! L SALISBUHY,N.C....llTKSI)VY, MAttCIl 18, 1828. VOL.' Vni.......NO By ."Mlf) WHITE. S r i III -m , M ' I II f If aT I III llt a 111 Ml 111 m V The trrms of the Western Carolinian are, fcJ per anmim-or ffl SO, tffnid in ' - hu. payment In advance will be required from ail ,ferrtaditar, b ar unknown the Editor, unlet soma reponibie person 01 fcis acquaintance guarantee! the payment. t s No paper discontinued, (eicept at the option ' Advertisement will be Imerted a nftj '.C cent per square j " All tetter! addrewed w the Editor, mut k.-Mrf, or the may not be attended to. "T. 'COODMXS WOTF,tW At the Sijrn of the Golden Ball. sK't-irin II Beubtcrtber ha opened a boar. Ot .1 .din house end house of enter--iJiitment, at th eomer of Kiiuj and BroadBtreets, opposite the eotirthouae. He promise to afford, both to tli btrr tnd twellf r, who wifl ftvor him with tticir p . roMT undifMed eriont to ple, butb Cam'ltn. 8, C. Ftb. 16M, 18'Jfl, MANSION HOTKL. MUSBVItr, tf)RTN CAHUUXA, BT ZKA AtLtWOWO. MrpHU eltxnt ei(blrhmn, n'uated I at the north corner of the (lourt. Moute,hubeen recently repaired ami i In a new and auperior ylr, l" re. .ceptwn'of Compmy. The reae Min- hv. bee teken to pwkurt for tlti eMablMiment flaw Ibrahim ti rerf de-iptMrt, itferiMry ,fv tlx eoJbrt of TrweiletM the rrxt ap. . , umMi We brcn ackcted with rre we I the tu Hocked with ehoice Hymn, and ' the aublei attended by obli(fin and attrntnre JtMtlcrv The conrrnience ot mn attuanm equal to any in the place. The home coaint wmber of private euwua. and out bowers well calculated fur tbaccommoditronTf -Traveller and Boarder r -Attechd..tu, wbicji, .jWe U a --Zt jjrf Cad and tttwk atotrz.rzr: - To ttwe whe may pieaae ip emu " " " Onirea ihem that no paina will He .pare : to Mnder their atar confnrtable and pleaVmp. - -EZRA AI.LU10XU. Satinbury, Srfit 17 1837. 83 .It the Sign tlKt Mortar and I'ntle.J HKXF. jut re-eivl from New i orK, a large upply of MeJicineti and Paints; their present ao?fir1eic?'l ivl valuable JUeiUano sola in our country. A tiiey are determined to make thi eatahfahnvnt Worthy of public patrna;et they now offer for staler WboUaaW and BeJait,the abVve Meiidnrt, Sc. on the moat reasonable ternw. PhyticitMt in this section f tbe1rxHinrry, aa well thoe to the westward, who, heretofore. . have been in the habit ofupplying tlirmehet -.. ith Medicines from the north, and elxewhere, will And rr for their inttmt to encourage tle ef- Cut of the present propnttor. in making this uacful and permanent aUmb ' l N. B. Onhrt carefully and punetuaHy put up, Hjrreeablv to directions i and on the sbortct no- UlC . awwmry, .win, . STAGE LINE MOM RALE 'OR TO SALISBURY. rpilE subscriber haini; purcliaacd llii route of Mr John llurpinir. Jim artVi3r,3 respectfully-; infoi ma. ibe vuhr" fliarno tiertions jn hie nower ahall be wanting to rtmlcr it a -expediliouiC safe ind rtomfoHubte a it ha bilherttben under the tuperintendence of its former indefatigable and worthy owner. There will be no changes in the route. The $taffe. at uual, ill continue to run from Raleigh o Salisbury, vie Pitttlorough and Axbborougb, once a week. It leave Italeigh every Friday at 2 o'clock, r. m. and arrive at Salisbury on Monday at 10 o'clock, a. w. Pricn of passage from Kaleigh to Salisbury, 7 dollars, and at the tame rate lor any distance on the route. AH trunks and other baggage taken into the Stage, ajhafl be delivered at the place to which they re directed, on, the reiponuilny of the sub cribrr. 1 tie subscriber iiapara nothing in saying that this is the nearest, cheapest and most agreeable route from Kaleigh to Salisbury ; and he, therefore, with the greater confidence aoltcits public patronage. . GEORGE WILLIAMS, Jr. January 8, 1838. 3mtU ALBEKT CO K PEN ISO'S ESTATE THE (iibscriber having qualified as executor 'of tbe Wit will and testament of .Ubert f deeaed, late of the county of Burke, 3eire all persons indebted to the estate of tbe said deceaied, to eome fbrwawl and make pay ment without delay i and likewise all those who have any elahntagafnst said ettnte,- to present them, legally authenticated, within the time UmiiedTiy' tawTWherwtietbit not ice will be pled in bar of their recovery; DAVID C0RPEN1SG, Err. amrorv 31tf, 1828. 3mtl3 -1 WQKTIIY OF ATTENTION I fWMl P. iibcriber wifte to inform the citizen J. of Salisbury, and the nurrounding country, that he has commenced the Tailoring Busineit Ih sa'id town, on Main rt;totiib of the couK houe, a few doors above Mr. Slaughter's tav . ern-i where b kind of work in bis line of, bunnies. Ily hi lm)('speriesic iij, tjjeyine, he fl'er him aelf he will be able to give entire tUfctibn to JI who may patronize bim All orders for work from a distance, will be punctually attended to, atrictly acctfrding to di reetion. 1 he public are respectfully Invited to try the aubacriber' JWt Shop, BENJAMIN FRALKY. mtmrf, rd.sth, i82. am 1 Hra3ZUUI FACTORAGE AND COMMISSON nusixr.si jy cMRf.Ksroy. THE aubacriber renpeclfutlj hforma hii friend ami the public, that be continue! (he above line of bnarneM at hie old rtand on Plmondton'l Wharf, wher he ii prepared to attend to the tale of produce comrnittf d to hie care, upon which liberal advance! will at all time be made j or to ttlie treeutioi; of ordcra agent f the rfW fkct$, loir pn IK. i owne, Mill retjtive' ml forward, without delay, all Cotton coni'rned to me by the way of Chera-ar. end wil be prepared to make advancta on wich eomKnnwoiafCl!jlre- IIKNRY WrCON VCTT" Ckvlnlon, ,Vr. Ul. 1877. SEIDMTZ and RO'DAICTOWDEKfT." EWII.1.F.Y & C O. have on hand of the I above Powdf re, and ill continue to kerp, a ennaUnt aupplv during tlic teotun, ) t!ie gnu, dozen, nr ainnle bt Xathbun,. Jan. 1H, lfi2rf. 93 N. II. laid piivder nrw put t'p arrordinjr to the metltod preicriLrd by the London Pliarma. colofia.' NOTICK, THAT in puraiiancc of a Deed of Trutf, and fur the purno'M thrrrin mi-ntionrd, wr will eimxe to .yblic !?, at thf deMinT Imiumj of William Mean, wn.tm Monday, tlie'iV.h March next, that large and valuable Tract of Land on which the aaM William Mmm now livra, rt A taininr ttDwaivU of arvrn Uunlml acrei. 1'berc no tract oflo.l m tb w..m tiart ol Xor Carofina, of the raine quantity of acre, " ore HiaUW. There i on the prenne a large un' e'egant brick Dvrllinf Huinr and abo a brick Ki'chcn, and all necrnsiu v out-liours. On the same dav and at the tame place, we will sell another-7'raef f lnL containing aoout one bundre! acrvylyjjifr nnlhc jicw Hoad lel- ink from Concord to Salnburv. Ainu, on uie same: nir; irerwiii.:ii eignreen 'orwentylikeTv"A?rJffaronwing-ofmrrr,- women ami cniitirrn. A credit of twelve months will be (riven, the purchaser giving b md itb app'nvrd security. Wtt.f ;AM V. MKA VX, JOHN N. PHIFKH, finrmr 30i. i:8. 60S dnv of mile, and m nil iircnunt. VAW'AW.f. LANO. INKING determined upiii rf-movif.tothr we - J tern country, the ruOTriDer ncr icr Mie the wltole of hi tal'tiible ncuHtisi'iit. Iving on the north iide of die Catawba Hiver, nd on botli ides of thr main mad leading Iroin tatea ville to Lincolnton, t the lUufalow Shoal rreek, l' miles from Statesville. Iredell count v, N. "CV. KU J& aen of Land, a good portion of whtrh tirrfnra-t-Mintit r-mutry On tin- preiuiiK-a there is a good new frameti dwelling. Miu-e, sufficiently large, well fmiilied off corn crib, stnbh, kitchen, mettt-hnune, and Urge bam, lie. A auffkivnt rmantitv of land i uder cultivation prolitably to employ 3 or 4 hand; itb a sufficient untity of excellent meadow' grmirid, and Sllor 35 arrrs of tW rate bottom laud in tbiseountry, for Cora ir tibiic'a. Tbe lamli susceptiblu of being, ami will be, . may suit purchaser, divided into two acttlc mcnl. . - - . N. II. I had like to forgot the probability of a Yen cehWe Cir'M"rif, 6n Thif tand". " " 1'hesuWriher beiiuy determined to tVII the above property.it wiil be di-.povd of on tbe imnt accommodating tt rms to the purchaser. Person deairotis of purchasing, are invited to, examine the premise, Ite. JOHN I.KA. ::""Ml:rpR;TOWX:TAXES.;:;;-;;: TT7"ll.t. hr aoltl at the eooeMMMise, on Tue f y dav, the 15th dnv i'f April m-xt, the ol- lowing lots and house in the town of Salisburs-. ...i. ... . .. .. ;.' or to much thereof a will be sufficient to i-atUfv the Commissioner luxe, due thereon, from the year 18J0. to the vear 18; to wit : Toe 1iou?e nd lot formerly owned by Sally auooi, r.euenvu, uuw dv norunam ,iacoo4. Lot formrrtv owned by U. I'. Peanon, now by John McCIclIamL der's etute. House and lot belonging to Trancis Coupee's M,a,e- House and U nuw. owned nd occupied by oaruo iaruruiiii. n..... .,.-1 nrnmi.,! ir-w Moue and lot fun rmerly owned by Thomas nuel Jones. ' Holmes, now bv Sumu llmne and lot owned by Kalpb Keller. Ilmiae and lot fonnt-rly owned by Martha lirtotbeL late .Mr. Smethers. . House and lot belonging to the estate of the late Thorns Todd. Also, lots numbers 23, 24, 31, 32, 35, and 57, intheVVest Square, lot, number. 3fi k 39, 46. and -4". in the Kant Smnre of said town. ' All of which will be actually struck mT1o the last bidder on that dav, if the taxe due thereon are not previously paid. jilLLlASLUQWAitu. V. T. T. March Ath, 182. 6t9 BOOK BINDING. THE subscriber respectfully informs the cit iien of Salisbury, and the surrounding pounrry, that he ha established a Bank Bindery in id town, on Main Street, a few doors south of the Court-House i where he will be thankful to receive any kind of Work in hi Krie of business. From a number of vears exoerience. in Eurorte and Americabe, feela jeonftdent of being able to give entire satisfaction to all thbae who may fa. Blank Ruokt made to order, after anv nattnrn furnisheil on short notice, and at price which no one o cnrnplairi in. . Vtd liookf Rebmmd, either plain or ornamen tal, on the mot moderte terms. All order from a distance, faithfully attended to. The :pat ronage of .the public is repcctfully aolicited, by their obedient aen'ant, JOHN H. DE GARTERBT. ftry,fn728iS 1827. 61 . MR. GASTOK'S ADDRESS. Cafcir i,rtb. 724, 1828,, flu i In Inokinr overth columni of your pa per of the 19th nt, I i you hare put mia. ronatructioni on the addr of the Adtunittra. lion Convention of the p iple of tbia atale, by amylrtjf it reiioninf it dec ptire.and fale. in ill Jeductionl i you will muc obbre a aubacriber by publiahinpf It in your pfcer, to five the peo.' pie a fir opportunity of j"ljbr for themaeivc. .mi" ml (iulitcrifier mifif ikeJdrfMftrnlitn, w Hn. accordance .wf h the ipove rctjuecVof a aubacriber, in Cabarrua CMihl"V"HibIih"lli! aMrea of the ' admirrletratidj convention at MalciKht It ffrMit .length irnVoae en ui the neeeatity of tivlnr It in detlbed pwrta. In 'fiilbrriliifit thif addresn-tretlnW awent to it propoaition, nor the ronciuibn it author ar rive at t but we publish it in pikuance of our drterininalton to arTfird the opinent of the man of our choice. (Gen. Andre Jarkson) no Jml room to complain of our not iving them an opportunity or einr heard Uirou jh the column! of the Wetern CaroiniaA nddrrn of the Adminiitrtiont;onvent!on held in the Capitol at Raleigh, DeC.TOth, 1H.7. 7 6 fA Frrrmnt A'trth Cart covTiaciD. The Treiidtnt i arraigned fonhavinr; lost the Untith W. India trade, byWler tjkin to arrange the subject by arbcablr ntf option, instead of concurring t pro posed enactrrents of Car(?rea, irhirh wouM have secured to u our fair klufe 'of this rommerce. The charge ft not true- The. protoed CTneressionil Tn- J,t(t&i)tl, It is now kaoetl, would not hjve oniaiuea tne ovj Lwnicn mer were des'ned to invite. Nr ought it to have been thus invited. Tie trade h a Wr and proper subject of (jonvention between the two Countries, t i "be fettled on the hsofjnuijilj5h;fandjjciproc3l nv terests. The honor otK Country for il?":9becore not t!etgo to trtjt on his subji ct. it was not for us JO coax hei baoghty Ministers into concessions by letilative comlescen loS.r ... 1 he pljn wasTiot jnore in'onsis must be imparted to nnt tonal measures, by tent with self respect, than repugns'iit to ,n'e ,ot,j change 'nflhe' men who-admin-thc nature of the stiliecflo be arranircd. ;stfr tben' Can any consistent and Ttrs lerfslsiiorf andiHinter leRialattotj XJ,CiaaJf. iinc of.policy be 'pursued, if from t o rlisiiuct SoereigriieS neVer can com nine tho views of both Governments on a , matter of compact, ad as 44 to pra'ui'e a harmonious reconciliation of those j-irring Lgency in farmiiifr them, and cannot be purpohes and disrorjfint eJements whiou J presumed .to understand their scopo and it is the business of-. gociattonto adjust ." j)f ndency. The friends of General Jack-Y-iur jealousies ave been roused hv j ,nn are eloquent in praise of the patriot beiuij reminded tin Mr. Adams is a isrn which he displayed in the defence of Northern Mn, and rom a non slavehold , his Country of bis energv in controlling -'irJi !te. Kemerr))er the farewell ni ,,,,,) dirertin the iregular valour of iti; of he Father U bVi Couutry, In his i Militia of the severity with which he invaluabb legacy to his Children. - " Be '''chastised the cruelty, and verwed the ware of Keograpbical parties, of aectional . ferocity of the Indian anUoUlemai faction. Arrav the Nrth rirainst !t;irT crnius and heroism which enabled the South the Wett against the.; East ' -.him tu aclilcv.e the memorable victory of ibi admonition which- ahbuld be pre - jOrleans, over a disciplined and powerful riou.to aH, it, w&ulJ be madness in u to1 fo Animated by the rccollrction of rti,rcKard. Are we so moonstruck as to ,i,rsc eaploiis. they call on vou to besioiv imagine, that if we combine tfry wjltmit on tim. as a reward, the office of Presi uuiutt toe reject bcauseiheiudiduali4eW.4l isnotofu,Ae not refuse every one zens this r(Tire were merely a reward, w,io is not of them And why n this r rav of States in hostile attitude shall he ouce m4dc,now w-ool with whom is the stieiitflhi ilull we not seaLthe ex cl.iUan iheret.er nU loreyec,ol aboutl en.f?..l uo,n rresioency f--But wb : has tUe-J edcial IioveruraeOt to. di w"tlil.rB,;4de, U m it frum ui lhat illiberal the delicate, auhieci br rmtrrrrri ),.r: - u , 'h " 'i lfi .'"''aT And what are we to apprehend froo a i lrem, who, moun nomine mtli, las lr magnanimity to place a injjuiity U.. ! ... I .1 r .a T i i ol "'ouihern men In hi Cabinet" I cllow tuizens. there it one charge more against the President. It is a charge which ought to have leen well weighed jl) fore it was advanced which should be fully proved before it is believed which, ' ;it tiue, leaves a stain uon our ational Character, hardly to bp effaced and I "iu, ii iaic, .iiuuiv. uiw nu.n ncavy ...u:i. :i r.i.. ,i i i j j . ' , idij;ntion upon those who bad the base- i ness to fabricate it, or the rashness to pre- . .: .. ... i t a .l i ' for it, without a certainty of Its truth. ou all know that we allude to the 1 -v"ms anu wr, v,iay, oy wnicn me laiicr ' was seduced to support the former, and j to procure for him a sufficient number of j subservient friends in Congreis, by whose ' to decide the election U. hisTuvdr: I, . f , . , In the sincerity of our souls we declare, that we (eel bumbled in noticing this ac cusation. What must foreigners' think of the state of moral! in our Country, when charge like these are bandied against the most distinguished . of our Statesmen? What a malignant triumph is afforded to the enemies o( freedom, by such imputations, boldly made, fearlessly circulated, against men of the highest rep utation for pergonal integrity and long Illustrious in these confederated States, for their public service!, their talents, and their stations! And what toast we our selves think of the appetite for slander, which can swallow theser accusations tataSHHif ;-fir9qfimfol lhjbigoUrof parly, which believes tbem againtt ' ftrooo( the indifference with which those who disbe lieve, witness and endure their circula tion and of the rare display of that gen erous sensibility which was to have been expected from. tb.o honorable and high- minded opponent of traduced and ilan drredgernlemenf . If there were noother motive to deter oi from hastily joining the opposition, the Tear to encourage calumny by success, a lolicltude to put down rash and ruthless attacks on person al reputation, determination not to jus tify- 4nav.degradat!on of our character abroad (for our character there is identi fied with -that of or President, our Sec: rettrwfBtirfer rress,) would all come in aid of the best feelingi of the human;; heart, to Jbid u keep aloqf. We shall not go through (he evlilence'wlilch"" rfir9vr f hil"acllfarttorT for strange to siy, contrary to every tiloof ordinary juMice, i.l hae been rc rjiiired to be dhfirovrd. Ve refer you only to the statement of Mr. Buchanan, the witness br who-n it was hoped or ex pected to be established, and to the con clusive refutation by Mr. Clav himself, in his manly n;pr,il to the Community. Those who yet believe it, mutt continue to believe it. Conclusions formrd with out evidence, ranoo' be shaken by argu ment. Those who have not been reason ed up, ru never be reasoned down. Of the sVility of Mr. Adjms to dis charge the hMh functions of his office of his famili.fr arquintatice with S: duties of his pauent mil deroted atten lion to its tabors, and of the general pros neritu of the Country omiar bis Ad minis trlon, there can be but little question Wpv, then, are we to iiisc ird him and to confide to iintrird hjrids, the momentous interests of the NV.ion, rfhicti we know to hs sife under his guardUnship ? Is experience, the best of all teachers, of no avail in political science : - is tnepriC c. (uireljhv pur years ad ministration of Hie V- xecutive tthce. to be 'thrown away without a muie f Ho we hazard nothing from the instability which a char ts of counsel, plans are broken up, before thev run be matured or thiif execution entrusted to those who had no : , . trunt then indeed, tbe enquiry be, who hs ihe strongest claims to the premium. If the services of Uen. Jarksnu have not been urTn iemlv ac ktmwledged if the Oovcnimcnt or the pr0Ije have boe as vet niggard in their ..'. i i r...-it, " 1 n .uiKs i'1.u ,i,rvf. Hut we dis claim this imputation of ingratitude and parsimony of praise, as unjust. He mean not to undervolue the services of General Jar kon, though we would claim some portion of praise for hi equally patriotic and gallant associates in peril 4U ,,orv tjnvjte to nut whatever may Oe the cs be pUced on those services, his couutrvnieu have not been barkward to acknowledge or reward them. The thank . . . . . . r , 0j rrie constituted auwonucs oi me lanu tbe festive triumph the sacred thanks Li vintr tbe ulaudita ol the People all fnr ,h.-h hr men wish to live, or dare ,0 die, have been yielded to him with a prf-iion which knew no stint. And wc De deemed ungrateiul, Decause we do not press upon him, an awful, weighty, and highly responsible trust, for which we have no reason to believe him qualified in which he will probably lose the glory he has acquired, and may in jure that Country which it is his praise to have defended f What would be thought of the prudence of the individual who, in the effervescence or gratitude should reward his Physician by confiding to him the management of an important suit at the bar ; or should select his suc cessful Advocate to navigate a ship over the stormy Ocean I To be continued. Lav The LegUlaiuie of Virginia has passed a law providing that in all actions " ti Don ' promissory notes bUU o.f . et- xhange, draft or other writings, endorse ments' or acceptances ihereot, wnere tne declaration aUege fM !.! defendant or otner. person, niauc, assigocu, nimi, or accepted the same, upon it beif; offer ed in evidence, the $iguature shall be deemed genuine, unless affidavit, to be filed with the pica, bo rrai?, drrying the aaipe." . from the Kentucky Argii, Feb. ll. It is in vain (hit Ben. Hardin and tho majority in the Senate endeavor to turn themselves and ihrirown proceedings In to ridicule. It ws in vain, that they re fuierl to admit proper testimony and pro, claim that Ihey would hear none hut vtillinjr vtitntuii. By the evidence actu ally riven in, the bargain between Adams and Clay sUnJs, proved fa tbft itisfacUcna f-Mtew nreidjfe rtis! Z Whit iaIJTr.rJohnVoh f J. ireoTonTf had the instructions of the Legislature, but a parcel of letters Trom Kentucky H ' rerlintj him to r-o-0.7?ory fwr ut, a we$tern Prttident whivri'eT fyott- 9.'.' ,y"eti he voted fof Mr. Adams. ' ;'s What was his reason? " ' WrKmf Clay made Secrrtary qf State. , flow did he know that such would be the- result unless Mr Adams had promised it f , , Whnt said Mr. Trimble I Before Ka went on, he eaid, if he voted for Mr. Adams he " would agree to Ar called a fed' eratitt alt hit life " Yet, he voted for him. What was his reason 1 " We dis tinctly atcertained that Mr Adam vtoulJ make Mr. Clay Secretary' of State, and that Gen. Jack ton wuld not!" How could they know what Mr. Adami would do, unless he had told them what be would do f What says Grp. Metcalfe ? A month before the election he says, "we Hand uncommitted roe mutt know tomething 'jh(. how the cabinet t$ to bejilledm After the elrcfion,- he says, fear- trr have done too much or cur friend." How ? Why, we have voted for Mr- Adairns, to get Mr. Clay made Secretary, and I fear i( willle an up hill business in Kentucky.1 " We mutt know tomething about how the -cabinet it"" to ' be ' jittedr '"TElt apeak."""" volumes. It was said before the election' and after the election the members of Congress sid they, toted for Mr. Adatna . to get -Mr Clay Secretary of State. -: Theq , they did know how the Cabinet was to bo filled, and voted accordingly. Could art honest jury ask for more evidence f But what says Mr. Clay in the fall tt 1824 ? 'aam uncommitted.' Henco causes it to be inferred that he would vbta for General Jackson if the voice' of ttW country made it his duty. In January 1825, his friends in Frankfort say, that h will be Secretary of State if Mr. Adams it President. How did they know f Tho report is traced to confidential letter from Mr. Clay to Mr. Blair, the contenta of which-the latter refuses to disclose " - without the consent.of the former. . . The ArUms men say, Mr. Bluir haa notliug to tell. Let them put that to tit trtt. There are two modea Ajrce bira . . to testify or ijet Mr. Clay to rcleaae him from the restraint of confidence. Tho latter course l plain and easy. Let Mr.. C4ay.a.U'JIlcBUirloati.eAiallM world all he knows If he does not coma out with facts of, importance, then mar they charge him with duplicity Then may they say, that his conduct before the Senate was all a farce. I . We trust the whole country with one) - ' voice will cU on the Secretary to release) ; his friend and bring before the world all tho facts. Until he does it, ra cloud' 6f V dnrk suspicion will rest upon him' more damning perhaps than the truth itself. Mr. Clay must now bring out this evidence or stand Ruilty before the worM. There is no alternative. But we doubt whether he will dare to say to Mr. Blair, come our, tell "the truth, the whole truth and no thing but the truth." We believe that gentleman can a tale unfold which will cause the tenants of ill gotten power at Washington and their adherents in Ken tucky, to 44 call on the rock i and moun tains to fall upon and cover them." Unitarian Zeal It has been customary for Treaties to be made in the name of the Holy and undivided Trinity. It ia said Mr. Adams formally objected to this; but, the trinitatian negotiator was -positive, and the Unitarian yielded. Camden Jo'xrnal, Largt SkeletonA human skeleton h3i been found in a mound of. earthi n.carl! 1" Paris, Henry county, Tennessee j whic4 -" measured 7 feet 2 inches in length, and) tfte boms generally were- large in propor---tion- Star, On the 1 1th ult. a fire broke out at & ta rta, outside the gates, which consumed about 600 houses ; and it is stated that 1 1 lives were lost. On the 3d ins?, a fire) 500k place at New Or leant, which -dea-" troyfd the Government House, and many other. valuable buildings. ; '" ' The Hon. Thomas Ciay.tonf' ialeiT Senatf-f - the Vt S has been; - ap - pointeaXlti'ef Justice of the CcRlrff Common Pleas ol the state of Dela ware, in place of Judge Booth, decea sed, who had seryed 29 j'eara it tftt, stistior.. ' . ' ' t 7 1 v ,' ; - s