trr: 3 tl ,U vm known to Cenertl Jickioti, he dlt J of tha oroceertinr. A cartel tul been ilstied for the chni;e of prisoner, md each one vho should be kept under pretence of such enlistment, would prolong the captivity of one of our flow-citizens. However, Iht English prisoner who bed signed their nsmes for enlistment, complained of tome decep tion but their act wat known to their fnow-vldicrt, and they fered punlih men! If they were etchanged. Under these circumstances, the General, confi ding in the magnanimity end generosity of the DritUh commmder, end judging of tie character and feeliirg from.hjiowti, cqaainted him with the eircttmstsnces, ' and Mid haf ft would anW bin. tha .highest eetUractioo to- learo thai no, Ja. quiry etwmld bo mad to the prejudice of the men, on their return. Ilia confidence vaeoot mUplecel-htri U en XoUowinit, by vhkh brave arv4 booorwe men anow etch other. General Lambert answered Mm nearly la theaT worit rOtr thiKtfltffjirftfet that k-ia eubject of the prisoners I hatt-owy to f rier against .the. degeneracy ofpublte rfrc:cr.;cJ Kcrs ly tr.J t.-a eipresijng U. (Mr. L. ait dawn amldit the loudeat chceri, wMcli were continued tong after he hid taen bia teat ) We eelect a few more of the toaata drank on th1 occasion. Andrtxt yion The neit President of the United Sutra. The eeme talent whkh nealed distentions, created re sources, Inspired- confidence, and led peaceful cltizc-ne to gloriou victory, will unite the patriotiim of the country direct III energi, and aeconded by Legitlstlve wisdom, conduct us to prosperity and honor. reign known to our laws ic-no tremble- who havexlisobeyed it, for the d.voreckdaioziist hand The President of 'the day," In btfiiTf eT the Committee of Arrangements, gate UWf The reault oi the late eiectiona in remark that fee lib a; and honorable con duct which baa characterised every trait action in which I have bad the honor to be concerned with you, you may rely upon. It I ahall take no retrospective view of the conduct of any of the men returned, and ahail End reaaon for diecontinuinjj an Inquiry, should it be brought before me io any other manner. Who la there, on reading thla cor re a pondence, who doea not admire the hu mane feeling of the one, the courteous compliance and gentleman like language of the other of tbeae brave men. then at the bead of hostile armies I Who is there who can believe that he who was tbu tender of the live of hi enemy' soldier, would unneceeearilv and cruelly take those of hia own? Who Is there whrkwa.U4aMialryaod AU jcountrj.'j honor, who doe not spurn the foul ca lumnv which at once would tarnish both f I ahiuld occupy more time than auch to occasion would allow, were I to relate, -ail thoeircumataocet.whih show hi bu inanity : to the wounded prisonera" who Were taken, to the number that were frfi to bia care when the enemy retired, and "luT'toneiant and unwearied- attention to the men 'under his command.- He trea ted and spoke to them aa hia children j and that they returned hia confidence by good conduct may be inferred from the honorable and extraordinary fact, that not aingle punishment waa inflicted for a miliary offence during the campaign. One more allusion to those days, and I have done. If there be any occasion in which a man may be excused If he should forget the "moderation and humility which only . accompanles true merit, it is the mo ment of triumph, when a conqueror who hat led bia countrymen to victory, and . baa aaved bia country from ..subjugation, is received by the grateful acclamations of. hia fellow citizen on his return When bis way ia aire wed with, flower by the hands of those whom he has protec ted from violation j when the " pealing anthem swells the note of praise,"-and -jhe Incense of the altar perfumes the air, afTucfTiriime aslhTsT he ""musTbave"! large ahare of eelf command who is not Intoxicated, with popular applause, eleva- ted; in hit owiropinidri" by the praise he ' receives, and Incline to attribute to him aelf all ihd merit of an achievement in trhicb be had the principal, but not the only ahare. Yet, on auch an occasion, the man who baa been repreaented as the proud ferocious warrior, arrogating all thlhga to himself, regardless of the rights of others, and unmindful of hia dutv to Ood Or man, when melat the door of the Temple by the venerable prelate who bore witness to the piety with which he had ascribed to the Divine Power the aucress with which he had been blessed, presented him with the Victory's Crown of Laurel, when all thing combined to raise hia opinion of himself, and make Mm forgetful of what was due to others, he did not place on hi own b'ows the crown that was offered, but modestly re ceived it on behalf ofthe " brave men," (whom he honored with the endearing title) of " his brethren in arms, and ex pressed bis chief satisfaction to be, that the victory was obtained with so litte loss, - and "that not a cypres leaf -was. mingled In the chaplet that was presented to him. Now, aa hypocrisy is not one of the vices with 'which he has been reproached, we must presume these expressions of nietv opinion from our original and free prltv clple." By Mr. Calhoun, Vice President of the United States. The General Governments Created to advance the interest of the whole, it may last for ever, by confining its anion to ita appropriate sphere, and de fusing its benefits equally to all of the parr. By Andrew Stevenson, Speaker of the House of Repri aentatives. The teterved rithtt tnd tovereignty of the Stale: The life boat of our Union and Independence, and the moat efficient barrier to national tyranny ! By Mr. Chcvet. The beat Statesmen of the late war. The hero of the Army nd Kf The Hon. Mr. Isscks, of Tennessee. hcincalled on for a toast, (and bv many tor a speecn,rov see haa no lanru measure or her grateful feeling tongue that speaka for her is in the n lion' mouth." jTly the Hon, Mr. Xsraorw ,- Tkt.&tA a1 January. May it be hereafter celrbra Jed, not Jes ,fq.r. J.h,e J.riutnphoJjhejpea pic over their, domestic, than their for eign enemiee. . . ' By the Hon Mr. Sprigp. The amiable contort oj the fialriotic and chivalric Jack ton: " Uav curses couple with bis ntme, Who blights a helpfen woman's fame." By the Hon. Mr. Hamilton. May our country have passed to its credit, the difference between that man who has vanquished a living Hero, and him who is onlv able to spit hia venom on the grave of a dead one. B Hon. Mr Branch. Littleton Mallet Tazewell. His head,' a council; hit In tegrity, a shield. tit Tl.e 'ciiuio then a . . .. t . ilitl J. iiousB or jitPRKsrjrrATiTEs. JlLnJaitJan. A great many petl tlona and rr solutions were presented and referred. After which, the Houae reaol ved Itself into Committee of the Whole on the bill for the relief of Marigny D'Aoterive. This is the question which occupied the House, In Committee, cu ring part of , Friday I discussion having risen on the llo"te cuimeo oy Mr. Livingston for injury done to a alavt. The discussion wis resumed with tome varmth. and the Committee, after aome ohaervationt by Mr. Wright of New-York, Mr: ItandoIplj.'.Wr- Storr, and Jftr jDr ton, who only opened bit argument, Trove", repotted progrest ba4 Obtained leave to sit again. "" -' . Tuetday Jan. I. Mc Hamilton offered a resolution! to refer it io the Committee on the librayHftfooelder ihe expediency of em'rAylnf Wsshingtoo AHtoo o paial s Pictue of tb Battle of Hew Orleans, tfrteVared ItrVne of the vaeanmlche in theKoiurwia JUr. Ingertoll moved an tmencment, to atrike out the name of the arist, and insert " tome suitable art 1st." Thl modiftcttion was accepted. Mr. tlwight moved to amend by adding the bttlet of Banker Hill, Monmouth, Prin&ton, and the attack on (Quebec i and Mr Iremer, in order that posterity nUht have i fair opportunity of judging of that tranwetion, tuggeited that another (win ting le placed along aide of the victory of Njw Urletn, representing the m-e ting if the Hertford Convention, which wa h full aeaaion at the aame time. He therefor moved to amend the amendment by adding, and alto the meeting of 'he Hartford Convention Mr Everett also suggested ikst the resolution be made more genetal Mr. Storr moved to amend the resolution, by making the in age to express the full Khl b proper subjectsrA motion for grateful feeling the -djournment was then made Ayes 91 j Navs 92. Sir. namilton then moved to suipend the rule which limits .the time devoted to motions and reaolutiont to one hour. " His dbjecTwl'r to obtain- vo-.eqn the resoiutiori. The Houae refused to auipend tlie,rule, and thefl adjourned. - y eanetaay, Jan. i. J he uouae waa entirely ocrtpird with' the' resolution of fered by Air. Hamilton on i uesday, re ferring it to the Committee on the Libra ry to inquire into the expediency of em ploying a suitable artist to paint the battle ot .ew Urleani for one of the vacant pannels of the rotunda. A great many attempts were made to take awav the ex elusive character of the resolution, by rmbiaring in it the battle of Monmouth Bunker-Hill, Princrton, Quebec, Bridge water, Chippewa, and the Naval battlea on Lake trie and Lake Charoplain, but all of them fatted The resolution was then amended on motion of Mr. Randolph, by making the referrence to a Select Committee. The - final "question. - after the Ayea and Noes had been Taken five times on the several amendments, was then put, and the resolution was rejected. A,es98 Noes 103. ThurtdaysJatl- 10 The day wes ocru 1 1 : i a a c , i tSrjctc r .f I' Tt.crtfurCf 'rv ' " r -ttt t eJ, Thut tt.a Com- Th . ) If. . I - rriU'.n on l uliiic i.xpcnainires, no have, by the 63th rule of this Hume, thla subject more particularly committed to their charge, than any other Committee, be requested forthwith to Inform this llouse whether it be compatible with tbeir other dutiea, to enter upon that sort of rigid examination necessary, be comport ing with the several law making appro priations, the disbursements under them, nd the voucher In tupport of them, ac JACKSON MCETING , The citizens of Rowan county ho ar Menl ly to the election of Jlnthev Jackttn a Freti. lident, and JU C. Valhtun aa Vice President' ii Mtm vnirra oiaiea, ar rcitieatea to atlemj s public meeting at the court-liouaa in the town of Btliabury, an Friday, the 23d da of Fcbrut ry nest, for the purpose of appointing Dele. Sste to confer with auch others at may be rslgnated In Davidaoa and Montgrme7 coun. ties, in nominating a candidal tot Jackao and cording to the eplril and intention of the J CaMwun Elector Fa this district i and la adopt CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. MondayYJan 77 Mr- Johnson, of Ken tucky, moved the publication of a docu ment now in the Wr Office, containing a list"t)f the officers nd soldier of the nevoTuttrriwfio are entinecTTo and humility to be aincere, ancTlbey do Certainly give a new lustre to hit merit. r I cannot, gentlemen, I ought not, to conclude without paying that tribute which I know my constituents would blame me for omitting on their behalf, to the gallant volunteer from Tennessee, and the brave" troop from Kentucky and Mi.isaippi, who aided in those times tbat tried men' ouls. Never will their ser iceJ be forgotten v and tb am f Coffee. Carroll, and AdauS will be for ever associated with that of Jackson, in our memory, and taught to our offspring, to the latest posterity, who will be bred tap to indentify themselves and their in tarest with the West. Gentlemen, 1 have felt deeply, felt gratefully, your kind attention to my con 'etitucuts, tod only regret that they are not which.resulted- in-thf adoption of a mo tlofi made by Mr. Branch, to refer the propriety and the manner of the public tion to the consideration of the Judiciary Committee. Some time was spent In Executive business. Thursday, Jan. 8 The Senate did Do? sit to day. IVrtinctday, Jan. 9 A bill was repor ted, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, for the relief of Mrs. Susan Decatur, wid dow of the late Com. Stephen Decaturt Several memoriaja in favor of, and sever al in opposition to the Woollens Bill were presented, read, and referred. A resolu tion was adopted, on motion of Mr. Eaton, in relation to the repair and preservation of the Pennsylvania avenue. An hour Or two was slso spent in the consideration o Executive business TAurtday, Jan. 10. The bill for prin ting binding 60,000 copies of the Military lactic wits considered, amen ded, and ordered to a third reading. The consideration of the bill for abolishing Imprisonment for Debt was resumed; and, after a longdiscussionaome amend ments were adopted, and the Senate "id journed without taking the question on ordering the bill to be engrossed Friday, Jan. 1 1. The bill for printing pied in the discussion of motion4em -,. . aa Lands, whereunnn mm debit .rowJiL JW-tertintOT!rKIVen n. fc. j .a zr.rLZe . . tor tl and binding 60,000 copiea oflhe Militsry Tactics was read a third time and passed. The consideration af the bill for abolish ing Jmprisonmet for Debt was resumed, and, after a long debate on amendments which were offered and rejected, it was, oo motion of Mr. Noble, postponed to, and made the order of the day for Tues day next. . The Senate adjourned until Monday .January 14. arious meraorialt and petitions were presented and referred to tbeir appropri ate Committees. The President communicated a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, trans mitting statement of the affairs of the several incorporated Banks of this District, up to the close of the year 1827. The Senate, at in early hour, Trent in the exportstion of certain slaves, and on the -bill for the relief of Alarienv V'Autttne. ' frid&y. Jan. 1 1. The House was oc cupied in discussion, In Committee t( the wnoie, oi me om lor me reuei or mang ny D'Auterive. Mr. Livingston withdrew his amendment, stating that it bad led to a discussion of a character which he bad not anticipated. Mr. Curley immediate ly renewed the motion to amend, stating that if the question, was calculated to pro duce excitement, it was then loo late to remedy the evil. The committee was addressed by Messrs. Bunner, of New Yoik, Dorsey, Livingston, Ourley, Ran dolph, and Ingham. On motion of Mr. P P. Barbour (lour or five riains aimul tancously to address the Cbair) the Com mittee rose, reported progress, and ob tained leave to ait again. A Reaolution waa1 introduced by Mr. Sloane, of Ohio, calling on the Secretary of War for aome information on the subject of the Court Martial on the militia men at Mobile, Sec which will be taken up on Monday. Mt Lea moved the following resolutions'- which j by ihe rule lie on the table j one day i j I. Hetohed. ThL the Secretary of War aald rule, and the object herein specified j And also tb report, if necessary, what fur thet . provisions ,nd arrangement era wanted to add to the economy of the De part ment a. and the accodntabiilty of their SMHCer. :1 w-TTr.itKwiwutrgDn-j The question being takenIt was de cided in the affirmative, df to 53. The House adjourned until Monday. aT-" " Moarfayj Jawwary A number of petition and roemoi i were preseDtedr.whlcb. wre rtfened to the - appropriate committee. . MrTPuc hansn presented a memorial praying for further protection for agriculture by in creasing the dude on spirits, hemp, and other ankles. Mr. Drayton presented a memorial from the Legislature of S. Caro lina, against any further increase of tariff duties, tec Mr. McDufbe, from the Commi'tee of Ways and Mean, reported tin appropriation bill for 1831 which w tke read and committed. Mr. Sloane resolution calling for in formation from the Secretary of War, relative to the six militiamen called forth tome debate, until the hour had elapsed! for considering retolutiont postpontd it. Mr. Wickliffe made a motion to amend he resolution, which Mr. Sloane opposed. Several report .were presented and re ferred. Mr. Randolph after several re marks on the manner In which - bit inr auch other metmvet aa may ba deem1 edWaable in promoting the cause of the Fieri miMwy 1S28. , ADMINISTRATION MEETING - The frieads of the adaninlatnaion, and thoM .whOJire opposed to lh election of AM- Jftrvanit mm ftMtfu1nl th TT. I.J . - - requested to attend at the court-house in the towe of SalUbury, on Wednesday, the 30th div of Febrijuy; 1828, to devuw such mfkirttu they ay tW M calculated to attain IS) if;----'fc'-".-'--j.,.... A-...?.ZZj. Januorf ii, 1828. tl. J.ICfSOA MELTIAO I. IBEDSLL Purvuajit to previa notice, on Monday t'.e 2lst Inst, a large ami resectable meeting of citizen of Iredell county, friendly to the elef! tioa of Gen. JmtrrJatknn to the next Pm. deney, aaierobled at the court -houM In Statei. tilte. Cen. George L. DavMaoti wu eafled to the chain CoL Abaer F. Caldwell, WsTlwB aon, Em. and Capt Milton Campbell, weroS'. pointed aecrttsriea. P Tl meeting being thoa erfMlied, Umwl Kmg. Eaq. eiplained the oblectof the meS? tou l",,?.PJU,n yiLf "Jmated addrel which added much to the dignity and m7 On mot ion of John .Mmhat, ttq. , committee waj appo.ntcd to prepare and pTeient an addret ami reaulutions expraaire of the wUhca W the meeting. Tb following pCrwnl m the nominated atyi appointed to compose said com mittee, vis i John MuhL Eaa. S.m.i.l ipee.yrerepotted.M tion to refer the st iodine rules of :he 1 t..iw - p .- JlZZzrJ-40: ' House to a Select Committee, which wat i adopted- The Hue then adjourned. Can a atf be Ctuidertd at private fnpert) t Our readertnyrecolHrt, -thaK In i .'u lit, .vi.iuu ut iiih ,aai wuuji 'J.i-,:- ". " , m "m K " w wir tnffr M.rtindale, frown the committee of cl.lms 1 aHdaTuiowa,- and ably reported adversely to the claim orLlsrche, whose negro waa pressed into service ar New Orleans and there killed, oft the ground tbat Acgroet were ftenmt in nhoie handt Government hod nfht to place armt in time of roar .'An animated debate ha arisen, during the present session upon in which the question a slave can be considered as private prop erty or not ?" The debate arose upon an amendment offered by Mr. Livingston to a report of the committee of claims upon the petition ot Marigny D Auterive, whose alavo had been Impressed into the service of the United States at New Orleans do ring the last war, and wat then injured. The committee were willing to remuner ate Mr. D Auterive for tome other prop erty injured at the tame lime, but not for nuraoci, uy. Tinner uarawen, mo. aixieiina, uq. wiuiam F. Cowan, Mcholu Norton, Capt. Andrew King. John Vo,, f. John Feiawier, and Bcarlet Gla-.ock, ten.' ter having retired for.eome time, ihe" eoi(r tee returned and presented the following ad lrea and resolution t ..'.' ' The design of our meetine rjiUriLrwBL-ana .--abrwi- - plained. Uia imptant. and cannot but eniwt ne leenrRt ana excrw me teatoua yet aolema and candid attention of the friend of bis coun. try. Ponsetted of the intelligence necemry to a correct and dignified nnderatanding of their right and taught by the history of the g,.em. menu i hat have been, the danger of suffering without remonstrance the slightest r,: Bur,,,K P'"B" meata upon their pmilegef, the American we. a point aomewhat lmilr, pie, with a viril.nee not only Uudable but rct lie si ion was made,M whether Ur to thernhrea, han opposed the iaunptim ana rierciae or power which might violate tho eomtiintinn or impair tbeir liberties. Whilo this vijfilnnce nits. the innovator upon their right;, although artful and cirr aing. muti be en. auceetfu1 1 and h ean only be ender the inftu. ence of the hope that this vigilance baa become languid or extinct, that he will be induced to continue or renew bis factious I enterprise. Hence in goremnVnti where the people, hare lost their nghtv and been ingwrphed ia wretch, ednesa and eiavery. their ruin, ihongb in many cases rapid, haa been generally effected by if free. - rearing tesx we transition Iroa the wa to. allow slave.; jdscv him remuneration or the Mrr Clarke, ofNew York, one of the committee, said " he regarded slaves as pertont not aa property." "He was of opinion that the right of government to use slave tor public defence was tieltfcd bv Ihe atates when the: constitution was formed. The right of impressment, un der this concession, he waa of opinion, reaided in the government. They were not to stop, in a moment of imminent danger, to ask if a man was white or black. but merely if he was able to wield a mut ket and bayonet." Against doctrines so iniquitous and sit - t ... . . suDversive oi soutnern ngms ana southern security, tbat faithful champion of the constitution, Mr. Randolph, said, among other thing " that whether petaons can or cannot be property, or allow that the C - t "" . . cucrai vjovernment can, at any time, or under any circumstances, touch it direct ly or indirectly, is a question with which the Federal Government had nothing to do, with which it never bad any thing, never can have any thing to do ; for the instant it lays ita unhallowed hands on thst erk of our safety, it ceases to be a government. This question wss settled twohundred year ago; it wa settled when the fjrit 'Cargo "of "Afncin wit' sold in our market. And what is the differ jence between persons and property, as if this j: -J . ! L ,1 , V.IV uc uircciRn 'nrnrnmnniraip in in rinaisaw j r "w m-mm.t vww wmw i thatrak etastai aafltj tnmnaliKi Iti t am t m . m f wiuiv wr-v rlllkVlliLauuilll V VII till I the report of ihe Cemmi.siooer appoiniap,, H-Tbere-i,oliffrenceherel ed to negotiate with the Cherokee In - k. p , ;. .u ,t dians for certain portions of tbeir land, under an act' of Congress, approved March , 1827 3 ftetorved, That the Secretary of War be directed to communicate to this House the report of the Board of Engfneeta on the survey of a route for a contemplated canal Vconhecflbl'watertof Hiwassee and Cenasauira rivers, in the State of i entiesseer-Agreed m Mondatva Mr. Weems rose to submit the follow ing t M Whereas, suspicions are abroad in our land, touchine the economv of our Government, and the improper applica tion oi the public money : And,. where as ii is at all times meet and proper for his shve. Mr. Livingston's amendment 1 enjoyment of wontd privilege might either be wo auuucn or i grear, me enemy ot the bb ertiea of aaankjntLhaa always studiou'lv concrat. nwrWewee5 effg"lTeeafwd:ro minmn me imponance oi.uie right be assailed. By such mean have nations been lulled into thoughtless security, not aupecting danger'un. tit oppression's yoke prodaimed toother what liey felt, and proved theiruin to beinevitsble. Thoe ancifiu Kr pub lies, whoe glory ai fct, city bare been dcfcribed by the faithful hiatori an, live on rrrerat to give ua lessons of.xudutn, and guard us against the intripe and cor ruptiou of men who, amidst the highest preten sions of patriotism, were sacrificing their coun try's liberties on tha rltar of the most unholy ambition. And. fellow citizens, is there no dan ger of such evils among ourselves f From the imperfection and depravity of human nature, freedom from danger of this kind ought not te be expected i hihI if expected by an), such el peculations must be entertained in opposition to facts. The wisdom of our Fahem. who framed for us a constitution or bond of union, for that such evils would spring up among us i and, with a precaution unequalled by earthly legiW tors, made provision either to prevent tbeir taking root, or to check their growth and el terminate them before they arrived at maturity. Thus far these provisions have been effectual and while the same virtue actuate and norerw the American people that has appeared so con spicuous In times that are past, unhallowed am bition .pill only add to the disgrace and igno. miny of its wretched subjects. The people pos sess the physical power, and in governments like our's, have the riKht of electing their nilen. Being; thus sovereign, although the veil of deht- si nay for time overspread their, minds snd . canse them to lose sight ot their privileges, yet if intellijrrnt they will rise in tbeir mxiertv. rend eunder tlie- veil, and -aswrt their nghUi-fcf.. one, and not the least of the excellencies our gQverjmenLis. that the Ruler is dependant upw ana accountsoie to the people tor ma conaucv While, therefore, political virtue predominate and intelligence, the foundation of that virtue, if promoted, we have little to fear. But the mo mcut the ' niyintr. ihniuirh avarice, lul'irv, Ot political corruption, become Ignorant of their rights, and forget their interests therewith con nected, the cloud of ruin begiiwtogtIter. .. .Tls! noble exertioin of few who still stand bejfta1 the llvinu- aiul fh .t.i-w miv tof l llmeTtsr itMheting- ami avert its angry aspect; Jt F, , will again collect, .and the short calm will oulj render the shock of its bunt more terrible. TWem1aie tract from any merit to which the Kuler of our government are justly entitled i but to give and receive i'nformationresoectinir them, and tha measures they pursue and advocate i to eipre our opinion wit!i candor, and fearlessly, on can be none. Property ia the creature of the law. What the law make property, Is property. What it doe. not, i, pucny. wrtc.auu ucic aiuuc, CXISIS the distinction." u Slaves are made property by law v and you cannot make them other than property any more than you can interfere in the payment of the national debt of Great Britain.' "'-"" Our slave-holders will be surprised at bearing rtorthern. politit iantt ppenly?idej dare that tlavet are not property. a. V. C. Jour. Maj. Geo. Scott of the United Slates army, arrived at New Orleans on the 14th nh. to command the Divis. the Representatives of the people to guard I ion of the South, Gen. Gaines passing their property, aa ireHei tbeir freedom;! to the Northern D trie toft. subject cf the highest magnitude, and st tm time exciting an interest not even surpass" D.v that which eiird tit lk first elecfroa of Jep'

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