MAXSION IIOTEU SALISBURT, WITH C.f OLA'A JH fjjHouse, n tShf thC rt- Titled up ,lZiJ nnins have V , --rv description, necessary fbt Hnr-eomtQTf m -"- ostlers. The convenience of thi iituation w "'"r .i... . Th. hnnM contain! -inutftber of private rooms, g . .. m.iimn nr 1 raveiiet land Boarders. Attached towtiicn, t.iere - f.MAlNlNG in the PoMce at JaOj J North-Carolina, the 1st of April, 1 ff njtVjk . Arev ' Mitnewu"--- A I , & 1 . I . " " r . t- e. r 1 to those who may please to call on Inn he T1! wri them thatfntrpains wdl be -panels a. CARD. ' C T5TCIXEY & CO- (Jit Ihi Sijn fth Mirtar and fetttej m A t La TIAVR just received from New JI. vorlt, a urffe suppiy o. Medicines, and .Paints s James Aleisnder Michael Anderwn uriit'i.m Iturd. 2 WilUantnaforJ Jacob Bhinv & V0' J. C Ballew Iiaac Barrett Abraham Bufnrd Kdw'd. Borough James Bry'nt Michael Brown JcaseB-BaJget Jacob Brown John Chway, j .-v Marv Cooper , Jacob Cowghanouf.. Lydia Coxort Diana Caoble Jamea-omwnRoain Jacpn !uown JohnCrotzer Itobert Chunn Thomas Cole Koht. II. Chapman James Cook " Hiram Cook David Cruse Jolin It. IJ'inn Thoma Dickson hly. S.Dawson VUcb, tOKelhef ith their tormermocir, roaprr n Dickeni their present assortment replete with the most Valuable JWteM "hi in our wintry. As they art determined to make this establishment worthy of public, pstronae. hej' now offer fur tale, Wholesale and Hetail, the above Medkitta, ' (Jc. on the most reasona'ile term. - Fhvnciata in this section of the country, as ven astnwe to me nii nviirai.wii flare been in the habit of supplying themselves t with Medicines from the north, and elsewhere, will find it for their inlet! to encoHMffe the ef forts of the present proprietors, in making thts useful and permanent staml. U. H. tk-iUi carefully and punctual: put up, wffteeablv to directions i and on the shortest no- KttfeTISagiWrf James Daniels Jos. E. Dobbins Josan liamei Mary Der.t Willie F.His John Elliott Jeremiah Former Peter Feavwr Charles (irifleth Jnlin G. Gamble, 2 .Kit hard Girven Abraham 11 ill Inhn Hall. 2 Isaac llaywooA jes iiokc sTAnn IHE'tmoscnaer navinp rmrehased this route f . Wr- )nhti "Mww&W Bev.A.W;.l;yon Klitabeth C. Locke Francis Icke Willian link Dan'),-Lire'y ' Chas. Uppard Hev. L B. UUirop Peter Lewis ' John Lindsay , Freelaml Lolge, 3 Seth Morris - 35ch HdAtee-T-Jmes McCulloch Inh McLauson IIUi Joslxli Morrison John W, Mover, Dwens . "''ATd' rSnkiw James II. VVtKtm k - BichM.CPoryrot,-. " John Rich Vm.Kuarkv ' (;erge Kufty Marcus It'ise Jams Hum . John Rctwhaw Ma7 Henshaw Jese R dwine Lewis Kubling lsaae N. Ich Thomas Reed - Archibald ltokcs Sarah Shaver Tbomas Smsot Johnbhive a Henry Sechlai Jonah Smith F.x'r. of T. Todl John Trer Edw'd. l a v lor I.vne Taliferre John S. Tntket Adam Trexler , John Tavlor, sen. John tlhams msr--"."-"- HsiTES Is the land troables eease, Where tolls teats are o er , . The sunny clime of t and peace, . ,. A utract no more Uims its unsuiwcu Heaven is theUe where spirit, dwell. Who wande M here awhtlcj, And"eeiniCliir6,",,,wble Departed wi n a mulet To hail amid .ipkhral n.?Ut, -The morninf f u,lur ' Heaven is Ae Utlartin?.throne, - Whence He, U " .?T i.,a'hTmiehouAt'os?:i":",V" - vt-: - . itr.iiintf Fiance. in! civmtr Weoa t Shall crownuis.uc" I sfm ish temple whither prayer Front alnt on earth ascemls t The dwftUnjf of the Spirit, where Hilrftaencefdeacenib, Like fvavenl? dew, to cheer and MfeM Ills clJren m the wilderness. Heavin is tU dwelling P of joy, Tie home of lieht ami Jove, . Whtre faith and hope in rapture die, . And ransom'd souls above , rlnnk in, boide the eternal throne, Bi; everlasting and unknown. ir-iU i-rn thit Sul'iCt, I vtul UtiUtV air-- - r refer them to the following; passa5 " At for me, nd my nousenoiu, ic others-do m they will, we w rve .u t J i.t l im. 1. B. rroi, . a ... in 2 -O. 11; rnui. a c i Ptr. .1. t. ana a mumvuus of other which I couiu easuy po.m LwUrtlf toncladefby reier. . t- o. 2i i where the Pro phet calls upon God to Pour but inyiuryuWu.v:--. Ua nrsf Ann UTjOn UIV laiumvo BiV I j calt nal upoa thy name t 1,hosvw.ebyer,2. jtv;cL.1n Hadert "Tathan t atte, i aKmMi. lUrria . Abraham Wnjlit Rarbra HiWick WilHam J'ncs SwuLB.J?-y. J . . .. .. -a - , ' isjsTl I irespewiwiy ki winiant. Elizabeth Kridcr John Kfsltr AUUon Kinph-wy t i ),. m vrrtiona in his cover shall he wantiBg td render it as- expeintiotis s-e "o1 . comfortable a it has hitherto btr o tmler the "superintendence of itis former mdefotigaWe and Worthy owners ' There will be no changes in the route. The Stare, ai usual, ill cortinue to run from Raleijth to SaTubury, via Fittsboromjh and Ashborough, nee a week. It leaves Raleigh every Fruhy . .. -j.i l. . it Hiilikhurv on Kt S fWlMi fi Hi mi , - - "in. .. Monday at lU O'Cloca, a. m. i ntr i iieorrc narnnn from Raleigh to Salisbury, 7 dollnrs, and at the . John Burriper 1! . tL. AM,aA All ' ll.Lu aame rate lor any uisiance " " i tieorge . nirn llenrv Weaver Firepak Walker ;i "A:n. 'auhr:'";"'"" Anderson Willis . "rhW'nMic;2'-; ' 1-hom'a"WilKar-f It c) .x A W dton .. Cttllui ine. V.Mi'jJ.'.. itll O, i .. Tr t etirf a, vttrn SUf! Mi,ti,unpiST,,' . A mr4 AIW WS S-'l Tb brM tw'TMiia aMsIsM vrtr j,, Mi . n trfl I ij.lUMJilMlln tm jraso T,na s " a - antr'tl ' " aati V - fMtfimnp sWla."M i." -'was- was ssv sM-11-H.a Th. kbiscobdl ChUrcfi in the State btiiioniioa annual meet tog j i . a.r .kAui .jMf ruvnrc lihiui vk- Uoo'tY -MV scattered oierJaiPartf . . . . JLiik ,Kn apttlrd. ' At tKepreieittlM one iiuuu, -- , - , - r .L'.-U flnnnahinff. lions, most oi which - ' knd all respectable lor tne .numbers and p ety ot ttieir memncrs. ..! a '.nfrrfiil ease o tMMrf..inn' of blood recently occurred w . i a . at Shrewsbury, tn -r.tigiano.- pw woman in consequence oi miowrr.-fev, L.j f viilnt hemorrnace, nc- come quite eshaartea ; ner F"' been im perceptible for about an hour . i if - Umr vrrrmities COlO, anu perspiration clammy added to which i' ' i V. r irrita. ymptotns, ner nm.w ble, as to reject all kinds of m.uruh i ...iv rordial stimulant menr, s'i - - that was oRcreii. it vru.v-. ment, it secured t Mrr Clement, the '. --.i , r.iUrl in. that tne surricai echini'"-"" '. 4irv -Sleep" A patent has been " granted in England for a newly invented air bed, or mattress. The ticking is formed of cotton clotn, witn a coating of prepared gum elastic, and an outer covtrinc of silk. It is so portable that it may De cjmcu. " jv.vv, Hear this, ye siuggarui, auu rtjuice How convenient it will be, whenever ,k. si tenwr fit is on Ve." to take. lilt --- - , LI ' your bed out of your pocket, blow it V . L-t- .I.t. a ;.., couch, more -boh uuw When the age of improvements will cease-wc cannot 'determine, but tnsy. bon expect to $ee i pipe of wtneien . aider it ho novel spectacle to see a . a . ft 1' uiviller' tarrying Dt4iea jwwn llvi., r - .T,Ti"Wi?Vi.r?,ani" ft-earbetitefv -soet coat tail, ana a soistcr uv i his watch. fob ' . . R tah Allemonir Col. Wm. 8. Allison .. 1 i h trunks and other baggnRe taken into the' Stage, ... . 1 . . t . I Am. H.k!.la SK A hall be deuvereo ai uie piacc i ih.ii wtj are directed, on the responsihili'v of the tub. Tli ankKriber liasarjt nothinr in .v., ; ,K MM-,. cheunrst and sayii'K - ; most srrccwDi ivuic ( ( nBrir and ne, inere.orc, nu iernv n. iiini ... apGaiUpubJic patronage. .. I William Crook. - r OEORGi: WJIXUMS, Jr. spe.k.n.rt liawman Jiuniim n. IH '8. Jmn ; 1,7,7." ' '-'7 .m John N. Bornls John Bi-nson Frederirk Cheek Cor.'me Mirharl Cliu ' Ovaries Cork .TAr high-blooded and Celebrated Horse -ISUKlll tAUUIiiniAlSi "1TT1LL stand the present S v season, (wmui i i jnewed the 16th day of Msrch, y 3. : .d .ill terminate the 1st of UU .'.lan . . . : . . . , i. . . . ... ih I n u . - Ju vi at air, BmiiKnicr i . . . 1" a. 1 -SlK- U, l m.r. .1 H InllsrS LeVV Hope """"the Snt;leleap;"rheln6nef"W'bepald ai won as the mare'ls eovered-30 dollars the lesson, psya Tble on the 2S& ofTJecember nrxt. which may be dUcharfedbra payment ; S3 dollars during theseaSortandWdollars (o insurwnce, payable whee the tnmre k discovered to be with fosl or when she is tramferred by the oner. One dollar to the groom in every inrfance. to be paid When the mare is covered. No responsibility for accidents or escapes, th-t(fh all pos-.blerarr ia taken to prevent them. North-Carolii in will be rtanitantly at his stawl in Salisbury with the e-i-ofaf w pubh .lays, durinc which he will b exhibited at l)ai.lon and Cabarni conns And some of the public sphering in Koum Tinr,. r JOSIAH TI'MNtH. farr ?5. 1828. 6I3 i is:t Oi: I T.TTKKi F.MUMNG in the Pt office t rneord, Nortn-Caroiina, on me im !" Saran iiua5ii Ross Justice Harris j'Htrd'.n Samuel Kin mons John Kerrell Hosrell King George l.itt'e M"e McChire Oliver M. Mc"urdy 1 homa Martin Hmp McKinley Charles MrCUIUrd Wm. MH'Iai" i John Mct:akH - - John N. Vhift r . BUrabetU rer'jr Hnbcrt PirVen.2 .. ... John V. I'hifrr, 3 . Mrs. Ixhi'iu A. I'l 't'er JmneS Ten Joseph Kecil Man- Holland 'Sherwooil-Kolaful-.,.. John Smilie C- Hl"'., ? . David IMy idi'nael WiHiains ,l4Cib WiTlinnw Jimn Wrar 'JiwVi"W.a';- " li. STOHKK, .f Henrv Datonf: Uavidrisher John Fisher John Furr John Ford Tobias r'nrf '-:a:tHe':agrrr ttiwi---r. The nresent is the oldt j Tor all te tv are honest Ifrown,. And all the women mo-lett. No lawvers a now lonl offeeip No rlivj of their dues i So dorm bur reemb these, At church no empty pws ! Our Tfrinns (Heaven defend os all!) I'll nothing v abwft them j Tor thev are .r"' 1 ,m ma" 80 let's jog on anthout them. f).,- prn'ry sre a virtuous nee, IH'sni'iiig early pleasure 1 , ()0r voutlvsre sober, temperate, chest, . An ! quite averse from pleasure. five hwUs seem so plain, indeel . . VtM ihirk them quakers all i Wine- their dres on their head, .. ; 5a cornel Sod ' Xo rares'now to drain thf purse, ' Nit hetr rm rerda re laid 1 And as hr die to W onr ejirse, Thry, all are burnt, 'tis aid. Hnmleen v nejrleets his rowe, i. 1 nf krimminr nnnv t N,.r tivr rrs tempt him from hi hne, Something quite new.. A new week. ly paper is about to be established itt he denominated the Bach ' elor'a Journal, and to be devoted ex clusively to the interests views, amusement, and edification of that nu merous fraternity. It will appear oa the first of Mays io the quarto form, at S3 per sonum f ana tne ruiior .r.-.i. Ki hrnther bachelors to extend to him their' literary and pecuniary pat- ron.ige, I ne next tning we auu osi ,f will probably be a OTaia s wiagi line, established in opposition. .ra-jK-.. from 1 At meniat whence it takes it name of on tion refcal genucman .bhv. i.Afmenat wnence iac ilybance was t ittempl the .open?4 K,ve aUue.d-lo; ;,T4ic rium ta, gfnerax auppoca io lie a "'native of Asia t and-tbe Damas rene fakes it name irom uarnascus, city ' Syria if. v tion so ' v c r - , - rCUted r.hfSJ;vft$kr;-e was wilUg -oaitl ,e Dperatton, J)y -n.....T.. rennitf? bWl tob takm tuivvii i - - .... ... ,4u.. from Mm, Mr the arm of each, ana oy means . - III llll .I'" T , , - pitenr syringe od toesnjwvru :Jw-fiftw-ow;,f'l!n mnn'a arm. In the course of a tew hour- she was perceptibly better, and I ' mmmm MSUIrtA h9 since contmuea improving, K-'-b every assurance of ultimate recovery. To render the married state more happv. the wife ought to make herself as amiable in the ryes of the husband - i- u, nnurr i the rams she 35 11 IS m I r - - . .k.rm him before marriaere, ouht to be redoubleil now, to render nn , . ,A Li :.k nn-n arms inu uin mill: 'f-" - - . looks. ; From the day tney icu nltar of Hymen, wreTctiecness or felicity is placed in their own hands. It is at their own option ,to he hppy or miserahle. Thry become, from .l-. .:,..t 9 little world of their the Peach (Petsica,) is a native of p-.;, ohrl was - introduced irom 'i&a'ci:to Cement to mend broken China or Glass, r:rl'ir. atamntin a stone morter : tho swaaswnj""-p--- - juice whereof, when .applied to tho nieces to oc juincu wwt finest and strongesi cemcui purpose, and leaves little or no mark il done with care. r tivrrrs tempt him irom nia n.m,c, ui r"; - -Where Ul are blesa'd and hawy-,. owir1 . ,nciety CQ0Sslin2 of love, mu . 1 1" i!(H Invr r - (Afistmn IJorloclior Dorothy Harris Jajnc.M. Hope Andrew Tl rri Ionard lloylcr Franklin lljrris R LIST OF I.KTTF.KS r.MAIMNG in the P.M Office si !t7,r North-Carolins, on ttie lt or Apro, $ta'e yn CartHna. iVkW wun mr- t T a fflo. ru nr ftrr ttOn. Jamisry ttvni vs t - ... V seiwona, 1828. Charl. AtVn, Mary Hicks, Jovnh AUi'n Thomas A. AHWon ttoijh Aiwlrew Marv Andrewa J Walter Bell j (ieorpe Brack ! Wm. Cummir.s ! John CsmpHcIl llenrv ( !mer, Ttavid S. Com-an Wm. H"o Alex imUr l)mlp tnrge I.. Ivuln Kichard Uavidson, or IVIIv )i-l-'n Sa';' i I It .tm .t F.httSelh Tiber. ThoTAM and Suuiiua . WaQst petition for paniti'M'. It appesnne to the satisfaction of this eHirt,thst the (lefrm!snts 1n this ease are not inhabitants Y this s'ste, or. dereiC therefore, that publication mule in the Western Carolinian for ait ek. that the defendants, Solomon and Kliiabeth Taber, Thomas and 8uana Wall, lo sppesr before the "justices of onr west court i f pleas aud iuarter dMiinal lo )m ttodlen for ihe eoiwtv of Ituth- crfonl. at the court-house in Hu'hrrfordton, on homas i-hr the 3d Moodav a!r tU 4ih Monday in Marrti t J4mrl T. II U Mat, tlien and there plead, answer or demur, or Abraham IMI ;.w1mnt will be enteml up ajrnntt them, ! vi,,., 1. ill arreeabW to the praverof the petitioners. ! Tr(.,.nuellcr 11,11 1 i.inroorn iini Alvin Howard Daniel Walker Wm. I.. Johnson Jacob TxTls .lte;h Kilsn Josvph Klli W w. II. t.llis Kdwanl Kul-on John Fall (eenberv Ciilbcr r1 Attest. jlAC CHAVN.r mf i,mMk CanttUtl, Hu ll.ilit. ljren'iv lies. A - I yon, - aac Marshall Jmr MjpKhi Wm. M4"i FrHtiCi Msthersnn Secrec y Moui.t Mori IMk; No Ahrahim lUniel Medio Ji?nrs Mrllsryee John MrCnnnell, or 1ttd Slwrn Antstui Tie-re Junes ivker Ab'lom Ku'iy alathew Huberts Thos. Itcns'nw Jhn Koherts !aac Sanders Wm. StevrnsoO ttobt. Slosn Wm. J. Summers Jsmes Smith Samuel Turner Jrse Thomas Wm. Ward l!vH " X Mj.nllanen flAV take a freak. . -erodlhe-roadj op Sundat . .. p.. tiorsesUbourinjr.throuirh the weclt, lli!ain rest for one day. Ilappslie wtinn thus ewlow d, ' 5fl5dit wsnfi and enmes-.--. - Wher at are rich anil none are proud : (!( ' tlese are Rlorious timet. 1 see voi ad with wemd'rinr stare, Thi-kthis Is mijrhtv h'ufh. Sir i Ilut ra fnrjpve s if we dare To s- 'tia tdl He, Sir. IF you (link thus prv do not frown. Rut take another tight mVt 1 .'u! turn the pirtnee up-side down, "A 11.I this will be theTinht owt. MISCELLANEOUS. tually connected with love .- 0X1 UDTi XTUXG r 4 To heal the wound a bee liad made Upon mv IHHia's faor- '. , iu how jo : And bade rncVss the places PlessM. 1 o!eM 1 snd from the wound Suck'd lioth the sweet and tmart : The honey on my hps I found. The Ming went through my heart. A CTIAIMCTEK. i The tssrt fast away, and still she rose I In Mature ..ul in beauty , the soft '"! . -Ulf twenty chPKinK P"rt',CTt?.h, ' , rrade it. hue more lovelv. In her ihape ' Waa all the Htfhtness of the fairest oier, " '.nd a'l its east-, and all i- flexib.lty. Her tse when resting had a cat of Kentlcness. . ..... -.l i mirth it mov'd. In its rav rlce 1 ' . r. iknudi which the spirit rnrrffi a lOTriifcw, -n..'in" - . ra tss BowsTa oasievan. wilt Kit. I MS IS n nnpi"-u j - centred a loveimees 'nmiiRii wMv 1 1,,,., nerallv thoocht that those Who neam'd ii.bewiklerinir brightness. n ... tl K..K,l,wr neglect this duty, in eu prnuav.....M omit the duiv of secret prayer. I speak j of heads of families, who have the i cot rol of their households. I recol 1 lett an anecdote which a neighbour of I mine told me some time ago. It was in conversation with a nun who had ' U is iomt respects, ascru- s 1 v 1 mi 1 aw si va ' ', pulous regard to performing the out F.rir.ttAM. Whst th"ii art readier, o'er my bone, I've ot'ro rrasl on other stones i And others ssn sl.sll read of thee, What th'-i rt rtadinB now of ne. t Umtng. Cure for Scandal. 1 correiponden: oT the Middletown (Cwnecticut) Sen tinel communicatet for that paper the following " cure lor an miecuouw uir. order of the Tongue, too prevalent la W ' It 1 CaosK all parts of our cemntry,-ceiieu d..l: Tike of Good tfatvre, one ounce, toother with three grains of a root -u..,i .. nn romnound these with r c ... u..t. -Wi hv the lew sprigs ti u utn. v..-- - natives tUindifwr own Business ; Ka m f n."Vf ller for e short time in a wrssel- called CtrcwtupeCthn; vn& it - . r wU be t MyJPj,--MMv,..,r.M,-v-. Application When yoti fed 1 turn of it coming on, take a tea-apooa full of the atM.e medicine hold it to your mouth, keeping it shut, and you .;il h immediatelv relieved from sd inconveniences arising from, this terri ble diseas". . . The symptoms arey a violent Ucb. ins of hf ,on?ue nd roof . .u invaiiahlv takes place when vou are wi.h kind of animals called 'Gossips. It would be adviss We to keep a vial full of the medicine with you, and in case 01 reiapw rcr the dose. A Vrwaeavca is a bill of fare, can. taining f variety of dishes, ..suited to Isaac M'ard Wm. Wason Robert C. Wilion 3tU JAMES McKMlilir. M - . v 1 uuu.t lira evnmv t uft'.r ; . w 1 1 rlOtltl' of pleas and quarter seiaion, January I . a It !?. TUnillia Idbetter. John j ... . . . Searey In rlifht of Ml wrfe Sarah, and Norman ViUiama rM of his ife Nnncy, r. Gshriel WilmutU, and W. Whitctidra, ami Mne WbUeaidea.Julm'r. of John Udb. ttrr, d-re'd, and others rUtion for distrihutire shate 1. appearineto the satiifaction of Ue court, that - flaUel tvdmuilw b'nt of .the defendants in this csuse, is not an Inhabitant of this state, it is or-1 prtirioo foe partitiiwa, ..It ppariHt dere J by the eourr tnsTnnnwT nm-ar ...Ufaction of lh cwirt that the d.fen. for ail weeks la the Western CaroUwan for the h . .. lmi KebeecaTere i . elefemrant 4e ppear-befWe the jMtttctl of WtT . nt)Jlh,.;,n.,,0f this stale, ordered, therefore, that puhliesiion be made in the Western Carolinian r .. ..w. th.i iha defendants Jotrh I Islet ay after the , ... ..,.,,. k-r.,,, the lustires of : U U.h neiL then and there to i n ViSA- " 1 ..... ..i--.s ........... J.miie nr iinlrment will be !...? Y .... r 1 .. Hous regard to pertorming tne nu,- , .pprtit of LnfKi. Christian duties, bul who the d.fferent ustes . y ileiud thldutyof f.mtly prsyer those who s,t oown LPUles are beef stenks, palatable to almost every one. 1 nose vim r them rare done, cnoose mrm uum France. Crngress and Legislative .Vmre f"A"v t'esMS. Uuthtrfir.4 i r Ot'UT of pleas andquafser sr.stoiis January 1 iB'JH. Mimtb Simmon. Joseph Hales ami wde Rebecca, heirs of lUNard ly, owt of leae and quarter sessions to be hoklcn for the euuMy Ot Kimnnora. nic tmnw in Ruth-rfordton, on the 3d VoixUy sftcr the prT4ai.) awsiatw. s -- f rt entered up agsinit him a jreeably to the prayer of the pctiti i'ters, otll Attest t ISAAC CRATON. C. C. I, LANK UANK BONDS, OF ihi i t a form fcow required, for le at the oRi cf lire We'xrn CaroliniaP, Salisbury. inn nvj,. vi. f - - 1 he hidden for the enunty of Mutherfnrd. at the court-hnue in Kutherfordton. on the M Monday .r... ,i.. aiU MniuUv in Mirch next, then and j - , . ' . . niril or demur. or ludemcnt iH he enteresl up a(rinst them, iRntshly to the r .1 Kit I timer OI III' mmiw":i. " ' 1 Attest: ISAAC Cjl.tTON, C. C. He wa inquiring into the scriptural injunctions on the subject. l-dowt want to know how much is ssid of my M rli! mr neirhbour. 44 1 only UII'VI - v -- j o , , ' ' t 1. mv nrii want to ibow wnemrr i 1 -n-Ti,. rraMti waa-aufiiciently "ri' "6 . : . . i ,ni.;nrinit DrOdUrCO B OIUSC, IUU V ' si t. ww 1 l K aw innniMf Neurit. "How miOT are rating upoo such cold calmlations of dutv, who never reneci upn speakable privilege of this delightful it is the foretaste of Heaven and so i inno-er. will the true Christian feci the comforts and the de. lights nf the Christian Jile, as ne breathes the happy, gracious aimW.-i,-r. r enmmiimon with Heaven. n,,t it mv want tokrew what their! ... .. . MtufTtA meats. Electioneer wli 'venisanr Essays,; humoroua, speculative, moral, and divine, are a one Douea jini, wj.- vrr; mixtu.rejn the use of m-st and vegeta. a.1 "J!.. !i hl,lned.. MUtrilivr. UlCl, i" - 7 - agreeable and healthy. Poetry is cus. tard. Marriages are su'rri mrm. nIUds and love ditties are filum-pud dings. Anecdotes, conundrums, and n r,mt. sre ibtces ana nnworu. Sometimee there comes along s prin Iter's dun that is sowrcrcuf and era berrtf tart. Wrachh? h Stcan.- discovery has ri-cenllv Ueii made at Albany, is said, to blrarh linei and muslin by steam. Thick linen drilling has been bleached in ten hours, without injury tn'thV rahric, iind cottWin much IcU time. It nas neen paicuu. Internal Iyl'L TTtSt-eemrplet l 01 mr V,irt.i Rosds in the uniteu oti, -rr- . that there sre 2,550 miles of c cnmpleted,orin.forwara.uiS mere are i"""'"'.' r-. ... B I . J mm II fi of are t.'i r -.--. - 1 -; tt S.. anoO and is bclievea, wm - 1 ' TL... ... A4 m" - commence'i. s - " , rt, mrel Rail contemplated nd aim; cumpfeted, or commencea. Cure fir Deafness.--Equal the j'.ice of hr.nse.leek, brandy swerUilinaphitobehung exposed to the sun for a nvntn moPre. This drcpH into the er night, and on Vot4 b? krp ear-aure remedy for deafness.

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