u 1 j I '.' 111 !v II; tltuM HUht, ' ( tS,1 SAttSBURY, N. C.....TUESIIVY, APRIL V 1828. Jy 'X.O WRITE. J5. . J YOTi. VIII.;.....NO. 409. I X , rtsv. . fbe terms of the Western Carolinian are, 3 per annumor gJ 50, If Paid imuhance.but payment in advance will be required from all lohieriben at a diatance. who air unknown to the Editor, unless tome responsible person of , .bis acquaintance guarantees the payment. No paper discontinued, (except at the option tif the Editor) until all arrearage are paid. AdveliiiieiJKpn My 'iijauiara:rorriav.lliAeeR.'tMiweltyfe OEM I1'! CBUI WC UIW-i AW Jetted Vldwssei to theater, a4 be ftaia or they may not be attended to. THE. SIX MILITIA MEN', ry Affairs, to which the subject had been refer, fed, made the following report t . The Committee on Military Affairs, to whom were referred the documents communicatetTby the Secretary of War, in obedience to the call f this House, of the 16lhof January, relative to the proceedings of a Court Martial; which com nenced its sitting at or near Mobile, on the 5th December, 1814, for the trial of certain Tennee gee Militiamen, together with the oerrespon. bnce between the Governor of that State and (he Secretary of War, respecting' tbe length of service of militia drafts, ot tnat state, unng the late war, reports . . , coJrcicniD.J On the IBth of April, 1814, 4th Vol. Law of the United Sutea, page 703, tec. 4, Congress enacted " that the militia, hen called into the service of the United fit, hv virtue of the before recited act tnay. if, in the opinion of the President of tbe United States, the puimc interest re quire it be compelled to serve fun term . not eiceedini aix month, after the rri- waist tne jbTate Of rendezvous in any ne r. ' This Uw wallQcontinue in force -tfnringlho-wer. "After the nasaarof this act, it doe. not - .mnDat.lhat -the President revoked the power whicn nenaa given to uov. uiouni, Tbt virtOe of the letter of Iho Secretary " of 'War? of the Hth arid 31st January, 1814 1 "toot iieaeenMto fcaro been willing from bis silence, coupled with the notori ous fact of Gov. Blount's continuing to ' - order" oiii' militia "dram? wwkr thw vl4 cretionary authority of those letters, to considef that such drafts as Gov. Blount thould order out, were, in his opinion, re sjulred " by the public interett." ,Andyour Committee think that this oronoaition may be put more affirmative ly, to wltt that it waa the "opinion of tiie President, that the public interest did reauire" that Governor Blount should, under the advisement, or by the requiki tioos of Oen. Pinckney, have the power to order out militia drafts, eitptr. for J nrre r sir months, as the exigencies of the ' get vice - should render necessary, 14 twA sf referring en thit Mead" to the Presi- ajent for special directions. "... . This deduction they considerirrewsti . .... ie and .cpnplusiye,' and that ihere was nothing in tbe act of April 18th, I ft I 4i which prevented the President from ex- ".Uu kU nnininn tKrnnuh (ventral in. I ttructions, to the'XxecutivV'oTiTlSta'rerl J svhose orders for militia drafts, under . audi discretions, should, dt facto and de "' Jurei be tbeb'p1nioh bf1He 'President; tbst such cralis were required by the i:wb'iiitre- This infereneevyour Committee more- ' over Teliere,"if they thought 4t-nece4ry to go into such an investigation, might be sustained by the rontempnrury construc tions which were given to this clause in the act of April, 1814, ia the actual dis cretion which wiit vested in the Execu tives of aeveral of the States. Silly. Your Committee are now brought (o inquire, whether Colonel Pipkin's re (jimrnt was ordered outor six . months, and in conformity with the above cited authority f It appears, by the muster rolls, that thia regiment was regularly in spected, and mustered into servioe for lx month, to wit : on the twentieth of June. 1814 ; snd that, consequently , their term of service expired on the morning of the twentieth of December, 1814. In the absence of all other proof, these re cords are to he considered as highest evi dence, not only of the fact, but of the le- - Ri presumption, that the musteF and in spection were made with the requisite . authority. , . But it is a circumstance oT public and llnilisDutable notoriety, and one which be longs to the history of the counlryTlhar Col. Pipkin's detachment was mustered pto service txfirenti for mix montfi, by virtue of an order of Governor Blount's, dated the 20th of Mav 1814; a certified copy of which, your Committee ha Hen steps to procure, that it may belaced -on the files of thU House, with the docu rnentsftoai tbe War Department. This order recited that the draft -ws made in compliance u with the requisi- tibin of Mafor 3eBefaT Fwckfley,; antl in "fUrthinneef4he.yleiws of Government, by a latitude giveo to him lGdiv,-Blouni; by the War Department, in regard to calls for men to act against the Creeks." This draft was Ordered to rendezvous oh the 40th of June, 1814, at Fayetteville, Ten nessee : and formed the identical detach ment of qfie tiKnnaad men who trere if- ( lerwsrdf placed under the command of Col. Pipkin, and stationed in the summer and autumn of that year, at the posts in the Creek conntry. And, by reference to Uov. mount's letter of the 19th October, 1814, (No. 11.) it will.be seen that he es pecially reported this regiment of one thousand men, to the Secretary of .War, as to aerieeor ,morui,from which fact the- inference ii iDacaU;ihiit,the President. eanW,e4 vice, or it was the boundec duty of the' Secretary tenbave prdered- their ira me di ate discbarce which, Jt-iio JwhereC ap pears thaf he ever did lf,.therefore any confirmation was wanted for the original authority by which the draft was made for six months, your Committee consider thiitGv. Blount's report, of the 19th Oc tober, and the implied sanction of, the President, incontestibly furnUh it. ' 3dly.' Whether the soldiers of Col. Pipkin's regiment, who were arraigned for certain crimes and offences before a C)urt' Martial, which convened at Mobile on the 5th of December, 1814, were le gallr tried ; and whether the Command ing General, approving the proceedings of this Court properly exercised the pow er and discretion vested in him by law ? Br reference to the proceedings of the Court Martial in quojion. it will be ern, that io- coromikkioncd ofiirers, and about 200 of the non commissioned officer, and privates of Colonel Pipkin's regimen;, were tried for the most serious offence which can be committed in the military service of the country. : That the offences, first, consisted in exciting afldwuMnij fy," for TbercommissiowfMiuual muti- ny, BCG04pnied..bf,, gravated robbc ry ana - apoiut ioniI e publtc atoresV and thirdly r in the crime of dosertibri""' ' ' ' " " r The two firaf of these offences, to wit.: " excitint; and causing a mutiny," and ac tually committing mutiny, ,k by forcing til'-joViMta-1be CornmUsa ries' storehouse and stores, at Fort Jck son, were committed, the firt, before the 19th of Septcnber, 18 14; and, second, on the 19th of September. 1814; and be fore even thrtt month' irryice qf thit de tachmtnt had expired. That some of the mutineers were deluded into a belief that they were about to be wrongfully detain ed in service, beyond the term for which they were legally drafted, your Commit tee think not improbable ; and those who "were thus likely to be deluded, the Court recommended to the clemency of ihe Commanding General, who, it appears,, pardoned them ; and that all the-rest of the mutineers and deserters were con demned to trivial punishments neither af feeling life nor limb,excep ing six of the ringleaders, to wit : David Morrow, a ser-' gent in Cpt. Strother'a Company, Jacob Webbjj John Harris, Henry Lewi. David llunti rrd"TffiFdLrrisef,twnte--b Colonel Pipkin's regiment, who were .fount! guilty either pf causing, or exciting mutiny, before the., tain September, 1814, or committing a mutiny, or deser ting- whilat .otu poar, ; before the expir tion of the 9th of September I3i4, and suffered death in consequence. By an examination of the trials of these six ringleaders, it will bejteen, that they were prominently guilty, either of exci ting and causing a mutiny, or of being leadera of a mutiny ; the first before, and the last on, the 19th of September, 1814; and that John Harris, to whose name auch remarkable notoriety has been attached, was engaged tome time prior, "in cans ing and exciting a mutiny, by carrying i. e . i i even a muster roil oi mutiny ana aeser tion throughout the camp, to procure the names of those' who were willing, and would pledge themselves to commit these crimes. To these facts, yow Committee will now apply the Uw. The act of 1795, provides, "that the milma in the service of the United S'atcs snail be governed by the Rules and Articles of War." By the 1 in iirticl of. the Rules "arid Articles of Wr, " any officer or soldier, who shall begin, excite, or join in any mutiny or sedition, in any troop or company in the ierf icertf-thr United -Swear-or b anyl party, post, dcUchment, or guard, shall suffer death, or such other punishments, as, by a Court Martial, shall be inflicted " By tbe 8th article, a similar penalty is awarded;-where" any officer or soldier "does not use his utmost endeavors to suppress a mutiny, . or, coming to the knowledge of an' intended mutiny, does not; without tfelay, give information there of to bis commanding officer. And, by the; the 30th article, the crime of deser tioriils ponlshaWe by death, or aucb . other puoisbments as, by M sentence of a Court Martial shall Winfflcled1;' r; These facts, and these principles, fur nish a complete vindication of the Court, whose painful duty it was to condemn six of their fellow citixeos to a tye;o and ignominioos nuoisbment, . n..i ir .,i .tJ. 1 tA - ..... n i vu ii an iiiv raaionini . ir vuni mittee was absurd and yaueless, as to the fact, that these men weje rightfully in service for six months aid it were even admitted that they weretdrafted but for three months, the procledings Court would stand witholt. spot, or legal Impeachment. As the of z the blame, crimes for which, these unfortunate luman being joffered.f(!eathV were wmrritted- before " iioihii o, uicir isrnj oi acrvico nau expired i and bV tneTiSflrsefctWIirWe act of jibe 18th April, 814, whicb was then in full force, and, wMch ; provides bat ,any ; cpmmisonol;"o5cel commiwsiohed officer, musiciin, or pri vate, of the militia of the United States, who shall have committed n offence, while in actual service of the U. States, may be tried and punished for the tame, although hia term of service may have expired, in like manner as if Je bad been actually in service of the United States ;" it it therefore, obvious that these men could be legally detained forNtrlal and punishment, even if they could Kjve been considered as in service but for ibree months. . . That they had a fair and impartial trial, your committee see no reason to opubt, and the mere fact of their jurors bring .heir own officers, fellow-cilzens, tnd, probably, neighbors, secured he presence of that sympathy which Uadl to the most merciful interpretation where it is just to apply it) of tbe condud and motives of others. -That General Jackson, commanding in chief, -in the Military Di ision, in which these: eventa transpired,? properly exer cised the power and discVetldiTvested in him, by Uw, by approving the' procee pings oi tnis iourt, youriommirreei tiao wise, perceive no reasoa to doubt. It it tiwthat ;tlH!f were ippWtdtWMd of Jnnury, fourteen dayf alter the victory of the 8. nfby whTch llneVnemftisd been repulsed from the Mismsippi- But the General waa at thiitim, ignorant of the pacification at ; Ghent ; .and, . moreover must have been apprized that a part of the enemy had gone round, and had con centrated his forces in tie neigbboihood of Mobile, in that very vicinity where these outrageous acts of insubordination, mutiny, and desertion, aad taken place That such a concentration of the enemy' a forces was effected, it fact beyond all dispute, at, on the 11th of February, Fort Dover was attacked ard captured. . The Commanding general must also have known that it wj on volunteer or militia drafts the defence of the Southern coast would rest: whilst fae flagrant mu times and desertions in the campaign of 1813, of the militia drafts of that year. must have admonished him of tbe ucces sily of striking a severe yet salutary, ex ample in the minds of those wbo were liable to be misled -j.AlilwugitlbAi3m.e was not invoked by the lour!,. it is true, he might have pardoned these victims of ineir own crimes, am uicra are occa sions when mercy is but another name for weakness : when even a sevtre and unaltorable Urm ncssrtn lne 'drseirsrge of our duty,' is the most' perfect justice we can render to our country. The examples of this stem and chlight encd ju.tice, are Kattered throughout the pages of History, not for the abhor rrncc, bot the respect of mankind ; they are found, not only in the moat instruc live morals which the lessons of antiqui ty afford, bnt they illustrate the intom parable services of him, who wav and ever will be venerated, as the' Father of our Country." In conclusion, your committee will barely remark, that, as the acts of 1612 and 1814, expired, the one by its own limitation, and tbe other by the termina lion of the war, they see nothing in (he transaction, which it lus been their duty to examine, from its origin to its close, which call tor tbe legislative interfer ence of this House, in the shape of any amendment to tho RuUa and -Articles of War, or to the existing laws governing the milhiai whilst in the service, at tbe United States. A Phenomenon ! There is aspring in in Herkimer county, New-York, which always discharges an equal quantity of water, never rising nor falling--and wliat is more--remarktble, . alwaya about twenty four hours beforo north east storm; the stream grows. muddy, and contiouea. so from.4 to 10 houra according to the pow er-of -the storm formany yreran4 whe muddy, though ihe . sky, may be clear, and the weather, perfectly mild, and' without any appearance of a storm, the iriuauants predict Mich an eventj with the asm- certainty, as thev would m 4 I the risinr of c 5up, 1 v TBE TifOROUGJt BRED BORSB AERONAUT, W.L stand the present .season, no commen- w ty ceo, snd to continue until the av J. 1st ot August, at my (table in Rowan County. 10 miles from Falishurr. and 7 from Lrsington , at the reduced price of tiKt deiiart tbe reason, payable by six dollars within lns.rsaspn iJkurjltParif prompt payment, the io prove witn loau uue as on as tne icara prevervidenrty wUV M.-Ah pmprty Ja iranRterred. A-ronaat win stand in Salisbury and Lexington the four first day a of each term of the Superior, and County courts when and where le will: not .'shrink from a' comparison with any horae In America, as to symmetry 'and elegance of form, "vigour of constitution and force of muscular power, combined with the finest action. He will be very generally found St his station, except when taken to be thown at public placet, or to a small distance occasionally to oblige, for a single day or two, a particular neighbourhood. Ikte ription.-r ronaut is a fine mahogany bay, with blsck Irgs, main and tail, a handsome sr and small blaze in bis face, seven years old this pring, suteen bands rtiirti i unitine. in a hieh degree, the size, grandeur and elegance ot his sire the Imported horse Kairle. with the arrest substance, power and compactness of the sire of hia dam, the Imported horse Dion. Hit great Strength of body and limbs entitle him to stand high as a horse of power, and will enable hit in.!. ...... . . ""- " Kurrj wrigm mi any reuisie gc and render them more suitable for tbe harness. saddle, or draught, the most useful portion of -" .-.... L-n trainnl to the turf, in consequence of there being no races near him when he thould have been train ed ; yet hi great power, symmetry and blood, and particularly the strength of his limbs, have made it evident to the best of juJet who have inspected him, that be must have been a d't jn gniahed runner if he had been judiciously train. ed at the proper time. Pedigree. JEronaut wsa sired by"thf1mpor: rrobonte Bgle,-hifam by-h Imiorted horse Dion, gm-dam .by JGxpectajjo ne .of the best tons of the Imported horse Iliomedc,' out of a Rhsrk mare') great gran-dam by Mr. Hoc hannsn's thorough, bred running borse Medley, out of a Celar and Fearnought ma,re, namfd KmTn'-Xin,""ftneThrmit, -tiftwn hamls and a half high. From wliieh it is evident, as far as his ancestry can be traced, be must be very nearly if not entirely thorough bred, aad from the mort select stock of horses ever known in, England and America. ROHEItr MX)KE. .Vflrca 26tA. 1828. 6tl3 CARD E.WXLLEY&00. f At the Sign tf the Mortar ami Pettle,J HAVK just received from New York, a large supply of Medicines, and Paints; which, together with their former cV, make tbc-ir present assortment replete with the most valuable Medicine sold in Our country. As they are . determined to make this establishment worthy of public patronage; they now offer for tale. Wholesale and Retail, the above Medicine, lit. on: the most reasonable terms. : Phyncian in this section f the country, as well as thoe to tbe westward, who,: heretofore, have Wen in tbe habit of supplying themselves wjth. Medicines from the north, anil elsewhere, will find it.for their interett to encourage the ef forts of tie"pre?enr proprieSorsTbr making this a useful and permanent stand. N.' It." Orrfrrr earefully and punctually put up, aereeablv to directions : and on the slortrt no- lice. - SoJirs,.AW2atA, 1827. 89 TACiEtLINE , from raleigh 'po salisbury. HE subscriber having purchased this route Mr John Moreing, Jun. nectfullv informs the public that no exertions in his power shall be wanting to render it as expeditious, safe and comfortable as it hat hitherto been under the superintendence of its former indefatigable and worthy owner. There will be no changes in the route. The Stare, a usual, ill continue to run from Raleigh to alibury, sa Hillsborough and Ashborough, once a week. It leaves Raleigh every 1 1 iday at 2 o'clock, r. m. and arrives at Salisbury on Monday a 10 o'clock, A.m. Price of passage from Raleigh to Salisbury, 7 dollare, and at the same rate for any distance on the route. All trunks and other baggaRe taken into the Stage, shall be delivered at the place to which they are directed, on the responsibility of the sub scriber. Tbe subscriber hsxsrd' nothing in saying that this is the nearest, cheapest and most sirreeable route from ltaleigh to Salisbury i and he, therefore, with tbe greater confidence solicits public patronage. GEORGE WILLIAMS, Jr. January 8, 1828. 3mtU ALBEKT COKPENING'S ESTATE THE subscriber having qualified aa executor of ih c" Tar wi I r s n d -tevl amet of -I 'Mtrt Cirbemng, deceased, late of the county of Burke, desires all persons indebted to the estate of the said deceased, to come forward and male pay. ment without delay j and likewise all those wbo have any elaims against said estate, to present them, legally authenticated, within the time limited by law, otherwise this notice will be pled in bar of their .recovery. bAVm CORPESISC, Eremurr ' January 31st, 1828; ' 3mtH - JOHN YOUNG'S ESTATE- - fTTlIE undertigfied having qnarifiedw a Febru ary sesaions af itowancoanty court, a ad- ounittrator on uie enaie oi jonn suung, uec a. requests all person, indebted to said estate to make payment, and all persons having claim, against the same, to present them for payment. within tbe time prescribed by law, or mia nonce will be plead in bar. W. D. WOOD, AMr. is. 19J.V 1828. CmtM mi r i jd m k m MANSIOPf tlOfjEL, v SALISBURY, tfoHTU CiKOLLVJ, kv ttzaa ALLBMOHO. V rtlHIS elegant catablifhnicnt, situated , . fiJTtjl at the north corner of the Court . lii J'JLHHe, Ima brerl recently repaired and- fitted up In a hew and superior style, lor the re ception of Ciimpany. 'I he greatest paint havw been taken to procure for this establishment ' new furniture of evtry description, necessary Atbecomfort of Jfravellers tbe most an- ' - ffrd aervanta. hmm.ml'9:s:inm care i tne bar stocked with choice liquors, ano) mc auioicw TTTMiea or oouinnjr ww.iirfjrwivw njryn, hostlers. The convenience of thia-aituation is equal to tiny fat tbe pUveer.Tbe beuae eontainw . .,,- a number of private rooms, ami out-houses, well calculated for fh sworn modaUoa of Travjlfcrs".7"":;t snd Boarders. Attached to which, there us' . Dry Coods and Book Store. ; ' lo tnme wbo may please to call oh him, net assures (hem that nt pains will be spared to ; render Uieir stay comfortable and pleasing. . - EZKA ALLE.MO.NfJ. . " Salisbury, Seit IT, 1827. S3 FACTORAGE AND COMMlSSON BUSINESS i.V CMKLEHTOY. ; THE subscriber respectfully informs 7 bi, friends and the public, that he continues tbe above hne of business at . his old stand on EdmondstAn'a V'harf, where he it prepared to attend to tbe sale of produce committed to hie care, upon which liberal advances will at all limes b made i or to the execution of orders for Goods. . Wm. J. Wilson, Esq. or in his absence, the agent of tbe Steam Beat: Joseph II. Townee ill receive and forward, without delav, all 14HIOIK UHMltV.l w c w k. t Omsv. and will be prepared to ru.ke advauces on such coniignments, if required. t09 MEIsKir W. CONNER. Charlntan. JVv. 1S3T. ' Look ot thit New EitaMufment f rpilE mibribert have this oay ' entered info X copartnersbfo, in the town of Concord. N. .4 Crnorth-ot-tbexourtooac, opposite-the Post umce, to in all its various branches, in the moat approved -newest,4nd I fashionable sty icj They have made., arrangements to receive Ihe fashions on front ' the North regularly as they chsnge. From their long experience in the Tailoring tnsineaa. they hope to afford general, .satisfaction to at who mav give their New Establishment a trial. WIW' .'.i'f.-i. .. ..... . . . . ." inev also return tbetf numble'ihankfoth' - very liberal patronage received from the publio heretofore. Chi. KLUTTS, in Co. -( oncnut, Marrh Si, 1828. 6tl3 ,. , I AlLOKINfi BUSINESS, SweniUe. THE subscribers respectfully inform the citi zens of Iredell county, and the adjoining country, that they have commenced the . Tailoring' Businen , in the town of Stateiville, in tbe shop formerly occupied by 8. l.owry ; here they are prepar ed to execute all kinds of work in their line of business in a fashionable and durable manner. They will receive the fssbioflv regolaHy from -the North, which will enable them to suit theu? customers with garments made in the newest style. I he public ar iotited tp give us a trial at we hope to be able to pirate al! who may do so, by the prompt, faitlifuf, and fashionsble exe cution of our work. JOHN T.OCKE, A. Stl POTTS. SfatrrvilU, March 24. 1 828. 6t 13 rr"" TEMPLE OF FASHION ! ravHB subscriber- having entered into a eoV -i-panirtrslirKjLbe jurposa of tanryinj on the Tailoring' Business, in all its various branches, respectfully inform i their t.-iemls, and the public, that they occupy the shop formerly used by sTevell & Temple ron. ; v and more recently by Silas Trmplrton, on Mailt '.: . zz. sfreev a few doors south of-ih aourthousa. i the town of 8alilury t and are prepared to exe cute every speck s of work appertaining to their vocation, either for Ladies or Gentlemen, in sty le of workmanship equal to any in this or the adjacent states. Having made arrangements for receiving the latest Fashions from Philadelphia and New-York, they will be enabled to accommodate gentlemen . with fancy coats and other garments. Ladies with Habits, Spencers, &.C., made up after the X mot approved Northern style. All garments 1 made at their shop, will be warranted to. fil . well. All orders for work from a distance will be promptly and faithfully executed, and ve turned in the Shortest time practicable. Tho patronage of the public b solicited, with a coo- j tidencc of being able to merit it. SILAS TRMPLtTONT, SQUIHE U)WKT. -ti Satirbvry, March 27th, 1828. 6tl3 Ata Bene. All persons indebted to Siks Templclon, are earnestly desired to call and close their accounts, either hv cash or note, , without delay, as it it indispensably necessary ha j should settle hit business up to the lime of hb copartnership with Mr. Lowry -tl0L-T. - DANIEL II. CRESS REQUESTS alt persons indebted to him try note of hand, book account, or otberwiae. tomake payment immetatelyrue their Usbta will be placed in the nanus of an officer for col lection. Persons having demands against hint, will please present them for payment. He has hist uneiml an aanrtinant et ROODS from the North, consisting of Dry Goods, I Cutlery, Crockery i " Hard IVarei l Groceries, fcfr. which belt' "sctnrtear a smaller advance easi . for eisa, tan hu ever been offered to the pub-- be belore in this place. MY ' wifV Stary li Wtv.iM,.iiS(Hirsli, ; cause J therefore caution all pcrnona front trading, or letting her have sny thing on my eo count, as I will not pay one cent for any eon. tracts she will make, or any that she hs made.' ' BENEDICT LAV(B ,X- V! 1R .i'W) " ,:J --sr-,-'-r-r. "--

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