! 1 M i I lift If raatSw.. t J ! it. It- 1 ! 1 iw.,-; If , S i if- CASH W-ANTED-1 . fllHE ii.bKnb-r Ik.. d.-itinrd W,-f " A fioods, and rrq-lr.tt ll.uae Ulcl.trd him, T m.ke la ment nai.urt lb '' "'"J T.et, as 1o..(f indulgence ned ePec.r eL GOODS &i'.ry. AW 29. 1H27. 91 . cash ... , . ' THE MOTHER and LIFE 0 TRAD. amoved Ml Stort to - 7 I' Concord, respectfully Inultt all T.i'we wk t,. t....i im (.if in cimm forward ana ecttie by the first day of March J in Complying, m.y siUlfcht j10" rt accows U M places jonii i;- Land of offivert for CoIIc1hi. -- --. - . ED WifiD C1ESS, Vt .4 PF.RKMPTORY NOTICE '. miine int.ktMl la tho eatat of William C 1 j -,teM. mHeil to ike ,Bime liilfi 'of tit are 7s" ... .v .iT ii.Wiva e&iinot he riven. - ' Those rwMnrteramterCM CatTubon John M. Hardie, ' with vTott (be not are lotlffrI. ind wto can : " be found at (be CourtHotrie at all time- . -. . . GEOMC.E IjOCKE, t0 HENRI blLr.9, - January id, 1828. . THUST SALE. . T T wtu of a deed of trufl, eteeuted by AU 1 eunder J. Wecke, for tho purpow. of ae , rur.:,m rWia drbia therein mentioneu, 1 will . sell at public vendue on Friday the 29tb dr of February tKif.on the prem.aei, tliat ealuable tract of land known by the name of the Leeper place, lyinf on we uif m -v. about three milea above MaKin'i ferry, joining th Un.l .r rr. W. Maclean and other. Thii ! tract eontaina, according to a late aurey I06J "crrt I a.'l la well known to be equal in cjnality J to anv in the upper part of Bouih-Carohna i a larea portion thereof belnir fir nt low 5?mmL PeSona w-hing to porcnaae, will do well to . . no tune in eiaminin it, ae a nle will powlmly , , take place at 12 o'clock of that day. 4 Term of aale aill be, one-thifd caebi one -t fiird-af our yera eredit, and lhe..remaining third two year ereou THEOPHJLUS FALLS, 7Vtfre. Tnmvnrw 22dL 1828. - 4t03 JOHN C ELLIOTT'S ESTATE FHElwfiacriber lianr" quafificd'aa' adminif. A jraror on the MUte of Joint C. F.llioti, decd. c;v:late of. niitherM 'pjKyaVh& t pee- aona indebted to the eaiate to make payment Kith a Uttle delay ai poaaible j and penona tit ing cfauan agamat tne e.weraioiiia pntJ work io kit nne-.r-. .: -r t aent them, legally aurtiettcated:wiihln the time prtacribed by hw-,x)therwwe'hii notice- will be plena in ear 01 weir reonTcry. WU, 8LADP,f&iV. Jenatory lSik, 1828. .. -:.. - 3t03 NOTICE 0V the 12th day of February next, I will aell, at the houte of John C. FJliott, dee'd. in Hutherford county, N. C. upon a eredit of twelve ' month, all the personal property belonging to ih Mtate of said Elliott, eomwtinr of Cattle, Ilogv Sheep, and Horaea 1 a large quantity of Corn, bctwecen thirty and forty likeU Negroes, gongnma' nr men. women. Bra and cbUdren, kmnnr them one etcellent blacksmith of roodi character, and two othert toleraUy -good black J nnithi and Carpenter, also 01 gooo cnaracier 1 , comignmenia, a rcquireu. iw and other articles the aale to continue from .. , . IIF.NRY W. CONNER. . .day today lintil finished.-r Other terma of aalet. ; Ckarieu Jtim. 1827.-.-.-vV.-A:.-:- 'j.- L made known on we oay 01 eaie... Jatuitthf II'. 1838 " r 3rt)3 ESTATE OF J0HJT DONALDSON; m HE aubacriber having quahfied a admin! M X tra-or on the estate of John Donaldson, i I ; .eo'd.kuavof ilaai faWitytyl.C,. yU.h tbeWill f.--3nZr'r . ZllLAlk' i;:.r t i.te to m.ke oavment with a little delay aa , Mnnexru. urirr n uvfwnnwniii,n boasibter aiidattpeTeoMhM .ufUnttrd. vithia tl. timefimitedbr Ad of APm1.hr.trthiTwlihU ift lrT fjH- 4MHI M , . f -T . -:. IIUFI'8 RF.ID, Admrntimtw. ...S3...:. ; FREDERICK SACIILEIJ-S ESTATE ' J j.FIHE aubacriber, administrator of Mj X erick SachTer, dee'd. ol Uoww eounly, N. C. deaire the Uratee to present their invento- riea, legally authenticated, for settlement i and that h will be fully rvadyi for , settlement by liexr Ftbruary court. . atua ' ' ADAM noSEMAN, JaWr. V.fcitrr SoVAi 1828. . ..' : , BOOK BINDING. " fT!HE aubacriber respectfully informs the eiU JL iteris bf 9fiabury, and the surrounding - codntny that he h established a Mk J&mltry - ' in mill lAm. rtn Main KlrMt. a fkf dfiora anTiin ' of the Court-Housej where h ill be thankful to recelv knv kind of work In hi line Of business. From A number of yeara experience, In Europe t" and America, he fee la confident of being able to ;v. -mii. uti.f.rtmn to J1 thoae who nv ' Inr t'.m itlt iihv ili-acrinilon of ItinJurv. ot. . tuu. t .ft., ... fumisbeO.on aliort notice, and at pricea which rnK.n)u;n nf . n. - n, aVwnerooiit-iriode .from a distance, faithfully attended to. 1 he pat- "ronage of the public is rcpecU'ully solicited, by - ineir oocuiciu sen im, -: jmtrf-H.-DB-CARTERETi Wwr, 28lAi 1827. ' 61 DR. J W - H1LLYARD, V'v-"1EGS leave mot reapeclfully to inform tbe , ' , JLl citixeni of Davidson county, that be has just "received a fine assortment of t'rttk JVedicinet -"-and expect to cWe. within a Esw weeks, from H Philadelphia andKcy-Tork;an annrtmerlt more '''exiettslve thart h;eer xwhe1hirntry'i . ' and be pledget hia time and talents, in fidurt, ' entirely. Jo , his profession. He hopes, from year ieBoelnthe.prjessipp, to meet With that, patTonage, which . a .man r.ajipiljkrlinw. ' whole nund i devoted to it, ' IHs charges shall -' imu' exceed, those made bjr other medical gaitfmwih 79. m ... s? NICHOLSON S ENCYCLOFCEDIA. 45V person hsving tome odd volume or num J t.r? of Nicliolson'a Encyclopedia, for tale, wiliiTw u e a fair price for thcn at the Book. bindery in -aliabury, . pv l2rh,1828. v qjW- jACitfos melting. . The ciliaee. id Rowan ,l.ntv who l to lh election .f Jiutrrm jac ii - - aidrnt, and M V. Cult"" u Vke President 0, the United "'T" ,tTuin m.hlie meetings! the court-Use to? of fUr.sb.iry, on Tuesday tha lorn W rv BeIf, for the purpoe o pii"" 7at. U confer with .). others M miy 5e.iKnted in DwMiwi and Montpomery eeun. tirOn nominiin(randi!tef..r Jn nd Caliioun Wector b taU dUtrict i and in ia.li.plj Inr virfa otlier meurn aa my b dferned adiiiable In mot.Hr the cawt or the Pw(ti. JanuAr, 26f. 18. inwiKlSTnATlO MEETING.1 "Hiefriemliof admlniitration. ;i4 thote ZXL MtuvtA' tu -flit rlret W-Andrt .-v.- .. PMWUnt of the United Statei, are remtttrd 4naUoLUit ti? "coiitt-hWJ town of BaKtlMir, on Wedntiday, the 30th day of IVbrtw.'y. 182. o dvie auch meawrw aa thw iniy J,1irbe1te1atrt1otJ4UBa wwir 19, t8C8. ' " " ' YADKIN" KAV 10 ATION frOMPAYs AMRKTINti-of 4he JcU)w ol tiy.-,l aiam .Niiciion Company it req ierted on the 1 Si of r-hrn WT"ei m-tho town of fcdiiburj. Uatten of Importance require toeir auemnm. rwo OF HIE DIBECTOB8. Jan. XJ, 1828. 3t01 DISSOLUTION THE eopartnenhip of lluntinton and Wynne, la tliia dy (fiinolved by mutual content. Ail thoe indebted, by note, or account, are ear. neattv refluefted to call and make payment to Jdbh lluminctom who ia uthorierd J- re emH theeame. It m eontvieniiy cipwr i ie will not be neHected. ime of the firm deairotia of learinr the plaoe, and aa it ia not Iri i t..i r. I. I our power io give inuuiK-nir, i , win not be etoeotedl Therefore, thnae wh do not etlil themaelret of the earliett opportt nity to make payment, may expect their nutte and aceounti to be placed in the hand of in of ficer for collectioni JOHN livr iwu i u, BOrtEHr WTXNF.. 8ltiiury,VUt January, 182B. 4(03 ROREUT WYNNE. UrOCLD Inform hi friendmml the public f F - jtenetailf ihat h iualaken.lli,himelf the eoneern of Huntington and Wfrmr, anrl will continue 1o keep a neat aaaort went of all kioda of JElTF.t.HY. and 07. a t.K-n JtKEf and reanectfully aohViu thoae who are diapbaed tor purcrnije- liith artictev ta.re Jiim a-ea lie expecta, in a abort time, an additional jour neyman ivl will h nretiared to eiecute tuTUhitvTJan. ?4ri8?8. FACTORAGE AND COMMISSOT BUSIYESS l' Cn.iRU.STQV. THE aubacriber reapcclfiilly informs hia frienda and the public, that he continue the above line of bnairew at hia olq tand on I Kdmomlaton'a Wharf, where he ia prepared to ' attend to the aale of produce committed to hia care, upon wbicn liberal advanceawiii at ail time be made 1 or to the execution of orders for Coodi, 1 Wm. J. Wilson, Raq. or in hi absence, the j agent of the Sirme iTaofa. Joseph H. Townee, t will ject ue and iorward witjiout delay. aU Cottona eonaiirned to me by the way of Clieraw, - - and will be prepared to make advance on tucb : COACII JMAKIXCf "ATHAN BROWN returni hit sincere thanVt to his friend and the public in general. for the hberaJ encoungemenUhe. hu received n hia fine of busineas , and beg leave to inform continue at hie old eta!, door oortWaMrftlic jul wbrre htio on NmlrtneTarr.;lG94-BariHarrf'ttrelrTho .-...v.. .. ...-. . v.s j . tuacey.l arrt,., and tnmrtM,oraIT(IfSertp tiona, eiecuted not infenorto anym the eur nf. of ?wfT. 9CX0 " of ?nr M will be done on the ihorteit NA11UN UROWN. r . . SaUihrirv, Jan. 15M, 182). fr04 ; rTTlHtt aubacriher hsving qualified as Execu- H tnr nT IhM luet w II nA itsnviint nf Alfis..,! tif..v. I.U of S.Kshiirv. iIpcM. deilre. .11 iA.tt . ,Um. to m.k Mrm.m , with M iittJe deUr at poaaible 1 and all penon having cJaima against tbe estate, will preaent them,-legally;; authenticated, - for aettlement, within the time limited by act of Usembty; other wise tbia notice will he pled in bar of their re covery, JAMES -UABTIN, Jr firw"p. v. 9SJ, 1827. 13f0t Stan nf Mnh-Vart&nn, htdett('ormf)t - OrPEBIORourt of Law, Fall Term, 1827 : O Sallv Deaton , Jame Deatoni Petition for Diorce. In tht caae It ia ordered by the c,"rt tht notice be given for three months in the Western Carolinian, printed ui Ealirbury 1 "d '"the Star, printed in Raleigh i that the defendant James Deaton, appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for the Coon. tr of IredelL at the Court Ilouae in Statesville. th f,m Monday after the ftjurth Monday in Marco next, then and there to plead to. or an. Deaton, or that the P"c wp'o"n me mmure. 13(9 Test 1 MS. CAMPBELL, Clh, State AsrA-Cm6'na, ftte ceutity 1 tJcrEKtotr fjourt of O 1827. - Majory Baldwin v. Eliaha Baldwin 1 I'etition for divorce. Wbereas, it appears to the statutaeiion or the court, that the defendant it an inhabitant of another state, it ia therefore ordered by the court, that publication be made for three months in the Raleigh Register and WeMern Carofinian, that tho defendant appear at the next Superior Court of La w to be held for the County or Ashe, at. the Crturt-bouie in Jefferson, on the third Monday of March next, and then and there plead, answer or demur, etherwie4he petition will be beard exparte.and the xante et ,fjWitr;lavid. Xmvt uicra, at oiace, trnr jib day or November, A., U. lo-7. U. EAKSEST, CTk. ...tPrice..dvi...o44......'.:.:...::;;.,,.:'..:.;:'3mt04 liOOKS LOANED OUH NOTICE. All persona having books in their possession belonging to the estate of Al fred Macay, deceased, are requested to leave them at lr, .Mitchell's. . 1. :..;. A i .r. 1oriion LcM I. ttie Mock f!i..!era or thla IUnk al lcit u-mkinp: nouo ia rhiUdelphla, on th 7th and 8lh Init. the following gentlemen wero chosen Direc- ion for the prtien. year, vui Horace tlinney, John Iloiden, Henry Pratt, Thomaa Cadwinadcr, llichard Will'inf. , lli.nr Tol.nd. " MatUew L. Btran, John Hemphill, . Manuel F.yre, Paul Deck, Jr. !ewie Clapier, . (iatnuel D. Morni, , .i U'L'... John Potter, of South Caroniva, Ceoixe Ifoirman, of Maryland, wetter nawne. of New fork. - William B. Aitor, of New York, ' yr(l.inlel ihbee, of MaaMcbuaettt Daniel wwur, w itiaawcntncTisv" Ani tt merlin on the obt o( Ihfi , 8lb UM. 01 ' ,rc,0"w",,;,"'aomeof the hoary headed eteraneof 78. Co tppoiited bt tht ajorertiment of tb vm. S. AIUn wu eafled to the chair, and Unrw a! afei rilrbolra bMir Mqwaa4 uniitmotjalf re-elected Preaident ot the Back Tor the ume period. - . From tia Cajnden Journal w . There apneart to be aomeXtrJins An ifi n N York pn the cfwiraw yf the ltU td Sttf a Bank. 'That Initkotlon drawi ni EncUnd at a bltrh Rate of Exchange. 1 keep funds there for tht purpoae of peeting theae draft and, It It to M pre unies, of f ttionauy orawa in butbuvw. ,n ike actti.il ttate of the money market n Great Hritiin, It can command any . mon Certainly this meal "( - . . , p,fn.nfy. . U ore keepi don the Hate of LichanRe j but, ar the ame time, it muat reduce the slue of all the marketable produce ot the Country. ThU produce would be ahlp ped to par the European debit, and hence n hirher price woo W be obtained for it. Surely, this employment of the 0. State raoUal In Great Britain, and ia a manner directly calculated to lower the price of J . A.W the great staple! ol tbe United state, was never contemplated. Having been made the Government Banker, the Bank of the United Stitct- bat TlrtTjaHf -been render ed a monopoly, and the application of -it cbdIisI in thi manner, It, we repeat it, readfWopprearyerr theCottonr'-To- haccoand nice-dealers. It anteafrom an txcetsire -capital. - . . ... NORTH CAROLINA COLD. ; : FtomrA' Report: mdr to Congrett, at its nretrnt ieinn, by Ibe Director of the 'UniieVStatrV- actions during the past year, J he follow ing fOt apiear. The coinage effected within that period, amounts to 8JJ24. 342 31 Of the Gold bullion deposited at the Mint within the laat year, the pro pop ion received from Mexico, South America, and the West Indies, may be Mated at 76.000 dollars; that from N. Carolina al 21.000 dollars, and that from Africa at 13,000 dollars, leaving about 20.000 dolUra derived from sources not isceiiMfled .- The whole amount received ft cm N. Carolina, to the present period, i nearly g 1 10,000. This Gold hs gen erally been . found to exceed in fineness ihe:itailard.ofjurjfoItsQl : Raleigh Remitter. - RETENtTE' TH B STATEV FOR 1828.' In the report made by Gov. Iredell, a PresU dent of the Board of .Director of the Literary lundr.to-thcv Jegialalure, aiUtajecent . ae ssion. - a bnet iKw.xt. liu, ioacoAUiLioa ol ino. I rc sury of the State of North-Carolina will prtbablv he. on the 1st of July and. 1st of November, 18 8, is given 1 from which we give the follow ing synopsis : Cah in the Treasury and in Banks, , Dee. 187, -.- .r r .1 . . ; 85.437 83 Estimated amount of Bank divU dend. one hah" receivable Dec 18!'. tttf 0TrwrJuneT8?8: -r9984-o Am'l receivable from therifra, for taxes, . . . Do. for tax on Newbern Bank, T Do. for lax on'Cane Fear Bank cr.ooooo 6,137 00 5,93a 00 Pp. receivable on the Cherokee Land Debt, entry of vacant lands, fee. be. - . . . ' ' . . ' . 1090 00 Total estimated receipts. 210,353 83 The total estimated expenditures, up to 1st No. 1828, (including 36,000 for tbe late Legialatore.) are , . 102,729 00 Probable balance in tbe Treasury, Nov. 1,1828, - . v . Of this sum there will be 107,624 83 ue and oledired to the jterarvFund, 38.245 50 Arid to the Fund for Inter. 1 Improvemeute, -' 37,77600 "6,021 60 wlifcb, deducted from the above turn of 107,624 83,will leave an 1: aptnaj balance of available funds, . Te State own 6565 shares of Bank stock, (par .value 656.500.) the itividends on 3662 'htretof Which am appropriated to the Fund fur linerual" Impreveinenis, and "on t Ml-thare to the Literary Fund. . - Com. Purttrk letter to the Editors of the -National Intelligencer, from V friend In Mexico, under date oL Decern ber r-i837-aays Com. Porter Ji now ing leception from the Government, and during next month, when Congress opens it? ordinary session, he is-to be promoted tqjtne rsnk oi eadier ueneral, equiva lent to. .tpIASraiIirR is in Vera Crux, but will be got to tea as quickly as possible?' 7 - Extract of a letter from ' Vand&Ua fllli- noia) Det. 8 M Whatever you may hear to tbe contrary, fecksofi stett the vote 01 (Hit atate." , Fr.nuuAiiF i:ii, n;n. . r, try We must beir the indulutnce 01 1 our correapondents, for the omission of a number of communiratlotis, ouuuary no ticei, Ice. They ahall all be duly attcn- ded to in short time. . JJICrSM In CABAURUS. tr find tt Imnract'icaSle to Dukllili entire In Uila week'l paper, the proceedinp of the Jack, ion meeting held In Concord on the 31t4 ult. and prtKimlnjr It would be more ijeiirwble to delay one week, than dividi them, we defer their intertion till our neKt. - . - I-We ara adriaed. Jbat the fneetlhf wae.eom. poaed of from 150 to 300 people, moat of wliom waaungton llama,. r.q. ana vapr. i;n.r ( luit man. annointed tecretaries. A committee cf vigilance was appointed 1 and Col Wm, . ADi. aon, L H, Alexander, Esq. Uaj. fleorre Barn, hardf, Capt Robert TikeiAand MsJ.'L Csnnti, were appoint ed Delefate u-mees the d lega tion from Macklftlwrj,so4 Lincoln counties, at Charlotte, on Wednesday,-th-27th of this month, for tho purpoae of - nominating a candi date for Jackson and Calhoun Elector for that district. 1 ho proceedings shall be pubtahad entire Io our next. . ; : ., jack&oxu mists. A very large and respectable meeting of tbe friends of Gen. Jackson waabrld in Wilkeaboro,' on Tuesday, the 5th in. 1 at which an able pre amble and reaolutiona were adopted, setting forth the necewiity of electing Gen. Jackson aa President, and John C. Calhoun as Vice Presi dent of I United Mate. Committee of vigi lance and correspondence were appointed, and other measure taken to promote the election of Jackaon an4 Calhoun, - After which, Gen... fwH Sukft was nominated aa the Electoral can. didate for that distnct. weexpecx io gei aoe tailed ststement of the proceedings lor publica tion in our next, or succeeding paper. faefwiran, Jan. SOth, 1828. At a tmmerou and reaneetable meeting of the eitiaens of Burke ommHr, friendly f e the elect ion ai uen. nnarewsctson as rrrmiem r me .m. ted "tatea, Chartn Mcl)wwt!! Esq. waa nnanl monrv eaPed Sotrteehair, and WllKam Roane, Faq appointed secretary. On motion of Col. Itid Newland. Hueh M. Stoke. Esfl. was re- qucted io "p'repare anli'Ufress to tlie"c'leni oT the United State,on the bad policy of re-electing John Quincy Adam at President of the United "Sutea,rJ. lb propjnety of electinp General Andrew Jarkaon to that office. - ffnfot4hs)4 wowiiTnae aOhosioaabW mean to secure the election of Gen. Andrew Jackson ssvPresldent, and John C. Calhoun as Vice-Pre-aident, of the United State. Renhed, that this meeting recommend to the people of each Captain's com pa ty in tbia county, to elect two representatives. (0 meet in the town of llorgsnton, on the Tuesday of March superior court next, for the purpose of taking imo consideration such means as may promote the foregoing resolutions. FlmhvJ, that Cot David XrwWod, Col. Sarnl C. Tate, Col. John Kincaid, Col. Alna Burgm, Col. David Raker, If ugh M. Stokes, and William Roane, Eaquirea, acta a corresponding commit' tee to carry the foregoing resolution into effect Rntlved, that the proceeding of this meeting be published in the Raleigh Star, Western Carolinian, and North Carolina Journal. chari.es McDowell, a. roa wi wrsrsaa tuotmiT.' -" Stati $f Iftrtk'Carttijta,' Burke cesuiv.v January county court r Wherea, we, the Grand Jorora for the ewinty of ,Burke have looked with moral and politic! alarm upon the present widely extended prevalence of tbe high porrv tpirit wbkb-ia-abown upon the. Presiden tial Election at issue before the American peo ple: And whereas, we oehold the aame with ttfeetitnrcf dcrp rrzret, being dangerous to moral sod political safety t therefore. ; Ptttlvtd, that (as we here withhold any ex Pfe.sjon of our predilections, for either of the mmiKiare; we oepreca'e uie. prewni nign ex citement, believing H a dangrrous encroachment anon our norm unit putittat turniMi. Retttved, that we nfTer our most solemn ttt to the imfxratitx dictum of any nmmittte or saeefiiif. JZaaKiLjthalwe recommend the Ptttxtr. ciae of our rVrtit privileges to be deliberately exercised by a coot reflecting judgment, unbial acd oy party rage or injngueing deaign. Retired, - that the- foregoing -reaolutiona be pubiohed in tome ttate paper. - Joseph HayViViwaaiu George. Copening, wuiiam uvsart, Jacob Keller, W illinm Moore, Jesse Hartley, Elijah Largernt, Daniel Jarret, A. II. Krw in, John W. Kibler. David Tate, jr. Zachariah Downet, Andrew Moore, James Bur lison, John Dobton, William SherriH, James fatum. Mm Slander Rrfvteil.So frequent, and so profligate, are tbe slanders on Gen. Jackson's character, that we deem it an act of sune re ro ra tion to devote time and space to a refutation of xnera 1 ror most or mem Dear ineir own rerutation on meir faee. Amonp other calomnie. wliicb have recently been propagated against the Gen eral, u one wmcn represents him as having, in the spring of 1819, repaired to the lobby of the senate of ihe Urtstea, aemmpanied bv hi two n ws, ror ine purpose 01 innicung personal cnaa- uscment on John w; Eppet, a- senator from Virginia, for the part he was supposed to have taken In the Seminole debate, against tbe Gen trail and that he was prevented from execu ting hi purpose by the interference and threats ot tora.-letiur t iaksor4 hw formaUy .Hs4ipi.i.vw v."y,e 1 um ins enemies it ill an ea ting not to put Confidence in his denial ka they say he is an inttrettedvdtneu, R. K. Call, one of the Aid who are eaid (in the alander) to have, ac companied the Gen. to the lobby "of the senate hat been,. Appealed to oa the -subject, sd hat made a publication, denyitif;,- iinquaKfiedly, the whole affair, lie says: - I had the horror to be one of the two aids de camp oGen. Jackson above allu ded to 1 1 he ot her, Capt. Ric ha rd J, Easter it unfortunately no more, or I am ronfi w v-wwisj ajiiMU we tU lllW IIIUt !. V Ul ally in this statement, t tccompaoied . a i i 1 t? I'i! UMiilly where :vr r lie went j and to the best of rny crtlon and belief, he wai not In ih recoil - . - , im iu Smata Chamber, or the antl room i n,. Senatr, at any lime during this vUU, 1 remtrnber freouently to have heard him tnvj,e(j by the members tu visit the Sen. ate -while In sesilon, end always heard him decline doing so from motives of d. ijcarjr, aa his ofTiclsl conduct was at that time a subject of Investigation before tht body." ... - ; MWblie at uaninfjion 1 witnessci! wiih the Mhett gratification, many inter views between Gen. Jcktn end Com modore Decatur. The conlialiU of fea- tingT'and; the'WpeetfttLtWportment-fjf these freotlemtai towards each other, was such as might have been expected from the chivalry and generosity of their dit- post t ions. Thoae who know uen. Jackson. o neier giro the least credit to this tidku. loUsaleIIc Jit4o1ieq.jlelttd 4o 4t persuasions end intreatles of M frieaei, butkea) In the whole' coutscLiuV eventful life ever driven fiord kli fixed determination by threaa and ,n nares f All Hl aftter-tiever ! Ii i, somewhat tintortnnate for the autbdr of this strange ttorf that he should have remained aitenMintil after the death of the lamented Decatur. This circum stance alone most create the most unfa vorable opinion ef bit veracity and what man of common understanding ran be lieve, for e moment, that an angry con trovers could have taken place between Gen. Jackson and Com, Drcatgr, in thn k SB. a -.f 'e.a tnnenamrer ot tn senate, wit nout nk being immediately known to the public; and yet I, as aid de-camp of Gen Jackson, though said to have been present on ibe occasion, never heard of the occurrence till Informed of it through the merfiota of the newspapers." - ".Another calumny, at malignant aittU filj, St goirg the rounds of the admlnistratioii p. pert (..that Col rV Jure, in a casual conr3 sation, said Gen. Jsckson waa kit mt. meaning that the General wu concerned wits Burr in hw ntrempta to exeHran msorrecrioa Is the West. ' CeA Burr himself ha put dowa tbn lander, by declaring that there is sw rratt tlfiwf. We are ewrieot to trnow what hW. hood the eoemiel of Jackaon will next propsgue against him. . Mr. AJami tn NtrtkX anVma ln the legit, (sture of this ttate, at itt late session, out of IV member, (the whole number) it waa rtVatad that 151 were friendly to Jackson. 43 for Adstu, and toe neutrali more t,han tkrtt-fkwnKt of the whole legislatare for Jackson I Beaides tha. our Governor, Treasurer, Comptroller, Chit.' Justice and Judges of the ?opreme Cour. the Attorney sml Solicitor Cenerahv mor rf i Judget of the Superior Court, the two ta tort, and tho Representatives in Conm irti four exceptiont, and tbe great body of the ?n pit of . fire Hate, are decidedly favorable t ibe election of Gen. Jackson and Mr. Calboun. Such being tbe ease, ean any thing but the stranr est infatuation induce tabulating matt tebetieti or hope that the Adam ticket can. ia any em, tingency, eoooeed in tht ttate.- H it meet tail proper, however, that those lo eonscientiouilv believe Mr. Adams ought to be contiaoed in of. fice, should have an opportunity of vtft'a sad to insure them thai right, it it necvaaary there should be an Advnt ticket 1 - And we tre glad there ia ooe. ror we can now neastire ttrenb mlk.wrpjMment. " Slj 1 , . Jibe. ?witb-Carolina Legislatare adjonmH tt the 29th nh.- 1 b WpMchmeni fJmdgJima. resulted io his removal from office. WY rare heard of no appointment to fill the vacancy. A resolution was ptftrd fbr Impeachiof Jwijt 4aVy-7lUntasj r-hia trial,- however, postponed till nest seaaioB,--- A eomoliroentary dinner wat riven to Cor. Iredell, on hia arrival in Ettcnton, hia place f 1 residence, by the citlxeris of that town, as a tes timonial or tliep respect for hit public and pn rate character, " At North Bridre water. Mac, a ehild " vex old, of Mr. Humphreys, was harbarmiaJy killed with an axe, by a man named Daniel reread supposedto be deranged. ..The Ualelgh Register Informs us that s cause was argued before tbe snpreme court of this state, week before last, which hat been in litigation 34 years. The Xewbern Bank has declared a di vidend of Mirer per cent, on" its cipitsl stock for the last six months. Convention in Virginia. A bill has pit ted the senate of Virginia, by a vote of 1 4 tor tor tubmitting5' tn"the people the. propriety -of calling- a tovention to ameni the constitution of that state. It it he licved tbe bill will past tlie lower house. A Snttlanakt wu killed, while roanm" abroad, near Pendleton, 8. C on the 4th of Jan uary 1 which is considered an extraordinary e.r' cumstance; aa these reotilet usually keep n their dens during the month of December, Jo- nary, and February, But it is ope cf btpM?' mena of this remarkably itiild winter. ; 7; Two men hare lately committed tilicid is Phila(lelphia,:by ..t.wjpg: JlwiMelWIfro..!'. ftfarkettneet britlire into llie SsliuvlkiU Xif One waa supposed to have beon craxy, ami tli iklU'.' 1jV -... .,.!. c.. ji. rv ouier ssr f - The laHff Bi'tt.The-oommitteo on -oanu- facturea presented to the house of representa tive, on the 28th ult. a bill for Increasing we duties onlmportsaceompaiiied bjra report the aul.ject. . The bill is very general provisiont, (say the Journal) and will frobi ycr 101V. f n'Ztf illicit excite warm discassios. . -

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