" CONG H ESSIONAL SUMMARY. ' t ; , Friday, Feb. 29. , In the Senate Mr. Harrison introduced .'bill rr lh rclier of the wiaowoi mc Ute Gen. Jacob Brown, which was twice read nd referred. The resolution offer 4i br Mr. Chandler,' for abolishing the office of Major General of the Army, wi considered $ and, after considerable dis cussion, was, on motion of Mr. Urnen, modified to at to propose an inquiry only. ' In the House of Representatives, Mr. Miliar r ic notice that he should, on Mondav nest, move the House to take up the TarilT Bill, whether the Appropnanon .tt.ii. :'wMiL.i.jr.Arrtedrtrrr$uih or not. ..TbftHoiistvlhen vnHSi ed-Witoewbfthtprwrflnij-u the bill making appropriations for Inter- nal Improvements. "A iltscusHion aroae ejn thUT)itti"hicb bated tilsshe adjourn- rcol of the ? , , , .t! . Saturday. Ihrcn 1., , Tt- c.hi Hid not sit to-djy. 1USUVi ... t. I f In the House of Representatives, a brief discussion look ple on the sublet of a resolution reported tv ne wwuw tHiie Buildintrs, prohibiting the Hall from being lent for Mir purposes except those of legation, unless for divine ser vice on Sundays. The House resumed the unfinished business of Friday, being the bill miking appropriation for Inter nal Improvement.. Mr. Oakley spoke in favor of bis amenameni application of the appropriations to the( surveys already commenced, lift was followed by Mr Gorham, Mr Siorra, Mr. Bamrv, Mr. McDuffie, and Mr Hoffman. Mr. Gilmer had risen to he IJogte, when, on motion of Mr Kives, the House adjourned. 7- - Monday, March 3. " In the Senate, Mr. Benton' resolution' relative to the Surplus Fund, the extinc of the Public Debt, and the reduction .. ..... . .l. .iml.i nn Imnnnt. Wli took nj tise itaatsTtfi it C,k TarlX Mr.' Jmea 3. Stevemort addressed the house t some length, in explanation of the view of the majoriiy of the Committee ii 'J.., . on ftianuiacwres. ue was . iowoweu nv others, who occupied the house till its adjournment. llmrvlay, March 6. , In the Senate, the consideration of the hill making appropriations for this Milita ry aervice of the United States fur the year 1823, was resumed. The. motion to strike, out the tllowanie of 1 5)d dollars for the expenses of the Board of Visiters of the Academy at .V est roint, was i re. iected. - A motion was then made to te duce the amount of the contingent fund the eh tu.unv uzil IT lit report ithe Military mmiltee of which Mr. Hamilton, of South Carolina, is chairmtn, on" the subject of the execution of the Sin Mu. tineers at Mobile, during the lt war, and tlie document relating thereto, are published in the Washington papers. Ben. Jackson is complete, ly exonerated from til blame id tbfl transaction. A 4 soon as we can Ttnd room, we aliali publish the report bf the committee entire at present, we can only give' the following aummsry view of the report, of which we evl ourselves from the Fayetteville Oberver i The facts established by i report, ire t that Col. ripkin'i regimer of Tennessee militia were legally draftdi into the ser vice for six, month ; thatVefore the ti pirstion of three months, 0 of the non com missiorred officers and yrivates'muti- thirl;haf dd The House in Committee of the whole i.hat the aix rincleader svert-HeWc.ted, tried,fuund .gulityj dentetice(I to on the Slate of the Union, resumed the rlueiusinn nf the Tariff. Mr. Hunt, of Vermont, spoke ij(aiiiit tue 'prappie'dl do ii oh rh'tt4s4etnl wfoIlorMrj: Claiborne, whwopposed the bill, thrjwjjjh' out, as uoinR beyond the powers vested 1n Cone i ess hv the Constitution. Messrs Floyd, Barney, MalUry, and : vnKht, continued the discvxssion till the adjourn ment of the house. ' Friday, March 7. In te Senate, the bill making appro priations for the Naval Set vice of the Uni ted Stales, was "amended and passed The bill fur the repeal of the law for the examination of the Land Offices was ms cussed and ordered to a third reading. In the House of Keprescntaiives, aucr the nsu'd morning buincss--consisiinj of ReDorts and Resolutions was uor.e through, (he Speaker called the Orders of the Day, and was proceeding to taice up the private bills, when Mr. flicutitue r moved theliwise to postpone me wrorr or the Day, for the purpose of taking up the hill mAiitg eppropriations for Inrer nal Imorovemfnts. After a lontr fliscus on.Mrftt iind referred to the Commit on Financed The bilt nukinic appro "pfUflordilillW and an tmendment, approprvating 60.000 saa adooted. j i-.r'ivi sir.;i ;;f Tl nriTit v Wm. some -inincuuuscvi sentea r!;h. h their own oflicert; that the oth ersT who were mrsled bf tnesei-wert ar 'aetftltrd ihftii(h not Dresentat tno triai, commas ded that division of the army, bad no fur . i . . 1 1 , ii theracenc? In the matter man merely aoDrovine the sentence of the Court. Mar lul. Ihe eXtf?orainry ana .Manning nature of the mitiny, and the presence of a large hostile force in the vicinity, imperiously required that the ,exsmple should be made ; and we think ! not un reasonable to say, that had a ainiilar mu tinv occurred In the army of aiy othei nation, under like circumstance not six only, but more probably sixty of Ihe guil ty would have mffered. 1 METHODIST COXFERBNCL In addition to what we published on this subject last week, the Rajeigh Regis ter says : " Amongst the I'reacheis were miyiy of superior talents. To particular ize, would be invidious, for all men are not alike gifted with eloquence,; though irh in oiam and understanomE iutnw v. ... I ' Vc Iciirn wUli great pleasure, tiyt tfie N. York Commercial, that Mrsi Clinton is gradually recovering from the aevcre shock occasioned by the death of the Governor, and converses with her friends with more composure. Affairs cf Tufkty'm,,Mtati recei ved in New York from a gentelman of that city, dated Rome the 16th Decern ber, aays " The Austrian Minister has this day communicated to the. Papal Government the fact that the Porte has consented to the mediation of Aus tria." . " - "1rtU "lion." ttfcn'arj Btoc1t'on',one of the' most CTWgJ!lUa.wjfTynf;w...car Kaur. Immmw. a reprrentatie. in Congress, and former Gov. ernor of that state, died at hi residence in lTtneeton; s short time since, of apvpleiyr ' aton. the blank in, t.ht bilLaiJ4 fr'th t0qt iMkciuniheQWW PrflS51 frt Cwiw.AleorresTwy VTasUington, ay s " There eaisti a dispute be tween Uefterals Gnines and Scott m to their seniority, and of course, as to thHr right of sue cesiion to the rank of fieneral-in-Cliief. The Ulipute, at we hae lemed this clay, is likely o be settled bv the Bppointment ol a nnra per . . . w it 1 nn to i lie inuauiv . "' Hi individual alluded to. It i said that the fVesidfcnt nominate him to the Senate fur the office. Hie appointment, it is believed, will give general atifctioD. Gen. Harrison, at the time of his resignation, was senior to Gaiue and Scott, lie is a man of talents, education; bieh moral character, renerous feelings, and military cxerieiKf . No one is better qualified to till the situation." Cat. Henley. "ome time since, the legisla ture of Virginia voted a sword to Capt. Hobert Henley, of the V. . navy, for the gallantry dis played by him in the capture of the Dritish fleet on Lake Champtain, duriiiif the lat war and on the dy of the adjournment of the recent session Of the legislature, (the 1st. inst.) Gov. mips nresented the iwonl t M"m. O. Hl. Speaker of the nenate, at the friend and repre sentative oJ t;apt. Iieniey, in me aoence nine latter, accompanied by a fernng ana appropriate iTiOtrarofo.ooo. No later news from Europe has been received, than that noticed in dot ,hU brought bv an srrTvaT at Charleston. " We -make a f-niota--1 xtxactv - Vera Crtrr-Ad vices have been rfejfiT ved by a mercantile bouse in Phildelphia from thii place, under date of Feb, I Tib. They mention that Arrsgon and St. Anrui weroboth captured near the city without any of their followers, and had been sent for trial to the capital. The government party have again obtained a signal tri umph, and all is consequently iraiKjuil. JThf itlnrJirw. Fayetteville, March llCotton, 8J a9J i heef,' frrsh in market, 3 cents i Bacon, 6 to 8 1 peach brandy, 49 to 4 apple do. 33 to 37 flour, 4 to 4 25 1 whiskey, 25 to 20. -. - CAarri ion. Mm h 1 jUuland cotton 8 1 a lOi i - wh'ukey 26 to J7 j baiftcing, ? inch, 2. to 24 1 sugar, 8 to 9 1 molnsses, 27 to 23. cents j 9', t- rnfTm It til , rt,Ti -' rV ' 1 , ft ir Jailmit-a-rOhOl W sTit.f WtiC'jfi to 80. North Carolina bills, 51 to 6 per cent. discount t. Georgia du. 1 to 1. .... v- . - Camden, March IS. 'Cotton, ordinary to mid dUnffrtlf 8J i jniddl'ing4a,.'ur.i!i4o Hi UtiA', o,,tfX:t!rtmf,g n9zmm'wmsfr!-' wewwsmw'WjjMSsVsjsv wf bvirvn. i lie law., u.v wna m inclusive amount to tipwaras of 1100 bales comprising about, 700 Alabamas at 9 to 1 1 eta. m small proportion of prime at the latter prices 300 Upland, at 9. toJOj, and 200 N, Orleans at 9Jto Hi cento. t. fifiv neiitiuna were presented The resolution from the Committee o Public Expenditures, prohibiting the use of the Hair except for the purpose of le- for Divine tervice on vni.xuii) w...v". - . t I .. ,.wn in, ind adoDtea Un uuiiu.,., wkw - -r - proceeding to the Orders of the Day, Mr. McDume called up the unfinished buM ness,beinj, the bill making Bppronriations for Interna! Improvement ; but Mr. Mai lary moved to'povPonB !he ofdeIJ of 1 ' 4ay, and called for the Ayes and Noes on the queation.,, i ne mouon pr" 7 t," vote of:100 to e.T, The House then wsolved. itself into Committee of the Whole on the stale of the Vln. Mir r P. Barbour in the Chair, when Mr. Mai lary spoke for about two hours Ion . the , Tuesday, March 4. L,llo theSenste the'bifcking sppropria lions Tor the Military Service of the Uni ted States for the, year 1 828, was taken up. On the moiion of Mr. Branch to strike (mu iht annronriation of 1 ,500 dollars for WexprnsW "SVest Point" 'Aedehif ,some discussion :.sMaexbtLl taking the question on i the tiaotiori. r i In h& lIous!'Of Representative, the resoluiiorilniroduced by Mr Ingham on Monday, rel-tive to the printing or the n.rmini,. was laid on the table.togeth with the amendment of Mr. Wright, -rnt.: n mnf'mn nT Mr. Stewart. Mr. Whipple offered two resolutions, declar ; ht the six Militiamen were execu ted at Mobile in violation of their rights of citiaens, and that the families tney leu ..... .niiiUH in nenaions. which were reircted bv a vote of 124 to 50. The Hmiu then I resolved Itself Into committee of the whole on the state of the Union and took id the Tariff Bill. Mr. Mallary concluded his remsrks, and moved his amendment. Mr. Barney then moved to strike out the enacting words of the bill After he had concluded, Mr. J. S. bteven son obtained the floor, and on his motion the Committee rose, and repotted pro gress. Wednesday, March 5. ' In the Senate, a bill was passed vester lrerrrbm"1,tve'ro6r 8f "to T4th Janosry, received in Charleston says, The--trnrket has bf n biisk -for.Amerk csn Coffom aince the tllh, and our sales are 3566 bags, but no marked change in prices." Another aprt a very nreaaiui bcckxhi had befallen the Tham'esTonnel.by which great damage was done to the worli, and a number of lives destroyed. London, Jan. 1 3 -As fur as we have been able to le-jrn. thtre has tMen no alteration intheiMitmterial merap.gefentTs spoken of yea erdy. Mr. Peel, i appears hotVtd be doubted, itlo the highest situation in t'h Cabinet, although it "is sold he show ed at first "no disposition to CM again .lnto;..oflir..:.'.j..r'..':iL.i' 1. - ' T T.-j, .v-.- Accounts from the Manufacturing dis tricis were more favorable since the com mencement of the new yearcry ex tensive orders lor goods, particularly niin'ed Cottons, had been received. r ... , ,-. . . o - . u - The enthronement 01 ur. oumncr, ic n w Bishow of Winchester- tuuk place m ,Rir riiv on- the - lOthr January. -I he novelty of the circumstance ...attracted, a vast concourse' o1 pcrsonsi at least Okw i number to wttness tbe ceremony-: MUiam Coibett has., addressed jiJong eeotistical letter to the King of Ln gland nfferintr himself ns Prime Minister, in the " .... s a? place of Lord Uodcnch. lie tens nis maiesty tha'. he is the om? person in uk British realm that is fit for the station .ml tha? can save the country from ruin Xhnin. The organization of apain -Ti n. Am rtit rlvinrr in anv resnect. i ne uuww hw w r Government is wi'.hout money ; the offi .. ;,wifinitK mncre. those who vt VP). UM - r - , lnnoc.l tn the Constitutional army -and those who e ome irom America are oymg of want. The active land ami sea torcen are hardly better paid than the ollicers on indefinite conge. Every thing in this country requires to be regenerated. AJmtntitvation is in a state of infancy and corrupt. Jutucc is venal, like all the branches of the Govern ment, .nri arbitrary. The King can arreat the execution of all judgments, even in civil affairs. The army is yet to be or j vn the. elerev for thev are iL..inniriiiiciii&iaUi.iuitftH!iiL-.it'ii.i:"( " - - . irif to the SOth rtalms for nersons entitled to inaemoin Cation, under the first article of the trea ! of Ghent, for the loss ol slaves In the House of Representatives, Tucker moved the house to consider. . the. resolution bttered by hirr, some weeaa inr. rhamrinflr the hdur of meeting finm twelve tttloca 'tt -eJeven VcJock- Tk. mrtlt,n nre vailed, and the resolution was agreed to .Mr. Haile eal1 ? his of ilcligtoiiVand 4s itwsiTlI'ga torv to them, that they oo not etju 5gow.w.ha b.yo, for iesrs Jhidwuredjn jhe J vineyard. ; Th; next Annual Conference will be held at Lvnchbu, Virelriaf " ' " Tje tual incrwse of flwmbers. ofihs, Methodist Church, (no account being ta ken of deaths.) wkhin the bounds of this Conference, during the past year, is as certained to bo 3,365 white persons, and 250 blacks. 1 It was our eood fortune to be present at the close of the Conference; and to hear a most nathetic Address from l-ish op Soule to his brethren in the Church, rertitilv never witnessed s more affecting or impressive scene. 1 he M in liters were about to separate to their re apective charges, many of them to un healthy parts of the country, ana iney seimed impressed with the probability that they should never all again assemble iogether;'UnMr,::..suchijcircumsunces whiUt the liishon exhorted tnem to re- rt'tonS for the advancement of the caused ' God, and spoke in smimatin? Lumiioc of the reward which -awaited i infant, it was their labors,' it" is, not rprieing-hat scarcely dry eye was seen in the assem bly. " ' ' " The"foTIoiing ire among the appointment? made for the ensuing year: NEU8R DI8 t'SICT. AfesJlrct.Preaidinj.EIdqr.l r tUletKh, George A. Baine, . Kewbern, Thomas Crowder. ""Raleigh" Circuit; Jr;r,oodman, Jewe Power. Trent. David Roberts and Johsj 5v Head. neaufort and Straits, James W. Bcjl. IlUck Uivcr, Curtis Hook and Joshua JolhlT. Tar River, Georjfe W. Dye and 8. Wellborn. Topsail Inlet, Thomas uarnHro. YADKIN DISTRICT, reter Doub, Presiding Elder. YsdVin, William Anderson. . Iredell, Cbas. P. Moorman and Thalea Mc Donnell. Salisbury, Geo. Stevens, Wm. M. Schoolfield and fieo. Gregory. Franklin, Thos. R. Brame and Henry. Speck. Guilford, William N. Abingdon, llannister. Robert P. R''. ' Oswell, Benton Field and Abram Penn. Haw River, Uenry Evana and Beiy. King. Wnrrfrt, In Lawrenreville, Montgomery county, on tb' 12th til'imo, Mr. John II. Henry, of Lexington, Davidson county, to Misa Elmira Harris, daugh ter of Jtr. William Harris. - In Stokes county, on the 26th nltrby F..C, Mining, Rn. Mr. William Standerford to Misa Mary, daughter of Mr. James Williams, all -cf Stokes. Alto, on the same day, by the Rev. C. p. Danke, Mr. Samuel Long, of Stokes, to Misa Elizabeth, daughter of George Try, Esq. of Davidson. On the 13th inst. by the Rev. E. W. Cambers, Mr. John I). Clancy to Miss Laura A. Lindsay, both of Greensborough, Guilford county. BXSD, .-v In PIiUboroiiyh, rjhatbara county,, on thi 4Ua - instant, Wiruhip Stedman, Esq. post master at that place, in the 61st year of his age. ... In Mecklenhurtr. count v, on the - 15th ult:- I i t .. ..... wli.t in Kw Ur. Unit, in 'TfOTfilTOpinrcTrtcT ' I tp I llmkins, in the o7th year of ht-r age i leaving a language. Cotton Market. Tlie Egyptian crop is 'aid to be U0,O(W' bales. - The price . fnr. it is not yet, fixed; S,v thaV Miiliamiued All still preservas K innnnnlv. t'ctuacela. Feb. 1 . 5U.UUU IVkles wIll thiryemrbe :biwjrut'4w"-y--of Apalachirob from the great extent ol country bordering orv the Chatahoochie, Flint and pa. lacliicola rivers. iamaen Jonntai. At a late muster of the town company in Sa lem, Stokes county, a vole wa, taken on tne Presidency ; when it appeared maftnere were, ForJack'on, - 1 Adams, 1" Neutral, 1J At a muster at C. Robinson's western of Stokes county, 23J ult., Jncksou received Adams - -. ' 1 part f A HOLD CHALLENGE. Mr. Whiu: You will please insert the follow ir,g in your paper, and oblige yours, . Armtiitg of the AdiwniatratMm.corre poiu)inK committee lor the county ot Cabarrus beld at the court-house in CoHcurd, on .the low infant, it was , . . IWnheti, that they believe the charges made .nn'mt Mr A (Turn, in the ortnted iddresa of the uVin hprltn? held in Concord, on the 3 1st " .. .. ai. Januarv, are unfounded ; me ainnora oi address are tberrtra respectfully invited to at. tend at the court.houe in conconi, on n u-.i-i-. u mil iul .auoDoet-lhem by. mMt and nroof; at which time and place,. some of the friends of Mr. Adams will attend, aiid. endeavor .to disp.roye them. U order of the committee. .,fM..,,,AjRSi: H, MoiiEE,:&vf CiM'MtrMtrthrf. ' ; OC? An obituary notice, and two or three hy menal notices, came to hand too uie .u. ... paperi tbey aliali go in our next. tlisconaolate htuband, three small children,, and a4age circle f fneud, uulrelaltoosr to mount .-, their irrepatable Ion. Alo, in the same coun ty, on -the 2th jilr. Mrs. Lydla Wallace, about Z 76 year of age"." Atari; lit' tne fame county? eis' the 7th inst. Mr. James Capps. Also, in jh towii of Cliarlottei oii Wie Stii inrt; Mr. Vm";ifr" Standlry. At her residence, at F.beneter Academy, York district, S. (,', on the Fridav, the 28th of De cemlHir. Sirs. JANE AGVEW HARRIS, consort of the Rev. Fleaxar Iimi, In her 18th year she sunk under the ravaees of Pulmonary Con sumption, and left a bereaved husband to mourn her untimely loss. Of a pulmonary disease, at his residence lis Pulaski, Tennessee, on the 21st Feb. the Hon.' Alfred SI. Harris, late one of the circuit judges of that Mitr. He was a native of North-Cam. Una, hut removed to Tennessee at an early period. He was eminen in his profession na of an unblemished private charaetrr. Lately, in Person county, the Rev. William Rrxiwii, for a number of years a most respects ble and pious nuiiitler of the Baptist denomi nation. hrKfr"m.ernher nextiKefdi Tvrtflr wre tDT0sea xo ne iuuu ' 7 !! II III ITT n f II 1 Mr. thieves are numerous, and it must be ao, for thosa robbers who have money to give to iudicial Dersonanes, being sure to, be dischareed from nrisotv without trial ; the persons robbed take csre not to .denounce them, for fear of being atterwaraa.assaa- sinated . FR A KCE The celebrated Marshal Marmont, Hulce of Itatrusa: has become tnsol t...t2.. tn th'f, restrictions of I ' .-the discussion ii-, the,Jou, hut the Xhe.ddea.-exnf.lthje,.UteMarh.al House refused to consider it. Mr. iiaile . betrothed to the only daughter then onercu auumBr ii;viii, -o it to the -stlect cmmiue on the rules to inquire into the expediency oi aoop tina some mode of ensuring a closer itontinn to the nublic business, but the motion was rejected, the House tnen resolved itself into Committee of the Whole On th stoitof iht Union, nd iiiETTi.vri.it, mascb 13. The n.ight Reverend Dr, Ravenscroft, or this state, and the Right Reverend RUhon England of Charleston, arrived in town last week, and have aeverally preach ed to numerous and attentive audiences, Wo understsnd that a v-atnouc congrt--ill ha established in this place v that a clcrgygariHLejsp" ' lime to take the eharge. ori. . r rmArotiemenf.--The oiestion Jtrcr - - i a , e .w- r.r nf Congress to anrxopnate money for- internal i pmfrwwm--- been again eiaoorateiy ui.u, aa-ain decided in theaBirmaiye, oy a vwe bruearif-two-to M-T iltMUsaioR .,xm. nn the usual item in ftie of the Ap' proprtation J$iUvQt r eonuuu- the. survey s. of routes ftr Roads and rr-.u Fauetlcvttb Qbttrvtr From a correspondent of the .VevToi l F.rquirer " yASHtNOTO, MARCH 7 " The cackling heh" from unio, nas j uin to-dav met with ihe deserts due all, deliberate interrupters and impeders ol public business- In I sinister aiieinpt to delay nd disturb tbe proceedings on the bill for sundry improvement of a com mercial as well as territorial cnarunei, the notorious John C Wright was fairly coughed downy by both political friends and political foes. Nothing of a strict parly feature was visible ; but merely a .nom.neous burst of honest indignation at county court management about to be introduced imo the national legislature. Minister to England, It the constitu :ito!d! erf oping oe.diM5j)rjywjtM noro- tBalionr-of-the-'eesidentr-tnere-wouia of M. Lafitte, the Paris Banker, and considered one of the nchest heiresses in France. Ibrahim Pacha is said to have taker. nasaaffo from the Morea for Egypt in French man of winS furnished by Ad miral do Rigny. 5 . a Utura 4f Virginia, at its lafc. session, has incorporated five coropanie for mantnac turlng purposes, with an aggregate capi tal of 64i,000 dollars. Four out or the five companies will prostata the manu facture of cotton. . k.. hen no difficulty between Mr. Clay and Mr. Webster as to which should re ceive the appointment of Minister to England. As it is, our relations wun uiai vr rn KuffeM and when the-sen- "" r , . j .to adjourns Plr. eoster thus will the pledge to this federal py .KGOODS; fTI HE subscriber w JiHrt receiyiiig from Char lesion, a choice and general assortment i Seasonable Goodt which he will sell at unusually low priees sucb he believes, as will make it the interest of pur chasers rent-rally to call on him ; he hones, how ever, that the public will not take h'n word, but favor him so far as to call and examine the goods and prices, and form their opinion accordingly. ... . j.. . . , -.-l-!-.M Mlf'TnM..JWWMIMMtiHH. T0nrrd,"Marrh ltth 1978. 3t09 .,,,,......VATCII,IISS1ATG.L,.. r.AS takenfrom the afore of John Murphy,' " f y " liialiiibiiry, a few days sine, a double ' oilver cased Engfinh Watch, made by ff.aTkef7r London, No. 1829. It may bave been taken by some person, through mistake i but it is not im possible sonic slave took it by deign i there fore, all watch-makers are requested to stop it, if it comrsinto their hands, A handsome re ward will be given for its return to roe in SaUl bury. NATHANIEL SUTTON. March Vtt.mS. lw 25 DOLL A H.TTlEWAHI). IOST, on Friday eveninK, the 14th inst- some A where o;i the great road leading from Statenville to fJonrord by Shephenls irost Koads, between Hugh Jones and my plantation, a eatf-akin Poeket containing between one hundred anC twenty and one hundred and tltir tr dollars in South Carolina money, in 5 and 2 dollar bills, except five one dollar bill, and onw five dollar bill on the bank of Cape Fear, pro nounced to be counterfeit. Also, one 40, two 25, and two 30 cent bills. ' About One thousand or twelve hundred dollars in judgments and executions. Also, notes on various person, dates nut recollected. Four or five hundred dollar of receipts for the payment of money to) arioua persons, dates not recollected. Any nerson findine and delivering, or securing!, the Jawfcajytostj above rewaroot twenty nvt uoiiars. - --.jA.ME--SimisV. 1 Iredell county", K. C. MafcfTl7tJS2S r Peifion..The Montreal Peli tionanainst the present . Administration tits rti4. h'a4 7100 signature, and is supposed to measure 900 yards Jn rSnssvS IUsi. oan. put iv w yy ,k.Ls Montreal contains a population o! .vino- less than 40,000 inhabitants WV...-S .... L (1..J enl tirtn, anu iiaii urssvi men, women, Indians.1 ESTATE OF HALEY DAVIS.' TFIK subscriber having qualified as admin. trator on the estate of Haley Davis, dee'd, late of fttokea county, S....C,.deiuresllprsont indebted to aaul estate to mk payment wita M little delay poit)iej and an frFrons nay. inir claims atrainnt tbe estate, are desired to pre- m-nt them, 1 (rally authentu:ated, within the tini;:.; , limited by act of assembly, otherwise tnis notice wdl be plead sit our or tneir recovery. , . ... . w nuuKniiAJSLiH, Jtamr, -. JtfarrAlQtA, 182a. - , 3t0 .. ,.. STORE HOUSE Tn LEXINGTON THE subscriber's Brick Store Jfout in Lex ington, is for Hetil,l It is situated immedX stely on tlie north corner of the Public Square, and is one of the moat eligible stands for a Store in the place. , Fo' terms, &c. apply to B. D. Rounsaville, Riq. in Lexington, or to the sub scriber in Salisbury. f ll'2L LKMLV, -r-5. ?? !?. . . . W . .. i; I ,' 'I

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