4 I-.- i 1 '.4 T OST, on Friday evening, the 14th tart, .ome I J where on the great road lead g from zLSxi ts? Concord, by Shepherd.' Cross SSSjKm riluKh Jane7, and wv pknUt.on, . S .kin .ctel A. eonUimnf between one ffi ami twenty and one hundred ami thr. HoU-r. in South Carolina monejr, l( 5 and 2 io.T.r billa, qept nr. one WUrl . . i... t. in .... ,t,. knk of Cane tear, pro live uoiiar um n , , Z to bo counterfeit. Abo, oihi 40, two sTand two 0 cent bills. About one thousana T?!?tJ- dollars in judgments Hid itatM not ncwKv" - m fimling end denerJi.vor e-. P"" i mi ret it. shall receive the . jit.-" " .: 1(10 -' 1 t kum rvtt , T?mST fluffy of WMtr SiraineJ Lag W; r also,,. ff.,.wfcr I .... Yv.i'.t tt..nf . . vtrxu. a.. 'I'lVl'S. in lKEDluLL. f" .. .t . i.. fii.tMville T WILL Kll.tttewn-T . rv : ou the 3d Monday in ap"'"" . . - thereof as will psy Ur.ct.oi 'f-'",i.A 11126. via. the 7UN tor mo 7c- sr.. waaa mim in .4cre. a; 400 230 26J 172 262 172 Charles Moore James Swann William WaiigU John Waugh -joh Wingfield- Samucl Waugo. R800 660 530 220 525 1233 tVo:; 'Society. l r' w I W W W i W . a cftuGtrvmaa, wsnintoa irvicz. ti rpT- J''ottPy""rrryr: ;:r;wedinthe March number ofthe "riS Quarterly Review. Mr. SP"-: Poinl Mi: .:r' m0.eof as. Irvine vUitcd Madrid m 182G, "1: o.i-ra f flit TOWN' TAXES. f UriLL be told tt the courtAomw, on ToM- lowtnr lota nd bonne in the town of Saltaburv. or, to much tnereoi the Commiaaionen Tike, due thereon, from the yew 1820, to the year 1828 to.wtfi. . The hoiwe end lot formerly owned by SaUy in.. nnir hv Abraham Jacoba. oU formerlowned by B. P. Peanon. now by John McCkUand. . Houaeo and loU beloDtfnf to BarnabM Kn derteUte.v , - n . i-i L.ini!n in Pr. Cnonee'. eatate Uoum and lot new owned and occupied by Srah Yarbrtttgb. , r " Houk. fcft wti eeeupied by John Treirter. House and lot formerly owned by Tbomu Holme, now by Samuel Jontta, Houae and lot owned bV Ralph Kertler. House and lot formerly owned by Martha Wabon, now by Mrs. West. House and lot belonging to the estate of the Hie Mr. Smetlhera. House and lot belonging to the estate of the Die Thomas Todd. Alao, loU number. 23, 24, 31. 32, 35, and iil the West Square i lot. numbers 38, 39, 40, "Till of Whicn H oe-aiiaiijtJumH-M.B 172 85 203 ' ii 500,, 82 280 160 251 45 76 228 111 100 173 100 183 420 1 Aaron Beweflrr Thomas Hair I , James Hir t , . muel Murdoch Jamet G.--la) w LScVmer. Point. Uuuchii setts, on Wednesday 5th ultimo. Our fahert, LoW, to jeek a spot. Where they mgbt kneel to thee, Their own fair britage forgot, " -And braved an unknown sea, . Here found their p'l'K"? ou, tPoS,! Where lone the heathen rofed. And here theirhnnble anthem rose, To bless the per they W tO. TheTsieep In aist-but where they trod, - '-T; : a iceoic, mi6 - . , 7jm awninv i":-,r j; 221 360 600 -232 tUt bidder on Ja..ftes. due thereon ' & a.au4alaf MB 14 Jtfare4Ma28. ' H0WAm7VT. 150 30 120 020 195 270 550 030 IX) 70 111 353 130 125 110 , 36-i- 58 251 50 11 200 160- 28t" 150 100 716 51 45 79 jHtMnmh PUtS-T Thomas Porter's heirs James porter ErsniHts Lovelace John Reid ' George Reid v William Cash . Eliaa Cash Jonathan Mason Goodridge Moore Adam Campbell Hugh Curran Stanly Davis A. S. Duvall John Fair Dat.il Jeflcrson Allen Lunceford Brent Swainey El'mha Solomon John Wooton Fxlwin Culver Shepperd Danieb John Moore John Welch David White Willi BagwaW Ivi Bagwela Richard Chambly Thomas Crabbs John Dowels, en. JffjJeyJ"'!!: " 650 , 566 540 60 376 254 - 282 350 223 100 173 195 398 82 ' 2 45 70 --25 12D 60 2S0 300 486 300 30 170 213 100 441 US -409 .Km nuntv with the Bible. .- t u -. . . . ra - ROOK "BINDIXQ t.r --i-- nanrtAiltv Informs" the eit I s.;- ir o-rAnrr. wl theswrroundinr Cfiuntry, that he tu establiahed a Bindery . Di said town, on warn oww, -v- t , .w rrf iiiwiii wh.M he will be thankful receive ay kind of work in hi une orbuamess; Irom a number of years eiperience, in Europe and Americvhe fcels eonfident of beinf able to pveentire satiifiMjtion to all those who may fa tbr him with any description Binding. Blank Bsrs'maile to order, after any pattern .:.t,i n .hnrt nntiee. and at urices which y w.. w . Old B-k Btttutid. either plain or omamen-1 150 tal on the nwt moaene lerroa. jm w Iron ftdisUnceJaitl.fulIy attended to. The pat ronare of the publio is renectfully solicited, by Seir obi aervt JOHN H. DE CABTEBET. Y aaK.fttir.An7 2P. 1827. 62 . l&aU JVrf Curl'io, RutSerftrd ceuioY CIOURT of pieat ijmd quarter session; January sessions, 1824. Charles Allen. Mary flicks, " Rwker, snd WiMiam MRookefj w. Solo tnon and Elixabeth labcr, Thomas and Susann : - :r- t .jtion for fSaftMoiir: It appearing to " the satisfaction of this court, that the dcfendanl - L this ease are not 'habitants of this state, or- ficred, therefore, that publication be made in r.:,..Hbt, SVettera Carolinhn for six weeks, that the defendants, Solomon and ERxabeth Taber, - Thonus and SusanarWahV, do appear before the Vmtices of our next eourt ot pieas ana quancr '9- -m-v -). la fr tw..cnuivtv. of Ruth- treiona w "v - , Ttj rnurt Jionse in Kuthetfordton. on - the 3A Monday ?er the 4th HonJsy in March text, then and Ihere ph-ad, answer dmurror ...j-,-.,, ;!! be entered un srainst them. irreeably to the praj er of the petithmersj"; " - It 1 - kea ; nu .-( . w. COtJRT of plest and juaHer srasion, January term. A. D. 1828: BariilliaLedbetter, John Searry in r'utht of hia wife Sarah, and Norman Viirmms in riRht of his wife Nancy, re Gabriel Wilmoth, snd Wm. Wbite.kles, and Mose. Whitenides, adm'r. of John Uilbrtter. decM. and others! Peti'ion for distributive share. It nppearins; to the satUfaction of the court, that Gabriel Wilmoth, one of the defendants in thia Uhuse, It not an inhabitant of this state, it is or dered by the court that publication be made fpr sit weeks in the Western Carolinian for the defendant to appear before the Justices of our eourt of pleas and quarter sessions to be bolden for the county of Rutherford, at the coun-house in Rutherfordton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, then and there to lead, answer or demur, or judgment will be entered up against him sgreeably to the prayer ,hte, ISAAC CRATOn"c.C. ' Sw sAirt Canlina, Ruthtrfrrtl wnny . GOO RT of pleas and quarter sessions, January rations, 1828r Metes Simmons, vs. Joseph llalet and Wife Rebecca, heirs of Edward Ivy, declared petition for parUtuMi. It appearing to the sat'isfaction of tbu court that the defes dants, Joseph Hales and wife Rebecca, are wot LlnUbttsnte of tb state, oriered therefore, that Chartca Hooper Julius Keeton "Uerrick Cark John MacHafiy " Jordan Myars . :Malthew Roberts, jr . Lucrrtla Speaka "ITlnla Shoemaker Robert Tillman John Oriflith Silas IJartness , Alexander Hartnejs William flan new Arcliibald Hogston Jamet Hartneta William Lackey, rhoV. son Highly Looper George Marshall John Mitchell 940 David Queen 100 KaiTHiti Rvbarda 100 William Steuart 278 Silas Steuart 50 Samuel Sniitls -A3 I4rwis Wilds 150 John P. Baker 200" Drinsley Barns , 150 Benjamin Bowlci . , 345 . John Cofrell arm IMiamin Farmer - v w - , 740 - . Alexander Cnmn .98 William Jolly " " " ' 53 Splonort Smith 382 Abel Sherriif 134 John Tesgtie 216 - - : John wooormj tt, 'Wrfliamt'umtj-.r , 151 Robert Elliott 4 0tv .John Elliott inn lieonre hlhott 112 " Alexander Cunn jqq. .HUliam ilouatpn .. 150 Purrus MilFiean 30 Kzekiei Biiipe 116 Joseph Stephensoa 9rt Edward Teairue 240 J"hn Templetou 100 Nosh atson 358 William Warren 73 James Brotherton 282 William Fortune 200 William Cray ' 100 Mathew Goodwin 135 John Goodwin 10 Solomon Hood 150 -- John Hooper 000 Jas Hooper 47 Willis H. Pritit 200 Robert Potu v 450 William Potts 300 Jamel Reynolds 244 Thomas Reynolds 164 Samuel Sumpter 39 Adlai Watts 2B0 Elisha K.Johnson 329 Thomas Jefferson 200 William McLeod, jr. 100 William McLeod, ten. 100 Cimpbell McKar Ola Jou-nh McKav. for bis Father's heir's "1200 nublication be naJeTffThrWestern-Carohnian r.. ..ki imi iqb ueicnuiuu uviu and wife Rebecca, appear before the justices of jur nejt eourt of pleaa ana auaner tewoii. io he boldc-n for the county of Rutherford, at the court-howe in Rutherfordton, on the 3d Monday nfter the '4th, Monday, fa March next, then and . mfimmrt cit lf mur. or ludVmeiit will U entered up against them, agreeably t m , orayerof the petitioner. ' 6tll I :-".v wr...,jtttestt ISAAC CKATUN, V. C. - 263 158 62 80 -iid 100 115 200 260 100 1314 76 100 79 300 1000 100 1300 170 300 408 50 150 150 246 - 404 240 -190 707 456 160 580 "99 195 195 112 100 '444 T. 116 3W 570 100 450 73 COO 400 100 135 50 150 400 94 400 650 500 400 400 78 720 400 200 130 150 StSStoiirf vUitcd Bbdrid ! IStS, whe w.n iiwvi t ,r..... ..r .u- Ik. rlvrd imnnrtlnt facilities in the o"". . . . Lj.,.nit fln of his work, lie found icrioturei and to luppiv mr wu.., r.w -r . . thaMhe white population of the town ready jeee.. to hbranc., and eullec, amount, to 47? of whorn 375 are lions of docutBenw relat.ng to Colum. amoumt v lt , v kj;nw k.u. received aid from aeveral d is tin- senooi. Versffiiai. a descendant of Columbut. bt rJie nurnoer ot iiB " ,M""6 t 9v tt. r an averaw of nearly, four to each .ubmiued the archive, of the family to houSdgDot,e ton was found without a Bible, extrwt from the worp Columbu, town wm iuuu . . .. -.i. . ,r..,i in irnrtrance of the real nandeur AHirflrTtrrsrTixTuMtyiswjv'ir":.... . . . JneVooTa uuciivui . .vj k..l.l mitvlt nnened I new wav tn TiieacTactt aneak lor inenweivea, nu i m -r ---- - "with bleaaore r thatitmiiaraDJuTO i. V f" couniy, b . r m;ilf I'Lh.n, of Solomott. and that Cubs and tea to .uppiy r -v j , remjte . f Asia. What vision, of glory -ould have broke upon hi. mind, could . ho ' FFVF.R. . I Kuvf- Icnrtwn that he had indeed ciii t..i..- k!. w.trV nn fiver. Irnvered a hew continent, equal to tho Ur, JSWUU, m.rw . , .... IJ oronounce. that the web of the epider whole of the, old world in magwtude prevent, the recurrence of fcbrile par- .nd separated by two va.t ocean, from oxyam. more effectually than bark or all of the earth huherfo known by 1 .1... ..M.rltr rmnlov. riirilired man i and how would hill rmic. or any umici it"v - ed for that "purpose. 'It i admiowter- magnanimous spirit have beeo conao. . ... ' -mi. . l ...IJ L. .V.., I-J tk .kill. rf mini an1 fttrf cd in pills, lhe weof annum u icut iuiu. mv vu of" the black .pider, found in cellar, of penury, the neglect of fickle pub and dark and damp puce., o " .r.. Wllltll WHS IU eLflMVI UIVI Vltv vv..- Crrecf 'turkey, tc .The follow- ful world he had discovered, and the intr i. an extract oi a icucr s.u. D,uin iw wujjv -b b- btlcer in the United States navy, to which, were to uU its lanas wun ait hi friend inNew-Haven, Connecticut, renown, and to; revere and ble.i hta dteiLatSmyyc)V-S 24ih Nov. lastt . mt:. f ----ap- - Smyrna U the aecond oty 6f Meihmtom-vjirt.-M- leoverned by a Bashaw, next ranlr)tells u. that "eewtiing aane-ot . r.rr it . ' i e r ri: l. inn J k - T-uiah .. authontiei. . Methiuelan is fine, being t the head of a large did not live ad long as he mf,hi have t.... i ,..i4 all '.Hea ex. ilone. had he attended to eood advice t cept towards the aca, by high nwmo-1 for it i. writteo, that as he was .lccpa .rr'-1 ':r-r it. i. ni. l ;t xn. the vrounu when Well stnckett tainous liuu. t iw(iu...w.. i "-r - o . f merous, (probably 120,000) and its in years, an angel came wnim ana commerce extensive. Here are ves- toja mm, mai u - u y sels from all quarters of the globe , build tiim.eii a nouse so i m, no and perhaps at no place can a person would live 500 year, longer. MetU- view a greater vanetv oi costume, uacian maoc uswci, Smyrna, to an American, is not very worth while to take a house for to thoft pleasant at his Urst vi.it. 1 ne streeis a xerm: nuu av u are narrow and dirty, and the amuse- was a thou.and year. old. ments few ; yet officers who have been . wme time on this station, think it ve- Www....The whole "- f rvanreeable. Ciravans of camels ar. the four brgestmbta WiAin Ue Uni rive almost daily. It require, but lit- ted States, b Mated $Jj tie strength of imagination to picture .ffP'i them - with their .Earthy driven, .as okees 0,OX)i , ChocUw. , 2l,()00;Dd aimil.r to those mentioned by. Capt. theChickaaws3,.5. t Rilev. A strong -Turkish'gtlard pat- moret recent ,4nionnauoti.L- roles the streets at nignt, to aecmas r'----v. .11 is quiet and peccful. rptdly inerei..ngTThe.eiI. . .i... .f.k.T-.i:.l, ! rn av all the advantage, whica diseawhich-s-completely our own cititeM in our new - ZtsM Wdfphyaicrtii.rM- alarmed: and ettlementr-pOTe.e i t tVi ronsamotion. -n. n..A ...Kr .tttirrlrTfT rj6lTdalntht8and--pnvjkgeslvfi;. which we deprive them. "Com"; LoriU tbW new temple aow-. In thy dre. natv he breathea hut vow, 'Ta guardtbialiUle foldv w fc , ( ( Thy lessons to impart i From every ye tr wipo tha tear, The stamfrom every heart-- in paths Vre-c- - bjd e!a Where of ?i '" nf! nd rwn ha life a lustre shed, i r light them to the skies. So, when the last Ions; night shall gb, The l-st ghvd morning break. When all that walk'd in truth below. In j0y above shall wake, ; Xner, nay thy servant, Lord, ba found, Tttf chosen of thy Son, And hear from him the glorious sound, Well done, beloved one ! . 4,l ..v. FDIENDSHIP. Kot Ik like love, by Bashing eyes. Nor finned by sentimental sighs, It buns along" the Poet's lyre Friemhbips imperishable fire. - - though totrhter Love's untoward ray, It fuel sooneonsumes away i ' lavish of at its burning store, Once quenched, 'tis lost for evermore. But Fr'iendip' less obtrusive flame, ""Consuming tlow is still tho same That has the splendor, Mt the spell, . - of bumiftg Wmrunquenchable. - raon thi UTvaaanvaawa toa. f ;v. K. mutX under aalL Nought" to guide herrrudaer k, Veer'd by each eapricioua gale, On the wayward billows tost t Wtheiwnthal'akiinr''" To' and fro upon the breexe. Glancing in eccentric whims, That no mortal hand can seize So art thou, and ten times worse, In your iig-xag mi ld deranging. Twirling, twitting, shifting course, Only constant in its changing. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. UVEHWORT. -Ti Editors ifd S J-.E'Sj'":' GentU met. : You will conir.r uvor on many now : suffering by . coughs, colds and spittingof blood, by making known in your valuable paper the com plete relief - obtained, by the use of ; a decoction made from the Ltverwcrt. and ihe Vyruft of thejame. if gt-nutne , roe the ,treets at niht, to see and Ukco season, or ucivrc c i ulcerated "There is no er (no ii ui jjiij aiv.o..-, - -- , - ""eniic.Bv-.iT,?.' of medicine,,., the consumption, jey collected together a less than 1 800 died Jo the ePLfecfj ncVplaced themselv ftWcIreT-' mselvea in redi- New-YcMhftJasty.eaO BeM toflee to "the I shipping j and the ihe LtvefwoVf wlirnOtn-a afti-r the Linos become ulcerated, u, . ...4 ftr iinnn the town in case a is only in the inflamatory stage that the gcnerai massacre ho 100 132' 230 60 tm 200 150 110 130 in 315 Ralph Steuart Howell Alley Berry Hobbe Robert McKay Johw Korwooil- eM4 tftfri JrWCailf , SUPERIOR Court of Law, Fall Term, 1827 Sally Deaton, v. Jamee Deatoni Petition for Divorce. In this case it is ordered by the Court that notice be given for three months in the Western Carolinian, printed in Saliiburvj and in Uid Star, printed in Raleigh 1 that the defendant Jamee Deaton, appear at the next Superior Court of Law to be held for the Coun. ty cf Iredell, at the Court Houae 1 8tatesville, ki he fifth Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, then and there to plead to, or an. awer.th petition of Sally Deaton, or that the tame will be taken pro ennfesso, and will be 'iKArd ex parte. Copied from the minutes. 1CT9 Tem: U3.CAMFBELL, C. hi ''71'" iOO 18 230 103 225 3U0 950 300 150 650 450 120 144 "300" 200 314 130 71 645 200 '270 350 300 500 200 Rnhert HeatV Aaron Norwood James 1 empleton, fanner - John F. Cook Benjamin' F. Cowaa . Jane Cumminga Patrick Graham Willum-Kerr""' " George McIIenry John Belt, in trust Jaffiee Camgan- - t . '"Samuel Fleming .h. ,.... . Anarew err, uuaupx ,vj ton's heirt ' T25 John McKay . 80 John McCuiloch 900 Smith Reynolda . 106 David Wooliver 350 Daniel McKay ' 375 Richard King 400 Barnes 30 P r Ai nWF.LLSVlf. aWctf. N. B. 1 will sell, on the same day, about 20 Tratu fLmnd,w venditioni exponas, and exe cutions. , P. C. Hh't. V.ral82 t09 Tijsiah ButterwUhoufchurnirnf. PuT mi toilk iiiTO a platti earthen disk f oeneral massacre should take place. .11 stanu iweive nuur., Liverwort is useful. It isnow ascer.he wUd Turkl from the country cream ; put inn a rouna eartnen ao, tained, from the best medical authori-camc in hy thousands, to participate and wi,h stinng itwill come to butter . .1 .l : nAiuitrt ifliir , , . J ... ... ani ., in live miuuict. 111c imm v iV mil inc iiYt, nun -1 m piunger ana as4SBiuiu", - . , . . . . . .1 . .t. . j k r.nr iiwi ritni wniie Bill 1 1 1 w . was with dimcuny tn mc un, i -; - . ...,d;h with hi. regular soldiers, could res- therefore the best way to J .. 0 ins ome cold water. A. won a. tne tram mem. butter i. ao forward that you can uift e : r .-InfTa little hutter.milk. keen putting ia : . K. r '... . 1;,, . .,.tri wa.r and wsshini? the made from atraw at uoi. ivisgraw - .. ' . ... aej.-.'ii o K..n milk out. You mav keen your crem, mm, near iuciuYHKrn. , - . ,. , . - j,.., ho at Harriaburg. The paper i. ffur it ,. .elded, three or four 1 .-v.4 u k.7. k- .ritirn before makine rour butter, it wiu not uuk. I somcwuav r'wii, w v.. 1 w. . Took, Ibitrer ana asiriogeD..j on wUhout uaing, it win proDuoiy . , . uuring tne time o. na.-K make good wrapping paper. . . d verwort tea or aynip, tne panew , - , : . 1 a raw miiniiv wuia 1 ii rmnmm ivav v On the 26th November Jast at di ikiiiir ii. a aa at a saiv-k w 1 van a a w , wsmiiru ftf ihiiir union, bvanew weddine. I m t U1 v , J Veaa yv t 4 t as ia customary there inauch tnstaa : . - a - rws - - - ce of conjugal -longevity, ineeame .i..Ki. ...ru1;.! in removine and curing cough; colds and .pitting of blood. !. Diuretic, promoting the flow of urine. , 2. Diuphoretic, producing perspi ration. 3. Mucilaginous, (expectorant and healinjr.i aic, bitter and a m th im of ta the should absuinrcitt all heating and ttimtlating food and drink. Milk -i .1 ' A'.mt rir.t BQusia oe tneir ptuh;i p. ..r." care tnul4 be ttten rn procuring mc . L.ft. I . .k ."lift genuiDt. nero-ana-ayrup i ' -" herb that very much resemble, the grii. ume, but doeS.notpoms.jne .ame PHliei poi-"i" r " nrie.t that read the marriage ceremony meTrinhe-luorr Jare-become fjrtrlSfficiaud at4he ulcerate, which may be known by the yeiTf 0f age , .inkbjs f the matter in water raised .. remarkable, aix in the morning, then the Liverwort It r .ft. am Sn. win oe oi no use 10 tne pci-vu as stage ol toe cU.ease 0i V eVnr derrvtd ft frtgwntff tining much beaefited by PP'y wxygen..totheir root. being round to consume more na volume of that gs in twenty four hours 1 md when applied by Mr. Hill, to the root, of melone, hyacinth., he. the first were found to be improved in flavor, the aeenfld. in beauty and in vienr. F.-rv ihlbiT that promotes the preaentation of oxygen to the rootl of me piant must dc cnwl I n.,11 n(t unnm atiu an4 tOCkhlnf, and den youm hab EanV wtcr P10.' nrl tjriSai ia more remarkable, aix other friend, and aeveral domestics, a sea a who were present at tne original wed lina. ahared in the festivities of the second, and the principal fiddIer"Tor the dance was the tame on both occa sions, .-The Journal de Rouen, of the m. r.ii - . nlSntl'a STei a po lOHowiiij, y- , cngcr, waa 111c ij;d wnn - Europe oo the 1st January t Anthony Clrment, Saionf 72 Charles X, France, .... 70 Leo XHrwmn States, -.- 67.. Cinnra-m. IV. EntrUnd. 65 Charles JcK'nTveifevr Charles Felix1, Sardinia. Frederic IV, Denmarki id Dec, g vea the name, of the parties; mncls i Austriat and voucnea lor tne trutn w tne -par-j- '",'"V"'r. -.......j ,i..in. xreocrica,, i'cuieii.. - Francis, Two Sicilies - William, Wirte mberfj, Mahmoud H. Turkeyi Eerdinahd VII, Spain, Louia 1 Bavaria, Nichols I, Russia, Peter, Brazil, " Maria, Porwgs!i ticuian just' stafed. The crop of sugar in Louisiana has hi var IWn verv itbundanL It t.J estimated at 60,000 hhds some say more. The molasses will of course be S0,0QQ hhdst . Aktbima roper. o 3 31 4 4 If 62 30 11 !! . ,49 .10 ' 57 " 46 43 43 41 31 39 10 S 1 2 4 5 J9 2 l 4ir

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