CUM. HI.. . ,mAL MJMMAIIV. anj tha resoliii nt v ,j L,; -uuljr a ' . iUNi.UAL, Vb GOV. CLINTON. BALI I liuiUy, I kk, 7, fit Senate -the till rcapcciin ditcrlrn inning duties en tdiituge and imports M,.k a A J I 1. 1 J ,1. I a Ti.e funeral of Gov. Clinton took t-hce in Albany, en the 14th tic. The VioU'ed, on tlio l.ih of April following, vote of 03 tj 63. rejected theie Hcioluiumt by vote ol Indefinite postponement, In ihU debute. t precedents were died of the eierelte ol this rljjhi by all the predecessors of Mr Madison. a Washington, Adams, Jeffcr .son, and Madison, (ba actual exercise of Tut $-!, Feb. 1J In the Sen te, the amendment ofcred l houaei of the Legislat by Mr. Foot, o th rules of the Senate, at officer., clergy, relative! Le. urc. itate a iiuru um a i ci patsea. i ne v.....i w, uan ictiur MIIU OKICrt. SLf- I I resident. Wit eoniirt-r-f A j: I ii ' ' Ivors or representatives of the tk,.r. it. .", fa,'. L ' ? made to fc Throne of motion of CbI. Jn fiu.- f '! " ehrii.eM ia.k& smTmen whY capped ,nd burnt . ,h . Inn "-"-T BW "e by "ev. Dr. Ludlow, In the frtgtte Philadelphia, In the harbor of Trl- In th. liana f lUnr... ... .. of Dr. Chester, to whose coo. vluaI rf0fIi lliitui Etq. was called to the ch-U , La ' V tn pof s deemed constitutional, ind lion if Sf . ' "J? 00 "X- , ,,' pronounced to be orthodox bt Ifk him who no CH th Presidential Chair, in fnjlmation that It eslt'l, though tctorn- fWed kth I forbearance' to Ute frt, It ( Stigmatised Poluicil'lIrVtiV, ind ; Renounced it Tyrsnny and. Usurpation J Sortly, )ht rate it not .Vx'iloct of those fWill ... rnii.1.)...J tl .... . lit .. ' . -r"."..!!!,,, Din (,..,. r.. ' , , Altxindtu sen. and ;mfi J" Cqt. were appointed aacrat.-u. .! - ,KU,, muininn. -. r..y..,...i.,fV. ;,,uaaeTcraiDianKt .Jiurr oiiertci an amendment loth bill i-l6 wvmw wn auacnea. ere then 6lle(l uh the following umiu to regulate thi duties on Import! which l 0 eoffin WM the0 P'wed on the rwthe widow6rCorn.Preble,8J,000for waa ordered It be printed. The House. he"r, whch urmouOted with .A . 1 0Mha. 8, ,nl Committeeof the whole, on ih ..... H,ck P,ume drew by four white 'HI. object of the medio wMtipUloed Jl the chairman, In an able and ,1 ...... w. v..M4viuia leneth. if, r commiitee composed of W. i. i: .. ! mo strain at Gniinl V.llow Camel. ' Became th' ......Tk ii u " usii; I ho mi.l.ta If.. If M..M Invfnn M., P , r, . i vr:i::,av;r,';v.r,,r'te",Mith. rr,tHl"ftP''w oWitfeBoWtfttrtpe,seR7 VeticrJilc Wy.ilio "iecUj uirdiao ol the rightt supp-J in hc beerTihut Alow wu an At a terv numerous essemU.c, freemen of Mecklenbu.g countvrllVl ed.tthe court-boute ? CklXSi - , uin oi r VaV.i - r r . '.T ! wo op tne avy Appropri- nu"ee aecoraiea with l ack d uroet ru;.Bw.isasira ti-i- ab-wMWJ.- "lr wtwiweet tr-wat-lVfifiA.1 -. .4 - I e; unmary escort attcn. ,4 i ;.ri.; f h 1 w:a?.rrts thoii-y ysnd tectuwi i hi ailtihcVd stwiawi: vm,. gwinnct toai. wnere n covrae 01 outy it plum, and ine obli M Kaiion to set Imperative the Public Atent t ehould never be ptlaled by the fear bfl h popmar oitpieature a . doctrine Once to . i ebly end aoL elonuentlv enforced on' the j i"or oi me iiouto or nepretentativet by , Cilhoun be it denounced is regard' icsa pi inc loutUiuiiorw arlttdcraiic h ' A.?. m M ' . oouqdi, ana a contemner or the reo'' An InteniitenVteoplo'thOUld dia . rrimlnate between tltferers arid frlendi . Tlattercrs indeed are never friends. The ( Demajojuo who, in a Republic, lives but to please the people,' under a Monarchy, wouiu oe foremost in the train ot Cour tiers that besieje the'Throno whb ful owe adulation. Political aunQowera al ays direct their faces to the orb of Jirht - - l.iiiUn.-rlii" r-t of. h , : 'r . .if it indeed oe L aJrAle 'o have the Lwn, f w iionrerrfe fcut..hi nobler far t9 pro- 'II, - ."I- T an honest dij- -cJura;! of duty, evco at ibe-risk of public tee. Journal fkf iKa t.... . . . . . - . ' ' 4, QExw- UCXSO.V, ' mi to rise with greater honor from every le for his bard earned reputaiion. a ne system Dursued h hi. , f ua. utt, 0e 0, v 0,ence n(j SSf0 i our history, " , MU'"K w,l nttances ol m. gn ty earcel, to be conceived,- K 7 Instead of BURnsnimousIy allowine his Ir J V ""nK m services instesd conveyance or th,e mail on the -boath ameddmes. propoted by Mr. Rowan , UrS oncoW orlfiwTilile'ii, """t the lubjecl day timber of rosolutions were of- substitute bebr-'undev-.!,!-. wertin th proceaUonTbe jovlwM ,cu.n!en'Tbe wn I . I eSLl.kl. a a . - rAWnawita. I.P. I Mr. I aM..M.. . . . I k . . I . - ----- . . . . , . I as ( tL . . wo n n(f j ionir uiscustlon. thA firti mlr. I r,uaaiou atone conaiated nf Cu. I I "UM "oiuv rcrSa VorWirwXd of the amendment w.s adopted, and the hundred-til bu.ine.. wa, auspended, .f" the 1st March, U15. On the tubject of .r!ifon of lh. bST makC .nJ fi Wy .of N. Vorlr, directing the Trcai. MnguiZi ib,ir G'dy the drahk service, -nd di,ch.rKe?pf Z ZuxoZi rfi !' MS"? T' t0 W tw min" MWrf of Pe. 23 ZC7n7f rTnT" oUeT2rH D. WhrQinton, the .al.ry .llowed 'iB! ttumtr oi b.ll. from ,h Sen., or. In ,bt first clause of the bill, 'ilK M thc w?te f governor from Feb. rhtiy a ?Ann '" Thedner. to prevent any lr.cretd in "ih. nufub 10 the of the year,and in Si 'Hp? Z -umealJthe .alary of . ... . . . committed to the CWmmh, d Mesrts. Th. Ein fc- .k. .li:Jr ' r . ,"B "w onquaimed, andl""1""" ipr wnicn Mr, Clinton held ' Priorify, have mot hZ' ..... " . iciici ui ma unannn. n.r. ih. a. tl. th. in.. .rr . imr cunm triMa.iA . - ariKrjk U'Auteriye; ordarad i iw. ...i " " 7 ' . f ' IV -"J"r - voramissioner. It u m,"" V KVS'.i'""'. "'" "r . wt, f io ,v'-,"u," I t , 'umoi .ncr ... ' J .. ' ...... .v.w...iUU(I, II I htnr St k.a Lrli. l " . I . T auat 1 a third ,i. .bove . fortht ,W I ZiT S UC ! TM Pcd ha would p.s, perh.pVvKev-'i .TC -" - . - - ' I W lllrL-BITGU U V Bl WfllSW I I 11 am. Im IRA SiAi... - S a I aT PM B. P W W)1 lSaj. nwu.c hdu acnaie Wltnout opposi. !" Ifte AdmiiiitirsUbn caaKliaiT. tion. George W., Mary, Franklin. iT ""''? r7 T bKw that J -nd Julia Catharine .r.7h'e name, of hTveV the m.nor ehildren. It is under.tod ?" HitieU tpEXXflSS? w, wiiiiiun naa icii little or noli-j . ' -I. "v0 abould bwa ..... ,i -v. - - -J-yz" wwib a majonUcr rriuay. rcb. 8. the bill and amendmenta. ! ...!... at. 4 - . - P- "-:.-Wfu",!,IHr- "ury from tfco . TUuday. Peb, 14. ... .V,: "r"" vonimana T r. I0 me Kureif ik. 5- ... a.rr.-.-i . "'" vhh Tk .CwfBti0f neVenue Cuers, Uivn the C6TF iiKSSK er ouRht not to be Pr, M::!.."::?." rr00" warder: - Tl. -h " i wwictuuK Disjaeciiiana in The bill compenatinf the w!1a-w 1 wt: .ft ..j rcaemauves ol Uommodore Decatur ofe o w" """""wore Lecatur we of ai iq , i s Tbe biUior r.du-.,nfftbe price of pu -In the HouU of e landa.and ceding the refutn'tr, tK. hill an innaul f'er a fcnif debate,' adopted, by a f 31 iq.lS on the firat hrnrK. the first branch. tb;.econd branch Kcpretentativei, the sT-t-.7J .k- 0,n f""lthe "U-inain sppropriations for the sun f - . aU mMt n-token I!hs7"r: -con.ldered.Urt of the Cyffor cif. ?. !K .i? on- , . - ..i.ivHiiniicia ca, toe inenda ot air. Adama have car l . " ue car- , nedob wir of eterminaii6o and in the a bill to i .... ' . viii ces in fcogland, copies of such documemt 0enerWl"r'?y.Or ? fCprt jDf Joirii Comeaitte. 1 C 5f theUgislarure of ihdSrate of CebrKi, face of history, of einerience. and m.hii, ! tfr'e ,0 u"rf e-Hr history opinion, have attempted utterly to pros- i ' T . !?,.r ,bi..Vn,,ni '. ..riraio and destroy, not only the r,v. but.the private jeputationof Oener son. . Surely it is not a crime in this eoun. ! nT",the tiKhl of he C' of - lor any man to become "the Candidate of ."""eatw, W appropriate money from -hi.feHow.chirens. Theeonstitmiondoe. iSS'' r-y of the Union.inaid ot confine the honors of the nation to t7 ' society. . tuw rnjoyment or a self-created and acci eniai aristocracy. .Jtjf-inen;who" In the IIuur. Mr M-n..rt. 1 " 'a . 7.'? The House then Committee oT w" m. ,rora ,B! i"8 F-mmtat. of ,K pw4cu -v.v Vi, amur or me Union: Th 1.1 II i. I a - i maaing appropriations for-intem-l impmvemenit a then taken up and gone through- Mr. M.rtin of S. C. then moved to .uike out fn.m ,k. k;h .k. .i vn inv was not terminated when the Commit tee rose. ', ' Friday, Feb. II to the Senate, the Bill for the organiza tion of a Militia System .wa.. taken- op, and afier some diacuuion, laid 6u the fahle.f The Senate spent short time in the consideration of executive buti oen. 1 ... la the House of Renreaenotit. Wt Floyd introduced a resolution referrine f - v . . I vinjiu in BfTT n me CUT 01 flew York the Com- oles tn Ih a enantV. tfc. tt- ZLZZZr'T" mon Council and ' various Societies ) ? .mM .kenertrom the1!? ancfRon, m ,el remember, with pdc tJ cwltatron. that it wu Km kin otution received its tajTtlW klh evlriged'lheTr . ana services o . w. ...... auu nunn conauia re quested the masters of tre rrii-U f rrprttrve oatums to hoist their colors at half mast. a. b tnlr. ..t authnriva ik. D . If . , to erect an additional building, and em Ploy Jve additional clerk,; which ! t!. !".d 'nd "mmi"d bill to SuS'S enTp.oryreVndt2iie Vo(J hr otn The Speaker laid before thetlouse a it to the Comttutee on the Rules, to en S'!!!SXJT ,h SecreUV f uire into ,hc peenet of adopting lone are privileged-to1" ; r- f II; jhe office, of g6ernffaeM."lnb returns of the Mifltb " Kir custom has hitherto despotically sus h Vmlt 8,"' -nd of their ara ::n Pd rnrounitioq,by.Sutes -rwrn. that the Mobte of iM. rrUortes prepared from the "Lteat .Will no looge.sbmii to ii U Le!u"n" we,?efl which watred and re A Revolution no less Imoorunr t ti.:. I5rred 10 the Committee on the Militia, Country than that of 76 is about to take ' -."e re,urn mke he whole number of ..r wnico will cleanse the national " tosoto of us perilous stuff," and restore w ine people, an equality of rights. militia in the U. S. amount to 1,150,148 me numoer, .a returned, in Norlh-Caro Una, is 60,669. to achieves victor more arun .t.!' " Monu.'r.k i. Sn,r!rbJdfed,0f'r,ns ndhi.oppo-i-Ile,h S'n" b Bill providing for tudei al.r.. - " , .a,:: oposee.1 o, them " vvnnini mm a .i.i. . ... r. L. . . -viiuine i ' L-" . " cnument f,i,. .T'!irr"Bue eti of ..aiaa yimf -. ,u wen. Jackson, ar Jackinn. nJ r. Of Mr. . 7 ! vor v ays in reply to a letter from-a irenilemat, V I ,c,ler p Another letter, now before roe, tsvs ol nnayyant I ys ol "Jer yote for Gen. Jackson is mst . Mise Milter, female preacher of th. nethodhtpersuaaiontbflSuT lersourg . t,j,fl i, h . JC, .r j-ssra oi . po.ed br Mr. r.i,r,l.,i,el0 ,h, T .wn, w iicii me ametd men. was laid on the table. W The llnn.a r I' . nrr..J.V::r.t" ."'ent.i,v wtre . '"7 "7V ,nc lime w"en the prestn mi half pa,t.v. o'clocMn . diossbn which grew out of a renort r .k- n. m ill-- nn Hf;i:..-. a- r ",v Of the Courls Martial . Mhil. 'Pl .r -.iuii uen. Jirkinn J motion was Of De Witt Clinrnn. Jhc administration of the govern ment now devolves on Lieut. Gov. Pitcher, who is seriously indisposed. Respecting Clinton, it may be em phatically said, a Great Man hai fallen a star of the first magnitude. Juts km uonc so mucn to Denebt hh cmin try f Where the stateaman whu would not feel complimented bv a comparison with him i ... Had he faults I Who has not ? The ; eun ha. spots up.o -ita surface, but as ther are scarcely.distitigiiuiluble in its noonday splendor, so will the few blemishes UP? ct.r. .5'f Clinton, diap. pear, amid the overwhelming rfful. gence of his virtues. Conn. Jour. iAetiAnattKlA JL.aa B.L. . ffSTt . ...fw.a.utc iur iucir reports, i ne res olutiotr was la d, .on the .. table after a yerv short .diretsion, by a vote of 83 to 86. The Hjum then C',,, .-- .-mwvn and the " ,noT,o" was made bv Mr flsmilton, the chairman of .h. cLlu. ice, to print the rennrt. 'V1 B "led p alone diacuMlnn Tu molion was r . seveja,! members i and Mr. Storrs movS v 'Dto r ear. -?,.,e outJO much of the reMl,..inn ....... ... . provided that ikW -t ... " a tt- Aether S !Sf iTm Boto Ivtrti,e lie i. ... . . - was the for the Military ervice was then taken up; but after abtne diteiu&inn m ii. ik. Committee rotl and reported tbe two nr.i oiiis and attend metut, and reported HircH on me otner. 'fuv dlutslor, wnentba Committe rose, , uporithe allowance for the IWd of Viwters to West Point. The proposition to fil th hi iifklf IBilk kam iiiim of 1500 dollar was sereed tos and th ommittee, Ben the motion t ri prevailed, were tonsidetine a motion of "ignam tofamend that rim.- ;n. rocucing pruuion that the sum ap proprimed shou I be applied to tbe ex en of the Board while at Wt Joint. The effevof ibis amendment is o cut off the allowance for travelling "penses. " . w,nK unocr ine wronw of IfriiWU "tvretslon, mn ,n rt Xih May. myint furlmg the standard of frrtdonC rS J lect,onS ad atlnmhted by u eXairTpk an hZ fiid I glonoua, the high minded citisrna of MeS. knhurg can never think of ,h-:. ... port to , eoalition, who polity tends to tho deniction of the .best IntereWof ou, tZSf. The imicvie, ftllowri.-na. -kuu .77. engsged, is one of the deepest importance and concern toeVrrv l.W ' r - U.ti tftif;:....rrn"Te of rri,w.;;i - VaP"ehased 0 and by the arte ami rratagernsTJlii Iriatocntia combination, nearly wrested from mir gram. It m to reinstate, oil h Kma-r k.. ,k. T. old ctoie of the peoftle, founded on the prind. pies of republicaniiin, that the present tnigglo hat been commeucedf bat cause, to gain which Washington haaardt his Kfe in the field j and to establish which, itSvjnn toiled and labortd m the tabiwrt;- - - . In accordance with a common usage and cel. torn in such cates, your committee ill proeetd to ay before the meeting a few of the leading and prominent causes upon wbicb their oppoti. tion to the prevent Administration is fwimleUf an enumrrutii.n of the whole would swell tl j uunrts gu tkuy beyond its proper limits. Although -your committee admit lhar Mr. A4ama.;wu prgmm(l ttf ..tlJlpfetideiiiijal gtait in accordance, with the farm of th- cmttott. "" Mion, it is obvious tluit he obtained tfiaf eBlee apmw nie wishes of a majority of thc -jwopln o the United States thiv it msy be aHVred. aat h. .... ..L : . n 9 lvarratMllnhUn..M.s: .'it:.. . . TV . ..L' committee arrw - ' :: r V r pros-r.ic nra to mink fliftVrvntlv ; a rreaide-ni cf lhr in the bosom of a graiefal country. The ! v.0lXM ould ponwss tlw confidence of tears of an afflitled State attest hi worth. I ,h P"Pl: unk-w thi he the cue, th- nitron. and the earth and the waters ahall per- 'n i Iw,icr "f ,he At,,T'n"Mt'on must and petuatebis fame. Georgetown arw. I't L S1 "'K n tt by the - ""wi ,n me country, but with a undo - . U IViif Clinic .k. V. v . .." --f"nK , , pwrr. loureomm ttee !.. . "V" ociievettoat the polieol tl present- Adminik. spectator, was born in UranL'e countv. in tratwn h &4 Ilffs KIlrK fact W. .a.MMMM this ttate, in March 1769. Therefore, at ".v 'moat univeml eanreion of diatruai snJ A greet tnan has f.llen ! The eminent Ir distinguiahad Governor. oUhe Stale of .w lorkr the nligntened"lHaremanf the able politician, the venerated De Witt C,in,nAM. &PJe down to tlie-iomb In lh KlrAnn 'f k5T. . k . L-: . " " ."" ' .... niimiM ui . (jiiiiaiiiurupiijc uciuwess . -;r- 1- .w.m i . i --( uiviuiiiiih truttee.vf therkole oa-the-aut of ..tbeimsrlha riWWss of history, he is vddn wnion. i he til making appropriation a me umeol his death, he was 6f:yeighi h'b it evident now prvsde fears and eleven months old. He was the .T.k) ""tt"i .w?M call your Mtrst student who eniered Columbia Col- 7!!! fge wtie.t it re opened after the revolu-1 improvement. He .t.Piir.i..,-. uon.ry war. Ha wan the Mcir. f ki. i... ..i.i. n ' ic uncie, ueorge Clinton : subsequent On the 23d nit eh. :r. -r t ... tih. in iur, -ms 00, of Codway, Massa ."usris, beinir emrjlnveri in trn:..- . !2lL?JlhcrjeedleriaDrfJaeb:, ear . " . " .k V i e momcnt ner ""'tttgth failed, e ,e worn her chair and remainorl some tim- in torpid and inaensiKI, 'atc. Medical . T w weeiS5U UU hc is now recovetrimr. Thi orer. renceis noticed for the mi.- Cautldhinir n.t. -I'.f... Z .. " . r -"-as. vvuuir aivaii tiai m irnn -a ahaaK nade by Mr. BVeTheTlo 1 n i'a,2vW ne w theory bf light ind further Heat affirm that ihe" "Newtonian till Mondav. whirh ' ."e.!aU?U thefy S without foundation" lj. several times a Senator of this State several times a mayor of the city of New I ork : Lieut. Governor and nn.-.n. oi mi state. He was r. erteJ r.ln..,an.n. Governor, we believe, in 1811. In kit L - f. . .J. -.. . v . . , nc waa urst elected Uovernor, on tbe re signation of the late eovernor Tomnkin. be having been chosen Vice-President of me u. states, bince that neriod. with th. j exception of the two years of governor -jtesljdministritbnDiOaslDre IM.1 Ik. ...... .J A . iii kiruuu uettinies ot :ew With ,! k.. . i' L! ir .. " " muh. 1IUUUIH m nimi. r in ...... . ..iv aiatc, and we may add, the nation. At the elec tion when Governor Yates was chosen, Mr. Clinton decKned being a candidate. . I fla at i naa. i.n.... r . . . v - uusubcvasiui in an m. stance where bn.akairef In . m.kll. -1 bcej he waa indeed voted for. an ,-. CeiVed 14 electoral votea fi-P,a.t.l..'. r .k tT-;. . c : ""Uviii Ol w i niieo otatec tn -nnnr..MM n ' irburft)"waa h. kt. jr - w. ma acsire- j sion till HTnU... - i. . .... -uiiihi, WDICn Was n.n.iiu.j t. a lima f I in m. b-'iieu OV waw ua i iu in i i a. . Mr S,'" : ,"' "e ?mement of wi a wea nin nam.ii. t l "07 Mr! WJ! s without foundation. A man (a r. wa ahnuM ........ at ' """vi euiuuiQ turn to be) at Little PJls. New.VnrV -w iar B4 rim, and ttpis) pa; wnea pieces are cxhikied mt oxf.a JButoa. amounting almost to a prohibition t thereby at tempting to impose an addi.ioiu.1 hurden on the agriculturist, io support the manufacturer. Uo recommends system of internal improvement to be carried into erTt, upon a arale weUcal ctilated to drain our trca,tiry of its last cent. In bs minion to Panama, Mr. Adams arrogated a new power to himself, unknown to the coniti tution, and violated a maxim of the father of Iiia country, m endeavnu rin tn -nmiir n. in "jrMiwieea wiO lj;Goveitl wviiui.nmenca. Your committee believe that the nr-tent Ad. " ministration has sedulously tmnlovl th. mt. romtgeuf this government lis auitainin Italf in - w-Ynrk fe T17"11.1 Bi Tr.rpecuuar intereia ' hf ,l,",,,on ,h ,J"ed States, have been aneneiuNf neglected in reirard to the Wrtt In. uia trade. The course of the Administration wat such as to subject the atste of North-Caro. Iina to , the loss of its protitable track to the Bnliin Wert India Islands. Th ferrnmmt ton assumed by Mr. Adams, towards the Governor Of torgia,-wh-B, , threatened, in a style- of kingly " authorityrto mrcfi i hostile force agamst that stater firbighly censnrabre t it b traya hatrehtv and HnforrmiM- u rccklealy disposed to plunge us in a bloody was with' a 'be'icedillBliralittMM' fi" .te4,...are,.,,of,tRe ohjections which enat to the present Administration V but we object to Mr. Adams beeaiM- we have no confidence In his political orincinfest We first ... i.! .i . .. .... . ice mm in me senate ot tne United States, a The New England Glass C Am nan i haa completed its works for Staining Uass,.as the ancients did. Two fin. their ,eIerl', pnnriplo as lie professed, and op j posed to the acquisition vt Louinana, and to JeUf feceputifl into the Union fre atitc.

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