t -w... I ,,, : ; (.. 1. m 1 -s If, 1 i V f s ', I ' 'a.m. " - UAYWdOD COUNTY. At a large and respectable meeting of the fiiertdiof UeoersI Anlrew jacmon, held at the Court House In WVnevin. Haywood county, N. C, Saturday the 3d Tebruary, 1828 j Ma). William Dever called to the chair, and Felix Axley, Esq. appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting being briefly unfolded by the chairman, on motion of Col. Robert Love, the fallowing peraoni were appoin ted a committee to prepare An address anfl resolutions expresnive of tbe sense of 'this meeting, Wwi? t Col. Joseph. Cathey, Felix Axley, Esq. Keder 0xn, Esq. John JI,lIenc4i.LQj!ohn Mcyowelh fcsq, t lltie. retired a short time, returned and re- w:."""":' '. v ...- .-. . . .... ported Jhejoiioiiic aare$tincrm)WTorfMI ttwrliirtWw . :;TbU meeting; deem it, their duty to make a public declaration of. the ir sent j;. tnents on the approaching; - Presidential election, lent the a'dence.of the friend of Gen. Jackson at t hit time be miscon ceited. They would have deferred an expression of their feelings most cheeY fully until the period had, arrived when It woludWe been necesssry for them to express them in, the chute of an elec tor, had not calls for meetings of the friends of the Administration taken from them all choice on the subject. Without Questioning the intelligence, patriotism or motives of their political opponents? of- presuming to arraign them for the sup port of Mr, Adams, this meeting would frankjv, but fearlessly state brieflv some of the objections they have to the existing Administration, and some of the reasons for supporting; the election of (ten. Jack too. In doing this, thry rlaira to eier- hers of a great republic, where the sove reign power-resides in the people. An election, to the result 4if.which. the er- ot right and intef t of the republic are involved, is approacTuhgTZEver bars a deep stake in It. This meeting fcel the M"-rwps$t-tejr'r them, as freemen. They' will act . and ipeak.accordin to- their convictions, and M becomes men proud bF their country i Jealous of its liberties, jmd impressed with the. great importance of the crisis. Tii meeting, view he course pursued by Mr. Adams as being at variance with the best interest of . the country. The opinions and sentiments he has avowed re of the most alarming tendency. He maintains the odious and monarchist doc trine, that theew may govern the many ; that the retreacntative is not bound by the" will Of hia constituents ; that the President has the right to nominate his successor, by making hss Secretary of State heir to the Presidency t that a Pre; iident elected lor - four rears under the constitution has t ttatm to a re election bribe Met of trecedmt f -that entansline elliancea with toreien powers is a -'- our srisest , policy Washington and Jefferson iaawe advised us ..- uutwiin9iauuinr. that to avoid them, as leading to war and ruin that! under the - comprehensive pretext of the general welfare, the constitution may be construed toeanction all sorts of usur - ftatlonT''.".". ;'-'-,j . - - hr"rfdidate'-'hoseelection.-this meeting will support, his claim upon theif confidence arise front his sterling integrity, hia sound good sense, his re : publican- rirtee . bi ardent . pauiotjstn, in .greLpyhnraer'viceVhls fiiness for "cdTice Gen. Jackson ia one of the' people- - General Jackson bring born of poor parentage, was cast at an early period of his life upon tbe broad theatre of the world, friendless aad penny less; he par ticipated in that holy struggle, mingled hia blood with tbe heroes who fought, bled and died to perpetuate to posterity ..the . most inestimable legacy man ever enjoyed ; he has filled the moat important civil offices In the gift of hia countrymen .with dignitv, integrity and honor to his country. .While Mr. Adams was at foreign courts, receiving from bis country from 559,000 to $25,000 per ami urn for his services, Gen. Jackson was pushing his fortune in a new and wilderness country, and laying the foundation of that reputation he now enjoy a. While Mr. Adams (being at Ghent negotiating a treaty of peace) sas writing to Mr Harris that our gov- nme-waieak,and je nuriousjjhe people 3iVided among themselves, with half the nation sold to the enemy,''.hat the collossal power of Great Britain could -crush u blovGeneralJ ackiorura . at New Orleans, defending beauty and booty from the. same coilostal power. His language was, our country must be defended we will enjoy our liberties or perish in the last ditch. Then did he catablish his claim to the highest honors nil rewards in the gift of a free, cniikrht- -ened and tndVr fawwdV-Tbat e will use every hon :4irihl)? JDf '' nd effort to. defeat. Ibe re- election ol Jonn Adams to tne rresi- lencaK;'i,;i;;.-;-v:v Retotvtd That, from the! confidence we have in the intelligence, integrity and political honesty of General ANDREW JACKSON, we will use every honorable effort to aid and insure his election to the nixt Piefidency. fletolved, that the following persons be appointed a Committee of Correspon dence ant! VigiUoxo for promoiing tbe election of Cen. Jajon, la U MJ Vim. Pever. Col. Jaroes McKee, John M. Ifenson Esq. Kedcf Bion,. Esq.' John McDowell. Eq. Mr. Uolarrd -Asborne, Mr. Welch, Felix Axley, Ej. Na thaniel Blackburn, Esq. Mr. Benjamin Chsmbers, Joseph II." Walker, Esq. and Mr. Banister Turner,' . Jini be it further retolved by tbit meri ting unauimounly, That we nominate and recommend Col. Rokkrt Lore as a can didate for an Elector to vote for Fresl dent and Vice President of the United States, at the enduing Presidential Elec; tlon, for the find Electoral -Dhtrict in this Slate t ind we solicit the friends of Jack son in our sister counties In this district toteeipreattou,o Rnahifd further That the orocee dings I - - . : . --- . man andTSelMrylFWW public newspapers in this State. ; ?copa,. That the ibanks of tbe mee. ting be voted to theCh'airmatir.Sf . On motion of Cot. ft: Love, the meeting adjourned. WM. DEVEU, Chairman. UX AxtET, Secretary CONGRESSIONAL SUMMARY. Saturday, March 15. The1 senate did not ait to day. In the house of repre sentatives, after less pretiminm business Than usual, the bill for the relief of U W. Meade was taken ftp, and lonfj de bate arose thereon. Messrs. Sargeent, Sutherland and Weems, being the speak ers. A message was received from the President of the United States, contain ing certain, information in relation to our territory west of the Rocky Mountains. Monday. March IT In the senate, the bill to prevent desertions in the army, w disc"" erd't to a third read ing : the bill to grant certain lands to the state of Alabama, for purposes of Internal Improvement, was also dicus Vd and ordertd-40 be read' a tbiriiime. Mr-Smitii-DresejileiLa memorial from the Baltimore and Ohio R'nil- Road Cwn nany; prafirtiiAtlher msy.be permitted to import the 'fbwce5arry in Wjtcon; i 1 ..-: l i ;.r..t..i leeing that the supply which (he "IT'S. could afford, would, be i.osuBiciettt. In the noose of representatrvrs, the bills m king appropriations for the navy, and for fortifications, -were taken up, andjieveral amendments made by the ente, vrere disagreed to. and one concurred in. The tariff bill was then taken up, and Mr. Barnard, of New York, spoke on it for about an hour and a half, when the house adjourned. Turtday, March' 18. In senate, the bill to grant certain lands to Alabama ; the bill to authorize the President of the V. S.to lease certain lead mines in Missouri; and the bill to prevent desertions in-thr farmv, wrr scteratly-read- the Si ttnie I and passed. Considerable discussion re on the bill to provide for the final settle ment of land claims in the several iates and territories. ; In the house of repre sentatives, Mr. McDuflie proposed .that members should take their hats off during the session; but bis proposition" was not agreed to The tariff was further dis cussed, Mr Ingham jpeaking at some trncrfh Kit Ir " - ' Wcdneiday March 9 Tn' senaie, the hilI.j9r.ejettinaiBjreak-Water at the mouth of the Delaware Bay, wits ordered to a third reading, aves 24, noes !7. The bill providing for t he - finit; seuiement. of landjClaims inenmn states, as father discussed. In the house of representa tives, an amendment made to the ouiita ry appropriation, dim ny. tne senate, whs concurred in by the house, and the bill passed. The tariff bill was further dls cussed, and Mr. Johns, of Delaware, made a speech in opposition to the bill as re ported. Thundau, March 20. In the senate Mr. Branch, of this state, mad a motion for the adjournment of Congress on the 8th of April: but the motion was lost without a division: the bill providing for the adjustment of military land claims in the several states and territories, occupied the senate till its adjournment. In the house of representatives, considerable time was spent in discussing resolu tion relative to the conduct of Col. Mc Kenney, in deposing an individual among the Creek Indians ; the resolution was adopted s Mr. Hoffman, of New-York. spoke Jour Tiaur on the tariff bill f and the house even then adjourned before he concluded ! Friday, March 21. In senate, the bill for the organization of theRIilirlaTwa5 discussed and laid on the table 1 Mr. No ble gave notice that.be should offer substitute for the bill 1 tha bill providing for invalid pensioners, was passed; and the seftate adjourned till Monday. In the house of .representatives, various resolu tlonsrBskmg-forinformetton- relative to the Indians' "were offered i nhe prmcipal part, uf the day was spent in discussing the 'claim- of R.'W7Mea"de"-- , . Saturday, March 22. The senate did 'ft6V'it't?-d' tatives, various resolutions proposing in quiries on sundry subjects, were adopted : the house was engaged, till its adjourn ment, in discussing the claim of R. W Meade; Messrs. Bunner, Dwight, nd Oakley, were the principsl speakers. Monday, March 34. In senate the toint resolution giving the privilege of franking! year, to the Spciker of t!.s House of Re-! presentativel,w s agreed to 1 some time was spent in cotsidering the bill for the relief of Wm. M- Snaed, executor of Ste phen Sneed ; tie bill , was finally laid on the table. In rte house of representa tives considerate discussion arose on a resftlutioii tlTerd by Mr. J. S. Barbdur, excluding the ;ency of the President of the U. S. in'appwtoK the principal dis bursing officers )f the treasury. A long discussion wis ticn had on the bill for the relief R. W,Made, Messrs. Polk, Ever ett, Randolph 3uchanan, andJVood, peaking on it'ti the bill was pnally rejec ted, by a vote '05 ' W- ' ., aoaf THir rn'kPMT CUMA GESL -rThe- Aa-jMn-JOJWinue waeepfpi .T:.w.i:."j k.l KKr tnr Ihnuementl . .... . . ... . "iM.mrtMRKff:r'nf'' a. - I MII9 I J , Utf w .. - ; or ediiicatidl or tletr resoerawe are no; filly fjtafofije haa tikert riainsto ascertain wnai Iges have recency bccuVre'd, and thii the rrtillt i Ratty Myrw aon Samytome from Yellow breeches- creek, bst week, and told hi mother, in the presence of Miss Lett Codkin and her aunt (rixxel, that old Mr. Philip Coombs was reported to have vtirt at'a meeting house, on the pre vions Sjbrath, between the hours of meetingthat if Ken. Jackson did make the six Coffin in the Democratic" Press" he was 1 miserable earjender. Mrs. Myers repeat'd this sii;n to Binns,and ha drrss ti it tip,' and printed it in the Press of FebSJ Aotherttgn equally worthy of notice ha reached us, and candor compels us to i(ive it a fJace. Four boys digging a attrh ii, Moystnenhing, on the 30ih ult were asked svha they were doing ! One iif the 4 noble so 'ports of the endangered rights of our country, (vide Burns) fearlessly, aM will ttrrclgnltf tf rCaro, rrf.Krt-w.inf on rrom thn It is Interred br the Mtmaroen rwif K forhll candidate. ww uv unci , , M'nyiun. It is whispered ht -Tim Quidnunc sent thfs letter to M Webstert who showed the same to Ciapmap Johnson. See the National Journal. - $i-rs v-JTn N.np?'liHv,rnt-J1 .if, . At a meeting of the Jackson Club in the City of Philadelphia for the purpose of adopting some measure to testify their rrgret at the doth of Da Witt Clinton, late governor of the State of New York, the following esolutions were ununi moosly adopted : ffaohed, Tht we deeply deplore, in the demise of this illustrious statesman, a firm, enlightened, and powerful friend of (he .candidate of jhepef pUs Andrew Jack son, Whose wrongs he so fervently re dressed, and whoa detractors be so em pbatica If y rebokej, whose, characte r he so highly evimafed,and to whose glor he; pid rhe: Montsnwi mage American patriot, on the 8th of January, M the sublime issociationof heroic virtue, and national pratitude." - - : : Hetofotd That in the demise of the il- Justrious stf smanr Pe, Wit? Clinfon we find sild:t'ronal -reason loxling ,10 Andrew Jackson, as the friend of the people ; and our teverence for thyi virtues of Clinton, our pride in his talents, and our gratitude forjhis seivices, forge new bonds to attach jil Jo save of Monticsllo, hat Jilted I he "vuatute of hit. cuttntry't glory V Semr.n faj Sir Halter Scott..1 Religi ous Discourses, by a Layman,' are an nounced as in the British press; and the London Literary Gazette states that they con-ptise three Sermons, by Sir Walter Scott. We presume they will be read with not less interest than hia lighter pro ductions. ' A Bat, crossing the Mississippi, on the 2d ult. with 17 Negroes on board, was upe', and 5 of the number drowned they belonged to Gen. Hampton. It wis noticed, in tbe proceedings of Thursday last, that the speech of Mr. Hail, of Mississippi, was cut short by coughing, and other noises, which preven ted his gome on. It may be proper to state, also, that the precedent thus set, was attempted to be followed on- the day following, tii the case of Mr. Weems and Mr. Wright, but" was promptly checked by the speaker. T Aaf. Intelligencer. The marriage of the young Prince of Moikwa, (Marshal Ney's son) and Ma damoiselle Lafitte, daughter of the cele brated banker, took place, at Paris on Sunday week with great pomp- M. La- fiHeargaised" the; vrnarrlage by jgreat chaitable flc.nstion and ipendid"present. 1 He sent OQfl66 franca Tv000i;to thel bereaux of tbe; aiflent.charit'ies of . tbe capital, and orderd hls clerks to receive gmtmcauon of 3rj;Jrtt.LI5pfJ The Prince, who i bv no means in affluent circumstances, refused a present of 8,- 000,000 francs (80,000) which his father In law offered on the marriage 1 It has given rise to the following impromptu. Lsfitte asked his girl if aho'd marry a Prince, 1 Ten electoral candidates bare now been nonv Expecting, of course, she'd say yea ! insted by the pepk, to be plnced on the Jack Out judge his surprise, in return for his hints, 1 son and Calhoun ticket j only five more remain When slie b!ubingly whispered, pu Ay V I ta. be. nominate, t aamplcta 0e list. . i r e APRIL 8, 1828.. Important Suggeitim.Vi would call the at tention of the public to tbe following proposi tion, which we believe is original with our respondent: the plan he propose, we upon at entirely feasible. .. Jlfr. lVhi(tt While a number of ctyitin, and sortie of the ttatei, have been takipg mtaxire to ascertain the extent to whichdie BIBLE it wanted within their boundyttlo not recollect to have.seen any reference io the taking of tha eentui m 1830, as preienKhr. a auitabl opportu hit for obtaining the desired Informal inn. The question ha just occurred to me, 'Could not the necessary dlscoTeries be then made, in each county in theunited States f It may require and f thefore"uirett"illo7li6ft made the subject of reflection and of ptaaK-aaali. jat. Let aa much a norsible be done In this causfe between tbiaend ttMiit. kit if UW oucticabte. then to ncertain. and nerwaril "to uppl, the r v. . 1 I .L l 'il wmm or uir nation. I liupc nc odicci wm noi t.. .!k. -r ' .... Amthc Jaekton Mecting.in flurke county. Agreeably to the resolutions of a former meeting of the citizens of Burke county, favorable to the election of Gen. Andrew Jackson as President, held on the 29th of Janoiry last, at Morganton, delegates from the different Captain'a companies in this county attended .at., .Morganton, on Tuesday evening, the 26th of March, to wit : Col. Benjamin Newland, Col. Peter B-dlew, Lewis Paine, Esq. John White, Esq. Allen Conelty, Esq. Charts Duncan, Esq Charles Carson, John Burgin, Jun. Benjamin Harris, Capt. Thomas Morris, Thom is Green. Rev. Richard Bird, Col. Aloey Burgin, Col. David Newland, Col. David Baker, Col. Samuel C. Tate. Mark Rrittaio, Esq. John Roane. Esq. William Wilson, Col. Hezekiah Birchfield, (James McDowell, absent 0 to jether with numer- respectable persons, is specie tors. : On. motion of Mark Brittain, Esq. the YieiTRii'haT' called to tne cmnr j and oot. ravid e.w land, appointed sectetsrr. ..The meeting being; orgahised,"ltdghv M. Stokes, Esq. agreeably o the request of the former meeting, delivered an eloquent and pat riotic address which we regret our ina bility to publish this weekrit havingcortre to hsnd after our paper was mostly filled up.1 After. wJiich, the following resolu tions were adopted : . ; Resolved, That we view Andrew Jackton of Tennessee, as a firm, enlighten ed, patriotic citizen, and better qualified for the rresidency than John Huincy Adams ; and recommend him as a suitable person for chief Magistrate of the country, to the citizens of the United States, and pledge ourselves to support his election by all honorable means. - Sd. . Rittitved, Thst we have great con- Jfidenr ein ibe ability and integrity olohn C Calhoun, of South Carolina, and re commend him aa a suitable person to, fill the office of Vice President of the United States, - T 3J . Reotved Thst Col. Wm. Bickson. Col..: Ben jamin Newland, Rev. Richai d Tate, Jarne McDowell, Esq. William Roane , E vj. Col llrzekiah Jiitch 6 e Id , and CharUs Carson, r.sq. be appointed dele gates from Burke county, to meet the delegate Ijroiii 7(he othercoahtiei'of"ihU Tuesday, in May next, to select a suitable person as elector of President and Vice President, and that Col. Robert Love, of Haywood county, be recommended to them for that purpose. 4th. Reiolved, That the delegates now present he added to the Central Commit tee of Vigilance and Correspondence for this county, with power to add others at ahv'timav 5th. Retotved, Thst the thanks of this merting be presented to the Rev. Richard Bird, for the able manner in which he haa presided, as chairman, and to Hugh M. Stokes, Esq. for the very appropriate ad dress he prepared on this occasion. 6th. Retocx'fd, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the Ye8tern Carolinian and Raleigh Star, and be sign'd by tbe chairman, and countersigned by the secretary. A true copr from the minutes iRICIiABOPjtCWii,- D. Nxwlano, Secretary. March ZTlh, 1828. - house of Spencer 1 war, KKI. in uaiiron cous- ty, by the name of spencer: u is on the main road leading from Salisbury to Raleigh, by way of Randolph, Chatham, he ; the office hi about 15 miles from Salisbury, and 12 from Lexing ton 1 and will afford facilities of receiving pw sen; fc. through The mail, to a populous aattl. menrrwhich has- hiuVeria bn deprive in jt good .degree, or tha beoenta or tbe mail eiub luhment. - l'jfff&:'rtLeafr, . of Richmond -eororty",' baalMee'eowuhaited xsthe Jackson and Calhoun Electoral candidate for the district eompoaed of the countie of Kichmofi'd, A nson, Voore,ARobei: son and Cuoberland,by a convention of dele ptes which aatembled at. Rockingham,' Rich mond county, 911 the 18th ultimo, of which Maj, John A. Cameron was chairman, and .Clement Marshall accretary. tut GreennLdro I'atrtut, thut two liiiiJj of U10 voter of Guilford county were in favor of tlio administration, a citizen of that county write to tbe Ralegh Star, and contnidictatlie.Utemcnt i ne ay, -a we are a minority in tun count v. it act set fa karnti.? . ' " nTutknfnm Cttm W. A Mr. John of Georgia, haa diaoovered that mhitkty can be ' made from cotton seed. ' For seme time, he mixed half cotton seed with hia corn, In distil. 7 ling whiskey 1 and those who drank of thisv liquor, detected no difference between it and . that made entirely from grain. ' A!r.amWr..Tbe late election in this Mate, ha resulted in the choice of the.Admini. . tration candidate, John Bell, for Governor j and -about t wo-third of the membera of tbe iegiila. ture are friend of the administration. About 36VCK)0otewtivejiul(uujr flr.nve thowiid. majdritr rbr theadtoMitiwI Mr. Adam rejoice pver. thi election at a tri. umpbl. We think they ought rather to mourn, ' thai" WiSumtiji iMmecum!. in the midst of their own camp. Jtutge Kicholson; ot Miisiasirml, befng tely aorely puzzled how tnHifaetmly to fill the va cant clerkship of Madison county, in that atateL from the number and respectability of the ap plicants and iheittightm their recommend-' tidna, hit Upon the plan of referrinr the clili-t.k to the fmple, who were to elect a smmffon the first day of the court promising to appoint the person who should be their choice. A conven ient way of avoiding the responsibility of ma. king an unpopular appointment. A Jackmn meeting was held in Cu;iv county on the 86th Peb ftpirited resolution, were paised, committees of vigilance appoin ted, tic. . InttUrmet At tbe late eelrbntlni, r .1 8th of January, in Troy. New. York. anmnf .k- partisank.of the administration were guilty of act of intolerance nd proscription, that find a parallel at no time in the h'utory of nnr govern ment, except during the dark period of the rriii ttrrtr h "9H. The aeversl volunteer companies of the city were invited by the com mittee of arranrement to Btrform mm -i..... and join in the feativititt of the day 1. alt thoie jowneymeft mechanlcs, hosrever, whose, em ployen ere administration men, were forbid. 1 den 4o turn out, under . penaltyrof losing the situation:, numben of apprentices were als prevented- tVoWimittotingV with their iinsapix nWn-aad inoneinstaoce, here aaappreoticaj.,,' had joined hia company, and marched with jtho proecsion into the church. to w-hnes tbe-eere-- -monies, a constable was aerit 'by th0'nia4r cw" the apprentice intt tht cAurcA, and eHo7Ty oW "" retted the por, ptung man, and carried him f9 dminr lite imice! The heart of that min i k . olri-gilyfaojgiiobJea deeds thi.inusS maeea be as black at EBONTr - - Great rVf There was lately exhibited in Albany, New. York, a Hog which measured 8 feet in length, 6 in girth, and weighed upward of 1300 pound! v 5rry Cmnty.Vi'e learn that a numerous and respectable meeting of the friends of Gen. Jack son in S-irry county. wa held at Rockford, during the week of the Superior Coort, at which fTilham Zkdtsa, Eaq. preaidad, and Gen. Saltan Cfoirt .rte4:as.JSeeretary-Beolu. tions in favor of tlrf election of" Andre w Jack son as Preside nt,snd John C Calhoun aa Vice President, were passed.;'" Great unanimity pre vailed at he meeting, and a rwnroon feeKng1 seemed to pervade 'the people,- ausptciouS' of the weeess of that esi.tw which aima at- 1he - elevation of him to the chief magistracy of this ' Itepublic, who has rleac rvccLwell of tbe whole nation, aud - filled the raea-mre of hi country ghwy." . Kvery art mat psrtian- 1eater could devise. a A. . j . a . . . 9 and the result of the last .ummer1 coneTes.iowf eieciion, was ning inroofrn ine state, and even thie great and svrarfaii " InteTfigenCer at hei ' quarters, took especial' Tare to disseminate tiu intfih'gene att the whole Union, a " a sign that.VrA.rr.')M was faat.turning over to the ' Admmistratronl Put now that the pcriod l p proschi tg when the real qoeal'MM, isliasu is to be decided, we find that public sentiment i devel oping itself in opposition not only to the Admin istration, hut to those busy partizans who would fain drill the people it'lo an acquiescence in it measure. We are advised that, from prevent indications, it may safely be calculated upon thst Sinrt county will give a targe msjorhr for the Jackson ticket say two thirds or three-fourths, of the whole number of votes. As one among the many evidences on which we found this opinion, we win atate that at a muster of Capt. Plienii's compsnv of militia, at Hamptnnville, on the 29th ult. a vote among those under arms, ws taken, when Jackson received . 43 Arinmv 2J.. On the fence, 1 Of the by-atanders, a Mrire mainritv were for Jackson. Ilamptonville is the strong hold of a certain trry pupular great man, whose effort have been nnremittrd to drum up recruit for the ranka if the Administration j from w hich we had expected a greater show of Adam strength there than the above exhibit. - rf(ife. Immense -quantities of potatoefc (of the kind called, in the Southern State. frith potatoes) are raised in the township of ti:l.l ... t. ...... . v.i.:-i. . -i.,,,. - ;. , the planting of pntitoe is made a profitable bit- tineas 1 An acr' is made to produce from 200 to 300 bushelai which at the above prices, sra worth from 25 to 30 dollars. This result, how ever, is not attained by the hmse, ruinoua sys tem of husbandrr practised upon in this part of the country." The nelds instead of being care lessly vkippid tivireeiearefully. efide4l::: and juiraed, a a gardert. Therein lie the se cret of making large tropi::--r----' -ftp In. March tt, a gejAlcsvian of Salisbury -dtig - - v frpni hi last.resr's potMo-pstoh, three or four buahen 'of "as'gooB ' trii2mpiwi9& for Hrtinary ' uses, as ha ewtarsed.1 in ' .he h 'vh'werec-w not deemed worth digging upi but at the time they were taken up this spring, they had grown to the ordinary lue. ' Jvw Pttatoe were aold in the Philadelphia market the second week in March 1 they ere raised in Jersey, three miles from the city, m open ground, and in the ordinary way, without" artificial heat or forcing; fhry were about inc. sue of a walnut.