A it. Iff it 4-. i-f 1 r if i - it 0 SI'S M- KAMI OIL. 0 1- iJIJIlST quality of HI Ftmlntit 1mh Oil . also, UAiff .Mufti, fi by 97 Kulitimy, Jan. 1 i. H'.'W. K. Wltt.F.Y & Co. WILLIAM MOSBVS.ESTATK. iV Thqrtday.'the 13th ifnjrof March next, P will bo riniMfd In nubile aate. it the lt 'residence of Wrrv, Motby, dee'd. in tlic Fork , 16 or 17 fit fly FtgroYr, , Men, Women, and Children i flock if Ihrtt'n, Cattle, fh$, and 81tp a ouantitT of Cm end 'tlft ft ady, cleaned i Household VurniWe, one '- Wajron, IVoSinf, I'tr hil of til kind, andmany ler article. A 'credit of 13 month will be riven, the DurchtrirwinrtMniUwrihTOimwml eeoritjr. All.nenon indebted -te laid estate. Jarcq!auaujn&e payment tn itibscn. I ilpi, ll i - -I-, ! l. 1...,. -t rfunnifTTir eifattf iitirqwcVtwl -fft..4itm-utiily 1 ' authenticated, within the time breseribed hf law, or this will be plead in bar of their re. cavemVyRAitaS WIMJA MS. fxnfrir Sy , ' . ittiktitt miU unncje'J. : Surry Invnti.'TtV. 1 trt.'1 m .?r"'."- NOTICE TO LITIGANTS. THE subscriber having declined eetinjr any . lonjrer t Constable, repeats all peron who bar placed paper in hia bind for entire tkMT, to come forward and take then hp, or have settlement in tome way. He i deirmia of ttoing hit butineaa in this tine, a xn a no, sible, am J will thank those concerned to call on trim at hit resideaee in the Fork of the, Yadkin, ai toon at convenient. . K. HI MIS. Ilnmn rtimtf. Frb. 234 1S1T. 3t95 f pHK publkk are cautioned aframat trading J for a note land jiiren to me It Jntfh ' Crew, eome time lat summer, for 'itt.fiNr dollar, due the firt day of January, 18i a it iipaid In full by the uid joeph Crews t Vk1 Note wa lot with tiindry other note ami P pert, together with my 1'ocktt-book and Coat, un my way home from Petcnburg, Virginia, onetime in November last. JOIIV STODOsHD. L Stthft tunig, Jfth' 6ih, 1S28. 3t03 ' .. BOOK BINDING flTIB aooecTiber'rMprctlufty inform the Cif-T -JLJzeM..pf8anburyL andthr virrrottmrtn; j POETHY. MtiAUivx ran. The dew exhaled from brauty'a eye, , 'Mi 4 timurotit Ktancra thrd I Fall like the moiMtire of the ky, I'pon the lily'a head. The lily and the roae unite, On beauty'i cheek to Hiar The drop of radint delight, And drink and flourUb there. Tl eye fhont forh Iti aunny beam, . To warm the wakinjc flower i A Nature owe her lovely realm, To tundiloe and to bowcrs. The flWerrVhe Hfrt the warmtli, be tblm?, Ko tear, but where the meam !iine,- Kpbjiwriorliwh - THE PHINTEII'SJLOVE. iWwKwJaWlW'oiflifw - In all ka heanty 4rt .... We love to hear ir friend diactvo The emotions of the breast- We love to see a ship arrive Well laden to our thore j We love to ee wir neighbours tiir!vrt And love and bleu the poor. ., We love to aee dnmetic life ' " With uninterrupted jojaj We love to aee a vouthfiil kife NcK pleased with trifltnjf to, We love all tbee yet far above All that we bat ri rr tvd, We love what every Priktbr tovr, Ta Aarr luhtcdptimw pu4. ierliinej, ikj tfiC iu:a cut for xvagrtalone, with limplc Interest there on, will amount to more than S45,O0O, 2nd, The ether ettabfahmcnt of black labor ." Fn place of hiring hanJij we lay let them be purchased J and we allow enough when we estimate that hands of the right description may be bad lor S'JOO each, on an average. In stead of S3, the number of whitea em ployed, add one to every eleven, ma kin? SC. These supernumeraries are put in to mae up for any loss of time; 00 atCQUBI OS WM or.CMWM.ir,u; 7 3fi ilave, ch, it 7V 235 MANl'r'ACTl'KF.S. WOOL kt 1 lie following Krport wa made to the Houe of Common o the l(rilature of ihi Mate, on the lit er Jantiary lt, hy Vkarln FitKtr, member from 8ali!mry, who wa ehairman of the select committee on tbe mibject : ra.fTijiFEn. - Blaci Labtrt But. if . thU be the 211 land town, on Mam Street, a few door smith f theCourt-Housej where he will be thankful fo receive any kind of arort In hj line of btisme. Trota a number of years experience, in Europe and tnerka, he feele confident of being ahle-to five entire aat'ufaction to all thone who nwy fa voe him with any dearriptkm of Mmhinf . " Xlanh Book made to order, after any pattern'. Tuirhislied, on liort notice.TUid st prir'e. which lie one can erimplain of. . ; Old Bkt Rtbnmd, either plain or omamen til, on the mot tnoderte term. All order srom aowfnce,iaitniuiiy attenfled to. 1 hept so, when biai lc labor is employed. We are aware that the opinion jsm tertainctl at the North - end even by. some persona among ourselves, that our slavea cannot he advantageous!) employed in mantifictorit : 1st. Be cause, aa is alleged, they -nre deficient 1 ? ; i -r in inicueciuai quaitncations : anu, so. That they have no moral principle. Now, that the northern manufacturers rih.nextJnfluirOCWrTiOrHt "cost er .innumrto tlthe ana feed theie J blacki ? Sotne very intelligent cwtTemHr Targe "owners -of - alavei, give it as their opinion that sUvei of this description can be decently cloth rd and plentifully fed for 25 dollars each, which would make 850 dollars per year j but not to fall under the nark the coirimktre estimate that the cost will be 1,000 riollirs per year. T' these sums should also h? added, the waes of the Superintcndant say 300 dollars per year. Thne being the expenses of black labor, we wish iinw to compare it with the cost rf the white whw $3 hands. The Si whites we have seen will rot 3,640 dollars per yer, or, in oth . a er words, weir wages msv o put down as worth 3,640 dollars. Now, 36 bheks, and 1 white super, intendant, ran certainly do as murh work as 33 f hites, We therefore nut their labor down at tbe same price; of 3640 dolljirs. Hv4ng thus ascertained the coat of bur k labor, and aU value in. wsges, we proceed to make the annual calcula tions during the term of ten years; -At the end of the lot year. i. t capital veeted4a- the pur. . cnawot irr, .-g7,200 -To interest thefon for H months, 422 Clothing and feelint;slam: let year, 1,000 , ..... ...v. .,,vi, iiianuinviuicn I . k o.. :. j ronaje of thepubne is repectfully solicited, hy j hould hold n'ut these ideas, is not to j thefrbedient servant, i be wondered at,. whn we consider that ) AsVaWa- jiiiSSk '82T CARTF'"7' ' U is their interest to do so j but that c-n-" T"? ? DR. J W. IHLLYAUn. . . wmf Trrativea, EGS leave mort re.n,fllv Inf ,b. I an7. WUl ta prrona acqu noted 500 JLf citixeniof Davidson count received a fine assortment untv. thatbeha.ju.t Wl!h our b,afk. Population, is jtrange ' Vmh MftSnnf ' indeed. What branch of mechanics R9.132 3.649 tlii tafe aide, deiact ("or t!cstt$ taJ casualties 25 per cent, from first cost, leaves 5,400 dollars. Then so far as regards wages for the operatives, if you employ white labor, at the end of ten years you pay about 40,000 tioiuri. If blacks are employed you have the same labor) and at the end of ten years, actually aave 815,021 80. The twd sums added togr'ther; 61, 021 dollars show the difference be. tween black and white jabor for. ten years, in an establishment of only 1,000 spindles. But there are ma hy esfablishmentsf,5X)0, J)f courte inc uiucrcncp wouia oe ia proportion) Tcrj his add the items, of transpor tation on the raw material for.tet years, '-on 500. bales, at 7 tloCl. 0 .cuta pcr.uue, iiMfi.ucirg i(ie quantity of cotton annually consumed by siich ao establishment, equal to 5,000, at 7 dot Urt 50 cents, is 37,500. ; Coral difference in favor, of black es tablishment, is 342,605 dollars. (T A rA ur. 5.4'.2 At the end of 2nd year. andexpect. to receive within a few week.. from i have we in bur countrv. in u hirb ur i n- 'nce unpaid a above, . 5,49.' aWiiilailMlnhiA atu iVw . . . t J y l . . r ,ivT.a.raici.iOTs,in innmcm more ,1-. fA r j tI ""rrrv itirrron, 7l ,'" oiaunguisrrea Clothing! feedina; blacks, and lor their skill and ingenuity ? In every r o Ruperintendant, . . place we ree them equalling the best white mechanics. - 4. I. t .... .m. v .iraq rwrr imcei ims country 1 J tie pJeda;e his time .and talenfa, in fvttrr, ptireh to his .profusion, lie hopes, from yeara experience rti the rrofeiion. to meet with : that pttwre which, a man should whose Whole mind ia devoted to It, Hi charjres aliall ; ever..eieee4 fhofe male by other melical frentlemen. .Ikt 27. 1827 78 , wa- 3 29 53 1.500 JeArrM.Crtroiia, Mhe cumin SUPERIOR Court of Uw, September term, . . . : . ' J " v. unsiia nam win ; r ii,.. r ' Whereas it appearr-tvfw' ""'S nis laci-jHCS, Petition for divorce, the rtatiafactton (if the eonrt, that the defendant as an inhabitant of another tatc, it ia therrfore rdered by the court, 'Sat publication be made for three month in the Ualei;h Rrster and Wetfern. Caroliiiian, that I lie defendant appear ' thet Superior Court of Li to be. held Tj.:'JmyrAt the mirt.houe -in JeBeraon, on the third Monday of March next,' and then and there plead, anwrr or demur, therwiae the petition will be heard exparte.and the tame set for trial. Witness David Earnest, Clerk, at office, this 7th dav of November, A. D. 1827. 1). EARNEST, m. .frice advt g4. 3mt04 Slate aXtrth Cartina, f'nfiarrui ronnty : rtWPr of ple and quarter aewion, Jm. J MAM. IftOO . .I'lllf . . v mi7 irmi, io.o: t imam i navtdson t Adrr.iniatrator of Will. Parks, dee'd. : Justice's Judjf went 'et ied on land. It appearing to the sat. iffacfion of the Court that Kara Parks one of the beira at Taw of the Said Will. Park dee'd. ia not an inhabitant of this State ; .ordered, therefore, tba publication be made ix weeks in the We, tern Carolinian, notiryin; the aaid Ezra Park to appear at our next Court of pleas and quarter e.oi to be held for said county at the court Hoiiar in Concoid,on the 3d Monday of April J.er, then and there to plead or demur, other wiae Jtit'jrroent pro confeaio will be had a to , him, and execution awarded arrnrding'lv 6t06 DANT. COLEMAN. Ok. Slute of A'vtth CaroHnaA'abtimi eotmiv t But if et idenre drawn from analo gous pursuits is deemed insufficient, we offer proof In point. Mr. 'Don aldson, before mentioned, savs that he has been for some time in the way Ca. Ity wajr, aa above, 7,321 52 3.640. ; , 3.C81 ,52 At the end of id year . Da To balance as above, . . . R3ai 52 ao ra midbliiix eiitrri. r The infiiunce of flwmf Religion on to mtttie Nofifiinett. It is ofteo the case, that irreligious men indulge a prejudice against per. aonal piety they are afraid of its in. fluence in near friends, and are dis posed to represent their piety in the worst pVmt of light. The following anecdote of the kind wife, which lately app'tared1 in the; New. York Ob server,' exhibits the happy influence of personal feligitirr on the part of the wife JlwtoUcte&rJtjo-an - irreltrtmis and profligate husband, and this exam, pie of meclness,' forbearance end kindhest, may encourage other wives in., similar c isc!jnjbff7aithMdis. charge of duty, under the most pain. iui personal arwse anu cruel tre itment. In this cue the husband w aiovcr of sinful pleasure. He was "fowl of par ties, and accustomed to be out late t night. On a certain occasion, when sprnding an evening as uual with his companions at a nvern, the convrraa. tion happened to turn on the excellen cies and faults of their wives. The hushand above mentioned, p vised the Highest encomiums upon his wife, saying she ws excellen, cmlv she wjs a Methodist, (meaning this as a term 'if reproach for her brine religi ous.) " Notwithstanding which, said he, s'ich ia tSe command of her tem per, that was I to take you gentlemen horn with me t midnight, mikI order her to rise, and rtt a supper for vou. j she would be all submission and cheerr tu ibinlf, sa! J U , f.y Jc:f, tlat t shall be eternally miserable I I thank you lor the warning! by the grace of Godt I will change rny condoct.- Such is the influence of kindness on the) heart. Wert wives, whoso husband are unkind and vicious; under the influ ence of that piety, which will enablo ' them to restrain their own tempers and to be meek and patient under trials, it is impossible to tell in hotr many cases, the husband would be reformed by the kindness of the wife I dp not mean, that the wife should! " sacrifice her duty to Qod, for tho sake of pleasing her h usband , but jhit; io all his treatment, towards her, sh should stttdy-Stv-Sxhibit a candescent- sion, beneToier)ce and pIcasMOtnes'sT as wouju oe sure 19 carry conviction to ithay. heart of her busbind, .of, her moral purity !rr iontrist rith hit'- it deformltyT"" s" w moral follow TrrM. Mr. Eaton, ptintii pal of the Hensselaer School, Troy, affirms that hollow trees grow as fast as sound ones that the sugar miple after being drained of iu sap 50 years, and after the whole interior has be come dead, grows aa fast, and presents as blooming an aspect, as any o,nd tree of the same species and age stand ing by its aide. The common apple, tree grows thriftily ami bears abun. dance of, fruit, after the Interior is completely rotted away. The matter which affects the growth of trees is de posited between the bark ind wood. and the internal woody part does not seem to have any influence upon the external growth . ana that he not only finds them caual to whitea in aptness to learn, and skill to execute, but, nil thing considered, he actually prefers them. Mr. D. further states that he has had several SuperimendantaTf mm ,tborthrian all of these, with the exception of one: decidedly prefers black help, us they j- lerm u, to wnitf. With the blacks. i.i..i i ,., . . k ..urrr-l ,4 nwnUH, . rni H:,. .... " rUm J- 3iitc.fl.vabore, 1.500 O , "HPB"7 .rniinjj HKiuT ur"B u'ea mm 10 make the experiment, by a Considerable warer.- The bariraia u,aa mjdr. an f Q - about midnight the company adjourn Ca. As iSnvey 4 A.402 41 3,640 there is no turning out for wages, and I Ter Ps,br no time lost in visiting musters, and other public exhibitions. But erne of the great advantnjrrs of uiaca laoor is, mat you ran attach it permanently to the establishment by purchase. Tre following calculations will show the difference in cost between white and black labor. We suppose, 1st. A factory U erected in New England, to be carried on for 10 years by white operative?. 2d. Another is erected n Nortb Carolina, to be carried on for the same. I .l r , . icu8in 01 ume, oy oiack operatives. At the end of 4th Pa. To balance as above Interest the reon, - . i Ca. Dy w ape, if above, ... 1.762 41 1 f 4th year. jed, as proposed. Being admitted to " gl762 4if house1 where is your mistress, . . . . u7.44.aaid tliehusdjud lo the mild servant, . ,? ? nminiMra or of Will. Park, dep'd. : Justice's judgment levien on lantl: " n appearing to the - atifactionof tbe Court that Ezra Pat one of . the heirs at law of the id Will. Pnrks dee'd. jtotwt4nUlnt of lti-fitterKlere4 there fure that publication be marie tit week in the TV entern Carolinian notify ing the ail Ezra Parks to appear at our next Court of pleas and quar. ter aeaaiona to be lickUor aaid County at the f . court house in Concont, oh the 3d Monday of , April next, then and there to plead or demur otherwise-Judjfment pro eonfeoo will be haj 7 iB nim iw execution awarded acrordirjjly. i u r . . ".. . "I r-Ol Hrcf plea, and rinnrtrr MinnV J.nua. i " 'lf pmdlc8, and both con-j J rv term. 1828 : heir ofCharle. ffarria dee'd Matt ifjtmiht tmHnai htdell Ctttntv . tn wiit ti J '": t; ducted by good managers. ... ... ,isU.. The one niith.v'hite labor,, , According to the statements to be relied on. it re'duires S3 hand. I.iroe -t -: l o- and small, to carry on 1,000 spindles; At the most moderate rates, these hands will cost (per week) 70 dollars : fr, if paid at the end of the year, $3,. d40. The fact however, is, that the B70 is always, paid at the end of each .tttfk:j.wj)jc.b is car. Tied lorward to the end of the year" 419 MS 3.640 . 220 15 Thin, at the end of the fourth year, the capital invested in slaves, with in terest regularly carried forward, will be paid off, and more than paid by S220 1.7. Besides this, the alaves have been well fed and clothed, and 500 dollar annually allowed, as wages iu niic ouperintenaant. Now rarrv on this sum of S220 15, with interest, from the end of the 4th year, to the end of the term of ten years, is -Neat wages of 5th year, (after deducting SlOO, for clothing and fee ding, and . 500 dollars for Superintendant) will r be 2; 140 dollars and ini- terest to end of term, LigejIoOthyear witn interest, 2,740 dc do do do of 7th year, of 8th year, of 9th year, of 10th year, 2,653 2,525 2,390 2,258 2,140 ' CL'pP'0fi Court of Law, p3n Term, 182,; : nearly, ,-or altogether, 8109 ww5"!L?e-tw. Jamr De,tPn Hetitinn m'-rej btif wre-wi!l"thraw"ihit-itdr-' Court that notice, be (riven for three month, in T " war-mfiwWKm; the Western Carolinian. nrinil ci:.k... 1 the time of navihc thi frt Ct rjn . ... Ik. C ... ' I ' .I t ' . me enu oi the term nf irn ir. .-in .- , . "iciguj mat trie defendant James- Deatnni appear at the next Superior Cuirt of Law to be held for the Coun ty of Iredell, at the Court Mouse in Stateaville. on the fifth Monday after the fourth Monday ia March T,et the., 8d there to plead Io. or an ser the petition of Sallv IWnn ,.. .k .same will be taken pro c.mfeaso, and will be ' . 'P"r. .opira from the minutes. 13t3 ll k .U- ' . , '' j - , mrrtiorc count tne in terest on that sum for nine years; on the payment of wagea for the second year, count interest for eight years j on the waves nf K iKIl j i interest for 7 years, and HA fin rr tilaw as ' 815,021 80 I us at the enu of hetcrm. of ten TMr the estabfishmcntrafnerfon'by wmxe operative ftaswcosr for- labor lone4e,1W0d6IfaTSi While the one carried on bv blacks has paid the purchase money with in terest: has fed ahd clothed the hands; has paid a Superintendant, and made a saving on the basis of white labor of 815,021 80. In addition to this, the blacks are still on hand, and worth more thn tm hor sat upJot bim $he. Jus gone to bed sir." Call her up aaid he, tell her I have lught"7ome friends home with me, and desire her to get up anu prepare them a supper. The good woman at once obeyed the un reasonable summons, dressed her self, came down stairs and received the company with perfect civility, told them she happened to have some chickens ready for the spit, aod supper was accordingly very soon served up, wiien she performed the honors of the table, with as mach apparent cheerful, rifss, as if she had expected company in a proper season. After supper the guevs could not refrain from exoressini? their atonih- c. , ment j one of them more sober than I the rest, thus addressed himself to ..A.. II M .J ! J L nit mi,. in aii 11 in aaii ne, your civility fills us with surprise. Our unreasonable. ..visit is in c onsquence of a wager, which we have certainly lost, as you are a very relioiotis "pe?5rjtrarid"caTi irrot approvrmf nanon duct, give me leave to ask, xvhat can possibly induce you to b.-have with to much kindnese towards us ? Sir, re. plied she, when I married, my hus band and myself were both livine in m, we were without Cod in the world, . but it has pleased the Lord to 299 49, tfrr.t. It miy be t nerallr re. marked Wat rYirrlTi ho-drtve frhivfe swift horsef,l1otratth7''rJrive,- fjt" becauae 4hev-haVcs ift hones, but bfcuise fast driving makes hones swift. A horse may commonly b tr2pcd t3 a tjull jsnd hewyj to an airy and flcet-gaiu- Nature unquet tionibly does much ; but education der fr morr towards prodorinc the treatdiffrrncr in the speed i So'es, than rcosf men rr illtug t:.sihw. Horses are more frrqJ"nih irjurerl by driving them beyond" their habitual pace, than beyond their natfoc pt rr. The best direction fcr the education of horses,' is, drive fart ard stop often. - ' .IT BfiMP.. At the Rh of January r&wcr in Wahintnt city, Mr. Ilayne.of Boutiiawilina, beinr railed on. jrave a toast, accompanie l hv rome prefato- 3' remark, of which the following are ihk cor... vaiofts.- .'. ' the late war, to be in the neighbor hool of General JacksonY residence, and to pass a short time with him an his amiable and excellent lady, at their QynhousetTjvere I had an oppor tunitv of fyrmTngTjulFestimate'of his character, wholly uninfluenced bv party ferling j fof his name had nof then been even mentioned in Conner tion i with .the ;vprtcTrncn $t lieve that he indulged a wish of being again involved in "the busy scenes of -iMic life, but chorinhed a'hope tnat he might, like Washington, be permitted to p iss the remainder of hU divs in the quiet pursuits of agriculnirr. The 'pinion I formed nf Gen. Jackson, from the universal tstim try of his neighbour, (perhaps the best test of any man's merit,,) and my own per sonal observations, has undrrgone no change up to the present h ur. I found him, sir, in the p "ivrm of the entire confidence and stimofhis ..!. "1 ... . iirip'immrs, a-.ui surro'tniiri 'iv is mucn Ioe. a.td iifTrrtiop .'.-, p.sible: he was universalis ronsijTecl a a man nf rr.,r rli.inf ...J : - uniiinnwulirHj llliriii), and hnoT, scrupulously just in all his dealings, mild in his manners, and charitable in his feelings. He was known as the guardian pf thc prpfian, the protector of the poor,and the friend of the friendless. He was tbemnnificenrntrmtof ehurches-ani of schools, and the itralous promoter of every scheme which had for its object the improvement of the nigral and intellectual condition of those who we're placed by their condition under his peculiar care, ami - regarded, as a friend by all who: knew him Whc" iv . " I - caiime out ot that dangerous condition, rrr this is added.' -fhnt h was admitted numoiy nope my husband on4by, all to TUIIU......II . . I F I ' J lt-y-t irrmDie tot -n 11 if ture state. Were he to die as he i he must be miserable forever. I think therefore- my duty to make hi present condition as comfortable as possible." This wise and faithful reply affected the whole company ii.wenttothe heart ot her husband. and left an impression on his mind of Wflen first purchased. Bji', to be on I great use to his spiritual v? eifare. Do to posses a clear head and a sound heart, ywi have thm veharacfj;r..?(. Cieh. Jackson Recording to the estima tion of those who have known .hint longest and most intimately, ; -among whom are some of the wisest and best men in the United States. f offer a toast, Aniirkst Jackso'v who. like VusI ington, saved his ci tntry.. ih'wsi and like Jefferson, will save it in peaff.