1. 1. 4 4 .1 'i r4 it V 31 if (I 'or public documents for 1821, '32. It will he perceivrrV tbnt the missions to ilussis and Ghent are re presented as end !ng at the ume time, vi STth of Febru ary 1815 t that in le column of salary.is placed a full salary as Minister to Ghent. If these ststemen'.s bo accurate, Mr. Adams did receive double salary. Put truth compels me to say, thar tlU docu mer.t, fcke other relaimo-MtvAtkmA u,'cacnt, U verv inaccurate, if not mate false. In the main document the i totals do it6t correspond with the items, T,n(j the recapltulalton doer not wh either I the totaU or tbe aggregate of the items in that document." I cannot therefore- eeive a double salary, or thai he did hot ; Willi II WCSUI3 immv inin" !ZrZIibn''0P 1hB truthyttme through his pr.::iown hands indlmust htve p4wecl We tn- speCtToO, tnerewsms.io in reaswisip Ter that the worst representation it makei is the real truth of the case. Take this document coming through- Mr. Adam bimself, true, in its worst aspect, and let us see how much money h contrived to Docket in two rears commencing- with his appointment upon the Ghent Mission in April 1813 t Outfit on tbe Ghent Mission, 89.000 00 Salary ?o Continpe nd'e do Outfit on Mission ;..to Great Britainj 6jary of Hus . sian and British '; Missioo, .... 20,599 6.: 5 30 60 9,000 00 16.000 00 S2,644 90 Vlf this document be correct in :he smonnt of Salary set to each Mission, Mr. Adams-must have charpetl and received this sum for services and expenses be- tbAirilj 8l3i bsidesome ewrtiogeo -del it 'Idon-lf indeeUiie,did.carer ceive toy lalary as Minister to Ghent, tbea the unount paid, to him for the. 1 wp tuiltr receive this latter sum, much of it tinder false preterkes and confraty. to la ", thereU no room to doubt. What aeency Mr. Adams had In settling hts own etwnte- and ilirecling the aUowancesrto " bimself, I know not.- -Certain it is, that the Secretary of State is the chief agent in making all exmnrdinarf allowances to foreign Ministers, Mr. Adams was Secre tary of State from 18 If to J p25, and his . accounts must have been settled after his return borne. He st least did not object to the extravagant allowances made to him, some of them for services and jour neys not performed, for he pocketed the money.. . I have now eiven ymi all the informs "tfbnl can collect from 'the public doeu -tnents upon the subject of your inquiry. -' You may" rely upon - it as accurate in the manner ane to tht exient that l have sta led...,: '- . .,. f cinnot forbear to-mention that io thi fnvestigitinn 1 have met with a key to the feelings which dictated the letter of Mr. : Adams la Levitt Harris, in which he pro nounces our Government rrAe end fienit rfou$ Con gress bad refused to allow him . TuIT'Mtfit "of 9000 dollars.- In letter tohia from Mjr.Miwroatbi Secretary of Mate, dated June 23d, IB I5. he is inform ttfbflWl'fiCl linhcfollowmK words - - M it is necessary to apprize you, that. altiuri full outfit was transmitted by the Neptune, and intended to be allowed you by the executive as a member of the ex tra mission at St, Peterkburp, yet the Legislature, on a reference of the subject to them for an appropriation, decided the principle, bv the amount appropriated and the discussion which took place st the time, tht an outfit only could be allowed to a Minister under circumstances appli cable to your case. In your drafts on the bankers and in your future accounts, you will be pleased to keep this deduction in view." But the minister had the money, and although the Government wns almost bankrupt, the army mked and starving, and the enemy, relieved fiom war in Ku rope, was preparing to carry fire and sword through our country, and did soon after take this city, and burn the public buildings, he had no conception of rclin quishing his hold upon the cash he had received. To Mr. "Monroe's letter he re turned an answer dted Ghent, 23d Au gust, 1114, characterized bv a tone and temper ill becoming a representative ol his country in that day of her greatest want ard petil. Among other things of a like character, he says: ! allrge, that by an act of the Cxeco live perfectly conformable to the consti tution and the law, the sum I am now re quired to deduct from my accounts and . Jy drifi x w?..niJ .I,r?Pe.r,I much as the dwelling house of any member of the trgislarore wis his, and that the principle .r.v..A.?nfr.t,..-wouW.-u'eJ,F ,n ult'. mate refusal to allow the oppnpritiori eoiifd be fic) other than a prinrtple to rofi- catr without any alleged offence, not half thr ou'fit of a Minuter under circumstn ces applicable to my case, but so much of my individual property." II I hud more time I would give the whole letter, from Which you WuulcJ not fil io perceive lhat Mr. Adams thought more of filling his own pockete at that period", inn U ciiJ ? the.wnU of las bleeding country. . . . Ilis famous letter to Levin s tarns u " ' a A S at dated Ghent, ,1,6th ovemner, ioisv Among other things not very creditable to his pntrtotum, he saysi -; Divided emongr ourselves, more in passions than inferetds, with half the na ,M he their nreiudices and their Ig norance to our enemy, with etblt and ftenurimtt foyernmerJ. With rive Ideates , , r i . r.. - ',: snrl arareeiv rive euicieii; for aft arm , how can it be el pected that we should resist the mass of lorce wnicn mat k""" t" ; - -lected to' crush us at a blow." Youvwill rirntVet. sir. the events 61 that pertoa in ruinn while Mr. Adams was grasping ir TUliT WIIIIC 4 uu t and eoBtitKentiesr r uhouy c, IMoo, P f,rrri and- abusing the Govertoenr hpeanse rtr wOTld-nt vkld tti all his ex- ingtoh ahd ;u ch. J action i n , urieans were borrowing on their pwn eredi'., 'and huxsrdintr escry Mlar they possessrd in the world, to save their enflerinp: coun try. In November H14, when the letter to ihrris was written, GcncrHl Jackson was drivinjf the Briush from Flotidi and opening his wav to Ne w Orleans. On the 1st of December he arrived nt thit oity, and used to the people a language- which I beg you to contrast with thai ol Mr. AdAml-lIedecl4red-Mv-0, for tt i against t, he informed those whom he comm.mdcn or waso defeno, 4 to rtmtmbtr that our watetvdvd ' vie torv or death: our country mutt and thall bt dtfendrd. tt'e will enjoy our UUrtu or fieriih in the latt Ditch." . Your obedient servant, ' T. P MOOUE. run LivcnwoaT. .. Mrf Davis I consuler H.mf.jMrMUtHMti. SecWiet, ask permission to communicate, throuRh i the columns fit vmir paper, the exirauc (unary cntci ie uivcrworj nan wnn im in a case if nulmomrv consumtttion : TOaarelBer u,i.r ; r.tt-. most ol the ac-T,u ri.-inri.;; ntln ensive hranches ol those ennected..ulb -e by coosanuipi!)',:CP jLite Hickerssn, Matthew M. Hughes, Ux ts my knowledge extends) have been j ..JooreEq.'7n'TholnM of consumption. Ilampton, Est).: who, after retiring a For five or six years my health was thort time, returned and reported the fol gradually declining. I had frequent at- Mowing resoluions, which were utisri tacks of pin i t my breast and shoulders. , mously adoptc. a distressing cough, discharged matter p wrverf, lrt..That .Repull'tcsr.s of from my lungs, a difficulty in breathing, !he true JetTersonian School, and hot ha v- occasionally cahned for short periods, and fiequently unable to labor ; and I was generally ronsiarreu as advancing in a consumption. Early last Spring the dis esse was more strongly marked. I re sistcda5.lan ...ail could.; but in . the bt ter part of July ! was confined to my bed ft was found necessary to burn candles in my room at night for two mmM,- rhiring which period my attentive neighbors sat by nie. . DrVSTehaeneyriin able PttjsicJjiti was called in immediately on my confine ment, and fur some time gave me eouragemeottv Hut the disease p.vlly progressed in ppposiiion to his prescrij tions. The qi.intity of pus discharged was IntrcclWe, and the nell frequently. ofTcnsivei . Mv "cnu'ih and obstt fiction in my breast were distressing, and t had an Trie rea a w grifr"'CfII f 1 n brcathin gS.r3&l' length 1 had night sweats rhills," und fevers, so great a diUicliltv of rcprr3ton, that I hnd to be propped up in my bed ; and every returning couh and discharge from my breast 1 fcircd would be the lnt. I was reduced to a skeleton, abandoned by my physician, considered in the JM s'age of consumpMon, and my burial clothes prepared. I had not the remotest hope of a recovery, and my fr?end have subsequently told me, that, at some peri ods, they did not believe that 1 would sur vive one hour. At length Mr. Ilanes. whose cae haa been described by Ur. Hereford in the 1. . . . . . rsattonai irtteuigeorer, paia me a visit and strongly recommended '0 me the u-c of the Liverwort, which 1 declined, from a firm belief that nothing could he 'of ser vice to me. Liut so strongly was I pres sed upon, after Mr. Manes left me, that I reluctantly yielded, and in about 24 hours I thought I could breathe with lessilitTt culty. This encouraged me to continue its use j and I soon had positive evidence that the disease was rapidly yielding in all its features, to that benevolent, but solitary little plant of the Inrest. So I was the transition from pain, scorch- eVfrirsafi'i5CItinrrconghrsnd-everTBalTT-nrl Fredertek-M.y- nher sfBiction, to comparative eaae, as to create in my breast the most pleasing sensation ; and to impress upon my mind a reverence for that Pcing, who, whilst ho presides over the destinies of the uni varMYhss'clothed ihe" rocky mountarlnt which surround -me with a plant posses: .ing the healing virtues of the Balm of uueau. i atoul three weeks It was Luod. uryicc Cisary. la. .ak.up by-rue.-But my neighbors continued their visits after ihis, to cheer and congratulate me on the proipect of my soon being restored to htalth and society - I now say that I am in as good health as I ever was at any period of my life. I have no tough, no pain or obstruction in my bicast. a healthy appearance, and a eighth year of mf see. A'off. At the request of Dir. Mitchell, I will state that 1 have lived near neigh bor to him fir about five years, and fre quently visitfd him during Ms last sick ness; that i hen .he commenced the use of Liverwdrtl 1 said repeatedly, that, if.it cured hltn7Ushou1d hot be surprised if it rould restori V de8d n'n to itle i but 1 mraHfietftleelicyinKajdjd not believe it fic$we mat any eanniy tor humanl meads coulee Beet a cure. Dr Murrar haHoId mertNrlteoneTeJ Mr. MitchrU'i case as insurable i and that be places grit confidence in the medical dualities . of ttverwort-iHonciude by irvWtfTtbMfTaMllchell U preseiiU-aod tk 1 aneW mora iolnlme.sWOMW yaysftbe'erioii I aqusiBt4Hl htmT'ririil&aoo bit last licknesaMr, tchffl itiwr-r m-s-Mti; commimtcatioijk. Aroaa,if)rc.S9, 1827; 7 APRIL 5?, 1828. . SUKRY COUNTY. Jnj Administration Meeting. u,.ki an assenbljige of about 245 of the citizens ol Surrj county, who are opposed to the re elect of John Q,uincy Adanw as Prirsl dentof the United States, met in the town of Kockford, on the 5tl day of March, be ing 'he week of the superior court for said tountyy the following proceedings look plco, ti On motion of Gen.' Solomon Graves, I I'm P. Dobm, Esq. was', appointed chairman of the meeting ; and on motion .1 at ..1 St if..i... f ... n ? rwJiW Alter a brieleXDlanauoti Jrom lhi ftfiatr; I ,i...f. ..,;..m.L..in,iAn (. 'or the ccuisiJ hif K rnmmiile.. conYiated of th follow- in .icnit : Gen- S. Graves, Mat .TT,.f3f,,,T.,..T:.Tr,:."""-iT"i.7..-r"j:"r ----- . 1 jS fs ! ing ronndence in the political integrity 1 0f John Q. Mam, We do, upon the ground I of nrincmle sulrmnlr deDrecate his re 01 principle, solemnly aeprccaio 111s rc J election at the approaching election ol chief 'magistrate e United States. Rcplvrd. 3. That having implicit eon fidehec in the ?TrlotiMn, icttl indeppndence and unsh ike.n (Wmnesa of Gen-ANDREW JACk'SQX, 0r the state of Tennessee,'- we d solemnly pledge oitrvlvts to aupport trts electitr at tbe approaching election of Pre sidctit 'o-lof the United Sutes. .Rei'lvdi 3. That this meeting enter tain the highest respect for fhe' talents and publi.- services of J0HS C. CAL HOL'Xv uf 5ouib Carolina, and . will sopr port his election as" Vice President tf the L States at i!te approaching electinn of President and Tice.Prcsideh't pJiheL'. 8. Jietohrd, 4th. -That thi meetingrap prove of the nomination made br ibe oth er coumis of this Electoral Distrtt, of mr . y a. 1 r T I- 1 1 lien, ni'jmjori oioitci, 01 " imca touuiy, as Eleciot, and that they will support his election s such. Ii e solved, ,Vh. That a committee of Vigilance, consisting of five, he' appointed in each cap'pin'a district in the county ; whose du'v it shll be to use all proper exertions to p omote tbe success of the Jackson Electoral ticket of this state ; and that (he siid committees he composed of the following gentlemen, viz: For Jonrsville district 1 Tho. Hampton, Esq Wm C Martin, Esq Hirhard G yn, Esq. Alfred M. Martin. Esq. John Hob erts, Eq and Jas Hicks. For Capt. Holcomh's district : Wm.Col lins, Philip llolcorab, Esq. ard Wm. Dy For liamptonville dis'rict: Dr. John B. ILmptun, Wm. ILir.es, Moses P Nicholson, Pr. Alfred Cook, Jacob Pad gett, and Franklin Hicks. . Fur Capt. Ashly's distiict 1 Jacob.Dou. thsrd, Esq. Kollin Jones, and Leonard Mes.ick. t - ' For Capt. Clanton's district 1 Benjamin tT a st. ist sw a .it unton, itisj. m- r. Atwood, Henry For Hunttville district t- Wm. Cr Bird, Esq. Sam'l. L. Davis, Col. Sam'I. Hpier, snd Gideon E. Franklin. For Cspi. Callawav's district : Col Jes. Callaway, Alfred Maitin, Esq Gen. Berry 1 ram For.Capt. Reect'i district t.Cipt; Had: If Heece, Wm. Mackie, Esq. Bryant Jarr viay-JoKn Disr wtd Joseph Carter-- -- For Capt. Chinn'a district Tho, Wil liams, tsq. Solomon Philips, Wm. B. Rash, an John Logan. For Capt retails district I Isnlah Coe, Capt- Joel Stow, Wm. Uptlgrove, and Sam'l. Martin. For Capt. FuJk's district i Wm. W. Sheppcrd, Jesso Brijjgs, Thomas Doug- whicA he su&miliecf io rnerioar wit unTwmm&KBW'" .'. . .' l ..u 1'Jiw:i.1' 'i2rr. it,Ti"-f' j-j - i til in r In Ti' I TTi ---TBI" n "I IT- r uria'-- ii S I m r in k mm n l i nlli I it-f,.-. . . AVM, 11. HANDY. nCo. Galihu Moore. Esq Capt. Jooa v ' ' - . . i Utlca UItc3, Ct. Joslih I ' S'-rpoGJ. w ; For Cant. Urickle s district t V-apt. Jonn B. Brickie, Joseph Howard, J.esse How- s ard, Jonathan .Whitaker, Eq. iustun Bomers, anrl Vfm. P. Dobsco, Esq. I Fop. JarvJsU district I John JifVW, i Wrh. Bowlesj tki. Pleasant B. Roberts, Esq, and Richard Welbourn. nr . Cant. Marshal's district I Elijah Thompson, Esq. Ja.-Thorhpson, Maj.ii. Paiiok John A. Huehes, Eso Wm Marsh, Esq. Shadrach Frabklin, and Capt. Wm. Douglass. , For CaptTMofirrr dtstncHUapKMw Moore, Hardin P. Fianklinr tsq. Miiier W. Easly. Esq, John T, Franklin, and Capt. Joel Underwood. . t;l.r-..rL.nt Eat' dist. J Cast. Stephen Dayi u m. snow, wa m.oiniiDgiKfiii IItcher' district s Col. Mor- . .... a ' ... . a 111 f"i J L. .. - dieaiFleminBmUJtarn"xM thin c Unthank, Col. Micaish - Forkner, John Jackson, and Capt. Achilles Deth awPfsrVaw ' r Vn Cant, Pfaffs district : Capt Jacob Pfafr. Jas. M: Hollinpsworth, Esq. Robert Hill. David Davis, John Cook, and Galen MrK'cnsev. Resolved, 6th. That Gen. 3 Graves, Malhew M. Hitches, Esq. vMajr. Litle Ilickerson, Col. Jas. Callaway, Col Mor dicat Fleming, O. Moore, Eq. and Wm. P. Dobson,E.q be appointed the Jackson Corresponding Committee for the county of Surry i nd lhat they prepare a mita ble addrtss for the orcasiim, and be au thorised 10 adopt such other measures as may be deemed most advisable for th purpose of securing the great objects of this meeting. , . Orv motion ot Oen. uraves, Jitt!iew tJe,Ec.:.aiid jor. LitTe Hi. k erson VrTaplrnie3 1"tteiJtf ihrrom mUiieSxotifef at Wilksboro' on the "week of the sUpmor Jiesolvrd, That the pror e"dtrit;s of this Secretaiies, ana ne put.iisneo hj me " 19 u. tern CarSlinirtn and Kalfitjlt Sir. WM. P. DOnsON, Chiir'n. " S Obatxs, SecrttariciT Tno. Hamtto Cabarrui cutmtfi, .1fril '2, I8C3. Jlfr White: It appear that tV KJitur of the raaba Ju'irnal, dinistiic the abilities rf the A4am cuinmittee of this county, to nustai e:rtin c sllrrge lately published, "has' hlmctf .1 ;n nn raitnnal not ire of s nart of our nl rrs-a kind ofrtheily helping hand t.. ToltinteeriMi hem. rhew worthy gentlemen 111 no oouo , , . .....j,,. . n win (ii, - : , . uendoe!, uiid remarks (would that I conli. nav am-metitt) of Mr. ltinpham.; and, Hjui Honlc ss. tilt niniimnlv aunnliid with them hence- ftfrth' I do hot pretend to say tl.sMliey neri . 1 , 1 1 '1-1 . them. ladow, wniini ne uviiicen mem unto a voting or uudisf'ptined pact houmls which wiits the erv of the old expenrretd leaitrr be fore it venture with brawling tutigu im " make the welkin roar." - r . ' The people in tlii. county g-ne'llylliiik for themselves. The only bnm iiry'ikria t fur. nUh them with fsct( ami from 'hem they draw their own conclusions, ujiuidid hv the dicVitor bin of nv Yuan or wt rif rrt.-it. Tkn hate sr n, rAry have heard, and rftry hsve- j Jtlgrd j smi thsi httftjrment Is a determination to ipj ort Asnnr w J acksos. Herein lies the r'ur tn the si. pillar i ..... .. .. . i 11 - nolitirsl observations of Mr. lli rl.atr. as wlII as to the bravado .cbalil)KC.tl.f..lUe.A.(tXl, j..tT?ini?.-.i.N eprtent boih sjdi-s in a political contest te. Tbey fear tlie t fl'ec of ttir stubborn lg.Liriy, ami without p'n Judice : Le us further presented jn 'the Jackson AUres 1 ami Vrr mijV. hi'M urTL-rlng ttothtrnr to appear in his whrel i to be p"u"rrn"morCTe?jy''trnagpTr aim a eppn il..-. trneil, both bv the ewrtioii of pfsonul n.fl'i. in llii- way tf " t xtnri" or qnntatinn' even 4-nce, anil by hold assertion, mansted tMmeili t asaHtrW rnf-MwH:r jnatirrj but, of, the other .- unl tnr tided explanations, to stem tne current of public opinion, now so rapidly rum ing nrai-i" tnem. ! u iH st once a!mit that the Adams Tommi'- t.r nrr "Honorable imni" but that thty :r' - mn nf eharacter, men of influence, and nu n of eshh, is no reason tht nv free ntn eapsbd: of judpinjj for himself, should pin his political faith to their sleeves. By the wsy, per' the w orthy Kditor cao, among h'n other polit'n l m - yice, infirm us who hai authorised the pi. Mir a. tion of the fart, (pny. Mr. Linham, i it fc that the coun'iea of Lincoln, Mi-cktenhur and CaHsrrtu, will alt gi'e majori'irs in frvor of Adams which infurmatinn ha hern rcpeMcd'v Imrp.-.l mi in the Hichmond tVl.ig, n.l has tirkh'd the plale of the fastidious Adnjn- nitration Kdi'ors a Vshtn'on City, itic infortnant has been kind as to pve Mr. Adsms three-fmirths of our little t'ninty. Not s- t.is, Mr. Busy-body. Ikrgsins and sales in r.n!i;ical matters are nut ao coinmun here as at Washing- ton City. We hsve no s.tje preretlent, by w hich to jtiJtifv such a tranter of JarVsiin ro;e : and, if wc had, the pirit which influcncril our faltierf on the 20th Msy, 71. w ould i'diip o to purn the prorxwition. It frrms ttsnj;e that Ottr Jackson Adurrns, nn'witiistxiiding S ieti an assumed Adsms majority in the county, shn i!d have elicited not only the "bold clulh-ne" of tle friends of the administratiim to tnect mid debate ita merits, hut has: even brought in ;dsv tha cornbtiied critirslj tiihKetil and rnur'ienl-,,. men of Mr. ninirham himself. Whv, with tt h i , , . ,, . i.i prepomlerance as thev claim, emild they not j "n,""rifJ ,!-4U!,!rr re aPPbend.-I rest contented ? It aeems their political appe-j in Vofk dir:c . C. nn the 3d lnst....-tbe for tite is so ravenous, that they wonCl w rench from j mer chanred wi'hthe murder of her nrwborw mined to 'go the whole hog, or rinne." But thair object can be readily seen: thev cannot bsfao'bund stumm know ihst Uns Tate asswemectry so-Tsvor err raea-wnr ur P0.lUC.tl,'D4..r.... eftecl abroad, r n tfiat they circulate and tn couraga the opinion that we are divided among otirselves. In this district, there is no questhut that every county will give decidju majorities for tlie People' candidwir, - . . I have been insenibly led from (lie not'rt intended to tike of Mr. Ilinghsm's re-marks, and will now endeavor, in a few v rv,ion. t merit his pardon. He speska of the o!ijec'ioti urged in our sddreit to i, tt. Adsrt, and ssvs, tl.cre is to li t.,.:.t tl.r-e rl.-;cnu,...a U invitation to sustain them ill nit be acceoted " , h meTuben of this v.trteh!, in bt:Ull,f 0f tie committee, anwer, uuhHta'inKlv, that the invitation to sustain them will be acci pted. To the challenger! we uy, the addria before chargv agaittat Adumi is to be public, will reTL'-.!l T . T. i". . T,u" expect, m tne same time ana piace, a utr and full investigation of the objections (it any dry can urge) aywinat Jucko'n.- 1 hit be a man. ' v courte. The ntectina is intended for politi- cal effect, and a full discuuion of the relative .. claims and merits of both candidates will be ne. ceasary, if auch neceaity exists, to enlighten the . people, if such be their bject. We believe they want no new light our. the subject 1 the healthy need m physick. - . . - will take this opportunity io correct one erT" ror la our address. It was, in asserting that Mr. Adams appointed ministers to t'anama without the sdvice of the 6ena. We intended to alter it :before"tbaddri; fotenbUcls,teiveotdTWWiw. roateriaTinilaketrrAdams,4f-li exercise th power, asterled, in hit BM-awge, a onaUutional right to do ao.'.. ,, , Mr. Binrham auks. " will anv man have th 'niMairona iijbe ipbet) isappficable to.str. Adm i the Cabarrus" Jackson Committee ad ,,tba presumptirm to ay o( and. as a quotation front a book, (the respectability of which we believe ' he will not deny) illustrating our befief at to the present and future propecta of A Ism. w are willing to reiterate the anme; U'e believe ihst his political life i finished, inasmuch at a ma. Jority cf the Pi-ople are oppoaed to his rr.tl,.c. tion 1 and, aa a necessary inference, that he h btern weighed in the balance of public opinion, ami hat been foanJ v. anting. A majority of the People of the United fitates never were in hit favor s ami to prove this aaserimn, it is only ne cessary to refer to the number of electoral votes he received, and to the fact i.ow so appalling tn him, his cabinet and his party, that both houses of congress are decidedly opposed to hi re-elec. tion. lie complain of this quotation, and ex cl.iimi, "Can part) prejudice and. rancor go further P It us give one nut of many exam pits illtiatra'ing what the administration prints consider not to be party prejudice and ran cor." To circulate and encourage report dts. ixinipng the character of a defenceless and minble woman, is not party prejudice and tvntm!9 beeaute . tRe administration prints, with, htjt lew enpeptiona' from lisine to the ttsbiner hsve ptthtifihed Such respecting the wife of Aa. drew ,TftcknTand"ft'r-wo--her reason, -than that he was to tr, by he Peophr'a approtfil; t -prababtewweasor rf Adams, -'fiv"w',' M ;rhe f tHtef implies; pretended tf' ' rrvrrl the li ttrmina'iona of the brity t fay we asserted that Cod hta esefed hi i' fluenca . . . we pea tue i.miu vi namn xnowtedge, ami prrfrseJ to reveal what no man can know," in.illiis'rating bv a cptotatmn from th Holy lUmiX on "r betitf ; that" v 'Cf '"A dams liar 1een" "" weijrhtil in the balance, and ha been found antittj ! that the term of his office will hort tv etpire. foMowed by Trsttlt given t those whom the p'ople deligM to honor. Ait and bit adherents' phvrei f Is there any "nnwarranta ble presumption" in tins, even as ehfwrcrd by the intrrrwetstion of Daniel, of a prophecy long since ftilfilled. and only- distinctly ipnlicable to ; corrupt monarch of corrupt aubjects? Rut ,utonion of rpre,mnl .nu op nions is me . ;(lininull tU tr . V of the davi and no . 1 m t a a ; where do we find it si frequently -esortecl to 1 s among the editors ot papers devoted to tba cause of Adams. Tow-hat Hook would Mr. Binglmin adws the unaltilled to reler fbr'adtiCe, . .. ' . ir a . suited to t vi ry smntion in life, in preference to the Hib'r.r1 .1 he gentler in would perhaps say, "rrad, bur never qinte.'.. He might'as. well . ohere t Hie plstof, red.hot never preach " W say that sound political morality is. br-tter tinj'it there thun in all the Warned books f is "" favorite Presidm resorts to, for the purjHMe df t Ijcnhtini; his crude atid umlijested noUons ori lutio ml Lw. We say an illustration of our potiiwal cnmlition CHtmot be better worded, than wv.tbe langHag e4if tH Ke,pttrea.'-Iet nt, fr injitanc, Mippoe a newspaper est sbl' shed in ttii country, one, tiMi, taken by its honest ?nd nnMnpirioiis furmfr. trusting o the'editor i iisn.j. init v roi.itting ami printing enroursg ' tip iiipmomnilssfsini t!e vsriott partisan prints ! on his i h-: s i-l tu c mrhidr, lot us Mippose that I e i unto the rd or of tlic Cstawba Joumsl, , M t'lO't rt the mar,': in the lunguage of tho . prophet N '.ani wlra would he his reply r " Any er'n'u-, n (l-rIii msn, would say such j an prt!itni ( a sTikinp aod solemn portion j cf the -iptt-s, is a p-eat and uh warrant able ; preiui;tHMi." j 1 he i dit'-r, in the close of his notice of our ; iddrei. jfiven a cowmtntary or. the latter pin nf the quotsiiim, ai.l then very nileO i atSines u t- iiublikli one also. Considering ttvit tV.- fHr'heti rm'iiniiiint' he has ar raved a -aitiit t'.ie .dininitnirmnf compose the ( -at ms'-a of the Amer'ursn people, and that j t'icy ett iw of " radicals sn fcnlt.rndicsls, de J mocrais snd federalist . tsn(T snrl anti-tariff men. n-trV-tnils and ( lirtuni .ih, qniddite and noth ingites." t nouM 1ik to Vnow to what party he ,H yt,r l0 think with him belong. It ' cannot he lo that ol the people, for tln referred to in the last psri'tfr h, comnone that btnly. j - 1 ht Drowning men catch at trawa," is an ' old nlmervati.in; su.l r. niiigliam'i remarki,. snd the C,h'tu Adams chsllenire, prove it to he crrT,. 'ly r -nrts re yet unCnihel, al though cMt nd- d fur' her (Inn I intended it til time. 1 hr -' lirir from me afrsin. Out vj'tht Ci''.iTt;i Jacl-ssn Cnwuitef, ' fTtn in fwter Sap-ih .litlm,!,. AiwLXe? - . j '"font i both rliildTrn were Illegitimate; - A jnry (of wpt.-at fo-.md a-eed'i.:t of giu'Ity aga;r)?t the parties A Jnelrtr, rttsiiary tn th American Trsct Society, has beu formed at lUlcigh, in this state, tti procrediltgs shall be published in er heXt Samuel Mclllui has bctn appointed Post Ma' ter at Vork,i!le, C. inptaca of ?. Carty.rs S'gTiriJ.