VOL. VI1X......N0. 405. Mm t'HlLU WHFFt. J era. Tte terms of he Western Carolinian are, SJJ irrvSL, will b. r4iM n T1H ... - . ) I I" TrrWr at a distance, who re X Editor, unless aSKT " iji acquaintance guarantees rJ, ' tai i.iveri aements wifl h Jmertea " " week, ana iwrwy-" curt HUIV " ww- - i of cacU WPPfc iiiri ' ' VALUABLE LAND. .a RKINT. determined upon removing we tun enuntrv. the subscriber offers for Ssl (he whole of his vsluable possessions,' lying on th north aide of ihe Catawba both sides of ih main readleadinf tnm itatea ine l pncolnton, of th Buff alow Bhoal ere k, 10 mites from BLttaviiie, iff rtcii 'TiTtr; r.- 1 hf-r to a il sw. ion ot mi , portion f which hi nfriaaidtw tW "'watry, (Hith premises mere as r" .7. T. , 2 ijJJf TTfflwfpnnncwnt' AND COMMJON T a?, aata lef oroduc committed to h.l S bTaU., or to the execution of order. eWeVa. bis absence, the Vruib. f.. 'n,H vr"Si onToon wiHNprepai-"- rtrwignmenu - iirNRT W. CONNER. . niMin. AW. far. 127. ' "SEIDLITZ -cOUAIC I'OWDEKS. Jfc . ... .. ! mi hand 4 t1i tiZZZwlr durint tb on by th, po-, down, or mI hrt. . MB. k) txdrr art put up weordinp to thrhodpcrd by tb London Pbn. ofTi.cpm crib, iUWlTlt'iclieii. met'bM ond rn bw fco..AuHWeBt.qnimrT-iii udcr cuhitfm,profitbty to emplnjf 3 r 4 bm!i,lh lfficlctlrq1ntiJrJeH, medo tmiml. tnd 30 or 35 trre of fir We hnHnm tmiwt III thif WlrT.farOfr tlfXD. Tbe lwl t nuceptible of beinjr, wi wm o, may tuit purcbuert, dii(!ed into two Kttle. k n I hiil liYt to forrot tho prHbubirity of very eitenv jme, on inw ww. The outHOrtbtr Dew acierauncu . bovt property, it will b iliped of on the uAmmlW1tllV TtmM lO in Win n."!.. Perloni deilrona of purcbMinf, are ln?rl to enmina th premie. Her. '"..y t',h. M, GOODMAN'S IDTEL, At the Sign of the t oUcn Ball. Ll ' fpHR iobKriber h i opened a boar. r J. dint; bouta an bou of enter. ifiiL'nnB. at the eojwr of Kinff and BndBtrti,opnoileth urt-le. lla pwniie to affHd, bi)i the boarder and trUb wbo illfvftjjlo:-ifb tbeif pafc roniev, bi umUvWed f tenwm ttfpteaM, bb m tornktrt and ebarfe."V' 4'0TT',,";,';'; JOSEPH yOvAJXAN. DissoLUMuy. 1 . . . m lti,Aiijrm ip rmjnr. Twptttnenmp mm v -uuj'tt br RutuaT content: M thoae imhbted by oota or account, ara rejueted to call aid make pay. ment to Andrew Hunt, bo h aotbtfiaed to re. eeWetbeaame. MICH AM Biwmw, A50IIEW HUNr. Fth. tlth. tm ' ' 03 t wUh approved M.cun.y. H4MJt,II'i?, milAT bl porwano U a Deed of Tr,t, ml "linani Meam. ten.. Monday, tbe ll& March Hilt, tbat larft and lbU Trorf of Land wbicb the W Vtlir.tm Mran. now Seeirwi. L tract of Ud in be Wrftem part nf .Wlfl Crr.na,of th aawe q'ian.iy of acre., more whTaWe: tber i on the premise a tKj-an.' rt brWk DwUi-f W and abo a bwk jCchen.and neceawry om-boue. )u7e awadayan.l at the aawe plar f . we aell anoitfT 7cf Land. onaimiC abmit une hundred acrea, lym on me new in from Concord lo lUUbury. . the earn day. we will aell wRbteen or twenty likely A ECHOES, wnuH.ng of mn. Civm Irv..,. T -In.i 10(1 WOO . -" " Tho fmrvOa immnui mM wwit ibc abore till day of aale. and tend account. ; - WILLIAM - MOSBVS ESTATE X thundar. the; 13ili day of Marcb next. ViB be eipneed to publie aate, at tlie jale TeridenceV WmiTMoaby, dec ia the Torln 0 the Yadkin. J&wrjrifWtf.AVjrrffW, Hen, Women, and Children j atork of tlonei. Cattle, ff'f, and Shttpi a atantiv of Cam and Jye ready cleaned t Hmnehnld Furniture, one -VTarrmt Farmine; LTUila of all kind, and many other article A credit of 12 month will be riven, the purchaser ariwinar bonda with approvrd aecurity. All peraona imlebted to tai.1 eate, are req-jeated to ank payment ti the aubjcri, ' beT alo,'tboe who., bare claima apuiimt the .atatai. ateQe.4. iP" ' ?V A'V uthenticated. within "the time1 rewrrifjrd by hw, or th will be plead in bar of their re nVPV. fRANCI WIIJ JAMS P-rrcfr. with the yei'l nnnexvl. Surry tovntv. Fe.V H 1338 3t5 ' DR. J W. H1LLYAKD, " j BIG leave moat reipec'tfully to Inform the eitiiem of Davidaon county, that he hai just i deceived a line awwrtment ot f VA MnKcinrt i . nl epeet to receive within a few weeks from SALES FOK TOWN TAXES. "ttriLI. be anld at the eoirt.houe, on Tuea M day, the l.Sth dy of April next, the l lowinr loll and Inuaea in the town of Slibur, or ao much therrof a will be aulHcient to tiafy the Commiaiionera 1 'air due thereon, irom me tear 18 W, to the vear 1328 to wit r Tn ioe ana iw iwrncnj j Abbot, icctw, now ht WaUol Jacobs. -lloute ami h formerly owned by Daniel Jacob, now by Philip JacJba, Lo formrHy owned by IS. P. Pearo now by John McClelland. . llouaet and loU belorripf to Barnabaa Kri- dtrV estate. ' r , . V - H."Tlt'i)nflfTo-TtTneirMp DANIEL II. CRESS ll r.QUf.STS all teraon Indebted to him by li note of hand, book account, or otberwiae, to mak payment immediately, or their oVbta a ill b placed in th hand of an a (Beer for col. lection. Peraoo having demand ainat him, will pleaae preaent them for payment. He haa fit opened an awortment of GOODS from the North, eoniatn or Dry Coodt, I Cutlery y Crodertf, Hard Ware, I Gncerie, bV. which he k aellinz at a amaler advance on coat, for ca, van has ever becnoflVred to the pub lic before in thu place. UB.hurrtb. 18A, 1823. W M'a'e. . ... -nouaindotwowad.oJ orcuptea oy Sarah YarUroyptu ... t . n..... m.u Itrfi nrmnlrd bv John Treier. r.A tn fcrmrrlv '-owned br-Thoma Holme, now by 8nnel Jonea. ...i nwiusl bv lUlnb Kritler. n.... ....I k.t Cirniirlv owned by Martha Witfon. how by Vr. Wert, - ; - Hnie3ndfcrbelnrng to n.e.eate oi u.c Itte Mr. StM h r. Home and bit Brlonging to the eitatc of the late Thorn is Todd. . , AIo. lo n.wS. r 23, 24, 31. 57. 35, and 57. in the U'e ?iure lota numbera 38, 39, 46, and '47". in the V Sqntref id lo! All of whi h wi'l be arMially ntntrk ofT to the Ust bidder on that dv, if ilr taxn due therron are nit pnvionaiv pain. UTI.I.IAM HOWAKD.C. T. l 4.1 ISM. 61 9 BT Ttrtti'of Ifcrd of 1 rual, executed by Hubert t;ardner to iuc, fur the puepoae of making me anfc for -bvonr-aecutity o Henry Weaver and Other, whirh aim w mentwned in the ded,1 vill aell t Public Vendue, on Mnn. day of April Superior Court, at the emirt-hou'e 'in Saliabnrv. the Plantation n which the said IToHert tiar'dnert deCM. reilded, within four or ie wtika of .10 wn, cWain'mfr 'Voit 35Q ami. adjoinwr Moaea Rrown and oihrrarlwx nmtbf credit W ill be given to purclusera, on their ex ccutinp bonda with approved securitv. tHher terma, kc. made known on the dav f !e. HK.NKY HILL, 7rjie. 25!. 1S2S. 6t08 4 PAIR OF GILT EPAULETS F)R aale, very low: th bar been uaed, hul are not much aoiled. Apply at Jamea D. flampton's watc-h-maker! tliop. Fek. 28 vim XAlYrANH OTHER BOOKS. UNITED STATES TELEGRAPH. The Editon of the United Strtei' Tclf graph propote to publiih, weekly, until the 15th of Octolxr neit, piper unIer the title of The United State? Telegraph 'Extra, for oni DqLtAi, payable, in U caiet,r 'n ; atlTnce. Thii oaner. faar the editoril wiu oe devotedWiMta'b iiKaPr?wilehdal eiertirm, ana win contain uiun w umetiti, anrlTiirh riaiyiMw-tnal td r. IWll-L aell, at the court4oi In Slalenine, -on the lat day of-Max, aa th Adminiatrator of Mow U JlilL dte'd. a kip.'and alflbte rolloction of Law and atbera of v.riouj kind, oil monthi rre'dit wirib given ; Bond nd aecurity requirt d. ... P. CALDWELL, JJm'r. n v neraon or oerwna havir; borrowed bookf of Mr; Hill, are repe.e4 toierum. them im mediately. .P, C. Mm r. f5. S8IA. ln?R. W JOHN-VOU.NGT) ESTATE" THK ttt,deraj(rnil havi-ip qualified, at Ftbffi " ary aewiona of ttowan county court,- a ad ministrator on the estate of John Voting, dee'd. requesti all peron indebted to sa'd estate to majte paymenV 'awl aTnefon. having .claim? aprwnst-thastme, praeU-thim tr payment, witliin the time jirerriled bv Inw, or thia notice will b, plead in bv. W. H. U (X)l, .t.mV. Feb. 10.'. IH.'K. 608 MILUNOTON I'ETILLOS ESTATE. THF. atibwibera linvnijr qualified at adminia tratuM i if the e-tate of Miilinpton Petillo, dee'd. la'e of Buncombe county, N. C dtsire all peraons indebted to aaid eetate to make pay ment with aa little ilelav aa pnaaihle ai'.l all a. . ' 1 . '. ..!.,! aaal.1 aaat,taa fM If. iniiUdchphia.ndNew.Vork.anMmentnioreiPe atenaive than haa ever reached this country i and he pledgee hii time atid taent iihnr, entirely to hia 4profsion. He hopee, froni ?ears experience in the profeaaton, to meet with 'lat p rtronage-which a man altoulU whose whole mind ia devoted to it. Hi ehargea aha'l never exceed those made by other medical Bremen. 27. 1827 7B State aA'aMA Coreffam taom fawnfy . COURT of ple and quarter seasons, Jan. uary term, 1828$ William L. Davidaon n Administrator of Will. Parka, dee'd. : Juatice'a Judgmeat levied on land. I appearing tt the sat. Jafaction of the Conrt that Kara I'arka one of the tteira at law of the aaid Will. Parka ilec'iU Unot ,Z an-iiibabitant of thie State roTdereoV thereforei that publieatKMi be made ait weeks in t1 Wea. - tern Carolinian, notify ing the aaid Ear Parka to appear arourrext Court of. pleaa and quarter -oeaaions to bbld lor laidjcounty arthewiwt bouse in Concord, on the 3d Monday ofApril next, then and there to plead or demur, other wise Judgment pro confewo will be had aa to Vim. and eieculion awarded accordingly. 6t06 DAN'L. COLEMAN, Clk. iit.in the time limiel hv act of a-'senioiy, othvrwie tliis notice will be plead in bar of their recovery JOllS YOUNG, MOSF.x WHITES1DF.S, 5t07 THOMAH I.UTLf JOHN BUKG1N, Fthmnry 1 6 A. 1828. Mmimitraian. MONEY L03T, LOT. on Tuewlav, the 26th of Febfian', either between V illiamfJttrklge'tand Sli burv. in the atreeia of alibury, a pnnr containing between si and 'A dollars in nfv-r, rotlv (tnall pieces; one ot two eagle (l')llars. five V frank piecea, 10 or 12 dollars in e:.gle l.aUea. the balance in halves, garters, rj and fil ,;. ; the finder aball fvceive hv i..m;..-.U.-. n Li.BhHP VVhjte.Jar Iviorirf r .. ber. All merclwnt in 8alury are requested ; to notice i and ahmild the above-men-, MMf'- tioneil money be offered to then, to make u quiries concerning the same, aa there is but little ailver passing these times. 2t05 . Feb. 28M. 1 828. J A M F.h STEW A HT. aeleetrd.'-tnt- to the-4tidgreat..ofjif tiort 01 thtf '?Drmocrtue ltpaWiai candidate!, A N Dit E W J A C KSO N odJOIIN C. CALHOUN. I he Uoited Statta Ttlegriph Extra will be printed in pamphlet form tnd atitch. ed to render it more convenient for cir. eulation,. The first number will ap. pear about the fintof March; " Frfak of Fo'tune-Th Macon Tele graps of the 98th ult. mentions that the drawir.K of th Montirello Academy Lot tery 'in fleorgis,) was completed on the 10tb ult. On thai ft?, the highest prize fftSOOO.I ram out atalnst a ticket held fellow, the nrooerty of C. Cargile, Esq. and was owned jointly br himself, hi two suns, and two sons in liw,wkohad spproprtateo aom. m w in tie purchase of ibe ticket. .Some ftrartge ihinps happen in Cbn great. On (he. 19th in.t. on a bill to VT0 vide for the removal of the Choctawjo- ttiana weal Vl - trie PHapMP 'b ..." Weemsof Maryland fflirt aahort-speecii, vfUh-UxMitilr infill hand, from which he quoted -the bUtfi and biatory of. IkhmaeN whom he viewed as the ancestor or our Indians r Ftttvillt ObMtrv;r,,. THE LATE TREASURER. -OoT teadera, . doubtless b.?Jf; jll; srrved, a few wefk pt, an adwliae meht in our paper, lor a sale of the ne croes, land, he of the late Treasurer Haywood, to nuke uood he deficit in th Trenaury, which happened during his incumbency or that office. In pursuance of the notice given in that adrerueement, the s,lc took place in Raleigh, cm the dwn WWlMsKaWW'-Jp ult in the , TRUST SALE. BY virtue of a Deed of Trust, made ay" Jacob. Keblef To Moses L. Hill, for the puepoees therein mentioned, L as te Adminiatrator of tid Hill, will sell in the torn of Stateaville, on the 3d Monday in Ma?ch. ohe ffeuie and Isf in aaid town, together withjthe neceasary out houses; one Xtp man ,uf 'Vj'r wamen, anrt am tktld. and various ptlieriarticlei, too t liua to mention. Twelve mofhs credit will be irivefi t bond and aerurtiy will be required. P. CALDWEll, Jdmintitralor, Feb. 3SfA, 182. 2t05 , ...TUt 3T. S4LEL.tr XORthe purpoae of makiir distribution agree V a'-lv to a deed Til tnit executed to me- brf' - Sarah Citmpbell, dee'd. la'Cdf Randolph emmtv ; fur li e uae and benefit of Ire children, he. ill be sold in the Town ot Le4glon, on 1 but!ay, the 20ih day of March nt, on a creilit of twelve' montha, Ten r twelve Tultdk SUITF.S, one of whom ii a ch1 Coojtr J wkl -KK ALE!. GRAY, Trritnw. . rebrvary 8A. 1828. t 3t06 NOTICE" TO LlTiGANTS. rTIHE aubacriber having cclmeU acting any Stale if Jtori CnKn.Cbrr COURT' of pleaa and quarter session, Janua ry term, 1838 1 heirs of Chartef llama dec d Adminiatrator of WiH.Farkrdec'd. JuMwea iudgment ievied on laiwL It appearroar to. the atisfoUon of the Court that toa Urka one of ih. beira ft law of " ?he saul Wdt. :tf ta not an"inhanitant of this tte,- ordeiJ there, fore that publication be. made if weeks in the Vestern Carolinian notif) in tha aaid Eara Parks " to appear at bur next Court of pleas snd quae. L. 1 ' u. i k held for said Count V at the court house in Concord, on the 3d Monday of April next, then anil lucre to pieai or -"' otherwie Judgment pro confeaao will be bad as Whim and execution awarded accoitlwgly. ' $08 DAN'L. COLEMAN, C. ALDEKT CORPEMNU-S ESTATE. THK aubacriber having quulificd as executor of the last will and testsment of .1brri CarftenirideceaHl.late ol the county ot Hurae, desires all persona indebted to the eatale ot trie ,id recessed, to come torwam ann maae pay- . . a a ' II L. U.L. ment withmit delay i ann ucewiaeau hava anv claims aiminst aaid estate, to present thern,-gally- autiieoticated.. witliin'. the time limited oy law, otherwise mia notice m cu in bar of their recovery. DAVID COItPEMG, tXtcuter. SmtlS - January 3 118287 ioe f Xrlh.CaroUna, Iredell Counts StiPERIOIl Court of Law, Fall Term, 1827: Sallv Deaton vt. Jamea Deaton; Petition for Divorce. In thia case it is ordered by the Court that notice be given for three months in the Western Carolinian, printed in Salisbury t and i the Slav prinled in ..Rale igh.l tbat the defeuilant '. James. Dea' on, appear at the next Sunerior Court of Law to be held for" the' Coun ty of IredelVat the Court House jr.- Suteavilte, - - .... a . m . a . on tbe tiHU Monday alter tne.tourtn sionuay jn IJWar :(ia ywaithefavto pkad, an- wer the petition oi saiiy ueaton, or mai me tame will be taken pro confeaao, and will be lieard ex parte. Copied from the toinutesT'"" 13t9 Teat i JA8. CAMPBELL, Clk. LAMP OIL. IJtlRST quality of Winter, irained tnp Vil; also, tian lamp: for sale, by 97 HalUhnrg, Jen. li, J2. WllrtF.Y K Co. I lonrcr aa a Constable, nquests all peraons who have placed papers in n ni ,r tion, to come lorwaro. au ic iw (. -a aettlement in some wav. He ia deairoos o cloaing his business in thia ne, aa aoon as poa ible. and will thank those concerned to call on him at hia reaidence in the Rrka of be Yadkin, as coon as convenient. E. GIHHs. lioan county. Feb. Z3A m. An article on the lubjert . ,.:m. O .aerver, states, that proper me aniouiu 01 a lOiil Kllion mt C I L.I. MMM ....L.MfAf A. in conacquence ot "i'I"", nd some of the real estate Vaa nougm in hy the enta of the Slate, lo prevent tta .. . r .r . J .u.. Iiein aacnliced. eare iniormcu mi ibe ptoperty thus reserred is more than sufficient to cover the oawnce or me ucn "i.- i .im R7.O00.1 -1 he amount was nriim.llv about 868,000, but the State seemed 829 000 worth of Rank Stock, i.,.; aift.oon to he made from the mher real and personal eUate of the de craaed. We think we may afely con gratulate the public, "that the State will iu nn mrt nf i'.s funds br the late Tieavurcr. -r-i MR' GASTON'S ADDRESS. Sis : In looking overthe columns of your pa per of the 19th inst.. I see yo.i have p.it mia conatructiona on tlie addre-aofthe Adniniatra tion Convention of the people ol this .'ate. by aainff its reasoning i deceptive, and fa -e in it. (Uiiuctions: vou will much oblige a subscriber ri accordance wb the above reque't of z '...ribrr. in Cabarrus county we pu m. u WMres. of the ,m'" "V. on u. the Jub.ia.ling thia ZltVZlr .poaitums. nor of our a . KiaV ava ntlDllafl l l,v" " " - . WORTHY OF ATfENTlON ! rnHE subscriber wianes w iniomi v...v.. 1 of Salisbury, and the rtrrounding country, that he has commenced the Tailoring Busmest f fn aaid town, on wain axreei, k , , house, a few doors aoove nr. 9iKuv ; -' . !. k... k will be tlankful to ttttv any koHrworlHn-hia Sao fneyhsi long experience in the ousineaN aa - elfhe will be able to give entire satisfaction to H who may patroniie h.m AH orders for wor irom " " " punctually attended to; smcth according to di rectiona. The public are respectfully invited to trv the subscriber's AV t7.!.n: . BENJAMIN FRALEY. .ry,re,5A,1828. ' 6t06 " ranui a f IK MAKING. Sic . miis- aobaeribee keepa conatanUy on hawL. -JCaVrfa,Ct reduced prices. He will execute, on Ihelhbrf SSJi all order, in hi. lin. of business, in degsMand fashionable rtyK . Being grateful ft th Encouragement he hu Uthertojrect L ... .h., nnth nr on hia Dart aball be aii op,ortni,y rf "" ciliunns of the wesxero j Addres. of the Adm.nntra.ion SeldTn the Capitol at Raleigh. Dec. 20th, 1827. Ta the Freemen of AartA Coraino. coaTiacin. R,rd for the tranquillity oT our Cjgwj c,H upon us to pursue ? The term lor M, A,mi i elected, bas nearly .J .nnm.ed usaces of our country, be :ri: : . . Candidate for re elec comes wi"- - . . ..;,. H in All hia adversaries nave - .u- ...nnnrt of one onpoMiiB i,i.rrv- Konae j kn these wc ro r- Z .a -ll we must either express we tote at all, we r""?... , t trKiJL.tK . 1 th.t Mr. Adams ahalfhafe the "" ."r iU nfhis Country's appro- aCCUSWlus" '-- ytoiMfiml S o ojr tion. To us, U appears .hat no ,"PSn be more auspicious in it. bfiu " n the. trnnouilliiy of pur country : zr for . oMd term ' ," V,.k aaltoa. AdrtritiisKatton I a a niiut" - -- there ts no well founded and lerloos cam or complaint. It Is surely detlrsWe that there should Le a brearMop; iimeheiet the Iolen cooRicis which alwayi ocrbt on the approach of contested Preaidentlal Elections fhat thei shoold lo a serefie) , ' , Inlertil, In which puldU men may quiet- . , . If plan and eatmty fxerute what the pub- ' - . H rawVriiVnjRiTaled 'tJf'.the' passion wh)c accompany . thew.ronlilcts aoa that the Pebnlfl ahooMHot bo hep bf tv wrtaWetertlona tJ Pnlitim! Fink" Jl a continued i'af I 6f flt?Clh entitemeoti "pH U"ttnrrletu!l! l& h'lr prseet than j- rjnfsvoratM.io m exercissi.oi iucij.jviujj- ,, ffltni'; If when ih lndUWusI is appointetl MmL.mm iktniliia ftf President. It be) - known thai the Question of his re elecuoo is lo be determined withoot regard to tho manner in which those duties shall bay) ..." been performed, sre tnsf heresltet pect an unintermitted strife. The Instant one election Is decided, the strung! fsr . the next will beRln. The disappointed Csndidiies and their Wende without walU inj to witness the political eoBrteorth , successful competitor, will Instantly takt) the field, angry but not dispirited by de feat, and wreak their united rengence on him who has been the reuse of their com mon discomfiture. The hope of public approbation, one of the strongest incen lives to public tirtue, will be taken away, nu .,, however wise or honest, will secure the ' a tew-. -silence opposition lo his measures, or al lay the animosity of bis enetniea. can hare no confidence that ht will be r 1owe! lo finish any beneficial scheme of national policy which he may haw began,- -.J iii.vhii most not surrender bis unnn i.hed work, "together with his Teputa- rton t r snceesso. unequal to Hie taat, oTurirrlendly w1ilrTiewt;-lM.s-. arjd drink, for to morrow, we die,. . la tho laneu'ge of the VensUaliAtr-Let tne en- rich my fmily and Mends-let mo strengthen the power of my aanfroiw florin the sHoi-t term of mr officer srouw ---. then be the natural suggestion oi ayarawa nd ambition, f , nnt ft mlsrenresented. Ye are) not advocatea for an Indefinite re ellgibil- tv of the President. Custom, tounrteo on ' a .mm WkiSm . . . the precedent set oy wm m memory all now venerate, has establishetl firmly. nd we think hspptiy. nav o rw- sident shall hold the office longer in eieht yeatu Rut the time custom his Jonclucted the affairs of the Nation yirtd ously and wiaely, shsll receive one It election. Why, then, we would ask, of our calm snd reasoning fellow-ciiiaens, shall we join in this opposition fo Mr. Adam f t ...... we take for frawe4.1he."declam'loiie.of-;--his opponents if we beliere all that tb opposition presses have charged upon him nay, if we confide in the rhetorical, and even honest denuncistions of our fel low ciiixtns, over cealous in the cause of General Jackson, ther is indeed abun dant cause to visit him with the full meas ure of our reprobation. Vy&joltxuMsp rwsijjoakaeMgm excesiye-real blinds the understandinE and""pervrt lb judgment; and: tho;,; Press, which should be the vehicle of .. truth, is too often but the. medium, of calumav and falsehood. We have heard e have aeen the President charged with hiving; usurped a power denied him to Toreign powers aeainst the will, nd without ihe consent of ihe Senate. What is th. fact? Tho 'resident announced lo Congress mat an ntimtion had been made to him in the) recess of the Senate to send Ministers to the Congress ol fansma, and tnat enoougn Klieved his powers adcqnat:tb thia object, he deemed it pediul Waii fat the meeting of his Constitutional Counsel before he decided on so important a meas ure. If he were in error in euppoeing that hia constitutional power to fill vacan cies in the oflke of Foreign Ministers, in the tecess of the Senate, did extena to a case where a fireviou$ afitointment had not been made, candor would have pro nounced that error. venial .whichhad!eri sanctioned by every f t ietewr in the) utTice. would reier tnese censors w Candidate If the Resolutions presented by Mr. Oore in.Jk-Sgnate. of the U. Stales, on the Tth of March, 1814, in which that oofly waa called upon to resolve, that tne rresitiens of the United Statea having power to mi vacaucks which may happen m ihe re cess of the Senile, no such vacancy could occur in an office not .before full, and that therefor t h. grant jnK gUom m'Mionat in the teceas, to Messrs. Adams, uayaro j' fjlli Vn. in. negotiate a Treaty of PaeA wttn ureal: ortt uin, " -. AftAn'eil b th wonsuiuuoii, ovi - andol tnw Stales wii.im tbey represent ' ....(. -I-.-- 4 Few questions were ever mote deliCer- ticly couaidered, or mote thoroughly oi; cuS'.' v i . -t II. i- -a' f f, 1