e. ! ml! of (ha . f t v e 1 ( h ti!t. y t1il Cut Vrer Nation f ImluJn incm'Jtl at tl,rr Council Ground on Monday the 3 1st pec. snd continued for several dm. At this Council the treaty ftinda by Col. Me Kennr with h. Chief for the purchase of their remaining strip of land In the boun . . . .r f i- J... i.-r.,.. iK.m Cjr.ci o. .cy.R... wvm... ty the Agent, and received their full - ent. The Government it to pay 847, lonheinir R3000 more than mentioned 1,. Col. McKennr In his letter to the e- cretaryofWar. Of this mm, the Indbns crcisry u. " m, mnnn f. ih have agreed to appropriate 23000 lor the -support of tk Kentucky school t. P4W4 to be divided between tne ucasuoaicnee i ' -nd IWen Arrow schools I R2000 In - parcbuet pinnn .E"1' .cn Vr"'U ijv 11 wuuu v - - f ho advantetrea rctultinr from edOcktlon nri thA nrnmotion ci oomeiuc inauiirr. m t iiwitra and ann. tne vneroee imer-- . - a . r " aTa- " -a - - - Mch bWXpt3rted th fullest eonGdence t: .M VOOnciI, jno onncoiiT occur, in WfTjBf tntmatdf v'.e, to read and oodef. --riPf the raiificayon of Ibo ! Treaty ?) ;UlHi Word of m: "r '' ''" Ti UuU Prince:rtudc a lonr talk. In Tl taI of-lhe.re'lcfiLfmi1y.-. opened in ik. Unetjlej .n t riSi Tcheenea; ernment, and In the Integrity and-kind , which eminently charmctemetSeeierciM-aof -r Ceelinjtt of lh AifentIIe eipremd a ? gUIKuv ftebnot. Of the elae, were ' .good denl of regret that his nation had ' Ubourtnx to identify A, ft, C. A ctaM of hub -been SO lone imposed upon by those mis- with 'rta teacher, and another of email ffirla with "kt.r m.krr. Ridira and Vann. and had Inatructren, were readm? the narrative oT .cbler inakera, KidKt snu vann, and nan motl.e? of larsel. in a . listened to their cunning and interested , urMnXJTtpTtmnt, witl . mimermia train of , talk instead of that of their real friends. youn(f ujif ,Va, by the help of Srott'e Com The reneeadea above named have be-1 menliry, taking the old Teetament in order. 4 come ereatly exasperated and are endea- Yorine to work op an excitement in the wing u wwi , . upper towottgslnst Little Prince and his dberent.,d5hooldtheysucceetr, an In- j , .aeatine war will ensue. Opothleyoholi4 . Mnnav. and nno or two other broken : Cb left, bad joined them but it is thought .. the; wilUot succeed in organuing a ... AnttiirLSiX J ibt 2'i'mfl In the re - f cent debate on Wf. Himiltftft'i Tcsolmion,; " frB.aeic;'ttai o.kUV"'" lo -tatlvto ih.battle-c Kew.Orleana.Mr-:" .-- J?verert .of Massacboseus is reported in iV,TJwSt that the minds of these' vminjr the National Intelligencer (9 have said, ' nnle. to intent on runinr instruction. co . .thal.!. . hie concurred, too, in all. tbe com - mendatione which bad been bestowed up ; from the p.etv snd virtue here mcnicated rrom Ajlied ,mb,sador.. They have, how. ' .k- .;i ;;Mr.M.i, U.Arf.t iir?boeb abHath-r- Suretv waV-Such atrin.... . .,..-j-.-A.v ...-J tt k"; ""rr"" rr"' "'nr j form tMWbjecrernte painting nor tpe :fTif.fr iJ which had Urn .0 fffiera nofrfftr 1M1 whole Aeohle to T1IK GHLAT MAXvh t Though B.ble claw, l,e not alway, eondiicted , Wmdtintd that victoru " hy ilu'te tnor?,s,,,Y. ?trte acAirre Mar rictery. citrine, vet. holding with Ir. Podri.!Ce that -the .. , T . v. 'tnielneTpreUtion of acriplure ia that wh North Carolina Money. he Raleigh ; upon careful readinjr ia augjretted to a man of Register of the 32d ult.ssyst 44 We can , lenae," I would ask, what meant next to! , Hot well eonceive of a more suicid! poll- I Tnl T.tZtl tZl' ... t. o.l i ciliated lo make tor our own ann utlier talva-; y for the merchanta of Petersburi; to , fhw n;bJe cU-ef , or 1( whtt way c m t) e pursue, than the refusal to receive N. i ;,-,-, 0f our country diffuse more extensive- .Carolina moneybut w. are quite willing tbay should b ibeir own iudices. Its ef feet will naturally bej ito force .tucbjpf our : tnferchsnts as at present purchase their ' gooda in .Virginia, to buy them in future UWo ouc own State , - . ; : W. trust, however, i&at measure til bftpromptly i taken by. our BanVa, if not "" to do away lit. depreciation corn of altogether, at least greatly to lessen it "7; It la out . oplnioftv that the present un- pleasant slate ot-things in Virginia has been ' produced,-ptincinallf, ' from tbe Planters of .our State refusing to receive tt Petersburg for their produce.lh'e Notes lrou'r owi Banks, and insistinjj-fm pay ment In -the Bank Notea of irginia, -whlchjlhey1 wanted either to make good J their jengagerhents In this State or ;to .lisDose of Jo otbers at a premium.. . This has been produced by a regulation of our l - i i i... i -.: r IJanka which allowed certa . anch of their dealers as lurnish them with noney of that description." We have lit tle doubt, if these regulations were done awav, and our Planters would receive from .th. Virginia-.Merchants as formerly ouc. Bank Notes, we should hear no more of depreciation, from that quarter. We. be-. lieve th. affairs of our Banks were never -In a better situation than ritpresetstrsnd we can therefore, see no just cause for a 'depreciation of their notes, if their busi ness be properly managtd. The regulation above referred to, of giving 1 preference to Virginia notes, on renewal, has been done away with at the Bank in Salisbury. ... ' ; - Ed, Car. 'nnS)SJ. ' . Fiddling ftr tfewttmptrt tk spruce-looking fellow lately applied to the editor of the New. - Jersey .ApollOvto. become, a wbseriber to that paper Observing, that ka waia "jecAowc, he " would make it -condition. oChiS aubscribing that tbe editor must take it eut in hit (the tub mariber'tl vav trade. Very well, replied the .itJUolaVn T. K .. S. i - the name wasentered,and the aubfcribertwjklCT'iolMOnes' ! but t paper to commence with. Well, sir, said the editor, what ia your line of business, and when xnay 1 expect payment of your subscription ) I am, replied the subscriber, a Fiddler ! and am si your service, el ny fen-. Take ou pay in fiddling, exclaimed the editor t It's hard to live by that. " But take the paper, my good fellow i .-.(jt BK iIWMraiirn if, waa r aeatroyed by fire oh the 7th ult. near Edenton, ' some children's firing reed-guns near tbe barn. ' J!fM. A eorrespondehlbrthe Knorrille Kn. ejuirer, makea it appear, that if every farmer in tat Tennevec would raise only one acre of Hemn. it would be the means of soon supplying East Tennessee With more money than ail the, cajntsj in the Banks of that state. ; ia 3 ......... .... !r, l".l,ittr i V.;:ly-i.! -;; me corner in yoir pprr. It u tl.i w,;h Itowan a few weeks ,'mrr, I ( 1,;"t on Viturlay ni'hl. about 13 Riilrl West ff Sa!'j!)tirjr. ' Finding my nil very afjreenlily circumstanced,! determined to tpend the Ksbbath with my landlord. A my horn was wearied, I conceived my duty to con ait not In riding torn distance to attend church, but In spemnng we osy proniaoiy er my soug. ,nf, lh my pW.nim.1 might enjoy the ret forhim loth, decalogue.. This I more rMdilv conceived te bs my duty, as the taSle was literally covered with books snd newspapers. After breakfast, the family began to talk of " :Vb'. ; ,h.ve fcbb.ii. schools b" ' ' But oon 7 eonvera- . . UluL,.i .,, .;,. .i. wj,icn tt)ey .pp,,, ,o gather all their booka tefnre starting, mat it u not oy any meant new thin. -HavW once enjoyed iht advanla. - We walked aero, the lUbk to a nelghbourwc mansion, wnicn aeemea o conwin imiuicr pwt v-y nor rkhea. bat wi the- abode of thai com. . . . J -r J .ttl. .a.. !. netervcr wnica. rtnacrv mo. ucur"u JUsa4 to m,k?J!b - r " - - - chool by veadinif the ftcriptiirefc "iMKinf There wm alio a claw of ymf men umier of wpeneiieeil father , and being convenient to them, I lad art oppoHunrtyof wil- . thrtr in 'eiblical Hiatory. ft pfafote I likewiae enjoved aa it reipect. the other clanea i and moat ennfraa that among lie nnlearned of ourcountry, I have seldom met ' Pl,in', Pf1'"' knolcJffe cf j .t t! t.,1. very diveraitv. the esereiera, the earncstneae betray ed in the manner of the instructors, ami the in- ' ret taken bv the ptirHIa Sn alt thit was said ;jM without recclvinf; aome ,lniary Woris.tnsiflpationi,c)rthepTO.miscj twnmuaVlt.iUhaJt-itsittert -and-thati ltinlony OVfrone m nf iwhoodj wW iorieT eoirvev. iUao1 tte aecret Mheoe. wfik4. .bUth aeWI.- I v the principles of a M religion pure and undr- lcd," than by giving their aid to Salbilli schooled" KOnCRT R.MKES. --January 27t, 1828.- Washington lettert mfntinn, that Mr. (lallafin -had not resigned his situation as hiloistet? trTtrfeat BrTtaTri," aricTlhat the reports, therefore, which have been circu lated on the subject of nominations of bis incccssori have been gratuitoos. '. Mr. White r t send you a scrap.-taken from tho New-York Enquirer, l paper mi no donbt look upnn mi orthodox, Bnd sre llling Jo pub Ksh ' attract frohi ItT" try Insertrng-it -ven-will oblige an AUAM3 MAN. u Light Iloutrt in the Wit. A writer in the Washington Telegraph attempts to I ihow . that Mr- Adam j is profoundly ig norant of astronoinr. Wr Adams under I . . . . - . r .I. deal of human nature also, ion think e is starearing wheh he il looking deep- If and intensely ahead : You think tht he ia ignorant of what is going on in the busy world, because you see him more according to system free from Jiustle- or con fuMtm told and apparently tjnmovcd. You ntistske your man. lie has the moil -unwearied yjarisce--abaloL.too .of. ten neglected by poljiifians--he makes no. rush. : towsTiTOncnoaT he walks calmly and solemnly towards it he takes years to accomplish his designs, and nev er retrogrades. He is the most expert man in the field in ruuioting dissensions among rival politicians, which, by reac tion, is to benefit himself: he knows how to split luirs in States when to talk and when to remain silent he moves by no sudden' impulse, and never speaks wkhout'a motive you imagine he is Hiring Bttheitlight rJioasek o( Jhc keZ he is looking at jou full in the face, and reaching your very aoul. He would by a dangerous man if he were constitu- ilrydlshonest; butitetraew my to tbe old democracy, because ne re- vengea family wrongs and destroys us ua 4 II - - A J .at.atk.aaa ate wun our own weapons." r "A Tetter of thS lfitfi tnrt. : frbttt Marseit les expresses deep regret at the continu ance cf- the war between France atui Ai giers. Although the latter is but a very secoridaTy txtremtly in juriour to tradei -' - MrTFrC. SchaefTer, aged 95, a native of Frankfortf in Germany lately died at Portsmouth, N. II. He was a dragoon in the 'service of Frederick the Great, and attached to the same corps with Baron Trenck. Th' Fietxh Miai' ,i i.jo rectify fa nfoal u'cf(,.it fl the e! ''U .ijs fcf the ti Ml. For all the eig;rt electoral colleges of Paris, the csndiJ-scs opposed to the ministers have been returned. Not only hsve they triumphed, but the majorities on which they have been brought in, are surprisingly great. The popular candi date for the second college bad 1013 votes, his opponent but 13 the popular candidate for the third college gained I, I If, his epponent counted but 9 j and for the fourth college, the popular candidate polled 1,03s i whilst the ministerial can dirlate obtained but SSt -This state of thing! has caused I great sensation In Pari. - , JTJ)e"Ih6nrC6urier id remarking on the aspect of ih. laUnteUigence, save The report, from Cooataoti oie continuance oi ryrciuie met- urea for thepurpsse of cprrviog into the tflect" Treaty of London. - It i.the wish of aime to represent tneae Measures as the commencement of irnrral' wir in Kuropf . We do not participate id such tirehensirn, and ireV tnoreovcr convinced that they have nd real exis tence even with those who jrofesi to entertain them. The oppaitioo of Turkey cannot be protracted beyond comparatively ahoittime, oortompre hend very extensive military tflfects. ConUuntinopU, Nov. 7. TM receipt of the intelligence of the tjtttle of Navarino agitated the Sultan U) such a decree, that no person, not even his most confidential advisers, could ap proach him, for hour, afterwards. The Heis KfTcndi was, however, at length admitted, and on the 3d the Drogoroans appeared it) great conster nation he si xd them J?hythey had acted against ail faith, and added, that the Porte exceedingly regretted in having listened for a moment to their vrr,Tipcwca toeir convicuoo, mat they aa well as the other Franka resident the Turkish capital, ought to be i'.tccted bythe . . right. of Nation and had accordingly aasured them of their aafety. Thi. fact was com- mil;r.,,fl ' t. a.,-:,- imK nn'n,CJted t0 the A?itnan Ambas- ador. CaP- rcllow. f " BritJn fee , r , , , , Dartmouth, who was so conspicuous for his braverv at the battle of Navarino, is a J native of Stoning ton, Coanecticut, and is 'In lw LnitrhlH for Ki c!lant rnnturi The Bostou Centinel doubts tbe truth of ' n - w.. w . this. r Duelling. The committee of. the Kew Vork JtKiil8ftre n thisTubject have in troduced a bill declaring the killing of a fierson in a duel, murder; sending a chal enge "a high misdemeanor, punishable by 1 4 years imprisonment in the state pri son; seconds, aids and surgeons to be fined one thousand dollan,' disfranchised, ndta aUe security for good. behaviour, itwon't answer 'Unks the arenrfr-a re more severely punished. If oo seconds can be found, no duels wilt be fought. The law must be so framed a. to render it impossible for any man tOact as a se cond in a duel. . ' Mah. ' A Good Memory. Mr. Clay attempts to prove by his last confessions, that his mind was fio$i lively made up to vote for Adami before he went to Washington ; hut In his Circular of March, 1823, to his constituents, he saysr " 41 1 Tound myself transformed from a candidate before the people, into an elec tor Jot-llic people. deliberately exam ined the duties incident to thii pew at tude, and weighed all the facts before tne, upon which my judgment ivat lobe formed or reviewed." His 44 judgment was to be formed." Just now he tells us that his judgment had been formed before he arrived at Washington. A good memory is a good thing to get out of a crooked path. Ibid. Gm. Jackton and Mr. Clay The Cen tral Committee of Correspondence in the District i.Cdumbia,.ofw,wW Van Kesa is chairman ha g,iren,nojcei that they are preparing a atatement in answer to Mr. Clav'e late appeal, and - " ? - ready in their possession, with that which . a A B . a . ! I they have a confidence tpeedily of obtain- log, tney win, in a snort uane, present a series of fscta and circumstance., calcula ted, tnrontestibty to prove, that the late appeal of Mr. Clay, and the charge, made by'hhnf against Oeoeral Jaehson are un tenable and unfounded. Moreover, they will establish dispassionate mind, that there most have beenv previous to tbe electloj,.an. under standing ; between Mr. ? Clay and - Mr Adama and their friends, with regard to (be office of Secretary of State. . Rev. Professor Murdoch, of the Ando ver Institution, has.been dismissed by the of Qrcncrrs. , l)r. 1 1, iA long linro pul- li.heJ a srton 1 termor) on the d'H-itine of the AionemeDt." Profesaor Porter has l4telr been elected President of the Andover Institution. , , Extract tft Utter rm Y$rmt, 14 Tb friends of Cen. Jackson are fast incresslng in many parts of the state of Vermont. Many who 6 months ago were Indifferent who should be the next Pre si dent, or were ratber leaning towarda the administration, ba. recently com. out th. decided friends of Gen. Jackson. . Ttutkful drprtroity.K few weeks past, t4o irntO boys, one aged 10, the oiber 11 years oil, anna of Mrs. Bodgera, a widow lady UWr.g in llertfoeil county, in this state, having quarrelled about a walnut, which was staked in a rev ftetsreea tnem, the youngest boy seised a loaded gun and anot his brother dead I Tne voting murderer wu put teJaiL This ia a moat awful warning lo parents, to bring up their children ""tn the mirturrsnd sd monition of the Lord,4 snd to keeji then out of badempanf. awaa ;- It Tet eontmuet wana andwrti and lWsav4 son is so far advanced, that the probability, it, tUrtmULht,-mnUr..VI Uevedaat week, w hile passing through Wilkes county, that the p scb trees were in full blm ! aa were also tie plural and some other fruit trees. Lktrtke Indian. k biU haf been reported in tbe House of Representatives, by M r. Carttn, of thit state, from the committee on Indian af fairs, 44 refunding to the state of North-Carolina g 19,969, which sum was paid to certain Indians of the Cherokee tribe, for reservations of land within tbe limit of aaid state, ia fee simple, by the treaty of lbl9.N . Justice to North-Carolina requires that this money ahouM be refunded to her by the United States i and It ia hoped Mr. Carson may tbit aes aioo be successful h bis o earied efforts to gat the bill passed. STOKF.. COUNTY". The friends of Jackson and Calhoun, in Stokes county, are requested to meet at the court-house in Germanton, on the 1 1th of March next, to adopt audi measures as may be necessary, on the subject of the Presidency. m. layig. tOt Cot.OYlZ.tTtOJt SOCIF.TT. Aa Agent of the American Colonisation Soci ety ia now in Salisbury, and ia desirous tbe citi sent should assemble some day this-week, tot the purpose of considering the propriety jf forming; sn' Auxiliary Society here, to aid tbe parent institution in itt laudable endeavors to rid our country of free blicki, a species of popu lation which ia a pest to soeiety, poisoning the minds of the slaves, snd exciting discontent and Insubordination among them. "A II "who are dis posed to favor the object, are requested to use their exertions in procuring a meeting of the cilisene of the county to be held in this town during tbe week. -fiima-) ith, 1828. Or markets. Fayettcvilb, Jan. 31. Cotton, 8 to 81 1 Deef, fresh in market, 3 cents Bacon, ( I to 10 1 peach brandy, 40 to 4i i apple do. 33 to 37 j flour, 4 to 4.30; whiskey, 30 to 32. Ckartetun, Trh. .Upland cotton, 87 to 10 1 whi,kev, 33 to 26 1 bagging. 42 inch, 53 to 83 ; sugar, 9 to 11 1 1 molasses, 28 to 32 cents i North Carolina bills, 3 to 7 per cent, discount. Camden, Feb. 2. Good eotton baa been told this week fur 10 cents t middling and ordinary, from 9 to 9, From 13 to 20,000 bales have been shipped from Camden the past year. Chtmv, Feb. I. Cotton, 8 a 9.85 1 bacon 9 a 10 1 flour i i peach brandy 40 to 43 1 apple do. 33 to 40 1 whiskey 40; p6rk 4 to 3; tallow 9 to 10. ""PiuribuffFrK I.-Cbltoh,' 8 In "9J VW peach brandy. 75 1 new apple do. 28 a 30; floor, -n t pork, 4 1 - wheat -Uft to 83 1 tobacco 2J to 7.. North Carolina Dank Bills, 3 to 6 per cent, discount. jttarrtrt. In Lineom eountvi enllieaiat wit. by tin Hex. Jmi. M. Irwin, Mr. Eliiha Perkins tu Miss Cliza beth L. SberrilL On Thursday, tbe last day of January, in this county, by the Rev. George Boger, Mr. Dawalt Lenta, son of Peter Lenti, dee'd. to Miss Sally Une. daughter of Jacob Line. On tbe 27th ult. by the Kev. David Fleming, i the ReV. Paxtmv Cunningham of 1 enneeaea, to Miss Priscilla Eliza Davidaon, daughter of Wm. M. IHvidson, Esq. of Ilaywood county, North Carolina. - . DIED, In this county, on the 7th uh. Mrs. Nsncy Howard, wife of Benjamin Howard, Esq. aged about 26 years. At bis place of residence. In Iredell county, on the 13th day of December last, Mr. John McKain Morrison, in the 43d year or nis age H'.a Iom will be lone feelWIv remembered: The shafts of death fly thick." It remains for . L .L I... Lf. aa.'.a.al!aa In lk. faVllt of heaven 1 and. when those who were dear to na ara rsIU-rl awav. to preserve the treasure mm in nnw wun iiimiuic tt:m iiKiisvsa sv miv w sa which still remains, in the recollection of their worth. - .-Z2 1 Ctmmmeated. " in Mecklenburr eoontr. on the -29th ulL Thomas Greer, Esq. in tbe 84th year of his age. a highly respectable ami most vaiuaow cuuen. man, Esq. late editor of the People's Advocate, T 1 lt a afs) I Yorkville, S. Stall ifXirth CanUna, Uatornu eiuiuy t COURT of pleas and quarter sessions, Jan. uary term, 1928: William L. Davidaon Aminofratop of Will. Parks, dee'd. t Justice's JudgaaestflevWowlaad. it af Faring to MtaCtlOn Ot tDe UOUn was t araa vmib in uis heira St laW of me said Will. Parka d4l. ia not an inhabitant of this State 1 ordered, therefore, that publication be mad ail weeks la the Wes tmn CaraKniaiL notifying the said Ear Parks to appear at tmr next Court of JpTeas and quarts. seasiona to be new 10 r saiu comuy at ui win bouse in Concord, on the 3d Monday of April next, then and there to plead or demur, other wise Judgment pro eorifesmi will be had aa to him, and execution awarded accordingly. 6f0n , DAN1.. CPLF.MAN, Clk: j TGIiM V AitlJ prnpiac t Uvea Cutil.'t ' l'ry at Mr, HU-it4tera, In galiJjury, ou '"'.JV' ,hfl l11: rroruarj ytn, io.i. 1 w A CLASSICAL SCHOOL, I7OR both sexes, ! now taught by the eub . scriber and a female assistant, at Center Meeting-house, In Iredell county, 23 miles west of Salisbury, 2 north of Charlotte, and W south of Statesville. , ,1 be place is remarkably healthy, snd retired from the qoiee and bunle of th workL Youth may here be prepared for en tering any of the c Isaacs of Colb-ge, or they may be conducted through the whole course of a collegiate education. Females will be taught the different brandies of useful science, needle, work, painting, a l the French language. The object Of the teactii rs in this teminarv, will be not merely to eKirclaa th. mefliory, but jq iiu , form the Judgment. Improve tbe nnderiiaKliiig snd to lead their pupils to a practical aequaint- anee with acienee.i" Particular attention will b paid t the' Btoralt of ymithv- and the wbol , course eouducted in the fear of Uod, and wna raference to the virtue of tbe GuapcL , . , ... The prices of tuition are Rl 30 a ouarter for ,:. readmrr writing, and arithmetic i ffl JS fef tvigiisn grammar and reogrsjiriy i &3 tut matne, - - -: maiics, painting, the higher branches of science, i .i-. i . i. . . . 1. 1 . . . Boardinr msv ba obtained in Iho family ef V, fuboeribee, and in raspoctable famlliea in the neignDournoon, ai ine mooeraie price or t v a week, payable quarterly. " " HOD EUT II. CHAPMAN. Momt Mtvrnt, Iredell clunty, Ftb.4th.mn. 902 NOTICE. TUB subscribers -having, al the last January sessions of Buncombe county court, quali fied as executors of the last will and testament of the late Doct. Rthert M. fanee, dee'd. re queH tboae indebted to his ewate to come for ward, and make early settlement and thoao having claims against it, to present them within the time required by law. DAVID VANCE, -3tOJ DAVID L. SWA1.V. Jtknittt,X C. Jan. Uih, 1838. WORTHY OF A1TKNTION! rpHS aiibacriber wishetto inform tbe citisenv J. of Salisburyrwnd the surrounding country, that be has commenced ibe Tailoring Butinest In said town, on Main atreH.southof -tUourt bouse, a few doora above Mr. 8buightets lay." ern where he will be thankful to rtccive any L! I -t -1. !.. L! - I 1. . aiiiu o, wors 111 111s line 01 ouainraa. ny nia t- long experience hi the bti tints, he flatters him. .' self be will be able to give entire atiefc!ion to all who may patrtmise him'1- 8 y AU-ardr for-work from adtfanggrtrr be J '. punctually attended to, atrktly acenrding to du x : rectiona. The public are respectfully invited to V try the subscriber's Jh Shp. ' ' V -- BENJAMIN FRAIXY. fiaKiburj, Fth. 3th, 1828. - 6t06 NOTICK, THAT in pursuance of a Deed of Trust, and for the purposes therein mentioned, wc will expose to public sale, at the dwelling house of William Means, sen. on Monday, the 24th March next,' that large and valuable , Tract of Land on which the aaid William Meana now lives, con. tainlng upwards of seven hundred acres. There is no tract of Land in the Western part of North Carolina, of the tame quantity of acres, more valuable. There is on the premisea a large and elegant brick IhtWng Unite and altb a brick Kitchen, and all necessary out-houses. On Uie same day and at the same place, we will sell another Tract if Land, containing about r -one. hundred acres, lying on tha new Road lead- -ing from Concord to Salisbury." -Abo. on the same day, we will sell eighteen T.' or twenty likely AEGROtX, consisting of men, -oraea and cbitdren. A credit of twelve months will be given, tho purcnaacr giving bond with approved security. WILUAM q. MEANS,; JUH.-V N. PHIFER, . Januarg 30, 1826V 6(08 " the Catawba Journal will Insert Uiea&ove tut day of sale, and send account. ALBERT CO,KPENINO'S ESTATE. rlHE subscriber having qualified u executor A "of the last win and testsment of ''Mbert'2 Ctrttnine. deceased, late -of the count v of Burke, desires all persons Indebted to the estate 3 the said deeeaaeit to borne forward 1 payment without delay 1 and likewise all those who have any claims against said estate, to pre sent them, legally authenticated, within the time fimited by law, otherwise thit notice will be pled in bar of their recovery. DAVID COKPENING, Exeeuttr. January Hit, 1828. 3mtl3 FIVE DOLLARS REWARD. RAN away from the subscriber, on Wednes day laat, s Xr frs ITsmon named Faster, aged about 36, ratlier chonky built, very black, with thick lips, talks fast, and tolerably bold in her looks 1 the had a copperas color and white striped cotton frock, a plain cotton, and a blue and white Calico frock 1 and ahe hs an oM plain woollen man's roundabout, more than half worn, which she sometimes wears; snd it Is possible ahe isay have a free pass 1 she is preg nant, which may eerily be discovered. It is ex pected ahe has gone towards Tennessee, or possibly towards Granville county, where ah came from. The above reward wiil be given for ber delivery to me, near Salisbury, Howan eouftty. N. C prMorrnatioii where ahe may bo bad. , . JiENKi 8 WlNKr Febrmry dVim '-Z-.QIZ1 LAMP OIL. quality of WW .VrwiW Lamp Oil 1 Ulan Lamb; for sate, by 97 jj ,1,0, .sTnlfa aH SaStbury,Jon. 14, 1828. K. VflLLEY fc Co. State firth CanSna, Qabarrui ntmty t COURT of pleas and qnarter sessions, janua ryterm, 1828 1 heira of Charles Harris dee'd t Administrator of Will. Parks dee'd. 1 Justice's Judgment levied on land. It appearing to tha imaetaWMtlinm thai arITr1sje 1 is Sot an inhabitant of this state, ordered there - - fore that publication be made six weeks ia the - v Western Carolinian notifying the raid Kara Park sw,anerat.eBwj!r ter sessions to he held for said County at ;--'l Annl next, tlien snd there to plead or demur. - otherwise Judgment pro eonfesso w'dl br had as 1 ) Id him and execution awarded accordingly. V . sv v' A- :V i - - sw t- 1 r "v.. 1 S' 7

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