i I f ... lir: lb - 1', r if " toANii.i, ii. cur jfl FAUP.-'I H alt rrn Indebted to linr y Ifc IK.! t Urn!, book scc.unt, or otherwise, SoinaV payment inim.-I.f.uly, or tl.eir dtW will b placed in ib httd i.fM officer for cot. lection. Persons bsvliir; drtninds S;sJst N, ajtll please present thew for payment. expects from tho North, In f.W dsys, anortiswnt of UOODS, cowering of . DryGoo,!), Cutlery, Crccier'J, Hard Wart, Groceries, 4?r. , lkh h I disposed u sH Ww for cA of on iM emlit, i'.Airr..i.!5iA, 1823. , 98 SEIDLITZ tniPODAIC POWDERS.: 1 1 T? V 1IXP.Y fc CO. kv on band or uit IZtiZKrt abort rpwrte,tfHlHleoiM to keep. constant Suppry ouring- io rrnea, d.en, orw;l bos.' -''; K - f -V-d Boeder are out tip SceonJin; ton la DCiuou pmuuKu u -"" 7 eotogia. ' " ry 7'" . ' ;; -' 'LOST.- 0 S Thursday morning, 254 infant, Mtwtew ry'a and Coneoru. a small woroc ftiw mirlirhierii doflar M Itoavbero s-fcaj Car Tear bllltf besides several valuable ' panen, ail of which art not recollected. Ono nott oa Caleb P. Alexander, Tor fihy dollar Bade payable to David Henderson, with a Credit ' of 5 dollar 1 one due bill on John Barriiirer, for fifteen dollar! one do. on do. for two dol. Ian 84-100, datea not recollected to or three . jmVrmenU . Thompson; Hunt, and Johi JUutn constable receipt to T. Hunt, for seven corns, fur collection, arr.ownl not recollected. , I ! iB girt reward fur the paper only, and ask no questions. " M. HUNT. jbMMrf 311, im : 2toL . TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD! Tl AM awav from tbe nlantatKMi of Mr. Trot li ten near BaSsbary, 1AM, a bright mulatto s boy, about 30 year of afe, and near aix feet llgb. He it stoat and well made 1 ha down cast look, and a little inclined to roop in the Shoulder. It is supposed Chat be will endeavour to pa a free man, from tbe fact of bis ab. :jcond2nwhhor'-etiBe. Tbw ebove reward Srirf be five fW bl apprtbeiikloa US dCTitfrf j tavmela JalisbutT, or to the overseer us the " fcUntatlon. tv THOMAS C POUL- 'rttrmnbttlti. 4,03 4 tO TV CreenshorouBh Patriot and MiWon ill Ipyrt the above mdrertmrment 4 week in their papers and Jorw'ard their tecwrnt ZSZ. for payjKatt'.. '"". T " f 7 LAND aii NEOROKS, for SALE. ': tV Wednesday, tbe 50th da of Februarj J neit, -trill be exposed to publt sale on the "fctste Boxoe Square, In tfcweity W JUIeigU,.. . 110 valuable Slaves, 1 Jat the property of John Haywood, Esquire, - deceased s large portion 0 them young likely boys and girls. Amongst them are several very Tthisble rarpenUra, bracksmit hs, and ether me ctairics, sod several valuable bouse servant 1. Also several very valuable Tractt of Land Irt the neirhborhood of Raleirh, affording situa. tione for buildings, well watered, and wouhl suit Gentlemen from tbe lower country who may "desire health? lommer residence. - The differ- -: ent tracts of land will be bid off in lots, or sold entire as may be agreed on by tbe commiw4on. "(era sftoointed in behalf ef th Stater- The sale wdl be snade. for tbe benefit "of the State f Kortb Carolina, one credit of one, two 'and - - three years,"' with interest from tbe reepeetWe days of sale, the pttrchsseff gyvrng Ponds with tpproved sureties, . ri. The sale will certainly take place, aid will be . ctntunied from day to tuy utiUl tbe . nboie Moperty is disposed of. WM. ROBAUDS, " " CsnwtfurfsarrflAs Stale A CansA'sa. ftskigb. Jin. 0, 1SJ8. 5i0i-: HOUSE AND LOT, NEGROES, &c r. JTlLL be sold, st public enetionj on Wed. r- -1 1 nesdajr, the 20th of Pebruary next. In the WHO Ine TiecekSary oui-nouse ana in auuiuun therto S safe and commodious blacksmith's shop, situated in a pleasant part of the village, near the best publie well ,. M, One AVer .Han. two ntgr wrt, and ine, eW. Tenos 12 month credit, bond and security required. M. L. iiILL Tnittct. Vonuorf t, 1828. . 6;02 : FUE1UFE S JSALE OF NEGROES. Safitbury, on Mondav. the 18th rpebruTTchannels of .ndusirj'rwherwise, pov ary next, 13 likely nejrtea, 4 men, 3 women and Children, and 3 young women ; sold by execu tion, as the property belonging to the etate t Vat V Ma AA tn ate.1 Ff Minil .waMs. lion in my hands for collection. Prke adv. .7S t. SLATER, D. Sh.ff. January I, 1838. . 601 Valuable PLANTATION and NEGROES. W' ILL be told for cash at the Court-hjuse in Salisbury, on Monday, ltfch day of Feb ruary next, the Plantation whereon Samuel , ' Young now Eve, tying on Third Creek, adjoin for John Young, win. II. Wood, and other j -vtjontlwwgtboiit 70Qacre of,, good, J-Ontl a tr.T.Z':." "mttm .- riuinlVl ihniir t7 umrinml' couch of wbicu M treth, all under good fence and there are on the premise convenient and j . suitabTe bulldingToTsIt kinds required on a large -. JIm, will be o1d on the same day snd place, J3 likely NEGROES, consisting of 3 men, I . yyomtn imj children. All sold aa the property of ald Samuel Young, to aatisfy sundry eiccu- , ' . - tions in my handa for collection. - Wee advf glO. T. SLATES, J. Skerif, J i T AN sway from the subscriber, at Peterbtirg, 1 1 dali.Ce!a;onlle, night ofthe sccohdf Jan. f t uary, on neyrrnwri, and his wire"," The "fellow rathe of s yellow eottroleaimyttout, md well 1.. nit ttom.ia Isaac, and will both probs. . Wy make for Virginia i the woman i black and likely, and is called ?se they both carried several suit of apparrel, and several blankets andquiiu. JOHN D. WATK1KS. ...Jan, 3d; 1828. . 3t0t' SHKHIFI.S DEEDS. f7tOR Urkl sold by order of writs of venditioni sv esptpfu, wr sjc st Ujj oHjce, Tht OMAirOTr-XCE I) tin. The following Mt.ljr poetkal ami beautiful fines, are from a new , enUtled Tbe spirit tnd Manner of the Af." AVwe-below-where'er ! Tby fuldinflliiter. Lord, I view, ' - frao'd in the mllnifbt planet' blaze. Or fliatenint In the mornina; dew t Whate'er U beauiiful or fair, I but thlno own rtfleetMi) there. I bear thee In t)e atomy wind. That turn tbe ocean wve to foam 1 . Iof fca tbj womirmi power I Und, , When aumnmr air around me roait) j the tempeet aad the calm declare Thmlf H r tVoa art every whefe. I And thee in the noon of night. mtet.itJtrmifmm, And read thv nm in every rtar I.That drinbjllMplendof f'n tlie Hfht - '"That YfcwsrmareyVbaninc ctiT. ., Thy footstool, Lord, each turry tern . . ComposcaHtot my otauero. AtiA whMlhe ndiant orb of neht . Ilih Upp'd the mountain top with told,'" Smote witb the blase. v weanea aieni J!tT8hrinlt from theronder ibholU' .fiat ray of lory, britf nd fair, r. I but thy Bvihp ihaeVsr tlier. - ' TLine il the tilcnt noon of niht, Tbe twilight eve the dewy morn 1 Whate'er t beautiful and brirfit, Thine bamU havt fuhion'd to adorn t 1 by rbwy walk In every sphere, And an thing whisper, " Cod b bere V SECRET DErOTJM. 1 love to 'steal awhile away - from every cumbering care. And spend tbe hours of setting day In bumble, grateful prayer. I love In 'solitude to shed Tbe penitential tear. And Stl his pro isaa to plead, Where hone but God can hear. I lore to think brt mercies past. And future rood Implore, r;And all my sighs snd-nrrow csfit. On bim wboov I adore I love by faith to lake a vie w " Of brighter scenes in heaven i Such prospects of my strength renew; IT While here by tempest dnvem - " TTnVs7 whe n Tiff toitkimediy t o'er, Mav it df parting ray- - Be calm as this Impressive hour, And lead to endless day. Around me rolls a namcles mail, A ses of anxious men, I watch them aa they onward pss, Hundreds and thousands ten. Misguided race ! I grieve to sed That, reckless of futurity, . You seek denructkm' den i I grieve to think how won this scene Shall be ss it bad oeer been ! I look amased upon the world Here Wisdom hold its atalc i ' There Wr red tamUrd is unfnrl'd, And monarcbe talk like Fate j . While blistered heart are every where And shapes of famine and despair On all sides congregnte r " O Godt Ms wondrous there should be . Such madness and such miery." MANUFACTURES, WOOL, her - The fbllowiog Report was made to the If oue of Common of the Legislature of this state, on the 1st of January lat. bv CAorfc, Fither, K-q. membef from Sahsbury, who. was chairman of ine seicti coronuiicv on oc buhjch The SelccTCommUtefc wss referred the Resolution, on the subject of Cotton aud Tctflrfl ; Manu factories, and on the growing of Wool in North-Carolina, hare had the same under consideration, and That the subject of the Resolution " s . is one wntch deeply concerns tne ctt. iieos of this state, and is vitally con nected with their best interest atjd prosperity. l A crisis js at hand, when our citiaens must turn a portion of theirjsur sii'dcnterprfee-inta .other erty and ruin will fall on every class of our community. It is a lamentable fact, that the people of North-Caro Una are indebted to one another, and to the Banks, to an amount appalling to the mind, that looks to conscquen ces. According to recent statements, the debts due to the local institutions alone, amount to 85,221,877 : and, in the absence of data, we believe it will not be an over estimate to say, that Fayettevillf ," will swell the amount to six millions of dollars. In addition tfvthifcpavn-eatem it a mnrlrrafr eaU eolation, that the, people of North Carolina owe to merchants, to usurers, to note-shavers, and to one another in general, the further sum of four mil- uons oi ooiurs. Aianyoi tnese dents were contracted t time, when trtofR'rpwwt' out better prospects of easy and speedy payments j but -ihe great TaU.,4n, the prices uf agricultural products,-has not oniyreauced tne value oi every species of property bur, as a consequence, has in effect, doubled the debts of indi viduals. . , Owing to the want of navigable streams in our state, leading to coot. marts, hitherto but few of our agricul tural products would admit the cx- ar.il Tolacco Iroia t..2 1 tener, ere tu most the only articles tl.at will tear transporution, while rice and cavI store, en the scs-board, sre the prio- ctpat tiporti. vvnen me prices ci these articles were up, the farmtnj b- terest of North-Csroliaa presented something like the sppesrsnce of pros. Eerity but crest depression dm u co place in their value, and st thia time, they are scarcely worth produ cinjr. The loss of the West India trade has lessened the- demand lor lum ber. Tobacco is now fated In the British markets, more than 600 per eenl. whiUrt flemandorcotton, our other great ftpet does Dot keep pnee : with itsUcreMed . produetion, Etery-enff ssesi sources of. supply, nre opened in our own, and other cuntrja.,EcvpuCre?cetlhe Dritish Esst? indtl - poxMioos, and ,oouth America, fre all well adapted to the irjrrurr of 4hsWcUU..pUntgrJj.oJi!?Jhe southern and midde eoun in fsdrth-Carolioa can barely afford to raise rottm at 8 cents per lb. be must soon be .utivea from its culture alto gether, If the farmers of the west, whose diW rich lands enable them to produce it with less hbour and ex nense ' Thu; while the export of these, nir greAt staples, have rapidly fallen f(T, our importations of vsrious article continue nearly the smer or at moit tlo not diminish io a corres pond Ucr ratio with our exports. The consciuer.ee Is,. that the balance of trade aeainst us, lor several years past, lias greatly increased. To meet ihe debt crested by this bilaoce of trade, the notes of our banks are car ried to ihejMrthernxiues, whert ihev ceareloperform-the-psrtPoT- money, but like other merchantable commodi ties, are sold at a discount of 4 to 5 rrrruon their, nominal value. -.The notea-thua ariuojhen5rtht: are ,non returned on the4ankvheninonf Ui ul.4 or 54ejLfcJijuJtJWLiilel by these institutions in procuring" sucK funds as will be taken by the northern hotdcirThe sntwaT tax thus paid to the northern cities, is by no means in considerable, and in its effects on the banks, and through them on the peo ple, greatly aid to the difficulties of the time The balance of trade against us, produces another state of things on the monied coocerns of North Caro lina, which threatens cot only , the ruin of our Lcal institutions, but as an inevitable consequence,': bankruptcy and distresi throughout the tommuftiarin?Syt:eaioW flWnStatetand t) . The United State Bank at Fay- fabricating at least to the extent of our ettevillr. tereives it - paroenu the notes xt the local bank, but. pays out none but her own;; The consequence is, that nintutentns of her Issues are sent to the north, to meet ' the debt created by the balance of trade, while ine ueots aue. ner, are always paia in lorsl. notes. Tiie Botes thus flowing in on that office, are returned in quick succession on their respective branches, and these institutions sustsTo"als'in procurbg funds t meet these pcrpet- ual runs.' TKk "extent hf these. Iruna 4rem-tfl!rt:ttfrrte II nuted By her discounts : and in the course' of the year, they amount at least to half a million of dollars. Thus the local banks of North-Carolina annually pay 4 ( r 5 per cent, on all their notes col lected by this mammoth institution. Already r,e, of the local Lbanksr that of Cape-Fear, finds it impossible to" get on under the pressure of the Uni ted States' Bank at Favetteville I and the Directors have called a meetinc of Stockholders, with a view of wind ing up their business snd surrender ing their charter. The local banks art thus forced to curtail their discounts, and withdraw from circulation a part of their notes, which have the effect to press their debtors, at a time when bad crops and low prices diminish their ability to pay. :"This creates a dtstress, that imprls thousands of our citizens to abandon thrjr hnmCS & T)f hftpe ' their native state, and seek relief abroad, where better prospects are opened to them, If in transplanting themselves from their native soil," they better their condition, it Is certain that their friends who remain behind, are left in a worse situation. : Every man who- moves to l ine west, is not omy a loss to ine state, but.carriet off with him a part of our cjreutoinged scarcer here. Your committee might point out other, effects arising but of the course of trade; uniting to produce a stfe of embarrassment never before rqoalled in North-Carolina, but time presses on their labors and admonish es thrm to omit til uunecssssry views Of the subject. , ' I -;;rvfre- ii :.c I.' -r J- i t'.. i rr : rr t : i t-nu itsc.it. l.ow is it to Lc tcd and changed for the Utter f It is certainly true that something may be effected by individual economy, but this alone will not accomplish the im portant end. Nothing but n thange ol system can restore health and pros ftcrity to the community at large. It s certainly a correct maxim io politi cal economy, that every state or nation should be able to feed and clothe it self,' Such, however, has not been our case. With immenss tracts ,o fertile soii, the best sod most produc tire In tbe - Atlantic States, tnaoy o our cWiaens in the'Easterd parts of th State, for aeveral years past, have been jn the practice orpurcbasiog Flour made st the Norland feeding their" oeeroei with pork shipped from New York; " While every fanarge droves of Tennessee and kemueky Uogs-sre ties." tven ai tnis momnr.,wniieire Waa-'.-MMai. m rf. m-t . sre penning these remarks, 'there are several droves from thst quarter io this city, and a good portion of the money naid bv the member's of tbe Legislature for their board and lodg ing, will be carried directly to the west, in exchange for an article .that we csn raise as wcu at borne With all tha materials sod aliment for manufacturing, we annually expend millions in the purchase of antclcs manufactured in Europe and at the North, out of our own raw materials White under thia state of things, we hare been growing poorer, the manu facturers have been crowing neb TBeandjvioalwho buysmorethan he-sellrwhe expenditure isigmter than his ii.come, sooner or later must rrach tbe brink of poverty and bank nrntcvi -The-remark s equally true aSTO s state of community :1 In icUingbout tanfenorsite Suf some system that will enable Us to buy less and sell more, that will enable us to supply within ourselves, our own wants and necessities. And here, we remark, that in its effects on us it is all the same, whether we buy from Europe, or the Northern States, Our trade with Europe is through the Northern Cities, and the profits of that trade, whether outward or inward, are mostly made at the North. But how is this important revolution to be aecompIisheJ f We unhesitatingly answerhv Introi!ncifif the? Mann far own wants. We go runner. - Instead of sending off . it great - expense -of transportation, our raw" material, con-j ven imo laonca. at norac, jiou in mat tatc, bring it into market. In this wsy, our want of navigation will not be so severely felt, for it Srill tost-no more to send on &40.000 worth of the fabric. UianTf wTlI SlO,XX)of theTaw materials, and of course, the expense win dc less leic it it wtu jpc jaiviaea among a larger mount,f-;-' rolina, duiiug good. tio years, is tstimiitcd i have shipped for the Worth and liurope, through her own ports and those .of her sister states, at least 80,000 bales o( cotton. Eighty thousand bales, at 30 per b-le, amounts to S2,40O,O0O, . But 80,000 bales, :tKus T worth T S2,400,iOOOln7the taw state, srheo eonver ted tte fabric, are increased in value, four, fold, which will make the sum of S9,600,- 000, or 27,200,000 more than' we obtained for it. . . Again it is not thought eztrava gant to estimate, that the people of North-Carolina annually consume, in cotton manufactures of various de scriptions, one-fourth of the crop ship ped from the Stateequal to 20,000 bales. If so, then the manufacturers pay us for our 80,000 bales by send ing back our ow o -raw- material, 20,- 000 halesltf the manufactured itate, retaining, for their trouble, and the use mentlficrpowertherremain ing 60,000 bales j which, when con verted, according to the admitted rule, will bring them gf ,200,000. Now if the raw material was wrought up among ourselves, this immense sum Would be made Jjy. pur own citizens and "would diffuse-wealth nd pros perity among all -classes. As it now is we Jose lit, and the pr fits are cen joyed by Old arid . Niwnglandr But the profits arising from the pro cess of converting the raw- material, are not the only 'advantages attending the system. Another is, that it will take from Agriculture some of the surplus labour, and turn it into other pursuits. It vill convert producers ...... t i.i t'..w t.. I CI l.,c r the jroc ( : , IlUlLctS fc I'armtr. :t of To a community havinj good water ' communication, these neighborhood markets are not m essential j but to North-Carolina, which Is without such means, their importance is incalculable. The introduction of the manufacturing system would give employment at home to our people, and arrest that tide of emigration, which is bearing off our population, our wealth and en terprize, and leaving those who re main behind, poor and dispirited.' It would build up flourishing villages iu ' the Interior of our Stat, ajtvd Improv,': oot only the physical, but the moral and intellectual condition of ourc'ui-. zeos; This is "iit "Speculation t tluh ssme causes, under similar clrcuoil"" standi, will always produce the same : ejects. J!ook to the northvisit their manufacturing villages 'snd estahHsb--urents od you nd m -coatenttdJbapc py and prospering people."" By way of example we point to the town of Lowell, in Massachusetts, Six yews ago, its present scite was unoccupied by the dwellings of roan. Since mac ufsctures have been there erected, a town haa sprung tip of nest sod com modious buildings; with a population of 6,000 souls. There sre severs! churches "forpublic worihip, snd schools for the edurstioo of the chil dren.' Look also to Waltham, to Taunton, to Patterson, to Maoyunk, and a hundred other places in the New England and Northern States, where this system is diffusing wealth and prosperity, . and. improving the mors! ccmditiorLt aocictyi "-".r r.V;': Butriririsv be aiked, are-thecir cumsUnccs of . ur. Stste such as to render practicable, the introduction ef this system anion as f XVe 'amwer they. areTKe.Tianil f nature" itself" seems so point oi i orm-uaroiina u a"giwof.uBtry-wtlUjdrAed4o. mansfactories. Cut off from the ocean by a sand-bound coast, her rivers filled with shoals and obstructions alone their whole extent, and their mouths inaccessible to large vessels, she never can be greatly commercial. On the other hand, her climate and soil are equal to those of any of her sister states, abd she abounds with all the facilities necessary to - the manufac turing arte, , . The following may be considered as the elements indispensable for build ing op and sustaining, manufacturfcg establishments r- 1. The raw materialout of which the articles wanted, are fabricated."," 2. Thn power necessary to give mo.. . tion to the labor-saving machinery, employed in mannfacturingjrtr S. Xabour, at prices that will afford profit. '.. ..-.;. 4 ProvrsTons, chep, of good QuaT ity and abundant. a, inmate, iicaiiny ana mua, 6 Skill and CapitaL . ... IT be continued. Forty year since, Lord tgremonrs scat-Was 3wild forest jot 800 'acres, covered with furze and stunted timber, and not worth five shillings (1 12 cts.) per acre. It now lett lor thirty soilings ( 672 cts.) per acre. 10qurtesof oats (80.bushcl) and five (40. bushels) of w heaty are raised on, .an acre jof.. land, oiT which a sheep would have starved ' before the1 enclosure. Little more than 50 years sincrXlumber Park, part of old Sherwood forest, and containing 4000 acres, was a bleak, dreary, us productive heath. In 1760, improve ment commenced, and the heath diap peared. The Duke of New Casac built a mansion and planted 2000 acres. These 2000 acres now produce thriving timber, of very , large dimension. The remaining 2000 yield excellent crops of different grains and grasses. Besides other live stock, tho-aheen fed . on tnis lorest, a halt century since perfectly barren, amount annually to at leastour thoutand. , ,. Upwards of six millions of acres ot waste . land in Britain, have beec brought into cultivation within the lait century eleven parts put of- twelve, in the reign of George the third.. Is the- reign.' of? A noeii44ft- wrea-ou Georgie Ux 7,760 Georgo -adr V 01 8,778 George 5d,1 5,686,400 snd irgeth, fto 1820300,800 cref - The fee sUnple ot these six mHT6ns,It " 28 years purchase, has added 252,000, 000. or . ,000,000,000 to. the ns- uonal wealth. N. T. Albion. ' Tbere Is nothinir that rouses the resentment of a ffeneroiM heart more than unjust aocosatipir ofthe sminfolg tai the irmQceati