'"Triin.r.'-fft!,e Ci7i&jt. Tift Albany (Sew-York) Gazette, of the 1st Snit. savs it is retried there, that CUht Justlca Jthn Savage of that State, if appointed, or will be Bppointrd. 'Treasurer of the United States, in place of Thomas 1 udor Tucked who hat been for some time incapable of doing business, from sicknesi. Out readers will recollect, (bat it was sometime iince reported that Mr. Tucker was dead, and that the busy partisan Cor. Kent, of Maryland, , wss spoken of ss his successor. If a new ap. , pointment is to be "made, we bone that Judge Savage may receive the preference. ,' 'v At Raleigh Superior Court, theLfree. man of - - color who wu employed to dig up the dead. , body or a stranger on the samelay be was pun. -fit-wu tried, convicted, and sentenced to three 'months imprisonment, for bis agency in .the ''affair. " ' - " : .'' The "grand jury, at this term, took the rote bn the Presidency .15 for Jackso'n, "3 for .Adams, 8flfflww' slwwtwlKr w swt Job for Adsna, :tJndg:-MmhalmlC': paragraph lately appear, .'edui the Mary lander, an administration paper printed in Baltimore, stating that John Marshal, lillUJ - UV43 Ul.-Ullt- vii"-1- guwi lilllti . .. - . . . - Court.' to a pte'cbVe ineton, said " that he should consider the elec- tiea of 'CeWi Jackson as virtual .disaolutk if (he Unidn." Judge Marshal, in a Communication to the editor of the Richmond Whig, dated ;27tb -utti disavows bavins; made use of such expressions. He, b6waver,xpreneshis "strong . sense of the injustice of the oWge of eorrup. tion against the. President and Secretary of State." We will give the Judge 4 communica tion entire itfour next.- . IjRevnrd r Man Scalp A Mr! Jflhn Bovd, iriBdvertismjrirr ibe NasH ' ville pa;er, stolen mre, .ays he will giv 8$ nd eH reasonable' charge for the mrt and ten fur tkt SCALP.of the villain ". Query i Does the stealing of a .horse wtlav) a man in Tennessee, that OT Wody may kill him wherever to U -found end savage like, carry his ttalfi in and receive a reward fur it f , Mr. M. W. Danivunt a sold the print ing ' establishment of the Warrcnton Re i porter 16 Mr-Robe! JiTIV.erellb whom 4y--ft(P..The rsrious kinds of . -machinery now used L i o England in manufactn. ITrln cflttoa, enl ?ima'd;' enabledt -nftfRMM perform thekork. of a,s.,tle.re are wow em-doved in that bwswet, ahout .miQQ - tne-hcJlework.now.4Klifiici would. half a century set, before the improved ma :vbiMryw of -Mrty-tve ndluin mm more than twice at many men, women and children, as now peo ple tbe British Islands. I his machinery aaves annually, in the operation of manufacturing cot. ton, 700 ,000.000 sterling to the British nation! "I he. benefits to the Southern states from the Kwers of machinery, in w-narating th seed m cotton alone, are equally vast i and ought to immortalise the name of IfAi'hvy, the inven tpe of the etton gin. ej At the head of the article which we published on the 25th ult. from the Administration corresponding committee for 'the count v of Cabarrus, was placed the wardr; Brdd-Cbsllenge,' ,in bracket We are: desired by the Secretary of the committee to advise our reader that that caption was horptaed there by him, hut by buree! ves i This "we most willingly "3oTand wilTliarelv rfcmartnhH the tet .of those words being inclosed in bracket, was, we thoueht a sufficient indication to persona acquainted with the uses of the various flointt. that they were sdtled by the editor. The communication came liilJo'fcarwhhlieimpe'lIed uilo:plape k in a eitus'ton where it might have been unnoticed by some readers, on glancing "curWflf over e'ps'peplnd we pal the caption to it for the purpose of morerreadtty attracting' atlentidnTwithmit-vveT itream- ing of incurring tbe charge of wishing to saddle any thine on the committee, of which they were not rightfully the fathers- The reply of one of the Cnbar Wis Jackson Commit lee," to the challenge of the Administration corresponding com mit'ee for Cabarrus county, accepting the challenge, &e. Is received, and shall ap- pesr in nnr next. We wished to give it this week l but ottr columns were pre en gaged, bv Mr. Randolph's speech, and the address of the Burke Jackson meeting. C7 We request an interview with the author of the communication signed " A Whig," before we publish it. - C7 Amopj? tie mitfestf Outrtw i i..n, we have to mention, t!iat llr. J-se Johnsun, of this county, gathered on hi) plantation a mess of new Iri-.li potato, as large as walnuts, on the -1 Jth day of March. . We have seen it mentioned In the Hillsboro paper, that rips strawberries were gathered in an open field, in that county, on the 23d ult. A Miss Twibill, an actress belonging to the Kew-Vork theatre, aged IT, was lately so ill tres ted by her faflier, and. beaten by him while he was in a state of intoiication, that she appfied to the police magistrates for protection, who is sued a warrant sqd had Mr. Twibill arrested and broughtjbefore them ; who required bim to give bail for keeping the peace toward his dauT terand all others wbom he had threatened the Chancellor suhiequently granted ail injunction, pjwang,.tbe o h'erlathe awrjffa.fw!ieMett bawd, having married Mr. Flynn, the Manager stilllJ'i.OLea.tn SbeU o have been the sole support of her cruel and a great beauty. t - - Another Slunder Nruted. An dmin iU ration paper printed in Louisviile, Ken tucky, asys that Gen. Jackson, " on land ing at the mouth of Cumberland,, on his return from New Orleans, some one told him of Mr. Clay'a psmpblet, in which he hd completely proved his own innocence. The fiiout and accomfiSUhed hero jumped to his feet, and, stretching out his arm, swore by the immaculate G t d, that Mr. Clay and all his friends were G- .j d-d liars, by G d Now to show what degree of credit these veraciout and truth-telling adminis tration papers are entitled to, we are en abled to atate, on conversing; tfe Majt TaJf een, of-Witrencou stated wb'wasatbice Orleana; and took passage forXashville ob ;Vedne)"- . o!av popUlat briial&imT'atM " landed at the mouth of Cumberland nd -4bi fto one on-'wat d 'beard of M r. 4 Clay's pamphlet till they arrived in Ten nessee. Thus is another falsehood pin ned upon the backs of the slanderers of the great benefactor of his country, An dreio Jacknon. Those who can fabricate such barefaced fibs, must be dead to every moral feeling, and actuated by the basest political motives. CuntintnUl .( 7 . re f$ tlihln positively new by the sMp York, which leads to the conclusion tt t war will actu ally take place between "iurkeyand the allied powers. There h it is true, great preparation and activity I at Constantino pie ; the 100,qop Qurds spoken of by the last arrivals, are '.id the vicinity of that cty, and Tartars have been despatched to the various provinces for men and mo ney powder and ball .haye been . sent down to the Dardanelles and" every thing indicates war but; thetf will be no var, and these active preparations are made to prevent. war.; vf. : AwA.v i "Che fuartets. . FayettevilU, April 8. Cotton, 8 "a 9 25j Deef, fresh in market, 3 cents i Bacon, 6 to 8j 8 each brandy, 40 to 40 j apple do. 35 to 37 1 our, 4 to 4 25 j whiskey, 25 to 30. Charlctten, Jpril 5. Upland cotton 8 a 10 Jj whukey, 25 to 26 j bagging. 42 inch, 22 to i!4j sugar, 8 to 9 molasses, 27 to 23 cents j bacon, 6 to 1 apple brandy, 2j to 28 1 bees wax, 22 j coffee, 13 to 1 8 1 hyson tea, 100 to 1 10 1 Jamaica rum, 110 to 115 West India do. 75 to 80. North Carolina bids, 5 to 6 per cent uiacuum t veorria uo. 1 10 it. , Pettrtbttrr, April 4. Cotton, 8 to 9 25 tobacco, g2 50 a 7 refused, 1) a g3 corn, 1 a 2i bacoo, a 8t lard, 7 a 8 apple oranay; ?o iJU j petcn 73 a zuu cents. North Carolina bank bills, 8"t6 10 per crnt discount 1 Georgia, 2 to 3 South Carolina, 1 10 a per cent, aiacounb ; aw foarc-arait 2. I J a . . a 1 . ' ' ' ' A letter from a mercantile bouse in Liverpool lo his correspondent in Quebec, dated the 20th of February, contains tbe JblJowriOSigrtiw the intention ol his Mftjetty s Minuter to 1 nays, tmmmt to about 800 baleicompruinr aamii uour, xne proaueo ot too unea'",,' nw miwj a iat e awi Aounmasu States of America, ditto free. Into the 1 9 4nd ,,out 20Q Upla.Kls at 9 a 10 j cts. WesHrjdi Offidal despatches were received from London at tbe city of QneW on the Cth instant, notifying His Excellency Gover nor Dathousie of his appointment, to suc ceed Lord Combermere. asyommander in Chief in India. It is said be will re turn to England in June next) The same despatches announce tbe appointment of fllr. btavner as Ueputy fost JIaUer Gen eral of British North America . From the African Coony.-Cabtain Phil lips arrived at Norfolk. on Msnday, in charge oHhesqhr. Aratat of Portland, from Cape Messuradorwhence she sailed 26th January, reports that tbe Colony was in a very thriving state, and that they were daily extending; their commercial transactions. 1 A correspondent of the.Philad. Gazette says that if Congress want to make wool pleiity snd cheap, itejr:mWT: law to mutton on ion of Rotton. used, in old times, to cat Codfish on Saturday, nor becausethey .preferred f! thatluh to all ptheTs, .but simply t en courage the fi shcry . Jlfimev Jfarjrrt, In New-York, April 4th, NorthCwolina bank 4U1 were at .1 EN oer chCuTicWt'VlrHl Alabama, ol ombiee, broken Louisiana, 2 a z i Mitsisgippi, 9io; uino, a a j Kentucky, uncertain) Tennessee, do. itviyrooL, rta. 23. " The sales of Cotton this week amount to 14, 400 bags, of which 1500 Amer. have been taken on speculation. The sales include 460 8. Isl ands j 6,370 Uplands, at 5d to 6 3-8, with 80 at 6j ; 1830 Mobile and Alabama 5-1-8 to 6 a 6Ji 2480 Orleans, L to 8 a 8 j. f eft. 26A. The sale of Cotton on Saturday, and yesterday, are estimated at 400 bags. The market continues dull and without improvement in prices. lUarrfrt, " On Thursday, the 3d hist, by the Ilev. Wffi Doud, Daniel Courts, Esq. to Eliza A. daughter oT J. and E. Waugh. all ot Stokes county, N. C. In tlie vicinity of Payettevilte, by the Rev. Mr. Ilamner, on the 27th ult. Mr. Edmund P. Lilly, of Montgomery county, to slits Catharine Shaw. TnE subjeribers are this day receivi.in part, at their wholesale store in Fayelteville N. C. their Spring Supply of GROCERIES, The whole of which la expected by the fin! ar rivals from Xev-Trk and Philadelphia, and will comist in part, of the following articles, to which they invite the attention of their friend and the public generally; 40 Hhds. prime Sugars, - 40 bbls loaf and tump do. .' 2M bags Havanha, Cuba, St Domingo an J rono mco uonee, - . 5 do Pepper, . " ! n6 do RaCe.Oinger, 3 do I'imento - . ' - v c 100 Bblsv Uramlyod Whiskey, -lu,;,., , 14 20 do N. B, Rum, 20 do American Gin.' ! ' 3 hhds Jamaica Spirits, a t . , . I . xnir caiwa we-i,aiazar.v IVUtet County At a muster of Capt. William Dula's company, on Saturday, the 5ili int. at Gen. Jones', head of the Yadkin7 River, Wilkes countyi a rote was "taken on ihe Presidential question j when it appeared there were Frvr ' Juckson, ,' For AJams, 65 id' Capt Nicholson, of 4be U. S. jjavy has addressed a letter to Mr. Secretary Clay, on the subject of his late visit to the colo ny of Liberia, in which be gives a very encouraging account of the condition and future prospects of the American emi grants, some of whom had accumulated a handsome property, and were considered " prosperous gentlemen. Much happi ness prevailed there. One thousand 'Garsnemtj, a donation from the Ladies of Norwich, Conn, for the suffering GreekSi were received in New York on the 26th uk. , . Shocking Death A physician io South bbrouttb, Ms. received a letter on the 7th lWwgton Acatem. FIHE public is informed, tha't the Trustees of '.L lhii Academy have ennged the services of Mr. AaSArox K. Bars, lately a ersduste from the' State lrniverity, u s Teacher in this Acad emy. We have been well assured of the quali fications of Mn'Barr totcactfUill th'fr branches preparatory to an admission inta the two lower ctasiei lnrsheiy ni.T?.riyc". WeJbmj:bsta.; tion of reobmmending Mr. Barf,' from the assur l5.WJtfei!!ejei?siysi. fwlnYmondaiid gen- tiemanW deportment, ami goo"cbaracler"in'all respects; These coniileriitkns,-'uperadded to tbe perfect beallhfulness of this Village and the Neighbourhood, the convenience and cheapneas of boarding, together with the use ot a commo juauia OQuma inn,. 'l1 HhrW.t'8nrubi 10 qur cuks Tenereifre end Sherry") 3 Dalf pipes Corsica ur cattki a7ao;. 3 half quar. casks old Madeira tp'Pe : uo'-rco 6 half quar. casks Cette . 2 do- do do Port. 2 hhds. of Copperas, 1 ceroon Bengal Indigo, 1 Vask Epsom Salts, 12 bbls Glauber do. 20 boxes Clar, 5 do Soap, 30 do Marine do. . 6 do fresh ground Mustard, 20 do fresh Bloom Raisina, 15 do Imperial, Gunpowder, and Hyson Tcqs 60 bags Shot, assorted numbers, 20 kegs Orange Powder, - 2 hampers bottles, 1 bbl Philadelphia 8tarch, , With a rreat variety of every article in the! line. HOKTONSLHUTTON. Fayettevile, April 3. 18.'8. 4tl3 RAN AWAY, IROM the subscriber, on Satnrdsy, the 29tb . ult. Ephraim Harris, an indented appren tice to me, aged about 16 years. A reward of ' twelve and S half cents will be given for hisap pretiemion and delivery to me. f also forewani all .persons frobsefingj enm ding with said Harris, under pna!ty.nrcribe4 by law. ADAM MOORE. Mount Miurne, 7tk April, 1828. -LT5T.: WUmxmZZ REMAINING in the Ppst.Omce.at Concord, North Csrolina, on the lit of April, l28.- Sarah Hudson TtoSs Justice Leah Allrmonp C6T. Whl S. Allisotf George- Barnhart'.i. John Barringer Georee W. Barker John N. Bonds dious buildinir, address themselves forciWv to 'John Benson I'arents ami (iuarilrans who are deJirous ot rel ocating their cliihlren and warti. Mr, Bart's present design is to continue with us for several years; and it will certainly be our interest to make the school permanent. 2tll JOSEPH CONRtD. BENJAMIN SHERWOOD, ltOREKT FOSTER, .1ESE HAHGHAVE, W. R. HOLT, - April 5th, 1828 Truite. Frederick Cheek Kli Corzin? Michael Cline Charles Corker Lemy 8. Carfiren William Crook Speak man Bawman Henry Oalong David Pisher Tohn Fisher John Furr John Ford s Furr isrine Ferrett Tfir Seratchet in Htrm.k correspondent ofi the Naw F.ngland Farmer recommends a simple, safe and certain cure for the trmieKn, or trien. Tintetd application convenient i ami ne says knew wore than two or three applications necessary, completely to eltect a cure. I The Staton We have ber n visited by Majority for Jilctson, 45 A fuend who communicates the above, observes, that considerable exertions were used by both parties, sometime previous to tbe muster, as it was understood the voiewQuldrthen bejaken ' This circum stance, in connexion with the fact, that that particular neighborhood had been es peciallf crated upon by the aupportcrs of the Ad ministration, warrants the ft iends of "Andrew Jarkson in "setting drtwrt'S irinmphsnt majority for their candidate in Wilkes county. flHE subscriber having established a line of . j0nn 'Gillan A yit A t oeiween -riuiawtipiua nq Jon ult. offering the - body of the writer for ilmT: v i Ti w i iT Urv Ho f j. - - - - o . a ..j...' iibe. iMtblio, tba4.jssel wiU.lcave, J,huWeIpUa-t(MiritfiBII dissection, and;. informed -him that, he; for wfnKton, N. c. about every ten dS" would find it in a certain grove. On searcning tne piace, mc oouy was indeed found there. It appeared in evidence, that he drank about a quart and half pint of rum at once, wtich produced insensi bility and "apopletyv"1" " ' " X Harris Jourdin : -Samuel Kimmooj John Kerrell Roswell King George Littte Moses McClure Oliver M. McCued Thomas Martin Motes McKinley Charlea MeClellsjul Wm. McCIain 2 John McCalebs John N. Hhifer Elisabeth Perry Robert Pickens, 2 John F. Phifer, 3 Mrs. Louisa A. Phifer James lew Joseph IteeJ r Mary Rolland Sherwood Uoland. ... John Strobe - -Jamts G. Spears, 2 - navia vay naw yuan, Aran 1. L.iTEST FROM EUROPF. The packet ship York, Capt. De Cost, arrived last evening from Liverpool, hav ing bailed on the 26th ult. and brought regular advices tn that date inclusive. Tbe Turkish Manifesto excites consi dersble interest. A Vienna paper ststes that ihe Pore has drawn up a list of pro eriptions, which includes 1500 French, English, and Kussisn subjects. Some of the subjects of ibose powers, who have resided in Constantinople thirty yesra, have been obliged to flee the place ; ves sels with corn have been unloaded for the supply of the Turkish armies ; reinforce ments of men, cannon, and ammunition Franklin Clinton, the youngest child but one of Gov Clinton has received a mid shipman's 'warrant. We are glad that the general government have a regard for the children of the (irett Man, thongh the f - PMtiutttyhUi, March, 1838, legislature oithe state whose coffers have hern enriched by his exertions, turn them off with the pitiful and contemptible sum of ten thousand dollars. Albany Gazette. - - - - - - - -1 nn tiorms . I -II 1 lllH..ll..l.t. . . r . . : ran Horlochor - ttarfli except uhen prevented by ice in the Delaware. ; jimrl jCg npC - uooas snd Produce intended tor this convey-, Andrew Harris a nee, ill be received and forward, d by Messrs. ) spmue Harris Herttni 'U Hntton. of Fsyetteville, N. C. "! ! Ionanl Hoyler Messrs. Stow Li H'hittitr, of Wilmington, N. C. i prln,)i, Harris at the lowest rates ot rreigm. and least expense ' ' 'PDa " DoWiblc" navTricWrr() rr hi the trade, LISl...UrLE .r.XKRS rMnmuutnt kw CiirvfulcanUina. wllacouaiued4-ri E WAtNTNG In the Post Office at Stalesvilfe. with the coat, anj Cabins well tilled up for the a.l : orth Carolina, on tne lat ot April, IB9. Ishmael Williams Jacob Williams James Wear James Wallace. D. RTOKKE, P.K s, in Hnres. It is only o mix wiife lead and Uke their departure daily from Constan iiT,U such prnportlons u wlllremier the Hnople, ind irVto-shspe "their course to iCcstion convenient j and be says be never . 'I ?i n ? - .v. wards the Danube in soon as tbe weather is open. A circular order to the Pachas avows that the forbearance of the Porte after ihe most extraordinary weather, within three weeks past ; It has been colder than at ny trmrdtjring the late winter months. 9 Sunday morning, the 30th ult. a suf ficiency of snow fell to whiten the roofs of bouses i On Friday morning preceding, thickeTfrwatperferved than-during the winter and the mercury in tba ther xaomrter sunk to 35 degrees, one degree lower t hit It bad previously oasn the past fc wmicr '.riuu. ana . garqeu. vcKC(.uirs, are almost totally killed ; and the grow ing wheat and rye, particularly that which Is the most forward,-is partially tilled, ll wss feared the unprecedented mild wea ther during the winter would be follow ed by an unpropitioua spring; and the worst of ibjs$ fejrrs are tuoi.t faUllj and accuses the Russians of having at length- succeeded In seducing two other powers to assiat in overthrowing the Oi tomon Empire. The Ambassadors were at Corfu and Ilia said were MLtnakc new propositions to the Porte. ' The Marchioness of Louie, youngest daughter of the late King of Portugal, has Col. Lawson Burfoot, of Chesterfield county has been appointed to sucreesj Mr Baker as treasurer of ibe state of Virginia. The newspapers in New-Orlesni were dressed m mourning, on receiving ioteli gence of the death of Ue Wiu Clbion. Bettlne The Rochester Tegraph offered to bet a suit of clothes iret if Mr. Van Duren was a candidate for Coventor, he would lose tbe election by 5U0 votes. Now, if the Telegraph will d posit the dust, we will, in imitation of de genti roen vat 6ght de Cocks," go im 8 100, that if Mrr Van Bui ea is s candidate be has over 5000 majority am if we poll 150,000 votes, we will go 200 that he has 10,000 roajorily , and if ve take 200, 000 votes. R 300 that he hat 15,000 ma accommodation of Ftuiengtro t tlierelore i Joseph Allison ' trusts lo meet with' enStaragemenr. ' ThmaS A. Allison ? . ' , . JAMES P.ATTON, Jr. J lUlgl Aainv Smth'i H tiarf. . Marv Andrews 3"'22 W.fter Bell 1 ' eUafkwtsaw Urtsr-hr TrUSV fettle. Win. Cummins srsv ,;hh r ivl ofTruit executed to the Jhn tampbell MM aubKcriber bv Peter Clemmons, fr purpo-' Henry Chambers, 2 srs therein mentioned. I shall sell at public sale, ' Jav,d 8. Cowan fur cash, at the dwclliag-hoiise of Ptter Clem- ' Hin mons, in Davidon county, on Fri.Uy, 23rd of , Alexander Dunlap May next, one tract of U.VD, containing about L. lHvidaon two hnndred acres, whereon the said Clemmo. ' ,hr1 Davidson, or now lives, together with all the personal pro. ' Pw'y DavKUm nertv of said Clemmons, eonauting of Hortn, , Joseph Eittson 1 Coar, Sheep, Farming Tools and hmse-' "seph EITis ! hold furniiurc. J. A. HOG AN, Tnaiee. i J W' April 8f. 12. 4113 ..V -i L r ' John Falh The well known and admired hone Greenbery Gaither Taj ! Thomas Hraler ,lllwf li.meaT. Hatt WILL ssnd the present i Abraham Hill srasjn at the aubscri. , Hill bers stable, in the Forks of Trenqueller Hill lit- Yadkin, and at 1 homas , Clarborn Howard md Crtek. 7i miles from Salis- lvin Howard bury, on the Wilkesborough road i and will be jQhn Harkv.or leUO mares at the low pne ol Ive dollars the . Daniel Walker leawn, which may be dischaiged- by psymg ; m Lrjohnslort four dollars within the seasont -two and a .wan. jcob Leis battle oi Nsvatino w,only to tnTlmeioTity-We-hallenga thejhQjeJrajernLl t ly oi Aoaros iuiwn . un ws, iu noint. V JVoah. - irriveJ In England, "with BerhUiT)enaT!inNerw?viMlti kfW had y el a schr. Irani uitraltar having fled from LUbon to avoid her brother Don Miguel, who was displeased witb her marriage. The French troops were about to evac uate Cwdix. The Bank of Messrs Waters and Co. Swansea, has been robbed of 420,00O, cf wbidt . 10,000 wis io specie. from Rio Jire-Tbe accounts sll concur in ihe opinion here was not the most distant prospect of peace between Sue nosA f res and" Prssilv neither- part y being willing to surrender il . claims to 40 inch ef the.ieriitorjf m aispute been made. - A new charge (TAffalres, to the United States was said to be appointed and sn extra session of lha Cortex con templated A gold medal has been awarded-to M. Abadie.of Toulouse, .-eVancer for tti io vepjiop o a,stero ttirnsjrtv lr' mw. .- . Hollars the iins-le leap, to be paw a the lime of tervicei and eight dollars lo insure a mare to , be with foal, the insurance money win oc ciaim 3ti; Wobt Laxenhy " -" Her; A?VW Lyon, . Iaac Marshall Jamas Magghaa Wm. Maaon Francia Matherson Secretary Mount Morja!) Lodge, No. 82 Abraham Mucky Jamea McKay Daniel McCain James Mcllaryee John McConncD, or David Sharp Auguatna Pierce . James Parker Abralom Itoby Mathew Roberts Thos. Renahsw John Roberts Isaac Sanders Wm. Stevenson Ilo'jt. Sloan Wm. J. Summera James Smith Samuel Turner Jese Thomas Wm. Ward John Woodside Ivao Ward- Wm. Wasoit Robert C. Wilson JAMES Mcknight, p.m. A COXTKACTOIt WANTED. "PltnCOSAL-S will be received by the subecri. -e rrrv inwanot as soon aa is unnntreu . tne mare i wuu ... HYr"' .71 " . 'I.- ,.Y'tf.T.J ; t-.i:J,- , TKyTSehXa'nd heTiiTba regu-1 COUUT MUSE for Surry County . the build larly there every ninth and tenth day Ihereaf. i ing to Le constrootrd of JTrfr, its dimension ,'.- uii exeeotedi and tna aaiaoce w uia i uny t ion, yn ,w u. wy tinve at the subscriber's stable. An possible proved style for m Court-Hooae. .".a a - S a .a.f Si HP I A 0 Kttf VlA tare will M taaen iu -"---- liability fo? ". jfanf 0A. I8J8. JOHN LOCKE, Jr. - 5tl4 Stat of CariEiw. fredtlt romtf i WIIKRKft T rttacbmeit . has; been gr led a'gaiiwt Ihe feststa of Alexafdef 4f. gsn, at the suit of John Robinson snd Samuel ;oy and Hiram L. summoned aa gar- aiaheeai Notice is therefore hereby jriven to m1 Alexander Hogan 10 come fotwwrJ aud plead lossud soil, within thirty days Irons Ihss date, otherwise judgment and esecutMW will be rendered sgainat Ihe moneys in the handa of Hid ramies- iOHN 6 LOAN. 7. P. 6tl3 March 5rA.18?8 JAMFS McCHAW, Li I LK. JtlCKEHSON, -. - JONAI IIAN WHII Air.ir. i fllllllKW. . rsT'CiRtfnor'SE in KKXINIJTON. . " rT HE auh-criberS - Brief" lfi- ' L 'iti Lexington, DavWIawsi wsstr, i Mjk for Keot. ll is situated immediately on the north comer or the Public Square, ami ia one of the nvvt eligible lianas Tor a, toae in the p'a'-r. Fr term, fcc, apply to B. D. RounaavilU-, Em). xin Lexington, or to the tub' tcriber in HaMsury T iVt'LL LF.MU. !V Jr"'- C3

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