In favor of Ichbod Wet morel In favor of the administrator 6 ft rii;,i nf Merklenburi 10 U nuinp """"i ------- - . tor of the door keepers; In favor ol tal vln R. Biackmin, heriff of Wayne; In fiver of Gtlea Johnson i In fator of Henry HOUSE OF COMMOJiS. Monday Dec. 31 Mr. Mitchell pre - . . . . sented a bill prescribing the time tor tne sale of land aod slaves in Ashe county; Claims, made a report, recommending the rejection of the resolution in favor of , irit- iTr . . , ! : vt mum eicn. i-oncurreu in. M r. Mitchell Dresented a'bill to en courage tbe destruction of wolves in Ashe county Mr. Saru'tll from the judiciary commit- tee. renorted aealnst the ' exbeuiency" bf nrovidirrg by law for arranging, revising and diee sting the whole tody of -public ndaYa:uteTawbT this StateT'woncurred in Mr. B'usbee submitted the following resolution i whichs adopted r Whereas, when property is old by eaecution, many persons claim the ame without really baring title thereto ; and ANCIENT ADVICE. Thouehts be divine, lawful, chaste. Conversation be brief, honest, true. Worki be profitable, holy, charitable. Alannen be greoourteuuadi'jrful. n.Uh .nnk or write it. to svnom the indulgent f ithrr gives a portion .ol se ven millions. Nicodcmus Crowquill would ask. "1 vonder if she has got Our Yankees will have their. Notions !!! A oentleman residing i;. the village of Gt. Barrington, Massa warm friend of the Admini!irit'"n, and who for some years past has leen i -1 i' .k..rnnn.rtirnt Mer a miDscriOCr wr uc ouuuw..vw aid, finding that the hditor ot that pa- l,wuar9 9A, 1H08. 5:(Jt Diet be temperate, convenient, wber. Let youK Apparel be f.ugal, neat, comely. Will ne consiani, uucaiem, rcauy. Sleep be moderate, quiet, seawnable. Prayer, be ahort, frequent, fervent. Recreation, be lawful,iitible,eldom LMem'ry be of death, puuislim't.glory . fbe silent, i Beailent, I . u.m tJ "er. n. trememoer, do accordingly. ESTATE OF ALFRED MAC AY. rflHB iubscriiter, hiving qualified V. xecu. .... I lor of the last will and tratam?nt of Alfred! Mif ear; li rtf ahshorr; -decJtf. rh?wre alt vers ton indebted to aaid dee'd. to make payment with at little delay a potMihlc i ami all persona hiving claima agVmst the estate, will present them, legally authenticated, tor fc ttlcmeflt, within the time limited by act of aaaembly. other wine tbia notice will be pled in bar of their re covery. JAMES MWUIN, Jr. firecY. A'w. 2J1. I8J7. 13'02 ESTATE OF JOHN DONALDSON. r!Hr wthwribee havrng qualified u admini'l- " ira-nt-.on .uic.ctaLtL.uij!.unxruiuuuuii it It the W ill d to aaid , .v. . i, tra'm.oti..uic.ewaLCL.aLji.iunij per(MlTirV3TCffrrf,) had lately Or. dccM, ,,te ofKou county. N. C. will rme rather too much Ilickoru-ward tnnexed, diri all prwm indt-btn to suit our New-England climate, ad- estate to make in " drcsscu mm ---j--;. " ,he eatate. are deired to preaent them, legally . '.i - - . r t.r It aw , - . mewci .ii.ut-ii.u K"--'" '.""I a ."ij- few weeks Since, protesting Ka,n J authenticated, within the lime limited by Act or. w . ' n. I . .. .t ' ....... .l; :ii i J : larViinnism. and requesting .ir. . Aamoiy.Oinerwwe mil nonce win ue picu hi Hr J g. Hear, tlr , W learn t unuerMana, i Hemember.J faee, judgk not. .,, uJ. , N hear, believe not. All that you-jkri0wtlennot can do, do not. cu, erv oeeaaioiK when vou discourse, think firat, and look narrowly what you apeak-of whom sou apeak-to whom you apeak how VoTlpeak-andheno you speaa, spea wwiy, W9 .vs " bring yourself into great trouble Trial for Blasphemy, -J&U- Lon- dnn Morn nir Herald contain iuii report of the trial, io the court f king' bench, of the Rev. Robert Toy lor, formerly an t,pi3ve ..v..6J man. on ah indictment for blasphemy TOe .defendants uttered in his aermon expressions cal- n.lated to brinff contempt Upon the christianreligipn, to which. .hplW oi iruiltu. and made a long argumeht in his defence but the jury brought in verdict of guiltg to send during the remainder ol the year for which he was paid in advance, a blank instead of a printed paper, as the latter, according to his notion, as th the Dostage. This request has been complied with, the gentle mun receives his blauk regularly, every week, and declares it to be the best i..v. noner that he has had the ,f aeeinif. So It Ult.au " u , Yankees will have their notions is our t Berkthirt Star. bar of their recovery. HUFl'9 REID, .Mministrator. Dtrmher Uth, .827. 93 HOUSE AND LOT, NEGROES, &c. Iiril.L be Mild, at public auction, on Wed T V nesday, the 29?h of .Jfebruary neaU 10 thp town of tatesville, a llmue and Im, together with tl necenary out-hoti.es, ami in addition therto a safe and commodious blacksmith's shop. situated in a plensant part of tha Village, near the best public well. 1Uf Orw Veer. Man. two nejtw wmfl ami one child. Terms 12 month credit, bond and security required. M. L. HILL, Trustee. January 1, 11K0. . owa Poultry. Fowls of every sort may r. LI.. f.A KnileH DOtatOCS oe proutaoiv nu r- .nd meal mixed. Hens whicn ao nvi SHERIFFS SALE OF NEGROES. WILL be wild for cash, at the coutt-hoOTe in Salisbury, on Monday, the I8tb of Febru ary next, 13 likely nejrs., 4 men, 3 women and Ti ,n the winter should have access to rtildfeovand a yowng-womenr sold by eaeco Tay tdlne Winter sitou tio, ihe property Vlonging to the estate of slacked lime, pounded Dones, vy . toaatWy sundry txecw shells, or other matter, wmcn .uii liont Jn roy hands for t rime in some of its compounds, be- Pr;ca 6dv. S- Se nms collection. F. SLAT EK, n.Siij. ..... fem the shells of their egg. BANK . STOCK- FOR SALE ; ....;Ji;. of lime. at tbe court-house in Lm .. iZi 1 lnnnrv CMirt minion, the remaining Shares (17) of Henry r-.,nner. dee'd. in the State Bank of, North-Car- The Providcial Parliament of Low- 0ina. AUo, at the same time solace, all tho IJie rrvm.w,... -- 'Ui,.iKlonir nrto aaid estate tftrtht Catawba ... r- 1' trrm I O f. ' ... er Canada, is lurtner proruKuw NtviKUtion Company- Terms casn. wo ir.c )u suw"1 ; - -- --- J i: I1 if -A l..w(Wfc.':fl.- .,le

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