fire. A t;i Usls cat i l?elern, ia tll state, on tUe 4'.U inst. which destroyed a number of building before it wa extinguished : It on g'tmvted in a house belonging to Mary Parker, .' which 'wm consumed i and a brother of, her', who was fynf in bed drunk, was burnt to death. in the house ! This is another mdt awful warn- ,Sr to drunkard. ' Jn the wreath thit dchs thejfwlttf AovJ, fell adders hit, and poistn'd serpents roll. : Ctpper.K copper mine hat been discovered io Chatham county, the ore from which yields 2 cents to the pound " ,. - Colt Thomat Jlendersou, former editor of tKe Raleigh Star, but for a few years past a resident of West Tennessee, hai been publicly remies- fedttbrou . - ' . a I President, and Vice :liktetoGthTUhT!eJ' .t(tRstttted'to TU'tt .or 'not;1" '.. ";"r"" 7 ment, was produced in Tsatrtiviu, Tenn. on me v:-.-r "25th ult. ty the discovery that Kthan Patttrm, p,sq. had fur sometime been in the habit of committing extensive' forgeries of promisory notei and Cheek.'. He forged these instruments, procured money on them, and generally took them up himself; before they were presented to the pretended drawers for payment t but was finally detected. He had hitherto been con Yulered an honest man j was of a good family jn Virginia i was an attorney t law, secretary of the: l exaj Association, 8tc. His ruin is attri buted to that root of many evils, C ambling ! The People' Advocate, published at York Vdle, S. C. has pa?ed into the hands of Messrs. ' "Wlliam'XJ. Beatty, and Josinh Harris, by whom H will hereafter be edited and published.' ... "" Trad Stciety. An auxiliary Tract Society was organized in this town, durmjt last week i and a Depository for the sI; and distribution of "racttreablisliedr I. 1-he-iiTrrfety'w tw of Christians. 1 he pVoc.l all denominations ingi shall appear in our next. Ctngrta. We have omitted a sketch, this L,ffiS!F flhJ PW??f cf JPohgresimake toon for 0"her mattfrt. . The detailaof its buii. Res are, however, at thii time, of so uniutertst- Jng.,f character,, that, their wniuioa . CAunot ,ic . much regretted. Out tit iait The administration tentral com mittee of vigilance and correspondence at Raleigh, have at length come out and responded to the nomination f t-ichard Huth, of Pewnsyl vania, aa a candidate for the Vice Presidency, to be run iKi the Adams ticket in this state. This response has been purpoH'lv delayed, with the view of teeing whether a irtfer nomination coti'd not be madeone that would bring a greater weight of influence along with it. 1 he , office of Vice President has been held out by the Administration party as a kind of lure to : that .VaM which, io consideration or receiving it, should throw the greatcsl rlectorul weight in to the Adam side of the poTiTTcal cales ; Hut Tt has at .last been given to a state from which tie Jfrifi'ii can reasonably he"expected in re tyro. Hence it probably is, that Mrlfush wss "x TO irhictswfy"f sT: eiilfp by the friends of Mr. Adsms lit this state. A it was intended by the adniinisiration party, that the nomination of Vice fresidnt should operate aao',r nrie Ato their ' cau-e.h ts quite naturalthey lioiild fiel mortified and ehgilnd it the fiilure of their scheme --having mafl nothing by the disposar of thai office with which they haJ so confidently expected to carry one uf the middle or western states. UTEST MOM EC NOPE. By arrivals at New York and Boston, English papers to the 27th Feb. and Irish to the 1st March, have been received. Among other msttera, ihev contain the Alumfcvto of she Ottoman rone on the conduct of the Allies, and paiticuUiIy that of Russia, which it boldly rhatges with criminal projects, and prttexts for declaring war, and that hngland and ! France are her dupes. Ii Himoores that the Potte had never from the first had any intention tn accede to the demands or the Allies nut to resist lliem. and that it had resolved in temporize with the Min isters on the injuries k,uuined hy the empire, meiely toginthcnecessaiy time for warlike prepMaiuns Alihouch the Manifesto haves nothing for negotiation, lit is pot ha rcpoitcd.a Declaration ol W'm, hut a hold' appeal to the Ottomans ito prepare lor war. tl asset s that the jhite powers by the attark at Navarino, openly broke the Treaties, tnd dctLdcd sjr.r. I Mr. Stratford Caniiint; liatl arrived in England ; but had not brought any news wSeh had transpired Krports that ihe Russian army hid crokaed tbe Pruth had been repeated and '1toMfadTc(ed7"If Is 'TneViIonertnar any proceeding of .the kind would he direct violation of the treaty of July Cth. The debates in Parliament were1 prm'' Hpallv o'n the subject of Ministerial jar fiTigi 6f linle-geiietil lrt'rtance. " A new war in India was repot led, and that 5000 additional troops were to be vh thither from Lngland. lilt port of the bad sts'.e of the Hiidsh King's Health continued lo be circulated. Hat lul accounts ware thai he was hviirr. note from Juda Marshal to the editor of the Richmond Whig, referred to id our last week's paper : 7 . March 29, 1828,. Sm t I perceive ia your paper of to-dijr quotation from the MaryUnder, of cer tain expressions ascribed to me respect ing the presidency of the United Slates, which I think it my duty to disavow. Holding the situation I do under the gov crnrn.nt of the. I'liited' States, I have thought it right to "stiin from Bnypub- tic decLrations on the election ; and were" It otherwise, I should abstain from a con weight. I admit having said in private that though 1 had not voted since the establish a. 1 s --a ment of the general ticket system, nd J ' -t !. . M. ! 4,.a.A-. depart front my resolution in this in $tante from 'the strong sense ! felt of the injustice of the. charge ..of corruption trrupttort States I never did tlie the other exprea sions asrhbed toTOef . I Terest f on to -say that, yon are ati? thorised to declare th( the Maryjander has been misinformed Vent respect folly, y;iir on't. ' J. MARSHALL. Jno. II. Pleasants, Eq. Latest Jrom Colombia.- Bv the James Coulter, artived at Philadelphia, on the 28th ult. from La Guayra, commercial advicci to the 1st ult. are received. - It appears now, pretty well detei mined, that the sole object of Lahord'a visit on, the coast of Colombia, was to aid some dis affected persons, in the Spanish interest, residing in the vicinity of Cuman, with hom it was.iutended to have formed a junction, .n the belief, that they posted sufficient power to effect a revolution in that country, and aid in the estabiiitimcnt of the old government of pa'm Washington CiJux:Jjirilz 0 In the PI! Jlon .('. .Internaljmprovem.enta was conniderrd in the Committee of the Wiaix'wn " frc f v t Hscti siTn ;v the mendnitnt n ported from the Committee fdr'Wmys to u commenced, wavree'd toby the casting vote of the Vice 1'iesident. Joum'ul. Thf Turf Hit '....This bin, says the t' S. Telegraph of the 12th instant, has now t bcenlieioic the House of' Representatives to the almost, entire exclusiyn of every thing -lse, for about Six nocks; and it is no longer to he doubted, that the leaders of the adminuiration party have resolved tonrtpir mere as many moir, unoer the hope that they c:m charge the friends of Cm Jackson with an useless waste ol r i- . 1 . .rv'".. .v,.v.. for the uunsc of catching breeze of popularity, T of prottacti.ig the bebv.e. 7'ie Tariff" iOrV. yVtten the liouse ad lourned cterday; the qucsTirm was pttv ig, on the ino'ion of Mr. Davisi .of Mas - iJt mis. im, iq recommit tuc ui.i io inc Ccromitlee of the whole on the Stle-'f.f the Union, in order to raise the ad rah m-jK-i r-i ; ; r , rnf. (Tu'y of 4rt per cent, provided in the fi,,, ins ance b, tbe amendmem of Mr msi insiance oy lae amciuimeni pi iir Burhknan. oj(,rtyfivr per cent. Should ihil moibn r, we think the hill ner t it task. f4C Juittfiai.Qlh inst. " "it.a .. T1.V. F-Jr: f4t,M. V v. w ...r w..t,h ment, at L'eiou Church, near SaUUwuv, Uouan .. ii ii .1 v 1 .i i r and ulin rill th mmhr itl S 1 ahnvi- strrifi. ed lo,hi, are earnestly requested to attend 112 JOHN l:KCK. aa " Hang out your Manners on the outward walls." siuxsrtiai. roa raisiptsT, ANDREW JACKSOX. roa vir rimtiMT, JOHN C. CAUIOUX. tnrm e TftUviCe, .Ipril 10. Cotton, J a 9 15$ i Iw-rl. mn m ma. tel. . cents i Bacon. 6 to o ; hiandv. 45 to 50: aiilile do. M to 37: ! iliMir, 4 tr, 4 23 i whiskev, 35 to "0 United State baik notes, 4 to 6 per cent, premium. Ch,irkt-w, .ipril 12. I'p'snd cotton 8 a 10 Jj wlikcy, 5 lo bagging, 42 inch. 22 to l'4; sugar, 8 to 9 1 molasses, to 28 cents bacon, 6 to "i apple brandv, 25 lo 28 1 bees wax.22! cofiVe.Uto IH-.hjsontca, ICOtolOS; Jamaica rum, 110 to 115 West India do. 73 to 80....... Superior Cotton have hern sold above Ouruotationa half a Cent ......North Carolina -bilk-fit do, 1 to I J per cent, ditto. Peirrshurg. .ipril 11. Cotton. 8 to 9 30 j tobacco. g2 30 a 7 refused. 1 a Jwt corn, 1 S2i bacon, 7 a 8 lard, 7 a 8; spple brandy, 35 a 40 1 peach 75 a 100 cents.. ...Nonh Carorma hank blTU,' 8 lo TO per crnirdiicoiiit ; rt.rg'a bills,. 2 to , i j South Paroha bilU, 1 1 to 2 per cent, discount. ' Tlrnrmprit tt. Cotton, A) a 10( bacon 9a 10 1 flmir 5 Mtcach brandy 40 U45 1 appledo. to'40; Vb'k( j 40 1 pork 4 to 3, tallow 9 to 10. mm . CdKKfV, ,r,X 12. Cotton, middling to fair, 8 Id 8 i (sir to good, 84 to 9 k prime, 9. Nsw.Yosi, AraiL 10 Cattsn Tha busi nes, from the Sth to the 8th inclusive, amounts to about 7000 bales eontisting of 500 I nland at 9J to 10cts. i 100 New-Orlcirft, at 10). frit In Lincolnton, on the 1st inst. by Daniel Hoke, Esq. Mr. Jacob Propst to Mis Mary McCulloch. ,' . j In this county, on. the 27th ult. Mr Spencer Benson to Mis Nancy Bice, daughter of Mr.. Samuel Rice. . r , I btsdI At New-Haven, Connecticui, on the 25th ult! Mr. David C. McNeely, a menjber of the Senior class in Yale College, son of sir. Samuel McNee. ly, of this county. , Having taken the wrioloid, a specie of the tmallpsi, and never haying been vaccinated, the consequence i was his lamented death. It was thought advisable that only a few should attend his fuher j, direct from the T J Llo l- -i -i I 1. ! . . of his classmates, followed hit mortal remains to the grave. ' We have seeti cme elegiack verses In the New-Haven Journal, oat the death of this mucU.regretted and amiable joypg patwhicht night, the mn inst. Mr. Henry Hartman. aired j,i about 2a years. H went to be as welt as tibi al, on Ssturdavniht. and' wa nn,l 'in hi bl on Suwlay moming-roppoaed ta hiv In this county, on the 12th, Ckpt. Kathah Nee- W ' wn yetr a younptaaW nighlj re jpected by hi friend and aiqfyintances. fie had been thoughtful of his immoftal interest for sonv considerable time previousVj his death) had connected himself with th Church uf Christ, and lived and died like a clkis'ain, with hope full of immortality and evelastingiife. Dles sed are the dead that die in the LonV" Com. At his residence, near the town of Madison, Morgan county. Georgia, on the momfcig of the 3d inst. Jamis lawiw, lUq. formerly ol States ville, Iredell county, in this state, aged aijurtf 50 yean. Mr. Irwin was fof many years a highly resectable c'jizen of the neighboring town of Stateville: he carried on an extensive meron tile business accumulated a bandome eate, and filled a large space in the public estinition. i nis resiaenco in cCKiesmirf coynty, on f,,,,t, ,ucc y, ,n inriii year t. I. 1 1 K M J. in ... ffc. uunng . ,ong i.:e ne gfMMl ev.dence of sincere attschmmt to the doctrines ; r o(j T m . j jA left the world with the devoted hope of en - joying its reward hereafter.. Of consumption, at Mount Pleasant, Meek, lenburg, on the evening of thr 18th nit. and in the'nd-vearof her age Mrs. Mh n. lmrter, y'5 '""i1' chnstjanc --- 0 X Tuciflav. the r,th dai of Mv nrvt. M ll,. subscriber's Auction SJore, will commence. the .,Mwlwh-.sjiUJlMetl.lbmv' tof: J .OTi;? ZViZ TT" d.vuntil.c!psed)f the enu Stock of QOOlS, v v ' T f'T of . house .leclining busine, of L -)P T 'i " A , i . . s . r - 1 b nest sons ot tlir Imported horse Diomrdc, out large and valuable assortment of Ur . wi i. . i i .. ,. " . . 'Ma S hark miiri! i; irr'in.ilflm hv Sir lliir.. DRY GOODS, narnxrrve, buttery. Hair, Sbeei citun Han, Castings, (fc The above Goods were selected for the South ern market. Country Merchants and others, J,j. ancestrv can be traredi he mutt be verv may come forward with confident expectation ! nearly if n.:t entirely thorough bred, and from I of purchasing, at very reduced prices; and ofhenio-t select Mock of horses ever known in procuring Goods in such quantities m tp suit I tUpm. ftie atnrk' heincr Ir9. aiul hot f.w rut pods. They consist in part of. upenme, une, and t;ommon uiouis. ra'si meres, and SattinHta. Silk ! f"',own; T', Vee',,M. Xr't,ni , Huck and Coloured and Fancy l.ev.ntmes. Si.- npt. silks. and Florences. Plain and Khnir.d r.mbrie. Jaconet. Vull. Bonk, and Suiss Mn... ' " ' 1 ; 1ms. Tine and Superfine Cambric ami Kumi - ! ture Calicoes, a large assortment. Kutsia, lrili, and Domestic Sheetings, 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Liwra and Uwm: Elegant Bich snd Figured Miiitii I d Crspe; jlohes. Merhinjdk atliCo.t,,m(,n 1 trawls lnd : llankerehief'. V great 'varieiv. i wen. ana v omens aiix, uomn. .na viorstei: j blaek, white, and poured. MHn. P '1iim wns sired hv Spadillr, one r thr best ariU-.d'lit iii late their srvtral debts due him H'?"' ,nd ,k lMt ht- f,A t-'-atrf thc-ccleUtaUj toiah.hor.eJlightlvcti..kl ' itm. Ma. wW)t Those who t ItM Tthle nwpers and Table Hfoth, Ifus-.a , his l .in Tuith bv I'acoh-t Le Of lliirttflvrr. ? v 7 , JQ ,. , . i n ..i,,.. n; ' iw. u ,,. t . i . t- j, , V J ',lM'"?rr fud m fulfilling tin? m.tire, mav rest awed that t "t?r It "TuP,? i ' " " nufVt ""' ,n VnhnA they will he dealt with thr law directs, . RMvcr, and Silk Cloves, hlac, white, and ro- , Cwr canal to him, and none superior, in united ' HlWAItl) CHESS ' loured. Sevrral Itales o Do)estic Shirtiiigs ' pouer and action. ?;;,bun Hire', 2"fu t!)28 7l'l4 ' ! Siiines Giiighama, ami Cliecksl - ) Kar ntt common performances in' rnjlard - -' : ...T!'f. j VWPgeJj nd. Kadx br.m the ntf,wtitfMttnr-wtanlr Wgh-T'''tr,ari '" " WAliONEUS, esamuiation three slays before tie Sale. . . any other ; n the eontiwiit.'of hi day s fiRIVI.Vn TO F.iYETTHVILLE, ..Terms. 6 months eardiU .. I j havjnjr won 4W) guineas a York.rating Kite. TTILL Tind it To their advanUgc, to ttopatlZI, . ,T.TrTT nin -.wi.r. nit n i - I .i . f . ., I f ) thip fnr tiom Ktitvilt tn lli '! I 4 upper part ot Iredell rsuntv, fcr trie imrpose of setlhiig their business in Vta'e'ville, ' I .... . ' I ------ r, - now offer to Kent or Sell their House ami Lo, aiiioming tne store ot js. nepnera. it is a beautiful l-ot, with a good store .boue and other necessary buildings on it, Situated one door from the south east corner, ai'd i an txctllrnt s'and for a Merchant. Any person w'uhina; to! I!rut or Duy, would do well to call and rxsonne it. For terms, applv to rtlr ! .1fnl 14. 1828. CkWVFOim k (iAlTl'Ftt. N. H. All person!" indebted to the firm, (while at Statetvillc are again requested to come for- ard and make se'tlement immed.att ly, for no Umfr ill be triven. One or both of them mav be found in Ststesviile, at all public times ' C. k I.AIIIIK.N HOUSH. rV V. f.7l OR.V.1MKS-I.H lAINTIX(i. fflllF. subscriber respectfully informs 'he eiti " X xetia uf Salisbury, and the sorioiiwlinK ronntrv and villafres, that he has local J him r( in this place, where he intends earning on Haute, Sign and ornament nt Feinting, Faner IIanirineUlaineaiid (iiUlinr, 'mall their various branches. He flutters himself, from hit . . i... ..L-iv,,rn lonjf etpenence in tne snore orancnts, mai nc will be able to give feneral satisfirtion. Sipm will be as nratlv painted ami sent to or Ml j sws pt-rwxtalaftr.lirstiuli. AatU tinttsarai luird. the aubscnbetinten.U to won aa row iar ru, as be can live by. lie therefore solicits a share of publio patrousge. NAT II AN 0. CAMir.L. Mulnrf. Jfril ISrA. 1828. 7tl7 Htnte rffrlk Var9bmtntr-r ff, IN Equity. March term, l2tt HillUm P. Dot son ve. Jame P. Walker. It mppearing lo the satisfaction of the emtr thai the defen (tsfftWamea P. VVaJker, ii inhabitant sf tliia slate, it is ihcrcfore ordered, that publica tion be made for ail weeksTn ihe Western CsrJ olinian, that be may appear at our Mat Kupen or Court of Equity to be hell for tbe county of Surry, at the court-house in Itockford, on the fint Monday In September next, to plead, an- , ' . . .! i.: ,k. awer or demur inr timiin'"" vin, w u .. 'I, 1. . - I- BLtm. . twl k..r J . V ""' , .. . parte. Terti WISTU yuair.ntJ, c. .u. r ' . ... I . Stale of I otV CctcAiri ITIURSUANT to a decree of the Court ofi I JL Equity for Rowan Count v, made at AprH iterm thereof, 1823. will be sold, at the court. house in Salisbury, on the 24th day of May next, on a cremt or Vi mouths, four LOTS in -the great West Square, known in the plan of said Town as No. 5 58, 59. and 60 : Sold as unde vised property of the estate of Hugh Jenkins, sen, to satisfy an equitable claim of Aaron Jen kins against the other distributees of aaid Huirh Jenkins dee'd. SAML. SitUMAN7tr.1t:&r n7.!4A, 1828. . 5tlA ' ' fcf This notice should have appeared in our iasc mimor, THE THOROUGH BHKD HORSE TITILL' stand the present v seassn, no comment cod, and to continue until the U2JSJLl f "pwV my stable m Frvim I inttTs4mr-i sit thaw - i1iwM- -tmrjf-nr -sistk1 vxi n m v. a vuuss,u ivc vi citf'il feun tue eason, payable, oy s.ix dollars , wimmh the eaionT-ir rtrt-,-prompt payment, tho single lead i and. tuiehe doCartio- insure a mare pro-e evident ly: wUhfyal, or .the property w, tranjfe rred., -.Ivaanaut. will, stand in Salisbury and llesineton the four ttrst dan of each term of the Superior and Count court? ; when and whr re he will not" shrink from a comparison with any horse in America, & to symmetry and elegance of form, vigour r.f constitution and force of muscular power, cumhined with the finest adtTon. He will be very generally found at tiis station, except when taken to be shown at public placet, or to' a small distance occasionally to oblige, far a single day or two, a particular neighbourhood. DfKTipuen.. JEronaut a fifie mahogany hi", with bUcl logs, mum and tail, a handsome sar and sma'J blaze in his face, seven years old t!ii spring, sixteen hands high; uniting, in a high degrrr, the size, grandeur and elegance of his sire the Imported horse Kugle, with the great substance, power and compactness of the ire of , darn. lmport.-d horse Dion. His gnat of bo,!v and entitle him to stand I hia-h as a horsr' nf nnu r. n,l !ll noKl- i.;. . . ho ! and render 1 1 cany weight at any requisite aijc, ; vMet w drallK,lt( llw moM nsefu, port;,m , their labour. JEronaut ha never been trained ; m th r.irf ;.. mnn.i- ,. .,f ,h.- K;a. nenr Wm..whjnejdJuuWAraia J,nd plrticiUriy the strength of' his limbs, iKwf 'fiMfle tt evident-to the best of judges who have ' " " "u J",""'""'y ed at the proper tjmr. hammi. s tlioroiij'ti brrtl mnnmg horse Me'llcy, out X a Ceiar and rearnoiight mare, named j Kouli-Svan, a fine chcnut. fifteen hands and a U.iif l.;h Vmm ofK'.ri. . Rutland and America, as v. Ill uneir hv the r .11 .... ... . . Eagle, the fines' horse that was seen, and j the speediest liorv- t Newmarket, or Vll in Vl.f.lfifl i1l tllf. r',' fl lllilM the above wa. headnl in l..ul,n, Augurt 1st. ! j 1810, by l homa II. M"rlaml. ru .A I.. v..i,.n..r v,,l.. . i. . a---J.ik, 1., : livuiiir , a i a 1 v. j slants ui i iimiim it i 'itiaiii j ;- Engineer, great gran'hm. Cade's Ust of ' iliC Mill, bv traveller. Mis Mukeless. kc. I r : w do-certify, ihat the above Uthetnjc p-j I'htlid,:ph.i, March, W. . . ,. 3Ui -; gree of tlie Imported Morse Ragle.-a- taken J Without CA Sff Trade must die'-" 1 f,m the WislMtwlW, -Oiven tjtHkrWrftSsiiirS,Wr!&; lirni. nf MWSriT,:; liii (K this loth December, 1S1, . , ; Hi.V- r.rn Jthn Ilahfrt: ' t !,. nlm.m.niMi 1. Wffl. thf f svrn i. - - - - stake at Newmarket, t-lesf-n snliscrihers, ltr'- ' ing Whiskev, AUton, (first f.-iiits offli'iiKlioos; .'...' . .. ' Sir Snlnr;, Itobin HcdUreast, Jtr. Ami alter a ...... . . r..i . t ...... . util.,,11, . 8 . . . , . , ,, i , r . tiir.II. I in tin- n.rwlrrii rurm cmTiii or. he l.nal- Ia i , wun 2vi riiinrss at e niarr.i T. e:irr nig , 113 !b.: and nrat yt. vs a'vm s n. c irrrau- nought, rarryiP(f 78 lb. ; and cumin; 9 at. heat Sir Charles Bunbury'a rlleannr, the finest mare in KniclaiHl, carry inu 7 St. 'J Il, &c. He.' cnl' in l'.ne;laml have been (ineoni. moniv mereasfil, sgrteaMv to the time of hit maoil'P there, wliirii may he seen by the rsrins; - I ' . - . .. . n . ..r rnl!a in Amrira ... . '.!..,: ......I....I .i;-m.i. .. Muni neis. in Vhrlnia. M:(rarul, Tennessee, and at the t:itvof ahingiin, as will appear ry tne annexed crrtiacates of John XI. t'lsy, A. U. Druinniond, ao4 Iwis Sberly. I do certify, that 1 trained and run a colt by the imported' horse F.fle, when three years old, four iimt s i bestii.K three tares out of foun two of the racfJ to mile heats, and two three mile hestf, rur-ninjf one r.f the races in better time thsn I beiiee aa ever ninovirthe Nash ville torf, in any JoeVy riub, runninr fxith heats lard in hand, withosit either hip or sjMir. I he nee he lost. wa owiiir to hn bemi; tck : the same horse he distanced a few meeks after. r under n.v hand this U'h Februry, 1HI7. JOHN M. CLAY. Y.Wry 12A, 18CS. This is to certify, that 1 trained the celebrated race mare lAtly Mich mood; she by the irtipnrted r.Jjflet indTsit her two races, wliich he performed eecrdir.r ly well. I have also known her run many first rate races at the different courses, winning at Newmarket, Wsrrenton, anO several other eourtes, beating good nags, at one, two, and the beottv- I Uo lm.l EagU coll, at three ears old, which 1 found to possess uncoin mon speed. Uiven under wry hsnd a abovs dated? A. B.-1WUMMONUV" 1 sir. ShevW a certificate, tt rs stated that of tlie number'of 4glt,s' colts trained, a lanre aaiority oere wirineisi and that in tbe sprinjr sml WI vT 1810, iw lar)Und, .thcy,ere very SucceafuL 4 The celebrated,hsh horse, tl.iMers, Fxlipse, Highflyer, Medley, Dion, and Fear- noiiRht, all the immediate progenitors or naut.aere famed for their gnat Mibstance or - l. -j- ...,l iK. iiiuiuitl strrnirth of. I. we.K..i - ' V I1 .v I l.. ...Um itirn tn run With l!lS)kKl. 1 B- i tV'ir !imbi ern .win,!, - . - - . r . t w. .. 1 .. : ' ' I iecu speea ana osttoro, and to carry the heavy weights born while running for the King's Plate, vi : all und-r five year of age, to carry 1 43 lb. j and all over five. 168 lb. Medley ra' 4 mile h 7 minutes anil 30 seconds, carrying lii lb. Childerj iai 4 miles 358 yards, in 7 minu'ps and SO seconds, carrying l'.8 lb..-Eclipse ran 4 miles 350 yards, ir, 8 minutes, earrvimr 168 lb. Dion ran with such univerul bdnestyi as to win 4 mile heati twice in one week: he wu the sire of Gallatin, don Quixotte, And several ntber ' capital runners. Callatin was verv nearly .alliedlZl to PinUenia7ineamofronaut, being both by Dion, and both from Medley marts $ he was undoubtedly, in my estimation, the best borse ever produced in North-Carnhna, having run two miles in 3 minutea and 39 seconds, so alViN 'nwdtojnfiAitttiey-rOTd cirrtat tTie heavi Eat .weights, avl,bit all the best horse of hit duy, the lonje TistauceV and never failed ill ui n.,l ... i;n,K. .i. t- i.. lua speed or hn!n. Althoiiirh Peirnoiicht. Medley, anfl Uion,.,lrf a numerwi.s stoxfci celebrathd runer, of great wirht of be "i ; - i. r uwo, VC , gave way"in their limbs, a deficiency alwava to hofses, when they have to carry heavy weight, !mmlll Villi srik-nnonntmfu.tb t.. Cm. aire, m Colour, flffure and taiety;"" ' 'r" IIOBEKT"M06R- March th7878.- Ml A CONTRACTOR WA.VTED. PltlPOSUS will be received by the subacri b; -rs, at Rockfordr at our 'Jounty ,Cirt, on -the second Monday of .May next, for building a COUNT HOUSE fnr Surry Co inty j the biuld. ing to he constructed of Brick, iti dimensions? fifty feet by forty, its plan to be in the most ap proved style for a Onirt-llouse. ;..1C...I)...1I0I0MB,- r-- JAMES McCKAW, MILE IIICKERStW, JONATHAN WHITVKEB, r,ti3 March 5M. 18?S. STORE HOUSE in LEXINGTON. rpHE subscriber's Brick Start Hauls (,-1J l in Lexington, Davidson county, is JllliS- for Kent. It is situated Immediately on the north corner of the Public Square, and is one of the most eligible stands for a Stora in the place. For ienni, Ice. apply to B. D. Rotinssville, Esq. in Lexington, or to tbe aub icriber in Salisbury. SAMUEL LEMLY. m. 03 mi UUTL and SQDAICL TXlttrDEUS- I.;rtIXr.r Jc CttThave Jin hamlof thai. J iove Powders, and will continae to keep,- constant iuno'v dining tlie season, by- the grr.s, dozen, or single not. .Salithwv, Jan. 18, J62fi. 98 N.' B. said powders are put JfR.A.SSZ.-. Iir mft'hod prescrib'ed by the London PharmiU tl c'ogii.' YftcketR for VVtttpd. " T I111E Mih-rriT.V-rTsving estahlTsTu k TiVieer" I I .iVh K I S between Philadelphia and ti'ilmingtnn, S. C. takes this method to inform the imhlic, that a Vessel iH leave Philadelphia -- ' for M'ilinington, N. C about every ten days, exeept when prevented by ice m the Delaware ' (iomls and Produce intendjd for this convey ance, a ill he received and forwanled by Messrs. Iloriont U Button, of Fayr.tteville, N. C. anr! Messrs. Stow (J ll'Utii'-r, of Wilmington, N. C at the lowest rates of freight, ami least expense po"ib. Having tlrc- gtml Vessels in the trade. """ "V c7u' P' acqiumien , wen ijie coaii, na i aouis wen uiifu up ivr lua accommoiUtinn of fatimg-n ; he therefore truaU to meet with encouragement. . . lliT1rV f JAMI.S I ATI ON, Jr. . . . Awirta lf harf. I .,:,. ,i- f M,rrJ,.im. mnre. r- . .: TM.mir,. l,tf.U.B,l U..MI. tr, rA.Vi " " thrm comfurtahle, at the moderate charge of 25 " " cents a dav and night, for the privilege of the . n t n aril, the usu of good housr, fire, water, ind -l. . u .. - . . . . i i ... . i v l . r . ... , , ... i r-.. and Pmvivmn or. IlrvJ kihnu n.l nonteC. tionarv, and S II U4e lor HoaMers and lxlger. in a plain, cliean, hohfOine and comfor. table style. t'nwiteji!le, In, Jf.HU 1S23, 09 . UANIF.I, II. CTA'f Rr.QCF.STS all persons indebted to him bf note of ham!, hook account, or otherwise. tn make pa)meiit immediately, or their debts will be placed in the hands of an o( for eoK l?""- I''' I' demands afrainst him, will please present thrm furtiavment. lie has iust i.Drned an assortment of GOODS from thr North, onnsistinjj tsf Dry (hods, Cutlery, Crockery, Hard Ware, Groceries, fcfr. which he is selling at a smaller advance on eosfj for risu, '"-an his ever been offered to the pub' lie b-lixe in this place. SaHthur;f. rV.V 1HV 1828. ffl ' IY vrrtT'e of s lfer-1 Trust executed to tha I I ku.r'.tu.t In I'rlrr f'bmmnna- fi.r nnmn. v " i ... ..... . j f ses therein mentioned. I shall sell st puhlic sale. for Cash, at the dxelling-hmise of Peter Clem, mon. in Davidson county, on Friday, 23rd t two hundred acres, whereon tbe said Clcmmont now hves, loftether ith all the personal pro perty of ssid flvmmons, eonsUtins; of Baron, Cattl,, Ump, Farmina; l ouls and house, hold furniture. J. A. HOCAN, Trustet. April Htk, .1328.. . 4tlJ JOHN YOUNO'S EaTATE. ..... filrlR-undersiirned having qualifled, at Febru., 1 arT tewions of Kowan county court, a ad. mimVrifnr an the estate of John Vwmp siee'd. 4: request a' all' p'erson'i indebted to said elate td make payment, and all persons basing claims gunat lUt aaiiie, to prekej.l JCuoi f pa) maul, -within the tinie prrw.riSrd by ls, or tbia notice id be ( lead in har. W. B. WIMID. Adm'r. Teh. V)iK. Ih.N. "mtl5 " M I Kit 1 1-KS DI .F.DS I 'stlM hnd sold h) i.r ler of writs of vr l-!tVl for side .d Tit' uTire. J

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