t-. , FrtliUj u4 Vulltikra, ii ve.k,-l ByMILQ WHITE. J SALISBURY, ff: C.....TUESDAJ, APRIL $2, 1828. VOL. VI1I...N0. 411. rr.a.vs. The terms nf the Western rarnViriian are, S3 per annum or $(r,ifbnMinndrrmrf.i4.bul payment in advance win be required from all "'subscribers at a "distance, who are unknown to 1f,rlitorrnn1w-om-rMpoisiW perroiLof in acquaintance guarantees the payment. . , No paper discontinued, (except at the option if th Editor)' until all aire aratre ire paid, " Advertisements M W inserted at f.fty certs - tfw trtware for 4l -frs,t fk, and twenty-!; yi , cents for each week thereafter."" ' r-r. Alt' fctteva addressed to tlte,.FrfJitpr,. must be ' put -paid, or they may not be attended to. JTllilf DuCnftHne'A-tna tpe Tirtaee'tf M. I'll ncaucmy llc in; m:i n.c ui Mr.' A WAiwc, K. B.ai lately a graduate 4vam Ihe State University, a a Teacher in this A'cad " lmy"."We haVeBren well assured of the quail fi&tiona of Mr. Barr to teach all the branches preparatory to an admission into tlrt two lower L classes in the University. We have no lie'ita; tion of recommending .Mr. Barr, from the asmr knees we have teceived, for his moral and (gen tlemanly deportment, and good character in all respects. These considerations, superadded to the perfect healthfulneu of thin Village and the Neighbourhood, the convenience and cheapness of boarding, together with the use of a eoromo- " dioua building." address themselves t'orcibly Jo Parents and Uuardians who are desirous nf ed- ' Heating their children and wards. Mr. Ban 'a present design ia to continae with ua for several years j arid it will certainly be our interest to Stake the school permanent. A. a -xn nn Stll tprilSth.im JOSEPn CONRAD. RKNJAMIN 8HERW00D, KOBRRT FOSTEIt. JESSK IIAKCIUVE, W. U. HOLT, Tnittert. JTUll!wbscribers aro thk day wreivinp. in ' JL - part, at tbtir wholesale' store rn Tiyeiteviile N. C. their Sprinjf upnly of rr..tfw;K?w Q UOGEttl f&Sr. r- - The whole of which is expecu-4 hy die f rt Vn 4vaJs from JViTari: and 'Aiffirft'ft'L"1.'.1, corny in p, of thiCTnovvi E'wIiicTi they invite : the attention of their friend " Wid he public generally , .yVKMa. rn , ....... . , 40 bblsloaf and lump do. 214 bajja-Havanna, Cuba, St. Domingo and Porta Rico Coffee, 8 do Pepper, $ do Race Ginger, 2. do Pimento, 10Q Bbfc Brandy and Whiskey, SOdo'N. E. Rum, SO do American Gin, 1 hhda Jamaica Spirits, 1 do N. O. Rum, 6 pipes Corpiac Brandy, (Sfignettt brawlf,) 3 do old Holland Gin, 1 Hhd. W. L Shrub, . 10 qor eaaka Tenereiffe and hn" -J -Half pipe Corsica ... i- 8 our casks sweet MaU ja 9 do do Muscat . 3 half quar, caaktofd Madeira i pipm--.dp do. -w - . o half quar. casks Cette A m . r. 4 ao uo oo" rort,r- 3 hbds, of Copperas, . 'l ceroon Bengal Iiidign, 1 cask Epsom Stlts, " - ,..12bbUCJauberdo, . iJQ boxes Gluts, 5 do Soap, JO do Marina do. -,, ' 6 do treaU (frouiul MilitanV - SO do fresh Bloom iiidiua, 15 '"do ImperUl, GuipWder.aal ITylon Tm? " 0 bgt Shot, assorted numbers, - 20 kejji Oranjre Ppa def, """" 2 hampers bottles, 1 bbl. Philadelphia Starch. With a seat variety of everv art'rle in !ieir Kw. h'oktons fc huttos. Fanrttntttej JpHI 3. 18:8. 4H. LIST OF LETTERS EM AIM SG in the Piwt Offiw at Mnckwille. North Carolina, on the lt of April, lB.'a. . SPII!NGASH10XS. JUST received from Philadelphia, the Spring Faitiitn$, accompanied by the varioiu co- lVdhington CttfrJcm$Sth 1828. Sir : In pursuance of yojr request, I have taken pains to inform tirself, so far as H can le done from public documents, of the accuracy of the atiteraenfa contain ed In jhe tiewspaners last vimmer. rela tive to Mr. Adams' account To satufv j oil- end that portion of my constttueitts suhjectr I shall Rtve' literal extraets from the documents now before me, accotnpa nieffiTtOu :mtmimteem?tQ:riwnin rytaeyh.ve comment the-r was Minister of lora and forma now in vointe at the Wrt'.i j which will enable the subscriber to suit all, both grave nmt gny,who rhay fuvor him with workt ilia work shall be belter made than any in town, and warranted to fit well,' The subcrUr havuic; been appointed by A. Wjird. of riuUdelpUiit; a a teactier of his Patent ProtracttV4tniof TaiWui, will justtuct those who may desire jo 'teara thia'iuperior mosieof eutVwi outgarnaeni i IIRVJAWIN PR A I.F.V.: ir lrf. 1828 09 . , X countrv. Thiliring Butiness in the town'rtf StateV;Hc,ln the ihop formerly occupied by"S. Lowryi where they are prepar ed to execute all kinds of work in their line of buttities. in a fashionable and durable manner. They will receive the fashion regularly from the North, which will enable them to Wit their customers with garments made in the newest style. The public are Invited to pive us atrial, as we hope to he able to please all who may do att, by the prompt, faithful, nnd fashionable exe cution of our Work... ' JOHN' LOCKE, ,; ,,, - - . ... ArMi-,poTTS rtnlerdl!.; March U, tR2fl. (5H.J TKMPLK OF FASHION ! THE subscriber lminr enterel into a co. partnership, for the purpose of carrying ontlie v . , Taibring Busintss, in all its various branches, respectfully inform their friend, and the public, tlut they occupy the shop formerly uVd by llevell & Templeton, and more recently by r'ilis Tempjetnn, on Main trcet. a few dxr south' of the conrt-Hntfe". tn the town of Salisbury ,; and ae prewired to ex? . cute every Hpecies oi wors; a7Tpenitnn m inetr vora'ion. either (or Udies iir Gentleman, in a style Bf. workmanship equal. t any in thi or the JjcnTirWA"'':'?-'''"- llaftlrtjr made ftrranpement for reeiv the latest; Py4rima from I'liilaJeljjUi andNoyar lbr wiH be enabled to aixonimatf jt lerrH- n with fancy cna's and other parmefflv Liulie with Habits.' Spencers; fec:;-ma(le sp fter the most approved Nnrthem -yle.wAIkffara)en.'. made at their abop, will be warranted to fit well. All orlera fr work from a distance will be promptly and faithfully executed, and re turne l in llie shortest time practicable" The . From the Kentuck TO THE EDITOH k Central flitch Tower. peace, he was Minister ot. Ve United Siaiea at the Court" of St." TWrsbur whjte he hat) b.eeh ever since. 809. It appears by the public documents! that his duties a minister to negotiate ike peace commenced 29th April, 1813 anl ended the 2hh r ehruary 1815; having tontin ued one year and ten months In the contingent account of Mr. Adams, laid beforr the House. February 21st, 1835, and printed, in documents 79. pate 103, 2d vol. public documents, i 8245, are the following item : , II4, June 30th, Hxpentesof a jaurney from "St. Peternhurg to Gheat, 886 86 J "iVpt. Lxpenscs at Obent, J037 36 44 Dec. 31, do. ' 1384 65 1815, January, do. 640 00 Here we have 23,06201 f'r Mr. Adams' expense j atGhrni, foroolv hrce months. Wlim ws the nature of lhoe exptnseii has nrvcr been disclosed. kn eff'Wt will be m aVie ipf hiVsi ittotr of Congress, to olitain an eiplanariunnf thismost extraor- nnnrv expentlhuif.-. But l.-t.us return tol jneniHumept would have appeared on th efface of the document, that Air. Adams was travelling back to St. Petersburg, and.-res5ding in Paris at the tame time, and charging the Government with both the expenses of jiis Dense for detention in Paris, but his salarv as Rliniste? tH Ioodon. alt at-the rsame time 1 ! The next item reads thus": " This sum, being the amount hereto fore 'suspended from two contingent ae countsi hut which, on further explanation and consMer.tion, is admitted, 992 35." Of this 1 know nothing. Hut now comes a very extraordinary item : " This sum allowed him as equivalent to his expensr s from Ghent to St. Peters burg, afrer the conclusion of the treaty of peace with Great Lntdin, he being accre dited snl considered Minister at the Rus sian Court until the receipt of his appoint ment td that of Great Britain, Si .536 54." ' Hediirt this s'jm, allowed him for this object, for reort No. 282, under an im pression that the same ums charged by tilm for the jonrnev from it. Petersburg tOjflhenfj, wotild.be 'e'jual to the expenses of -stitttlaaabMl'.wl would not have been the case, as that iourney was made chiefly by water, but Rirtturt "tntisfhave; been-by-labd, end pjurnefrandheTespenserpftliliTf'' dence in Paris ! It would seem that the dates Could have been omitted only to conceal Hie falsehood of ;the pretencesjjti der which, some tf t he items e re allow? ed! It should be here remarked that 000 on' his appmntment' to England.' and that n is salary: forr! is.ia)reemiaen ced on the 28th of J ebruary.,18t5f where Qovernment. He never did refund the money, or enter a credit for it, and ho stood charged with il on the books of.J.he) Treasury until 1822. To compel default jtrjioiettle n th, t arrcarjMyjtfvern- ln7nt7Congres passed an act probibStinrj the payment of any salary or compensa . . tion to any officer of the United . States who was in arrears with rbe Govtroiint.." Jlr-Adams .was, then jBecretanr oft Statei and. in bedienceJolaw, the I reasury w 7 He accodn foi tbts4 he had received jo18 l3.He 0QW Jei!-ii-. rated his r impUintSt and appealed; to thr-; Pfedwh patronage of the public is solicited, with a con- SILAS TF.MPf.r.TOV, jnient in the document, taken I presume QUIKE LOWitv. I frotn the books of the Treasury, is whol Sahnttirti, .sfn-rA ?7fA. 1 8?fl. 6' 13 iy d repiive not as to the payment of the "This-sum B'lowed frwhis exnrnes. bv the same route as that taken by .w.TPeTerab . j - , i..i. ........i,,..,.. , ... ..... rriHrnf. Here Hthe allowance. lr. the jour ne- back--from .Ghent to St.. Petersburg, accompanied bf the most disgusting and disgraceful falsehoods. As far as I can learn, the grounds of this second allow ance were as follows: The travelling expense of MV. Adams' family, from St. Petersburg to Paris, were charged at the sum of 1,600 dollars, so that the first al lowance of 8H6 dollars 86 cents made to him under pretence of a journey from a . a 4-s . howeii on his lonmev trvm st i eters- b.irg to G hent, SR ?5 85This jnumev jijci-' T'ftYriburgtttf'-kim ntvrr travfUtil.. lie went from Jticrt to Paris, and tbtnre to I .on Jon, whire he tematn ed tvjtit two yetr s minister, and then rctirncd to the I'nited Stats. This state- ! Ghent to St. Petersburg, was not suffi f,i nt thi, U F,t,,hti,mrnt i , money, lor ,ir. Adams tcok care to se THE subscribers l.ave thi .iav entered into i "re that, but at to the services for which -n.l.'.n :.. tl inn n .f l'..n- I N." ! It wis ! ill Sn fir I ran learn, thr C. north of the cuurt-hou-, opjjite the I'ystjiriie hi Torv of this Item U as follows: fient to cover them. Aiier ine nrsi ai Officn to - - - When Mr. AcNms went to Ghent, he left i lowanre was made, Mr. Adams discover Inrru on the Tauartne Ruunest it;. j it r.- ... .i. d iliat Jlessri. Bavatd. and nerhaps lial . j t lOTIiriT III Vl'.UW'Siarf t( 4445 LlLnc ' . in all its varioushrsnehes, in the mostanproved. jr ,ha n.Kr,,jati0n, th6r joined Mm at neweaf, and fashion,! l..vle Thev have made . . T, amnirrmetits t receive the Tasluons on from (. , ' ' " V.- ., the North re'pnlarly a T'tlier change. - ..m j "tlmg -xpchsesof bts famirfi from St. their .lmig.ejip.crieii.ee jn Jhe Iajl innj; hn )'n ss. J Petersburg to Parisr he charged to the tliev hope to afford rrnera Vatwfaetimi to all j Uiii ed'Siates ; but -the accounting officer? who nwv pie their New Ktl.il,meut a trial. if ,he Treasury could find no law which tt6ili"justirv or paHiate the payment ol Thev also return the ir hnm'iUr thanks liirlhe R Nathan Alldridge Ann Balance XHsha Butler Willism Bmlcr John Canks Jacob Baker Warner Rrwn John Blackwood Aquilia Cheshire John P. Carter 2 John Call Michael Click John Ellis Anderson Foster Thomas Hendricks William Hawkins John Hinklw Alexander Houser -William Howards. rrancis Keller To rreeling's Ixlge 3tlt A Martha Murray Jtmes F Martin 2 Jacob .March 1'homas Neat Grief .Neat, 2 Kichmond l'carson, John Pain John Uirll, John Painer, lseac Tenniwrn Oliver Smith llenrv Verble James C. WedJ'mgton John Cook Thomas I). Gibbs P. 8. Parker Charles Anderson Lamb Taylor L. ILJlusc . Thomas FineSee Samuel Van Eaton . C. RAKTKK. P. M. The well known and admired lone DION. w 'ILL stand the present '"Srsaoii kt rh- mhvri. ber's atable, in the Forks of .the Yadkin, and at Thnmu ihrtaV on econd Creek. 7a mi If, fmrn Sri. bury, on the Wilkesboroujth road t and will be let to aaares at lha low p etc of e dollari the season, which may be dischaired by payin ... lUit dpllars .within the season tr,.o and a half .dollars the single leapfto be paid at Jhe Jime of .. tervi.', feiut fritfhl .IfiifuM in Ini.iM . M be hh, foal, the inirtnce Tnrmev wilt bertstm. in every ins'ance as soon as it is discovered the mare ia with foal, or the property chanjred. Tha alaaon will commence at Thonu r.beeo's on Thunhlay, the 17th inst. and ha will b rcgu. larry there every ninth and tenthUy thervaf ter, accident excepted i and the balance of his time at the aubtcriher'e atable. All poesible ear will be taken to prevent accidents, but no Kfcbifity for any. JOHN LOCKE, Jr. Jpit tOt.V l!H. Jf!4 very nurrai iwirvHain- rrms. i nwm un- ...... , , - , , - ieMoroff. G. fc t.'Kl.l' I' I S. in c. . 4tl Hem. nf tner tne ,aea nrst .ocrui " rer'. .ifirrA ?1. lrtC8. f.tl;J . red to them or "r. Adams, I know not ' tTTuu.' ifivmvc " i but soil waa, Lhat inasmuch aa3Ir. Aiian. rpHCWriber nspcrttully' inform the cit-! ht hve .W St. Petersburg -I tverr of RIWev.. and the wwwwlinV 'I HbMhM laCt he did not, It Was consl COtintTri that he ha established a HvJc JUmlerif fdcre., that the travelling expenses of btv in said town, oh Main Street, a few doors south.! fl0ity from bt.' Fctersburg to Peria might i4 iheiirt-iimtae; wnere lie nil ne tnarknu l(e Jjid undcr cover of h,f pretended twrtMrkindnfwkhW ur ,m, ncthlf Congress nor and America, he feels conf.dent of heme ahl.- to ! ' he 1VC would be the wiser for It J So im-e enlire sati.frtion to all those who nwv f'-1 Mr. Adams received the money, Under or him with any description if fl'ir. ihislaisc pretence. The accounting nf Rfor.h H-l-t made to order, after a pafern fu.el!l nuke , corresponding entry furnished, on short notice, and at pnrts which ) ,hf uk book 8nj bf tonsjder nn one can cnmnluin nl. . . . ... Old Hkt Hb.m.L either plain or nnsm-n. i lor whicrj the money was paid is tal. on the most moderte terms. All orders J holly concealed in the report made to from a ditance, faithfully attended to. Ihe pat-; f r.iKress ; and the people, as well as their roiiage of the public i reK-"'f,l"'r aolieiied. by representatives, are dereied in I elation ibeir ohtaent JOHN IL UE CAHTEWK I". j ,u f , ol c for whicl, lher w,w,.eA. war. ej pjJ m ntnn mv .v.rfV(..ir.i;w. Imtit cstiMfv . i urncn,. The next item Is as follow : T irilKWF.AS. an attachment been rrran. : T . jd . for hU If tid airainst the estate of Alexander Uj. I , j n . . . expenses Irom Ft. t etershurtj to Amster jr'H 1IC PUII UI .villi iwirni-"'" - 1 . ... D 1 (iuv ami Hiram L. Shan wimmiWd as gar. 'dam; from thence touhent, raris, and nsbees: Notice is therefore licrchy jciven to;ijvre, seeking S passage to the United aid Alexander llotan to come forward andj,,.. u ,eing impossible to embark plead .nd .it within thirty d.ys .from this j f f, n l;-,(iC in ,onse. date, otherwise mdirment and execution will be ' ' rendered against the monevs in the hands of fence of the war, g 1000. uid (ramishees. JoilN sl.OKS, J.J'. Mere is another journey paid for by the tvA. 1.'H. tit .(rood people, which reoutres explanation. M t has been said, and probably with truth, ' 1 ' RAN AWAY.- IJtHOM ihe subscriber, on Saturday, the 09th ult. Ephraim Harris an indented appren tiee to me, aged about 16 vran. A read ot twelve and a hair cents will be git en for his ap prehension ad delivery to mc. I also forea arn all pemms from harliorinf, 'emphjmg or tra dins; with said Harris, under penahy preeribed bylaw. ADAM MOOrtE. ALRF.UT COUPENINGT' ESI'ATK THE subscriber having qualified aa executor nf -the lM . will and. testament, of .lAerf ( rtwne. deceased, late of the county of Burke, desires ) pcivntts iodtbted to the. estate of. the said ccceacl o ennte lurwarl ant make pay. rovnt without ilylay and Tikewise all thoe who le lihT ctidirt vrswvt-iwtd- estatav J - preaent. them, legally siithenticnteii, witnm the time limited by law, otherwise this notice will be pled in bar of their reeoverv. DAVID COHPENIN'G, Erfcntor. Jmnnrv 31 tf. 3mtl4 hat such a tour net was performed by the Secretary of Legation, V m. S. Smfih, Mr. Adema' nephew : there is no law author izing the allowance of travelling expenses loSecictariesof Legstbn j but Mr. Adams LAMP OIL. IjtlUST quality of IfVnfee StntinrJ tamh Oil, 1 ilso, Utan' t.amf, for sale, bv 97 .MPrf"".-i-i.l, 13T. K. WIDLP.Y 8; imnr.linarv allowance! which is also dis guiscd upon the books in the manner I have stated. The next item read thus i "This sum allowed him for his expenses at Paris, waiting the answitr of the Brhtih Government-to proposition to treat on com merce, and .ibe..instnicHonv pf .Mj, own Government nn this subject - .) . "... "t- ITZZ'Z3'9 These expcr.ses were incurred at Paris, at the ery time when Mr.'Adams is sup posed, in a previous and subsequent item of the account, to be travelling back to St. Petersburg; but the tfarra o these items are carefully omitted in the report to Congress. Had they been cjtren, it latin, had charged and received 1,566 dollars 54 cents each, for the expenses of their , journey from St. Petersburg to Ghent, and he. lujrthwuh puts tn a further claim Ait an ecjual alluwance! fot his fire -tended journey, in order to cover his fam ily's travelling expenses! 1 his also is allowed, deducting the previous "allow mire ! Mirk the false reasons given for this additional allowance 1 It is said Mr Adam's journey from St.' Petersburg to Ghent, was made chirhv bv water, " out hi return mutt-ftare hern by land" avhen, 14-JUlKsft'eVr ITyjurwd- at all.. Il is added, " and by the tame route at'thaVta ken by Mert- Vutiatinpnd Ihyurd, and equally erfientive." A mere pretext for obtaining""679 dollars P8 cents more than it had cost him, by his cAn account for travelling over the same ground ! From which it appears tbt the allowance ol 686 dollars 86 rents originally made un der fjfse pretences, was afterwards en laiged to 1566 dollars 54 cents, under ac cumulated fictions ! Mc finally gets, un der iictencc of a direct journey back to St. Petersburg from Ghent, which he never performed, as much as Mr. Bayard, got for a circuitous journey from S. Pe tersburg by Ghent to Loudon. How Mr. Adams could descend to procure from the public Treasury his family's travelling exnenses, which he knew could not be legally allowed, by filling Ihe records of his country with Kro ana repeaiea mis statements, I leave to his supporters to explain ! When Mr Adams was appointed to aid in negotiating the treaty of peace in April, IHI3. the President sent out to him 813. 500; 4,500 dollars on account of his sal arv as Minisier to Russia, and 9,000 do! lars as an outfit for the peace mission opinion, that the President had a right to give the money, and .Mr. Adams to keep it) in despite of the authority of Congress, and without an appropriation, although the Constitution says expressly, no mo ney shall be drawn from the Treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law," &c. . - . Mr. Adams retained the money snd re ceived the credit, although no appropris tion has been made to this day. Thus it was, that he realized an outfit of 9,000 dollars, when spent upon the peace mis sion. The peace mission commenced the 29:h of April, 1813, and ended the 27th of February, 1815, having continued one year and ten months. Mr. Adams was then appointed Minister to Great Britain "d his mission commenced 21th February. 1815. Upon this appointments he claimed another outfit of 9,000 dollars. The Government hesitated kt making tbV jllowsDce. because there was i .ML of : Congress s nkftldeclaredT1 ISEJtilBilJ not be lawful in any case for the rresir . dent to allow a Minister Plenipotentiary SrChaeVAliattV ted Siatei to any other foreign country t salarv. It was -doubted whether any outfit could" be lawfully allowed tons-Min- ister who had been actually Jilted cut, and was already in a foreign country, upon transfer from one court to another. But it was finally derided that this' law did not bar an outfit in such a case, and Mr, Adams received another 9.000 dollars on being transferred from Ghent to London. Thus did he receive, within two years. two outfits of 9,000 dollars each, making 18,000 dollars. It has been said, that during the Ghent mission, Mr. Adams charged and received a double salary ; viz. 9,000 dollara per year as Minister to Ghent, and 9,000 dol lars per yearns Minister to" Russia. rTht document on which this charge is predi cated know before me. It originated SB follows r in-April II 22, the Housec of 'ESz Representatives adopted a resolution talr ling on the Secretary of State, who wsJ none other than Mr. Adams himself, for s statement exhibiting tho amount paid T: for outfit, return, salaries,' and contingent 1 expenses, .10 each.Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, and Charge 1 des Affairs, from the United Slates to tbt) respective- foreign "Courts, from tst Jano ary..J 80 1 , . to Slat Ilecembcf ,4 82 U! Mr. Adams called on tho Register of the' Treasury rt6 make oot- ihe-sloeomsnts - which he accordingly did, and communl- v' cited It to Mr. Adams, bv hom ttwtt sent to the House of Representatives. This document contains the following ac count of .the amuunt paid lo Mr. Adams IS Minister-to several courts therein men tioned, which I have exactly copied t i ..... being Secretary oblate proCuredthfre,?x4Afttrwardi the Tre'stdent skeAan.jpprQj priat'toft by Congress to cover this outfit, but as ihe finances or the country were exhausted and embarrassed by the war, and 9,000 dollars outfit was considered rather extravagant for a Minister already In Europe tbat body appropriated only 4.300 for Mr Adams outfil. and he was directed to"enier a credit on his account in fator 'if iU Oorerement, equal to the other 4i40a dollars llw. balance of the 29,000 sent him by the I resident. 1 his he refused to do, complaining bitterly of Congress for their penuriousness, snd de daring that they had as much light to confiscate his private properly as to re quire him to refund any portion of the money which bad beeo sni to him by the c - r tr '-BO n. -t -1 2 7 O O 0 0 - . L - il o e f o piH sJVl3J.3ljg V.HssK!-;H3 0 Cl 3 r-U ? a. 5 r. I 'r r 1 ' J'Si 3 5 SI IS i y "J? 2 I Sir -;si"'rJ'5s ... gpffeTf T t 9 "s las f i 8 Ml S I il I q ; IS 5 cj u 0. . s rrrcr;.- r.-..r; v, r.- v.;;,. If q o r U A 3 . . . no - V, V o 0B S i a 4. O i have copied all of this paper just as it is prinWl in a rVumerit Nr.. I?0, vol. ft

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