1 l'Lurjnoui Noncn. fpilOsK ind-h'td '0 tr.e'r'le ff yVillim C. . 1 Love. JrcM. tt nnwtctl to mnVe imme. !ite pavmtti, the MUir f th rtft ar .mchlhat lmlti!ucnf Cainot he (ivrn. Tlioy vialilng f vvk, can call upon John II. Hsrdie, v iih ho n the note are Mjfrd, end who en Pe found at Uie Court-IImi-e l all timea. , , twcr. locke, not" ' henry cn.r.H, Jaiwr 3,1 IttB. Ittrivrt. CASH WANTED I ' miJEstibecriber ha declined tutting hi : X Goods, and request Unindebted to him, to make payment againat the flrrt of February i next ti longer Indulgence need nH be eipeeU ( ed. I will kII ' ' .GASES Mreddred"- heWrtefttorna) aLmsT! . ' , rn ipmkk kvr.HV.V. r.r.o. -MAW 59, 1437. 91 IHLLSRORO FEMALE SEMINARY. fpilK eserelse of this Invtitntlon will be re 'JL ? tamed onike 23thlnt. under lb manage-, j toetit of the Afintt Aear, and the control of tl The reputation for health iw good soeif7 ""which our town enjoys, wni'ed to tlie taciliiiea . for introctlwi poeaed by our Seminary, pre. ffent no ordinary claim to the attention tf the ' Parent and Onardian in our community. . .1 be pricei of board and tuition are moderate i and the Trustee and Teacher pledge them. ' Aires to repress, an far aa lie ia their power, every tiling like extraragsnce in droa, or any unnreeeaary expenditure of money. T1e price of ordinary tui'ion varies from 10 " M fjli per section, payable quarterly in ad. , Vance.- -. -- Instruction in Muic, 823 ' In Drawing and Painting, .. . . 15 I In Needle work. , 1 , Board can be obtained in tlte mot reaperta Me families of the place, at $10 per month, in eluding cashing, wood, candles WM.M. (ill EBN, StipfrinimdnU January SA, 1828. 3iy9 NOTE, OR BOND, U)ST ON the Mb of latl Oclohpr, I lifted a prom, laory note, or bond, for rienhy Kit liam Jmtt to r. Juhn M'KniiVp, i f Rutherrurd eountr, datel in March, On the 25th or 26th Jay of the aforeaaid month and year, I art lied" with Dr7M'Kbtir for the nofe, which, with interrat to the 17th October, 1927, amounted io &7, or thereabout: Which note U lot or m'ulaid any pero. thereAire, who mav Uuve , found it, will confer a favor by rr turning it to ttei r aT6'g"itm6nr1ir.t;. And 1 forewarn all perom ftum Iradmg for raid note, - JOHN M. GRF.P.NI.F.R. jsraarrogg: -aw ;..BOOK BINDING THR eooarriber reepectfully infum the eiu itena of Saliihury, and the iiirrmimling Country, that he ha eatablinhed a Htnk Ihnderf In aid town, on Main Street, a few donr outh Of the Court.Ifoue ; where he will be thankful to receive any kind of work in hi line of btninei. from a rmmbef ofyeareperience, in Europe and America, he feel confident of being able to give entire aatitfactton to all tboe who may fa vor him with any deacription of Binding. Blank Botkt made to order, after any pattern fumiahed, on ahort notice, and at price which 00 one can complain of. Old Btki Rebound, either plai or nrnamrrt. tV on the tnovt modrrte term. All order Irorfl a diitance, faithfully attended to. The pat- ronage of the public it repectfully aolicitcd, by tjieir obedient aerrant, - JOHN II, f)B CARTF.RF.T. SaK'tltirv, jfirilZ&i, 1827. 61' State a AerA.roro'nfl, frttktl 'nmtv: SUPFBIOR Court of Law, Fall Term, 1827: Sally Deaton t. Jamra Deaton Petition ' for Divorce. :1n tbia car it, i ordered by the Court that notice be given for three mmttha in the Weatern Carolinian, print ed in Salisbury j and in J he Star, printed in lUleigjn that the defendant Jamca Deaton, appear at the next eJuperioe Cmirt of Law be hM fothe-Coms ty of Iredell, at the Court House ir. Stateaville, ' on the' fifth Mondav after the fourth Mondat in 'HUrch neit, then and there to plead la, or an- wer-the petition of Sally Deaton. or that the "BHttie will betaken pro eonfeso,-and -will be ' heari ex parte. Copied from the minute. i3i0- Teat JAS. CAMPHKLL, f. State f .r trlh-CanKna, Jiurkt reunty : SUPF.RIOR Court of Law. September term, 1827. Lidia Beach r. Elijah Beach i Hi Twrre. On motion, it iu ordered, that adver tiaement be made for three month in the Ha leigh Register and Weatern Carolinian, that "Elijah Beach appear at the next Superior Court " Of Law to be held for Burke- countyrt ihe - court-hmiae in Morganton, on the 4th Mondav ot March next, then and there plead, answer or (Jctmir, or the petition will be heard expnrte. Teat t WM. W. EKVt'lN, CTk. Price adv..j3. "3mt99 State AVrtA.t'orwiini, Irtdtll county : ROBERT II. CARSON n. David Carson, An. drew Carton, William Carton, Eleazor Car. ron, Mary Canon, Joel Wetherly and his wife Margaret, Jamrt Scott and hia wife Martha, and Samuel Carton : Petition for the tale of the real estate of Samuel Carton, deceased. It appear ing: to the aatUfnction of the court, that the de. fendanta in this rase reside without the limit of thi state, it 11 therefore ordered that publica tion be made for lix week successively in the Western Carolinian, printed in Salisbury, giving notice to said defendants to appear at next term . ... . of ajI. (court to be held for tlio county of frcdcl(, on the 5th Monday after the 4th" tfonday in March next, at the court-house in Statesville! and pleaLanwer, or demur to said petition, or the same will be taKen pro cnnrcssrrratio:Tiearrjxr parte aa to them. Witness John Mtihat, clerk . and n a-ter of our said court, at office, this 20th Dec. . 1). 1827. 6t0 ' JOHN MUSHAT, e. m. e. rttJinn7 ri V r l rttw fc--itriiwi'iiH.rirTi;ii'-'.i-i e...r.' V.t V..'K'-Vi J-Xi--..;;v.;-: --. Petitloiv for divorce." tWhereaA lriinDeiirs tn the ttwWSfacWoftSif I6 'eeiitr' that"' tlie defendant il an inhabitant of .another tate it is. therefore ordered by the cotirthat publication be made for..threo Oionihs to lliu Rajieigh Itegitter aW Western Carolinian, that the defendant aplpenr at the next Superior Court of Law to be held For the county of Ashe, at the court-house in .leHerson, on Ihe third Monday of March next, and then and there plead, answer or demur,, otlierwiae the petition will be heard exparte, and i 4 NY person having some odd volumes or ntim tne aao. act tor trial. Wrtnes. David Earneat. 'IV, ben of Aichokon'a Clerk, at office, A, D. 1837. this 7th day of November, D. EARNEST, en-. "ml03 land n,n.Y.'JiVt j r u.r.. 0 V W c.ln-.Uv, Ihe :')ih ! "f I'ehiliar) nell. will be eil'ow.l t P'lh'ic wle OH the ttc. Mouse Bquart, in the city or iUleigii, HO valuable Slitvei, lte th pmnerty of John Haywood, Rquire, deceaaed a lare portion of tliem ywing likely bova ami jr'rli. Amnn(rat tlirm are tevernl very valiuMe carpenter, nlarkaniiiha, and other me ehtnlr, and aeveral valuable hou crvant. Mm acveral eery valuable Trm ti ef Itnd , ; in the ne'(rhhorliood of HaMA afTordina; itiia tlona for building, well wa'ered, and would wit fientlrmen from the lower country who may draire health wnnwr reatdenrra. The difler ent tracta of land will be laid off in lot, or auld entire aa mey he an reed on by the eommiwion. rera-f nnolnted in blf 4f lite Ur.., The ale rill hm maJa for "llie'Wnr'flf tT th Wat e- of Nortft Parnlin. on credit T one, twe and Ibree veara, wf'h lnrret froui t?i repe!ie day of aale,' Hit purtliaiit giving bonds with innnved luretief. 1 ,,TbeJ wiy.CrHjiidy take place fti d will he cnminiicu lim uit uit hihii iiiv wiivra prone mr ia d'upoicd of. 1 -Hi"r 3WTH- PfCKRtTV- "'" ' JAS. f. TAYI-Olt, " W M, KOR AUU3, ' Ctmmiuionert fur the Xlat f X, CtrtUna. RaleVH, Jan. 8, 18. '8. iiOi TO THE riHLIC. TI1F. auhn;ribcr i now receiving k large and general a'ortmcnt of Dry Good, CulL-rtf, and Hardware, of all deacription, from NVw-Yoik and I'hilaJrl phia, where they were telccted by himtelf, with cure, and bought fr cah, and which are offered on the most reasonable terme. Aa he haa tn Store, he will aell for caah at the lowet price ' herwMe, on lime. Country Produce bought, at the highrat market price. Arrange ment are iradelo receive Good monthly, from the above named place which will kern up a good wipplv of Frrali Good. Call at l.i Store in Halitbury, and et.nniue for vmirerlvi-e. JOHN Mt'KI'IIV. N. n. Sugar, CollVe, halt. Iron, Mnluctc, Itum, V me. French Orandv. &c. Ice. frr. 24, 1H27 -- ' 1.1499 FACTOR AGE AND fOM.MISSON nrsi vJisfr mrvrjrror.z: - Till: eubacribrr . reapt-rtfidly .. inform hi tnend and tlie nuhlie. that he continue the alwve line 4 bire at hi old rtan-l on F.dmorwUlonN W hrf. where he m prepared to Htfod o the aal.- of produce committed to hi Cart, upon, which liheral advance, win at a!l " . VT' timet he mde or to the erccu'tion of nr.1err n ,tf r"- Uwaof thu XiitCoiKl. Siate relntivt to the infantry," and to re- Wm. J. Hilann, F.j. or in Tin abaence,"'(ne"j agent of the itrun fti'titi, Joft'. tih II. Tbw'nea, aill. rec.ive and rornard. without delav. all Cotton eoruigned to me by the way of Cheraw, and will be prepared to mak advance on ?uc!i contigiiments, if required. ' tOl HKXRY W. CONVKR. rnreifi. Aw. lw. 1827. I'.Juabic PLANTATION ew NEGROES. "117 ILL he dd for cash, at the C'-urt-honie in t v Salibnry, on Monday. 18th tlv of lVb niary next, the i'lantativn whrrroi Samuel Vounp now live. King on third Creek, djoin ing John Younir, H m. H. WokL tml others: contawiiiifr about 700 cre of a.i root! I ami e any in Howan county, about 175 acre cleared,' much of which ia fwh. all under Kood fiece , 1 ana there are on the premir cotiverwenr and toit.hlebuilding.of all kind, retired on a Urge farm. , JIU, will be wild on the 'me dav and blare. ' 1 likely AEGHOKX, conwting of 3 n-m Women and Children. All tH as Ihe property of aak) ?amnrl Young, to stify- mtndry execrii tion in my h.-iod fir coilretlon. Price adv. gUO. F. SLA1F.lt, 7). Sherif. January 9A, 1828. 5101 HOLE AM) LOT. NEi ROES. kr. II TIM. he nt ni.lifw fin rl inn H Hf town of Statcsville, a lhime ami Lot, together with the necessary out-houses and in addition therto a safe and commodious blacksmith' shop, s:::bl:, M of ,h "-Mtv, im AVrre Wan. twn nr(rr womeni and one child. -Terms '17 month credit, bond and securiij- required. U HILL. Tnutu January I. ln?8. 6t02 - . SIIEUIFFS SALE OF N EG HOES WILL be old for rh, at the court-house in Salisbury, on Mondav, the lfith of Febru lo the "Mttrali eiuiuren, and young women won, a the property bclongwf W'ni. C. Love, dee'd. to sati.fy eundry execu tions in my hands for collection. Price adv. $1.75 F. SLATER. P. Shff. January lit. 'K23. 6t01 A CTHKIEK WANTED rpijF subscriber wishes to employ a sober and il . T nmsneroi Lea-ner. immediately; who Can come r remmmvnr ,! a uch a man w ith a familv would be nr, fi-p. red. Generous wages will be given. WALTF.R M'CONNF.I.L. Cirilfoul rmmtv, Jan. 11, 1828 3t0 ESTATE OF ALFRED MACAY. rTnilF. subscriber havine oualified as Exeen A torofthe last will and testament of Alfred Macay, lute of Salishurv. dee'd. desire all ttk ...... . . t , , . ' ''" f4 0 .a", (,ecL., m.ke W"nt with a little delay as possible X and all person having "claim against the estate. will prcaeht them, legally authenticated, for settlement, within the time limited by act of assembly, other- me-thiv-rtotiee will he plerHtrbar-of 1herr-rer Wm m"T'"'r'" ESTATE OF JOHN DONALDSON. f-srwtii.. .,u. i . . . . ' j.M.Bt.j'j.iux.ii.y.i.fig..ijua!.i.tiea. as. amuuav r ,ra!r on estate of John Donaldson aesirea ait persons indebted to aaid i estaw.io rnaae payment with as little delay a posiiihte i and aJI pcrswaliaillif'jcWma against hesae, are dewed to nrenent -them. Wllv autjiriitlcld, jiix iwij4nmr im, iiu Douce w in tie plead in bar of their recovcrr. ' . KCFUR RF.IP, Mmiiiittrator, . J n-rmh, Uih. 27. ( " : 93 NICHOLSON S ENCYCLOPEDIA. win receive fair price for them at the Book bindery in .. alisbiirj', v. ' m, 12fb, 1888, tOO- (ir.NF.IUI. A' LY. rhcriilliiii)nors"f'f the proceedinj; ; pay of the Member of the prcicnt icn of the legiottiire. en the fonr lut day cf iujert Aernbly at 10 d'llari per day arftloni whuJh will enable the reader to furm A I t.. JiU inn lit ail rr1ik nf m awrwvl tUnm a,rfi4i M be for llirm l thai ' close of the acnion. . . hffiATt.. . tl'rdneiialj, Jfl. 2 Mr. 0weA from the joint lelect coirmitlce to whom wit referred the reioJutlon relatl Woollen 1 . aa f ii aia(i( w "phv" Dill, made report, cr.ompanied by two reaolutlon. IV hlcb were adopted. The retotutlbnt will Ik. round in former number of thii paper. , The reaoludon relative to the purchase of Tavlor'i Rcvlaal wae postponed inde TiurtJay. Thorn a Marthall wai elec ted Rrigadier "general of. the 3d brigade and Emanuel 5hober,' iTruaieeTof the Univeriiif - ' ' x Tbe-'tgr6iwd bill . to ettabljah.; the county of Macon, wai rejected on in weTmadi29r;ptIng:ort- Friday Th bill to provide for the draining of Mailamtitkect Lake, was amended, on motion of Mr Alexander, by triilnj out the firat lection 41 to IT and. on motion of Mr Montgomery, hvde firitdv pottpancd. Ben). BriUn wit elected Colonel; Wm. M'Gimvey, Lieutenant Colonel; nd Benj BJclardaon, . Major, of Cavalry atiirhfl to the 15th brigade. Mr Montgomery, from the committee of rroioMtiont and Grievance!, to whom w referred prtiiiont from the counliei of Surry, Davidaon Stokri, Randolph, Montgomery and Pcquimon, praying (or the pmage of a law prohibiting the further introduction of laei into this ;tte, reported that It ia inexpedleol to Da auch a law. Concurred In The bill to-amend the act of 1825, pro Wipjt.l;T?T'.B?.tJ1.0. P,J,ment f ,ne civil liat and contingent charge! of gov ernmr nt," was indefinitely postponed on I ;t aecond reading. Th' ncrrn.r! hill in re neat In r.rt ih 1 f ,,..-, f iftf,. .rviiil ft te tti-n?H0ir tectioni of,th-aa of. 1813. entitled "an act to amend the mt'4'ia'Uwt f thU State," was rejected on it third reading. Saiurdaij The engrossed resolution concerning the Adjutant General, wis re jected on its first reading. The bill to amend the act of 1825, to continue in force the provisions of the act of 1818, directing a road to be laid out and opened from Leaksville, by Rockford, to Wilksborounh, was indefinitely post- i poned. Elijah Hea er was elected Colonel, mw4 Alnrhf II. Lkutenant Colonel, and i v t iw ..ir , u 'V" J7 0f C"lr ,U,Ch td to the ICth brigade. Tke tevdution to discontinue the ail prcpri. iinn for the education of Miss Cdner M. Clakely, was rejected, 36 to 15. '- - Jit. IL presented a bilT to repeal tbe e oi 1825. 10 create a fund for the es ivblUhmtni of common schools; which wai huh finitely postponed. The engrossed bill for revising, digrs ecu'ors and adminTsfratori, waiTrcje'tted; 'ot its second reading, - r common, U ednetdny, Ja, 2.. The following re- solution and bill were rejected : The rc- solution in fvo oL John. ..Das-iaTof . Lin- . ik- t.;n . j:. Tl.. , "V nil, IU IC11UIS l IICUII 1 MDI, Martin, of Hutherlbrd. Mr Gary, from the committee of Pro r ,he peu,.ion of John Ro5e r Ashe. Coneurjee in. i nc lonowing piiis and resolution, were postponen indcfiiatf ly j the bill requiring ministers of the Gospel and justices of ihe pce to return marriage licenses to the clerks of the county courts ; and the re sokilion for the appointment of a select committee lo nqu re nto the expediency . .. l""""v7 of- rtpealiog the General Ticket Law as . restects the election of electors of Presi j dent and Vice President. T)urdaij.Slr. Stewart presented a jbill to alter the time of the meeting of i L aP a A .a . i 'iic wenerai Assemoiy; wnich was re ijected. Thf,.iu! v.n ... j . Tl . " "i"iut villa wcie rcreiicu I nc bill maW il the dut. of th. field nffi. cera of ie 2d teirimcnt of Stakes ia mui ter theirVreeimenr In ihe centre of the district ; tSe bill to elter the name of, and lgMimateidlefarr)dhrsvf . rS .h. H,, o. in ccriutn cases -ine bill to amend the 6th section of the act of 1820, - . w vnuii we s sio i ui i 9iV ( nd coniiniftnt charges of irovernment "V and the bill giving dower to the widow in all rases in which tbe husband micht have claimed courtesy! r : -5j,sf;,.. "TMfc Newtandfrbni:th1i:cobim P.!PXSe jnd.Alirooojt.ieppe,d unfavora- bly to. the-pe,iti,,n of John Fault, John Pitcher, Martha Beasle,and several.oth ers, praying for divorces. Concurred in. The following bills and resolution were indefinitely postponed: The bill to pro. vide for the gradual diminution oLahe tepital stock of the banks of this State, by the purchase of shares-yeas 72 nay a j i the tun concerning talia jurors ; and I t.. t ' Mr Mil Csln t! ! e which wn postponed Intierautcty 94 10 7 Friday Mr. Pycum, from the com micro of Claims, reported unfavorably to the petition of Jacob Ifartmin, of Wil mington. Concurred in. - - ' Mr. Gray from the committee or Pro positions and Grievances reported unfa vorably to the petition in behalf of Wm. Cline. Concurred in. , The bill 16 amend tbe act of 1 8 1 9, pre scribing themanner of assessing landi for taxation,' was postponed Indefinitely, v Saturday. The bill limiting attorney! Ices In certain cases t the-bill to ceming the registration of grants, were indefinite noat boned. .The, bill to amend the 7th tectiorV of the act of 1 822, to provide a revenue for the payment 0 the lil list and contin Rem cnarges 01 g.0Ternmeni, was rejec ted on lu ttot)ty$n&fZrZ'7' V Mrr Bursa aubnuttetl . TeoTuion7au: thonsing the Board of Internal Improve ments, from lime to time, 10 cause such examination and mrveya to be made, they may deem expedient and proper which waa rejened. The engrossed bill authorising the President and Directors of the Literary Fund to employ a clerk, was rejected on ill first readme:.. Monday-The engrossed bill concern .L..,.i r.u.c... u .k. ..... ing the claim of the State on the estate of the late Treasurer and hlssecuiniea, was resd the first time end rejected. The bill to amend the act of 1826, con cerning the entry of land in Ihis State ; and theill to prevrnt the importation of elaves into this State, were indefinitely postponed. The report on the petition of Robert Robinson, of Mecklenburg ; .ihe report of the. xomrowceiemttwe In the csso'of-William Roberts, of Bun combe-; the bill to establish the District of Forsy the. for the purpose of holding Courta of Pleas and Quarter Sessions within the same; the reports on the pe. rliions of Henry Houstorr and Thomas Sharpe ; and the report of the committee fori lhe-Jttdtciryf, the-bill lo -repeal ahe several laws relative to the inspection of produce, were ordered to lie on the table without day. The bill concerning the number of jus tices required on the removal of certain officers ; the bill concerning the appoint ment of clerks of the Superior Courta and Clerks and Masters in Equity were inde finitely postponed. The report of the select committee on the Literary fund, made some days since, was read and unanimously rejected. The House then adjourned, sine die. B" ' Married, in thi Borough on I huitday evening laat, by tbe Kev. K. W. Camthers, T. Early Strange, Fq.lMrtorof thi I'aper, lo alt Mary 'Ann Dotaon. Jac tttm't Vahhtet, Vc A correspond ent of the Boston Odze'te writes thus from Washington t " The most impor tant talk here, just now is, that the lea ding men in the majority intend to des "PSSiF ' "' "Tulc ljTeis1 5'mfTli"a"Ve1 a" short Session. When tlr."'Rnriotptrpm-' posed to lay the motion" of Dir. Harbour on the table, not again to be called up ihe present "session; he expressed' ' hope, that the important business of the nation would be soon transacted, thai the mem bers might return to their homes at an early day. Mr. McDufTie, Chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, has expressed the same idea. Economy is to be the order of ihe day. And accor ding to all accounts, it is time such order had gone forth. It will he called radical ism, by some. That will not altei the nature of things. Some suppose, if Gen. Jackson is elected, that there will be a peneral change of officers. But others doubt it. As vet, it must be a matter of rnnirrtnr Vh, ih u T..l..n . j - --.in, ,if. -RtHIUII IIICII say, I pretend not to know. The above suggestions come from he moderate and candid of the administration parly. It is generally believed, however, that if-Gen. Jackson should be President, he will have at able a Cabinet at have ever been known. New Yoik it is supposed will furnish the Secretary of State, or Minister to Er.g landPennsylvania, the Secretary of ihe Treasury, in the person of the late effv tienr and intelligent President 'T5fine"t States Bank South Carolina, (he Secre tary of the war dcDartmeni. in the nerann ot one ot her honourable sons, an old . . - her honourable sons, an federalist, and now n distinguished mem ber of Congress. These howeser, are , . tl The Gaxette is an Administration pa per, and tbe above was written by an Ad ministration man ; and may therefore be jupposed; oje b?eri , dictated ia wplrit oi caoaor. .,,,,... m JSUJtrmdmtfi meitilonTsvek or two smceithat the House of tlepreseri- tatives oi me state of Ueorgia has norn inatedJym -IL Craw ford as a Candidate for the Vice Presidency at 'the ensuing elef.ion. We now learn, however, that the Senate of the same State refuted to concur in the nomination, not deeming it advisable to make any nomination for that ofipe. rt ;. 1 rs have l.tutof I. i t. formed, that a six icty was foimcd h Kalciph.on tho 18th tilt, for tie instruc tion of Ihe Deaf and Dumb in this state. (lir and that an act has been passed incorno. . rating ine ooueiy,ana eHcmonal been sent on to Congress, praying for a grant of land for the Institution, with request that our Senators and Representative! lr Congress will give their'aid to the appU. cation. "The following gentlemen have,, been appointed Officers of tbe Society for tbe ensuing yean " - GOVERNOR IREDF.LL, PmMr. , BEV. Dtt. C A LOWELL, r . .t . DR. RF.CRWITII, S ' fwmfr? " 5TEPHF.N BlRDHAlX, Trtoivrir, " -WESTON R. GALES, Awrory; : ' . vTmr Boy Ian, Ref. Dr. Wm. MTbeeters, W , " Peace, Wmv llill, BeoJ., 8. King, Wm, nobsrdi, Wm. tiavton, Beverly Daniel, BarUell Ya'ney """ Alfred Moore, John L. Taylor, Gavin Hogg ' Prederks Naah, James Mebane, John Beardjr. - Jaaefl P.- Taylor, Charles Manly, Joaeph Calati - ( . TT. .-i--e-3wV ,.-.1 . , , w - m i. n .... . Our readers are aire sdy advised, thi Mr. Aleiander (of Mecklenburg) Intro! duced in the House of Commons, last session of Ihe Legislature, a resolrj. lion requiring, the Governor lo make known io the Secretary of War, the with, of ihe Legislature, that he would send Ihe Corpf of 0. S Engineers to- survey tho route, lor fiail Head from Nawhem ilh rough Raleigh, to the western part of"- rl.i.. c... ..... -. . . ' tre oiaie, which was rejected, 65 to 45. J he Kaleigh Register, in speaking of ihe rejection, amyai M We presume, k would have passed, hut for iho amend ment made lo it, by Mr. Blackledge, the objret of which was to deny the right of the General Government io tarry oaj at . system of Internal Improvements in ibe ' Stales The State of forth Carolina pays her iteahle portion to the support of ihis Corps of Xagioera,and- it ia but fair,' that a portion of "teir labor s7houTd " be tpproprtated fof her benefit It wouJJ be impossible to commence auch a work . without Vsurvefranil If would cost tbo , State as much lo make it, aa would prob ably finish Eve' or sir miles of ihe Rail ay. And yet, when it i believed Ihe General OoyernmcPLwoqldwjlJinglyrjr-. vev t lor us wo refuse to let them do so. -- The Star puts 4ifTereot construction on ihe rejection of this resolution. It aaya i " The amendment pioposed bv Mr. Blackledge was to provide that nothing in the resolution should be construed aa an acknowledgement of the right, of the General Government lo carry en a system) of Internal Improvement in the Stalest and it was adopted. This was tarns' mount lo a rejection of the resolution a and i: was subsequently lost, on no other ground, than thar of a decided oDDositiorj of the House io the power claimed bv the General Government of carrying on system of Internal lmnroveroen in lha sovereign Slates ofjhe Union." ' LTXCOACRICULTURAI. 'sOCIEtK. Are meeting and Exhibition of the Lin coin County Agricultural Soviet, I3lb Nov. 1827, the following premiums were awarded i To MafLawson Helndersbn, for the "best MuTeCoTC " fci-OOL. rTo3f ax wen-Virlickr M '1 the rbest r; Horse. 3 years old, 5 00 To Mrs. Catharine Wilson, for the best pier; or twmed'mixfd Cloth, "-)---' To Mrs Solomr Ramsouri' fof he bes: plain Mixed Cloth, " - 2 00 Tn Mrs- Kltr best Counterpane, 2 Ofll Vaiort McBee, oVc'y POPEIGN INTFXLIGENCE. Dates io the 23 l.Noy. have been re ceived et New-York, from England. The elections in France were likely 19 result unfavorably to the administration Returns of 214 members had been obtain ed, out of which number it was calculated only 63 were ministerial- A change in the ministry, and in the policy of France was therefore considered certain. General Lafayette was one of tbe mem bers elected. The eight constitutional candidates ire, Paris were all elected by very large ma jorities. I W hen this result was known. Pans waf I partially illuminated, and there was to be I eenerat muminalion on the nlirhl oi I the 20th. ' " .- The insurrection in Catalonia (in Spain ia-yrhollv put dotvn. Such pf thg Pncj pal .insurgents as. have not been taken have fled the kingdom. - It appears hov-ever, that the insurrec tion was not put down without considers hie effusion of blood. " No less than W' of the royal - troops yrere desparatelf wounded in the flair of -Casiellun A" puriav atoned tesMerm kiHed;.Genjral4Ins-M . . gaged in Koarrn-'ikeowtt-Tr: '..1 " 'A Tett eFTrom tegboni ofihe TOth JiOT states, that " letters were received from I Berlinof the utmost importance, decUr J ing that war was inevitable i thai -Auatna was. making the most formidable prepar attons, .nd that Prussia hud engagf w furnish the emperor of Rusia i' h 5000C auxiliary troops, for whre services. she was to receive part of linsshD PoUn4. ' '" " ' : ' . ' ", -' - - r

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