it ft S f h . " V ? ' .'.i:..k..n -niIe. and direct you tU. ! Xhf the Convention of l'-u-. f the' Ajministratlon In North Crolin. this m Ji. 1831, by VrM fl ASTON. V'ti. DAVIPSOtf, I'.DMUND JONKV T.P DEVr.RF.rJX. Lcsmw'frrWia' flwfieafipo(ntea. JOHN L. BAILEY i J ... ': i. n...'.-,.' th iflwnwntt of Mr. the HII1 Parfmn ,-- . tl Oay'l hWi th. former wfeggg dent, and tbt Utter S ecretary of ?Ut r va fcava occurred fo'!he irentleman from l&aailfj real cause of the nrent fcue oher - against the .Administration, weto Mm nutter of astonishment.' He remiridetl the gentleman that the came was the manner in which the Administration came Into power. It it. to be found there-rand only there for he would clefs- all the pub lie pressea in the country to produce the tlTect which has been produced, were i: not for this taint of oiiginnl sin in the body politic, wblchcleavei to the Admin Istratlon, even as the taint of our oiiginal in cleareth to us. Mr. It. then proceeded to any some thing on the subject of the supposed col lusion in the first instance between Mr Adams and Mr. Clay. He denied that there was any in the first instance. lie contended that Mr. Clay was looking out. electioneering for himself, until he found be could not Ret the vote of Louisiana, and therefore could not be returned to the House. Mr- Clay, he said, had made hi calculationsthe death of Mr. Crawford, vbo was jn - . ccs 100 to I against his living through the summer. Iut"Lbuu1anafefusf(t mrrr Mr. Clay bet vote, and . Mr. Crawford, svith tinpereUeled obstinacvt, refund , o die. Mr. Adams was then taken tip as a fJt tiler (last ahit.J lie had right to .say this. He had an interview with a gentleman, about that time, not on tbt subject indeed but on something relitini to the House. That individual had then condescended to electioneer fur -he said r-' If you of the South will give us any other roan of .the West for i're&iderrt, in the room of J. Q.. Addtns. I will not sup port him." Who could dare to deny this: In other words, this was saying if you will give any other that is egomrntl myself but when the South would not go with him, they lost all tbeir weight and influence. He asked if there was no proposition o bring Mr. Clay to vote for Mr. Adams ? Yes he ioMsied tuat -there wji a col lusion end a corrupt one not in n rf ting not even a verbal one but one as well understood as if it had been ex pressed. We know from the facts, that whem individuals meet to do -a damned deed, they, will, not always trust, them salves to .give names !0" thougbta will Hot call spade a spade. Thus he, who was willing to take any man from the .YCcst- in.prefe rence to J oh n. (ti'A'J ms , takttpef John Q. Adams, and takes liinat no may oc orougni wimin uic imc of safe precedents: There warnoocca sion loTrtake- the- matter more, plain Cannot we make out apple-pve, without spelling it let te r by le ttc r," from letter oeforeu 8s bt as-the born -book-i General Jsckfon waa ho great civilian;! but be possessed all the requisites for the rresidency. tie contended that it was not necessary that he should be able to write a book, or to make speeches, lie contended that the inveterate habit which waa produced by constant attention to atudy, rendered men unfit for the conduct of nations. It was better to select those who understood men to lake those who, at to writlngr were iintaugBtl thiin those who are untcachable. lie was not for trusting dialectician! with the guidance of public uUMti. Tho Uey. Traftor lVoodsot Brown University, Rhode Island, formerly a Pro lessor In the Columbia College, Disttict Columbia, has been unanimously elected President of Transylvania University, at Lexington, Kentucky. 1 A New' Orleans 'paper" smeV tfiit lFe mania for gamblmg ephesrs to be spread- "Ing with Tnactr-nptdtt yrr-tttat ehyrf through all classes of society It-seems to be more contagious than the yellow fever, for the negroes arc not txcmfiijrom iti influence. . The Rigltt Reverend llishbp llo barfhas -addressed t ' letter to the Mayor of the city of New York, tie- i dining 3fv:orrter ful comrocmoration of . the loss sus. tamed by the state-and nation in the , death of Pe Witt Clinton, as recom ; ..mended by the city authorities. This refusal has excited considerable feel ing io that community, as we should think it welt calculated to do. The Bishop's fastidiousness is in our opin. ion sir judged and ill timed. He is afraid forsooth, of countenancing too cjose a union of Church and State ! i COMMUNICATIONS. , ton ts wsstssv r,0U',!i",..(. lS. ... r.i.-,.. . s kit-c been considering tne p. . -r i.rm.01 and onnortunity labor tinoer i'r wm u. , , " . ......! ... rv to enable mem prop-Tir Krnne of the l-ipnn-m V, ' ;mln(!rL MM no, Me. With. M n"f.r uleriv'rd from which . 4K...S rikiii"SL. iia ill w. vi u tr. . .tv nreeHarv o enable them to Wore them accor. ?W m bw and Liatice.. , Por the want crf.ewh toBrmition. grmny rneis. ieow wWcrivntiCV.on is inereased. by reM,n of W ienmit and p.. V., . .t'n From reflectinir on these firts. the idea has occtii'rc J To trie, thll It JfwfiFVT fel foKif W itiir tjrrtiat(ife to ansccranale m-amkli-MML-htr the mirchaie of hooks contain'm the lawa of tl'f? HTitesmd lb' 4B(4e'-C- tnMtc oClcerSj which books miglit be lo.tged in the band of the Clerk of the teverat cotinttts, to be distri buted to iliote emmty ofTicers who might need them, to be returnable to the clerk'i office at the dcrease or rrsi(rnat!on of tlioe who might have them In poMemion. In this "way, every ofTWr woidd be enblcJ to procure a book fiat would tcacli him hi dijtits. One set of booki might anawer for a docen or more cts of offi ern, I thro out tlii h'ntt, ho;iing lome one elite, better espHblc of httMlbng a goose-rjuill than I am, will improve upon it. .HutA 3tt, 18 J8. i1 friend tf react: htr. White t You will oblige one who takes your paper, by publishing the Adams Catechism, Mr. Kandolph's speech, at.o all the proceedings that have recently la ken place in relation to the- bargain, in trigue and corruption between Messrs Adams and Clay. In my opinion, the rvidenre is such that all candid men must abandon the present A.lminiiut.i. nt ''kMiUi ' ! behalf' of the cauxe of Gen. Andttto Jacktcn, the pcu ple'i cbrnre I hope von will soon be throurn with Mr. G jiton's speerh, for it will do ueithn g'6ftd' nor 'ThisrMe f w here the -nwvlwr A well known. He is a federalist of the old schooT. or he never would hive Turotieii former. day. h .would i'o well to bear in recollection, .! his fjther ta mur dered by the Torus' in lhc UevorotionaVf War. And how win his dead bodj tretterl I ffrvrd, fhat thia detention publiih an ad by those bloody trai'oTs ioYlie'ir coum I -i k:- T, I r forth, in plain, moderate, and reapectful Ian. . . . ,r ' . ,, . . , obvious why Mr. ssto.i u Uiendly to the P'ent adminiiilration : the tncmls ol . corruption made a great noie aioiit riv ing him an appointment : he thought it was his duty, then, to intrigue with them, and endeavor to make the people bli-ve they are honest men; but those who know the history of Mr. Gaston charac ter, can never place any coihlen e in what he mav fulminate against the cause oF the peopleTTn7hIsruiic)rcd s'') lc, and deceptive logic. You will oblige a friend of Gen Jack son, and perhaps save some honest. peo ple from being, cheated put of their opin ions by Mr. Gaston's " " silver-t'itiedM speech, by publishing something like the above In your paper. Yours, : 'March Cth, 1828. The conclusion of Mr. fiaonN addreM, which we bive beenindacol to;4vibhh t the found on tlu-Ikk p2c ot tonLiy paper : nd I .. i 11 :-.-.t,.; . 1 vur CPrrCUU'l'lMIl will utll.Elfv lll'll H'HIfl'JIr, J intliesbar ofanetMctfr.ime crflr.Ka W f"'8" "y dotpVf pecehea, accompanies the- t,MwttirffTapfi l' 1. .... -v .;n 1. .1 jt. ... .... ' 9th mm. Nrbon made his rscaDe. . This is an actuin some detrree. the fubtiie noNon Mr. political qnackn Smoit' tin air no tmluMriniwly j J;.aM tr elsaa mtArtln .lint ts'klK !.. ' rn..nt nt to .ft,,- on a commtinitv that is nl. ready politically tound. The truth is, the pen. ole are as averse to swallowine the nostrum, of I political quacks, a. they are thor of ymcki in medicine : and they are right, too j tor none ot Ljliese empincs know any more about alministc ing to the physical nd political wants of Hie people, " tlun a black cat does about trigo nometry." Ed. Curtlinian. Concord) March 13, 1828. "" Dr. Sir The other dav 1 got my hands upon tiie Western Carolinian (of which you are the .editor) of the 26th ultimo; and in looking over its columns, I came ncross the Jjtkson meeting lately held at Wilkesborouch , seeing that Gen. M. Stokes was the chair man of it, I concluded , I ought, at least on his account, to see what would be the charges tint would be here exhibited against our present chief magistrate of the L. S. and his cabinet ; blitfartwtt ti-Uc is said about ihe- latterr I shall only. ask ondoucstiqn, respecting a ch-ayga cwiulncd anmnglhe JianT-agsifliL the President i 1 allude to that part of the pr-amble which charges iVlr. Adams with being the chairman of a meeting held in Boston, where the conduct of Gov. Siron and the Massachusetts legislature wete applauded - (ot refusing tbeir aid in the late war, and where the corrupt germ of he Hartford Convention'" WaS planned'. Now, sir, all I wish to know of the. chair ra in of that meeting, or some -one of its merr.bevs.js, at what time did the rqetiting in Boston tsko place alluded to, in what year'tbo mblnttf oT VKef W One tfthe Peofile. ' We hand over one of the people," to the chairman arid other members of the" Wilkes meeting t doubting not but they are willing (snd we know them to be able) to make such disposition of bis case as truth and justice may call fiir. , ataw . CUraw, March 7. Cotton, 9 a 10 bacon 9 a 10 j flour 5; peach brandy 40 to 45: apple do. 35 to 40 j wliivkey 40 j pork 4 to 5( tallow to 10, MARCH 2Jh. 1328. t-. n irlfaewtt.Yf unteNtanu that the Pt.msterCeneral hai recently chan Ped the name of a P OBI" s l" cnumy. N. C. from Horl? i r" " "' ,-""" appointed the tlev. P.Ooeta, Poat Master, Vice VV, N. Ba, rewgncu Cmttrfeittri.k cn eounterfeitera has been broken up, In llmphreys emmty, Tennea. aee.and Carroll cmiW, Kentucky., One per ton was taken in llunj'hrcyl county, and three m ysirvoHr wtomUMfonnd. alMue Jmpie. ments for counterfeit g specie, 7VieafhtIialme eatttqoaw 1 wuauii wae la in id'.. ihw, twthe nirtt.of the 9th Init. was tr.!rfn5(!''vMu buadred jailes. north of tn l,V n. I I rj4W.t. " W ,TW ccirrd bV'mal, from' eeir, wett, north and nili,.ro.M inento" of It; .... tjAaaaj'iiiif' , DISTRICT CONVENTION. The delegatea from the cotntiea of Rowan, DaviJi'in, and Mm'gomery, apointea lor tne ptirpxe of dcifiialing some fit penon as the eanildate for tli's dittrict, to be placed on the Electoral Ticket In favour of General Andrew fatm at PreiUent, and Jh C. Calhoun as Vne I're'iututl convened in Lesingtn, on Tiewlay, the lh instant, that being the time anl place previously agreed on. Present, from IJowao. Gen. 1 M. Kerr, AU nind Hall, Archi h.U n firt.T.incI Charles Prher. Ewuiresi fmm D;iTidiion.Ooctor Win. It. Holt, Doctor Wm. lohon. lenry Dusenberry and Mack Crump, EMjuireft from Montgomery, Farquhar Murtin, and Wjit-wn H. Chialiolm, Eacjuirea Tlir mrftirg ya organised by appointing Ch-irki Fithtr, ?5sq. chairman and F. Martin, Kf). a. cre'ary.' f)n motion oAtlmand Hall, it wu propoaed to the delriraron that the name of VtM Giles, t'.iq. of Kowat, oe placed, at the candidate for ttii" district, cn the electoral ticket of the State. other pt-'rwn being named, the vote wa ta- acn wt nim nunron, iimrn- k VM rounn that the (k)rgtrn raa unauimoualy ia favour ol (Jic nomination Jnbn Giles, Esq. i In-mnlLia, li 1U "7Z ro?t, Tliat 'he chairman address a letter tn ilif Cmiraf ( - rretpomlipif Committee at RJri(fb, tnftiemkiir tlieos of the nomination of JOHN Gtl.F.S, .v. as the candidate for thia dNiricti ami requrtinr that they place his name on the "Vliton and Calhoun electoral ticket -of the St i". and, in due season, an nounce thearoe to the public. - On motion a Doctor Holt, ttareillieraTnbylfrfcjiiahpuld fc ttim dency. in prefer- enC t0 Jolin q, A,im. A committee wv accordingly aesignatea to prepare the addrt a. On motion, RrtlveJ, that the proceedings of t'lis meeting; be npnet by the Chairman and Secret an-, and forwardivl for pubheation to the Kaleigh Star and tVettern Carolinian. CH MILES riSIIEII, Ch'rm -F. Mam,ifrrrory. " Ait "ttprtro)iriaTiot-nf fj 4m boen fwMle by the leffislatwra f Louiaiana, to defray the -xpep, of the celebration of the 8th January in Ncw-Or!eans. Thia is a aunicicnt refutation of -the awertion that the Hero of that day. waa treatrd by the Governor and tbe.legialature with 'coobieas and neglect. - w , -MininiptU A deficit in the Treasury of the state nf 1iiwip)i, of five or six thousand dol lars, lm been discovered. The committee of . m . T I.W.n r n gf ,K .1, t.f. ts a,Mr other nronertv. to secure the state .- .,. r. . '1 r,. 1. ' . - i . . saa a ... a . .a . a - , ' t I'irnirlin 1nfit SKsii'Vaatrniil fiTfilf ratav tnitn. t v. and Wm Elzev of Loudon countv. are out on the Virginia Adams Ticket, in place of James Ma.lison ami James Monroe, who. as we last week 1 ii. formed our readers, declined theisnsr pf icrv ing in smca a cause. Rard Timet. -K an evidence of the hardnru of the tim-s the Jackson (Tennessee) Gazette of the 2 Id ult. says one magistrate of that town haa ri -ndered upwards of tne thiuiand judgments for the last vear!" To comfort "cur Tennessee neighbors, (as misery likes company") we can intiirm them that judgment are pleutier than !'.l!ari ia North -Carolina. X"! vmch t9 brag o. Somebody writeafrom Hertford countv, in this state, that the cause of the administration is gaining ground in that quurter-exulta in the belief that the people there will be about equally divided; and con. cutties with expressing bis opinion that " said ... ... ,1 . It M, "11- I . . I tuwiiy can pou no votes: icmuic: -1 tempest in a tea-pot !" Why, the Jackson mnjitnty that will be polled in the renin of Salts. r1"" ' 'one.-wamay-veature tn say.jsiHh&inQic than enom-h to neutralize the Adams votes that will be given in half a dozen tcA counties. In fjapt. Fogleman's company, at Holt's store, in f)nng6 county, on the 23d ult. a vote on the rresidency resulted in 94 for Jackson, 8 for Adams. At a muster in. Milton, Caswell county, on the Btu( inst. the company voted for a President : rvw Anorew-acKson, .-...., ..,oa., For John Quincy Adams, . . 5 H A'tneeting'tiC th!i:tfitt-ih(A'm Caswell county,, is called to take place on tues. day Of A prn court. The Ttev. Peter D. Fraligh, pastor of the Dutch Reformed church iti I'atteTson, New Jersey,-committed suicide a feV weeks since,-by cutting his throat. He was supposed to have been deranged. Revtlutionary OJUtrt.Wtt learn froitt a speech of llr. Van Huren, in the (J. 8. senate, that of the 7,485 officers belonging to the con tinental army during the Revolutionary War, onl335are nowlivmg! 1 a -if mention of the Hon. Martin Van lluren, as a candidate for Oov. of Naw-Vork i we hive ince seen Gen. Marcy, the comptroller of that state, Ambroae Spencer, late cblef jortice of that State, and Mordecal Manaaah Nojih, editor of the New.York fcnquirer, (a-ho, one of the papers (a. "iaaeealririme bahff md whole-soul fel. low) named as candidates. And at an anti-ma. sonie meeting lately held in the western part of the state, Solomon Southwicky r. editor of th K.tinnal obaerver. Was nominated for Gov. ernori and Col. David C. Miller, who printed Morgan s booK of ine revemnon or mwrnrri u was in peril of bein uhducttd along whh the author, is to run on the sime ticket, as Lieuten. ant Governor. Should Bouthwick1 and Miller i.-.k t I.a sU.d. thm Rilitnra in Ner. Yttrk-wlll litve1titatbcy Wll PC Jikf T. ' to get all the fat offices in the ettte,-if they are ot,Atuiftte J jDfjnflwjjrjr i; Judre Kdward D. White is announced as a candidate fbf the:itext'efftfree rVwm the- eitjr of rTttr-Orleans, to tun w oppojitoon w KUwrnnt livlngstoii; tsq; tha present mtnmtomme. The stockholders of the Old ftank of the State of Tennessee have reaolveil to wind up its concerns, and diasolve the corporation i and have (riven notice in the Nashville' Banner to that effect. The city of anv. the seat of government, of the state of New York, (.ituated on the Hud. son river, at the head af aloop navigation. 153 miles west of the city of New York) was founded in the year 1612. Its population in 1712 was 4000, in which ntimlier there wa 430 s'aves. In 1796 the population wa 6021, and the city contained 867 house. In 1820 it contained 12,630 inhabitants. ( At the present time it is supposed to have a population of 20,000. LiiM-sto CMy. A meeting of the friends of - . a s ..a a B ! I ' coliiton, on Tuesday evening of Lincoln April j Mr. Adams is to tie neia at me ncwiemy in un court. The caption to the notice calling this meeting, rs coucnea in me iuiiunijj nmm., Mwlr, kriU-iit languajre i Tlwae perwms in Lincoln county who Wish the continuation of peace in our happy country, and are opposed to war, bloodshed, speculation, and ppreuiintftht 4-stfeeouestedJo JttendJic. Now we aik those supoorters of the Administration Who denounce the trhmdt of Gen. Jsekwrn foe being uncharitable, .violent, and ptoscriptive. to ponder on the abovei-and uy if its parallel can be found, in any thing that has been published by a Jackson papey in this ,paft of the state. Suppose, in calling a Jacknit meeting," we should commence soraethjng. after this manner : "Those citiien of Rowan County, who are' frends to the republican institutions jf their country, and wih to put a stop'lo tb.e most cor rupl bargsining for the highest offices under their government, that ever disgraced fbe rot. tenest monarchy in the old world ; and who are opposed t.i the elevation of a lry and mnnrrKitt to the Presidency, but in favor of the election of that pure patriot and venerable Hero, Andrew Jackson ure reonested to meet," he. V hat n-ould or rather, what vovld not be said of us ' W by, we should no doubt be overwhelmed with the vilest epithets the ingenuity of our enemies could invent ; ami ten to one but we should be charged with murdrrinir every militia man that w -killed by the Uritish (hiring the hurt war.- And yet we -huu'd. be as blameless as the person, who perpetrated the caption to the notice calling the A Jams meeting above-. " At Wilkes Superior Court, held week before list, we learn that, among other criminal causes, JaeihiMmer was charged and put upon bis trial for the murder of Joefh 1). Baldwin, a majnr trate of ..Wilkes county, living 10 of 12 miles from the Court-Honse, who Vs stated to have been shot near the corner of his house, by Mil ler, on the night of the h inst In this case there- was a mistrial, on account of the great number of persons who hsd formed and ex- presseaflin i opmKm."t he v tails waa,U sameO.. on the trial ot raruh Jtarltw, chargcdt itu the murder of bis wife, some time last year. - JametC the owner of the land on winch .1 . 1 - . T i W I..L1..L..U. county,and perhaps in the state, has been found, died at his residence near Ch'arTaTrf7oinhe-7th:f mstant. Poor old man-his :ff9l,l imn was bis if ' treasures dug from Ins land gave employment, and subsistence, and even vylth to other i but they proved the death of him who might have profited most by them. Ante rior to the discovery of his gold mine, he owned but a few acres of the mot sterile and apparent, ly valueless land in Mecklenburg county, which yielded a miserable subsistence to himself and family t but thev hud itaved on the place, in a half-starved condition, for many years. Ihe discovery of the gold mine liowever, bid ! maeical effect on the wo-becone condition of the fmily. No sooner was the oki man's pock ets well lined with cash, from the products of jhis auriferous soil, than himself and family p,m(red into extravagance and excess ; and the BOTTLK, that too common resort of those whom affliction has Cast down, or some freak 0f fortune has suddenly elevated to a condition for wi,ich nature and habit has unsuited them. cut ,hort the days ofthismiVriwrrtwnoeold " man! Death JUr. 1101. The Raleiph Ttegiiter, in mentibrirngieTmTlaTtcjir LUnd UUkJEvX, adds, thatj It Is jt singular tir-" cstancejjie nao a oream. tne niym previous; in which he fancredTie was drowneT.r-1Tr suspect the informant of the Regi'ter has aliirht ly misapprehended the facts in relation to this circumstance. We travelled in company with Mr. Hill, and two other gentlemen, from States, ville to..Wilksboro'. In a free conversation, at the house where we took dinner, the swol len state. of the water-courses being; frequently alludedto, Jir, Mill casually mentioned that he had drempt, three several times, of being drowned of, that he wo U be drowned, we do not distinctly recollect which. Believing, as we did, that dreams were there 'idle phantasms, what was said mail? o imprewion on our mind ii-Miweshouldprtibably never have tuougbt. of It again, but lor the distressing occurrence, of which those, dreams now appear to have been most fatally ominous. This declaration was made" hear a week before Mr. Ti. was drowned. From these facts, it will be seen that the editor of the Register could not have been accurately, advised of the circumstances altendincr this melancholy casualty." In addition to what we have heretofore said. we are now enabled to state, that tins afflictive dispensation of Providence was the consequence of an alteration in tie Ford. Wkrre Mi, Mill A.n,rt. fe ..... fclres nolictj ItcmptcJ to acrori, wis t!i old fori, which f, J had fren'iflntN pawed in perfect safety ( but a f!ih-Um having lately been conatrncted there, the water was an much deepened, that another ford was used i of which circumstance Mr, Hi!) was not apprised i the melancholy consequence was, he was unfortunately drowned. Another gentleman, who entered the river, Immediately behind Mr. Hilt, In a carry-all, with difficulty escaped the fate of bis companion. We understand now, that Mr. Hill was buried ' t Maj. Thurmond's, near the fatal place where he lot his life, - ; .' jiwirmces ExrruoRDMjinr. Great doings among the Andre wa! Married, lately in Eieter, Connecticut, ; .; Andrew Hurnham, to Anna Andrews... AdoniiahBitrtibam, to Sally Andrews. Nehemiali 8. ''nurnhW)lf WaWT AndlCw,' Nathaniel Bornham, to Happy Andrews. TOna mgTja;'-- to Dolly Andrews.-; Ephraim Long, , ' ' to Hannah Q. Andrew Enoch White, -Tf-to Elite D, Andrews. 1 . AndrewAiidret;t( Ann Amlrtw., Caleb Andrew. " to Sally Ilrown. ' Beth Andrewa! 'sto; Kuttt Itttleft'r lobJI Li'-AMrewii-'''' W-Ann'XBurhaa.'iS' An improved way of making M Merry An. drewf." lUehettir. Daily Advertiser, THE CURROTEES. , i We have received the list number of -new weekly paper, just established at Ntw Ecfiota in the Cherokee Nation, ai led the Cherolee Phtnix. It is printed on a Super Royal sheet, and edited by a native Cherokee. The matter .is represented both in the English and Cherokee languages, in alternate col umns. Thus it seems,)! this nation of $avaget as they are called by some good people, advancing step by step, towards civiliza tion. This same nation too, which, the Governor of neighboring state lately said, in his message, must be forced from their altars, and their homes, and driven be yond the.Miiiiisippl.ouArrj:.' The Legislature of Virginia adjourned pnSaturdsy, after e session of . precisely -three calender monKTindajfsii)'g 'rhoro than T 50 acta of chiefly a local or person al tlescriptiofv and after absorbing about 8110)00 or more than a fifth of the re venlje,? the whole S:ateV The single article of legislative fkpehse,' pr6gres' lively augn)tting, and for which no re nu. edy can be found but the numerical re duction of ihe House of Delegates, is of itself a heavy and dreadful evil, and suffi cient to justify the call of a convention. Mrs. Jackton.Tht Louisiana AdvertiU I ser says, that ' the furniture of the apart- ment use a oy ucn. season aunng nis residence in New Orleans, was sold at auction after bis departure, with the ex ccption of his bed, his armour, and table. All these articles, remarkable alike for elegance nf design and exquisite work manship, the goTernor jhougbt. might be,, offered to the acceptance of Mrs. Ja kson y and "be accordingly ordered them to be sent to ber, accompanied by a very com plimentary letter r to which Sfrs. Jack son acknowledged their receipt in a let ter, couched in a Very happy style. "" 'Monuments to Governor Clinton,K meeting was held at : Buffjto" bo the 28th ult. to concert Measures for..the erection of Two .Monuments to the located at the extremiti-'s of Erio Ca nal at Buffalo and -Albany f. and to tj point a committee who shall-act concert wun avirmv oi xikwj os Albfrnj'i in furtherance of ih proposed measure. Masonry. K convention of masons (or of those who have been masons) has been held at Le Roy, N. Y. for the avowed object of revealing and publishing the higher degrees of ma sonry. They adjourned on the 20th v I a a esr s li Ttilti but are -to tneet again. J ne .no- Chester Antt-Masnnic "inquirer, states that " upwards cf 90 masons renounced the principles and obliga tions of the order, several of whom had climbed to the top of the Mason's Ladder.' Solomon South wuk was of the number, Of course! . An oyster has been deposited in the Museum at Portsmouth, Va. which has two mice caught by their heads in its - slteTTSomeJysrcTShad placed fay a gentleman in hiapaotf)'. and when the servant Wenrtcrrjpen them, he found the thieve in that condition. The death of; General Brown has made a vacancy in the command of the United States Array... It. seems to be yet uncertain who will succeed as Com maoder-in-Chief. Gen. Gaines is the senior.. Brigadier General, "but ScottV "Brevet of Major General Is 21 days older than Gaines Brevet to the sanis rank. Gaines is said to be the friend and admirer of Gen, - Jackson, whih Scott is warmly attached to Mr. Adams. The African live$ticatort a literary and politic! newspaper, has made its appearance at Tripoli, in Africa.

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