I rts. IJ, j)FtTiror covr.u.YOR custom t'.e f-Mhtu!.rcit an J the yitrtot .0 unite with me, in strewing fijwm 4 3n his bier i and m compliance with.f . I III -If.; e ..mw..-.7 w. "-i- ujigti rendered holy by the best feel-1 teUigencc reached town ht "Zn ing, of our nature, to Join in a aolcmnf of the uddea demiae of II. Ef eel - U f ,,;on of rc f Mt meroorv I cy IHr CsWm, Governor of thu . orr(?w fw .T . J State. 1 1 rAmm:,.... .nnM i..t ... V I f L- t I ' .L 2 MARCH 4th, 13JU. il .f!''.-Afio5-o?-ref.ittin UT7, AN'D OTHER HOOKS... wwlstlf linil,M.r LoneK.M,n,inthii cwn l;r WILL aelL at tha court-house (a StatiwihV. y, cy u.e name or .Vtron.fa. and Mr. John M.f I on tin lit dav of H.v. .. th. A,lm!,; . ; The Albany Argus nf the 12th, g aya, 41 wc discharge a melancholy duty in announcing the death of Governor Cl'mtnn. lie expired last evening ( n apoplexy. Ihe eummons camr without acarcely i rnoment'a warning. Vh'ilst he waa anting in his chair, i jhe midat of hia family. ------ The aenatioa which this even pro duced throiighriui the city, and Contrrr- " " prnl..r p nee rl tint tit; flf fCrjrHrf - . -r ' i - i ------ r .i it--- .1 CIWT M.W HJS FALLFJft The Ncw.York papers art shrouded in mourn or Commnteta were appointed to ar-Iparted this life suddenly;, at his residence in ai 1 range for the funeral ceremonies; the ony,on Monday, tho iith of February, mnM memhera resolved tn we.r the uaoA" wtc.Hwim".ertW,y,m,u,l m . . i ti na uvhiui.i. niaiiiw. uiii uiinriii. rfaiiiaa.i,w a mourning during the rc rave him a nowerfid and cnackiiL 8 badge mainder of the session, and bothh embellished it with at! tl graces of educa- houieeadioun.ed till the followndav.l,!f1, lllr'bn'nt andcomprthen. v ur. U rillilMl h Ilia mmitulrU tuilmn.i,l ...I tha labors and cam of political IUW he DRsrcnJTr. mvai battle. By an arrival at Charleston, from Ke Vat. intelligence is reteiredof a des ea fight between lh Mexican ItcamYshtheaaM perate found time to cultivate a classical and poetical t.ale." ' virConnaujrhey appointed PoM-master. The! Tice will be kept at tha dwellinr of hia mo nr, tue roi(iercot the Me James McCon- aiighey, dfc'd Martin Van AirM.novaRrnatorlnronmMi r . . .. ... . ... i irom jew.or, u named a a suitable peraon q weeera uo Witt Clinton, as Governor of that (fff at state, r ,, A metinf of the friends of the admimttration Mm ic m urrrnioriign, on ine iyin uit s dar i f lot l HiH. dc'd. a Urjre and talualda rollrction of Law " , and others of varioua kind. Sis month! rredit will be given Ucmd nnuaecumj rcfjuirta. I'. CAI.DWELI,Aa'. Any praon or perwns hav'mjr borrowed books f Mr. Hill, are requeued to return thrn Im mediately. V.C.Mm'r.., r. 28-a, may 4tw WO.NKY LOST, . Ii.kn f'.l.la..ll li-l- l r II -l? ' pMd, approvinr the admrniftration of Mr. AiUmn, an i rxprcainr a determination to Utr brlr eatrtlons towards re-flt'ctlne him. A committee of four waa annninied. to draft ar aiirrH to tin prople or Uiillord county ami a comnulte of mAmme and. cornafwodeweo cnntiMinf of 50 pcrtou u atyointed to fur mcr mrir cauar, Never, since the formation of our rovern mm, sm'the Jtlbanf 81ml 'nffM Timet: ha. the ymiialhy and affection, of lh Anx-riran nuh.a III 9r'iv4 ui MAm l.u.b ti k .. ..... . . . t h tt) itkn an vtX U?f 1 0. u.. -Ixft-Jiucr ioa.igea-AnpoInu4-U. fi.Tiiafric! r.i-... r i. .j r v-nion waa dohi in Uranre countr. mZ-""."' ' u,K't- .kc . , v-e- wrvor wua fT df NW TorkHii-Mhlrnor aiili B .Moen3TIMaL Teiiened. Di'evioii?!r captured wo Spanish lirlKt ofl.'bre at hia diil. L. ... ..i . ... - jifiirtiw. . . i-M Y - ' " " SB -..wa tfvuf StMAVam l . V ww nnuiimw wisest SI HiMW wvii War, ono of them 1 1 unv and J 80 men.Imootha old .. I of Col. William Aiiderm's, of Ruacombe ceun- n ennef it? frma ana l.w men." I htH 5 ,rn" p- M iM oena tnir- treat''. " "' awev armi aneut a vars,'Mtrown- una and had .'"" wl" " ouna in preceding columns of tbiavru " anon uir.e aince, in an 'Miry, nr in the airrcia f f-alintiirv. a arW 'ontainiiiK between J? and Zi dollar in aiVinr, , tiontly amall pn-crai onr of fab esjjle dollars .Wei frank piece. 10 or I'idollara in eaela I'arve. th balanr.i in l alyf, qiwrjfK.JJj P4. wmeoj plecet i t!,e (Imli-f ahall receive RJ, hr lelivennir the same'tn Tliilo V hite or (.eorro .W'licaTTTrriliOTrT.-nr in tni-.Mingru- t' N -Id hiehmet in Charlotte, on the fttb ur.fc ',r,U ' b I the brU-Rcandidate for J.rkn Rloefn. i- ik.. V- jT I 'be current near a mile, i trie shock j and aeema c'veo pow to be. - lrratn, rather than melanchulr reality. ' , We understand thai Governor Cfio- 'toil dijchard hn' official 'airocationa a . r . , ' - - - - . - dunoirthe day at usual t havmc writ-iuuerrero mounten aa ru tea ecveral lettera in the aftern'jon.H'e of U8 "' The firirir in ihi II- AA .Immi Inatanflv. thi firat irJc,l, hfsrd in Havana, when the -i:;- f f K. .nn,n,rk fik, .,,lir"K-f Lealtad, of 54 runn and IWaaIWia vi sav pii mib vi tjaivaM. f I a a Cs f a.-! k. f.ii:- k" .L -I ki. k I aaimmeui.ieiT pui io aca. .jne I h the chair .nd the W betweeni , r'm- 'C i,"er' nrt ,he briKgcndidate for J:kaon Elector in that dU-rict. Otl the chair, and the lapse wHiffot: in a very rrl,,pled state, wan aoor.B aa.. that moment and the arrival oi ur.,er1,Vf0 hf ,he frRe- wh,.n dppr juKe 5,,ftM.-itiaautedssaf.ct,althmj BaV. when life Was eitinct. not beimtl,iA fifh ennne.l. whirh lmHtn nmtuS'l -'y appear incredible to manv of oar ....i-l more.than JOminutea. All efforts t5 twenty miwim, onelhw and fl3,Il",.,." 'B.n.inK.f ep saiiJ restore .nim.tion proved unavailin,rrfr kkk nme., T ve..r. .j3l!F& noiwunsianuin incy were unremmcuu "" -""" '"i"r. wunu mr wu inn ann otner bible tocieiirsin that state,1 to a Ute hour last night. . nn-Kcmcni, u.c cmora oi me uuerrerripiorineu toe nooie reioniiion or aopplyine; even ... . iJIvere twice ihut awav nnd retlafed. The Lfun',y in state aith s bible in the nam nl J3.ra ZU S'o previous ,hR.menW r.nd this wl!" T .1 of about' Buulealemnaddrr-toll..ve,vUr.IcTL.a,B.nH close f.Kht, eah.u.ted the whole ol 7uh.dT X ' . C r.?T! ,h're' WV ,Ccom WDM.CIi powder and .hot of the O. when srfrce, we learn th. hinZn. ZuS rfelyfi SJefs f" ceed Grin, ,f wh eoul(1 SSrA ii .lnr.u.n.k.i we l,.r( Troom for oEr1" " "'I'P"" P" R8"rTW?,?,w! I?! C,."llrfn bo W received 00 tdu. ' . . . .Y 'B(:.n.;n i,(.. ts.L. k. ki.ccauon wrnat loiiowa t )--"-" v.i V-JtV- elil aaw iu i i . x i tm rr . aaai Mr. Speaker : It seems to devolve i me, aa the representative of this city, to call the attention ot the house m r sitcrnDtinsr to crow UIX 'V wtr- 1 he httle innocent, accompanied ty hit eiter 6 or 7 year old. alternated to croao trie nrer on a Injj, hut tliev both fell into the rock, after floating boy wa awept down where be w aa found leal about an hour afterward, lodeed arint - - a . wme uriii-wooa. 1V. F.ditnr ... At the F b. term of flovran cottn V court, the Crand Jiirv took it in their head Wo compare their rniment on the aubiect of I ne rrenHiencv afrAU waKhanla-in aUbuy wepaeayieeiedv. tr notice I and ittouU any of tha aboveaen-"-"" '- ioned money be offered to them." to make in."' ""'"" ". miine s .eoweminx . the jaroe'.taa .Ur ia out J' . Iillla .!1vt. ...:.. Ik.. AiAC . 'i '. faVAt I Kml M FtlTr. W A RT." "s -rfi- 1 ii i a A PAIR OF GILT EPAULETS FOR aale, very low i they have been ined, but are not much soiled. Anolv at Jamea u. iiampinn-a wa'cn-maiera anop. 04 GOODMAN'S HOTEL, At the Si en of the Golden Ball. rnilK tubvriber ha opened a boar JL dinr houte and houae of rMct- ainment, St the romer of Kinr and Broad IMreeta. onrmaife the Court .Ikhiht. He promiaev to afford, both to the boarder which eventuated in atcertain-Knd traveller, who will favor him with their pat. IR71 inp that 1? were f.rr Jackaon for Adam. WIM.IAM JARVIS, Foreman, A Colnntation Sonciy Iim been formed Inl landnlph county i Mxi. Wm. Iloran. President : ..... i . - .1 . ' ' i lr. rtiinehaa Nnon, and Dr. Wm. W. Turner. tice rreautenU; Gen. Alrnandrr f'.rav. Serre. fa . aa nnnn me. the renreaentativ nf thi.H8K,m ,no ft """n"" nnng-Sbe the cav- ' .. . ---! . .- . Aland ft-wa fieelh. tvriir Km4 aureenitrrnl ition. Thia Ua mournful picture of a tatei,,T! """ Worth, Fsfj. Treaanrer . HuKhl ' :7 ",, u . ",, 7 at ha. alw.y. been coi.aideredM inhabited bvIMor,,t- K"1 r"1- Klliott. SaimaVllTj '.J , enlhtened .nd jrJ.aj. ""tS in New.Jrnev. what an annaHim,!00- Hoover, llith McCain, and Jew Wilker, picture Twjlit-we not exuaerthe aame inr.uirvlMn,6rCTS' u i.i i - - . j oiuini m our view in Porto -Carolina-, Aiitthrr .Ivul Warning t the Intrmperate .' We have aeen it dated in the ttatelch Star, thut a man by the name of William Cline wa eommhed fo jail in Lincoln, on the' 1 at utt. on a cliarj;' ot havmir mimlerrd lu ow n child On .inquiry we fiml fhc statement in tlie.Stir to be anbstantiatlv tnie. .('line and hii wife fC. P.... l:ii.i t.- - " , l i ii i . unci was miiicu, ui m ""--"V "-- "-gahof paaainelhroutrh hUbody. V . "" """fy' DH thia incite the jastwmtng,- nas anrouaea this metrop(vn Thu fell Captain David II; Porter.im'w , " M Um by Bible Society, to te lia- in . mourninsr. Ueath has bcenB,r, Mttjn, a h..tl .. hUmr. rrmrrf. B ,cwlu "e irood cause. iaflr1Miv' ti. f - anrl k m k. aimrl 1 1 n. .?..-!- I . . . L . . r . v II f .k lv ri: SJ. . r Z. A'"' feof been torn bv iwwuiuvujaii. .';.' ,..."WKi.Biwnoi,ituig icrijnK - yriui; tu cwun Fiactwna, a prey tnUte fury of local poUtioa. Loca aigOl diapensauons Which ..liIUIirateBT! 10 eecordrnjj o Railant an exploit, per liniatterj have now pven place to the al.absir. the aupremacv of the Almighty nlB'orn,cd by an American, although he- wasKbl,lir n"eation of the Presidency, which wemijwere at a neiphhor'a, not far from home, at thrnntkine-neaa nf man h"j r iiiWcntaffec! in a forefen service, at war wiihR U,V r,M,,uce b'KbsneiwteifafwtaaeverbeforechoppiiiK' frolic ; aome time durine; the day O ... Eariiaien ine fieoDle there. Rom tim urn (Mine went home, whrre a nritn uoman ami y n-,,o wn v.n..m we are a. pz ;e. rrtJO,ulion u m, iroUuca into the lep.hture.liwo little children had len kA, he took a! . . urmV"' V mpniv'n,mil'onmin,,pprwn?themanner1rm. alth-.Rh prettv Tll ini aicatrd before IKiiieu. me ntimner 01 wouniier not ann. n fm which Mr Adami wai made presiilent. Thiajand on being aikr d bv hia oldot child wliert The loss of the SDanird is said ta b!!l,"l to n invrtitrition of Mr. Claw. inr miitu mother u. which innoirv it reorattwl 'near 200 men. ami the Private very inuchEtha,,":"r:'1,u,,n,i uld n be ehectuallv iW,auniber of timi-. hr in ratfe knocked it down, rilt in her hull and tineini'- '. apt. V. Il.St " iuhw paaiint; a reaoiution Torii' ; tow "i'"" "'i. ami puncii 11 Dy me p.. . . . . , . ,. . t-cii ir prraona ana papeM. ihia reao ution"US tin it neiic nroitf n ine njrro wo- I orter was a nephew ot the Co!nrwMioien.rd. , . r,.,i. : '.il ' " $J. .-.t .1.. i.. .1- .i.A .ua 1 I hap 1ul- Kill U tvrtfl nil af.l I in f .tt.a. IV. I L .L 1 t 1 a a a a . . 1 " vai.v a v wii w iiiw vuc 1 rem. own one not only pre-eminent in Station, but most conspicuous for tal-' enta and public services. How in acrutable are the wava of Providence ! Io the resolutions which I shall h ivr the .honor to submit, I have endea voured to express the common feeling of this house, and of the community. Before they are rend, I shll attempt the further duty of saying something thouph the adiiinitration had a maioritv offtbe'i'iMl her, and alarmed the ieiirh ','hree; the friends of Mr. Clnv. hnf wiahlnir inLtrrivitie' at fMinc'j hour. thrv founc nora 1 on nd him ait Lieut. Thomnon. ?urtroti rrrdman.5mni" n.v reluctance to an inveatiretion olfc1'"!: at the fire, die child king dead ner him and ffitinK Porter, son of the Commo f r on""p,,,, r'f"nee tothepreaidcntialq-iea- On bemt; asked hy he had killed hia child, 1 : V TT" "aa vrw afTlorf CWirCCTtll. aWIG Cai7l-aw'',Mr," H. srVC fli - mill nr. uiu imi M thr character and services of the '-P,fre werc on boBrd RUard sh tht body (ti, anae) aa to whatM t was desdr He was coanptrfety wupif. II, aneak hia e.ilnrvfnr I hav nUhM A P'hc funer-l ;ns prepnr.nfc a? r q; - - - - r ... iv 11 i a . v to perform the tasfc, . nor . would the J euddennest of the occasion permit me to ao just ice to ire sunject. But I may say without : offence and in the spirit of history, that this State, they had heard, and knew. The whole of thisld bv dninkenneaj. A roroner's inoue re proceeding u v. hat mijrht have been looked for.V'ih'ed n a verdict of wilful murtler ; and Clinr a scene or mad confuaion. - Some think Mr.K'as contnutttd to jail viav w convieteti of corrupt barnint while 6th era appear .10 oe ratihert 4hal nothmt;. of,l. Two nermes. hcWinir tn Mr. Hetchpetl more-.srnous nature U poaitirelv alleged ainatBWebli. living in the weatetn part of thia county. htm; MT. lOnt sWYftminaWrl tha av'itfiawau-awea An K.if a.. ' !1 .k' a . T- 1 lletman la now m port. nd i detcrn.inexlEpart of the fnenda of Jackaon, and Mr, Ben, Harl3t. for an attempt to murder their master. Ihe 10 ric mr viifiKi.i iiimr ss Trial, s nt-f' 1 v" "rc F"n 'ly. nr. a. i anner oe minute gunv &c. " ' - ' - a ir.. - r----. v--i - - . . iciier. i;om rvev uta siate. in ' in sii;hi venterday. Captain Haw since ihe formation of its governmentk'? KalLnt 1 flicer4..ind docanotwau1 nav.anore since 'he settlement ofl'or mrn should ahe take us, it will not the-cnuntrf--has nevei-vnrfiHiirerl i,nlbe to ww ' Hnition.,, The Ilcr ...... . ' . V- . .,. .. inp sworn and interrogated, stated that Mr, Clav hail paid him glOO for publishing Mr. Kendall'" tetters jpilnsr John trAdamt.lnaffiafMrTfcfcl fjtolil him he abould not loae bv it. Mr. Kendall iodivjdu!, who has esertcd so great an influence-iiptitr the mteresta-ol-thtj Stateyor whose name is more likelv tol be perpetuated in ita historr. -a r . L,ti me statesmen of the present day, those who are now" engaged 1- the career of ambition, learn wisdom! from hia example. The crave ofl Clinton will soon cover the rccollec-l tiona iif hia political honors, and in ill will be buried the triumphs and rever ses of the hour. Hut his fame as thri patron of schools and seminaries oil learning, as the friend of morals and he-! - - - a nun sHiieti on a 1 ruiac. the jjrue day the a m ' . . - m w ... " lAlf left Key ei..,, CUrUtton CourA, . f1TF. FtOM F.VnOPF.. ' "NEW tORtrTfrTS." Yesterdsr the paiketanip Canada. Capt RoRers.arriv'd at thin pott from Liverpool, from whenre she soiled on the 2d of Jan iuary. It would seem l the account? ftom Constantinople, that war was mo mently expected between Turkey and the AllM powers. The Rus&ian trnnns on ine l urkiih troniier were said to be a .- .. ti reaov to cross ine rrum st 11 moment's ronajr., hia undivided esertloni to pleae, both in comfort and charrer. 4t07 JOSEPH GOODMAN. ran.lrn, S. C. Frh. (th, 1828, TRUST SALE. BY virtue of a Heed of Tnrnt, made bv Jacob Krbler tn Moici L. Hill, for the niirooaef 'herein mentioned. I. as the Adminiitrator of njhe town of Statesville, on March, one Hmt and IaI in n. t'irctlier with the neceasarv -out lionaea; one fitri BWSwlVo-Vje vmen, and one rAiW, and varioua other articles, tootediuuv to mention. Twelve month credit will be fFvenj bond and security will be required. P. CALDVi'ELL, imrufrrofur. FtK WfV 1828. - . - 2t05 .1 tirw necrotnat attacaeii Mr. wetin, a'nica; an: ave into his ahoulder, makini; a frightful gash another nt-rro then romine to the afUtance i( I hit fellow, Mr. Webb retreated; and co?U dine VALUABLE LAND. BEING determined upon removina; tothe wes tern country, the uberibr offers tbraata the whole of hi valuable poaaeaaiona, lyinf on the north ide 4 the Catawba -Kiver, and oi both siiles of the main road leading from Statea-' villc tn Lincolnton, of the Buflalww bhoal creek, juat 10 milea from Stitesville, Iredell county, N. C. 1 here i in all .190 acrea of Land, a jrood portion of a hich i firt rate land in the eoontry. On the premiars there ia a good new framed" dwellinr lliu?e. sufticientlv lanre. well finished. off: com crib, stables, kitchen, ineat-houe,and larire bam, sic. A aiitnrirnt ntunti'y of land nr iiider cultivation pnifttahly to employ 3 or 4 bands 1 with a uflicient nnaiititv of excellent meadow trroimd, and 30 or 35 acrea of firrt rate bottom land in thia country, (or corn or tobaceo. I he land is Misr.cptiblf, of bemir, and will be, as may auit purchaters, divided itrto two settle" menta. 1 N. II. I had like to forgot the probability of very estennive GM .Mine, on thia land. , The subfcriber beine detormined to sell the."-. . 'above propertv.it will be diinoaed of on the . most accommodating terms to' the purchaser. Persona deSirooa of purchanhg, are invited to xamine the premiaea. Kev. JOHN LKA. Fth. IPf. 1828. 3106 SALES FOR ' ()WS TAXES. VriU- be aolil at the cmirt-houiwe, on Tuet-.. f f daV, fbe 1 Sth day of A pri! heal, the fol lowing lotx and lioum a in the tow n of Saliabury, A nr S of bit npicrlibrin. ri-iuU'pit ibrir fTnrt. t... r,nS ,w'nr" sik. interrogated, aa uked. amongBconquer the fellow. ; and aAer a fierce struKgle.iur so much diereof a, will be aufficient to ratisfy uiuiiiiiimiuus.yiiunenaanrarn invwWtr.ltaiffm XI m-Umi thrm. h.vinw rhnkil IhrmSItni' I nminiwnnrn liiHillhi-min from thm 4 , mcniocr of t.ongreiia 'rom hWtucSyj v wereSinto sobmi'aion : the neirrora-were then cliincill ear IS20, to the vear 1828; to wit : tile rea;rms srhitli induced I11W Id twfe for iir.&ngether bv'ITi.Mr- nVrka, UVeri WToraM"Trito 8aUr - - -i -"t "vvy,: uji mr wnnorr, ma, a. tuuimiiiiiL-iu imuurcu lur uitm. cvrcii.!i, now or nnraiiani jacju j. irretHtaor wr. Uwy j ami after a long debate, tbrWsnd they brought to town -and lodged in jrif, as qiK-nmn wn laaen, ana ine rrwnaa otlr.C'laMabive atated. On their way, in erowung the 1. , . LM uoteci to a man agamat the eiidenx, and theyfchigh bridge 'at Krwlf's Mill, one of the tircroe .ia.mK . maiuriiy in me aer.aie h waa cieculecliiumpeil or!, with the intention ot drowning tnai tne quintion abould not be answered. V thimself : b-it being chained to die other, he was know not what othera may think of the busineZheld f anl draa 11 up acain. Ilic v will prob r i.:.. l..a . m . . . ...... .1 D" o ' " appean aa tnougn tnertly have their trial at tne uext aupenur counj iricmp 01 nr. Liay were ujratd It go into aniViin this town, tlic 1st MniuUy III April. inveaiigauon. in me innisc 01 representative!, a resolution approing the preent administration, offered bv' iMr. Hreckenrulge, ha) three times been refused! a consideration, the laat motion for its connder.K ation was rejectee!, by a vote of 52 against S3. I wo persona, r 1 ancis P. Blair, and Micajah liar- 'r. MnyitnE, lcttr-ha bpen received in liir nmona, lrifinia, auting tnai mt. .Monroe lies ilangerously ill. -eeJ j Ctmterfeit .'otc.k man who called his warninir The Ambassadors of thw Allied Pn.,. I .L . .1 M . . ficroicnce, ina as tne aruent cnamptor-Mat LonManttnople had demanded theii f riaon, refuted to rive evidence in the matter be-Bname IfuCTier, having been detected in Augti Ol every great public improvement, willjpassports, which it la said were refosed.S'',re 'he senate, on the ground that what theyl'R. Ueorgia. in passing counterfeit notea on the flourish while Time shall laat. Need lion tries-round that thev were unnere..rv Sknew was communicated to them confWIintiallv.ffbanka of Noth ad mnmIi Carolina, and Geor- remind von of hi. .-fTon tn enll tn,lSthe ministers 6cinr Derfec.lv aafe nnd.rS m,,wn WM "; oceniinit them to prison.forSg.x was comm.. eu n .mm on uie 10.11 u.t , ' . . - . ..... - Kcnntempt; but the motion was snnnorttd bv r ., - UiL . . . ! . r . u . t. Li: n roiosiertlie latent Renins ol our peo-B",'; H"" . . "oiime- rorte.Bniy 7 votes. And here the business rested at We ? Need I speak of his labours in aid! nc Pro,i,D,l"r Ine Urand Senrniorlfour last dates from Kentucky Of that e-rewt wnrV u-h'.rr. h ,nf-r,-.llw" not q"e refly 'be Ust stepJl -ea. - i.ur , , .. . . - aa 80 much Vlorv on hia native Stte an,ln,m'"" ine min.atersu i-..i.. . .1 .1 ... ".'" ."flwould he equivalent to a formal decta .-.iiciy i.iuiiiuuicu nunc nanni-sjrr.,; r k. ...r m s L neia of its inhabitants? Dv ci.nnectinel. 11. .1. .k-.u b is fortunes with the success of thatfl The RrWt.k .....n v.J..:- k.J MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. tTj We have received the proccedinin of a respectable meeting ol the friends of Gen. J nek- son, held in Lincolnton on the 22d utt (Mat. Daniel M. Forney, chairman 1 Perry G. KobertaJ and lunng the tiiL'ht, he hung himself with hi1 hanlkerchief. Six or seven hundred dollar-, ointerfeit money, was found on him. r. 1 . ...... u: i 1 r aiupenuous pro ecu ano oy uevotinc tolfieen recrn d b 1 hree.ah in. f ih Hn wr vw it,thbe.nergi..mmi tnat -tiJS - "v nvui( uun- vv.. oviiuiai ur. iv.it'iir nau ucsirovcQ3 fnncatJYieennet. in nreceiiinirr.niiimn.nl P OTOheHefsTif-lherRreat ' IakesHrne0rce'i flcof."" We presume that this1 shall flow through this new chnnel,Mory "anted confirmation, as it is im to the AUaonc. so lone shall h:s tory record his name ! ptobable in Itself. The nrohabilitv la. J I 1 .. .. . ... r ' -, ninK,tnat admiral Kigny has destroyed Anaon counties, l.tVuin wnmmt'tn rrm k.v. kj.n k.U !ii9k. m. , . . . H .fvMWM UKVIKIf,. UV.II fll-Ht iif inc vuuil- I reinifi. Kir that r,. ... .Rl numoer ot piratical v sseltiCties of Perquimans, Hertford, Graaville. and " iV a BllllSa.a..I..aL.arSJ .aW - BH" . - i a a J - - - klllttlFr IlIM It aaa a M sw.m PI.,... a...iiM . MAaiaatMa OsVksat.J 1. .u U - - vv a ijs a am aiisriv Bii sium(.iw smu isia. awii v eavptszsj Iv prVfl mote the election, ot tne General to uie Preai dency, 2Tiir filarUfts. Fav'ttniVr, Feh. '21. Cotton, 84 to 9J ; Beef, fresh in market, 3 cents ; Bacon, 6 to 8 peacbl rahdv, 40 to " ; apple do. 3o to 37 flour, 4 o 4 25 ; whiskey, 25 to 30. Vlwrlrtton, Frh. 23. Upland cotton, 8 a lOi -.H whiskey, 25 to-26i baggings 42 inch, Si to sugar. 12 to l 'u molasses, 27 to 28 cents ; bscon, A toT; apple hrandv,i?5to28xbeeswaxJ the Administration meetinir in this tnwa. ami f22i coffee, 13 to 17; h son tea, 100 to 110; i be i.ekann meei'moa in navMwn ir.v.. .lSJamaica rum. 110 to 115 Weat India do. 75 .. - , , fo-day's paper, will beToundlhe proceedings ol . t . 1 . ' . . . I '. . , House and hit fortnertr owned by Daniel ; laeobs, now by Philip Jarubs. Iits formcr!v owned by H. P. Pearon, now bv John McClelland. Houses and lots belonging to Tlarnabas Ho ler's ertate. House and lot belonging to Francis Coupee's estate. House and lot now owned and occupied by Sarah Yarbrough. Houses and lots occupied by John Tresler. House and lot forn.i rly owned by 1 nomas Holmes, now by Samuel Jones. House ami lot owned by Ualpb Ketler. House and lot formerly owned by Mar.Ua Watson, now by Mrs.. West. . House and lot belonging to the estate of the late Mr. Smethers. House and lot belonging to the estate of tho late Thomas Todd. Also, lots numbers 23, 24. 31, 32, 35, and 57, in the West Square i lots numbers J8. 35, 46, iind 47, In the Kast Square of said town. All of which will be actually atnirk off to the lust bidder on that day, if the taier due thereon p. re not previously paid. ,.. Wll.l.lAM IIOWAIID, (J. T. T. Jtfarrh 4th, 1 828. 6t9 ALJtEKT-XORPLNJ.G "4 -EOTE. 1SJHR subscriber having qualified as executor . of the hvt will ndrratmem of ;t6er fxtrfcninjr, deceased, late of the eotmty of Burke, , lesirei an persoiia inueoiea io me estate ot the J t i U a s i a wic inumpnam consummation rt tnatBKussiana andPer.i.r,. r....i ..i. beat work. I reloice stilt more. thaJth terriW. r,k r .k. a ' -A"'"'''! The friends of the Administration is, Meek- lhw1.armn,e.Vlci 1.7 " .r. '"x'T-v: V' - uit. - we nave not vet seen aftd the asperittetf lif ' party ''a'ffd lhatH' Ives Russia at KbertVaT:r'e friendsof Jackaon heldsneetina; Jo the Ll t . . Hi., k.i .n.. ..... i . rrt ' Wnnu. nl.ee. nn l..t 'I'liewliiv. the 26th nil-. Tku inert! is now nntninirtn nrvini h muhus iui mcaaurca airainar i nra-eu a " r - . . . e . . - Bl linn S.lini.l lk. Pn.ln..i. : ; '' . rescntativea 01 the people, from warding to his memory the honor? fie deserves. I feel, therefore, that II may aafely call on the members of u .1 . . . - ,,,ui w" oo oetween tne this house, on the votaries of cienceFrench and Spanish courts, forhe com-i -uc irirowa.pl numanuy ana moraisHplete e?ac?ation of Spam. Don Mignel, the Porlueueae nrinc h.d.rem?Ke.of Pe? J"1' w":e7 "?! 1 1 r, r EJjoaepn uson, r.aii. cuairnian. c expect w arrivec. m Lngland, on his way to Portu freeei've the proceecJinga in time for our next ual, to ascend the throne of thai kingdom Thomas Tudor Tucker, Esq. Treaaurerof the imeilieefice irominadrid ataiea.ih.r a. ? United statea. died at Washituiton citv. afew . . , ..... . . .... -.j " .. nous negotiations are on foot between the-'' ,lnce, ' i 1 .: , wMne ot o BO. nortn uarnnna diiib, ss io o per cent discount i Georgia do. 1 to 1J. sw-Tosa, ran. 22. Caftan. TRe sales, from the 5th to 16th ex- elusive, amount to about 1 j00 bAles eomprlsingj 760 NewiOrfeans t-9f fe 1 H nta.the.iarmer; price for old crop, and the latter for fine new , 300 Alabamaa, at (. a It and Jtw v planus at 04 . 10. ' - - : -w as- i CamAm. Fttu 16. Cotton, ordinary to mid dUnav M to 9 r middiiflit to fair, d Ui'-Slik fid to good, 9 to 9j i prime, 10 cents. Mnitta, Feb. 18. Cotton, middling 9 to 9j ; prime lots, 9J to 10. Bacon, 7 to 9 1 whiskey. 28 to 31 ; riortli uarouna noies, j per ceni. on count. ' Ptierthurtr. Feh. '2. Cotton, 8 to 9 j , to-: said deceased, to come forward and make pay ment without delay ; and likewise all those who have any claims against said estate, to present, them, Iceally authenticated, within the time limited by law, otherwise this notice will be pled m oar ol their recovery. DAVID COKPEMNG, Executor. - JfinHttiy att,.M28 ,3mHi. the oldest officers of the general gbvernment.Ibacco. passed. 3 a fcfi-reftised, 2 agJJ ; corn, 'Gov. Kent Of Maryland, H rnnlfn of as hm suc- ccessw. lj a g2s bacon, 7 a 8; lard, 7J a 8j brands ?8 a TO; 70 a 7f r.-y WANTED 1 TrlJfrflAiber haa deeH)eV floods, and request those indebted to him. twwe-'jjatmesrt'ainiiistSBev- jnejit, as longer indulgence nted'mrt be expect- ed. I will sell . GOODS it minced prices hereafter, foeraii aio. -t r.KO. M'CO.fsSAl'ljllKY. ' SalMvy, ASr. 29, 1827. . ft ' SHERIFFS DEEDS, t spplefllOK land sold by order of writ cf Vcn.djjierJ B I etponns, for. sale at 'fits offee.