t M,!,ii. .J I and (!,c f.iii i-: I uwr, by our prricit c!.i f I..j;itrio f . V.' fn.l dim f.pj"iR. i h a species of vchrnr-nr rwhnt evidence it irresistible i h hiv(1 to be the effect of that wisdom tnl lore sight which, with prophetic glance, penetrated the veil of fu'urity, and saw with ft light distinct en 4 enrapturing, what would sdvsnce the sHory nad promote the Intertill of nation destined to move amonf otben m one of tin first political importsnce. It wai not themore te b expee ted. lhat party whoae understanding were it her two li tilted to foresee thoM future glories nJ interests or our country, or whose mimii " wert to strongly warped by prejudice at to de. liouncc the measures calculated to advsnee and promote them, would, lone; Hand before eucb aunerior wladom am candor. Times were to be thaiipr d i and did our present chief Ruler te "T.eve. thai In order still t'o float en the "popttlar current, he must change with them? ine jvj&ipg a. of tk.pjuUtlcal courae wu indeed sud- . den i 1st aa we do not prerena to anow-vne heart, we forbear to condemn the motive in ttucine thereto i vet we confidently assert, that. te suppose h rrosaible, upon the com moo and e. .Ublurhrd prme'Pff,-- pmiowmny or in hunrart mind,- fur an iwimdoaiMtiWtt sincere and uprirh motives, suddenly to abandon ays. ctm of M tticvmatucn, conscientiously aaom- ea,ami rcaojy pursucu, jor a numuer vt year, la a absurd at to suppose," upon the principle cf Natural PliikMophy, that the tsme ImuvKlua could create world. We might recall to Vour recollection the pledge of the Oracle of the -present administration, relative to the willing neat of our prrent chief magistrate to barter away the Interests of the Weatern Rlate., which interests are immediately and necessarily con MCted with the free navigation of lhat mighty Stream the MUwtsippi, which bean on ita bosom to a ft ady market the richrtt production! of the most fertile part of the U. States. We might Indeed turn your attention to tcenej accompany inr the last Presidential election, and ask how it came to pa that the mice and wisfyea of the Deonle were disrewaMed or their represents. tives f How it came to pass lhat the strenuous advocate for the riicht of instructioa so sudden ly changed his opinfrw, or at least by his con. ductdsaied the right he' once advocated t Or how it came to pus that the present Recr.tary (as the event proved) could give his friends to understand, previoui to the election, that hit elevation to the office be now holdi depended upoJU-or would, br, rendered certain by, the election of the present Chief Migutrate f A faithful answer to these interrogatories will prove to the candid and impartial inquirer after truth, the etiatenoe of a combination disgrace. fuJ to the ruler, and dangerous to the right! of free people Unpleasant and evilly eminons in reJation to tui correctness and purity of the present ad. ministration; are the -facts which were disclosed by the appointment of Ministers to the British government." It ctnnot-be der.ied, that twin odecrepid bydWste and the infirmitiestof old age, as to be rendered unable to serre as a Senator of the United States, wu the first ap pointed. What did the event prove f It pro ved that the appointment Wu at least injudi cious, for he was obliged to return without ef fecting tbe business upon which he had been tent. Who wu his suecetor ? A man who had it in the councils of the seditious, aiding and abetting their treasonable projects To give von an example of folly and extravagance in tbe present administration of the government, which the wise end sober-minded of our own and all succeeding1 ages do and will consider as the M miserable abortion" of political fanaticism, We need only nam "the " Panama Vongreit ; . concerning which, however, our surprise might be expected lo be somewhat diminished, by - ettendinf to- the bold, -unprecedented and un constitutional language employed by our pre, cut Chief Ruler, when in his first Message to Congress be expressed ha sentiments on thit ubject : ' - . - Fellotf-citizenri are not the times ont of joittt- H 4lrertOt- omrthmp; rottrrr in thej umioisiraiion of eur government f i mere no need of reform, when the corfidence of the - people in their ruleri it shaken, if not entirely destroyed t Yea, is there not danger, that un lets a remedy be applied to our political mala- - dies, the whole body will soon be affected, when) - alas ! a cure will be impossible h-Yt are aware that the-cry-of lefisn, witt be rkised by our -politicaV-vpponents; We ny, In ft frlert'lly manner, express a hope that they will ilrst en- . deavor to understand the term correctly. We disavow all secret machinations against those who TUtTor from us in opinion ; and without ar rogance, we deny that we are actuated by busy and turbulent spirits, for the purpose of pro moting selfish ends. We spi ak our sentiments with the frsnkness and intrepidity of freemen. Our great object is the good and prosperity of our common country,' whose liberties our fa. then purchased with their blood and treasure, and have handed them down to us, that we tniffht transmit them to our succemors. uniullied In tbeir!ustre, and undiminished in their pojrer to bless. .Guided by such iews, we believe it to be of tbe utmost, importance that the individ ual clothed with the highest office in our gov. ernment, ought to be incorruptible in his integ rity, inflexible in his patriotism, economical in bis views of national policy, and uninfluenced by selfish motives in the exercise of the power given to him by tbe constitution. Give to us a man distinguished by qualifications like these. (call him Military Uikfiain, or by any other name you please) and there is a hope that the adrtiiniitration of, our government will.be resto- .red tojts pristine purity.. . ' Where shall such an one be tTiiind T On Ws subject, with a large and respectable portion of - the people of-this state and of the- States, we believe that in Gen. Asoaiw Jccsoa these i Qualifications exist in srt eminent degree. His his aconomieal views of national policy, and bis disinterestedness, are known and acknowl edged. " Vour committee, then, believe, 1st. That the present administration of the national frorern ment is extravagant and prodigal, selfish and unwise i and ought therefoie to be reformed. If additional evidence of the truth of this propo sition be demanded, we refer the inquirer to the ondct f .4b' snembers of the Cabinet, viiit. ing different states, and various places, for the purpose of promoting electioneering purposes j :.OTct-'notOTly;ttpwcWeted,but unjull'd in disgrace In the annals "of our country . ' -2d. That a reform cannot be effected, or ef fected with that speed and facility which the exigencies of our country require, while the ? resent Chief Magistrate holds the office of resident. Sd, That Ure belt interest! of our country d .:... f i .r i r ' s i ', t, I.--1 I j t:.e t.- ,n t' s Us ....ii o! t'.ie porrrnmrnt ii rntru!ril. 4.1). 1 hit it I (lie duty c T Kil tlio lia wUli to preserve "ir llrpnlili( in imtitutionsin Skfrty, sml trtnmiit them to poitrrtty in their puri ty, to use all honorable and lawful means to ef fect such chsnge. rherrfore, Firttly, Resolver!, that we will unite with our fcjlow-citUens throughout the V. States, ip supportinj Gen? Jmlmr Jot kit fur the next Preiident i ftnd that, as we have full confidence in the ability, the integrity and patriotism of A C. CWAin, we will support him for Vice President. , . Henndly, Resolved, that Gen. George L. Da vidson, Samuel King, F.. James Thompson, I'.sq. John Mooie, Raq. and Col. A, F. Cakwell, be appointed M Delegates, to meet with others from tlie connties comprising the district, to choose ftn Klrctor te be nhced on the reneral ticket i and that said tre compose the Commit-tee-rf Cerrcvoodrnee, regulatinjr tbf time and place or meeting or and delegates, and au other Dunnm inerewun connerrea. . . TUrAu, ResoJiL tLat asM 'Z&vHil Vein stracted logive their votes to no one sssn Elec tor, unless perfectly satisfied that, if elected, he will give hit vote for Gen. A. Jackson as Pres! dent, ana John C, Calhoun U Vice President "-Kmrihlf Resolved, "thai Jobar Mushat Esq FrankHu Davidson, Ksrl. William L Davidson, Capt. Andrew-King, Llihu Wing, Scarlet Clas tncTTKtCJVmrtrittmxnrrf JowrM. Uogir," r.tn. John Feimvter, John Mclellsnd Henry M Smith, David Sigmand, f. M. Alexander, James P. NcKee, Csq. Ju. Kiosn. Lspt. Ju. S. fivers, Wm. V. Cowsn, P. Caldwell, Esq. Whitfield Kerr, Jscob Kibler, Esn. Joseph Murdocir, Esq. Thoa. Kerr, Nicholas Norton, Cspt. M. Csmp bell, Wm. A. Shepherd, Wm. C. Werk'e, Rich ard Sullivan, Samuel Welch, Henry Bustle, Jss. Guy, Wm. Scott, Samuel Tomlinson, Robert Young, Neil McKsy, Jscob 1'ipns, Alexamle Lacker, Fdward Journey, Capt. Iliomss Tuck er, 1 bos. James, Jsmes James, Wm. Cshhan Wm. Batter, Pe.-cival Campbell, Esq, 11ios. M Campbell, George W. Cook, Ju. McLelland, r.sa Otl.o Gillespie, Hn, McEwen, sen. Wm McEwen. ir. Wm. n. Jones. Hurh Jonet. Geo. Inompson, Wiley Gaither, Jno. Young, jr. Da via Houston, N. 1 omlinton, Exra Bharpe, u. White. Milu Potts. Willism McLelland, David Waddle, David Stephenson, W. fttepbenon, sen Wm. Stephenson, jr. Jsmes Stepenson, un. Col. John sieKer, uniel Mstheson, Cap! Olby, John Woods, Cspt. W. Mesrs, Col. Thos. Crawford. John Miller, Benjamin Henline. Capt. Winism relmster, Ceorge Rmnnaon, Benjamin Brevard, Joseph Sharpe, and D. Iteece, be an. pointed a Committee ot CorresporKlence on tbe pan of this meeting, to promote its object i WMv, Resolved, that copies of these nrocee. Hiogs be transmitted to eacn Militia company, tiimugti tneir uaptairr, iirr tneir approbation. All which is respectfully submitted, by-, your commiucc. tnizneui jouw mrsnir, CQr. The nuestion was then nut : Are the fores-a. ing" a'(!dresl "proiosli prestiv of the sense of this meeting f ... Which wu carried Unanimously in the affirmative, and with a liveliness anil spirit of animation, which bespoke tbe earnostners and sincerity of tbe vote. Ordered, thst copies of these proreedimrs be signed by the chairman, and attested by the secretaries, snd sent to the Editors of the Wes tern Carolinian, Raleigh Star, and Catawba Journal, for publication. , GEO. L. DAVIDSON, CA m. A.F.Caldwell, S Jas. Thompson, . Secretaries. ilihon Campbell, 3 . ... Conpre.The bill for the relief of Marirny D'Autcrive, of Lcoislani, which inyolved the question whether a roan has right to claim remuneration for damage done to a slave hile in" the 'service of the United States, paased ita third reading n the House of Representatives, on the 23d ult. by a vote of 96 to 92; Messrs ui the negattva... . . t ., : . t:.5 t t ' , ... . j -. . ..... ..iter re'v !, . .ti.t ,1.4'..-- Lm r I out, ir I rt t v 1 l imirlf cori- temptilile in putilic esti. 3tin- Ii will te seen that a rood part of uen. Ich'i tout, was a quotation from lr. Urent's letter to Mr. Clay. it. Ainjr JJrtitmanti i A bill hu passed the Een ste of the United States, adding ten dollars per mown, ana one ration per day, to their present pay. rhe navy surgeons have also petitioned lor relief j and it is thought they need it Cen. Jsckson reft Nuhville on the 27h Dec. to attend the celebration of the 8th of January Cj Robert Rakes,' in our next. We shall be pleased to receive other favors on similar (or onj') subjects, from the rsme source. Stmeifiint' hke m IW. At the dinner given in Celebration of the 8lhif January, at Washing ton City, Gen. Rthert Dethd, a member of Con gress from Tennessee, gave the following tout : Edward Livintrtton, of Louisiana. The first and only Honor in the Louisiana po- itical tot a? ; though beaten in the Presi dential jjame, by the Kayb from that State, he shall shine conspicuous, while tbe KitAvfc " will stand before the world aa a proven base calumniator, unworthy public or private confidence, and avoided by every man who has a -respect for virtue and for honor." The Knave alluded lo in the toast, is William L. Brent, a member of congress from Louisiana. Among the letters in Mr Clay's appeal to the public, is one from this Mr. Brent ; who, in sneaking of Gen. Jackson's letter to Carter Beverly, says " it is the fabrication of a desperate man, who, to obtain his object, dares to assert what he knows to be false." "If Gen. Jackson does not establish his asser tion, which he cannot,) be ought to stand before the world as a proven base calum niator, as unworthy of public or private confidence," and avoided by - every man who has a respect for virtue and for SOSON2 Suit rttmf f The proceedings of a meeting of the friends of Gen, Jackson, at, Waughtown, Stoke coun'y, which reewftmetid a general meeting of tbe cititens of Stokes, te be held at Gcrmanton. on TViduv. Ox Wth fMarth next .it . a. a. ctuuc ioa suae m jjucnion 11114 wcck i muii a s . v nsve a piace in a weca or two, i . CC? Those citizens in the vicinity of V'aturh ttwf, fltoker county, friendly te the election of Gen. Jsckson u Presideirt of the VaitedsHtais. are requested to meet tt Waurhtown, Sturdav Uirdary, to,adopt auch rnfs4rcjs.il may pe ueemea expeuieni, to relation 11 lue approaciung ciccuon. i . . . . . . I -ravn rssmfyv A large and respectable mee ting of tbe friends of Cen. Jackson, wu laid at vt adesborough, Anson county, on tbe I'm ult coi. picket delivered an animated addrfct to the meeting, on the subject for which! they were convened. After adopting some s4rited resoiuiions, ijeierar.es were apotntea, totneet those from the other connties in that distrkt, st Richmond court-house, on tbe 18th of Ztkrch. r .1 , I ur iiic purpwe 01 nomuiaiinr a accaon ssmii. date for Elector. We understand a coiy of the proceedings of this meeting, wu madi out for publication in our paper i but from ome cause, they have failed to reach us. I GREAT FIRE al UlZVTaV, A most destructive and distresautr Tire, laid aute the fairest portion of the town of HU mingtmn, in this ntste, on ftaturlay morning the 19th ult. The fire originated in a imail back wilding, and wu not got under before sn entire square wu reduced to t heap of nuns. - About 50 houses, including 30 stores snd i dwellings, were bqrnt, valued, with the good, destroyed in them, st from g 100,000 to 130,. 000, snd insured in New-York and Hartford to the amount of about 7SJ0OQ. The roofs of. the Store si on thV .North side cf Market Street were several times nn fire, but were fortunately saved. The StcVm'BbsTHenrletla and all the ihioninp hauled off from the wharves, and sustain ed no injury. It is supposed the fire was accidental. The1 same square was destroyed by fire in 1819. Mrs. Urnuhart, Richard Bradley, and John Bradley, are mentioned as the great est sufferers. Cm.. Clintin. At the celebration of the 8th of January in Albanv. Ncw.York. Gov. Clinton attended, and gave the following Joart. "Ihe sublime association of heroic virtue skstfl st Lrxnskl araaaf ItiaJjt " (lie iiawviiwi ssa sra T?We have omitted a few new aJveriuemenli for want of room ; they are such, however, a will not suhcr by one week's delay i they, and ail tbe ow ones, shall go hv our next, J. ,4i... ..., I.e.. J tr 3 we I- -V f-rvt r J vr'r.'j imr a- ti-rcj ta the detmon cf the Cuhan after the .jjrejt Divan onihetJth. The Ambassadors of the three Dowers re still here but no intercourse is held with them, and the Austrian Ambasiai dor it in constant negotiation with the Heis Eflcodi.. . . OJeitqf, ,Mt. 15, We have news from Constantinople to the 8th, The capital was tranquil", and the ambasta dori were still there. Since the news of the catastrophe at Nsvatinj vVe have received that of landing made by Palmer on 5c to, the 18th Oct. The Sultan was said to be in cons terns- tioo -and -private letters.'jtnpouncetl since, that the Keis Lflendi had been beheadeJiothers'thatrirai tx'iUd. The "result of the freeraent meetinffs of the Divan, was eipected every moment. f AC i . iii 'it .( i '. i tt n count jr. f rn.;;; s.'.s : rr. 1. eri k !,!rr, dre'd. tti ll C, dcires tb liratees to nrttenl their Invtnla. riea, legally ajilhrniirtte.l, or settlement anj tliat be will be fully ready for Settlement b ,; nest February court. 3t0'i i AUAM HOILMAN, AJm'r, January 26A, 1823. Dr. Ceoree Ifolco'mbe." one r-'of the representatives from the state of New Jersey, in the Twentieth Congress, died lately at his residence in New. ersey, after a lingering illness. BISSEXTUE, er LEAP TEAK. We have been desired, by one of those wry gallant Benedicts who sin sway the day of (matrimonial) grace in banqueting on the lusu. LOST, ifaN. Thursday morninr. 22J InstsnL between " Ceorge fry's and Concord, a small Moroc -co POCKET 00t, pretty much worn, con taining firieen or eighteen dollars In Newbern and Vspe Fear bills j besides several valuable, papers, all of which are not recollected. One note on, Caleb P. Alesander, for fjfty dollars, mule payable to Dvtd Henderson', with s credit of 5 dollars i one due bill orj John fJarrinrer, -for. i(ee dollsrs i one do. on do, for two dol lars tVi-100, dates not recolIcced tap or three Judgements t..,.Thompson , Hunt, and . John , Mutts' cooaUble receipt 'to' T. Iltjnf, for sever J sums, for collection, amount not recollected. I wiH rive RJ rewsrd fof the Mbert llrtfV.BiJ'', aak no quettione. - Jl, HVUv January 31W, 1828. .. . . 2t01. TWENTY DOLLARS .REJ7ARD l . RAN wayrom the plantation of .Wrryot ler, near fjarisburv, Atf, bright ssmku boy, about SO years of are. and near six feet high. He. is. stout and wtrll made has a down cast rook,- and a Tittle' reclined te stoop m the- snouwen. it is supposed that he win endeavour to pass aa a free man, from the fact sf his ab sconding without . cause. Tbe above . reward will be given for his apprehension and delivery to me in Salisbury, or to the overseer un the plantation. , . THOMAS O. POLE. February lit, 1828. 4t03 Ihe Grrensborough Patrrot and Milton . t ai i ! . .i V- wii.HWUIWIIH BVriU, NWWII nes tf suis-ie blmtdy, and drink the nip of, cIet,e wi ln$efX ,h, advertisement 4 ceiioacy w us urcrs before they see - the error eekl in theirpapenand forward their accounts or their way," and repent of their non-cof.form- for nIVment. T O. P ance to the requisitions of Sacred Writ, ta people and replenish the earth.M to publish cFMil IT7 ..jcnnur1 rinwnrns .a at . . i . . . sal aarfS Wl UUMAIV 1 VI aVeWIwe ume printed in lfi0, entitled Courtship. Love, ! ffl?Z& V COn,,nU and Matrimome." We give it a place in our W"H 7 m columns, with sll im.gi?.ble pleiur,, a. it is tTa)i!tim 0 peculiariy appropriate at thU tunc. 18?8 being' k u 'a a ' t n: J. i'. w j ' N. B. asid powders are put op accordW to ZJmTLXI preKribed by the London PhJsna- comfort to our friend, s putting it there does! " ' r to ourselves i snd that it Will bo the means of DANIEL II. CHESS smoothing a wrirtgle In his forehead, and of aw inrtra-ro .it ..' .ii,..., v; v' d .. r . imr iv mu iiiiviih iiiucuicu w mill V T raannr s nail Trofn hia rofkn I II . T . . " Albeit, it is nowc become (parte of the Common Lawe, in regard to the social relations of life, that as of. ten as every bissextile year-doth re. turn, the: ladye s have the sole privilege, during .the time it coniindeth of mar ting lot;e" unl&' the "WcTfnvhich 'they may doe eUhcTy wtjrdes or lookes, as unto them it teemeth proper ; and moreover, no man will be entitled to the bcnefite of Clergy who dothe refuse to acce dothe in any wise treate her proposal withe slight or contumely. M. note of hand, book stxount, or mherwiae. to make payment immediately, or their debt w ill be placed in the hands of an officer for col lection. Persons having demands against binv will please present them forpaynvnt. He eapcctsfDom the Sorth. m a few days, sa ssiortment of GOODS, consitins; of - "..'11'. Dr9 oodtt Cutlery j Crochtjfl : . which he-is. disposed to sell low for (uk, or o sAatv credit, SaHibury, Jen. 1 5th, 1828. 98 LAND and NEGROES, for SALE. Dt the offers of a ladve or who! faN w'liwlay. U day of February pr. me oners oi a laaye, or wnoj yj Mu wi bJ expwd tB uv m tho 5Thr lUarfettk Charltiiea. Jan. 23. legislature of An adjourned session of the South-Carolina, commenced on .Monday, the 2Ut aH. principally for the purpose of trying ute smpeacixMM s jwga vamev Suprtmi Cvrt. In adJitiori to the gentlemsn heretofore nsmed ss having obtained Hcense from the Supreme Court to practise law in this state, tbe following have been admitted : In the superior courts : John Bragg, jr. of Warrenton. -i.--.-um .... .-Si In the county courts : Richard E. Fortune. of Iredell. . . i . Stifterior Courti.Tht Judges of the Superior Courts have made the following arrangement of the Circuits for the pre sent year i Sprinf. Autumn. Edenton, Judge Buffi n. Judge Strange. -Raleitu ,, ... ... ... Martin. Norwood. A day or two after Gen. Desha's toast was drank, Mr. Brent came out with a Canf, In the National Journal phich con eludes with thefollo wing sentence f The individual who gave the Toast cannot ex pect me to take any- other notice of it than 1 have done t but, in concluding, I must be permitted to say, that if any thing persona) to me was intended by it, I one-' quivocalle pronounce such conduct as dis .boabJban4 manly feeling. To Ihis, Gen. Desha re plied, in another Cars'; which he con cludes as follows i Neither my respect nor chaiity for that individual, will induce me to save him from an Obligation which the "hole character of his comma AWftern, Capt'Ftar, HUUbeirtugh, Mountain, Strange. Norwood. Daniel. Donncll. Martin. DonnelL Roffln. Daniel. The Weather hu again, after a few nigh-s of m a a ta a a irosi, moaeratea, ana is as mna ana genisf April: vegetation looks green and rVesh, and ma ny garden plants are now (2d of Februarj) in bloom. No snow hu yet fallen here during the seasod. LATE rROM EUROPE. London papers to the 5th Dec. were received at N. York on the 18th ult. Despatches from the' British Am. bassador at CbhstantiridcTaiejlthe 6th of Nov. reached London 04 the 50th, But had not " been pubiashed. The private accounts from that place in the Frenchnerinapers7 were to the 10th ot November, It appears from these that tht intelligence of the destruction of the Turkish fleet reached Canstantinople or the 1st of that month. The news caused a great consternation, but the Port bad not resorted to any acts of violence againsf the European 'Tesklentsy'and the Ambassadors remained there at merlaWtittaT" " Constant tnofie, Mv; 1 r;SSince the lit of' this month, when the burning of the Turkish fleet at Navarin was Irnnwn. an indidiation not to be de. scribed, has prevailed nmoug the 1 Bute House Square, in the city of Raleigh, 1 10 valuable Slaves, late the property of John Haywood, Esquire, deceased i a large port ion of them young likely Iwmp. mwtA m.l. A - - - - - L.n .ba mah.' i 1.1 " ..r . ... , ... ' C.n.-During the latter part of the week """V "yicn. u-casmuoj, ano omer me- the transactions m the finer qualities of abort umunl servant staple have been tolerably fair, prices that were previously asked and refused have been with less difficulty reshted. Tbe principal sales for English market have been made at 9J a 9 cents little however has been done. .The pur chasers for the Northern Fsctories and the French market, range cents hsve been given finer qualities are particularly scarce. Abo several very Valuable Tracts of Land ... in the neighborhood of Kaltigh, affording s'rtus tions for buildings, well watered, and would suit . Oentlemen from the lower eotmtry who- mair - 7 snTni i s? i de"1 he4W,y 'umn residences. Tfie dilTer. s from 10 to 10J. andU lrn( trtcU wi off u or sold i for fsvonte brs,KU. Tbe enUre m,y u by th(J j, icuiariy scarce. ..ir m,,. 5n behalf the Rute Th , , CWoauaJotton. SJaJa flourj peach brandy 4C Uo 45, apple do. 35 three wi,h wterMt ft, r to 40 , whiskey 40, pork 4 to 3 Ullow 9 to 10. diy, the rurchaMrt with " approved sureties. Petertburg, Jan. 26. Cotton, 8 to 9J j peach The aale will certainly take place, aiid will be brandy 55 to 62 1 apple do. 23 to 29 ; flour 6 to continued from day to day until the wbolo ' 6 50i pork 4 to 4j i wheat 80 to87j tobacco property is. disposed of. 2 to 5. North Carolina Dank Dills, 7 to 8 per JOSEPH PICK E IT, - cenr. discount.- ....... JA8. F. TAVlIK, . - - - . . WJI.BOn.lRD8, Fayeuevilk, Jan. 24.-Strictly prime cotton Csinisi.tfsi.srt the State f K CartUwt. would bring 9 cents, sales at 84 to W. Not RiW Jan $m much cominrj to market. Whiakey, o0 to 32. "v i- l t 99 HOUSE AND LOT, N KG ROES. kc. n ,l .1.. f. j.;! liriLL e sold, at publicuction, on Wed- ttu.rt.-1 he ales, for the last three days, VV th Mth rf F.hn,. L, .h amount to about 800 bales comprising s&out .., . i . ' i soTbslesofNeW-Orleansat 101 a 11 cent., and 1 jf.8 the WM the pnncipal sales of Uplands are at 9 cenU. tf . . . . . PJ ' . . Alio, One ttegr Man. two swyrs wmen; kml In Uparta, Tennessee, on the 10th uh. Mr. t thit& Terms 12 months credit, bond and Thofnss A. Frohock, late of this county, to Miss ru.Uy rennifed. M. L. HILL. Trustee. Sarah Ann Ballenger, formerly of Culpeper January 1. 1828. A02 county, Virginia. DZTS, Very suddenly, on the 26th ult SHERIFF'S SALE OF NEGROES. WILL he sold for cash, at the court-house Sn Salisbury, on Mondav, the 18th of Febru- of his brother in Charlotte, Mr. Daniel Gillespie, ' ary next, 13 likely negro, 4 men, 3 women and of this county, in the 29th yesr of his age. j children, and 3 younff women , sold by efcecu. In the citv of new-iora, on toe Hi an. airs, i non, at tne properrv oeionginr to ine enare or race Webster, wife of tbe Hon. Daniel Web.' Wm. C. Lovej decM. to utisfy st Grace ater. atred 47. She was on her way from Bos- ton to Washington City, and was arrested by sickness, which terminated her life at New VarkMr. Webster left the latter place on the 22d, for Boston, sccompanied by the corpse of his wife. no time in eaamininr m jwih, take place at 12 o'clock r that dayV-' Terms at sate win oe, one-inins caaii , one third at ode eai's credit, and tbe remaining third two years credit. l Ht.urHiL.us Jt AA.a.9 trvnet, January 1. . CJ3 sundry esecu- tions In my bsnds for collection. Price adv. gl.75 F. SLATER D. Shff. January lit, 185 8.. 601 nn. ii ii - 1 1 -. -1 iii ii r i-r --iVr-'n-i -if-"- - in TRUST SALE. BY Tirttie ef a deed el-trust, axecuted by Al exander J. Worke. for the purpose of se- curing certain debts therein mentioned, twill sell at public vendue on Friday the 29th day of February next, on the premises, that valuable tract of land known by the name of the Leeperj place, lyiffg oh the Big and Little Catawba,' aboufthree miles above Haon's ferry, joining the land of Qr. W. Maclesa and others. This tract contains, sccordinr to a late' survey 1065 acres; and is well known to be equal in Quality to anv in the upper part or soum-caronna, a larrre portion thereof being first rate low ground. ll. Georgia, on the night of the second of Jan- ... M . -ii j . ii I I . i . .-r t . Persons WJsmnjr JO purensse, wm hu wcu ra iui uarr, wm; nrrrv man, anu ur whs, i nc icnow ESTATE OF JOHN DONALDSON. THE subscriber having qualified as sdminis tra'or on the estate of John Donaldson, dee'd. late of Rowan coonty, N. C. with the Will anneieddesirtsjllejionsjndebted to eaid estate to make payment with as littledclay as pouible i and all persons hsvlng claims against the estste, Sre desired to present them, legally authenticated, within the time limited by Act ef Assembly, otherwise this notice will be plesd in bar ef their recovery. . BUFC3 REID, AdminUtrattr., December 14.A, 1821, 93 NOT RAN A WAV T Ail away frem the tubscrrbef,;t Prterborj is rather of a'yclfow mmplw'um,Wiktii& made $ .hia name is Ao,4iJLholU,.dba bly make for Virginia the woman is black ami likely, and is cuflrd I'ote: they both carried ' several suits of spparrel, and several blankets andquilts. JOHN D. WATKJN'S. Jtn. 3i, 1823. 3;f)i f L hi "II rf 1 IX rt- it i) v w I t-t